Oneal, James

Puritan Go-Getters By James Oncal THE most conspicuous contribution of American capitalism to intellectual progress Is the collection of Ideas known as Puritanism. It is the creed of the...

...THE beginning of the nineteenth century, with the development of capitalism, marks a new epoch In the history of American labor and capital...
...unless a tremendous force of inspectors to enforce the act Is set tup—something like that which we have for the Volstead...
...Then came 'the colonisation' schemes...
...leap aero** it and ran chances of falling tn if there Was a dollar on tha other side...
...If the loaders gk* Kamenyef and Zlnovlef aro easily **a> to accommodate themselves with Urn triumphant majority, it would be nafo* to conclude that these reprisals wSjLba-abl* also to stifle the discontent sf the masses of tbe workers...
...The Genius of American Business," in which the vulgar and disgusting mm^tmmmg^jf ess* llOfcT *f MU BtttW* OSnsaf g fc*^'-je^*la1Anlft^ui^lsta BOw much of this nmwn*i& gads ttjM eene*r*hla...
...the merchant, more than any other character, stands in the very boots of the feudal chief...
...that is, to concessions made to tbe principle of tree trading and...
...Berger: Mat aboolutoty neeesaary: I will gladly pay...
...Our rulers do not say It openly, but too purpose is to keep out Jew*, Poles and Italians...
...HJs pstaequr...
...Into Ind*their own candidate...
...They called strikes, demanded the closed shop, a minimum wage, col* lectlve bargaining, control of apprenticeship, etc...
...Early Days of the Labor Movement By Sam Fisher Student at Breskwood Labor College, K.tonah, N. Y. II...
...Those who engaged In these Increasingly profitable forms of business found them In conflict with the old beliefs...
...Some intellectuals came Into the movement, such as Joslah Warren, the first American anarchist, In 1827...
...So the bourge&i* Puritan had belonged to a- despised class and gradually emancipated himself from servility...
...The development of commerce, trade . and banking in tbe feudal age brought the beginnings of the Puritan creed...
...I also think that the suggestion of the Secretary of Labor—who is really a fine man In most respects —that schoolteachers should help in the espionage only makes that bad bill so much worse...
...tha workers >*nt...
...Instead of liberalising the law...
...That law not only made speaking and writing, a crime, put oxen thinking against war waa a crime, for If you thought as others did there was a "meeting of the minds"—and a, conspiracy...
...won Id...
...starved In its intellectual and esthetic life, coarse In Us pleasure*, vulgar in its taste...
...At this point Comrad* Tseratslll takes exception - to tha belief entertained by soma Socialists, including Otto Bauer' of Austria, that although there are many grave "defects in tha Soviet regime, there 1* a possibility that...
...In case of war or any othir emergency, the President is to have tha rQjfht to herd them ail together and fiat.the -place where they must be—in Tennessee or Louisiana, if he so orders...
...This mad* it possible for a worker to obtain credit from the combined funds of Other workers...
...But as he rose to power he also had to transform tbe old ideas into a philosophy that would justify his love of accumulating cash and • change the Christian creed from one of fellowship and service to a business code of New Knanon^.aapatabJissprf a poUtfesJ and reHgloa* cdigarepj...
...The workers, therefore, organized Into trade unions to protect their Interests...
...Taking interest was an offense against humanity...
...Onion* Are Neglected Tbu...
...Ours Is a Puritan bourgeois civilisation...
...The strangest feature of it was that It was enacted by the Democratic party, which was bora of th* opposition to th* alien and sedition acta enacted by tha raderaliata in 1798...
...Just go to the mines of Pennsylvania or ah* rolling mflls of Pittsburgh, Mr...
...The opportunities for graft (a this Instance would be infinitely greater than either those, of income-tax inspectors or prohibition employe...
...And you eatt Act say Anything against tha Pol...
...If he accumulated a surplus he shared it with his brothers...
...the committee has been considering legislation for the deportation ot aliens who have entered the United States without complying with the entrance requirements...
...Pickpockets, Jailbirds, and streetwalkers...
...l*^^onma* totoA^fgthat is coming now Is probably better than what came to this country in th* seventeenth and eighteenth centuries...
...The time to wipe that law oft the statute hooka is now...
...I also introduced a bill to repeal tha sspionag* act- which waa paai"d during the war...
...The early labor movement thought It had found a panacea...
...There was a,time when, the Christian had no use for this creed of success and dedicated his life to the service of others...
