THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK palestinian Delegation Welcomed by American Jewish Workers Thursday R&J CONNECTICUT fife-"* M0*r? MsvMt fcjggg^^ WsanssOay. Aa 9. Egg^\r*r* asede 9* dtotrlbut*...
...At the next meeting on Jan...
...University, will E i** ajaafftr at Um January meeting B » KaTaa *ftudss Council Msgnt which wffl be bald at tbe OounmwmX to* staadow Street, Thursday PJielTf Jan... 3.39 p. m, st 1197 Boston road, we will have the pleasure ot listening to Dr...
...Bohlls iujpgtod anccesatht lecture* in Hacki Shnuli, Wlttel that organization work ¦Ifprogreaslng slowly to Essex County, : Effler that Norman Thomas will lec.:fam In Passaic Feb...
...Joseph Sulosberg, secretary of tbe Amalgamated Clothing Workers, M Ftoeatene...
...The Central Branch win meet pn Tuesday evening...
...10, and Leemans ¦gtmt a general membership meeting in ;Badeon County will be held Sunday Lsjrtornosn...
...D. Bejhea, director and leading figure ef tha great bullding-eo-operatlve, "Sollel Boueh...
...f . Hamden * f- *shs boa...
...Lecture will be Wlowed by questions aad discussion...
...They come chiefly to acquaint the Jewish worktogmen ot JBhiertca with their Important constructive"' work la bufit ap and>: are betog sreoted by organtoad Jewiah labor ta PalaSUue...
...will hold aa important awstteg Friday evening...
...ass9*s*rjt On* hundred tofter* already has been raised, bat to ardor to make th* easap a reality R hynecssaary ta eeauro the balanoa of 34*9 within a vary abort time because we can aeeure camp equipment now at cheaper pries* than In sunimertime...
...BRONX 7th A. D. Leeturea - The last of a eerie* of tour lectures, by Dr...
...CoL Jostoh Wadgewood, vios-president of tbe Bk-tttoh Labor Party, weloomed ths gntBartog an Tsshntt of hU 'parly, and *xtead tt* bast wiabes tor Che ssnosss of th* drive...
...Tbe Circle will soon start* drrv* tor sew and old.members.* We also have plana for th* formation of a study group...
...3 at Carnegie Hall...
...secretary of the U. H Trades, sad other leaders of American Jewiah labor, who are toterested In this campaign...
...The Circle decided to take a bundle of 69 Appeala each week...
...4215' Third avenue, near Tremont avenue, on "Schopenhauer and His Philosophy of Pessimism/" His lectures have drawn large and attentive audiences and have always been-followed by lively discussions... headquarters...
...weD-knoyn tofter toadar and essirawn of the Unttdfi Hebrew Trades Drive...
...A League Declamation1 Contest and Dance ia being plannhd...
...aswatary-traaaiiim of the Unitad Bat and Oapnurdwrs* TJnton: Abraham SblptooofT, prominent Socialist leader...
...Bronx a. P. AO Indications point to a huge success for tbe annual Ball...
...All Branches in the State are urged to arrange at least one large Indoor meeting this winter, tbe State Committee to extend reasonable financial assisthece...
...Lecture,starts at 8:80 p. m. sharp...
...Bauer asked advice regarding ceatsfbuttoaa to the C P. P. A- deflqjt la New Jersey and the State Secre» IMP* imm x savasng that matter be dUrtossded as the party had mors t thaa compiled with tts obligations tt 1 the O P. P. ?."was approved...
...M White, a member of Local Sfcsatsn...
...Circle 1, Bronx, admitted inn neu* members on Sunday, Jan...
...Bvsrybody welcome...
...E of the oldest pioneers ta the field of agrieulttiral-co-operatives...
...Max Tnoharaian...
...Notice to members: All^advertising matter tor the Ball Journal must be In by Jan...
...Hyman, Tft-nri»,M1i Banach and Peterson present...
...has been sent to the I qp unto/ far his physician...
...Circle 7, meets at t p. m. Tbe headquarters were opened at 8:80 p. m. However, the Juniors are very grateful to the other locals snd> to many Individuals, as Comrade* ShlptocoS, Schwartz, Claessens and the various director...
...wUl begin promptly at 9 p. m. Members should guarantee a good audience...
...Gertrude Sluts was elected delegate to the Central Committee...
...Barry Diamond resigned as organiser and Gertrude Sluts was elected ia hShrjlsce...
...Concert and Bazaar ot Local Bronx to be held on Sunday afternoon and evening Jan..., $101.74...
...Dnna'e auhjeet j-fj 111 -Tn-ir'¦* Labor and LttaraS*i*>" Organised labor and Um pubHp .are Invited to attend, adnraaaton £ Hartford |''**e a^oataOst Pasty ot Bartford waa diaiaanliiil Sunday...
...The Juniors are future builders ot the Socialist movement but,-do, order to keep the members interested at their present age, meetings ere necessary... tbe headquarters...
