RUBBER-NECK SHOT AND SHELL FROM THE ARSENAL OF FACTS jj/l Herbert Tfoor-r aad hia Aaaexicaai waaship. pete m accusing tint Bt*ttsfc«<3p*> easinesit ad boosting tba price erf rubber through...

...the percentage we took ef the world production ot rubber had Increased sUgnthr to 19.4 per cent, and the price had toBed to 48 cento par pound...
...Whmt RmaUy ffapp+nmd What Bad reeOy happened...
...1901 Boston Road...
...Such aa may bs found in the mountains of the 8outh, Ac with the isolated peaaant village* in Europe...
...American manufacturers began to take notice...
...Al Smith la once more setting up the nine pins (Progressive bills...
...Now, the important thing about this Is that due to their foresight the British today have ooatrol of 71 par cent af the world supply of rubber, whioh is foot about the amount that tbe United States consumes...
...M you dent want Socialists ta thia bouea, and X don't eltberfi warn you...
...Being unable to ignore the housing problem any longer...
...Bast todies Increased their production and counteracted any evfl effects that might have ensued from 'the British slump1 oTt^^aa*' 'xfitf1 *ae' to* so...
...Smith was silent and many of his lieutenants wars actively involved In tost dirty Job...
...War ia a game which, war* ths eubJeOta wise...
...The tneresee to the rediscount rata at' Mew York should have put a halt to tbe too rapid expansion of bnatnesa aettvittea...
...The brakes are than applied to uno^tpeeelatlan and overproduction...
...There waa a* radical under cultivation, a halt ta Ska pre*— eee of planting oa now ground to satsrtpatton of the natural htoreaap la Simons from pear to' year...
...cry of monopoly Ie Ill-taken...
...The Rabbonim (orthodox Rabbis), need not worry...
...Shiplscoffa subject wfll be "The Two Greatest Problem* of the Human Race.'* Discussion from the floor win follow the address...
...August Ctanaaens... better start something...
...Discussion follows all lectures...
...Angell sprang Into prominence tngnSia with ths publication of his book...
...They had tried voteatory restriction bf eat* put tn MIS and eenin to the fan of m...
...For many years sensible aad humane people advocated a Widow Pension aet—then Smith arose and put through a miserably cheap Imitation...
...But why the sudden Increase...
...7.) An Al Smith Democrat arts pat while Socialists, laboritas aad liberals do the propaganda for progressive aad humane measures...
...Since 1888 Labor men and Socialists have fought for aa eight hour law and during tha last two decades they have boon agitating for a Minimum Wage Commission for women tellers and Smith Is etlH In favor'of both—with reservations...
...Xa lilt An%aricaas were paying f i.ot per pound tor rubber and were costuming 42,274 long tons, or S2.4 per cent, of the world supply...
...candidates made a vigorous attack upon the disgraceful housing conditions to New York City aad presented a sensible and practical solution—at tost, Smith wakes up and otters a timid compromise...
...The Stevenson Restriction Aet, Burned by colonial officials and ths rubber Interests, was passed, to take affect November X. 1922...
...hence: of tires...
...Furthermore, the new vogue for the baXtoen type, which madf up one-third of the total production ef tires lest year, called for more rubber than ever refore, Therefore, prices rose until the dollar per pound mark waa paaaedi so that under the Stevens ad Aet ISO per cent of the standard production of 192P wfll be once more exported the first ef next February...
...Again, the reason was obvious: their Government bad restricted exports la order to create a favorable shortage...
...Vesus taught Judaism long after Rabbi HlSal did...
...H. A. Wlckham, hi eat expedStioa "not unlike « smugeUng ea> pkttt...
...Tbe answer was simple: af course, the British monopoly...
...made a campaign Issue of tt to 1930...
...We venture te predict tost when a nation-wide agitation for the Child Labor Amendment takes root and the Democratic South capitulates, our "Progressive AI" will actually favor It...
...No, not te duplicate it, hut to excel It (a a different form and manner ot approach...
...i ' • • * "In making a comparison ef races it is unscientific to eompare Negroes on e low level of culture with white* on a high level, but rather they should be compared with illiterate backwater communities...
...What was the effectiveness of an this eleven -manipulation...
...A- rubber tree only begins to yield latex, or rubber-milk, in Its fifth year, and continues to do so for seven to * twenty years more...
