Gaston, Herbert
Nationalism--- A Force for Good or ^^9^"^ ttioii)i«ilg«wii !¦ Bti J^ssf***!!**^^^ ^^fP»^§^^^^^)|r^ . Brut*Btie. <rf Which They Are C»»mJh^^.^^^^f;^PI^-t v 1#*i&53Stfrf an Unique testing to...
...Of obtaining these forests for themselves...
...This gathering win uuisststyst asea aad wssasa prommeat to She SdateWat sad Labor Movement who will discuss at their various conferences "Newer Defence* of Capitalist* in Amerira...
...The modern concept of nationalism, according to Professor Hayes, actually bad ita birth -ta this same French revocation- although, aa ia th* eaa* of th* otapifew revolution, an idealistic inter* "Wtionatlsm bad been the viewpoint of ebahy of It* spiritual fathers and defenders...
...And this to th* face ot th* official declaration of November 14...
...That was th* time when the Germans and the Austrlans were going to remove an their money from th* hank* and sell all their interests to American business concern...
...This skyward tendency of the ruling members of the Puritan oligarchy by no means Induced them to neglect the carnal things of the flesh...
...Berger: Not now...
...Captain Simpson brazenly demanded one-third of the value of the entire cargo on the grounds that by his exertions the Spanish Ship with its contents hsd been saved...
...Nevertheless, "ho who would expose the mainsprings of nationalist thought and action must guard particularly against hi* own ¦lasttnasl bias aad at th* same time face courageously th* distrust aad oppoettloa of a largo . a umber of hi* fellows Who** owa manifold prejudices are enshrined in a collective herdPrejudice...
...Berger: No...
...WILSON SUNDAY A memorial meeting to th* honor st Albert Louis Wilson, pastor ot tbS Ridge field park People's Comp op*" tlonal Church, will be' held ahisMft June 0, at J p. m„ at the chureh, UK Euclid Avenue, Rldgefield Park, JAsw Jersey...
...the menace of French dominion to Canada...
...Many SoolsJtet ajoahjit hap hava.frpm time po ttoa*jspah^|j**|1|, chureh or at hi* forun^ Tf**"*g *pay*"gJJ*r ute to Comrade Wilson's labors Met ideals...
...Kew Tork...
...M), it la old ' staff...
...It la a book sufficiently aispaatJoemte to provoke a highly emotional r capon—-The pseudo-religious nature of present-day nation*Hern is its moat striking development...
...providing against confiscation of private property to cass... th* Illustration* the author give* of th* hunger tor new objects of veneration which expresses Itself to herocu»*tKut*ab - m arshaj, assd...
...and, on th* other hand, there I* th* petty politician who remains whoa th* cloth tot of majasty It law Mid*, against whom w* may tits' opposite political todtav...
...Garner of Texas: I say to pay American citizen* for German debts la a steal...
...Let us suppose ho Is Interested...
...of war...
...3 Our now divinity la proud...
...We differ on most things, but he trios to be fair, and he also know* more about finances than I do...
...New Hampshire aad Main* war* the chief logging center* at this period, aad in this region the Wontworth family, by Its monopoly of public offices and the logging enterprise, became th* richest aad most powerful to New England, Economic mastery aad political rule west hand to hand...
...Garner of Texas: Mr...
...and in Capetown we have Comrade John Gomaa...
...hut this economic and political struggle between two section* of th* ruling Puritan class show* how tor these pious "children of God" had wandered in their quest for filthy lucre...
...for any reason ought not to be-paid...
...NationaHom** ¦toilpiouo Character If he escape* without ha viae bis book solemnly cursed aad figuratively burned by at least half a dozen seta of guardians of patriotism, he will, he for•lunate...
...To my mind, th* Standard OH Co...* rates of commission to be paid to the trad...
...The property should he returned and damage* paid for th* selsur...
...BERGER: I have also Introduced a bill for the Immediate return of all alien property...
...detention, and conversion...
...And this' declaration of President Wilson may be considered even apart from all treaties of the past and the opinion* of Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton end John Marshall on that very' same subject, and may' b« considered as a pledge of the Government ot th* United States to take care of that alien property...
...One* w* thought it Strang* that Britain should ratal*'** oxpeealv* liae of monarch* whom (bay had stripped of power...
...The Connecticut group aent Jared IngersoU to London to th* hop* of making suitable arrangements for exploiting the timber resources of that colony...