...No man In public life more frequently pays homage to the alliance between piety and profits...
...The man of trade had been so low that it took him long to rise," he said...
...turn ad Q*ife*rs and other dtsjnarsteng aect...
...That Will permit fa aged couple to receive $18 a week, and thus help keep tbe family together...
...Professor Becker in his "Beginnings of the American People"' wrote that the bourgeois had "little in common with <4he noble who despised, his birth, ridiculed his manners, envied his wealth little with the priest who found him too rigid, too intelligent, too reserved with his money . . .; little With the peasant who renounced him as a renegrade or...
...Certain idealist* believed that by forming sufficient communistic colonies throughout tbe country they could abolish capitalism altogether...
...Industry H*s Advanced In comparison with the first epoch of Bolshevism In Russia, with that of "war communism," when Industry was completely blocked and famine ravaged, the countryside, the present condition of industry snd agriculture marks a big step In advance...
...Do not try to catch ma with * question like that Mr...
...Besides some religious fanatics, U ws* th* scum of Great Britain and Ireland...
...Johnson of Washington: Lot us hire a kaB and have} It ant right [Laughter.] Mr...
...6—Registration of Aliens By Victor L. Berger (A Speech in Congr***) ABILL, providing for th* pensioning of all wage earners who are without means of support after attaining the age of 60 was Introduced by me while Congress was considering an increase In the pensions of SpanishAmerican War veterans and their dependents...
...Rut the Jews are a bright and useful element...
...6ns d| them waa designed to help reunite busband* and wives, even though th* husbands may only be declarant...
...A London merchant, the famous Oreaham...
...pietism and profits...
...bat the contemporaneous dramatists _ exhibited him tp the- derision of the theatre, and even the almanacs exposed bis Ignorant superstition* by chronicling the days supposed to Be favorable or unfavorable to trade...
...United with Fundamentalism, it is Puritan capitalism, a compound of piety and profits, of vulgar worship of dollars and of a God who glorifies the "success" of this he-man...
...Tbe usurer was shunned as a leper...
...People understand and spprovo such pensions...
...The economic system, however, was growing so fast that no Individual could own it...
...Producers' co-operation, however, since it had to keep abreast of, ail the** new ways, was not vary successful...
...Hit trade continued still a butt for The Christian Gospel According to Cool* idge and the American Babbittry jest and jlka...
...and that failure to do so must result In breaking up an Institution mat* basso than any other—th* human family, upon which other institutions rest...
...Berger: Toe...
...But this amelioration, as Is admitted by both sides, is due exclusively to the "Nep" policy...
...Altogether IM Socialist representative* are acttrs la town and country municipalities Socialism On Vital American Issues 4—Old Age Pensions...
...Berger: Twin answer the gentleman from Washington later on, bat lowant to develop my Osama ftrstMr...
...That great generalisation of modern science, evolution...
...If toft In peace, tbe Russian* will work out their own salvation and give the .world proof that capitalism Is not necessary...
...T. Harcourt-Brace).presents the life history of the Puritan bourgeois and the' process by which he and his class transformed the old religious views into the modern creed with its alliance of piety and profits...
...The opposition limited itself to th* expression of vague and nebulous wishes: "Don't make the situation look rosy.- "Hold tha bourgeoisie in cheek," "Protect th* proletariat .and th* peer poossnt...
...And any cithten who could not produce evidence of Us citlseuablp would be subject to penalties under this act, hsrswse ha did not register...
...Ft nmrfmi jtiiBitaaa...
...AM aa to the kalians, God bless them: They will give American life a touch of art, which wo sorely need...
...But in doing so I wished to call attention to the fact that the- veteran of Industry aa well as the veteran of war was deserving of consideration In h,is advanced years...
...or bourgeois as he.Is called, had little in common with either the servile or noble class...
...We may now consider the moderat heirs of the Puritan bourgeois, in this country hs has become supreme...
...Johnson of Washington: Does tha.' gentleman .think he deserved to tufve a bomb thrown at him, aa waa lone a few years ago...
...Tha Tank** has always boon synonymous with' the Puritan and it waa Wendell Phillip*, who said that tha former, much as he feared hen...
...ht> amendment was rejected, and tat tptta Of th* eSart that ha* Man mad* to "I, svs lis* to* go, along "tkd Ua.es 11| MMllU t7t»smsr ear**** that the Committee on Immigration and Naturalisation is Indisposed to even permit a consideration of the question on the floor of this House...
...their birth...
