Rockefeller Employees Coerced Into Buying Wild-Cat Oil Stocks President of Struck Maryland Road Admits Workers Were Tricked in Stock Fake WASHINGTON CHARGES *T8M mMl Mil llllfaMlf . nature...

...But to achieve a peaceful revolution In England by political or other means will," suspect, require a higher order of leadership than was found in the general strike...
...A. Kosoff, 1021 Stebblns avenue, the Bronx, arrested for picketing, was dismissed...
...272 Prospect avenue...
...Inquiries atddreeaed^o this alleged ofltof were returned by the St...
...Henry Noel Brailsford, editor of "The New Leader," official organ of the Independent Labor Party, criticises the Union Congress for ending the strike without conferring with the miners...
...J. H. Thomas, of the railway men...
...Rockefeller on...
...The resolution waa adopted with absolute unanimity...
...clerks In' places where the company was alleged to have leases received replies to the effect that the Maryland Oil Corporation was unknown and that no record of its holdings aristed, Paddock gave a history of two year* negotiations carried on by the Brotherhoods In vain attempts to induce toe company to concede the same rate**f pay paid on other similar roads...
...Long Island City...
...dlraMBT of ludltows...
...given by Paddock...
...papular dsaaand* from ministerial associations, agsBsaaasJ ciai bodies and-large nssnbsps «f c«fe sens along the Una of the jaal Maxwell C. Byers...
...and, in answer to questions as to report of the Interstate Conunerc* Commission which placed the blame for the destruction of 43 cars and an engine on Massie, tods: exception to tha harness of the commission's report...
...Up to the last moment, some of the officials of WRNY wanted to make the program manager cancel his Invitation for me to speak...
...Such criticism ss I may have to offer about the present situation is not so much criticism of individuals or stations as ot the situation which we have allowed to grow up.' "Can you hot write this sentence on page 3? 'A hundred thousand dollars or more have been p/ked and received for licenses,- ending the sentence in that^manner...
...independent chairman" to abolish the national minimum wage and substitute district minimum wages, and to order any further reductions he chose...
...His speech dealt with th« dpAgers of poUUcal control of the radio and with the danger of the radio trust over .smaller stations...
...Speaking* of strikes, the feeling Is growing on me that tbe leaders or some of them in tbe British general strike botched things...
...The General Council tried to make the miners accept the Samuel proposals, threatening to call off the general strike...
...I can conceive Of: a speech on capital' punishment, let us sajr, where I tell, not about the crimes of execution, but about the virtue of correction...
...I, •W,*jey_r,a* ¦ fWI axUBirUstrative reforms...
...At jhe same time a motion for a new trial is being placed before Judge Webster Thayer—trial judge—on the basis of new evidence about which important disclosures wit be mad* tar tba nex...
...Snowden ,declared in Commons that "lockouts and strikes have seldom >r never served any useful purpose...
...Certainly the miners ought to have been more fully consulted, and emphatically the railway workers ought not to have been put in a position where they had to sign a confession of wrongdoing in coming out on strike...
...editor of the English New Leader, hints that most of the responsibility for' this generalship falls on the shoulders of J. H. Thomas...
...Reservations should be made at once through August Claessens, Room 461, People's House, 7 East 15th Street...
...Louis postoffice with notations that the firm wag unknown...
...Thomas' past record makes the charge all too likely...
...Some whe refused to bay were written offisnslv* .letters and others were called from .thair ,hod* hjr...
...Community sentiment is swinging strongly behind the Passwla aaxtanaat Th* parade last Sunday was au_impressive demonstration of support...
...Let me take the chances if there are any to be taken...
...j The wisest of us must, for by fsr the most port, judge like the simplest...
...train while on a mountaltr gradS...
...He added that "the greatest victories of trade unionism have been won by negotiation and conciliation...
...A sensational development of the hearings w*s a direct contradiction of Byers'- testimony by W. P. Crgbtree...