...Wlckham beeame Str Henry, tt was not until the twentieth century, hewever, that the wisdom of this step became evident...
...King* would net play at...
...Should the price reach mere than Sf cento, an additional 10 per cent, would leave the islands paying the normal rate, and 10 per cent extra would be permitted, for every quarter to which the price remained at that level...
...Furthermore, their profits have Increeeed by leepe end heundal The rubber companies had the beet year of their exist*noe In 1925...
...Solos by Genevieve Ks'ifman « « Angell and Holmes At Ccd^minrity ChurtJi Rev...
...When hap lata to 1PX1...
...While these proposals are assailed as "Red...
...Sunday at 9 p. m. Subjects "Greet Tfluslons m Current Politlcak Thought...
...Of course, no names were mentioned, but the inference was clear...
...No doubt...
...There Ip no Big Money la eluui clearing...
...which ie verified by tee faet that the governor of the Bank of England has been la New York conferring with Federal Beearve officials...
...They will have to go aome before they can match ths quality snd standard of "Tbe 'Mew Leader...
...Sparks and Flashes THE Socialist Party, its recent municipal platform and Norman Thomas* were highly complimented in Al Smith's message to the Legislature at the opening session...
...bat the attempts had been tinaueoeasfut MeanwhOe...
...Paternalistic" aad "Unconstitutional," the A, 8. D. beeps mum or Joins the outers...
...Pa the leas run it wtB owed, hat nobody was aauah concerned about tt hurt week... dame from the tangles of Attica and South America.* Xa 1924, PAS per cent or practically the whole available supply, was prod need oa plantations...
...This had, attracted credit to the New Turk market Ths oalr wonder is that the rise had not taken place earner...
...In 1918 the Socialist members In the NOw York Assembly proposed a referendum on Prohibition—Smite end Co...
...But ta the summer of 1880 eame the deprecate* whioh continued Into the . following year...
...The United State* ie too big en offender herself...
...Bankruptoy and tad ie»arakm of the plant...
...The control of the market by tbe Bnglleh had been of along standing...
...Fairly good stuff, but far from what the paper should be...
...They can only blame themeelveo for their present predicament They ahould hove etockod up or started plantations of their own In the Phillppinee, Liberie or South America several years see Instead of welting until now...
...wfll address the Community Forum, Park avenue aad 34th street...
...Philadelphia, November Xfiv aad San Francisco, November 21...
...Be la a prominent member of the English Labor Party... 8.89 p. m. htr...
...Tbe increasing demand fee rubber la the manufacture of tires brought cultivated rubber Into oerloua competition with the wild variety...
...Orthodoxy, wherever R 1* found, la a rneuao* to mankind...
...Automobiles and* . tires encountered over-production end tbe demand for rubber decreased...
...Herbert Adolphue Miller...
...Al Smith, the great progressive Democrat: Ob, Hall^-Helll e * e For twenty years...
...The result was a W esem"»Jt^^ h* XSSI sad XT canto ta 19*8...
...Will Durant BKLYft...
...pete m accusing tint Bt*ttsfc«<3p*> easinesit ad boosting tba price erf rubber through reatrictioa of cratpat "IUrttt>eT-necks t? replied the British, "Hind femr own affairs...
...etnoe TrPteueii SI...
...1 Two Issues of the "American Appeal" have already appeared...
...Stnee, as wo have seen, a rubber tree begins to prodube< wbob tt Is abekt five years old, a shortage should have occurred to XSSS...
...Thus started a controversy wherein onr Secretary of Commerce fried to twist the Lion's tail but the tail awiafaed and slapped him in the face...
...Tha Democrats fought Woman Suffrage for half a eentury and finally woke up to It when further sleep was Impossible...
...Socialists and XsLborttes propagated the scheme of Workmen's Compenaatton—then Smith woke up aad presented a bum eubSUtute...
...There wars many great teacher* of ethics...
...Admission, 19 pants...
...It bad been fore- J past by ohnflar changes at Boston, Movaatber 9: CTewJend, November IS...
...Ths story fees back- a baft eeatuty when- Mr...
...WS have the faith that Comrade* Debs, Ring snd Kirkpatrlck wfll do the trickHere's wishing them success and here's our congratulations for the splendid beginning...
...Smith reluctantly accepts our point of view and he almost proposed our solution, An X-ray . examination of what was sticking in hia crop would haye shown the following content: "Gentlemen, there la no hope for the * eonstructton of decent dwellings for .Working people Under this speculative and profiteering system...
