Yudevitch, G. M.

THE ROAD TO EXILE rwpohMm mm' 'if.ftm&H) »¦ tor^ ffif iVV* Btoftfju. Hme iaemntU$ Jbm &«*¦ leafkmml it'mm iwWie. ~LeU*n~Fi<m Rmamn PrimmtT pmb&boi fne AjternfitiW CswapitJee for Pottfcaf...

...The reply came: Im|S I." dlapatch to the North, r-dd tha Statlea I found a whole oaraoaaof prisoner*—M in an...
...Social Demokraten, which I have here condensed and summarized for American readers...
...Myriads of insects...
...And that la all...
...snhalaaced aad embittered aolThem wen an eld woman who could put heap up with ua...
...After a few hours' waiting .1 was caned out...
...There were few women "intellectuals" in thpgjCon tin .connection with ton* railway plot), who helped me in that We wrote out that statement on the second ^ morning and demanded that a delegation from our cell be received...
...Pointing her finger directly at these well-ted, highly cultivated labor leaders of Denmark, representing a highly literate end disciplined working da...
...I protested that I was aa eatah and not a prisoner...
...They'sent'me to the district militia...
...away from me... have meetlngv, buatnefea...
...Sf2!^a mtmM with arsat dttuity...
...These returned to...
...I had almost forgotten: once we had a bam...
...Ton have a lodging...
...the president dpi elded...
...The mixture is so liquid-that it has to be eaten with a spoon...
...received en'me morrow food for 10 days, and marched off again...
...Aad now yea can ga whererer you Uke...
...At the "Communist Party" I was told: "We do not deal with these matter...
...I, tee, stood up...
...I apent a month fa the Vyatka prison...
...Tha food, oa the tray, was repulsive...
...He examined us, stamped his feet aad left...
...X asked the wardress to call one oi She higher officials...
...But X could net weak, aad dropped...
...For the moment, up*iuSfoym*nt has hit Moscow and Xjantafirad, Xn the JNt**s mmd Pommrty hers SOS^SS member*, fa to practice tha disecttac -heed of Russia...
...But tt waa impossible to send me back to Kotlaaa or leave me, somewhere on the road...
...The potatoes to the sou* were unpeeied...
...Four days later I waa seat to Vyatka...
...No answer...
...We asked'for hot water, aa as to wash me floor and walla...
...A ooldier helped ^me sad carried my things...
...Soldiers swearing at tap authorities...
...Every factory Is equipped with a large club room, which Is used as means' ot instruction...
...I waa notiied-that on July 30th I lad been Wigr*—1 m my absence, as a r^fakhoo"* Anarchist, to banishpaatt for one year to Uat-Sywoiak, I, the province of the Northern pvma...
...jjapt SB to this questionnaire aad go beds to the kitchen aad watt mere...
...We demanded their transfer to the hospital...
...Near the aafO"* an immovable dumb *ukfjar...
...g _ n wtU aheot you en the spot . , . Wffl yea waft on or notr* At Sea seaaaat X dipped and tell bU* the autofcy...
...I Indicated my deajre is) be seat to the South, that I could dot BO aorta...
...The/ chief said he would call a meetingfaod would give his answer in sa houk An hour later me decision was talent to be cent to . to Teheka...
...Sometimes, at 8 p. m- soup...
...we had but tew mflltia-men with ua...
...X asked what else does one get...
...But 1Mb can waa found to be taken by a Woman eaten up by Venereal disease and fever...
...It is appropriated by me officials...
...X have nothing, and nowhere to go to...
...but from that point to Xtot-SysSolk meant SO versts oa foot under terrible condfJbons...
...What Is me matterT" woaaked, and again Jumped up together...
...they had no extra militia-men to accompany me...
...The "authorities" met .us from the Very first minute with the most foul Outbursts of oaths...
...During the night a naa with a lamp caaae tmto our celt, i "Who is merer*' "Never mind- • . . X have come for me control...
...A eel is found...
...ffioa walla were covered with excre¦MPfc For a healthy per eon to cfoaa the thraehokt ef this con was'nothing lees than torture...