...His accumulated wealth was regarded as an offense in the sight of God...
...Ttis a country evangelical, superficial, afraid of idea*, gullible and' smart...
...Sometime* they "rewarded their friends and punished their enemies...
...BtaMn, Rykof and other leaders of tha majority have tried to represent the opposition as merely the result of the personal self-esteem of Its chiefs...
...Throughout this period w* find that capital and labor had no clear perception of their position in thai Course of historic development...
...In twenty of these tha Socialist...
...It passed this House 'unanimously...
...This Is what the representatives of the majority never cease emphasising snd what the opposition also recognises...
...In a speech I made ha favor of my amendment I called attention to to* Importance of saanuisgliig and making possible the reunion of famfflas...
...Art, literature.and science are to him foreign devils...
...in Milwaukee, Chicago or New York...
...Then he proceeded, as 'soon as he obtained power, to make his standards a rule for all...
...Mr- Berger: Would deserve to be made a candidate for President on th* Democratic ticket...
...t"h* impression prevails that tha wartime laws which mads'« a ctfrn* Wilson administration have been repealed...
...It will...
...It does not rise above the level of swine fighting ovar awlll...
...They would return from enthusiasm for the political campaign to find how weakly organised they were in the economic field...
...Moreover, let us not forget that such an inspector could pounce upon sny citlsen and demstnd-that ho give proof of 'his citiaenshlp...
...By thus stressing political action they neglected their economic organisations...
...This 1* the "civilisation" whioh the Puritan bourgeois seeks to preserve as the best than humankind can have...
...Tha "civilisation- of the Puritan bourgooto, a* Horse* Kalian in fed* -Culture and Democracy in the TJaMsd Statoo" has said, -baa piednesd nigs instead of poets, machine* and money Jpjtead of men, bank instead of beauty...
...The Republican party, of course, ably assisted the Democrats tn 1*17...
...bourgeois has eliminated - the old fellowship and humanistic aspects of earlier beliefs so far as business practice Is concerned and reduced all human relations to ponsideratlons of profits and "success...
...Of all pursuits or relations, his is now tbe most extensive and formidable, making all others its tributaries, and bending at times even the lawyer and the clergyman to be its dependent stipends ries...
...Regarding the personal aspire' tion* of Ztnovtef, Rykof and the other leaders, it' would net be surprising if they equaled those of Stalin and their other friends of yesterday...
...There is, for Instance, a registration of aliens bill which provides for s compulsory yearly registration of aliens and a payment of a fee of flO for flrst registration and IS for each subsequent registration...
...Tsaretclll contend* that tha Socialist administration of the city of Vienna is furnishing better proofs of the creative ability of Socialist Institutions than are to be ssen in Russia, where every gain in production ia mad* at th* expense of a capitulation to th* worst elements of capitalism...
...with only JO members in s psriiamsat numbering 120, the Socialists coast hardly be expected to put through *B their demands, but it was conceded that they had really done a great deal toward stamping i out jingoism, both J/r Germans and Poles, and toward improving the condition of the workers...
...It will be remembered that .Sinclair Lewis has George F. Babbitt .boast at the dinner of the Zenith Real Estate Board of the condensed milk, evaporated cream and lighting fixtures manufactured in,his town while its quality of education Is in direct ratio to the else of the high schools and their system of venUUatlon...
...That Impression Is wrong...
...Real hanou value* are unknown to Barns* and it CM* without say lac that this parreau doe* not like trad* union* and is sure that Socialism will destroy hi* -civilisation...
...My old ago pension bill is, therefore, ai measure of simple justice, and It offers no mora' than other countries have already don* tor the Veterans of Industry...
...A3e A, «usa*% J asasW Zlailit...
...Changing Communism of Soviet Russia and the adaptation of tn* policy of th* rwBa* majority to Ills franatornuttlanl **twlthatanding ^he reservations and ft** iacompietan*** of it* criticism...
...Nor is thik all...
...V n ri .---*¦ dt-'^-s, Ig a-4*w« • | j ¦ ofdfgti {KajfJonn ana HfUfOy, jawaran «m ^ncBnani •? pnvox* mewHrjf*^ an*/ tt-s&tf mi •/ (Ac >oB*r *f At richer otv-mats...
...Then they had to start all over agate to organise tha trad* unions...
...Under it 2,000 men and women who dared to exercise their constitutional rights of free speech and fro* press were convicted and sentenced to terms up to 20 years...
...It was noted that...
...The espionage act was the most outrageous measure aver enacted In the United States...
