-:- The News of the Week -:oeratie nyni to r»w*r. John Bar Joy oom &* asaying ha,vac wan tho cooMdge. Administration. Tha CoolVd** nrdar of MaV t permitting tha appointment at state, county...

...This recalls the fact that occasionally a slave owner in the South sold his land and emancipated' his slaves because of his conviction that chattel servitude was fundamentally wrong...
...The figures show that American capitalism is the most fertile in the world... is still a subtle censorship, although modified...
...REALTY AND PATRIOTISM SIX THOUSAND people trekked to Scarsdale, N. Y., last week to celebrate the one hundred and...
...No time should be lost...
...Communists ant aU wrong about labor loaders...
...Th* French Socialists have bean meetins In national convention to Consider their attitude to the present mixed government of Radicals and reactionaries or to a more liberal cabinet that may be headed |>y ex-Premier Herriot...
...The End of the^ VULagen Oroanwioh Village, which D«B has triad to intmortollsa fas th* kssk, "rsprcosnfd the revolt of wo las youth against tribal eastern...
...W« presume that" the decision Is good law considering that contracts are involved...
...When we consider the contemporary' period we also see no objection to the actibp of .the realtors at Scarsdale...
...If this is not equity and democracy we do not know what is...
...If win...
...The enemies were powerful...
...j Nothing has been more disheartening to us In pur ' own young experience than the utter neglect and inattention oft organized labor here In America to Tom Mooney and Warren Billings.^ These men were railroaded to Ufa Imprisonment, If'ever Innocent men were condemned to living death...
...and with us, too, we-'are sure, other young men.and women whose Ideals and dreams have not been touched by the blight of mate . rial power gad money-making are wondering... (their) poams aad pictures and plays tnd stories, "paychic candles," and ¦aylag gontly...
...Tbe "national Income" in' 182S Is placed at TO billione and'the "natlbnal wealth" Is increasing af the rate- of SO billions' a year...
...Billings, Sacco and Vansettl...
...The decision gtvos sanction to a practice In Washington which has become common snd which Is designed to exclude Negroes from certain residential sections...
...Naturally, there was much indignation expressed...
...Its agents went through the crowd...
...It can always be "bought out" or "bought up" as to Us latest' evolution ha Now York City, always mutilated...
...For instance, the other da)', a World editorial, in commenting -upon Leon Blum's challenge to Premier Bnand, referred to >the "failure of the capital .levy in half a dozen other European countries".and also to the...
...of the Socialist ana some liberal quarters, nothing much has been said or don...
...He r*pma*sarj vrith reminiscent richness tbo a*Mtt ot moral and poetic revolt of the yesak of yesterday, -the Greensdoh VOaeavthat a little more, than a lamia, J. waa green with the oxuborajsso *J^a£ Pive and sposUmeHy...
...On Wednesday the Socialist convention voted, not to support the present coalition fjovernment, but will support a government which will agree to a capital levy...
...The existence of ttm world te any bout pools society ia always exceedingly precarious and dubious...
...Premier Baldwin was fully informed of what was going on and he was indirectly pledged to carry out the terms of the agreement...
...Only wc,: the fleet, the self-ordained monarch* of the earth, ar* a pitiful sight in-the eyes ot a disinterested reason...
...The desire for money-making and the love for power, that are tbe • two •dominant urges, of tha capitalist...
...Their play at a pretense of ideals la Just a Case of mental auto-intoxication...
...Certain opinions are to be jndgajd on their merits and other opinions are to be jttdged by an answer whied immediately fottowav...
...Wo would mors p...
...So •"dtid the Moorland Development Corporation,' "which turned the" celebration into-a real estate selling scheme...
...Conservative oftta*-' ions go into the air without being foflowedTyy an answer from, the other side...
...editor ©4 Radio News, would speak after-Thomas, sb that the answer made by Gernsback rtftlly constituted a' debate without the equitable arrangements for division of time, rejoinder and rebuttal that accompany a debate...
