Cohen, Edward M.

POLITICAL PARTIES AND OPINIONS IN ENGLAND An Analysis of the Varying Flatforms Of the Movements for a New Social Order By Edward M. Cohen Epf ths coarse of social evoluSf-'tpjR philosophy...

...It began, with * struggle against class privilege tor the sake of hrdiridaal freedom and ended with a ^uagW ail Mist individual chums tor sBNmyhfra ftius*n life...
...to you no mystery Lurks la to* Hall's m-aasening hlsfry...
...If yon legm to sheaf and rob Fes are rare fe ggt 9 to**T*-a>ma»»y, rs-o-MS-ty, Bodt'st, loot'SH bni/e or •booTs...
...Franchise-bribery enacting: From the days of Grafter Farley * To our tote lamented Charley— One long story of debasement,' When corruption was what plans meant And public office was a "trust...
...Tula alone ehomld recommend It to the reader who I* fed up with boudoir and bed-room...
...Stigmatising that aa venal Only whose results werapenal...
...My dear man...
...ths bpok is aa important contribution, to current poUUcal Uterature...
...y*t Dr...
...J AB those who want to see The Draibuk" sad also want to help akmg: r& good work of fighting the spirit At ruthless dictatorship wRsah has Ru» op* and Asia In...
...Fetor Caitwsight, backwoods evangel...
...hit accounts*1 of * notable Americans who did not conform, vet made their marks...
...Can the Tiger change his graft...
...Mabbe ao, mebbe eo...
...pardon us who laughed...
...Fur u mnat be rsntsm be red that tha Cuepmall»a Mmians...
...the tradasdlgn whose bin bred a riot, had Davy Crockett, who died to tke Alamo...
...Tha novel drags, R 1* stoppny written, r baa a* real story aad what story tt baa la never developed...
...Hearty wholesale customs jobbery...
...Thus} tt as far more important to knew tha n*Rtt cal phlloaophy of this Labor Party dfuoa that of any indrriduei within tt...
...Whacking up with, shameful houses...
...Shoves their noses to tlufc grindstones, (They're so happy they can jftnd stone*.J Turns the red fire and the bund out, r Get* the vote out by the handout...
...Seeking th* spirit that could jess 'em, Take 'em, wake 'em, shake 'em, rouse 'em...
...ppRttosLeg^enawswslsrni ililin i liinad...
...Seeking civic virtue's laurel— Tammany's again turned moral...
...peasphl^ta on Fascism in Italy and the retgn jot terror in Poland...
...And mock* her name and -spits upon her...
...Inclusion ot tws ohaptars which deal Beaieft Pericmme of "The Dyfebuk" FeWusry 2 I § To Aid hrterrMttkmsl PoHticsi PriaotMrV Cchsimittsji On the evening of February sad, a* International Committee for Political Prisoners, which is engaged in *ightiag political persecution through th* world, is to have a benefit performance at the Neighborhood Playhouse of The Dybbuk...
...During the early part ef the ninteenth century, therein*, philosophy waa quit* passively awaiting the Imminent millenlum of the ¦greatest good for-jhe greatest number," which waa to be ushered in somehow by extraordinarily rational beings Rattog in accordance with the prjneipk* of a haloed individualism- But tha predictions of the optimists were pot Seahaed...
...ment which *upgvtoa (he needs eT onefourth of th* ndpulattoa of the sodatory should bwo-rar-tooRad by n sekolStrhths Dr...
...And casts her out to die, aad leave* Hot oven the honor among thieves...
...Every gsnfleuton thai'* epertp From Bottling Green to Roaring Forty— Ana everg lady too goes mod vent To their fog at /istmat's edvtnt...
...SJue chief goto* whJah tha aalhat emphasises here to the psyghotoglats' refutation of the) todtvhtunTa rattan*' bthavior as drama UeaRy portrasual tig Bwitham and hts aisspjlm of th* lslsses fairs aehoet...
...Qfadmllton, price |XM...
...Hot ao openly predacious Lest there rise a nine-days wonder...
...And In especial do they fan oa the last novel from Mr...
...seats SIS...