...They work me other four hours...
...This to not much, but in my state of health It was torture...
...The woman ecressied, •pas began to whimper...
...G*t out" ea^ ' The man left We did uot know who ho was...
...1 if o use your, apreedSBg yourself out...
...It was done quite primitively, atosry^ body was packed off to another ceO, with an the.belongtage and the Whole Aim ta mem...
...He came to without a light...
...On me other hand, adult workers' education is thriving much better, especially among youths and workers...
...The 'mWBsr stffl threatened to Shoot, ooneke^sr^te^a^ furiouety...
...The wardress told us that she would give It to up as soon aa me chief would be gone...
...Wo sure taken, upon our arrival at TobuTda, to the temporary detention prfcaw...
...He haa a beautifully furniahed office...
...Since me revolution, many off the peasants can do both...
...The women threw themselves with a bestial avidity on mis repulsive mixture, fighting over me potato peelings...
...Co to me provincial militia...
...A commission of twenty delegates froth Denmark were recently invited by the Al^Russian Federation of Tradf- Unions to come over and "see Tor yourselves " The delegation - recently returned...
...X could not bear it any longer and BrebMtifl indignantly...
...In me pots in which me dirty liquid called "soup" is prepared, worms in, horrifying numbers aw aim...
...Ton are a Makbno faUowarr* ^ "You...
...It waa > p. m. I had nothing to eet*aiac< morntag aad I bad to carry an th« time my belongings while barely ahli ta stand on my feet, X was refused admission to fin prison...
...X asked why no not water is distributed...
...I hasped...
...I was...
...I asked Indignantly...
...The eame request was formrulated by a wesmn vdoctor who was being exiled Shf some reason unknown to me and Who had to stay in that same cell, r She wardreaa proposed that we ocpapy, instead of the corridor, a small Bafi need tor eoUtary confinement...
...X appifiached the door of the common female cell Where I was sent...
...A> mill Ua'man placed at the doer...
...Bow dare you...
...Now, as you go home, prepare to make revolution in Denmark, men your peasants wfll perhaps likewise learn to read and writes Industi I off j, nBusela is slowly gaining...
...Education of children Is compulsory...
...LeU*n~Fi<m Rmamn PrimmtT pmb&boi fne AjternfitiW CswapitJee for Pottfcaf Frko+tn, of Oar inrfrre m pabBmhmt Amm iocgmonU h Aobttrnf thJt acwmkmce *iih the fafr *U1 emm the swter* of Amctwib bring 9mw»l pfemmrt *» bear «•* Ar gtrwtmad that the dbaoA wAeBetabU tituatu»—4ht imftrimomntnt of wmbjogmbm Uadmn bp a govertamrd nt«blitheJ 01 Ifce ihvne of fte gorier* e»aaj |g> brdmght U>a speed?* immm&on...
...The Chief 'ef the Xetfatss anftttta frankly declared that he did not see how*f'eould he asfit off to TJs*-Sy*» ¦oik...
...In addition, almost all the officials are diseased and infect me women...
...I X asked teat my place ef eufle be eat in il because of my amass aad of Bah ef dothee...
...I could net walk any more, and insisted upon being given a convoy once, In one ef the villages one of the aattve Syrians who traveled with no denounced me to me local authorities, reporting that X interfered purposely with the march, "that I waa an anarchist and was staking propaganda axainst the State, etc...
...I had to carry my own belongings...
...And we are in further agreement that labor throughout, the' world must rally to solidarity and unity against capitalism and reaction whose designs are toe same In all lands...
...Vut I wfll speak out,- how dare youT" The soldier took aha at me...
...Owing to me fact that the t Vologda prison Is 4 "«*ntt*r* prison aad that ceaeelees* waves of exilea pass through it on* the way to an me tour eornere of the country, mere la hare an Incredible come and go, and no ops' take* any notice of the kitchen...
...The empty aeB was "disinfected," aad we then returned to It...
...Pull of soldiers...
...WtQ you go en of notr* me escort Shouted at me...
...The commlasion found that tt was Imperative that I ahould be given means to travel me remaining distance...