...THE BRITISH MINERS IT IS not surprising that the aftermath of the British general strike is a muddle of misunderstanding, as The New Leader story in this issue shows...
...Two, human'lives are at stake, and if they are saved swift action alone will accomplish it...
...They see a vision of a Holy City of a New Order tci be rescued for the hordes of their faithful...
...when we sit here at our Removed Judgment-seat and view tbe chaps about us...
...Almost ten years have passed, and Mooney and Billings are still paying for their loyalty to the workers of America...
...The Xegro Is blamed for tha decline in the value of property In the neighborhood where he settles...
...Nash is not likely to be followed by others of his class, but lie at least can enjoy a distinction that comes to few members of upper classdom.-.- . EQUITY IN BROADCASTING NORMAN THOMAS succeeded in broadcasting over Station WRNY Monday night, but under circumstances that show that a subtle censorship over broadcasting exists even in the case of one station that •became accessible to him...
...While the broadcasting of minority opinions to be immediately answered by the other side is to be preferred to the exclusion of minority opinions 'frorn the radio, the fact'remains that the concession is one-sided, inequitable, and reveals a fear Of unfettered tiring of all opinions...
...A hBuel—s, humliuting gesture: Disdaining the vary class that mpports them, ignoring the vary so:i*ty that gives them Ut...
...It appears' that only one'resource is left to the friends of the-condemned men, and this is an appeal to the Governor for clemency...
...If the'lives of the men can be saved the work of-obtaining thjrir release can go on...
...The Supreme Court *of the former State has denied the appeal of Sacco and Vanzetti, and these two men now stand in the shadow of the electric chair.' They appear to be nearer death than Tom Mooney was following his farce of a trial...
...Sometimes, when a case like the Passaic strike brutality ot the pdliee comes to note, or a free speech matter like the WMCA case of Norman Thomas's, or the recent High, School episode and its stupid censorship—we pause "to wonder whether all the money and energy and indignation that is spent to try and protest for Justice te worth while...
...Seven hundred tfioops of the regular array participated...
...Inscription - Fair Helen's searing beauty has been sUng By nobler bards, with lyres nobler strung Than mine...
...Noverthaless, Floyd PaB 1 W'pytaM Sgure in his generation...
...VV>" Critical Cruisings By V. F. Calverton Dell's Dilemma HAtt sMigsog1 of th* roaa^S voSra* St
...has been used to acquire not only' real estate in the Philippines, but all sorts of property in Latin America...
...The stories ia **» volume that tell bf the Rise sod shjeV of Greenwich Village...
...Tha CoolVd** nrdar of MaV t permitting tha appointment at state, county anoV mu»ie*s»l ofSSfcrs m% Federal prohibition officers has Brought a revolt ia tho name fid "Stat* rtsbts," Five aovernors nave axpi ssnja| their opposition And fifteen . are non-coprmlital...
...tragically paO*atte!*'',^*,P—^^^S "Arm> gradually en* diacovorsd -at oneself certain aonrgaota traits 'WaV desire for, say...
...Love ot power and personal arnbltion have done snoreVto prevent the rehabilitation of that long-suffering nation than -even the blockades of their irilrol«Lneighbors...
...The Sacco-Vanzetti case is in many respects like the case of Mooney...
...Communists -are pmu^ufunSy aJ wsussa'ahisnV *hs ' right elements in unions...
...Meantime the sentiment is .'.growing for a general referendum to determine whether ore shall maAe' and consume the oU of Joy in tho^epen or In tbe cellar...
...Tha very source of Its capital is from tha bourgeoisie...
...PUaudski himself insists that ho merely wants to "clean house" and put • the Government [In good running order, without resorting to more violence, but an offlcjal proaa«P^a*^3 eameV^ ianUafi aam.bla pmpism XteajjUa .rtisj totfini»a eespanir of tha FeqattfJortni ists and trade unionists, POoudskl thus Bar has aald ttttla about real econeanc sWTorins and baa limited hfci •off to the usual "patriotic" platitudes and task- stent adrntajstrattvp -affiakmey...
