MacDonald, J. Ramsay

'A Glowing Point in History' amy yard as dura diet of -tbsf!*-*: May. There was a reHgfoua fewer in the movement. The people were to be oppressed and tub people would not have nv The vast...

...If the strike had ' not...
...Then there whit the vague realities telleil the constitution and the community that In ordinary times are kept in rigt.d seclusion, violated and robbed on th* quiet, but brought out, like a temple goddess amongst the heathen, on special occasions when the primitive emotions have to be stirred and reason awamped by a pagan frenzy...
...the .largest mill In the world...
...It finds us sore and Indignant, because the General Council has left thh miner* to flght on, under the lash, of hunger and alone Tet the rank and file haa the right to carry its head high.' Never before has it-given such- proof of Its Jdeallsm and devotion...
...The American Thread Company has been, .exceedingly prosperous...
...Into this article is crowded a wealth of informing analysis and interpretation of the sentimental comedy, its rise sad development out of changing» social and economic conditions, th'us bringing it within the domain of sociology...
...the answer swells, England hps risen and the day Is ', . hero...
...Tbe Executive Committee of -the I. F. T. U. la firmly convinced that the workers everywhere will faithfully carry out the decisions of their organizations, and will give effective moral and financial assistance...
...he supplied 1...
...decided to postpone Um open tug ef the World Migration Congress in London from May It to...
...When . the scabs were found in town they were simply Ignored socially...
...Wollnsky, on behalf of b* th organizations, induced Morris - White to purchase the bankrupt company...
...The United Textile Workers of America has been generous, while organized labor has rallied to the support of the strikers with open heart and hand- That Is _ons kdvntesa*/ of A. F.' df'L...
...Matteotti Fund Labor Doings Abroad 'ri1^'^Ts1#'iT^n* ~*T i Vi •|iimV 1 ssm3 ^T...
...Other suggestive articles are "Russianizing Ameri .an...
...Thus, k sympathetic strike lS..ayn*i*fteOc'tt-^ lion, but »u bour afterward* hewoahesr sA orSlnery trade .dispute carried oa simultaneously In ; various traces...
...It Is the respectable United Textile Workers of America, affiliated with tbe American Federation of Labor', that ia waging this struggle...
...and that^tbe SocbUbR b^B aewociat* jhempelves with thaaajjj las measures -taken by the...
...Willimantic Strike In Sixteenth Month...
...Mesa meetings still go on„7 Relief Is,,*tlU given...
...Not tbe least impatient are the shop craft employees of the Boston A Maine Railroad...
...That'very soon appeared and th now fife cause of (he trouble m getting men beck' to work- Thus, th* roe** unions that com* out, the weaker' becomes tap ofike, though use...
...On* wbo has been through > this struggle and who has been ardent in advocating, it said to m* when It was over:, "you Will- hear lose In future...
...1*24, as It Joined the pack Of other textile- mansfacturecs, was Inexcusable...
...n*astsr-bs**ep>, Such-a ruling would nwks fbif*» bidding of i4gi)t work eulte niuosrgj The Executive declared it* fan Nf*/tr meat with tbe step* which bar* sjgs^ taken to arrange' Joint action _*y the International Federation *f •fijf Unienx ¦- jg /In the report of general ssUisy It was pointed out that i uis-tfa— .<gb...
...Labor Day celebration* oaa . have this aft fact...
...Was the nation against our claim that wages are the first charge on...
...We shall hear lee* In our generation now Of alliance* for fighting pui'poeoe...
...The geeUI-Democratic Party «f Finland -hs* sent *\0*fi -Pinmark...
...Whoever has witnessed a first class...
...of all sorts of cults, wlU find "The Modem Quarterly" equal to the best of that publication...
...The rest, mostly women, cling with Vulidog tenacity...
...If Parliament fails this great body of men, they must resort to self-help, and good citizens .will aid them...
...Ita owners are English, and it is in reality a branch of the English Sewing Cotton Company, Ltd, of Great Britain...
...This strng...
...Tie" machinei^'^"det«fee*#>:y In the supine hands of i this 'gdxespment had failed to carry out the general will...
...For tbe fight of tbe British workers!-'- 1 I :..-..'" : "For Interndhymal Solidarity!** . - - At the Joust meeting tbe situation hi Great Britain, with 'its repercuaaionf sat tfcy wftatlaiis'l...
...about this heresy of-ours...
...It-has been a moving and heartening manifestation...
...the . strike against the American Thread Company at Willimantic...