...I was waiting tor toe final declsien...
...Again, with ail ths *xtraordlnary progress ta eaJiehttnmeht, thp Donee deplored the .rostra tots on civil liberties, press and speech censorship, aad me almost fanatical deification ef tienta...
...He threatened "to take measures...
...Sut me educational resources are aa yet limited, lacking equipment and well prepared teachers...
...Tew win have to carry me there...
...14 at least, were accepted...
...All the XT sick women followed me...
...The greater part of production la state-owned and directed...
...Fifty per cent of me food is filth...
...sttakug mud...
...the tnspeqtcr...
...But I did not poaeeae enough money to allow myself this luxury...
...Any woman who is bore for a certain period of time leaves Its diseased.'' , " The warning was not superfluous...
...f "Not X •aban act go...
...kt tm.m'mmm^mt-miwtt^caTtoo dyaTtoT^tVwfif wdhe One of the flanisnfl* ta oas* stdtaeaent was that an hanaadtoto .aVpftepMftofi be oaSnsft sua, Me proaatoad fie .gap to h. mgm.m umhtetton eame poet haste hr the prison the very sasaa evuatoag doetorn...
...besides, she was weakUdaded...
...The last atop finally...
...During the day—another nightmare: me meals...
...He was uery kind to ua...
...t- '' -What tt the mottarr .' ¦ d)" - "There, tkfs woman...
...Such is me "custom.'* Almost all me women who pass mroughthls prison are abused that way...
...Shut up...
...Besides, mere waa no revoking of ma Some of me man In the party had their belonging oa carta...
...first of all, brought to ma local militia...
...ah* fit mehlafi trouble," reports the tohoadst, "I - have no time," Interrupts tafi president, 1 araat hurry to a atopy anp..Vr Then I raised my voice: "Tea...
...When morning etme It waa'found mat XT women suffered from Irraptive fever...
...tend here...
...The doctor aad me prison autboritlee were of me same opinion...
...The dishes are never washed...
...I was barely able to walk aad would have certainty succumbed on me way...
...are a JewessT" v ."What of it...
...Any outdoor waftpl** "No, never...
...A tew minutes later many vomited their food...
...We don't get me gruel...
...J. From Kotiamm To UmtSymmcUk j The distance behween KoUaaa and me next »top pins plaee...
...X went Into that room...
...The food consists exeluatvaly of balf-rotton dried fish...
...But Russia Is short of technical equipment Wooden plows drawn by camels to agt uncommon in certain narta...
...jnilitary Borrectmeaa ajftd...
...The cooperative ffiovetnent is very successful pad baa mere than tea million members...
...Let her aleep here.' in the room where the safe la...
...Xt la dome kind of mixture of dirty, raw paste with putrid potatoes...
...Two days edter "dlstofeottou** o»otjmtog returned to me old stotoe the samq filth, the same horror...
...nsedical atotstoata...
...Do you Intend moving «nf .. . ZmmKa and gun threats...
...He wont-away at hurt...
...We went to the' revolutionary tribunal.'* An official who had served under me old regime replied: ^Nothing doing...
...The conditions here seemed to be slightly bettor than to Vokwda, me calls larger and not so filthy...
...Skeffdea the escort would compel us pureooetr to walk.In the muddieat part Of thp street They abused us—these sthsf...
...I went myself to the, hospital...
...There were 4* women in the large female cell, I was the only "poUticaX" There are nine folding boards ta me oeO...
...I spent such a long time In the Vyatka prison because It was expected that my banishment to Crst*Sysselsk would be revoked...
...Official Action To my anrpriae, me Chief received our delegation...
...By me end of the aaoafh ft was discovered that the order ot me central authorities could not be revoked...
...At each step I stumbled pad refused to continue me Journey...
...It was worse under Kaxdes, aad yet you walked The old s Oman lay motionless^ The SoMtor -Jabbed her with the butt-end df Ida rise...
...Here you win find mat alphabet painted In* large letters, landscape scenes showing modern machinery, etc There was a discordant note' to the pacific Danes, at laasfr-amrwg toe drawings...