...Improvement* bav* been made throughout the camp and ita various toejltl^fyfor r*cre*ii*n snd ^oort...
...We of this day need no historical examples to teach us th* effects of the opportunities of war upon the economic conscience of rich aad poor alike...
...If tbe claim of tbe Standard Oil Co...
...That ta $100,000,000...
...jJ and laaautfnl, with a sensitive taJgC quick -to tab* offense...
...We will not dwell upon that defense mechanism* which Induced them to sell the children of poor workers Into limited terms of servitude so that they would be Insured cheap taker...
...prepared a^ ritual for th* public worship of the flag, which waa Performed in his church, he was only * *t*p ahead of hi* renews aad a bit fraakar...
...3 That sort...
...While the masses were- In the revolutionary armies fighting against England, "an lnter-colonlal group of financiers of the time formed themselves into an Interesting price fixing combination that was a forerunner of the *big business* of today...
...Berger: The alien property in th* hand* of the custodian doe* not belong to Germany—it belongs to private parsons who are Germans...
...Spermaceti candles were a necessity in every household, and the price of this necessity was fixed throughout New England and later as fsr as Phlladelphi*, a few men of Jewish extraction were included In th* combination, but the business was asatntlaUy a Puritan venture...
...the allotment of the entire supply of raw materiel in America, among the signers of the agreement...* symbol of 'majesty sad power, the Living Buddha of the new nation*ll*t it*lia*rftn, . Our Twe Presidents We who have no permanent Urine Buddha must do our seat with tempi is ry substitute*, and tbss brings about the dividend character of our near-Sovereign, the President...
...Garner] that th* restitution of alien property ta "a horrible steal," aad "legalised1 theft" must be put down as Democratic rhetoric...
...Among the factors which bav* boon powerful in propagating nationalism have been democracy, popular elementary education and th* newspapers...
...When the Rev...
...rf Which They Are C»»mJh^^.^^^^f;^PI^-t v 1#*i&53Stfrf an Unique testing to Hunwiity and to the --CARLTON I. H. HAYES...
...Never since the Thirty Tears' War la the seventeenth century was looting don*/ with such brasennasa a* It was doa* la th* seizure of private property by our Government ta th* recent war...
...Special music hag been arranged...
...There *r* others that ar* sinister...
...Marks-intb* Bonwert...
...Th* Spanish sgent refused to pey, whereupon part of the cargo was sold to satisfy the claims...
...They bare disgraced our country...
...arrogant, boastfal and quarrelsome toward th* poop]*' of o'ther land...
...King George's Use* Others have noted how nationalistic feeling that goes by the nam* of patriotism ha* aosaanped the old place Of religion aa th* first of alhsjlaan**, aatd bow both Catholic aad Protestaat **Upton* ia th* United states, far instance, bav* beta syncretic** with It aad bar* subordinated themselves to It to th* detriment of ancient ideas of universal human brotherhood...
...It caa b* bossoBt and humble, it eaa warn for Its own Nation that It should ft** aad* act uprightly, that instead *f making lying claims about past pate, faction it should be willing to atoa* Sn aad seek to remedy ita mistakas aodS aspire continually-to eometUng/bettm "Nationalism...
...This, combine* with tbe taclUU** for play aad rest which th* camp affords, will provide a-v oojjfaapi toasto**?* lb tM!*kaffiB*v...
...Especially *o to view ot the Franklin treaty with Prussia to 178...
...Stevenson: I would be very glad to hear your answer to that...
...Education aader th* direction of th* state made, loyalty—allegiMD.ce, patriotism, national Ism — ita first concern...
...The Spanish treasure waa not only plundered but extraordinary and outrageous claims were made against the cargo...
...The Minister of Justice has tabled the Prevention of Disorders Bill to stop th* aow growing agitation amongst the African peoples...
...OeJ cliWsaat war* ar* ail holy war...
...On* of these merchants, through trickery and the connivance of certain parties in official life, plundered mora of th* cargo...
...a Study of American Loyallsra...
...Berger: I am pled th* gentleman asked that question...
...IsjL course, to make us a husspteSosE greedy...
...Stevenson: If th* Court ot Claims awarded a Judgment against Germany, bav* we th* right to enforce that Judgment against th* men who do not owe It...
...On* Can easily add from hi* own abaci tatloa...
...Th* gentleman from New Tork [Mr...