...1 The" -form* of democracy m the feeble hands' of the Ministry had failed to give' effect to public opinion...
...Up to date there has been no scabbing from the ranks of the strikers themselves...
...It would be well in all future discussions of the'subject to Investigate this British background...
...aa important *is*jo»jt ta this...
...And then there was the riddle of organization methods to pursue...
...workers of every country wt^bdutgt Unction of political party - m**)t the struggling workers of Great sTMagS and maintain strict dfaetoUn* *Sg£ united leadership which can enb/^fS the hand* at the L F. T. C. »M^K fere ace therefore pssssd over the cow telegrams and proceeded.wijtes| agenda before it...
...They must make victory certain by the use of aH the resources st tbelr disposal...
...Even in 1924 a to per cent.- dividend had been declared...
...War Guitt as it-Stands ia 1026," by Harry Elmer Barnes;' "American Literary ' Tradition and the Negro" by Alain Locke...
...Today their differences have vanished...
...We shall not abandon our belief tn the efficacy of the Industrial weapon...
...part arid Secretaries Oud egoosC'ottB sen bach and Brown...
...that it Is the appreciation of that spirit which la to be qf permanent value...
...Stubborn reslstep&s of the owners to an end...
...As has been reported In The NewLeader, the German Socialist Party was the first to open a drive for th* ^nonUment fund, butXhe parties of th* other countries are rapidly failing into line...
...its quantity of production has been seriously <llmlriiehed.'As the strikers faee their sixteenth month of battle, they av»e confident ot uUlrtate' victory...
...Tbe economics of the coal in-, dustry have still to be settled, but the spirit of solidarity among, .our .working classes has been revealed- It was...
...a poem, by Lengston Hughes...
...Conn., now enters Its sixteenth—not week—but month...
...and friedrMAdler, secretary...
...was 1t contrary to the general will that this crisis should be settled by -free negotiation - and not by a lockout...
...British worker* is essential in the interest* of the-workers of all countries...
...B That the two International* uifg continue tbelr support of the BrRidk workers, oven with the general 'owJM called off, as long ss the miners *>s out, goes without saying...
...It 1* the obvlou* duty of workers in all countries t«%upport the*n w|th all their power...
...As conditions 4id not Improve, White depended more and more upon Wollnsky to manage the business...
...pre*ear Is the damage K fa doing and th* bigger becomes the demonstration...
...The Government have abdicated...
...e 'e o ! In fact, tbe general strike can only b* a demonstration, and} for real help in p long and enduring struggle th* best help that union* can give each other ta money...
...gle, with Its superb demonstration of the readiness of the workers to obey a call to self-sacrifice, will Influence our future history and govern our development for many year* to come...
...We carefully refrained frbm putting forward our own solution of nationalization...
...Those who miss the oM Internationa] Socialist Review...
...The appeal issued by the Bureau of the 8. L. I. reads: "To the SoWallat and 'Labor Psrtlea of all countries: • "The British workers are engaged In a fight of historical significance...
...Workers ,of...
...was subjeeeWzC Brttfab workers was a.trad*"ujsy2 Hon...
...From your fields and hills.Hark...
...No reference was mads to any (experience along the lines in question...
...sll countries...
...TTSr Th* following persons attcneua^B'' Joint meeting: For the I. F. T."u90' Leo* Jouhaux...
...The Government strove, hand to make it political and revolutionary, but was baffled by the sanity of Ecclestoh the Trade...
...thread has not been' up to standard...
...If ever anyone foolishly thinks of using an Industrial strike for political purposes It can be done only with arms In our hands, otherwise it Is mock heroics m tragedy...
...How far we should soon' go if our people only knew when they have already gained the maximum effect...
...From the Socialist viewpoint, of course, the legalised Labor Day In September Is not ss' significant bs>bs--Labor'J>^: Sk May 1, which the workers have snatched for themselves...
...The Constitution k|u» $e£#unetlonIng...
...At each gate two pickets were placed in accordance with-police regulations...
...Th* occasion waa pertasev larly opportune in view of the assays' decision (reported tn The Ne» XaaUBjr of M*y 16) of a unity conference sp> tended by MS delegate* from flJgJMJ trade unions, tbe Communist asjrsi* ar«d |b* lnd*pepde*rt^n^n»^^^ wl|h -the" L F. T. U. and" U> pringlflg complete unhy of the Greek bajW unions bwlde that organization...
...The general strike of 1920 will be a glowing point In tbe history of British labor...
...Following the recent Balkan fasspi union congress in Sofia...
