"Here's Howe!" Or Why Tired Radicals Take Up the Ukelele By McAlister Coleman ! TP", BED ERIC C. HOWE, to tab C ¦* muchly advertised, "The Con{ ™» tensions of a Reformer' (pub; ilshed by...

...McAlister Coleman, publicist...
...The average hours of adult workers were fourteen a day tor six days a week...
...The result was the appearance of the first volume of The American Labor Year Book in 1916...
...Year in American Colleges...
...MeCabe Is an optimist In a shallow sense...
...Labor, Farmer-Labor and Communist parties at home and abroad, a death roll of prominent men and women who died in 1925, an international labor director}' snd a list of important books and pamphlets published in 1925 that have Rome bearing on the economic social and political problems that face the working class...
...Qafgaa fights, do« fights and prtx*figfcts «&£ bare fist* were favorite r*W9Jea*B Gambling, drunkannes* and' a aaanu peroeotag* of "bastardy" ww* mass tor granted...
...June.., 24, "Coal and Power...
...the Socialists on May 9 held their 63 seats in tbe Cantonal Council, against 161 captured by the combined bourgeois group, and polled 363.855 voes, against a bourgeois total of 309,064...
...Forest Park, near Stroudsburg...
...In Berne, where the fight was particularly hot...
...BELGIUM SOCIALIST STUDENTS ORGANIZE Organization of students In Belgium on straight Socialist lines will be made easier In the future by the fact that on March 7 a meeting of students was held in Brussels at which the General Association of Socialist Students was launched...
...author of "Daedalus...
...In the city of Zurich the Socialists Increased their" seats from 32 to 36...
...Changing Relationships Between Property Ownership and Control...
...A largo proportion of workers lived in un1 rained cellars without window*, for utU«si" l^^S wars unknown, - ^ In tn* year WW the rslhwadfj^j In ns Infancy, very toss *tr***a?JE pevad or Ht, and *r*d*iiilis af enaaagB wiped eat whole populations, aassf) septic* wor* art as til of...
...No doubt, open-mlndedness is desirable...
...Uhocty for —th, for alt, and ferever<—William Lloyd tirrlm...
...For a great part of his book he gos_ dps about men and women reformers, i strange amorphous outfit wandering !ike Kipling's Toralinson between the heaven of safe conservatism and the bell . of dangerous radicalism...
...The newly-founded students' organization is working in close understanding with the Belgian Labor Party.' SWISS SOCIALISTS SCORE NEW GAINS Further big gains for the Swiss Socialists' policy of no...
...And many of us have been cowards...
...He modifies this statement by th* concession that in art w* ar* distinctly inferior to A than*, the Middle Age*, the Renaissance sad evsu (considering music and liters tars) to th* Europe of a century ago...
...This discoverywas made after nearly twenty-five years of public life...
...The election in Basle on April 18 brought a slight set-back for the Socialists In that Canton, their seats being reduced from 45 to 39, whits the Communists rose from 16 to 22...
...And the fighting had been, for.the...
...Morris Ernst, t New York attorney...
...American Economic Imperialism...
...I had lost Illusions of myself...
...We relied on propaganda more than wc did on information, not because we preferred propaganda but because the movement was too weak to assemble and classify the Information that could be obtained from various departments of the government and private institutions...
...The average weekly wage Was between >0 snd 11 shillings (la** than S3) a week...
...Thar* wtgE no pensions or sick allowance...
...He discovered that the State wanted to "hurt people'': "It showed no concern for Innocence...
...The Inference should not be drawn' that Mr...
...The Light Comes lit says tbfs did him a lot of good, that his fears begnn to disappear and that he became distrustful of the State...
...Passim ism la, mere Ignorance...
...More than a hundred national, international...
...In tbkt book th* moot distinguished of living freethinkers, author and transistor of mora than Ofty books, once a Roman Catholic monk, lately a crusader for rationalism la AraSrln...
...J. S. jPotofsky, VicePresident of the Amalgamated Bank...
...musical and dramatic program...
...By classifying the information the busy official could at a moment's notice turns to the volume and obta"ln what he wanted...
...But' he holds that '- science the.'vitality of our age finds Us supreme expression, and thst by our science we must be Judged...
...Finally: "At fifty I saw myself as I saw the political state...
...We ar* Just, getting out of Infancy...
...I was one of his seconds, on the edge of the ring...
...The program in brief, as given out by tbe League at its headquarters, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City, Is as follows: Thursday evening, June 24...
...Scott N earing, author and lecturer: II...
