Deamnd Nation Run the Mines As Operators Prolong Strike PINCHOT MOVE TO FIA STATE CONTROL Bui' fVti^ew- ArttSl. cite Be Patfaik £cs*fc* - >. mission ^ „?v ^ t..j , UTITH th» rsitMki of me...

...Wttslt to bn fty.^-Thi raasjaw-um^ ore aM aRWSJS |a**s*dte...
...the tew—but authority should be delegated id some State board to extend the list$1,000,000 Union Fund New York Women's CUiment^piifei^ flan fey Assess Each Member $20 to Meet |3iaWgancy 'T —Darkish New Editor «bf Justice i >i FRANKLY faring the certain possibility oTs generial strike' in the New York women's garment industry...
...Florida, -the movie colony in Hollywood," the meat, railroad and...
...AO talk Ot a left wing break hi the party ia sheer an...
...ys^oplewm net ssnesne to be wMttp^ t# aw9 0flM{HJtit T^My...
...The complete statement is as follows: ,L No r child under fourteen to toe employed at any gainful occupation except In domestic service or agncuitare* - • -\, H. Mb ebjht under atetean to be employed: L At any work known to be dangerous, injurious, or hmsardous^ Places and oocupatloDS, known to be dangerous or hasardooa Tor children under sixteen should be enumerated in the Igw-rbut suthorit*, ahoukl be deb)ajated to ansae state board to extend the list...
...A. C. W. Picks Beckerman foimer SociaUist Alderman Selected to Wipe I^Oiit Factk?nali»m and Restore Organization M:^: .; to Ito FormeV^anding ¦• Mip music and flowers and hfik mnheroa8 congratuhttor>p^** messages f rem kcar umbtw, ftkahain Beckerman was inducted P, die manager of the reorganized |§J Enlarged New York Joint Board ^Wters Tuesday night at -the ^wgamated Tempte, Brooklynghe turnin* ewer of the position to ¦mannas...
...When Now Tork City or San Franctoee wanted to secure that water supply, which...
...t Z do not object to limited dividend oom pastes In tbe field of housing...
...As a graduate of Sandhurst he, served through tha war 'and bad his foot crushed by a shell...
...scheme,, whltih does not pKnaJt governmental agencies to comipats' with private interest* in providM| housing can meet tha preaant PMaar Angtg* — W£Thm Hcmainf Problem '• fgftv*' problem of ' boustag involves M: and soaiag...
...Lady Cynthia Mosley, arrived: yesterday on' thie Majestic onatheir first visit to the United States...
...tfjawsas* with a number of other mat. ban, ejktef ** which la bousing...
...e.^TJutom the employer gets a .wnnk perniit ^frnm* the .proper srRoot ornfckU upon the following toar oanditkm* iaxoept Utat' no arork permit sbakld be required for work in dome* ¦ Wa'i aervtee or agjlpoltwre): ,<a> A paeigUae of aimdusinanl...
...It will be the occasion for pumie-spirited citizens to call to the attention of their neighbors the facts that: 1. The problem of...
...before his death—are /he basis of one Of the four" bills of exceptions for the new trial...
...It oucht to inHtato> "certain decent architectural ¦tesdarda...
...The Comrades Mosley expect to do a lot of studying of infiuatrhU conditions, plan' to visit Trenton, Phflsdalphi...
...ap aaaatinga ainae She afrsuter wa* ru^arutfV#wln tftag gs^pU^jaapP Off flagga^ajrwugWlaataaft far te rinirtad te hp .aa geed aa : la tea oaae-of bppipis anadsi in eariler year...
...Moatey," began the reporter, "la that what you would can patriotic T* Some of'the other reporters tried to...'on...
...After a striking Socialist fight Hosier :«r*a defeated by 7a votes, one of the -greatest surprises of the election and one of the greatest Socialist viotories of rieetit'years.' '. Lady Cynthia is the second daughter of the late Maruulr Carton, and accounted one of thd most beautiful of the women m BrWeh ^arlatacraile aaeiety...