...Apd mixed ¦with them the stupid, sodden Sweepings of the not-so-far days...
...If anyone else but the now gwfaarilrmabto Mr...
...Grips them by the same old boas spell They hark to now as though 'twere gospel...
...th* former a* an introduction to further study, th* letter a/ a brief and concise presentation of very necessary information...
...Who saw tke light, and winked, and laughed...
...Rockow ignores the svisf snag at groups sad aserely preaont* tad vtesrs of a limitsd...
...rs-d-tnsay, r*«*isny...
...Riches Swartwout got by robbery...
...HI* dadlaattog...
...A rather datt chapter la than dsuetot to ths vtowg a^svRwR wJ^nRv d?SSJk v*, A Ossitdf Ch*etsy what nay be eueuddenad th* mala tkmc anasaly the sunsmtsftia *f tha views mi thaaa whs ahs at th* anya^aaaniSsssP^^ w*g)B^ew0 tsTmV& St to, dsauda i+*^+Mm+mm£ m%m iisii^alaaiisn st.nt'spssss^a* ns as ml ii i n*a S-fcedt hasgWaaaaft ef arm* and yet hogs by aweae ad aaaaa patchwork bars em* <*beeu...
...nineteenth century which "began with Benthamism and ended with Fabianism...
...first In London'* Greenwich Village, which la Chilasa...
...Bending to the swift applause...
...Worked tbaneufoi said.oddsr eoimi Blackmail, ingMoapecntadoni Rafceoff, secret spoliation...
...CmpHolUm ¦ m Bngfonn...
...WeBs here tells th* story or en engaging laondryman with a wistful mustache and an Idea that he I* "Sargon, King of Kings" set down to ISM London to straighten our torlated time...
...act by a damn sight...
...Clubber treeing, third degreeing...
...George Francis Train, creator and crank...
...potest Sachem . Ton know the motto's been: •We stake *«sg does* across- ¦Of atos em break 'est.'' Tours* heard or read tag whole uaaavpry Tale of trickery aad knavery...
...So it is...
...to those who have failed.- I* the bitterest line of all...
...Taught the Han to be more gracious In dividing up the plunder...
...Red Jacket, protector of hi* people...
...Surely Rut Importance of ths CooperSRv* Mbvea mopt ia at least equal to that of Mais took or Hugh CseS...
...and later In th* Inevitable Insane asylum where he i* Interred by the indignant authorities makes a memorable book...
...Warn them that they trust to Judas, . Speaking aoftly to delude us...
...Law god damning, Cpssaek-drubblng...
...Beaten, th* brainery ef America...
...has a definite pehtloal philoaopbjr of tta own...
...Promises to be good again...
...which bad arsssad widespread discussion te radical aad liberal circles aad ths demand for which has been ao great that the entire edition has been sold out...
...slick contracting...
...Learned from too many years of labor y Not to sound upon the tabor, Dane* upon the pavements, when Comes the news: "Goodwill to men...
...Such is age evidance of history...
...Martin Scott, "who mad* the 'coon cease down...
...And launched ths reign ot honest graft) Wooed th* voter like s lover...
...Spouting ever how tt aids them While it dopes them and degrades them...
...Taught the Wigwam to be cautions...
...Honest pUtegO...
...Henry George, preventer ef poverty...
...What did yet) win when yob we* with WsJker...
...Singing, shouting, ranting, raving— And all to hymn what heaps them slaving...
...rgaMaoay, r*>M*tsay, Bump a guy or clean * to...
...to raamdjy thaaa win i fti iaia-|tog*a ns#* sal rjaaaf dnaailsa A w f r- 7"* 1 ^*c~ ¦ ,* -^*y ' T ^ gV...
...Getting their* in every slime wave—* Gambling epidemic, crime wave...
...Is tke transistor and adaptor of the piece...
...Make 'em forget the life that eewa 'em...
...waving ths cigarette In a vague arc, don't ye* know that poor vCatla 1* utterly paaeiT a mar* toa^kliat...
...Or whs...
...Pouring in the Wlrwam'a hopper • Grist from prostitute and icopper...
...Laird of Scotland, Croker...