...opposed his labor policies, but implied that he had pursued his present course in defiance of that opposition...
...All tbe LjMfr decisions of all the black-robed ,.*2lo*B of the world cannot alter the DSB (hat the execution of Sacco and ESpItU on the basis of their trUl win f|g Jadicial murder...
...Assistant Grand Chief of the Brotherhood of LocomotiTC Engineers, before tbe Senate Committee oa Interstate Commerce, in session" here...
...SHOE STRIKERS HOLD FAST Grady Sav* the Union's, Ranks Hold Faster Than Ever Before ARESit naI1 a°d social quarters to "which striking shoe workers can ' retire between shifts of picketing the shoe factories .in Brooklyn has been opened at S58 DeKalb avenue, the center of the strike area...
...Meanwhile the calling off of the general strike and the surprising conditions signed by the leaders of the railroad unions, admitting that the sympathetic strike was a "wrongful act," seem to preclude all possibility of industrial aid and a immobilization of the masses in support of the miners... each of 'the...
...but I have no doubt that when everything Is straightened out cowardice will occupy a prominent place...
...Th* answer of the miners to the pj lean Minister, he said, was that they .would be, beaten Into starvation before they would accept the recommendations -for longer' hours and lower wages...
...They* blamed the- government for precipitating the strike...
...We must not lot tha strikers Under these circumstance* ho starved Into submission... broadcast a speech whlah^|kad been' barred by .other stauone...
...Byers as to the state of public feeling along trie lino of the road...
...Ramsay Mac Donald, leader in Parliament, and other* who reached the agreement with Samuel are being accused of .having been moved by timidity...
...To the consternation of the country, the strike was called off without apparent rhyme - or reason, and seme days must elapse before we learn accurately all that caused the dreadful debacle...
...That puts it up to the rank and file of' the other unions to give all possible financial help...
...Wouid bandits have been engaged In such, public activities...
...jiulato of controversy was demanded...
...Red Hook Lane-and Fulton streets...
...A third ItolWill under an assumed name, and lit now known to have served two • tamis for larceny...
...Re claimed that Massie was highly recommended by the Virginian Railroad official^ from which road he came and on which a striker If still going mi...
...Tbo defense contpUttee is not organising the agitation that Is springing np everywhere...
...Here I can conceive of a .speech which not once- mentions any"bo...
...Baldwin Tricked Labor...
...Now WRNY has proposed a formal debate on June 7. I have accepted, but I have insisted that what I say shall be absolutely uncensored...
...H. stated that-be deployed the incident dnd that M MM da Jbo learned of It be aiwl ** ill - .ftlulul -t Attorney CbaUsngss ^rsejslded / Br era' tMtlmonr was principally confined to a» elaboration of the Onan<jlar condition of tha property, upon Which ha baaad a.ohlm that tha West, arn "Maryland was unable to pay tha ¦ par cent, increases asked by tha man 'and that It would h*Ta faoad a receivership had It dona so...
...John Wheatley, writing in-the Glasgow "Forward," declared: "The struggle will surely rank as the greatest and most bungled strike ln history...
...What the court said may f^fclifrr-tvci have our doubts of that— jMJsrUioly was not "justice...
...A special meeting for all union members working in shops In which, no 'strike has bees declared wjp bejje-id In the union headquarters SjB^.Jjgg-nday at 6:80 p. m. Strikers from the Morse and Burt company will meet at the Brooklyn IAbor Lyceum next Monday nt 1 p. m. and from the George Baker Shoe Company next Tuesday at 1 p. m. in the Labor Lyceum...
...THE "gentleman's agreement" made by Prime' Minister Baldwin with the Trades Union Council through Sir Herbert Samuel as an 'intermediary, by which the general strike whs celled off, hag proved to be nothing less than a huge confidence trick perpetrated on the miners and the entire British labor, movement...