...Capitalism has completely broken down...
...Tes, indeed fthis in response to another question) we refer' to the Dominions things that really matter, minions'as the Rritkm Commonwealth of Nations...
...Car* And Arbitration Bampoe* that Wheeler Instead of Cooltdga were now PiesWaul of Ot* United States, aad Brand*!* instead of Taft wars Chief Justice...
...MiUquit and Darrow * "Ho Debate on League In N. Y. February 2 Morris Bfllqutt, International Beeretery- of the Socialist Party, agd Clareaco ©arrow, famous "lawyer recently engaged in the fight en...
...Nappy Is Tea Off wfWrm (Idmsitf *mot»g tt— dessT And sflsst) tote weed shell be —Mr TTaed so might have mm* the wsrigf *g«d csoos toTatiS mm UnLL^ a^ksTuus^bi * ¦ SJasm ¦Ml*ntl..a dossRtanffitorf wa*>d aba p*ot> We lenew *f asaW tag tnmt kfade no to what to mm...
...Acuta *uw*rksg nn* eweuabpedt hi some of rh* si it hi a iH | tewne, a* artalrwiaSb...
...We bshsv* ta nationalisation...
...cite Be Patfaik £cs*fc* - >. mission ^ „?v ^ t..j , UTITH th» rsitMki of me sat wv raaactte opeisapri ro nongaa^ hr meet Ae United Miee Workers m tlaw Fernanda fargaasRtairung...
...I object to this everlasting refusal ef American officials, American political parties and American pubUc opinion to consider ways •of enabling city, state and nation to transact public business from ths making of super power and toe mining of coal to bousing the people efficiently sad honestly without th* mterveutloa of a lot of profit takers...
...was-a foatrr*' otramony...
...The defendants* rights were prejudiced from the hos'inhlne/W the trial m the way the Jury wis seleefjed...
...wo teusi to waste*, dividend companies fbr thie iMfantegk and zoning...
...and thus people are content to go along amouaalag end settling important problem* without thinking of the monarchy.'* " • - ¦ ' "How many Socialists were there In the- war V asked oae^of the Capitalist newspaper report em,~ who was manifestly trying to provoke an argument...
...I The bill would ntake tt poaatetoSor the PubSc Servtea Ceinintoeiiis to hv* quire into antbnactt* production, fay the public to attack taw rata* charged by tea operators and would generally provide -for -a pubQa ecru tiny of tea anthracite li Milium fikat luu^nss^kaxh^ arte.beau paaelbh, - \ji The aeeuRd bin...
...What about injfiBCtkms...
...If the city must .imp^aa §Pa>a on private companies tehy may mt'phe cKy" alao act toy itsettr Who »-'a»ma''to see to itJHkat the limited gM#end cotnpaniea anUch recelTe this |g§k.*r# raaponfelble and that the Mm^p|»a'oa their dividend* ta property Satofyed aaafnat alt sort* of financial Ip^aWlationT' What la the limitation »^?'^y the time you win have answered an these questions you wfll have set up elaborate agencies of regulation which win be mere bureaucratic aad less efficient Own any proper municipal housing aarpomtkm need be...
...Moeley Is what the British would call*-* "terrible swell...
...Cecteat with a publis interest" and arevided that every eompaet se entespfi late ahan be aubmltted te the General As% aenrbhr far ratification...
...Tor* three months before sailing,'' laughed afoeley, "we epear^eveEy hight on the ejlatform...
...R waa a proposal to buy the entire" wheat crop and other food products 'of the Dominions a* nd sen them to the people at cost...
...MaoDonaM.' ht fully restored in boalth...
...Furthermore," R define* anthracite producers a* tndndtegr *WTt aaaoalatloaa it** oarpesnatoanvaaunsgod ha the production, preparation and mkk> ing ready for market of anthraeitj^ftaat such coal...