...As the skilled" workers were the first ones to be affected by the industrial changes they were the,first ones to organise...
...Here fh* producers exchanged their war** and received credit upon labor for labor, which enabled- them" to purchais tha commodities deposited by their fellow-producers...
...They have brought proof that Zlnovlef and Kamenyof, having attempted to establish their personal dictatorship, only rose in protest against th* majority after this attempt had bean checkmated...
...From 1827 we can speak of an organised labor movement In this country...
...iU pmmmm]m JmMtZtlaa and knowledge" by tha ctsl* of ton* of wood pulp transformed into p*n*r and w* pi ton— bo hoy* hi* "literature" by tha pound...
...Ignored him as a parvenu...
...He Introduced the Idea of co-operative retail stores...
...Unskilled ,Broks Strikes The first unskilled workers cam* Into tbe market and were used by the masters during strikes-' With the prosecutions Of workers for organizing, tha fluctuation of the business cycles and all other Irregularities, the masters were successful for a while...
...Along with the system of co-operativ* mar...
...Berger: Thin is tha right thing lyi^s...
...Those having Income from other sources will have the amount reduced correspondingly...
...tn other word*, society began to change...
...This waa a step in the overthrow of the wage system...
...A small town Babbitt himself, he expounds the . "homely virtues" of the Puritan bourgeois...
...Johnson of Washington: Would thdy throw a bomb at him ? Mr...
...The human misery below the social pyramid Is attributed to personal sin...
...and used the boycott aa one of the weapons to enforce their demands...
...Any worker who has faithfully labored for a meager wage for 10 years or more has created more wealth than a pension in old age can repay...
...in the time of Elizabeth, founded the Royal Exchange, and a collage also...
...While the rising class of the new bourgeoisie— tha "nepmen"" in the cities and the "kulakl" In the country—finds a way to adapt Itself to tbe dlctatorshop and to adapt the latter to Its own Interests, the proletariat and the poor peasants, having no other means to defend thelr Interests than those conditioned upon political and trade union liberty, find themselves, under a. regime of Iron...
...It Implied the Puritan conception of morals snd conduct...
...The resolution of approval carried recommendations for a number of radical reforms in the administration of tBf Free Stat...
...A few months ago he quoted figures of- the increase In American exports py way of showing how "prosperous" we'all are...
...completely dtonrmed in tha face of th* struggle...
...Tbe economics of capitalist production have become the religious piety of the capitalist class...
...and in England, at tbe close of the eighteenth century, his former degradation and growing importance were attested in tbe saying of Dr...
...We pension- soldiers because they render service on the field of battle which is dangerous to life and limb...
...The latter owned vast estates and lived on the labor of serfs...
...hi* grading of btfnwutt beings tote social rank determined by Wealth and adcaganTtfea* ads lognkitlon of manners, dress, and morality by law, his pursuit of material gate* in tha slave trad* which ha Justified on the ground that ho was bringing a "gosp*r dispensation" to the heath on, his Sabbath piety and week-day profiteering, are too well known to require extended discussion...
...The old alien and sedition acta were not nearly as vicious, however, aa the espionage bill...
...It became necessary to adjust beliefs to a life dedicated to the accumulation of Interest and profits but this adjustment also came into conflict with the ruling class of nobles...
...What will be the final evolution of tbe Bolshevist regime...
...So the middle class man...
...He ha* earned the right' to be taken car* of decently In his old age...
...for tha future economic developtMg*) of Russia la bound to collide with th* vary base upon which the Bolsaavajt*power reposes—the principle of th* dictatorship...
...The salient point of the Bolshevist regime consists In the fact that the reconstruction of capitalism is being done under conditions very unfavorable for th* working classes...
...It was hard for the apposiatoa to submit a mora exact new policy, for it, too, shares the original principles of the majority—tha "proletarian dictatorship" by tha Communist Party as a Stats system and th* "Nep" aa a means of maintaining it...
...But It Is none the less true that, once thrown into tha opposition, they have made themselves the mouthpieces of tha movement *f d**p discontent aasn$g|t ible at th* heart of th* RuasJaa jat£ letariat and which, in spite of th* era* .dictatorship, has been able to lanafgB Itself In a whole series of cbnfncts aMt •b0"* - - M -'.¦•'>- Cling at Dictatorship • —^ .And If the rigorous measures aSfaSgf to th* opposition silences It within fa* Communist Party...