...The statement of officials that the factory is not involved In the strike le*denled by James Grady, president of the 7,000 union shoe workers striking hi Brooklyn...
...Crabtree made the point -.blank charge that be had seen a strike* breaking official of the company turn «a angle-cock connected with the air brakes In an attempt to create the impression that someone had - tried to cripple the RgitSpVot the...
...If I were) dealing with you entirely for myself I would say go and tell anything you like, but I should be much happier If you would meet me on this point and seek to eliminate personal attacks, even if they are thoroughly justlfled...
...Talk more about the Dill Bill...
...Ministers Challenge Byars Be claimed that the places of lifelong employes had bean taken by men who came "from everywhere about tbo country...
...which means three dollars '-^ptoto over tlie present scale...
...Claessens told- the strikers what would happeu if they break union ranks aud return to open shops...
...that two men had been killed while working, with him...
...They are termed the victims of "naive diplomacy...
...On the face Vjf^lt...
...Of course, you may say that I am exhibiting the same sort of fear as the' others...
...I would rather that you soften down or eliminate the more specific...
...commercial pressure under which -eto...
...In addition, the wage board proposals were tantamount to compulsory arbitration, empowering the...
...How's that for relativity...
...On receipt of Thomas* address, the officers of WHNT- insisted on Isaacson writing the toBowing latter: "My dear Mr...
...Sacco and Bartolemeo Vansettl were to be turned over to the public executioner has caused a flood of protest from all parts of the country that has amazed everyone, even the defense committee...
...Xo active Socialist can fail to attend this important gathering...
...1 A. J. Cook, secretary pf the Miners* with "betrayar of the miners...
...The resolution of the miners' executives, while refusing to agree to any redjuctlon la wage's "which admittedly do, not now provide for a decent standa»k...
...BECKERMAN BANQUET TO BE GALA AFFAIR A reception and banquet will be tendered to Abraham Beckerman by the Socialists of"^ Greater New York City on Friday evening, June 4th...
...Cook stated in conclusion that, in addition to the £274,000 received from the Russian miners he hsd had another wire that they had etrilecte* almost the same amount again and help waa coming from the Continent and America...
...tot ms briefly review' the facts...
...after a thar r ouch investigation, pronounced biav responsible for the worst disaeasr which had occurred oa the-*railroad to many.years...
...The arrangements are under the auspices of the 8th...
...Grady announced that the "spirit of the strike was 100 percent better than last week...
...The appeal for a rehearing of the former arguments by the State Supreme Court is now being taken...
...We were told that they had a guarantee that the Government Would accept the Samuel proposals...
...Learuth Hall, Waverly and Myrtle avenues...
...On page 3 could you not say this...
...H was charged that the oompany, wfcafe pretending to he still negotiating, hired strike-breakers and then locked out the men by issuing a "yellow doa/* contract to which an iiistiinatrlsnat and individual surrender of the...
...runaways,, one of the worst disasters' in tbo history of the road, sad as being responsible for the death of two men while working with him...
...the subject .of industrial relations'that he did not believe that he had been properly acquainted with the facta...
...While the hands of the* executioner are momentarily stayed by appeals for rehearing Sacco and Vansettl are : fearlessly awaiting out the very short 'period that is to .bring their case to a 'close one way or another...
...i In our' judgment, an oeonomia system which fails to provide all th* members of society with • fair and reasonable opportunity to secure the material mesne to live • useful, healthy, social life stands self-condemned...
...The record of one, C E. Miisais, an...
...Among the names mentioned which Isaacson "suggested...
...Superintendent of the western division of the Western Maryland, and his chief: dark, the first betas* president and the second treasurer of this com pan j...
...We did not think the Trades Union Congress would dare to call oil the .general strike and betray the miners, but betrayal it was...
...Long Itdund City, this morning...
...charges yon make and develop rather what you feel would be an Ideal condition in broadcasting arrangements...
