...the persecuted Italian unionists snd to'work for common action against Fascism through the 1 F. T. JTLUXEfflHJRG UNIONS MAIE BIG MEMBERSHIP GAINS...
...fight to prevent tedtviduet trade union leaders from forming a block with the public authorities aad the heads of national production...
...e restorer of truth and good.— Emerson...
...tjtis ^veteyepent at Ddaaiark...
...that It was Investigating the various organisations of •"intellectual" workers in connection-with the representation of the new Paris International of .Intellectual Workers at the copftrences of the International Labor Organisation of the League of Nations...
...Polish Party...
...kekp ta Amsterdam, Nov...
...National Democrats, 7; industrialists, 8; total, SO...
...Industrialists' Party, 13 (285,938...
...compared with 2,878,545 on April It, 1*20, due to the Communist split and racial and religious discord, and the parliamentary^representation of the Socialist partiesSswas sharply reduced, principally through gains by the Communists...
...where cevearveKtvo cavpttelfsta end SociaUsts pre temporarily working together to, bund Up homo Indue try against thp'Agrarians,.who are fairly prosperous as the result of their, big dairy exports aad do not...
...The population of Czechoslovakia, Is'about 14.000,000...
...Hungarian Christian Socialists (Clerical*), 4 (98,MS...
...German Chris-1 tian Socialists (-Clericals...
...German Social Democrats...
...London, Dee...
...Stovpk Peeple'a Farty^ 23 (489,027): Landown-1 era' League...
...The General Council notes with satisfaction the rapproachment between the I. F. T. U. and the Contederacion Regional Obrera Mexlcana...
...13 (114,440...
...Miss Cooper's charge Is that on the 11th day of January, she was assaulted by Lemberger for the reason that she refused to work for biro upon being transferred from her former work bench In the shop to one located immediately at the entrance to the washrooms used by the male members - of the shop, which' place, she claims, is kept la an unsanitary condition.'" , She stated in court- that while she was engaged in conversation with the union shop chairman, presenting her...
...The New Year's Eve party held under the auspices of the Women's Committee of the Rand School was'' a great success from both . the financial and the social points of view...
...It was ' pointed out in the reaolnUon adopted that no union can consistently belong to two antagonistic internationals, but.that as soon as the All-Russian Trade Union Center was admitted to the i. F. T. U. the Clerks' International would be glad to take the Russians to, according to Ua rules...
...Whet Ie men bom for hut to be a reformerk a re-maker ef whet men has made...
...deBnlto deeleton being left to the Seemen'e Advisory Commtttee...
...Clerical and Technical Employes, recently held la Copenhagen, an application tor admission by the Russian Clerks' Union waa rejected, against, tbe votes of the British and Belgiaa delegates...
...The Government Is determined to relieve the aitueuen further by undertaking' a great dead of work Itself., the Minister of Transportation with a demand for aaeo.oeo crowns for constructipo Jobs...
...The Congress approved the expulsion of a Dutch clerks* union called the "Mercurlus" * because tt had blocked amalgamation with the ether Dutch clerks' organisation...
...3. Oudegeest, Johann Seasenbach and J. W. Brawn, Secretaries of'the I. P. M TBBVMfMkTZ -l^essstFemr...
...At the meeting of the General Council of the L •F, T. U. at which the request of the Anglo-Russian Joint Committee for Unity tor the celling of aa uncoadttkmel cotjXarenoe with the Russian unions waapturned flown the fellowltta resolution was .adopted: "The General Councn of the I. P. T. Tf, ar ftp meeting »t Amsterdam, oa Dec 4 and S, 1926, having taken due adtb of the' Secretariat's report concerning th* relations between the I. F. T. .17.'end the trade unions of the American continent, heartily welcomes the 'decisions passed by the American Federation of Labor at its Convention ta Atlantic City, la which it instructs tto executive to continue negotiations with the L F. jr...
...derided - to head the "next • totsraational eengriae la P*rJs in September...
...1 dally transportation, la - return for Clerical and Agrarian support for advanced social legislation, the .naming of* Comrade Beehyne as Minister of Railways Jus caused many of the Csech 100-percentera to .protest loudly tiecause the wholesale dischargee of German rafllroad men on the alleged grounda ot economy and efficiency b> likely to be stopped...
...31/—Forty persona era deed, fifty injured end 2S0 mi«»einS aa a result of an explosion in e fireworks factory at Macao, aeya e dispatch to the Daily Mail from Hongkong...