...Violations of this act fro to be punished by a 15,000 fine And %wp years la.the penitentiary, add the culprit* am also to b* deported, just imagine toft provision in fore* with''* mas) Has A. Mitchell Palmer as Attorney Gen•ML' sir...
...The best Immigration came here from 1SS0 to 1909...
...WU1 the Soviet power be abb) fs...
...It Is stupid tyranny...
...But in the grand mutations of society, the merchant throve...
...The following excerpts from that lecture are remarkable for their clarity and Insight into, the evolution of the bourgeois from a position of dependence to one of dominion...
...Johnson of Washington: I wis •bar* th# exponas...
...the Babbitt and professional Rotariaa...
...But the work of the soldier of Industry Is much mora necessary and for the moot part as dangerous as tbe work of the soldier on the battlefield...
...It Is interesting to trace the .evolution" Of this monstrosity...
...rmlrnM SW aW omrWn*| antP*Prfd|Wi a/ afedb m JWaSay mm aisr* #o» ajaW a>^ssj fa-Urnf •» *££ « Ug clam of exploiter* at At expand* •/ Ac ptrtr p*a*mU *id /ijajjfl Danzig Socialist Coalition Approved ENTRY of the Parliamentary group of the Social Democratic Party of the little Free State of Danzig into a coalition Government last August for the purpose of heading off a reactionary combination and obtaining concessions for the working masses of the population was unanimously approved by the 118 delegates to the party's annual convention held April 17 and 18...
...Th* report of th* national SJgjggJl ment had naturally net letTtbW^ssp organization unaffected, hot it w*d possible by an enrollment of more than 800 new members during: tha year hi compensate completely tor .the loess* Valuable . constructive work Is being done by the Party In the...
...JSvery alien la to register with tbe postmaster of the district where he resides, and removal from pne district to another must be recorded on the registration card...
...The card la to be exhibited whenever demanded by any policeman or any other official designated la that act...
...have tha majority...
...ThSta AT* no harder workteg peopi* than th* Pol** in thia country...
...That this early Christian beer*: no relation to the modern exponent of Puritan capitalism Is evident...
...Act, only much larger—the law could not be enforced...
...his Influence extended, and be gradually drew into bis company decayed or poverty-stricken members of feudal families, till at last In France , . . at the close of the seventeenth century, an edict was put forth, which John Locke has preserved fat the Journal of his travels...
...White slaves—because this is what the "indentured servants," so called, really were—formed the great bulk even In the eighteenth century...
...I heartily supported the proposed Increase...
...In 1806 retaliatory measures were adopted during strikes, and from these pleasures came the Idea of co-operation...
...Presumably, therefore, when an alien gets to be •tout or loses weight, or a woman undergoes another physical change, or has her hair bobbed, or a man raises a mustoehe, or shaves his beard—that must be reported to the postmaster and recorded on th* card...
...Ignorance and Intolerance, are hi* intellectual traits...
...A certain period at* ehlsenahlp and residence arfll be required to make one eligible to receive a pension...
...Hence came a conflict between agriculture and the business interests bound up with commerce, trade and banking...
...None of th* despotic spa* terns of th* past has given proof at* a capacity to make concessions Is this domain, and the discussions that w* have Just summarised have shown US...
...ketlng and credit, the movement also centered around producers' co-operation...
...stifles genius and prostitutes tassnt.'J A recent book by R. H. Tawney entitled "Religion and the Rise of Capital"'(N...
...The fact remains, however, that In the history of the American labor movement throughout the nineteenth century 'whenever economic action did not bring any favorable results they turned to political aetloa Or panacea remedies...
...Bulk alone appeals to them...
...Johnsoivpf Washington rose.' Mr...
...is declared, those advocating it* repeal will be subject to a prison' sentence of 20 year...
...Tbe profiteer waa regarded on a level with swine...
...There are more people killed In our Industries than In our wars, and more people Injured In Industry than tn war...
...According to a statement mad* before tha House Committee on Immigration more than one-half of to* native-Born citisens of the United State* are today unable to produce any record of...
...adapt Itself to the ever-increasing «uV gencie* of capitalist society...
...Now we can see that the merchantcapitalist forced the employer to produce cheap goods, and that in order to do this the workers' wages must be reduced...
...The espionage act Is still on th* statute books, to he revived the moment war 1* declared...
...Demanding, above all...
...Tha Puritan "transformed his qualities into virtues and erected -his virtues Into social standards of value...
...When war...
...It will be used In the next war, as it was in the last, not to punish espionage but to stifle all criticism of international slaughter...