...Wood la so expensive.*' At S In me morning three-quarters of a pound of bread la given...
...It was also a bit difficult for th\ Daaos to harmonise a Communist factory wtth the presence of a detachment ofv armed soldiers at the gates...
...The man lit a candle, examined" ua and mumbled between the teeth: *1 have come for me control...
...f Tboy started to eMstofeet the eon...
...On one matter we are in determined agreement: a reaction must bo prevented at^all costs, for that would weaken the" worker* throughout the world...
...A tehekiri overtook us: "Mare...
...After some squabble X demaadeaV polnt blank...
...was me reply...
...Will you release meT" ' "Tee, ftmt I wfll send you- to worfit Teu era going to bo to the bands ol the "ebhomtrood" (District Committee ot Compulsory labor...
...It waa S p. m. , At Jho Tchaka I was first searched and my belongtegs ware going to be tokaa...
...they declared there that In accordance with me documents of my ease, I* was now no more a prtaoner but an exile, And that the prison pad nothing to do wtth tt...
...Very well...
...After two mtire days of tribulations to villages we reached yst-Byaaolsk on me morning of me third day...
...By G. M. Yudevitch |r^^WAfi'«rre«brf io KlauiaTr at J 0M bepnmtt* ef 1921 aa aa %et£r*&U&* result of a hmu*er pfrtto me BuiyrkiPrisonm Mos* ff£ September, 1921...
...We, who went to Russia as Social Demokrats," ooncluded Bruun, "have not been converted to 100 per cent Communism, though we are filled with wonder at what has been accomplished in cultural and industrial work shice me overthrow of me Csar...
...The following night another individual appeared in our can...
...Wherever thfr* is modern machinery, the output is quite astounding...
...It was decided that thai woei would be put In the corridor for night on condition that she should ha bmnaferred the next moming> to the anapitaL This waa done...
...Up in att Interview By Marius Hansome THE world of organized labor is checking up on the jtnssian expentnent...
...I refused categorically to remain in •a* cesspool and asked whether I could bat spend me night in the corridor, wktch was.' after all, cleaner...
...we obtained hot water, washed the call and prepared for me night.' Before leaving, me waxdesa warned us to be on our guard...
...I waa sent to sentry-room...
...saaHary * aaslstaata...
...Danish Socialists View Russia The Impressions of the Inve>stijj'atinii Commission Swnmeo...
...In the factories, lectures aad instruction are given daily...
...Prison about all I had seen...
...Mo words could transmit the Incredible horror of the thing: in an ebnoat dark room, amidst a filthy heap mt mud, swarmed about 86 to/ 40 creafiama, half alive...
...We refused...
...The visitor saw, no doubt, that this time his ceil was futile...
...Xereturned to mo provincial mOitla...
...Membership to the party to the first condition to position of Toaponetatwy...
...Dent ipjeve...
...I am a widwtfe...
...To think mat there are* huapaa betogs who wend three to five years here for petty criminal offense* or for "nUsdomeanora in office: . Beedes, I w«W under better oondltione than others: I was sailing odd pieces of dething (through prisonere who Wore.going to town), thus having something to teed oa end to keep up one's strength...
...We protested energetically and about td: ' -"After the evening inspVctlpn you have no righ^to come Into our cell...
...X wanted to speak about the boating that took place on the way to the prison and about me SOB...
...After exfdanatlons he appointed a dmnmlasJbn to examine me...
...Apprentices receive dally four hours of theoretical and technical instruction...
...X aban at least <apsnd a quiet night Next morning X was summoned bjf me president of me Tcheka...
...A fsdtory la run hp tern directors, one a toahuleal (not saaswaarSy a Cam amIVasMtttsauag^ CwBsP J^tEtVfo ^EsaMl C^asVasuVMssPnaw^ssT always predpmluefe to too works ^ eSgsS*P^SBslr^^ V...
...C Bruun and firick Jacobpen have given out an interesting interview in...
...fiVtoot, In complete darkness, hi frightfully muddy streets, we draggar alnnr to the middle of the road...