...American Social History, by David P. Bereaberg, Wednesday, 8:SO' p. m...
...The Independent Communists, who...
...e reneunoor ef liee...
...The net proceeds amounted to more than $600.00, of whkih the Women's Committee has turned over $200.90 to the Rand School...
...national production...
...A theatre party ta the next event on the committee's program...
...It ~ instrueta 'the Executive . Committee to invite the organisations of the U. S. A. afljg* Mexico to send a delegation to Europe In order to study the, organisation end activities of the J. F. T. U. on the spot...
...1 (35.674...
...It was noted that neither aeB0^2jSBeJsB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ se^Sjeaspofih-pnass Bwenh*!^ ens MS ft to aetata as big esamrC-'aaspV...
...So Comrade Bephyne accepted the lob of Minister of Railways and Comrade Leo Winter continued at his post 'si: Minister' of Social Welfare end Unification...
...National Socialists, 14...
...rta^aaT (tw- ¦ ^s^ae^nl^PaJf jiifc, rpaSttk^toa vxaa^the pagsSKr...
...1926, to discuss the problem of the international migration of workers...
...P. Grassland...
...on /*A Socialist, View of War and Revolution," and January »30 oa ''Socialist Tactics In America...
...and a aeries of lectures by Walter Polakov on "Managing Industry for Production," on Fridaj-3, at 8:30 p. m. - Two classes are taking up the subject .of Social Psychology, with Joseph ilL Oaman aa instructor, both on Tuesday evening, one at 7 o'clock and the other at 8:30...
...7 (168,278...
...and laaiaheiahlp Is beimpiing a poreto formal aftaar...
...24 (571.198): German Na-j tlontlistsk 10 ( 240,879...
...The Amsterdam meeting was attended by the following members of the" Qeneral Council: A. A. Purcell, president...
...The new Senate la made up aa follows: Coalition—Republicans (Agrarians), 21...
...if necessary, or would dissolve ths Lower House - and go to ¦ the country on the disarmament issue If the Upper Houee so desired.* The- working cleae ie net, peep* erfy epeakine, a class af'aft, but epnatttutee .the body of eeciety^Cemte...
...In hia fourae on Main Tendencies*of Modern Literature, Leo 8. Saidla will lecture on Shaw and Socialism, and on the following Friday his subject will he Galsworthy and' Social Justice...
...Opposition parties —Communists, 41 (933.711...
...of the twenty-two election districts...
...ESTABUSHUBORO)^ AN advance in membership from 12,000 on January 1. 1923...
...lfO.aao industrial workers in the little Grand Duchy, is to be made...
...William Ifarlin, attorney for the union prosecuted the' case against Lemberger...
...state veatfoa of the* e^nmtnulM X»arty <d Baasia by L. Tonmky...
...German National Socialists...
...People's Party, 16...
...wtttcb nay- be 'added • nearly 20/XX) ethers not Covered by official n* potts, the Sodetiat Government, headed by Theodcr Stunning'has managed to* force « MS fhrough both Houooa ot Parliament authorising the State to aubstdlse municipal and private obstruction work to the extent fit Sdee.BM crowns...
...Thus the trade) union deteriorates Into a mere appendage, a political department aa tt wereV of these executives...
...Registrations are now*being taken for the four graded classes In English, two conducted by Mrs...
...The ranks, of the trade unions are being swelled bp aushwuhttoriaa alaiuanta...
...The Bubnik group only polled 7.854 votes en November It, bat it...
...the foDowtng: Theoretical Economics, by Algernon 'Lee...
...Thomas will speaks January 4...
...Beatrice Becker as Instructor,.to meet on Tuesday at 7 p. nt., beginning January 26...
...According to the existing arrangumenC the majority ef the trade unions conclude * eoBcettve agreement with the executives in charge of national production without knowing In the least whether the workers and employes whom they are committing wtS approve of the obligations which the trade, union to^undertaktog to then* name...
...Slovak People's Party...
...It loses sight of...
...We must undoubted..., 141...
...Chpiral BStaPpfsa rdSm Vmt lAkor...
...The result ef sueh an antanoa-te that tha, trade union offieUds and reareeenta* Xare bid to approve and defand uncritically aB that to prepoeedj bf the executives to eharge of lattohal produotton...