...Justice end freedom of speech...
...The alien property, steal eery naturally resulted to other, steal*, what baa already bfon disclosed -about the planner In which this' property was handled should be sufficient to send several ot the...
...But this implied competition with th* Wentworth oligarchy, which waa on good terms with th* British oAclelSsin London...
...Garner of Texas: But you ought not to misquote me and make a statement that I never mad...
...of Johannesburg...
...The long Ha** of worshippers who file about the arnhalasad body of the first prophet of Sovietism have their counterpart* in ovary country standing with bowed bead* and reverent- mien in worship before th* various national shrines— th* tomb* of national heroes, and thoa* even more sacred shrines, th* memorial* to th* -unknown soldier* " Professor Hayes haa undertaken to study nationalism a* it exists today ta th* light of Ita historical evolution It J*, a* he recognises, a ticklish subject, though not quite so ticklish as it was eight or nine years ago...
...Much of the colonial wealth was being accumulated by doubtful methods," bs says, "th* us* of official position, the privateering that Was akin to piracy, smuggling and bribery, the engrossing of public lands, price fixing and war profiteering...
...This World War furnished the first example of that kind to th* history of civilised nations, and it la absolutely against all precedent...
...It Isn't necessary to return to a consideration of th* fortunes th*y made out of th* triangular trade to rum, molasses and slaves, or of the profit* they mad* by their smuggling trad* with the enemy While England was removing...
...The gentleman from Texas seldom ask* wis* questions...
...In despair th* agent proceeded to toad what was left or...
...Democracy made each cttizea feel himself a part of the State, which to turn banal* for him a divine saperpersonality...
...I am afraid that the Labor Party should' by now have issued a manifesto of protest...
...Th* business of a nation*I-god isvnot to concetti himself with the busts*** of government, it to to bo venerated as th* perseaffieetloa Of the «at...
...The Fathers of Babbitt How the Early Puritans Mixed Religion With Business By James Oneal RECENTLY we considered the evolution of Puritan capitalism aad it* chief contribution to American history, that pious fraud, the Rotarian or Babbitt, who has merged christian piety with a career of skinning his fellow...
...Along with -the changes of th* dining room...
...We appeal to the Workers of.the world to support us to atop this nonsense of th* South African pact-government...
...Alexander Hamilton inserted the Sams provision against confiscation of private property to our treaty, with England ia 1704...
...These who 'are contenw piatfag b stay at Tamiment during this Busssaer are advised to make their reserve tione In advance so as to Insure accommodation...
...Is men...
...This Is th* first time to 40b years, ladles sad gentlemen, that a government toe* beta of private piopetty... get on its claim la tSOO.000, while tbe total sum of the alien property is- Mi7.oeo.oo0...
...Th* plan included th* establishment of an admiralty Judge to th* colony and the appointment of Judicial officers who would serve the Connecticut group...
...Ia Connecticut, the virgin forests remained untapped, and in that colony some "frost-bitten angels" of the Puritan oast observed an opportunity, they thought...
...the author conclu|lS I "when " it becomes synonymous taSj the purest patriotism, will prove Sjj unique Massing to humanity aad the world...
...Filled to capacity by a record-breaking attendance, promising a moat successful seazo...
...Dr.' William N. Guthrie, of Bt...
...It was often said that th* transaction of Unci* Sam to the alien proparty case ras either that of a pirate or of an em bossier...
...Ehe National Secretary of the Industrial and Commercial Workers' Union of Africa, an organisation, is carrying on a vigorous propaganda among the African natives, propaganda to emancipate African democracy from the slough of political and economic slumber...
...Our emagjl qsTros w* shall bellev* aad our dr*h shall be taught that th* PfSJ^ do** no wrong, that Its *s*r*j|H|j ttoa—e-ccept a* to th* r*e*at acaatibi doameg with alcoholic II*juor---naBshBE That exception waa due m ooate WaSJh ta th* treachery of th* few reasaSttoa, adherents of an anew Jbatty...
...We have also fn view the leader of the "Ginger-Group," Comrade T. W. .Keable 'Mote,, and also the deputy lander, Comrade T. W. Thlbedi...
...New Tork comrade* may go st Rldgefield Park by way Of th* Srt* Railroad train leaving Jersey City at 2:30 p. m., daylight saving time, or by bus from Weehawken...
...then th* capitalist system 'would come to an end very quickly, even to Texas...