...Not hll the prestige of His Majesty's Government,' nor the personal popularity of V- Baldwin, nor the powers of Parliament Itself had' availed to •bring the...
...It' very soon appear* to be a blow aimed at the whole community and must draw tn the Government with all ita resources of money, men, broadcasting, and provocation...
...The investigation revealed that Wollnsky, whose 'close association, with the luggage firm ot Morris White,'had aroused, suspicions and whose employ he entered upon his resignation from, the union, was first brought-into intimate contact with Morris White:as a director of the International Union Bank and a representative for the Suitcase And Bag-, makers' Union...
...It is not committed to any party faith, but it is scientific and abreast with the best American quarterlies...
...They have no cause for disappointment, however...
...that that brought the men out, and not an order from the General Council...
...If the workers do not split their ranks over questions of Jurisdiction, they may be able to give a thorough test to the possibilities of smashing bosses' unions under the new railway labor legislation...
...Therefore, it was...
...Of flour...
...Tas>*9 foresee was of the opinion ,ts*^E time was entirely unsuitabl* tar jM cossjon with th* Communists...
...that .the company announced In January...
...My own belief is...
...The Chairman of .the committee - was Norman Thomas and the secretary, Roger- N...
...A WARNING TO LABOR BANKS Thp.dangers that lurk In labor banking...
...Energetic support from the organized International working class can-mitigate tree, suffering of the British workers and their families and -bring it to an- early - conclusion...
...Strikers, like ar-mles, flght oh their s'toiriachs...
...The glorious victory-of Sydney Street remain* without' "marrow", - m our history...
...Even last year, despite adverse' economic condltiqns...
...Political and constitutional Issues were as far removed from it aa the moon...
...They have been enjoying the forced blessings of a bosses' union, to which they have been compelled to belong to the exclusion of all bona fide workers' unions...
...PARADES FOR LABOR DAY The appeal of President ' William Green of the American Federation of L*bor "to city central labor bodies urging .them **to begin arranging for a record Labor Day- observance th* first Monday-Th September,'" fa an atte&pl to break the aps&y of'the' American labor movement and still avoid any suspicions of radical tendencies...
...w*« known that the eaueke^rP an* anxloo* to...
...When the Amerlcaii Thread Company dispossessed the workers from the company he uses, a'tent colony appeared as if by magic' until...
...The Oornsa* Social Oeeneerotic Labor Party m Cap* he sis Vskis bus decided- to institute e*ll*ctiens td bs closed Jung >*, -The Hungarian Socio lists have dselded to pay the minimum contribution to the fofteV The Austrian Socialist . P«Hy will ergeaiz* collection* for the fund Sbd Will hold the** ••socially on the occasion of th* greet ieternetenel'Leber Gpnsnastie and Sport Dies-ley in Vienna, July 4 ts 1t...
...That . being, .so,' R can -be dismissed from the calculations of anyone outside a lunatic asylum.•co If...
...C. Martens, Th.-Tj...
...The charge falls oht tboee...
...with much Justification that the workers argued' that the wage-cut of 10 per cent...
...Tie leadership in this action for solidarity devolves uon th* I. F. T, U. The S. L. I. calls upon its affiliated Parties to further, this trade union action with . aRi tbeir power end to place their orauntasitibns and their press at the service of- this industrial action...
...A hug* surplus, has been' accumulated in the treasury...
...In such a situation...
...Otto Bauer...
...It Is the going on bravely but blindly that 'misses tfh'e mark...
...About half of the original number have found work in other mills...
...the "Review . before it...
...Negotiations.- were, held, but finally broke . down...
...clothing, Ti food and drink, 6; woodworking and furnishing, 1r building and allied, 5; transport, public administration 'and public utility .services, "7: miscellaneous, 27...
...H9| A Dumber of telegrams frees Jftftt advocating the United Front eekSl ceivsd by th* joint.meeting...
...James Ofteai, Huntington Cairns and A. Calmer...
...Mab Trades, held In Paris, ApBg IT to lg, A report on use struggle sRff workers ta th* bakery trade sasS*' ceived bs .which It was statsd* nb|l great Importance must be aftsdhal to the eonoerted move by th* sszaspyeraf.Mgs eat tbe gorcrhmg bcdy«Mii toterhsrUonsJ Labei- Qmc...
...We shall not abandon our resolve to win the Living Wage...
...The charge against us Is that we -were, seeking to ' impose upon Parliament, or the nation, some solution which conflicted with the general will...