...Among the specific subjects for dlj-cusMon at the various sessions are: coal and power, concentration of Industry, stock* ownership, company unionism, the American college, labor banking and economic imperialism...
...for the bourgeois groups...
...It would be difficult to Imagine a volume of this size more compact In Its wealth of information...
...p. m. May 29- Memos*** •f Connolly's old union, th* Irish Transport snd General Workers' Unto*, and th* Connolly Literary Society and two speakers recently returned front Ireland will be oa hand and tell of th* British strike and other new develop* ment* across the pond...
...Tbe three great pros* lems that face mankind, according to McCsbe...
...Edward Richards, Forester...
...The first volume was a modest yet credlfable beginning with 375 pages...
...New York Joined with Ireland and Great Britain In recounting th* achievements of th* Socialist toadar MX a most encouraging meeting at Bryant Hah last aseak and followed it up by forming a p*rt*an*nt utsaulialhrn Headquarters war* assured at Laurel Garden, 71 East llSth street and th* first organisation meeting win be bold on Friday...
...One who desires to get a "close-up" view of each organization and the eeonomlc movement as a whole will find the Information In this section...
...L'Evell comments In its first number: 'We thought we could maintain a Joint organization...
...New I York, has written, a disheartened and disheartening- b '•ok...
...Which comes as a relief to his readers, even though it does not appear until the 259th page...
...Ms» Cab*, finds It easy to aina-tfcwaJ aa> modern progress, in on* place ha (sad so for aa to say that "there has In the last 190 years been more progress In every resp*ct than had ever batata been witnessed In 600, If not a 1AM, years...
...This was quickly followed by the founding of an official organ, L'Evell, edited by Max Drechsel...
...A feature of the conference will be a play composed by Clement Wood | ana Solon DeLeon, "Jersey Justice," which will be enacted at the Saturday evening session...
...Deciding, that the place of the liberal was in labor's ranks, he helped organize the conference for progressive political action, took an active part In the Lafoiiette campaign and became low in his mind again when Lafoiiette dtd not sweep the country, and la now busy with the "School for Opinion" at Nantucket...
...Trade Unions Enter Business...
...James H. Maurer, President of the Pennsylvania Federation of Labor...
...He prefers the wort "meliorist," which George Eliot suggested for the man who takes tha sober and reasonable view that tha world - has very decided defects, but is improving...
...Friday' afternoon...
...The section on trade union organisation in the United States has been expanded and Is more complete than that carried by any previous volume...
...and his faith, from beginning to end, is in the power of essence...
...The work lias expanded each year and the seventh volume which has Just appeared carries 560 pages...
...Bur swk is » very able one, and tt* mam positions can not '**• dtsunsed...
...paps eloquent tribute -to achate* as tha modern redeemer, and bom than proves that tremendous progress ha* beta made, during the .past hundred years...
...All sorts of annuals had been issued In this country but none for the labor movement and it was sorely needed...
...During the war Howe did what be could with Wilson to ameliorate the sufferings of those who were persecuted for their opinions...
...June 28, "The...
...June 26...
...Or Why Tired Radicals Take Up the Ukelele By McAlister Coleman ! TP", BED ERIC C. HOWE, to tab C ¦* muchly advertised, "The Con{ ™» tensions of a Reformer' (pub; ilshed by Charlea Scrlbner s Sons...
...to which Communists also belonged...
...Now that It's over, suppose we all tell the truth...
...In Cleveland I had been shielded by Tom Johnson's commanding personality...
...When the .nasty ,m#*s was overlie went about confessing to his liberal friends...
...He also takes i) an—Ion to espies* hfs dl*e*r**n»*Ml wtth a B- Shaw, O. r«U- Ot Willi iII ami HBaJs* Bailee, i 1 . .^T...
...are poverty (or the general question of tbe distribution of wealth), war (or the' wise adjustment of later* national relations), and the Imprest ment of Individual character...
...Civilization's Dawn A Panegyric on the Progress of the Modern World (raW...
...It wasn't much...
...MeCabe ha* no u*e\ He doe* not offer any definite hop* that we are to win back into life the intellectual and artistic enthusiasms which, at intervals, have Illumined -human history...
...In 1914 he was made United States Commissioner of Immigration at Ellis Island...
...The Socialist gain In four years was 1.200...
...The participants in these discussions will Include: Profersor Harry Elmer Barnes, author of "The Genesis of the Great War...
...Howe went into It much /as fen East Side intellectual might wander into a. rolsterous speakeasy where the "Hudson Dusters" were engaged In cleaning up on "The White Button Boys...
...But I waa still not bankrupt - Th* new truth that, a free world would only come through labor was forced on ma I did not seek It...