...ending lit a huge outdoor rahy at midnight, when they led in the singing of "The Red Flag...
...automobile industries in Chicago aajd Detroit, Iron and steel fat Pittsburg, the ooal mines and the garment industry in Mew Tork...
...The HNa was * faeaMty decked With Pp floral graeUne-ii from local unions M»reups ot workers irom tho-ahop...
...Svideajce that.the ehMpr of teand^wge for that asantfla enfptermont...
...klHqu)t wiU take the afBrmaUto ot the subject: "Resolved that the United -Stateii...
...Why, when New Tories wants decent bousing for that half of Its population* which now Uvea under shocking conditions, should we encourage the formation of limited dividend companies to receive state aid Instead of taking measures which have proved successful ta London, Liverpool and a lot of other European cities...
...He ia son and belt of a baronetcy, which means that' upon the death of his father he wilt automatically beeome Sir Oswald...
...Oovwxndr it* negotiate compacts .with aalhiaAts eoMumteg state* providing tar ^ fas) regulation Of the retafl teats*** offtbsT aathraelte trade...
...wtn'take the lead la demanding something far hotter than what Governor Smith has proposed...
...oiaUam is beinp uaWed lit by the sexton and the mfawitof the sexton wurtea the old fegted am| tha rnjdWNoa am ushertng bji the new gan•ataSbn, wkb are tuMng^SeoiaJ* "ties to^*taBg*ssa^wngw>gr^ %/> ¦ * maaTsamnaM iM s> MutMP...
...Isn't R time tar our labor officials inOfsw Tork City te atop being "me too** boys for Tamm*ny> HaB offlotalat And tt yon dent Sve in New Tork City, supply th* name of your own loeal machtoa aad ask ths aame question...
...election out of tha |§to,- defeat It at tha next session of |w Lagtelatnre,' provided they control &pj*bere yon have^he nub of tha mat...
...ahowing the exact nature oT- eke umrk...
...I object to giving them a credit from th* state which it ls sot prspoaed to give to genuine bousing co-operative* or trade unions which win build for use and not for profit Z object to the use of state credit to bring even limited profit to private Individuals and corporations...
...member of the Socialist K^y and at one time a Socialist mam¦fca* «j« New Tork Board ot AWorBp...
...R srnrpty isn't functiontng...
...Our ideas is...
...ehy^-gpg gabpeaVIned to_b> free, ,Wa Capitalism Is Through,' Socialism Country Say Mosleys, Here to Study U. S. Industry By Wm...
...He made a brilliant record aa one of the ablest of- toe younger Tories, and a big...
...enter the leaguo of Nattooa and the Wort* Court," In taddng tfata attitudes he wnl present the atmude of tte artsraattenal 864 clailst andXabur asotsmaut towaad the Cisjili.v XJ*- r Tichets for thfs debate .win...
...Is "noted tor tta pottery srorks...
...a Socialist and X^abor JfL P, who deserted SosfsJIam and the Labor Paste-tor the...
...I should say that fully half the young man who fought la she met war are-Socialists now...
...Sktt the Ring baa shown Chut he la atogaaml not to interfere In potato*!' ntattefB...
...Is a mere provision for hearing before a preliminary .jJatoctjoBenoggh...
...Capitaliabi ha* broken down, and Socialism ia getting ready to take . its rplaee...
...Pinohot alao urged that the cemmlsskm...
...That was what the v people of the Dominions wanted, that is what our people wanted, but the Tories voted against it... Bytdenee ttad the nhdBJbnn gomplStad the gth grade .of taVjmhlja aehmd or its amylvvlerrt...
...This was' when he pulled out of hte pocket severs...
...the aaU-< evolution law...
...For mare than S bows a day-MW a day* ¦or...
...future was •predicted for him...
...We're accustomed to all sort* of' Interruptions and hackling...