...After that a graduated prohibitive tax owns tots opentlon...
...1 . ' see *rWh*u we read about toe utterances and statements mads by Rabbi Wise recently the question *Whst is Is a name 7* comes to our mind...
...The market was glutted aad no artificial restriction on exportation could prevent that because rubber, uullko wheat or cotton, doee hot require the planting of a new crop every year...
...they were cattedi at the poavantog pricee, but the Brltmh planters were bp oonsternatlon...
...vuhen the Socialists were ousted from the Assembly in 1920...
...See editorial to The World" Jan...
...Well, gentlemow...
...this was due to » desire to prevent the exportation of more tola from l"agland...
...Rings County, sad tbe Brooklyn Chapter of the League ot Industrial Democracy...
...If tbe price fen below 84 cento, then 8 per cent lees would be subject to the minimum export duty...
...And ths up-8tato Republican majority is getting warmed up to knock them all down...
...7:18 p. uu "Economic Wast*—A Moral Issue," Edmund B. Chaffee8:15 p. m...
...little of significance to the laymen occurred last week, besides news of more mergera and the sale ef the stock of the National Cash Register Company, supposedly a democratic procedure, since it transferred ths ownership of the company from a single family to 18,000 or more Individuals...
...Xa ISIS American Imports of this commodity were five times larger then ta X910...
...Tbto acta to eteeourage them anymore loanp'to theh* cuatomera, The resoK is that buetaese men find that credit fa aruek more dtf» fieult to obtain aad they aosttate to undertake new ventures...
...Thus, up to that time there was nothing abotrr which the United States could* complatn...
...Labor Temple Lectures Lectures *t the Labor Temple, 14th street and Second avenue, entrance 944 East 14th street: Sunday, January 17, 1:00 p. m, "Poets: .Swtaburn%" Dr...
...Th* Great Illusion...
...Then it will be found that en the bas's of efficiency, superstition* snd customs, there may be a difference in degree but none in kind...
...the JOwauf today will not accept the teachings of Jesus, not any mors, than the Christian* of yesterday didV nor thoae of today wffl...
...Instead they bought more than ever before, by 1828 taking ha excess of three* quarters of the world production...
...But as soon as Socialists and Company have aroused public opinion against an evil and have obtained a hearing for a constructive measure then our A. S. D. wakes up and steps into the limelight with a cheap Imitation ef It And the hypocritical press immediately presents floral horseshoes and lavishes fulsome praise...
...ef rubber keM out for even lower price...
...Will Durant Wednesday, January 29, 9:90 p. at, "The Racial Interpret*thro of History: Chamberlain sad Stoddard...
...XaPa> wktoh...
...What the insidious nature of this transaction to—ahd tt la merely aa illustration of what to going on to the capitalist world today—vrfH_ be discussed next week...
...ttonato the yaxatostr^ them...
...If the price of rubber averaged above 80 eento during this first quarter, then 8 per cent more would be allowed to be exported during ths following three months...
...Or, at least make a noise ea if you were going* to start something;** a e e An AI Smith Democrat la a "progressive" who to "twenty, thirty end forty years behind European reforms...
...obtained.Fata Rubber Tree seeds from Bras", feed them trenefsrred to tbe BearBsb eehmtel ef Ceylon end Malaya end started the present BritIsh rsbber indnstrr...
...At the 8 o'clock Fellowship Service...
...The Socialists have, tee right dope...
...The forum is run by the Fifth end Sixth Assembly Districts...
...Money la attn plentiful, yet the increase tn the rediscount rate 1* an indication that the Federal Beeerva Bank ts aware ef .the over-expansion of credit* sad Is giving a gentle warning that much caution toneceeaary in the near future...
...The State must undertake to raise money at a lew rate of Interest, it muat extend Its power ef condemnation to wipe out Whole blocks of ancient stinkeriee and supervise the building of /modern houses that wttl rent at a moderate rental...
...ffhsn, plate Mr...
...They, oould have purchaoed their euppliee for in advance but they were epeouleting en etill .lower prices...
...PEOPLE'S FORUM John Hof-ard Mellsh of the Church of th* Holy Trinity, wfll speak on "Jewa and Christians" at th* People's Forum, 197 Tompkins Avenue, Brooklyn, on Sunday afternoon, January 17, st 8:90 o'clock...