...The author eotntaencee his volume with an excellent though brief introductory chapter en the political theory of the...
...Ethan Allen...
...He has told in racy journalistic grv)e the Kfe story of twenty-two Americans who bucked the powers that be, raiigious, social, political, economic and artistic Belts has madS a whimsical aelecUen...
...Bla.ni to pick their meanest purses ¦Even while The Chief disburses Charities, like coal—and hearses...
...True, we knew that la year number...
...essiRRRV**aTl0eRwAO0awgy' OrwJJjJ xeO^J^ SO^OsVwaf An that matter* it th* eonnt...
...i Man checks' t* the order of T*S International Committee For FoBtidB Prisoners, Boom «}fi, Ra...
...By McAlister Coleman SHS wss niakimj s bad Jos of handlir'g her cigarette bolder and she had aquinty little eyes behind horn-rrnrmed spectacles and • rnost oftenahre way of smiling enigmatically sw-tho<sgh the secrets of ths universe were cmntarned within her flat boforna...
...It ia the best known stimulant to totelMctual aatovt.*** Effort, yea: aaanmjllrtmarit...
...Rockow treated tha atone and soy gwtttona of', todfriduab) rathas fhaR the bUrusn^a^^nwveansnu $Sr Snspassss that of IndividmUs...
...Here's an end' to all your griefs...
...Other publications by the Internarloaal Committee sow under way are...
...brought out that there are mare than forty thousand victims of poUtioal persecution at the present thus i Another publication of the committee is the volume of "Letters From Russian Prisons...
...ford to be to4aa>hrnosnnt of Dr...
...Salts has -the caustic humor of a hard-be tied nanapaper man...
...We' are dodderta and senile enough to admit that wioto there is undoubtedly audi of the power and go- that was la "T«mo-Bungay" aad The Reawrrfi Magnifloaht" toohtag in this book...
...TS Fifth gv£ use...
...Christina Alberto's Father** nevertheless loom* ttke th* Woolworth Tower 'from amidst tke slanting roots of most ot the no-rent that we have read at lata, In the first ptoce tt baa ski Idas ta tt that I* s^> concerned with the sex lives of a young man and a young wesson...
...Where the beast bad such a long hold...
...Make them forget the sword that dangles:4 Make them forget ths beast that mangles...
...nn ef the views gff Instill gist*, psrticutorty tboee *f Piigf^irs Ms...
...hewn the years to that old joker...
...Teaming, with an ardor recent...
...e • e Jlrnmle, I have heard men telling Of the newer tide that's swelling From aome secret moral vastness Sweeping evil from its fastness: Knocking it from off its stronghold...
...f j : lTm*r, *-".**-.*«¦*;'-df.-S...
...Sad red baiting...
...Reaping profits from oarotisss...
...Utilising sage or noodle, ¦shekels* bring to the boodle...
...she axetoanved...
...It hv.slijeat trite to, say that the evils Imtitltiir in a system of society Swtitnte the matrix of a philnpopfay of revolt against such IJff&T until a social tran&forma&p is brought about, when the jjitflntn revolutionary doctrines £§?asBS sot only resectable, but even hmtpens, tn the bands ef the champions p$ she status quo...
...Jin torn...
...Wells had written tt, there would be aome of that "dancing in the streets" that our world-weary nritlos are farover recording...
...and our author should have tsksn eognisano* of the tact by lnctodidg tha vtowa of at least on* ispraaanUt/vu of the Cooperative Mevetoent...
...Atenost taking their old jeena Off, Hats In air and coataleevea waving...
...K^*ftl\'*<^v»-^ - h*^ - «aAy k*a^;-|irs^><d**f^«^'^%^ -^v.^ lS**Ui 'j^V ¦n"' V«-yv e^ /r- ^if* ¦SVI tM-amrs:--" jpi3Jtrs->»'as/'--» "»y...
...The old-time booze-across-the-bar days— When once a year their votes meant payday* . And Bowery bums war* in their heydaya...
...Roth the student and the layman wffi and tt useful...