...Economic- Geography, by Marlua Hansome, Friday,, at...
...I ' .' "The trend toward protection ef home Industry revealed by a provision fit the emergency work bill calling for the use of Danish material' whenever possible was brought out sharply at a conference held shortly before Christmas participated in by leading industrialists, labor men and Government officials for the purpose of discussing the economic crisis...
...Canary Winds were accepted...
...After Premier fetalining had pointed out tbe neoeeeity of cooperation among all factors in industry if the population of Denmark wanted to continue to make its home in that tiny country, speaker after . speaker, representing labor aa well aa capital, emphasised the need for legislative measures calculated to build up native industry... the earns boor..., 159...
...with regard to the sORBhtiea of the American Federation efEabor...
...R. SAenhuis, Holland... must bo made a rule that general wail hits of the workers be held to disease the most Important points of eU ooBeettva sareementa before they ar» daSnttolp concluded...
...Labor Vjtnm... Italian representative...
...tories in the not poo distant future...
...In presenting .this bill Oeawede Basin ussen said his party wae ready for a popular referendum on the gueetion...
...Germany... wae...
...The headquarters will remain in Amsterdam...
...Propooaja of the recently organised International Merchant Marino > Offleers* Association for mutual co-oporatlon ware apprtfved ta principle...
...Established 1872, K»WiU» 444M Main esUe far Raw York and vicUtty a» 841 Seat 84th St...
...L- Jouhaux...
...Following the attack on Miss Cooper* the employees in the shop declared a strike, demanding more humane treatment and better sanitary and working conditions...
...LABOR INTERNATIONAL INVITERS AMERICAN OBSERVER U. S. LABOR URGED TO SEND OVER DELEGATION Mexicans Are Also Asked by Amsterdam ' Federation to > Study IUlVork KB4UCAN an<J Mexican Nf\ o*fa^nized labor is to be in** vited to send a delegation ff> Europe to study tbe activities of the International Federation of Trade Unions...
...Federation of Labor: "The trade unioaaf lag behtod fhe more magi assise fiaTaar attejae to the educate fhetr' aenly reerntted am bars ap they ahotdd...
...Ovarburaoned .by the away sad various economjo...
...The old Executive was re-elected aad enlarged by ' two...
...ssnajtavfe wx^st i" llansabs ¦ lefill si__tr*h*a*s fskh*\tf' fill*1 ^^PuJ^ e^^iwI^S^^slp^uBsSn...
...preeident of the All ^auuap...
...7 p. m...
...It win meet on Wednesday at 7 p. m, bfginiting January 19...
...3; Hungarian Christian Socialists, 2; total...
...A new class In Psycho lory of Personality Is now forming... 18.568 at the Destaging ot 1.985 waa reported to tbe thirty-eight delegates, representing eleven unions, at a recent congress of the Luxemburg Trade Union Center,- held in Dudelingen.- The-' congress decided to establish a ¦permanent Jabor college and...
...G. Bulsaon, France...
...Held for* Assault on Umonist ¦ Harry Lemberger of the Lemberger Paper Box .Co...
...Rand School Note* OB- Saturday of this week...
...R, Tayerie, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, H. Jaeobsen, Scandinavia...
...Pheae Unas S5M Office Honrs, 9 a. m>6 p. m. Sat-,* a. aw 1 p. a...
...Czechoslovak Social Xhunocratic Party...
...A-aaJaapfpaae edpkpesad of untta work -wtth -aha iattaseter at Isliirfl'i andSiloakd>ti<e seasnaaston-uapkkto tp be submitted, to the Ctorormnsat...
...The General Council decided to hold a congress of Labor th London... about 17,»M.tot crowns, but It la pesuible that the material intereats of the ounsei n a lives may bring them into tine before long...
...It was decided to do everything possible to aid...
...As hi pointed^ out by thar Bertfa Yorvmsrto...
...We of the Lpbor Party t believe in ecienee, and tp .the ecientifte motive aa a motive altogether superior to proftt-aeekinp—H...
...Carpatho-Rnssian AgrarianUnion (Rutheuians...
...On Friday, January- 22...
...May IS to 23... 171 MacDoufial Street, New Tork City, was held Under 11,0*0 ban for the Special Sessions by Magistrate George W. Simpson at the Tombs Court' Wednesday on a complaint ef assault made against him' by Yetta Cooper of 53 Sultoik Street, New York City, a member of the Paper Box Makers' Union o^ Greater New York...