...It lo merely evidence of th* fact that th* revolution la Russia has become nationalist, and nationalism nearly everywhere has been elevated lath an emotional creed that cannot be distinguished from a religion...
...The sum whieh th* Standard OU Cd...
...she* as...
...W* may now take' a look at hi* ancestors in their habitat of Colonial New England...
...Adam* write* that the company's plan "Included fixed prices at which th* dealers In the raw material should be snowed to sen their product to the 'trust.' and at which the finished candles could he marketed...
...Z wiB yield later to the gentlemen, • Mr...
...ehurotueded by naany near relatives, who fined th* most important political offices, including judges who rendered decisions ia cases involving the material interest* of the family, aa oligarchy of wealth aad power had risen to New England...
...Bmotional love gfoountry—the Ideal patriotism—a*at not be solf-daoolved...
...The I. C. V. is surely the coming *%Jambok" -against both the British add Republican imperialism and capitalism...
...The Natal Town Council has refused permission to Comrade Clements Ka' dalle to proceed there, in splfe of the tact that the' Gordon Province boasts so much of British fair play...
...would profit by th< return of the alien property, because it has a claim for Injuries Inflicted on it by tbe Germans during th* war, Ii simply a play on the prejudice* of the ignorant, who get the cold shiver* whenever the Standard Oil Co...
...As long aa Ms claim Is Just, bs lajsnUtted ta payment...
...It 1* published by Tale University, which was long a seminary for the training of young Puritan blades in th* economic, social, religious and political dogmas of the Puritan ruling class...* author thinks, fhjj sound basis for a broader allegiaa**, t* all humanity...
...The agent of the owner of' the Spanish ship "felt, that he had fallen into a nest of nearp ire tee" and he was not far wrong, for the owner of Captain Simpson's ship endeavored to get an Interpreter that would serve the Puritan Itch fpr plunder...
...Twenty-six years ago William B. Weed en wrote in' his "Bconomic and Social History of New England" that "It has been too much the fashion to exalt the Massachusetts provincial generations late a sw**t company of frost-bitten angels, oppressed and a tittle waipod out of their skyward tendencies by the royal oflcers, or by their own citizens elevated and corrupted by royal commissions...
...Part of our astutlsa* sctmlretion tor royalty may' he fat so this unsatfaflsd passion for objects of roHeTtoe* aeVor*qon wbiob toaaaaa Msetf oat th* kinggod wNb betoaga to ssjothar bat kiadred crult...
...Franklin procured th* following clinching statement to th* treaty: And it ia declared that neither th* pretense of war, nor any other pietens* whatever, shall be considered as annulling or suspending this and...
...A Monopoly on Pin* Tree* Before th* revolutionary war the pin* belt that extended from Nova Scotia down to and even we*t of the Connecticut riv*r became a source of Puritan riches...
...Is not, wore* than any other big oa company to New Jersey, Oklahoma or Texas...
...Mellon owns stock, In that company...
...The brigantine Susanna, bound for New London, under the command of Captain John Simpson, sent a pilot aboard the Spanish ship which finally arrived off the harbor of New London...
...Because of a leak the ship waa compelled to seek an American port...
...I repeat...
...Tamiment Week-End Is Huge Success DECORATION DAT Week-End at Camp Tamiment was one of th* most successful in the history of the camp...
...our n*i*Jka*aP save a similar creed But to say all thte ta f'-prtl** jE aailnsailsm si not to say that it* necessarily a cur... other coemtrteS than' ensnb king - worship...
...Here, in th* New England of heroic tradition, the ancestors at our modem Babbitts were shaped...
...IngersoU failed, as the Wentworth clique waa toe strong in Tiundon...
...There al*' aspect* of th* new nationalism that ar* m*r*ty shawroi...
...been trained to accept the Piety of their -betters,- but the paunch of the "gentiMnaa- was fined with tbss* "transient things" while be toaaked Otod for protecting bin from tea* tatwptatlous f thte carnal world...
...Simpson brought his claims into the court of v Ice - admiralty aad an inter-, prefer became necessary...
...wen aa more comfortable than ever before...
...I did not say anything about the return ot alien property being a steal I referred to the German debt: Mr...
...Of special interest to Socialists and liberals will be the League for Industrial Democracy Conference fresh June 14 to June i1...
...It is a feeble indlotmo...
...If that la th* caa...