...Despite ail dismal predictions that An8X7*8 Jewish miracle play could net be translated Into English, and that if it could be, then nan-Jswish audiences would certainly not be able to appreciate it, in aptte of all these gloomy prognostications, the Neighborhood Playhouse has been putting out "standing room only" signs ever atace the opening night It seemed particularly appropriate that ths International Committee - For Political Prisoners should have "The Dja»ukr tor Ra benefit as one ot the members ot the committee...
...TAA-A-4Jf*U-A*yT/ Jihtsfuc...
...Thackeray and Jane Austen He is as ante-dlljjvlan as the first chapters of his "Outline...
...Tasre as* honest men...
...Watch them: all agog to damn any Man who criticises Tammany...
...Someone, in s rash nioment, had apparentiy iniarmed her that she Jfed a "Mona Lisa smile...
...Mot by, guerrilla leader/ Susan B. Anthony...
...Followfhg Stf* iatrodnotlon is a very interesting jSto'SSSt^S^ •'OLITICXt, THOOOHT WSC-*£2,LA*SD „?' I-*"1" Ro«kt>w...
...POLITICAL PARTIES AND OPINIONS IN ENGLAND An Analysis of the Varying Flatforms Of the Movements for a New Social Order By Edward M. Cohen Epf ths coarse of social evoluSf-'tpjR philosophy performs Pf the double function of prolajar and jtiatifi cation...
...Keeps them dummies, sells them, buy* them...
...in which to gives a general picture -of the very widespread denial of civil liberties throughout the world, and la which the fact la...
...Seen ••reform" too often blossom For an hour, while graft played 'possum...
...X pondered their enthusiasm...
...Untold wealth that Wood aad Tweed won (That time, though, the Mw did bleed one...
...rommsny brave And real Want Yorker— War* right In > With Jimstie Wolfeerf The singer stopped his guent jawa...
...creep off to some dark oornerGwhere you oaaj escape ths cynic vision of oar younger generation and enjoy yourself heartily...
...s-m ^^^^^^^^^^^ Grm*Mp0 ijgssavwaf Fmr ImmBm^mmmh * Anothenrsthsr aastone dexsnttotaaa) Br...
...Tot to aptte of taaoa defecta...
...Orchestra seats SsJSl...
...Mary Baker Glover Eddy, mother of faith: Rdwta Ferrest...
...ostrich-minded, tktak Hotktog^ happens when they blink...
...Wells's fast-moving typewriter, "Christina Alberta's Father...
...And makes a common bawd of honor...
...Smiling Maadly -bearina gtfttl i » • ™ ^,e wnnng naaksi, wise Raw York sr...
...James Abbott McNeil Whistler...
...What befalls him...
...and- early capitalist society serried to Jt* wake not liberty tor the SsStrldnaJ but oppression for the Bwssav It ia only natural, therefore, that s new philosophy*r protest should arise against these evils...
...Thd motley audience went wild At mention ot their new-found child^— Their latest dfcrllna-—frisnd and pat Of ths original, only Al Who bad, la person, rifeen to "tella World that Jim's a reg'lar tana...
...Shifting with each wind that shifts...
...What rings then* noses, stultifies them...
...H . She was givtog voice to th* edict ot her elan which ha* cast H. G. Wan* sad an bla work* into outer ¦darkness For them Walla dates with Dickens...
...For a name leas foul, mere decent...
...Surely you're not unaware ot An the glories you're the heir oft Striker slugging, pleket thuggtog...
...Htgh-claas Job like city mUklng Or a petty pod tar-bilking...
...Once again—a people nauseous...
...and deadens duty Into a brkwl for bread and booty...
...Tammany, led by righteous chiefs...
...Voters yelling their fool bean* off...
...X looked around ta sand aurprtee And reveUed in what met my eyes 1 This piebald crowd of patient tellers...
...If you are not among th* "Indifferentlsta," if you can still survive a story that doe* something beside narrate the soul struggle* of a supersensualist go get "Christina...
...XtoetorORyde or Mister Jackals, So they gather to ths ahaksla...
...Make them ferget the speU that lingers Out of reach ef groping fingers And turns the rare sweet of devotion Into a vile and griping potion— That turns the human, urge for beauty To lust and dust...
