Hedges, M. H.

GOVENER MINTURN By M. H. HEDGES Author of "The Iran City" toC^fS^niliMMii'Mi^ orfuiiMd labor m At w*i*rf that turned the bahmcalm hi* favor. Aratng M^-«Aip%M^lM «**der has bean **»...

...Bronx Socialist Party Barnar and Ball ds Mm**.'i*9U7 tltU'fmi Brans...
...Dan made, a shew of warming himself at the are, but concluded he was hungry...
...Aratng M^-«Aip%M^lM «**der has bean **» aTOar, ^JU^^Mf^jX^Mtfl^MI mUffafihwahvawja ImAL ahstea* - - — cmw «t labor...
...Oscar patient and antipathetic Oscar had his groat moments, however...
...Though Bob was considered -"tony" by Tern, the oldest box had not wholly drifted away from the family hearth...
...As he came into the tiny room tonight, through the low-eelUnged bedroom ooeuptod by Men...
...Hugh did net acme up...
...Baa had hurst Into tears and had Bftad bis brother te-htearani end parried ban Into the house- Hugh soon forgot the Inoinaati sad aflewed Dan tofijathe the wound...
...Get up, aad ttfU atop...
...r . -v- . pH AFTER I (Continjued) Election Night ROBLEY ^INTURN, the oldest of the five Minturn children (there had been eight) had married a gnu widow with one child, *.• boy...
...Hugh: "Got any esneuesa ea your hands...
...aad a lithograph of a movie actress, a lovely...
...Bob was proud of San...
...He eroae aad fumbled toward Hugh's cot Bis groping fisgsta touched arst the oouvrlet...
...Most of the tow ¦which he had read had been read to George Xlmheriy's law ofice dowa' town...
...He had gone only to si few night etoasse at the lMverafty...
...Ten are making aTfcol of yeuraett...
...asr nalL The bed waa empty...
...v LO Mtotura, Baa's elder sister, had married a keeper of a delicatessen shop hi the south apartment region...
...He waa Bepseeaattattve Denial Minturn...
...grumbled old Tom...
...the family together at Christmas, and perhapa one* durtog...
...Ths fact that Baa was her brother allowed Maude to talk frankly about subjects often called taboo between man and women...
...That smell ate into a man's being...
...Ban had about a, score of books, mostly tow texts, but a number of averks in eoetology...
...He eteerd the ereafc mMJiff straw maftreae, aad her ejrteh.'maas ured breathing...
...a few pamphlets of ton Marxian school, and several novela...
...Dan watebed Hugh go to the kitchen to wash his wound...
...Soatoknt Party, win heel Its annua) afoUr at the Bfisnta Swtot Palaoe, idSrd street and Seathera Boulevard...
...and felt strung and very moscullwo,' The are feels good* pa...
...There was established thus a subtle link between them, whioh was derived from sax, but which was not iiUett...
...To Be Continued Next Week) . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^MaA^i^^^^mtmmm ¦^tj^a>o^»-'^¦a»'^*wju» :'vsvMOi*^>t>«»sa»'»^- ¦->4 totf p'tsjaufcis jsp..swje|iT*- e^H—t - *« T^^s^^^^S^Ji ai^l^Bss...
...His father put down his paper...
...Tickets are ohUiasble at Socialist Baity Head' quarters, USf Beaton Rood, end at toe Bead SchooV 7 Bast Uth street...
...Wen, Dan," Oscar Btoontquiat said, stretching out.his pudgy hand, "we wove just going...
...Hugh works hard...'re hurting mother...
...been to ooQoge...
...He chared tt with Hugh...
...were in the dining room off of the small living room together...
...This mto> understanding waa not she that, B was differed...
...Toon often aaw whole hams, fowls jiad loaves of bread roll out of- the oar into the Ore, and the sight of the waste enraged him...
...Baa gienoed apprehep slvely toward Hush's side of the room, Hia brother'B sweaty soiled overgOs ware lying to a heap where he bed firopped them...
...aad had driven tt dawn toto toe shun af Ida weeing brother...
...please stop/* Daa saw his mother press her unpfcsring hands over her ears aad take a stop forward...
...His vedee was sharp aad pervasive, bat tt did net quaver...
...Dan now aaw...
...But this explanation did net bring him any real satisfaction...
...It ought to with east at m a tea...