...Rockefeller Employees Coerced Into Buying Wild-Cat Oil Stocks President of Struck Maryland Road Admits Workers Were Tricked in Stock Fake WASHINGTON CHARGES *T8M mMl Mil llllfaMlf . nature ware mm/tm against tha mansgement of the Wwtan Maryland Railroad, of which Jo ha XhRockefeller, Jr., Is the main owner, by W. A. Paddock...
...Mention the .fact' that the invitation came to you personally through Mr...
...casspspjlas tg by the Brotherhood official fViliWlJfcg t*» -company...
...They moved the anniversary celebration of it five months forward in time and six miles south In space...
...In this relation...
...a striker, was fined 83 by Judge Brotzky of the Jefferson Market Court on a charge ot disorderly "conduct for entering iuii Vassar Shoe Company, it Grove street, Manhattan, and urging a worker to leave the factory...
...Here?'is a new Mooney case to disgrace what we call justice in America...
...Sr.- Thomas Koon, mayor of Cumberland, and F. W. Misb, president of the -Washington County, Md„ Farmers' Co-operative Association and a heavy shipper on the road, all gave testimony which was in direct opposition to that of Mr...
...April i...
...No Accounting Made Paddock further charged that aa accounting for the affairs of this company had' ever .keen made, and thai employes who requested an accounting were browbeaten and discharged by the officials responsible . for the, scheme...
...By Norman Thomas jjfcaitn policeman who arretted me ^V^mdsr the sour apple tree in Oar' 1Bmlaid...
...Why not take the attitude I have suggested above...
...Hoover, regarded in' some quarters as1 "dictator" of the radio...
...But the defense Committee welcomes the continued oothtsrlty of the working easts, says a statement It Is issuing, explaining Ha position...
...purposes is also to unionize the *flt't*jrt sisve 14th street, as well as Xftto downtown business section i'^SSSy barbers are miserably un^•r^tstenient issued by Anthony 3J^*!«» organizer of ^the International '•hS**1 and a v'ce-pfe8ident of that igtoy, who is here to a*sist in the con^ythlt of the strike, points out that ggri demands of the union are very Bgderate, and that the organized barig1 aI other cities throughout tbe...
...six sect ions involved in the strike...
...Sacco and Vanxetti •tops arrssted nay £. 1920, when they wars active In arranging, protest' nleetto|» In the famous' Salsedo case...
...Em pi eyes Casrcod Into Buying The employee were cajoled and C*jr ¦creed by these two officials tote tovesting their savines...
...Letters written to offices of count...
...Jerome Valenti...
...Only in Boston is there difficulty in giving expression to the outcry of ! the working claw- A mass aeeeting advertised for last Sunday with Elisabeth Gurley Flynn a principal speaker had to be ca-celled because no hall could be secured...
...THE news that Nicola...
...swore to havJpgi Vauzettl In Plymouth at the ^jfist'ef the murder...
...Bruce, that be had introduced tfcMga, ohitlon in answer to...
...tH* also charged that ho had been discharged for refusing to sign false statements in connection with the runaway...
...Baldwin now denies that be gave Samuel, authority to negotiate any agreement...
...Give your conceptlohs of thtfrtght conditions...
...During the negotiations it had become clear that the government was demanding an immediate 10 percent wage reduction of all wages over 45 shillings a week, as the condition for calling off the lockout notices...
...The Sacco-Vansettl Defense Committee .meanwhile is continuing the legal defense- of the men...
...A fine musical program has been arranged with Miss Adelaide Klein, Contralto, and Leo Deutsch...
...On the other hand, wo believe that the resources of the nation, under a proper organized society, and with the oliminstion of many forms of waste, could give a proper and reasonable standard of life to every citizen.—A...
...Baldwin has refused to live up to the terms bo-agreed upon for adjusting the mining controversy...
...He read extracts from Rockefeller's book, "Personal Relations in Industry," which took direct issue with the labor-baiting policies charged tojthe Western Maryland...