...There was a time when either the information was not accessible or the official had not the time to digest what was available...
...most part, fair...
...All of us have been lying in some way or other...
...Harvey O'Connor, assistant editor of the Locomotive Engineers Journal: Louis Budens, editor of Labor Age...
...The Band School of Social Science was the first institution in this country to see the need of such an annual...
...Howe was attacked for his humanitarian administration of Ellis Island," was even called a" "Socialist", and a "radical...
...We have made an end of this ambiguity...
...Tha average smapnre expectation ot life In England ssm...
...Should he attempt to do so in each problem that comes up he would be compelled to explore considerable material before obtaining the desired information and the Job of assembling It would take still more...
...A. PftW» .toaaolpb...
...hind us...
...Th* Improvement of th* at* of mankind during the period covoetag ISMIMk, on th* economic soda alone, stag - gars the Imagination...
...A Bit of Mud What happened was that Mr...
...and that i l»IH— tion is only nam isnnmailug...
...Pa., trcm Thursday...
...and others...
...Since the trade unions of the United .States became stable at the dawn of the present century the sources of information regarding social and economic conditions In this country have increased to such an extent that it Is absolutely impossible for the busy official to consnlt them...
...He concludes that man is fast beginning to be man...
...did not welcome 'it But It crowded Into mind and demanded tenancy as the old occupants gave notice "to leave...
...Secretary P. 4 Bnni* announced...
...Drafts on my mind came back indorsed 'no funds...
...Benjamin C. Marsh, Managing Director of the Farmers' National Council...
...His only mentis* of Karl Marx la a complimentary aa...
...A hundred years ago l.ooo.oo* agricultural and) industrial ' workers in England subsisted on a diet composed largely of mead,and potatoes...
...It was all very painful and quite common...
...compromise with the bourgeois parties were registered in the Spring cantonal elections In several parts of the Confederation...
...Florence Kelley, General Secretary, National Consumers' League...
...in the face of a reduction of the total from 90 to 7S...
...There were no legal restrictions either oa hours or conditions...
...Considering the marked divisions that still survive In the labor movement, especially the war of the "Rights" and the "Lefts" in some of the trade unions, they have on the whole managed to maintain an objective porltlon in presenting the data on this struggle...
...It aggrandized Itself and protected its' power by unscrupulous means...
...Benjamin Stolberg, writer: Faania M. Cohn...
...Secretary of the Committee on Coal and Power...
...fat today generally accepted, U* ma*V000 year* of prehistoric savagery...
...There is also ^the usual wealth of information on labor disputes, labor politics, labor legislation, court decisions affecting labor, civil liberties, workers' education and health, labor banking, Investment and insurance, cooperation, public ownership, social and economic conditions affecting the workers, political and economic international organizations of workers, the* labor movement abroad, the Socialist...
...Friday evening...
...Ordway Tead, author of "Personnel Administration...
...I believe In keeping the mind open to everything that Is moving...
...S. Raushenbuah...
...In Thurgau on April 11 the Socialists won 25 seats, against It In the old council...
...It happened so quickly that I could not understand it...
...BIB major sympathy Is with scientists of the type of J. B. 8. Haldane...
...Trade unions were not permitted until U24...
...In the creation and distribution of wealth, the Improvement of the lot of the masses, the multiplication of comforts and luxuries and entertainments, the education of tha race, tbe reduction of crime and the production and diversification of food...
...For hers he presents on 352 pages a full, length portrait of himself (at one time an outstanding figure in the liberal movement) as a man without •philosophy, without warm enthusiasms, vithout the ability to do much about nch convictions as he possesses...
...Between the sessions the delegates will spend their time in recreationboating, canoeing, swimming, tennis and walking...
...The conference'wlll be held at Camp Tamiraent...
...Incident, liy, ho throws a strong lieht- on to the character of the professional liberal...
...June 27...
...This encyclopedia will measure up well with the more ambitious works in a larger field and we would urge all who understand the value of such a publication before the ecition Is exhausted to order their copy...
...Vice-President of the Workers Education Bureau...
...How the trade union official who takes his position seriously can neglect this book with this data so conveniently placed at his disposal is beyond our comprehension...
...Saturday morning...
...I "Then...
...this whole affair would not be worth working up a healthy sweat...
...Formerly there existed in Belgium merely an "Independent Federation of Socialist Students...
...more than thirty year...
...It was- a new experience to mO to be a principal in the fight...
...For anyone who had kept the "common touch...
...W* have to eliminate that heritage from our blood, and tbe man who expects, science to do It In a century Is a fast...