...Daa saw Hugh lying finite white and stm...
...He tossed rsstlfsiy...
...dtrt aecrrmnlstfona of Maude always advised Bob to boy clothes tor his mother, but he usueUy seat her gifts of food mstssd...
...Dan felt himself laughing...
...Dan did net kg*>w what to say...
...Hugh beat bhnsett to his task...
...He waa not like that...
...Daa answered, a trifle vexed, not knowing Irhy...
...OJd Tom took his chair, palled up his newspaper about his faee/and rattled tt briskly...
...Alice Miner waa now pretending that nothing had happened amiss...
...Get up, I say...
...He know that Hugh did not like htm» or or elnoe they-wore kids to* gather...
...As Hush had bawled to agony, aad Meed yellow hair...
...Tt's ata a He...
...He waa aware that while bo slept there bed stolen upon him again the sense sd triumph aad weD-botag whtoh had accompanied the firet news of MB eto»> ties...
...Hugh'sevident passion, his belligerency, perplexed Daa aad made him instinctively afraid...
...On the night of Ua election* saints** Jtoppy with Ma ¦iiimuh, returns to bis worUnfdaaa bona to eelebrste^with Ua fsfBHjr...
...worhUy face...
...Be believed Ou had intellectual attainments quits beyond these of any member of the family...
...The room wee oarefully divided between the two bays...
...Hs leaned oaok aad turned Ua bead away...
...But he bid'never acted this way before...
...Do I have to ten you what you are, aa you come lording It heme Uka a millionaire setting your fancy brooches in your old moth eels chair, while aha stands up...
...Her heads were am sped hnpuletvolyut her breast Daa: "Stop, you stubborn feel...
...Daa felt Hugh's fingers crawl along hie ooller, andMhep fett them tighten and Jerk...
...At S4...
...He •hoard Kofi some up the .unoarpetad stair wad go to bod...
...The price of admtsafea a W aaato asC sash fidhg] Hardmew x^spswhto Pkjao, aa' At...
...It wag also so absurd...
...Oeoar Bloomuufst LiTo-husband, was a snmU, ensrgstic Swede, who was said to be "eloee" and making money...
...She nodded vigorously, her dim eyes glowing...
...There waa a bopd,between them...
...that's van,1" ha thought...
...They went with the earns girls...
...Bob, and yon know tt Look act that kitehsa...
...bis mother was saying- "He'll be all right to a little while...
...Oed damn you...
...water Kent five tabfi radto aad a beeuajtal parlor" Soar temp...
...Dan had put up a few plotureo on his side, a cheap print of Lincoln, a fpofi portrait of Messini...
...Alios Miller sat herself squarely upon her heels and watted...
...Alice and Hugh...
...Hugh: "XAugh...
...Bob and his wife" was the way the Minturns had come to designate this brapch of the family...
...She had sunk to a heap at Hush's feet...
...and an that...
...thin aad nagging...
...Dan aaw his mother make a gtitm e of dieaewt... 1 have to say h again...
...aad often tfm up to the boose to see her, visits •boat which be did not speak, to Maude...
...It consumed self-raspedt Bob and Maude were congenial to Daniel Minturn... 17 years old, Ralph...
...Ban said irralevantly to hide bis satisfaction in Maude's hiss...
...Hello, Hugh...
...He awayed...
...Ths governorship next... your fine ways, while your mother and your old map work their hands off for you...
...He had Improvised a desk eat or a kitchen table, and Jtad purchased ah oil stove from which be absorbed enough heat on winter nights tjp keep him at work at his desk...
...Ths dance will begin at • p. an...
...Hugh* Jealous... the night he* waa wakened by Ska sound of fchj father's feet en the hitehen floor, and the spotting ef wood...
...His mted vmuM not hot eV the thought that he had bees treated unjustly by Hugh...
...Do you know, mother, as I oame la Just itow...
...Go along to him after while...
...The popular Bronx Band—Dan Harnett's— wm render the Jess...
...This last was uttered in an ascending seals of anger and disgust...
...Baa kissed her...
...Maude Bamsay Minturn had her bat on...
...Dan's Just plain smart...
...He waa Stod for that attack...
...Boh aonejdarod his father radical...
...A great gale of eager swept through him and aapped Me strength*, to a moment he wee on hto feet, hitting out with right and left...
...He would watt for Hugh...