...Opposition—Communists, 20...
...The congress waa attended by 7C (Jtelegatea from 42 organisations in 16 countries, representing about 801,000 members...
...Among, courses now' Just beginning or about to begin which should be of special interest to readers of the New Leader are...
...Eduard Benes, chief of the National Socialists, a Czechoslovak party leaning toward a moderate Socialist gtrogram strongly...
...A. SJaborlt, Spain and Portugal...
...8. Zulawski, Poland <aad the, Baltic States: Frank Hodges, Edo-Flmmen, G. J. A. Smlt, tp,international Trade Secretariats...
...Tuesday, StSP p. m.: Applied Sociology, by Marina Hansome...
...its moot important duty, which Is to represent and defend the economic totercets of the workers...
...And the Executive Committee of the Czechoslovak Social Democratic Party, after carefully weighing the new situation, decided to allow fis Deputies to continue, to support a coalition Czechoslovak Cabinet, but with orders to fight harder than ever for labor and social legislation and for the eventual separation of Church and State...
...The total popular vote for the Senate candidates was 6,096,717...
...People's Party, 31 (691.238): National Democrats, 13 (284,638...
...But the Prager Sozialdemokrat, the leading German' language Socialist daily, points out 'that the German Social Democratic Party, with 411,000 votes, 'against about 100,000 German votes for the Communists and 169,000 tor the German Nationalist' Socialists (apparently a semi-labor part}-), has maintained its position aa the leading German party or the workers and is in shape to go forward to decisive vie...
...German Social Democrats, IT (411,949...
...The total popular vote was 7,105JOt, of which 340,381 were- caat for .the thirteen parties that did not win any seats beeiuae of failure to make the electoral quotient of about 22,000 in any one...
...1 (29,884...
...94»-«T WkUeaxaby **• For addressaa at BrChek Secretaries write to oar Bata-enUs...
...The result ta that persona who have no »n it >i Standing -of tkfi trade anions or epmpaihy wtth their objedfs aad aattrlttoa are fhiiiiI to pay their duos Just for the aake of •tha beaafita and privileges that msmbar ship offers...
...0PP4 ting* tjred of* w>Ji • fiJtaMtion, ths Secretariat of the I. F. T. TX quotes as- ioDowa from...
...28 (609,195...
...The system must be changed...
...The Secretariat reported...
...G. Hicks, IGreat Britain...
...2* send ST...
...embraces a number ot active labor leaders... go into*"the work of trade union education on a big acale.^ A special drive for recruits among the foreigners, who number about 100.090 out of the total of...
...AT the -euaiterly taiiHsl eC'th* Executive Cwmlttee of "the Internariooel Transport Wcfrk* era Federation...
...Hannah Jablonower and the other by Bernard M ParethonT, eatih of which meets twice a week, on Monday and Thursday evenings...
...As ¦ was reported at the...
...under the leadership of Joseph Bubnlk, broke away from the regular Communist Party last spring, nave new Joined the...
...SOCIALISTS OF CZECKOSLOVAKIA UNDAUNTED BY ELECTION SET-BACK THE setback experienced by the Socialist parties of the Czechoslovak Republic in the parliamentary elections of Nor.'15'last has by no means discQuraged them, judging from the tone of the comment in the German and Czech Socialist press...
...time in The...
...The substitution of 'Track Houses, secretary af the Miners* International, for A. J. Cook, secretary of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain, as a member of the General £ouncU was approved...
...Sbaw Desmond, the brilliant Irish Jofirnslist and critic, will lecture ar tbe Rand School on ''What Britain Thinks of America.'* The two following Saturdays at- the Same hour, "Norman...
...and also for a new class in Correction of Accent, wtth Mrs...
...National Socialists...
...8. Jasxai, Hungary and the Balkan States...
...Thus far MlnlsUr'of Dofpnee Rasmusfeu has not been able to put over Us achsms abeliahnTar the Danish army and navy as such and" transforming them lata a- sort of -police force and coast guard, thus cutting State expenses ;for military, polypnea from 4S.oee,ooe...
...Already the now Government, headed by Anton Svehla, the Agrarian leader, with Dr...
...It waa suggested that all divisions of the State should givp preference "to Danish products, that the tariff be lowered, on raw materials and mill machinery, that there should be subsidies . for some industries under special circumstances and that tbe tariff be rained on textiles and some other goods...