...MenlaWill in and RoOeaeau, Paine and Jeta-t'sSB, and not 'Parisian mobs and ssdged' Colonials., instituted the reign of the bourgeoisie...
...Henry G. Alsberg...
...who aluakhdr...
...RoejkoWs "Contemporary FoiltieaJ Tsosgbt In England...
...I* on* of th* many bright pbranes that aalt th* book...
...X marvelled at the crowd's ¦ excitement...
...Decent, quiet, eweating mofiere-Schoolless...
...Is this democracy'a indictment...
...Lord Timothy Dexter, who sold warming pans in the tropic* and doubled hi* money...
...How, from Burr down to Olveny...
...Keep* them quiet by the very A Bibre that made their poor dads merry...
...4 Some Unusual Americans By Paul F. Sifton {IT N days of drabneas it is well ta know aordethinf of tmconvenI tional success,** says Seitx in opening...
...Voter beating, vote repeating...
...TsmnMsVrgsme^bebT own" hepea'alaytog Ta make « grafter's holidaying— Think of MeWe's mecklag sally: "What are yon doing la that galley...
...Fa virile philosophic mavemant and a atssBa samphlataerlng campaign both at Prance and Ju the American colonies eaastttsted a veritable intellectual revstation which placed - the capitalist etoss into power and influence...
...the .fruitful year* you've agent With, Tamminy taught you aU tt meant Tan learned me rosea...
...Nothing nMre...
...Ballot cramming, watcher slamming...
...Mo person with any pretension in an interest In aodai...
...Here, they ssspis gun, la pruof ppattivs of the Twilight of the Weils...
...dumb, befogged, downtrodden...
...All Re legal tore has ground out (Petty stealing, petty wage days...
...From lowly thug to...
...Is Wells Passe...
...Jpeeph Smith and- Brlgham Touag, founder* ef the Mormons...
...For Tammany* power and money lust...
...Of Henry George ho says: "Hunger had stirred hi* brain...
...amnbar at ramvT4naTa Perhaps th* antlaars greatest ate at tHalJftlfttl Sat m%%M Css90fwsWswtl¥w> MO-t^lsntnasR U la hardly eenerivable that n auiv...
...Lewis Rockow* has, therefor, rendered a great service in arsssnitog to the pubUc the gut of the social systems of typical representatlvm of the various schools ot thought at present ' asserting themselves in Rnghutd...
...We've been disciplined and sehodlod now - Too many decades to be fooled now...
...d re...
...StasswfJUMgfs TtaWI»WOP0Jf, 9*9*99 th*n%% %1&m9*W*e> 9^**h t* fttttt*T*t^^ tjolo^^ ty'Js^Js'lSv Jin^rtf^fiaj^ fcyiT-tt-tF...
...It you know The Chief, it't ad/*., Tammany, Tammany, Uever the city, /ee* the Wttjf— . Jimrale...
...e-» « esrber...
...its grip, should mm ticket* far the benefit ef ths Zat*ra*> tional Committee...
...ybu're not deaf to an The scandal aSted from the Hall: You must have sniffed some ot the stench msa Kneva, arose from Tammany's henchman...
...There are cynic souls that giggle: ? "Can the leopard less his wriggle...
...AO proceeds from ths performance will go to keep up ths work ef the committee, and for relief of politico's abroad- Tke committee has already published a. general pamphlet "Political Persecution Today...
...C ¦ perhaps in no other country Is capitalism more insolvent than It is in SJOgUod- It is.to be expected, theretor*, dtat England should prodaee uumorour political theorists who^ like their predecessors during the anclen lafliim in France, should not'only most seriously aJsJJeng* the existing order of society, but offer n basis for a new social structure- Dr...
...The Ball makes as* of every Seny...
...Telephone Chelasa »M»£ "TAMMANY, TAMMANY" To Jummie Walker on His Inauguration as Mayor of New York City By Samuel Friedman Btri • dairy...
...Then new and unaSi-nr* ~'--arise, a new protesting gateemeot, another transformation, and eke social cycle la complete...
...Labor hating...
...This play baa been one of the surprises of the season...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 1

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