...Johaaa •say esibach, on* of the sec i-starte* et...
...In March . the more skilled working men, who were members of the U. T. W., walked out...
...Ojp1 International Federation , ef TasaV Unions, visited Greece to stashr Wk Greek trade union movement sajjfjE Investigate tbe posslbillUes of StrssgMp...
...IU paw imsrisU had,.been seen Hi- tbe notice* stuck up nn c*«J pits.' It was to go hither and thither until ft had encompassed the whole land—and even then it would not be satisfied...
...The forces were kept well In hand, and when the substance of victory was gained, by a bold and wise stroke, the Mad Mullah and his organ were left to cock-a-doodle-doo to the heavens for nothing...
...New JTork City, for afty cents...
...victory of the...
...Another striking article Is contributed by - Arthur W. Calhoun, whoso "Social History of the American Family" Is too little known among Socialists and radicals In general...
...For th* B*cisjg*t* and Labor International—Otto Wis}**., Germany...
...It was Inspired by none of those ideas which in the days of syndicalism before the war were associated with the general strike...
...The following' grdups are represented: metal, 16...
...Another Is that one* it is begun it la difficult to end...
...Engines were banged together in obedience- to this form of religious fervor, and people who have been indifferent to the habitual poverty with which they are surrounded became ecstatic in warding off this...
...THE BOSSES' UNION UNDER THE R. R. LAW Railway workers are all on edge awaiting the early application of the new' railway labor bill to the grievances of theirs which accumulated dur-' in* °the existence of the Railway Labor Board...
...Store, 7 East 10th street...
...the officials sf the Jatorhatlonal Federation pf Tjsnbj Union* and, of the Socialist SJUt L*b*r International, *t a Joint meeting -bead *B Amsterdam...
...The Bureau of the b~ L, 1. has decided to post poor* (be, campaign tor tbe Matteottt Fund arranged for June 10 until tbe first wsek[ bs Jdly, so as to concentrate at tbe present moment every effort on the action tor solidarity on behalf of the- British, workers...
...Some of the oldtimers—men—have strongly disapproved of this phase of the strike...
...We are not defeated—unless we are weak enough to acquiesce in this defeat which our leaders Inflicted, upon us...
...The text ef the resolution oa the Britjsh strike adopted by th* I. F..T...
...It bears th* title of "Social Change and the Sentimental Comedy...
...are emphasized by the recent report of tmf committee of five that Investigated the charges of disloyalty made against Ossip Wollnsky, manager of the International Pocketbook Workers' Union until February, of this year...
...The literary Section carries book reviews by Walter Long, V. F. Calvertop...
...Jt has "ended -by' publishing terms" «tt...
...Incidentally We may mention that the series will appear in book form...
...though tnacceptahl* as they stand, are negotiable and white bad they been,, published as we asked not later than about th* 20th of April (a good month after the Report) would have made a strike unnecessary...
...To the comforts *nd amenities of life, to the smooth routine of Its dally existence, to all the facilities of transport and trade which, It expects, the nation" has no right If it turns a deaf ear to the miners' claim to live...
...Since then, the strikers have held on unflinchingly...
...The Arm of K*tz Brothers, which had gone bankrupt, employed a large number of the members ot the union and owed ten thousand dollars to the "bank...
...Union Ge»*r*l Couacll pobeyV .tb.Wu.-l** Sjapestoiii m understood tbe move luolnmimsflynftT I foolish will tbe Government appear...
...The action of sympathy must be swift or the value of the motive deteriorates...
...Scabs, chiefly - French-Canadians...
...Th* gwodtsh Social -Democratic Party hps decided to devote . UKP) . • crown* to the . fund...
...that Is...
...e e o Also came out from their homes thousands of people who wished to go to work -and could not...
...e e e It was an Industrial move, made for an Industrial purpose...
...But selfsacrifice is not enough...
...It shows a -singleminded goodness end willingness to hear sacrifices winch should put pride and thankfulness into-our hearts...
...were imported from Lowell...
...lay it low...
...If th* nation could only understand It, It would be proud that it- possessed the spirit which made the demonstration possible, whatever It -may think ef the action itself...
...became a repository...
...Cigarettes that scented the morning air were smoked by bus conductors In plus fours...
...There were problems of racial' antagonism that had to be overcoToSeT" The Irish, the Polish, and the French-Canadian, who constituted the force, had to allay their suspicions of each Mother.- although the second and third generations predominated among them...
...While parades and demonstrations in themselves mean nothing, the preparation for them tends' to /ecus attention upon the object' of tile' celebration and' induce* a taking of stock...