...There is such a thing as tho beast bursting fronv its own gluttony...
...W* begin to get tired...
...Idealism of the incumbent rights is all the mot* alluring to the lefts, sine* they hav* not enjoyed Its' pronhse...
...It iartjto phllnoophy of tko esthete that stul lives with us in ear anemic art-ms'gsslnaa and literary periodicals...
...And this Sacco and Vansettl matter promises io go the samo> harmless way of oblivion...
...Next weak we iunenkn to . write * dignified article on th* camp tar th* Inside columns of th* Leader...
...We hold no Mams or* akpana *r condemnation-' on • awyone for tfcts coalition...
...We mean a despair for humanity...
...a spurious freedom...
...I2.S0) Dell has captured Una mpMW ot abandon, this adoration .for 'baayv as a way of life, that the book has ax^ arresting appeal...
...The New Leader therefore urges all organizations of the workers to immediately adopt resolutions and send them to Governor Alvan T. Fuller requesting him to commute the sentences of Sacco and Vanzetti...
...It would be impossible to conceive of an American banker convicted upon the testimony which has condemned Sacco and Vanzetti to die...
...axe no more united, than aha Republicans...
...They gave their talents and lives to...
...Bat -OA attitude toward Ufa is not dead, thongs th* old Greenwich Village be burled and rotten...
...have gone on their sweet and dainty ways ot internal bickering and Innocuous wage gerrymandering...
...ipr be the season of mere discontent, surely the' late spring artngs the hour of ujfar...
...It certainly is not satisfactory...
...Sacco and Vanzetti"are two obscure Italian workers ?:>d the accumulate...
...not be amiss to .note that the enpitalf'levy.was a main factor in enabling Czechoslovakia to stabilize its currency and to put through a number <of progressive social and industrial measures...
...So, may w* not ask that you defer signing up for your vacations until yam have board what we bare so say about urdty...
...discrimination and color prejudice...
...I have forgotten life and all Its wasted win...
...t The two leaders were, framed, and railroaded...
...The Labor Party will be strengthened thereby...
...There Is something in the/"capitalist plague that scorns the immunity . under which labor has felt secure...
...Th* of tha capitalist trenehea Ma* a poison gaav hav* drifted and are slowly enveloping th* ein"Mtfled-ss»«a*r«ff the workers...
...Governor Smith Is wet and also wants a referendum...
...of tlte wealth rosertbs^ twaopatn ponies, nearly one-half of "th* capper reserva* and thlsty aoaapentas about one-etghtft ot tha peirojaum rmervss...
...At the same time it la evident that these agreements are...
...We believe it la all a emu- , ral sequence/to tha tours*-o< awn** development...
...Is it air worth while, this eternal Child Crusading, against the infidel...
...We predict that his action in this affair will .cause his party big losses in every by-election and if a general election comes in the next few months his Government, will be swept out of office...
...They nfi mmt f qulsttaly chiseled vignettes...
...still has considerable to learn about-European affairs, or else his job doesn't include reading copy on ibe editorials written by his fellow workers...
...Tin* British" order "converted them to the "inalienable rights of man," one of these rights being to' acquire land and hold it so as to cash in later...
...James G. Birney, who was the anti-slavery candidate for President in 1840 and 1844 was a man of this type...
...made by the Times...
...Certainly, the Moorland De^ velopment Corporation is as much entitled to use the army as our oil owners in Mexico...
...It would be interesting to know just when the French Socialists - were running the Govem- ment, and it may...
...They should' have' been represented and their consent should have been obtained before calling off the strike...
...The British Labor movement has...
...After values have fallen and be moves In, the decay .is attributed solely to him with the result that agreements of the kind mentioned above are written to«keep htm la'the poor section even if be has become able to afford a residence in a'Better section...