...In that case,' It Is the business of society to help the workers find other employment and to provide for them during unemployment...
...ewasr^tdl Ihsyg* rW tr.« a art) est sf interesting enepa^ ' After all who cedld hp fnduCed '**> forced to buy stock had been duped...
...Note the attached...
...In other words, throw' ail the blame on me...
...I can conceive, of a speech made about censorship* Which does not mention the cen-' sors, but toils about the freedom of speech...
...All union members are urged to attend' dally...
...As yet I .have not seen tbe .English labor papers and am gaided only by such extracts as are cabled to America...
...that their economic condition is desperate, and that th* man ar* entitled to pea*reus help from America, Managers of radio broadcasting stations must have dreadfully bad consciences to be such cowards...
...Is* ssJB gattoa f&e bearings ware hold, stated, ia answer to questioning by Baaahar...
...The Phvoe of this gathering has been changed from the«Rand School to the l»ark Palace, 8 West 110th Street, to accommodate the largest gathering of Socialists and Trade Unionists in reoent years...
...Praeger stated that the railroad had, by abrogating Its agreement with its shopmen and farming out its maintenance work, produced a "feeling of consternation m the el ties along tha lino of the road...
...Senator Wheeler aakad Byers to explain a newspaper statement is which it was claimed that the not income of tha Western Maryland waa three times as largo':in lttf aa th lM«- This waa tha period during which the negotiations between the men and the company which culminated in tha strike ware being conducted, the man now on strike being on the engine* thi months of 1KB...
...Ha urged tbe enactment of the DM bill which alms to ootsbttsh nonpolltlcal control over radio...
...the first paragraph, put in three or tony sentences mora explaining tha,t under the present conditional atatmag-- neoeeaarlly are forced.into a position which other arrangemeoto would^not^^uso^them to ^^^^av« not been able to get « license, say that they have no license so far-r-wh)% yon do not know...
...Rockefeller, in which responsibility was disavowed oh the'ground of minority holdings...
...Henderson... broadcasting station* wWlLi v- i In tBtnrWssjj* ytiM the hard and fast rn*» of radio staticna, Thomas was forced to svbenit his speech for the adranea iie^iaal at the radio organisation...
...Two thousand listeners cheered him., William Feigebaum...
...Leaders like MacDonald and Philip Snowden have replied that the general strike was doomed by economic reasons to fail...
...New Jersey, was an honest, ¦> JaisV»*tDTed sort or chap who didn't -CsKstt }oa, While the mighty intel•HdlS of Hackensack were trying to *h»# up a complaint for him to sign i.y.frked.'.to* cop soliloquised thus: -taofl, t»S meet in*- was moral, It was berUdofr pskce, .but law and morals /ajat fto~awae thing, and a policeman hssvtsdo by the law, only sometimes as jpMS't know what it Is...
...In the meantime the sudden calling off of the strike, followed by the revelation of Baldwin's immense trickery, has wrought much trouble in the labor movement...
...In a formal, statement...
...I still believe that .the net result of the strike was gain and not loss for British workers...
...I know how you feel about it Do hot misunderstand, me...
...That is done by snob organizations aa tfee Sacco-Vanxetti Conference, a disassociate body of unions and individuals...
...apftotr}- are enjoying . considerably' ppfcer wages and better conditions, gfjfce union ia appealing^io organused Wjar and the public in general to give Sgto their mora) support by patroaMla anion barber shops that display...
...This will be done, and there Is hope of much useful assistance" from .abroad...
...creeping and begging" in the House of Commons, and former Premier MacDonald and Thomas with, making speeches that the working class movement will read ln the future with shame...
...Brooklyn Labor Lyceum, Myrtle and WiUoughby avenues...
...It wag asserted, by Paddock that some of the employes were Induced to draw money from the relief depart* ment of the railroad to buy this worthless stock and 'that dad action* had been...
...The evidence ¦PJsaat them would not have hanged SaJDast Side frunman, ex3«pt for the Sjtl-Red hysteria...