...Baeaatly a k^_aua>aar et pfawoa-la the...
...The General Council calls upon the organizations of ths American continent to continue la their 'efforts ^to reach a mutual understanding) and earnestly hopes that the organised comrades In the American continent'will very, seen become members ot the great UtteraatloAal family of workers' represented in the X. F. T. U." . Following a report' by an unnamed representative of Italian labor, .the CouaclJ instructed the Executive to see how the forces of the affiliated national ^Organisation 'could best be mobilised to put pressure upon the Fascistl -in behalf of the Italian working class...
...15- was about 2,675.000...
...Since then, Karl in was retained by tbe young lady's parents to pros acute an action for damages against Lemberger, which action wilt soon be placed on the calendar in the dvfl courts, moat likely tbe City Court of the City of New York, Upon a sound physical feundetien alone can wt build a high -morel and spiritual civilisation^— J. A. Hobeon...
...9; German Nationalists, S: German Christian Socialists, 7; German National Socialists...
...worry about home markets or thp' fate of the ma sees, weU (Bustratea the functioning ef economic proosuro...
...Social Democrats, 29 (630£94...
...Dannish Socialist Cabinet Extends Aid to Unemployed WITH the- athaber of c* ikHally r^ered urieaa< „ ployed workw in Denmark up to 51,139 at tbd aeMJP ning or laat stealth, --tap...
...political, aad pubSe duttos whtoh have devolves on them, the trade unions were often unable to cope with their work.' nog xhowwj a tendency to foBow 'specific hues of activity only, and often nagtoetod their chief and moot hnpartant tanks, i- a. the defoBco.of the eoeaomie totwsals of the maaaes organtosd to thatoreafca, and la general the raising of material and totottectaal standards...
...Despite the fact that the Czechoslovak Social Democrats have been somewhat Inclined to stand for too much CseehiScation of the public eervieea, espeWorkmen's Fonritar* Fir* fauartnct Society - IXCOBPOBATBD New-York od Vicinity and 4* Bfaaekat la the United States...
...New Leader, the total labor, vote on Nov...
...In order to get this legislation across the Socialists, not being in the molarity, had ta make a number of concessions to the- conservatives sad radicals, but they figured that the emergency, was so jrreat as'to admit of no delay...
...A. Huebhr, Austria and Sw User land...
...Social Democrats, 14...
...It wae dauhlsd to atop forming any- more trade groups within the International, but the existing subdivisions ot Technical Employes is to Include foremen la the future...
...The voting' age for the Senate is 3S, instead ef 21...
...Apptteatfons for aflUlation from the British Nataonsfi SaSarsf and Fhemssfs Union and the Pederactoa Obrera dp Tenerlfe (transport workers, motor drivers and sailors...
...Closed 09 Sundays and Holiday* Brooklyn Ofllea open only Hondeyi and Thursdays, from 8:80 to 8:80 p. at...
...TOMSKY HARD OF RUSSIAN UNIONS the Ruaalpa h*bxlB moons are- mere tools of the CSornmuiustS pofiticai Ipasto'e^ that sornt} pTonttnaat uaaW chiefs are...
...C. Mertens and Th...
...January IS, at I; 30 p. nL...
...grievances, that Lemberger became ex-1 cited, grabbed hereby the neck and threw her against a work-table, thereby causing a severe gash-on her right leg... for the Chamber...
...Savored with nationalism, has announced its intention to grant de lure recognition to Soviet Busahi and to bring the rest of the Little pTntente countries into Ilne^for the same policy...
...A union of pubjlp service workers is to be organized...
...The final makeup of the Chamber of Deputies Is as follows: Csech Coalitidn parties—Republican Party (Agrarians), 45 seats (»7<M»8 votes... about M cents] a piece...
...Landowners"* League, 12...
...The workers, naturally, have Utile respect for such an arrangement, and consequently tt is ef Bttie value to the executives of...
...Lpipart, vice-presidents...
...They are not even In a peelthut Pa sapnatss tha workers properly, 'or to bring them within the range of then* iiigQalealams in the meet elementary way...
...of toartthns Alpe wept peak to the uatirpsW union feradag part of the nagelar taafedara ctd^imim RUSSIANOERK^UWON AT tha second coagrass of the International Federation of Commercial...
...Belgium and Lux-, em burg...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 1

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