...and immediately' after a municipal campaign in which our...
...What was wrong...
...During the first three months that the apt was In force the planters ta Malaya and Ceylon, the sources of practically an of the British rubber supply, were permitted to export at a certain minimum rate of duty only SS per coat, ef thetr production of 1920, considered as a standard...
...That is substantially what the Socialists were yelping about during the recent campaigns...
...The American Importers did not oomplain...
...Leon Rosser Land, leader ot the Fellowship, win speak on "Tha New Superstition...
...In faet test than SO eeffcs was the usual price...
...Hurrah for Al...
...The British een well eryi "Slubber-nooks...
...Some Progressive, All and now, after tlte Socialists had introduced ooastractive housing legislation Is tbe Assembly and Senate, year after year since 1918...
...True, it was not necessary the tress to the point of overproduction, which was what the Restrictions Act hoped to aecompltsh, but the 1S8P standard permitted sufficient exportation net to create a shortage, ha feet, the Da ten...
...We bet the editor* agree...
...Lotah) Sfflvwalsisu The American menufeeturere who consume rubber have no Jus* tifieation for complaint They wore responsible tor the depreeelen in rubber pricee after 1920 by being unable to, keep up their usual as lea, and, thus, brought the retriotlen plen into existence...
...However, to aggravate ah already unfortunate situation, 19 IS eaw a record-breaking production -of automobiles and...
...Rl|ht now In the midst ef the rubber agitation oomee the news froni the Philippinee that legislation hae been enacted prohibiting the exportation ef hemp eeedo, which gives the' United States a monopoly ef the world production ef hemp, the material from which rape, twine, certain rugs end much tropical clothing Ie made...
...Shiplscoff at Bronx Free Fellowship Sunday A. X Shiplscoff will address tbe Open Forum of the Bronx Free Fellowship... sura, had' apaa'ato hpniai trees figateisf, the isle lajaehnties fia August S, XSSS- fkdliiai fir, rasptosfihp member banks m> to ebfieahetfil sastt.' tutton wtth dtooofintebto peatanUnpBl are eharand more.tor taratag % sete money of credit to thetr favor than befdra...
...Just then the British Oovernment stopped to...
...Like in all professional sports there Is a large element of fake is this game, but the public seems to enjov it and paya for it...
...The total area planted Teas practically remained stationary etnoe 1920...
...And' their...«y^^^^^S *wls)^^Ms^8w wJslse^^tefiT ^s" ^pwRnf** ^Sbx^p^sP **?4SeP Spe^eanl ^B^wBgaSP* St* par eaefi...
...The scheme that was inaugurated was ingenious, aiming to guarantee the growers a prtoo ofSS to 28 cento per pound...
...and this ts exactly what did happen- With a aornmBy increasing demand' this was to be expected...
...e •The Legislative Bowling Alloy at Albany Is again lid session...
...Not once until lit* did rubber sen for more than SS cants...
...other direction...
...Sunday, January 17th...
...And so this myth ot British deviltry was generally accepted, bached up by the authority of the Secretary of Commerce1 aad hia experts...
...John . Haynaa Bolmea will preach Sunday, 11 a. su at the Community Church, Park avenue end 94th street Subject: "A Stogie Standard of Morals,"' Norman *-g-n of Rngiand...
...Xa 180S only J ef X per cant af the world production of rubber was plantation-grown...
...Amortoan purohasare...
...Since that time, be has beenpone of the leading authorities on questions of war and peace...
...The Evolution of Marriage," Dr...
...Tbe advance in tbe redteeeunt rate waa no surprise...
...Despite this pro pact, rubber fee delivery next spring Is selling now at about 90 cents, with prospects ef as advance, which la a still further tndloatlon that the eo-caUeeV restriction of exports under the Stevenson Aet makes hardly any difference at an...
...What had •been planted was already producing...
...but who ever listened to them, or who gives a hang about what they taught" "Man la not created to the image of God, but all kind* of gods are%areated In ths Image of all kinds of men...
...Therefore, when tbe price of rubber at New York began to rise la 1MI from a low point of S4*a per pound la January to a high level of 11-11 la July...
...Ta aay that Jesus was not a Saw Is to say that Debe to not s Socialist ** -Rabbi HtOet taught Christianity long bedore Jesus did...
...Will Durknt...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 1

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