...Real battles have been fought to further precisely the same sort of interests, using the same sort of fake patriotic appeal, as brought about the amusing sham battle of White Plains...
...The atrocious crime of murder and robbcry J |ook place at' South Braintree, Mass...
...guilty of this atrocious murder...
...The Reverend E. K. Miller, who represented the Ministerial Union of CumT berland...
...No attempt was made by Byers to explain- the record of C. E. Massie, a strike-breaker hired by him, Who was charged . with two...
...and- that the Interstate-Cowsmere* Commies*on had...
...not set up band brakes to asist in controlling the trains, and that they-had failed to co-operate in other ways while the strike waa on...
...Mayor Koon stated that the situation was so entirely opposed to the public utterances of Mr...
...Its dependence on foreign trade, and the psychology of the workers themselves, would probably have been a terrible blunder...
...The managers of the public paA halls, selected'as thex only, ones large enough to handle the expected crowds, one and all turned down the application after some of them had tentatively agreed...
...Miller's Hall, Grand and Havemeyer streets...
...Since the trial two of *dsr-star witnesses for the prosecution • Tstrs recanted their testimony and • tbSD recanted- their recantation, showing their utter unreliability...
...and union headquarters, 133 Cumberland street, Brooklyn...
...Meanwhile, don't forgot that ' the miners' striks continues...
...The Cumberland mayor read into the record copies of the correspondence between himself and Mr...
...The dispatches say that H. N. Brallsford...
...ost rather humorous.bit of philosophy has found tragic illustration in jjto decision of the Supreme Court of toyuacbusetta upholding the lower atari and denying Sacco and Vanzctti spew trial...
...but why talk about it...
...Gooding and Put roan...
...ll**V TWkers, through Uielr union, RPtoad an Increase of ten percent T%5togss... eliminated, was- Secretary of Commerce Herbert...
...J Resident Byers* repeated statemohta that he was not opposed to unions waa sharply challenged by Paul Praeger, a Cumberland attorney, who immediately followed Byars on the stand...
...The generalship was deplorable," he says...
...dfH£^, Anion to'pds^^wU: M^Pwbom "waa »fumed indi*a* -'fHWTtamp, anti-foreign feeling ran ,|V Eighteen Italians...
...lollnlsti Prominent Socialists and Trade Union leaders will be present...
...Real estate dealers won the second battle of White Plains...
...On ' page t» cfto...
...The miners' delegate conference, as was foreseen, decided to reject Baldwin's proposal, which it described aa "not honoring tha premier's -pledge that the government was not 'fighting for a lower standard of living for the miners or any other section of the workers...
...Miners' Strike Goes On LONDON...
...had given a typicJet Qlustratlott e* the constant fear of oBlenU and...
...In Boston...
...At" first the two suspects were questioned only wtth regard to radical activities...
...The halls are: Volkert Hall, '373 Prospect . avenue...
...But even tn the economic field It looks as If the magnificent solidarity of the rank and file had not been used to the full advantage - by the leaders...
...Frequent references were* made in the testimony to the attempts of citizens along 'the line to interest Rockefeller, Jr., in settling the dispute...
...Of what value Is It in the points you are trying to achieve by thfa speech to talk about the trading in of licenses...
...Women members of the American Shoe Workers' Protective TJnlou will provide the .resting picketers with sandwiches and soup...
...howtSverr I knj trying to make a perfect ease for you and myself...
...It Is reported that three members fcf the Central Council have publicly stated that they were misled in the matter of Sir Herbert Samuel's proposal...
...The testimony of other alleged eye-witnesses was contradictory...
...This was a runaway oa Mount w»age, ia which etxty-tbme cans aadPdik engine were demolished and dstatosTA esUmated as...
...One thousand strikers-from I. Miller and Sons Shoe Company...