...He never found a satisfactory solution and eventually reached what is practically a Socialist conclusio/i.' "My friends,", he said,' "you notice that I talked about classes and class consciousness back there in 1920...
...And yet, sometimes into this drowsy void There steals some voice I dimly knew Of one I loved "in some far world' And have forgotten long ago.' —Max Press...
...A house In the aaaBBJt and children, and oottlod Ufa—foroap becomes tired even of f*fa#nm|.' TPS*, let the bourgeoisie take Greenwich Vfi* lege, by all means...
...I Another mistake of the trade union leaders was committed in not taking the miners into their" confidence when negotiating the .agreement...
...Taay reflect, the precious Indolence, the rhsisi ing ngbtness and lriconsequonthdBr of that Jife which now has garmasgsr itself within shadow and palL . Free Lov« C Judge Lindsay tells us of The Beagt of Modern Youth (Bonl A LJvsaafsM " tt.vO)—that youth loves with aJSs3 spirit, mates with a new hope, spas with a n*w desire...
...Whatever may be the result of the present discussion we may be sure that the British working class will come out of it stronger than ever: The working class learns by experience arid the knowledge which they have gained in their recent struggle will be of immense service in any other struggle that may face them in the future...* tesooa of state, they f>avo no- Interest...
...aa yds remark far yourselves, that we will not spend baa much at our valuable space this weak about that rather Important subject, sine* our aforerunntog rmsrti on labor |b general are in no way apnopoS to such a pleasant subject as tha Unity House...
...Stat* Herman...
...No wore kfiara of any kind, and hpnoo no mora MoaV - lorda su*ported by r***, mm mmt* ¦tost of f ortawo fees* Kite Miosrasan* : Li ST fartaw*' te shqrt, n*;sss»^Mj»»-:- -:- THE CHATTER BOX -:- -:THE temptation to become tired, particularly In these summering days, is overpowering...
...with vary few most honor- able exceptions, the love at poslUon and financial reward has broken dawn every barrier of Ideal snd ethic, and left the entlre^flotd a mere snyudged-up melee of political mahoeuvorlng (and wire pulling among a coterie of *»rct superman...
...Tho Socialists have over 100 deputies in the f chamber and have power to force concessions from their enemies...
...Breonan of Illinois, Democrat and exponent ot culture and "honest graft," also wants a referendum and is as wet as Smith...
...Nirvana The feeble sounds of >Earth come stealing here Like faint, stray music through the veils of sleep, • Bringing me" strange, forgotten dreams Ot men that pray and laugh and weep...
...i. •.« -Vv...
...Franck panSituatiam jm Ucs are sUB mndFrmmm* Jfizaiaf wltto Pr*~ : mler Briand denyIn* that ha intends th resign regardless of tha decision of tha National Social* 1st Convention In ' Clermont-Ferrand...
...according to a surras...
...Thefe were land speculators in those days and quite a number of godly colonials were interested iti land ventures ip the West...
...Th* great, labor loaders, the great labor organizations, tbe great this and that of tile workers...
...there, seams to be more likelihood of a Pilsudskl . dictatorship . than, there waa after the coup d'etat of .May U. Some forelxn correspondents have estimated tn* number .slain in Warsaw at more.than 600...
...This estirnnte is based upon a study of 43.000 probate records in 24 typical counties from 131* to i»82...
...But out of the discussion going on in England it appears fairly clear that the trade union leaders placed too much reliance upon the agreement for ending the strike, which was negotiated with Sir Herbert Samuel...
...Sat' social norm in Greenwich Vilkanv'' . They were "reasonable, IniiBsiSml modern young people...
...That will satisfy his southern constituents...
...and Billings are faint echoes of a ' popular song now forgotten—sung many, many years ago...
...A decision of the Economic* Of jjntbsd States SuMac, Pr.iaw«c J^mSS^ whites to enter * into agreements against tho sale or conveyance' of property - to persona of Negro blood...