...Jay anything" aside for tha days when they will he thrown upon the scrip heap...
...Toes* premises are certain to bring about the very result* that th* opposition tried to denounce at tha congress—th* re-establish ment of capitalism In its primitive and rapacious forms upon th* ruins of a more developed capitalism...
...Naturally, President Coolidge is an admirable exponent of this creed...
...Our ruling bourgeois class has no conception of artistic and human values...
...that those who merchandise, but do not use the yard, shall not lose their gentUity;' (admirable discrimination...
...The conspicuous type Is the business man, ranging from tbe merchant to Gary of the steel trust...
...And above all...
...the maximum penalty for its violation was two years to the old law...
...5—The Espionage Act...
...Evan a member of the oldest white American faa}Uy can count the generations It has existed In America on the fingers of bis bands, and not use all tha Anger...
...at produced enough facts and evidence t* support th* thesis, ~ , ,- Bht It was annate to moot the demand by tha asajortty to.fee shown practical moans with which to avoid th* dang*** Indicated...
...Under tha provision* of the bill the highest amount th* Government .will pay to any parson '$0 y**ra of *g* or ovsr—male or female—wiir b* M pV *?aiek...
...to this new bourgeoisie, primitive and rapacious, that was born and la growing In the heart of the Soviet regime, and that puts Its Imperious stamp upon the whole economic life of the country, a* well as upon the mentality of the country's rulers...
...Our entire policy in regard to Immigration Is foolish...
...These workers have made civilisation possible for everybody, and especially for the comfortable classes...
...Berger: Maybe he would deserve— I • Mr...
...Fundamentalism and Ku Kluxlsm...
...Such colonies were established, but they generally proved to be a failure...
...If capitalism produces In large bulk and a small portion of the population swine in luxury, the bourgeois smirks with satisfaction...
...Johnson, that the English merchant Is a newly discovered species of gentleman.' . . . At this moment, especially in our country...
...Is fought by the Puritan capitalist ss his ancestor, fought witches...
...him Jesus Christ was a great merchant whose sales and profits increased each year...
...John¦oa, please...
...N I wish to refer particularly to the immigration question:, v When the present law, which separates t*mflies and create* untold hardship among families kept thousands ff mile* apart, waa under consideration I offered two amendments...
...Of Its artist* It makes' merchant*, of It* thinkers, preachers...
...We doner it...
...In 1864 Senator Charles Sumner in a lecture before the Mercantile -Library Association of Boston,' presented the same theme...
...It is the creed of the he-man...
...With tha Revolutionary War over, new method* of production which required new functions came Into existence;' politic* took on a new aspect...
...The gentlemen who introduced so mi of them forget {hat tola country was settled and built up by aliens...
...quit* .clearly that, while renouncing *£other principles, the Bolshovlkl cttfeg with all tha mora tenacity to tkaff fundamental principle—dictatorial sad despotic power...
...At a later day an English statute gave now security to tbe merchant's account...
...Because under this act aliens convicted of violations of the act would immediately be arrested and deported...
...lib some stages of the history of the labor movement In this country, however, we find the workers proceeding in on* way or another toward emancipation...
...In 1924 the elected chief of American Babbittry, Julius H. Barnes, president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, brought "out a book...
...Not a conviction, was had of any citizen charged with actual espionage...
...And Just imagine th* tearful field for oppression and graft...
...groups of workers would get together and open cooperative stores...
...As conditions were favorable, the labor movement grow...
...The only purpose of retaining the espionage act on th* statute books is to assure financiers and profiteers and patiioteers, whenever it suits their ambitions to pirsb us Into tbe next war just as they pushed us Into the last war, that all opposition will be silenced...
...Whenever th* physical appearance of an alien change* this must be reported to the postmaster...
...It Is cruel and unjust to expect those who have lived a* lite of usefulness, creating wealth for others, to suffer the Indignities, the sordidness and the misery of the poorhouse when too old to work.' , The wages most of them receive during the years of their labor, are insufficient to enable them to...
...His wealth Increased...
...All these benefits the bourgeois returned in full measure, despising the peasant for his Ignorance and i servility, resenting the Inquisitiveness of the clergy and the condescension of the nobility, at the same time that he aspired to the power of the one and tbe superior position of the other . . . The Protestant theory was but the reasoned expression of the middle class state of mind...
...Later on co-operative warehouses were opened...

Vol. 3 • May 1926 • No. 20

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