...of "the...
...Both men were opposed to the last war...
...k After Tat night or beaure ••a» tha aaecntog...
...Ijmi' epoldsupport the eonatituIStJlal amendment this year, and, with Hjte.gfrbaruatortoi...
...We.simpty ignore the question," they replied, "ff the Mondamealsl polfttoai Qnestton...
...The defense protests this and the .evidence aa to this—*om statemsnts of Jurors *tfU living ant trom * statement that lUpley now dead made to Attorney Thomas MrAmaaney...
...He ia still under as, with a remarkable military and political record behind him, and a, brilliant Socialist record in the making...
...The.afbsleya expect to,spend three" months la the Chitgd, States studying Industrial conditions, and to return to KngbiBd in time for the Raster conference of...
...aixead a* taiiera, ^ragneataT tha...
...They were convicted June, 1921, for a payroll guard murder...
...sate at Soeiahst Jfnrty aeedwskrterv...
...Foreman "Jpley was responsible lor a serious broach of the defendants rights in the Jury room when he introduced new evidence that the defendants had no...
...It to only ta special that Saber hi wen warranted In aa—pt ing *u«h artoTMtlon...
...The atendarda include the prohibition of: (1\ certain work for children under fourteen...
...1) night work for thoae under sixteen, (S) a working day of mem than I hours far chibren under sixteen, and <4) employment in phyaieany and morally dangerous occupations for those under eighteen yeara%of age...
...r Aa a result of the tenure of tne requisite number ot States to ratify that ChUdft Labor Amendment*'the re* sponslbUity of .giving adequate protection from harmful employment-, to working children rests solely with the States...
...X we cant get that we believe that regulation might be better than tbe at—eat situation...
...This met tie* wa# denied'by Judge Thayer.' Thempasn ealla attention to the Judge* failure to make any ruling on thie particular affidavit, "In deny* ing the motion aa a whole, or even to males any reference to it and he asks thst tha defendants' exception to the court's emission be sustained...
...Kof the Italian loaals auppUod a Rf.rf music., , BWreauus ware mado-^by Beekertnau ¦K*y General PraaMeDt Sidney M*** These ware utaraporaad jj-jt** readina- of teleyratna ail ¦wit: 'Beckexmaa attepaaa hi the B^gak ke'haav undertaken—to reHHHs} Aialsan^todlu* Wew.ttbrk ^^]>|th^poe»^ ^^^alwaini^ hati DISHONEST TRAIL OF SACCO IS BARED Pebtiop ¦¦ to Supreme Court Exposed XJn* fairness That Cort* victed Italian Radicals v; K Boston...
...Oh, we're used ten that •Mtrt of thing...
...until the collapse of the Coalition...
...flesh pots of prefirwient^v.-T^'two Meedeyn have been carrying' net Incessant' Socialist prepay ganda work tor months, the climax being a 'string of tremendous meetings in Oteogow lb «,' single day...
...Tha deakdon em.gar tJ**jSnl|te^*a3 ^V'sjiiliU'^eai ahsli aisn ar tai aajhmt SsMrRtel ateashv te whloh the iinplaajalia naer sjate ft* lected R wg<hg^tebp,*gpn»Ted bsfa^ ^Baagl ^BB^C^^sa^Pa^ ^ w^ap^wfiV^^ 4pO^ ^^ap*e^^^P^arap^lt tha unten^aaate^a^^ Rs "IimsiteMta TieVm est Smirk'* oadW Stivers9 Relief Funds Coming In - WaaWwstaa...
...Seeeotery1 aiaayteen ed.Ste A**srlean PedasaSen of Labor states that aantalhuglsna jfm temte union* and eenwuJ labor hadlaa ore oemmg k%,M aatbdaeterp number, as n moult of tan appgat day help far the* anthracite earth**** ramUtea, kite id by the enaeutrvo ConeiderifM tJte teat that many prgauiaatiapn have hofd...