...too smart to work like honest people...
...Dan saw the thin line of his brother pun hack from Us white, eharp teeth...
...Ha thought her pbunp, bouyant figure, Jber glossy hair, bar ears with their huge Jet ornaments, her wen-massaged face aad bright roving eyes pretty' if not eto«aat...
...He heard ths pump W)M#9uW "There, there...
...rut tt there.- She pursed her red Bps...
...Bob, therefore, considered hia' good judgment* borne out whoa Dan ran for and was elected to -the legislature...
...a am&n income of her^ownTand that, coupled with Bob'* commissions, gave "Bob and hia Wife" wealth In the eysa of Tom aad Emily...
...Maude Remedy Minturn waa looking meealagfuBy at Boa, Old Tom seemed halt amused Hie mother was now weaatag bitterly...
...Dan explained, turning expensively to Mrs...
...Maude, his .wife, who was fond of signing herssif Hand* Ramsay Minturn, believed ts not growing up...
...Bvery morning for IS years this key" there he Jerked from his pocket a large braes key) "has been In the store door Just as ths docks were striking six...
...If a funny, haiat It...
...I ear...
...Glad you're elected...
...Alice came foiward crisply, without show of excitement...
...He tugged- He eWore, but hie brother eat atabberaly...
...Hugh did not atop...
...Daa kfased his mother goodnight aad want Up to hia room...
...She end Bob were slipping, out without a word...
...His • mother first, seietty, with S> SSBQS apt with metat oyea "I knew you oeuM as ft, Osa.* She "Getting up ta the wort*, anal fan, hraar* This from Bob.' hiaude said, looking mlsehl1 veojshl at her husband: "Otve us a hiss en that, Baa...
...He wsa bound that her would not get up- ¦never, not tor any eeul *b>o...
...he grumbled...
...Lab* tor us...
...His room waa One Of two upper rooms of the eottege —up under the roof where the rain beat audibly oa eummer nights, end- the spews of Winter eomeUmee sifted through...
...When they had gone...
...galvanised Into'impotent spec* tatore- at Hughi "My God...
...She frankly told her hutband that she did not oensidar his mother clean...
...Hugh oame in...
...was tan...
...Some record, eh...
...WeQs end Stoclahr dominated...
...A bazaar with mahy charming attractions win held sway an day and evening and a buffet win cater to the hungry and the thirsty...
...Alloc Millar for ones did not know what to say...
...141 pecked at bis cheek with her Hps as they passed out...
...He *£i*M <vi* •»-* mtf*x.' . Ban fett htmoelf athten a bttls eiong hebtmked...
...She waa reminding Daniel that oa Saturday aft-" emooa he and she were going to Saint Paul to .the capltoL together to look ever Daa's new pastures...
...hia head against the beck tog of too atove.' Ben rejected toe Idea that Hugh staggered to hie feet...
...That was aB...
...They all seemed strangely fascinated by the sMV uatlon...
...Oh, Htthgey...
...that's what ho is...
...Hoses Armstrong—yon heard him talk of hint...
...In she afternoon aa exeeUcnt concert wm be given, including the following utkfts: The . Workmenfa Circle MandoTto Orchestra, the Band School Dancers with Richard Bleohachmldt to toBt dances, the male chorus at the Tiantsh SooIaUet Fed^ aratSea, Genevieve Kaufman, soprano sad Stanley Day, composer, at the piano...
...but never realh/ working at tt, never rosily bringing in money to the old folks...
...Those inhered ha his avocation that af epyteff on...
...He waa filled with an agony of self-pity aad remorse, yet his mind waa hard end (Obdurate...
...he burst eat under his breath...
...his small shop became a reporting station, to whioh an the potty gossip shout apartment house residents drifted...
...Daa was trembling now...
...Soto's slovenly...
...Ton dent have to shoot...
...e st urns that it waa saaaWf hat breaker Hugh tha^Daajfcinafii as ho 4 -Haa Hugh there...
...Hugh waited, as if for aa answer...
...She had...
...Hugh was enttttng derisively.v "Might have known . you Wouldn't fight fair...
...Between these eounda he heard his mother gasping and retching...
...Ho skid not understand why the old man, now that ho had a good Job with the city, should continue Us routings...
...Attar that aa awkward alienee fen upon them...
...A sharp, acrid terrifying odor penetrated orery section of the super-boated pleat at all hours of the day and night...