...They were dangerous ' to the - enemies of |he ones they sought to lead and helps to higher and finer living...
...claazes, have ' affected most, of our once idosllsUc working-class ln' atlfutions... his Birmingham speech, 'gave his blessing to tills policy...
...Much squeaking of tables, Adjusting of chatrS, Then silence, as poets Dole out their, wares...
...a part ot that general tendency of our noble "democracy" to consign the Negro to the bottom of society...
...momoryal insaaari river* radiant wtfhMj*B practical U not uhaootlc -tn *J be has alroady begun to awsaia| th* toffloxm task of sdJwstasjW akfl Vsgtm tm marry -rosJity fi||| groacri—already begun t» uSfMaS xsallllaa that once would Km ksaa' rvpulsiv...
...Tho economics ot capitalist society are at the basis of this sooht...
...Other speculators owning land in the settled East favored the British order and became Tories...
...True, there are hundreds of souls who march on like chHdreh crusaders against the infidels of Injustice, darkness and*.beastliness...
...Short of a complete victory, this misunderstanding was likely to occur...
...Tho - freedom «t any Ckaaaalch Village kt, after aa...
...Others denounced it as a "disgraceful affair...
...that I* why we wonder...
...Thanh you...
...And It Is because la Jgss) In Greenwich Village fGeorge H. oSm Co...
...At Grubb~Sreet Club .Confusion and chaos And chatter Immense, Of authors and poets Dramatically tense...
...the Polish He public...
...French Socialist .leaders as seeing a "chance for their own return to power...
...Too, door tody...
...There most be either complete freedom of presentation of all views over the radio or conservative opinions most also be followed by an answer...
...Thomas vtjas not informed that Hugo Gernsback...
...Especially in May...
...When it la' x**nea*b*r*d thkb tUi sunasmMjk* tlon 1* bulwarked fa kswn and that rnt masaas can revoke than- ooassestt- to this concentrated *a mi Ship Qhwgjkap wish to, their patience tn vatnafl «ar tho parties of <mpttaffsn>' hi pathetic...
...Evidently the'Chief editorial writer ot the World who, according to The World itself, is "a close student of international 'politics...
...We remember that We must settle up our bill for due stamps snd that tomorrow night Gus Ctaessens is lecturing at the headquarters—and we must be .there...
...This decision was reached by a votb of 2,2*8 to 166 with 685 abstentions... the Amalgamated" when the masses are ready for this program...
...Why was...
...There was tm.SS sttitud* of those now vairtshfA Vj»Vr bxgers something of a "iiihg<iahssL aalvata, a lata-Victorian ' 'lajlia ness...
...the country and bo rospoctabla," .. And 00 ended the external tormmjmt aa experiment of play-boys te tfmv heart or a msddsnlqg world...
...Thi* involves asstel action, isaiaaattmi with tho asset...
...what we may hay* to say will ha aanfillnii »f...
...Art and Society Thee* joyous vagabonds, as DOB admits |n Intellectual Vagaboadaga (George K. Doran Co, »1.25) were "unenterprtaang cfaOdern . . . uiatiat with HtOe toys.'^ They did not, esit' today they still Oh not 000 that thaw only oocap* ia a on rial one...
...There is nothing to become indignant about at Scarsdale... Ah, f *a* it etearty mrnff* mtf ay**, tn* eHy of justioa and bagplnsr...
...hers quite aVaatUrly...
...One of the causes of the American Revolution was the order of the British authorities restricting settlement in the West...
...U noTt* be found tn (3reana<ch Villages, however, . onrhantlng their color aa* prom las, but in a new society Lost wTfl make sore as free ast «ancy and J*» tetaOtgant aa reason, This new society can **fc/ be part at a **W snwi workl...
...For the moment Baldwin hopes to help his class in defeating the miners, but his shady conduct will not be lost upon the voters...