...In England," said Comrade Oswald...
...S TIMLEY TOPICS By Norman Thomas bitge endorsed Gov^tor Smith'* message yVeQ, *$ MMkodjr is now organized, it u apt HEgiuiiiiMr that they would have enr^ftrsed « much Jess satisfactory mes•'sSja.jf Jt bad come from Smith* JKflker . or any Tammany - Hall ^Mnfc£< - Nevertheless, I wonder if yMsr seriously wants to .take the ipS&om that that message was en atiis&cwTy...
...If there were to be a«new?swar would they fight againr* . ~i don't think they wouM...
...The debate will be held under the direction ,of the ,City Committee of tha Socialist Party...
...era* proposal for regulation ta th* public later—t by th* fadgral aoemuntsnt, and of sour** they wont nates to nationalisation...
...innocence of Vansettl...
...18-caliber revolver shells of bis own for the purpose of comparison, with-certain exhibit SS-asIibeej shells that affected', .the...
...Now, Mr...
...It win not take nor* brains than are available tt tabor, which la ths chief victim of the present ritastloa...
...child labor is not yet solved...
...The two' vialting comrades were perfectly willing to talk about the reasons for their conversion to Socialism..., empowered to enter late aavaements with oteer Stetes ta fix the retail prioaseS coal, : , / ' White Pteobatla pleasure* were'-bep tog;, introduced te tha Honea, two eperr atora* bOJa made Oteto appearancb lat 1hevState abiisla Oiif ¦Ipfiei owj Ska ¦^nara*jertntoate rmm^rtti^i^p^ S^Np •^S^rfeRav- pssauueV*"1 to ten eatexorir of Tinrlnmam that ten within the hn^adtotten of the, Fubtte atorvto* Cfemmtesion...
...week R wan- i in Bed^ STL ^S: aimiatad^Loaa'ssa...
...No child .Under eighteen to be employed at any occupation or in any place known and declared' to be danger* ua, injurious or haxardous for children under eighteen ' Pmoaa and occupations known to bo dangerous or haxardous for children under eighteen should be enumerated Ix...
...In Snghmd we.aay that So...
...The Tory idea la to exploit the Colonic...
...j £ During Ramsay MkcDonald'* Premiership he 'crossed the aisle and Joined tne'Xa.'bor Party, his a<S* crewtmga veritable sensation: He immediately Joined the-Independent labor Party, the Socialist propaganda aeotion of the labor Party, and became activp in., its internal Organtxntloii work and nroppganda, At the- Elections of Novemlflr, 1924, he contested the Zndywood divhlion of Birmingham, held by Nevfflo ChamMrlaln, a seat that bad'gone high tariff Tory for fifty years...
...England Is Met threugh," said Comrade Mosley emphatically, in ifply to'gueetlehe' put to hint by reportsrs, "Capitalism is threugh, hut Socialism is eeming... hours arwoek...
...Taatte why the young men, thoek who took torward, are Jo^teg .an To anch working omes s?striata,'' aafil fkunrade Cynthia, "that turned me to Soeikiiem...
...Sre ' have a fundamental fight' over things' that really malteE} People are thinking politically...
...The last aye were chosen from IT* talesmen picked overnight''' by sheriffs deputies: Thoae deputiea...
...a-commonwealth, co-operation among the people...
...Re scheme which la good enouah §9$ fSkose Republican friends of prim> profit ought to be good enouah am...
...laughed and said...
...Aeyhare planning also to address some Socialist stoaSnga ta wsrtoa* pasta of tab State of Hew Tork.: • • • "We vraa havu^abmd tatarsstlag and t^i^U^^mmu^titfim £ It^.atePna"opasaai on...
...The attitue of the foreman e* the jury, Wefter Ripley, stands osft %« an undispotod affidavit by Wnllam H. Daly, sjuacIiM Ripley se telling him • week before the trial, "Damn them, they ousht to hang anyway.'* The Only affidavit waa filed h...