...Boa felt his head brought up aharpty and painfully...
...Ho was larger than Hugh...
...Bob expressed tt...
...He began mere vigorously than ever to try to lift Daa from hhi eeet...
...Thehuseet crowd of Bronx Socialists and thehr friends ever gathered . together . wsj meet at tola' affair...
...Dan: "This has got to stop* Hugh: "Ob, tt dose, does it...
...They Were aocuatamed to sleep together untfl lately, whop/ by mutual consent they had taken down the oM spindle bed, piled It to the woodshed, and put up two army eots...
...Perhaps, he thought, hu mother was right...
...Do X have to ten ye...
...Be was bleeding from a gash under his left eye...
...Maude was as intriguing to Ban as a vaudeville show...
...Instead of going to the kttehos, he sat down in his mother's chair nest to the stove...
...She woe m agate...
...He had used ths knits sJ a ptek...
...Hugh's dinner pan was /tying on the Urumpled clothes...
...the to oases to the house...
...Got'em ma your book end, warming office ebalra, practicing the law—practidag, practicing...
...ftoatty Baa went to bed aad alept...
...Bob was a real estate agent, drove a gaudy ear— when Ralph did not have it—was sentimental, good looking, with a reputation of a hustler...
...Representative Minturn r - Ton don t want much...
...In a region where sto parties "and Jess festival* wars prevalent...
...Though he did not recognise Hugh's charges as true, be had become aware violently of something to Hugh, therefore something to human nature, terrible ahd consuming that broke to on hie dreams...
...Hugh: "Tee, pea are ana af those fine flab...
...then the din...
...He recalled that be had awakened early aad had been on the go an day...
...He went to the closed window aad tookafi out oa the dan street, and up at the stars...
...It was Just like the old days when I waa a kid...
...Suddenly aomethmg eeeased to break to Dan...
...the summer on a Lake Minaetonka excursion...
...goto' to be Governor, goto' to hen . . -. Get up...
...Hugh: 'iMraahaarr Dan: 1 heard yen the first ttma...
...tote him...
...Maude preferred to have so other relationships with her mother-in-law save at these formal tizaes...
...The good Job referred to was at ike Municipal Bower and Oiomalniy Plant, where ilia socumatetsd isisoe* e*the Ptty tons and tons ef tt was diapoaod of twenty-four hours af the See days hi a giant incinerator... knew... know...
...Ife enlycja brothers' auarroL" Att hia mother eouM do to minimise the etrife could not belittle tt to Dan's mind...
...It seemed peculiarly unfltftog that it ehould happen on this night of an nights and before Alice Miller...
...hia neighbors...
...It relieved him by giving him a cue...
...It waa me on atom to brine...
...He jamed to him desk aad hostel himself with books...
...M waa only a passing guarraL When he and Hugh were hoys, he to!d*imesK, he ones had struck Hugh with an open knife whtoh he cuarled to his hand...
...He fett humiliated, cheapened...
...Daa aaw the room donee to hat gene...
...More than that, some Interior image of himself had been shattered...
...ah* bobbed tar hate, won a modified jiapper «Mt«flMi ana vM uj op«n advocate of the single standard of morsUty...
...GOVENER MINTURN By M. H. HEDGES Author of "The Iran City" toC^fS^niliMMii'Mi^ orfuiiMd labor m At w*i*rf that turned the bahmcalm hi* favor...
...Kle.mether wag aaytog: "Oh, Danny, you have hurt htm new...
...Ha feK oomethin* PulPT against hie righf fist...
...She took his hand between her lean, red pahna and said...
...He's ktnda unstrung: he eew a men burned to death today...
...he thought only of Hugh...
...The concert will begin at S p. in...
...J 4to4)w ffs9 #wBMftaJ^a^aja)p%sj>Joka slsj) Bu*ti'lf#* nose ef temper, as weak deal re of ploooisg an year pert, as wheodUwfc oeaxine, nor flattery ef ether peeV phjJSa make yew reeede one Jet Prom any point that iwasea ami pru* donee have tod you pureua Chas torfieM...
...Tarn's Job was to rake the pa roe roe of -waste food out of the OTorhead oar Jtoto the mouth of the furnace hsnesth...
...Daa found Maude diverting...
...Matthew Uk Oscar nor Ken...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 1

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