...It waaxa vast reservoir for masts and other naval and shipping supplies, considering the importance of commerce to th* colonial period, control of the forests was eery important... Carlton J. H. Hay**: Th* MacMMan 'Company...
...measure* for preventing any other houses from becoming competitors end for forcing th* raw material dealer* to sell at th* price* fixed by the combination...
...We will overlook many thing* related to Puritan rule aad present a few concrete examples of the "Godly life" they lived...
...Captain Simpson had reached the harbor first and sent a pilot to wreck the Spanish ship on the reefs outside the harbor...
...Among them win be Fret Krafft, Charles W. Brvto...
...astcd to five of these companies...
...Th* President of th* United States and the Secretary of State solemnly promised they would keep that property as a trabt, not fsr tbe purpose ot paying any dszaaga* which Germany a* a esuatry would be bold liable, but th retara it altar the war to the rightful owners...
...Gipson, whom wo have already quoted, say* that it every phase of this plan had been carried through successfully, \"there would have arisen in Connecticut a group of interests, under the control of IngersoU, as powerful as those identified with Benalng Wentworth to New Hampshire...
...Would sny award or any Judgment that any of these companies receive* to a court became Invalid because Mr...
...Of creed is laniad...
...There la the aaerad Head of the State to whom we bow low and' whoa* praises we sing in mystic term...
...Allan Property Custodians to prison...
...Th* contention of the gentleman from Texas (Mr...
...A Dangerous Harbor If this was a rare Instance we could overlook It but It was not...
...I do not car* whether It Is John D. Rockefeller or K. H. Gary—and neither i* a particular friend of mine si bo gets tbe award...
...A Puritan Judge awarded the Puritan wrecker 23,000 piece* of eight (a piece was valued at six shillings) together with cost...
...Th* Puritan oligarchy survived longer In Connecticut than In any other state and this alliance of plunderers with public officials mad* other shippers regret that they entered a Connecticut harbor...
...It la the duty of th* gentleman from Texas to make this clear to tbe Mixed Claims Commission, which has awarded tbe claim, or even to this Howes If tbe Mixed Claims Commission has awarded what those citizens claim, they are entitled to It...
...Speaker, will the gentleman yield...
...Mills] also has a bill to return the property, and I am perfectly willing to bav* bis bill substituted tor mine...
...Moreover, aa th* New Hampshire and Maine forests became depleted, th* Wentworth crowd began to obtain control of forests near th* northern border of Massachusetts, and it was evident that this crowd would eventually reach th* Connecticut reserve...
...the nest preceding article...
...The agent then went to New York and placed his interests in the hands of two merchants...
...SOUTH AFRICAN LABOR MEETS STIFF OPPOSITION FROM THE (rOVERNMENT . (By A Correspondent) TBS pect-jtovemment ha* failed to satisfy the lot of the African toiling masses...
...The proceedings in court were a farce...
...The objection of the gentleman from Texas [Mr...
...Berger: It would be a steal, one of the bigg oat steal* the world has aver seen, If th* Government ef the United States would not return that private property to Its rightful owners, as the Government of the United State* promised to do...
...A Puritan Wrecker In October, 1762, there arrived to Havana a Spanish ship from Honduras with a cargo of gold, silver, indigo, aarsaparilla and balsam, valued at 1400,009...
...It can be...
...The Job was only partly successful but the cargo had to be removed to New Londoon by another schooner...
...Just before th* Government took this property over, on February 8, 1017...
...Blanton: Mr...* Secretary of State, with th* sanction of Woodrow Wilson, then President of th* United Stat**, Issued the following statement: * ' Th* Government of th* United State* will scrupulously respect all private rights of its own cltlsens aad ef the subjects of foreign states...
...When It is remembered that the Puritan captain had himself conspired to wreck the ship we may appreciate his atrocious conduct...
...Th* "transient things .of this world" might be discounted to sermons before the workers who had...
...boon tor decade* by prattle* of ita coronary 10** that th* who** people should b* prepare* to *j*ht ** on*, saaa f*c ta* "*sja*ag* of th* aottSosssJ^^a^bs^sy * asinBUso?^*ff*^^^^^J cJJJJJ^JJJJJj-^JjjJ *er**s5e*9^ The tddaj of a "Holy War" by asspjE Mohammedans haa lost its force...