...In each •ass, required a marvel of engineering skin...
...knowledge of gt-the time nor any power to combat...
...M. Feigenbaum TAKING their first rest after T three solid months of Socialist i propaganda work in Engiaod, Wales and ScotJarhi, Ctewald Moajey and his wife...
...JTJDG4 Webster Thayer's trial methods in the casejof Sacco and Vanzetti are bared rn the 190-page brief that William <J...
...Oov'sanar StehMrt proposal...
...nfieionai fipauiti agtf vB cease npi Other vttaRy tai'p'iiltaad' sue* ttomf win make it the UveaWt^eonfar* enoe we have had tor some time.-' rPAmaaar...
...Just thi«: ^4*Sg'nd 4M4*Bd companies ere to get : tea fight to institute oopilemnatlon '• grwajdlags^%toSwAiw land afi| ^Mar fas' to receive the pfbeeeds rjH^Ha^«C» of tax-exempt sousing r-jfigp&tVm state, in the very jOol• nmste wktea to reported ten Central ;;:;&njneJB^ snivel-, of.this proposal I ; rPifceds^of tea Ooverner aaM today -'<-e*pt' Of* Repubjoan* sM«at fori into : ~!itt»^1oaWat^1o»tta* ta the oirea'¦" tSon ot tha gaaal>guhBcaornoration* tmatajiato^ |w^pao^awoa»Bioaa>-oaBBov Support- ojf ev nHP«al amendment, pending Its Hfoa by.ttM-Lerislaturethat Will 9§gm*st year and ratiOcetion of .the *^aBh**Jkar-th* voters.-and no tegtela&ijEj|'otQr creation of the corporations, mghfaRerd them opportunity Car a WmUnV lila j that would tide them g|§gr*ttte *r*ubJeaoase;>oer of * guber|Brtarto1^1ootioa...
...I 'have been Working among Working people for many years and social ¦ kieouaUtiaa tettohed'me deeply.'* "How about the monarchy T* they were ashed...
...the N. Y- JomC Board of the International Ladles' Garment, Workers' TJsiam has decided to raise a war chest of $lJ0OOfiBO...
...In this connection the National Child Labor Committee has juat issued a statement of what it holds to be reasonable minimum standards,'- which should be adopted and adegnately enforced by all of the State... *s one thing to pro poos/ blaahat arblhmtien...
...We do not behove that outride arUtraters who belong mostly tsytbs social class of the employer* org th* people to be given blanket power over an indefinite period te fix wages...
...eoatrol ot the industry through tee PuhUe Service Commission...
...y SSSe^jS*w>'a^a»umui*i ''aaw b^iusim^' wtth^aampiatl taVah* 'Doteh1k»£: H k fioumlerhig around, not knowing what tb*do.: Xtd only pten seemed to be to levy'a tax on tinned salmon—erA may dropped even that...
...will meet to a debate on the 3Jaagua ot Nstlpns and the World Court, February* 2, at Carnegta Halt 67th street and Seventh avenue, Hew Tork City...
...rrnnera, *j*mm of aeutbuBRt miaiMjpimj thergRtiftfi for Sovwnment regnfajon bftte Rajsste, a' mgrfy cfttarters ."Afa, ^femjiid if...
...24 and 25 : THE 20th annual -Cfald- Labor Day-will be observed this year throughout the dountry on Jan...
...The alternative la not limited dividend companies or a political control ot municipal housing tor ths benefit of Tammany Halt It ia entirely possible to create state aad municipal housing rnnisitorlena on-Which experts, She building trades and ths users ot housed- can be represented, ft win take brains to work out snobs plan...
...Do you think: for oae moment that th* coal operator* would have proposed their scheme for arbitration Is tha Industry with tha eo-c*Bed public representative appointed by ths President or th* Chief Justice of the Bapeoaso Court, having the final votes on wages...