...The "soup" waa brought at t p. m. I have never aeon anything like it- It was cooked with dirty horse-heads, bits of horse-skin floated in me dark, stinking liquid, as wen as#ha)x«-a kind of mucus...
...It seemed to me a year...
...wtBL we did not like this cen, which W*Spven dirtier man the common cell...
...Mo mattresses, no pillows, nothing...
...Wages vary from 90 to SOS rubles per month...
...I wee 'then dispatched to the'local "Communist Party": let them decide my fate...
...Hare again may declared: "It has nothing to do with us...
...The cortf mission was very much impreaed by me educational work going on among me peasants...
...We stayed the night to the prtoan of mat place (it veseta from Xetlene...
...8b* concluded thus: "During mo Csar'* regime none of us In me country villages could either read or write...
...aahaely, pictures of a military character...
...Most of mem had fever...
...Even thrVualla of She aeOs were covered with excrement and other filth...
...I waa eeat to the local prison...
...or .oven the chief might come late at night for a certain purpose...
...Meanwhile, be gave orders mat I shouM be admitted to toe local prison...
...their cell, as mere was no more room In the hospital...
...We reached Tarenek...
...We still refused to go...
...X have been exiled here and do not intend tt frag about to sen try-rooms...
...Instead of helping her get Up, one ef the escort threw Umself fcpea bar, swsaring an the while...
...The prison was re&ehed late at night...
...We learned the next day thattt was tha assistant Chief at the Vologda Prison...
...jtfawft That /a Hussia is full of muh that is as and blackrnithe •That thecals, widespread naivetes among toe general populace of Russia concerning conditions in other ebuntries, is deSghtfully Illustrated in aa address ot welcome by a woman in one of me provincial citlee...
...X asked for the president, tie Wfia' caHed...
...yet I was so weak that I was unable to carry mlself...
...When I reached Botlasa X was seat to the local auntie...
...These boards and the floor itself wore covered with tattered, and da some cases, abaost naked.' semicorpses...
...There Were four of us: myself, me weman^doctor, a bsttisb woman and one other woman, a would-be socialist-revolutionist <it was afterwards fouhd out that she w*h planted as an agent-provocateur...
...I asked for the Chief...
...prison Ufa 'mam much too' unbearable...
...When morning came he appeared again and—deubtleaa as "rwrenge— ordered: "Clean the lavatories...
...At last one of me drivers took pity on ma, carried my, things sad men placed me en me cart for my tost f,S0* rubles...
...she-fall right into dha mod...
...I cannot remember a more terrible night than me one I spent in the Vyatka Prison...
...NotSlag but* a miracle would have enabled me to bear toe trip," considering—the atate of my health...
...If It Is along the linos of my pre* tessten I Will go...
...Sri waa BL The medical officer dlagpeptd htfasnuaatlon ef the Joints, ad{aa>ss my critical state aad categoriaefiy forbade depeituio...
...It waa railway Journey to Kotlass...
...I waa told here that may could not accommodate me and that they did not know what to do with ne...
...I decided to send a statement to Chief of the...
...Ho impressed me aa a typical general ot the Nicolas period...
...ttat up, you...
...The Chief of me Ideal prison called nto...
...for aoma reason, wearMaltmime^ra'rtel ^nPfisap^"fa»^Oja wto^towaVS...
...Among Stem were many pee aw ate from the fembov proVlnce plainly—who were '+rtru*mM tor the "Antonov rebellion...
...women and children even of the age of S. A fair sprinkling of old .men SSd women of SO and over...
...It does not concern ua...
...Mr feet ware kedtr swuPan aad X could barely move, fst I decided to est out...
...The women prisoners tossed, moaned, begfied for water...
...We Jumped up together...
...Filth everywhere...
...the name ol which escapes me, la IT versts...
...The wardress, a rather kind woama, advised me not to attempt to Sftah to anybody about anything, as liha chief of the prison was no better Spaa the was impossible to sit anywhere ta Che celt The floor did not seem S» have been washed for years...
...Bread and potatoes are very cheap while butter aad meet .ere dear...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 1

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