...excluded a Junior circle solely to gala a (few dollars' rental, and tbe latter, while not going so far, neglected to have the meetingroom opened for the Junior* at tha scheduled {tote...
...Junior Yipaeie The treatment accorded Juniors by the Socialist Party locals in 1<7 Tompkins avenue and 187 Avenue B - ia rather aurpntaing..., at 3 Attorney Street AlgjsTwm Lee, eduoatlonaj director of the Band School, has Jbeon engaged for a lecture which...
...8, with Carl ^[¦¦imi- formerly at Bridgeport, aa laajgnlin Bdward Brink, secretary, and B. B. Clark, financial _ secretary, ajkere promises to be same Socialist nvlH»J Is Bartford from now on...
...This circle...
...Sa.l4a2.5t aWg*9u County Meeting : A membership meeting of the member* of Local Bergen County will take Iraaos on Friday evening, Jan...
...Beerdsley at-137- Avenue B. The atiljlill Wfll be: "Modern Socialism and Economic Development...
...Comrade jWhlte VEW ENGLAND DISTRICT Aathnr Bsdan* Lewis bad been getting eaaagsntaute to speak In church as whiak is a new thing for this district Be spoke la a ehurch In Bast Brainares la Beosmber: he has spoken twice to a church to North Cambridge, and Is loiBsfi to speak this Sunday to a ehureh ta Charles town- He reports that the andhntcea are Interested, fairly spaa minded, and ask eagerly intelllTha Fellowship of Youth for Peace has keen co-operating with the district etSee la the sale of James Oneal'g and Nil ma* Thomas' anti-war pamphlets...
...pstt^ toaata andjaanyaWraeRiRtosC'** A SootaBgt farmgr, SJ ggRas mm State Tin 1--tod *t r*~i aa st aaanj sirss aa we may ased far ths sagap...
...In axtend their greeting* ta a fmlsgnttoa of l*ner leaders, repreeeatlng the organized Jewish labor movement at Palestine, wnleh arrived "la Haw Tea* on (Tuesday, January 13th...
...In tl?e United States...
...NEW JERSEY "' The ffjtate Committee met Jan...
...Details wiH be announced shortly...
...Thsusaads of Jawieh uansawg sathsrnfl in Cooper TJntsu HaS TJknreday evaning, January idth... tan* aB we aeed bow If tha...
...B. Ingermaa...
...Gifts for tea Bazaar are still welcome, and every effort must be mads to sail tickets...
...15 at ^Csanuda Hoke's house,1070 Anderson ana...
...receipts to date...
...It ens announced that Norman Thomas end Barry Laldler wDl apeak to Bartjtent to February...
...AH friends, sympathisers and membars of th* Young People* Saatanat League are urged to sand their contributions* as soon* as possible to fa* "Camp Tinsel" Arrangement Committee, 187 Avenue B, New York City...
...whose'talk will*be both interesting and tostructiv...
...Admission free...
...Will Durant wUl be given Friday evening...
...H the 9909 eeumet ba raised within the very near future tt will mean that later on we wfll need 9309 to secure the same eqatpanlut...
...An effort will be 'made to Obtain Morris Hlllqult for a lecture 'en the World Court In Jersey City at tSto party headquarters and' Comrade iBoblln was taatEucted to arrange for another toctur* «n Bnckensackv the .-State Committee to make up aay'de-nett that may be incurred...
...U, at she home of John Lindquist, 57 Treadfwgfi Street'Whltaeyville...
...disburse-: Smote te date, 1109.18... be foUowed by |g supper and social evening...
...Arrange'aiaats for the Forward* Ball are pro[grassing...
...Comrade Rosenblatt was elected our delegate to the Junior executive committee...
...22, on "The World Court and tbe League of Nations," will be changed to "Europe and Anjerica," because a debate between Hillquit and Clarence Darrow on the former subject has been arranged for Feb...
...on th* "Majestio...
...The treasurer's report showed lb balance Dec id of 1560X9...
...State p Martin F. Flunkett, State secretary, ton been confined to bla home for the Ira* three weeks with an attack of the nfUipa...
...The detogattoh was utods up et the following prominent pereonaAltlea: L Ben-Zsvia, a member ot the Eascutlva of the *HIstraduth" {General Federation of Jewish Worktogmen), and ens of the foremost political leaders ef the organized labor movement...
...Circle 7, Manhattan, wfll meet Saturday...
...Aa 9. Egg^\r*r* asede 9* dtotrlbut* Tbe ,Tredae Osunell Forum EJthwy Pa** °< Boston, formerly a Egghnoor to Colombia...
...10 with Comrades Bohlia, Wlttel...
...Yet th* .first mentioned Iocs...
...81 at tbe Hunts Point Palace...
...A large audience is expected this Friday, and all Interested are urged to com* at 8:20 prompt The lecture by Morris Htlqult announced for the following Friday, Jab...
...N. J. * NEW YORK t Saardaiey at S A fi A. O.'a Ths next lecture at tbe 6th and 8th A. D. win b« given by Comrade SamanlZJ...
...Other speakers wore Man Ptas...
Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 1