...As I went along studying this question I found out one thing, »and that is that the avaricious class consciousness on the side of the capitalistic employer make it- impossible for anybody to stand for the fiberty- and the rights of the laboring man, unless he is class conscious...
...SACCO AND VANZETTI MASSACHUSETTS appears to bt envious-of the shameful record set,by . r California in the Mooney and Billings cases...
...fiftieth anniversary of the Battle of White Plains in the War of the American Revolution...
...emphasizing- the fact that the one-time Socialist leaner us not aa popular with, all classes as he was directly after the creation of...
...What .has labor done to date to release tiibir Christs from GolCotha...
...Men of the type of Nash are rare...
...Th* Mr* that has debased the...
...Sometimes, wo wonder If all our radical movements pre worth the tremendous toll and sacrifice that the comparatively few Children Crusaders so feelievlnsly expend...
...But by their dulcet numbers I csn prove That ancient heroes sang of warmer love Than thine...
...Hero in- Doll'sVSlage this lore was loved before aserts sensationalized It and moralhsnt at...
...Tha Democrats, scenting «--roturn to the pU uuimafc...
...tempted to ferret out its laparts...
...Their efforts werei frultfyi... can't.lose," urged the salesmen as they distributed—their literature...
...Tha economics of the movement are also interesting...
...ghostly moons and flaming suns...
...wsrUL State, hot teossttea from tkatk'JJMa aaiiiaffiiaafiugn Is tmposofble...
...Wore It not for this decay of values in white sections th* Negro would be unable to move in...
...realtors heed make no apology...
...t The Federal Ownership Of Trade CommlsU. S. /tTesewreas *lon r*nort"" ^ y7^ the: "nation's wealth" Is now 'about...
...Save ipr sporadic protests from tbe Crusading few...
...Contracts are considered "sacred" under bourgeois law...
...Tha voters hav* cavmtidy badn Wary kind f» oar capiuho* noWUty...
...It'was an umisual prpcedMre...
...If all thia we are doing Sa worth while...
...a faith, happy and ahaarf,^^ the goodness and beauty of uu» caia&l universe...
...Buy now...
...Senator Robtrtsnrv of ArfcansJoa/Democrat, declares for a referendum hut adds-that ha boflsvea a Mg'majorrty Is dry...
...With society, with tho sUuggkt of rlssaaa...
...They controlled law, order And "Justice...
...They sg* a* g***P*d k* dosir e for power and pecuniary reward as -are th* one* they oSsk to depose...
...Meantime, th* war in Morocco appears ,td be ended, with the surrender of Abdel-Krlm- Re and his forces have been worn - out - so that Morocco Is again made safe for capitalist Imperialism... considered necessary that an answer should be made to Thomas...
...What happened was perfectly fitting...
...had its first experience with a general strike and as such a struggle involves so many factors unknown to a struggle on a smaller scale, any failure of negotiations is bound to invoke a variety of opinions regarding responsibility...
...Their only hop* M too annihilation of th* bourgeoisie...
...a cause and a class without stint and without thought el personal aggrandizement...
...Than, also, let us say...
...r '. t' _^ With the more 'DietmturBntp...
...that ia why wathlnk of the Socialist Party, to which we have given so much of our lives...
...Whether It wouldn't be a treat deal more ieffectlvu toward our common end of a new world or a now order, to just allow stupid brutality, to go Its full strfag of Intolerance and blind brutality...
...reactionary Polish Talk m Pdami •i«>nent" opposed -to the temporary reruns set up by Marshal Pilsudskl clamoring ¦ for a drive on "Warsaw* by General HaUer in-Pooen and anaounc'Ina* that they wilt, nut recoa-nixe the president to be elected at a special session- t>{ ^Parliament next Monday...
...Especially when the season holds forth all the glory of how a world could be If men and women were-kin with nature and her forces.' That Is why we think of Christ, Gen* Dobs, Mooney...
...What will they "use army troops for next ?" asked an army officer, who objected, to makingftbe soldiers a "side show to a real estate selling scheme...