...TVe have ; faith in the working class," is the substance of their .messages to the outside world"/ ' I visited Vanzetti in the waiting room at Charlestown penitentiary' where the atmosphere of enameled steel bars depresses the spirit...
...WRNY CENSORS THOMAS SPEECH Radio Station Forces Elimination of Reference to Hoover and station In Htm-tkOt G*r Bnally opeped IU,' dota«^,U .free speech this week ajfd aeratsttad Nonaan Thomas, Soolaiist, aad dlrecjtbr of the IAague tor Tndustriat Denaseracy...
...President Byers said that Rockefeller had...
...Bevln stated that the strike was called off only on the definite assurance from Samuel that the formula he laid down, and accepted by tbe council, would be the policy of the British Government...
...Then, without notifying me In advance, the president of the company, went on the' air to try to answer me...
...Long Island City, rose to their feet and cheered Abraham Shipkrcolt and Leonard Firsi na who spoke at' a mass meeting in Volkerf . Hall, .272 Prospect avenue...
...It was the first time I had seen Vansettl since tbe news of dhe Supreme Court's verdict...
...Their testimony ˆ&p utterly disregarded...
...BOSTON REFUSES MEETING FOR SACCO Italian Radicals Face Electric Chair—Nation Sends Many Protests By Art Shields , BOSTON...
...Long Island City...
...Re smiled 'with the same -warm sincerity as before...
...Very truly yours, "(Signed) "CHARLES D. ISAACSON...
...That, given the Industrial condition of England...
...It was stated that this suits**, breaker had been the cause of two great and a considerable -number of less important accidents...
...If the Industry is overdeveloped, let the weaker mills close down...
...1. Mendelson...
...There Is -no economic Justification for sub-normal wages even in capitalistic America...
...editor of the English edition of the Jewish Daily Forward/ addressed a meeting at the Brooklyn Labor Lyceum...
...The Power in Union ««idarlty" was the subject of,, a thlk to strikers by August ' Claeosens, former Socialist assemblyman, at Volkert Rail...
...Also say that Labor has been on this station...
...WRHT broadekot- Thomas' speech, bui Paly after Charl«x D. Isaacson...
...anxious I iam that everything will ba( arranged for Monday night, so I know you will understand me and try to meet me with any suggestions r make...
...8th and 12th Assembly -Districts branch — Abe Beckerman'i branch...
...The Thumbs Down of .the judges had hot shaken his nerve nor made him toejjK-Ay ^-en*«dderiag~ Be tolkod MMfPISi tobo* movement...
...made from their pay to meet the installments...
...What happens will be worth watching...
...He charged the Labor Party with "crawling...^ otters to render . every aiSaikW''>>oiaL si...
...Tell how things ought to be run instead,of bow they have been run...
...Brailsford also suggests that the Council was afraid of the possibility of letting the strike continue, and hints that Thomas, who, he alleges, was always distrusted by the miners, was mainly responsible for ending the strike...
...Itfjide Barbers Strike For Better Conditions k^ji BOUT 2,5*0 barbers, members of =;JIB the Journeymen Barbers* InterKT ¦ n»tlonal Union, Local 752, j'^ralksd'out of their shops last Monday * J*jB*to-t**ttar employers refused to grant ^fWrBtnds for better conditions...
...Senator - Henrtk Shlgstaad, «T*de» whose rtocJhtioa asking for an...
...estimate importance by mere magnitude, and expect that, which strongly' affects our own generation', will strongly affect those that are to faliow'^Csrlyis...
...Both the Governor's Committee and the ettteeauf Committee put responsibility, on the mill psimh for failure to negotiate...
...Paddock charged that the officials of ttym rail re ad, where a strike of en gi nee re and fire mew has ex.•ted ejnea October 16, tMkV had, in addition to refusing to par the rate* - of pay in ferae en every' ether Claee 1 read In the eeuniry, defrauded the employe* by wildeat oil ecKemee...
...From the beginning of thff general strike he adopted too tearful and fearful a role...