...a •prssidant «Mo to one* apd hiwirsr sasafcus asm impostor rot*, a istbymip fast uasai »ad with th* aaoot ectrevagaat oipftasiiia of plea* ardoratloa bad grtef...
...belUcoo* and generally itisajij ous neighbor to any neighbors we s*sjy have—particularlr it *j...
...That waa the Jay treaty...
...In considering th* regime of our Puritan Babbitts ia th* revolutionary period, the opuxtoa of Juki True low Adams to his "Revolutionary New England" ia important, aa he occupies th* first rank as aa authority...
...By Herbert Gaston ONE of th* iadietm*nu at th* Bolshevist rulers of Russia ha* been that they bar* attempted to abolish th* orthodox religion and <e substitute for It What amounts virttmlly to a worship of th* Soviet syataa of government and th* tmom of th* revolution, a* *vteenood moot notably In the enshrining of Lenin...
...1017, that "there waa no thought of a confiscation of property thus b»M to trurt...
...Speaker, that this money belongs' to private citizens...
...In the capitol of South Africa—Pretoria., in the Transvaal—we have young Comrade Thomas Mbekl...
...Banning Wentworth became the Rockefeller of this period...
...This Is the first time to th* history of civilized nations that a government propose* to take property and money from private persons—^not from th* German State, remember, but from private persona who trusted the pledge of our Government to take car* of thkt property—to pay war claim* of its own nationals against Germany...
...should be...
...Garner) that the Standard Oil Co...
...Berger: I yield...
...I also Introduced a bin providing for th* immediate return ot al) property held by the Allen Property Custodian and for the payment ot danvag** resulting from the seizure...
...Th* awards at toe Mixed Claim* Commission total tlt9.00t.000...
...The Spanish agent triad to get what remained of his cargo out of New London hut th* ship waa detain*d tor two years...
...Ia 1760, "hi* horn* at Little Harbor waa a palatial mansion of fifty-two rooms, containing a rjr*t*otlenfa(oeuncO chamber, with Ita aca*bspveaw awards to Ubb* of dancer...
...Oa the contrary, the state of war Is precisely that for which these1 articles are provided'and during which they ar* to be sacredly observed...
...but Prefeasor .Hay** has gone further to depict the new nationalism as not merely ltka a religion, but aa being on* 1* factIt Is a viewpoint that find* a lot of support from circumstance...
...another ship when he discovered "that a chest containing over £5,000 in gold had been opened, looted- and stuffed with trash.'* Moreover, the merchant who had already defrauded the agent, "after demanding for his services two and a half percent of the value of the entire cargo, proceeded to abscond with four chest* fen of silver...
...He has stock in mor* than 100 companies...
...Clarence V. Howell and others...
...because, a* Professor Hayes show* in hi* book ("Essays On Matlonallsm...
...The story of this phase of Puritan life is told by Gipson in his "Jared IngeraoU...
...Itfouxht to b* of peculiar laterOSt to ro^ldaJ* to not* that th* precedent for this* Interesting ceremony goes back to the French revolutionise «f whose- developments was the frank Attempt to substitut* worship at th* altars of La Patri*, daacribod by one, eWputy ia 179J aa "common mother aad divinity," for the Catholic religion...
...Th* press, having t* tread softly aroeag many other allegiances so as not to offend any considerable body of Its readers, found nationalism a common ground of anion, a aaf* altar at which to worship, a divinity whose praises couM not be sung too touch...
...The accrued Interest on that amount may amount to 160.000.000...
...It I* no longer strange...
...Speaker, will the gentleman yield...
...It can be- baaed, set upon aa aborted form of idol-worship, but oa a natural affection for bomsplace* and a genuine love for bumaatty that begins at home and extends eat-' ward towards generous sympathy aad consideration tor all mankind...
...What happened was not an Isolated instance...
...There were soma example* to th* Thirty Tears* War to Europe, sap ef th* most ravaging wars that ever took place...
...Do wo not regard him fn two ttght*—*s two different person all tie...* hundreds of guests who fined the camp were unanimous to their approval ef th* Improvement* affected In cam p. Especially enthusiastic were the praises of Tamlment'p osteine under tbe direction of Samuel SMndler...
...Nationalism In Europe, accompanied a* had...
...Socialism on Vital Issues The Return of Alien Property — The Lynching Evil — The Combatting of Illiteracy By Congressman Victor L. Berger (A Speech in Congress) MR...
Vol. 3 • June 1926 • No. 21