...The first is that a' general strike obscures the original* issue and raises others not so |casy to fight upon...
...It could still pay S per cent...
...It was merely our old friend the sympathetic strike on a large scale...
...Tbe original strikers - or locked-out men have a definite object to fight, but in terms of practical policy It becomes harder to define at 1 what point the general strike has succeeded...
...They had stood together as fine men should, and being in It did not s#e tbe distance...
...tee uncertainty ? ex «aa>IJP IP' EngVxed rsswKfeg.. »g -. from' tki generai strut...
...Rationalization and Eugenics" by J. B. Eggen...
...been firmly controlled it would have' ended In disaster, some weeks ahead...
...The result would have ¦ been .to keep .the workers in employment while making the best possible settlement with the bank...
...The god makers of Epbesns gathered the mob to uphold their city...
...He' also s*|f ^ visit to the camp of Greek uflsgsjsjj and returned to Amsterdam after lapr ther meetings in Greece and Tag*" FOOD WOlsBRS WATOjJ rossEynowem At a meeting of the Executive C*B> nvlttee of th* International UnfaarW Federation* of Workers la tea Wm ' and...
...June .ML . The Bureau of th* S. L. L. at a meeting ef its own held the same d*y,, asked the' Soctaliat parties In tbe various countries *o to arrange the collections for the fund being raised to erect a monument to Oiacomo Mhtteotti In the People's Hoase is Brussels' as not to interfere with the raising of money ts help the British strikers...
...e o e . But We must not, be blind to the wonderful demonstration of working class solidarity which we have - seen...
...Day by Day a conflict between the devotees came nearer—the British Gazette being the organ of the Mad Mullah...
...U. reads ss follows: . "The Executive Committee of the International Federation of Trade Union*, at its mooting on May 10 and 11 in Amsterdam, declare* Its complete solidarity with the workers ef Greet Britain ,and places on* record Its gratification at the way - In which, the affiliated] National Trade Union Centers have come forward with moral and financial ' support " for ' their British com re dee...
...It-revealed-defects of generalship aad preparation.:\ The end .was a surrender...
...There was the question of relief...
...fomenting . is changed In the' world, because, from Aberdeen to 760x800*, millions of men and women have stood together and risked their livelihood to win for the misers, a living wage...
...Already .labor leader* in some quarters have -expressed .doubt, ss to the- desirability of holding .parade* this year, alpce such maneuvers could only reveal th* weakness of organized labor...
...The tbmg was vfauXrlzed and per- I sonified...
...next fah wjfth the Imprint of Bout A Llveright...
...Meanwhile, the A. F. of L. shop craft unions are also organising secretly among the men...
...The building up of a favorable opinion among workingnien toward labor Is, -of course, -an essential factor in making fade un*on affiliation oka fitting and proper...
...hundreds and thousands of cupboard" began to empty and there was not the service of transport to fill them, and In places of vast crowds with no sense of unity and no bond of common destiny, like London, there were murmurs, and they who would be pioneers and prophets became in the eyea of many wicked and sinful men who had lifted up their hands against God and...
...No civilization ' can thrive, no constitution" will stand unshaken, while industry resists the demand for a living wage...
...It Is not a strike of any dual union, and Its leaders cannot be condemned of being "Reds" of any tint whatsoever...
...The America Thread Company 1* American only in name...
...Abramovttcb, KUasszF W...
...then undo*- war...
...e ¦ e • We are told that our action was unconstitutional...
...Above all, it must seek out'leaders who will fearlessly carry out its will...
...jaQ Trade Union Centers of toe fjSjj and assist them to the utmoogjpfi ' pew*rlJ Special attention WgJjnS& .given to thai better —r—i'rsongifcffJ information service about' ofa/stH meats in Great Britain...
...In these momentous days th* workers "of preat Britain arc fully entitled to opuat - upon -the international' solidarity of the working elaas: They have a right to the' unanimous support of tbd works**.Of sU land*, ft** the sacred duty of the mar*hers at the National centers affiliated with the International Federation of Trad* Unions to demonstrate their complete International solidarity...
...who make It...
...Sassenbach sddressed a ineetbsg'el Salonlki where he was received hpjjp trades council sad by MU»«H<I^0*3 representative of the Greek natiepal trad* union center...
...get a deetetos by <**» Pareoanent Court of Artrftratfas' psfmitting night work for...
...Simultaneously the non-union help also struck,' making a total of 2,600 strong...