...I am not going to insist upon your eliminating the paragraph which refers to the trust...
...finally, micro - photographs of the mortal bullet show that it could not have come from Sacco's revolver, as the prosecution contended...
...If In addition to this evidence you know either "SacCo or Vanzetti, you know how impossible it is to believe that either of them Wad...
...Thomas: T . "Vou "know bow...
...I am not...
...high aa IssMM waa...
...a former brakeffien of the Western Maryland, Byers charged that the brfckemen bad...
...Wooers Maryland...
...orgahlsir'of tbe' sfioe...
...few days...
...Saying that as the general strike went on fear spread over the General Council with few exceptions, he continued: "Thomas could see the streets running with blood, and John Bromley said If the miners would not agree with the Trades Union Congress proposals they would call the railway men out of the struggle...
...and Bsv,hours be limited from 8 a. m. ft'pVBt on week days, from t a. m. *M> m. on Saturdays, and a half .^Tf^JS^holidays, from 8 a. m. to~> frtrute affects the entire east ypft*to I4th street south, and from Oast.' One of the...
...The Russian unions' gift of over a million dollars will help, while Purcell's tour of north European countries is believed to have already resulted in promises of another quarter of a million dollars...
...Ho was sharply questioned by Senator* Wboaler...
...the identiflcatloh of Sacco and JrtMtftUiT *<l— witnesses was extraor,jff$i9g weak...
...They did compel him to make some rather absurd suggestions for changes In my speech, with the worst of which I did not agree...
...MOre than 40 mass meetings In leading cities are being held or arranged for and telegrams and pledges of support are pouring into the defense office...
...nd tha "ntlatoMlngt answers returned try Uuan had rsfereacsto these activities, ^jp^ ,daW 'later they vi«re suddenly r1^.' Burd^r snd robbery...
...I think that your statements about the controversial questions is entirely in point, but I would like to have you take out, if you will, please, the Hapgood and Ogden references...
...Speaking to Welsh miners, ho accused tha Trades Union leaders of trying to bullj the miners' representatives into accepting a formula for tha settlement of the coal dispute which would have Involved a reduction of wages...
...created a sensa-.' lion in the committee...
...Let the woolen industry pay a normal wage, and the workers will add to the general prosperity by their Increased purchasing power...
...union, atto^iui*-, mma*&&mm ** hM.^mer itm*i&mrM-l.*:**^in «aat halls, one... ualon label...
...Thirty-six engineers and firemen were discharged for* refusing to otg*t * Scabs Caused Aeiidenta . , A part of the testimony was the record of she strike-breakers' hired to replace the locked out men...
...the hsadsnartcrs of the oU company were - shaved" from Cumberland, Mrt, the division headquarters and WtBiamson's home town, to St...
...and said Ik placed his trust in It...
...Let the workers send up .such a volume of protest that even at this late hour the courts and the tfovernor of Massachusetts may hear...
...It wa« stated that a cferpomtfas known as tbe Marxian* oil corpocatlon had been -promoted by A. Williamson...
...mU> anto«*J> I stly appeared sod ask OS to ba^a%JHsl'V* testify, 4UJ pot 4/n>x toe...
...A new witness has been found who stood within two feet of -the murder car and Is "certain that neither Sacco nor Vansettl was In It...
...I feel you are able to draw up a case Without them if you wish...
...Now the regular army officers and all sorts of patriots are angry that they should have been used to advertise a realty development- Doesn't the army know by-this time that.It exists to help real estate developments, the acquisition of oil wells, and the like...
...Ernest Benin and two other members of the Trades Union Congress' .council have accused the prime minister of breaking his word...
...I don't blame the leaders for not deliberately trying to turn the strike Into a political revolution...
...These men are Spaaemned as murderers, not on the Kslrht of tbe evidence, but because Bify^are "Pveds...

Vol. 3 • May 1926 • No. 20

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