...John Bar Joy - oom &* asaying ha,vac wan tho cooMdge...
...If one half of the" interest taken In this question concentrated on the economic problems of capitalism we would be far on tha road to Industrial freedom...
...They lock thsostelves In like gorgeous birds, nappes*, their wings In hollow corridors tkntv but return th* oohoee of their own distress...
...Nash is-a large manufacturer and had for years been experimenting with a number of plans in the hope of finding a- rational expression of his idealism...
...However, we are inclined to think that the...
...B50 billion dollars...
...They ar* still playing wfaA life...
...prejudice of a generation piled on the "BoUhevik" hysteria of a few years ago, fell upon these two victims...
...Forgotten pride, desire and pain, Wan...
...I bora looked, into, your Subconsciousness, sad seen Its secret need, and those ar* especially for roof than pocketing th* reward with a alissinlsea omlrk...
...It ia' estimated1 that 1 per oent of the decedents rep&rted in the probate records owned 59 per cent...
...yerhnps Russia im tha beat example of how those Influences work, even against the., legendary magic of their dead MerUn...
...Referring to the Socialist preamble of the Amalgamated he said that he is ready "to turn over the property interests of the A. Xash Co...
...So land speculation liad much to do with-the American Revolution...
...Bleak, wintry winds and sTunstar fain...
...A UNIQUE EMPLOYER ONE of the-most remarkable addresses ever delivered to a trade union convention .was that made by...
...always dtsperasd...
...Arthur Nash of Cincinnati to the Montreal convention of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers...
...they fly aad Butter -ogos-inat the bourgoofaua...
...Doct >red ' evidence and perjured testimony figured in both and every fair-minded person that has followed the history of the case is convinced that two innocent men have been doomed to death*The large*alien population o'l Massachusetts has' brought a general prejudice against aliens in general in that State...
...Tha Sgas _t the Fourth Goddess, and tka.Xasasr^ and the Masterpiece are all dMskalajt^ fragmentary things, without eraansTand without power...
...f**v honrgaaUi* cannot ha defied ky a Phrase, Ignored by a. gesture...
...And any close study of the American labor movemeat clearly reveals haw...
...It was the late President Harding who...
...That is why...
...As earnestly and as impotentiy as Inspired babes they trudge on, only to be beaten back, starved, broken and loot, long before they have even crossed their dirn frontiers...
...It reminds us of the World War, which was so general over the world that many students are still engaged in a debate regarding "responsibility...
...The kingdom of tree and fiower and brook and bird, the realm pf bee aad cetcket and butterfly,' the empire ot opaled sky, symphonic storms and beryl seas—are aU atuno to- an anthem of hope and Joy in Ufa and the meanest blade* of grass dances a-quiver to tbe ballet music of May...
...It now appears that he has no intention of doing so...
...He gave his life and money to fighting the social system of the South...
...When' we consider the distribution of the "national wealth" there Is plenty of Joy for a' few...
...First of all, let us say that Comrade Esther Freedman did not .ask as to opond 00 much of our valuable space about the Unity He one "(the camp maintained by the workers of the International Union for Workers)., afthough sb* Is doing ftp publicity work...
...If it be said thai the theme of Thomas's speech was controversial the same is true of every address urging .a larger army, a larger navy and universal milrional mrnrn-tty 6ann^ hmiittt^fat "hniew are under <*twaiion So take t%e ctWse bt% thefe action by having an answer to this opinion immediately- - broadcast...
...Members of a ruling class have all the urge of interest to remain with their class and when one goes over to support of a new sociaj"' order he becomes unique...
...So wo keep wondering...
...Love," they know, "is sweet wMer* lasts"—it was this attitude that set came famous, that "quickly harass...
...As a matter of tact, property values In such sections have already fallen before the Negro moves in... any illinmltal fashion, without **a*k*x«S Tha artist's drSsUB...

Vol. 3 • May 1926 • No. 20

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