...While there have been cases where labor banks havp used their, credit power in instances similar, to the above with no harsaful effects, the* Wollnsky episode reminds us that a limitation upon participation, of labor organizations in business affairs must be plsced somewhere...
...raged in the liberal press as* to the'advisability of such a device...
...The lessons of th* strike as either a' Trade Union or a political instrument ought not to he overlooked, however, though the moment has not-yet com* for a full examination ot them...
...A i "tt fa...
...enlng it...
...We imagine that the professional literary critics will again And a challenge In this approach to the subject, for to most" of them the idea of changing literary standards and tastes being rooted in economic soil Is heresy to the craft...
...One thing" Is quite clear...
...But reason whs harbored in Eeclesten Square...
...announced -a short while ago that the Mitten • transit Interests Jn Phjladelphla were going to establish a sliding- Scale Of wages based upon an index, of the cost of living, a furious' controversy...
...there was disappointment amongst those who were out and who felt that "the demonstration was, still unfinished...
...Thus, the line between what was discreet and not waa soon obliterated...
...tn 1920, Us peak year, It paid dividends of 15...
...however, th* strike is like that which has Just ended, and is solely for industrial purposes, on* or two conclusions ar* obvious—at any rat* to those who were In London during these days...
...J. M. Robertson...
...per cent...
...f "The End Was a Surrender" By Henry N*»Brailsford THE General Strike is over...
...The means of life of a million' men and tbelr wives and children were at stake—men to whose labor and courage, amid Incessant peril, the nation owes its wealth...
...Class solidarity necessitate*.|hat aid be given to-the British workers...
...The Modern Quarterly ANOTHER installment • of V. F. Calverton's series in "Th* Modern Quarterly" on sex end society appears in the May-July number...
...WWIrn-n tic mill, has .been .crippied...
...Never before-hps (it felt so strongly the meaning of working - •lass comradeship...
...Under the system of espionage and intimidation which prevails on • the Boston A Maine, five leaders of the American Federation of Railway Workers,' an industrial union formerly affiliated with the A. F- of L-, have been discharged...
...The tens "unconditional surrender" If applied at all (and it ought not to be) la more applicable to th* Government's position than to the Trade Union...
...The people were to be oppressed and tub people would not have nv The vast carcase of material things wee to- crush -taw ******* eeul...
...Education" by Scott Nearing: "Nietzsche's Sociology'' by Rt...
...Listen Here Blues...
...Mass., and Manchester, N. H. How were they to be handled?- Mary Kelehert, organizer, determined upon pacific means...
...and confirms our belief that he is doing more than any contemporary writer in sociological interpretation of history...
...Now domes'the British Labour Ven'r Book for ISie and compiles a' list of those trades In' (he British Isles which have actually adopted a scale of wages fluctuating according to changes In the cost of.living Index ndhthers: ' Two and a halt 'million workera are' affected distributed among almost one hundred trades...
...The reader of this may order I the current issue of tbe Rand School Book...
...H. Vliegen...
...The reinstatement of these men will, therefore.be demanded under the new law, which permits the workers to choose their own representatives in negotiations...
...No violence was to be used, no mass picketing...
...religious row being worked up, in heathendom will have breathed a- familiar atmosphere in London during the past week...
...Sociology of Eighteenth Century French Drama" by George Plechanov...
...When, it was...
...It has mills at' (our other places in the United States- besides Willimantic...
...in their courageous struggle - to defend their Just rights, gad to -achieve p decisive victory against the forces of oppression and reaction...
...the Russian unions In th* lu lasll Pr«psia*aea**g considerably, .•.**¦- jH...
...Ranks Are Unbroken The Field of Labor THOUGH It has failed to leap Into the newspapers with melodramatic incidents every ether day...
...Conference Is Off...
...The discussion was largely theoretic...
...The cause of the workers of Great Britain is also .your- cads...
...Nevertheless a generation or two ago tbe official holiday invoked scene* of great enthusiasm, while the parades and meetings of that day were important .'*hides • of - propaganda for organised labor...
...with the approach of' winter, other arrangements had to be made...
...Tbe establishment, where (he strike is being fought at present is reputed to be...
...Theirs is a conflict q( which American .labor.ean' weM be pfoudV SUDE, WAGES, SLIDE...
...a movement which means to change the spirit of society must be strong enough to face the facta and to think out its problems ot strategy and method...
...Tears of bitter disappointment and baffled hopes had created tbe fearful .vision, and the people, by sacrifice and "endurance...

Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 21

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