...We were wrong Experience has proved it to be so We were the dupes of the Communists—in Liege as well as in Brussels—who under the pretext that scientific Marxism could be a bond between Socialists and Communists, attempted nothing more nor less than to get a united front of political action, which brought us—reformists— Into an untenable position with regard to the Labor Party...
...Alice Hall, Vassar...
...Sunday morning...
...Sunday afternoon, "New Methods of Propaganda...
...But we have—on the same new estimate of chronology—200.900.eeo yesx* on this planet before us...
...State, departmental and other unions find a place in this section, the more important data regarding their history, problems and struggles being considered under classified heads...
...He goes in for city planning, election reform and the rest of the harmless divertissements of the reformers of the Indian summers before the war...
...says he, "something happened...
...An Indispensable Guide Book AN indispensable ' requirement of the speaker, writer, organizer, I executive and editor In the labor movement today is sound information regarding the problems and questions that confront him from day to day...
...Looking back over his career he says: "I still believe in liberalism...
...A future more splendid than any poet can imagine is mm certain as tomorrow's sulk," ¦ L. L D. Conference Program TO students of the labor and industrial situation In America as well aa active participants in the industrial movement, the Summer Conference of the League for Industrial Democracy on "NEWER "DEFENSES OF CAPITALISM IN THE UNITED STATFS" promises to he of the utmost Interest and value...
...Director of the Labor Bureau and author of "The Tragedy of Waste...
...Some folks prefer to have a philosophy over tbeir heads...
...He ' took*the blows...
...V$ With such a record in view...
...Much -of my intellectual cseplUJ had flown...
...For religion...
...But the Idea of maintaining a students' union without difference of Party, for mere theoretical discussion of social questions, proved a failure...
...The total number of seats was raised from 136 to 140...
...June 24, to Sunday, June 27, 1926...
...Stuart Chase...
...In the accepted seas*, and for the "new psychology" Mr...
...CONNOLLY MEMORIAL ORGANIZATION FORMED The great work accomplished by James .Connolly for the International' Socialist movement in -tha British Isles was fittingly recognised on the tenth...
...The total membership of the council Is ISO...
...and Friday morning...
...While Socialism, as such,, doe* not figure lathe argument, Mr.' McCabe admits that the present* distribution of wealth *> unfair, and looks forward to a tha* when our-social system is to be drastically reorganized...
...I could not fathom Its significance or sense its power...
...Saturday evening, "The Recent Sweep of Industrial...
...It is not likely that the school cou'.d bear the expense of another edition to satisfy *he iemand of a few hundred who failed to order on time...
...anniversary of hi* murder In Dublin by' the Imperialist force...
...Now I waa to enter the ring myself...
...It has the drawback, as this book is witness, to leaving its possessor open to every wind of doctrine...
...This Is not 'to say that there was not A fight, for if was quite hot while It lasted, but for the student of the liberal temperament it is Interesting to note what a todo the author makes over an ordinary, mud-slinging political row...
...Robert W. Dunn, .author of "American Foreign Investments...
...In the Zurich elections of April IS the Socialists increased their members of the Cantonal Assembly from 76 to 84, despite the fact that the total membership had been cut from 2S7 to 220...
...Every one of us has done something he is ashamed •of* Wc have violated our principles, done cruel things...
...General Organiser of- Sleeping -Car Porters...
...Solon De Leon, director, and Nathan Fine, his associate, havo earned the gratitude of their readers for the conscientious labor they have spent on this number or" this Invaluable labor annual...
...The Communists lost six of their ten seats...
...Further information regarding the conference amy be bad at the League for Industrial Democracy, 79 Fifth Avenue, New York City...
...Out of this.situation arose fine necessity of some central bureau that would give all Its time to digesting the voluminous material that accumulates each year and making a permanent record of the more essential facts...
...George Soule Of the New Republic: Dr...
...an Urn astlm.^sa,,^ w>1,k...
...To me liberalism Is open-mlndednea...
...McCafee writes with an eye en English conditions and With special reference to such pessimistic port-war literature as Bertrand Russell's "Icarus" and F. C. 6. Schiller's "Tantalus...
...Many children worked' twelve hours a day...
...The city of Berne went Socialist stronger than ever, the vote being 10.390, against 8.SZ9...
...I Had lost the Illusions I had spent a lifetime in hoarding...
...Norman Thomas, Harry W. Laldler, Paul Blanshard of tbe L. I. D...
...Carroll Hoillster, Agnes A. Laldler and others, will take part In the...
...Samuel Friedman, Gertrude Klein...

Vol. 3 • May 1926 • No. 20

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