...and be has a firm grip on the leadership...
...It la another tRtas to preagony aa did ths Pinshot plan and the plan of th* L. L D. Oossmittoe on Coal and Super Poww...
...the Independent iAbor Party, 'of which they are both members...
...sense/* ' '•*¦ ¦J^'Fight Child Labor National Committee Suggests Practical Immedi• ate Program to Be Urged Throughout the Nation January 23...
...Lady Cynthia—-or Comrade Cynthia, as she prefers "to be called—*ts'anxious to see the works there, Mi Stoke-on -Trent, the constituency that ah* Is to contest at the next election...
...Thotnpaoni attorney for the defense, has submitted to the Massachusetts Supreme Court Which is considering arguments for a new trial...
...Child Labor Day this year oarers- an opportunity for public discussion of the minimum standards of protection which should be accorded, to working children by ah of the States...^bg cast'aaide aa tt^ mild and ot*tright govermnest.ewnership.ia be* ing...
...They are la teres ted *n poUtical questions...* a. ma***ga> from CtovemoT Ptaobot to the Fennaytvanja . legistetura urgtrig, .dnaatte changes In the tears regaxdteg oaal production, including Ste^e...
...uTtsss prinoiptos Bold COOd...
...This %m dectorofi the anthracite...
...restrain khn from what seemed a pugnacious attitude, bat Mosley...
...the bin ' tton of the ajlalaan of thonmiawthi' would praanptJy oonae- up...
...Ten knew yea don't What tha operator* have dons is to make *om* 0*nna*aton* more apparent than real as to inspection of than* books end^ then plead for public aymp*>thy by proposing arbitration which wttt not apply to prices ot coal but to wages Thsy have carefully re*sctod tba-mbv...
...23, 24 and 25...
...held by Xieat.tCoL Jama Ward, formerfy...
...In 1*18, at the mature age of was elected a Tory M. P., for the Harrow division of Middlesex, ' an'd' served as one-* of Z4oj>d George's strppoAertr...
...Today, largely because of bis war service, he is '100 per cent anti-war...
...2. It is up to the States to solve it...
...of tlae ilSSjOtJO gtriRJfif...
...The' Labor Party had a pokey... 6vmg standacda... an oaber reuuiramente Mmubd vR, ah should be to"tied, {d) A statement by'a physician showing teat he finds the" child physically fit for teat particular employment...
...1923 In a supplementary motion for a new trial...
...neither city farmed a limited dividend corporation to do th* Job...
...It was a rough trip, but restful after aft that work...
...recently by huge maJpriUaa...
...aeoordtog to their own reports, plekad personal aaquaintaucoa, lodge members, "i'epraaaatatlva cjttaen*** end ao forth--but «« not gat thahr nian from ^srlna^iUiiuaj^ or employer oonnocthma aiaf views uf fhjehr'fei«fa^Jtowa^ On the Otbar hand the proeoeutton, during the trial, wak permitted' to excite prejudice *y bringing out the radical views of the prisoners and their evaaton of the draft... an...
...that outside srapsrto dsternun* th* facto se to.wagos and prices aad tha degr— of lacreaa* to wages whtob th* anthracite industry can stand without too great an, Inarsasl ot prison Seme —tttemewt may bo reached te th* snare poMhRsnt but whatever'that solfittes stay ba...
...We don't mind it...
...Their first trip out of New- Tork will be to Trenton to study the potteries...
...ftraf aeyop Jurors...
...Within a day -after tta operator* had ao defialteryjUMVed ta end tap nagpRn Uona with the nteeara...
...She, too, astounded the fashiongbtg world by her announcement that aba had joined tee t U P. and .that aha would contest the Stofce-dn-Tregt, a seat how...
...The regular Jury panel bad been exhausted m tha asioetton...

Vol. 3 • January 1926 • No. 1

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