A Two-Way Peace Plan:
ELY CULBERTSON PRESENTS A TWO-WAY PEACE PLAN THE CURRENT DEBATE in the Western world on the policy of "coexistence" with the Soviet Union ignores the two fundamental factors in the power struggle...
...peace can be won without war...
...But there are none...
...Her tenuous lines of communication with Western Europe would be cut off, her vast tank armies effectively blocked by the destruction of key railroad centers...
...The Police Force could be equipped and maintained at a third to a half of the cost of comparable American units...
...A small number of Communist bombs would get to their targets...
...In The Saturday Book, a British annual, Bertrand Russell wrote: "The most remarkable, or at any rate most psychologically interesting, man it has ever been my pood fortune to know is Ely Culbertson, known to the world as the supreme authority on bridge...
...Even such a preventive ultimatum would be difficult to initiate for American democracy, and we would lose the support of many of our allies...
...President Eisenhower's proposal for an atomic pool for peaceful uses could also be included...
...It is a policy of inert, passive defense that comes into operation only when Communist Russia decides to launch a gigantic surprise attack at a time and place of her own choosing??when it will be too late to avoid or minimize catastrophe...
...It is the Two-Way Plan...
...The second is the atomic time factor: After 1957 or perhaps even after 1956, Soviet Russia will possess her own enormous atomic stockpiles and our present advantage will be largely dissipated...
...But it is a far step from the "universal annihilation" which so many fear...
...The ABC plan is not yet the final blueprint for lasting world peace...
...In formerly occupied territories (including China), new elections would be held under UN supervision...
...The issue is not how to win a catastrophic war in 1958...
...The first is the present overwhelming superiority of the United States in the event of a war with Soviet Russia...
...The size of the Police Force would vary from a few divisions to a million troops or more, depending on world conditions...
...Part I. A UN Police Authority should be established by the United States and like-minded states, either through Article 51 of the UN Charter or through a recommending resolution of the General Assembly...
...Here the United States, with its vast network of communications and thousands of small, well-equipped towns capable of enormous expansion, would have a decisive advantage...
...It would be equipped with the collective quota of heavy armament (20 per cent) and supported, if necessary, by the national forces of permanent states...
...Culbertson's book, Total Peace, was published in 1943...
...It would permit a more intensive rearmament of Germany without disturbing the 12 divisions now contemplated, and yet would remove the objections of France and others, who rightly fear a German Frankenstein's monster if all Germany's rearmed forces are controlled by its government...
...Likewise, the United States and other Allied nations would withdraw from West Germany and Japan...
...Their entire foreign policy revolves around two related objectives: (1) to be able to carry out with impunity their immense atomic program during the next three years, and (2) to prevent the effective rearmament of West Germany and Japan, while rearming their satellites and China...
...The United States has thousands of atomic bombs against but a few hundred Communist bombs...
...This kind of "peace through strength" cannot stop the rapidly growing Communist atomic terror or prevent the intensive consolidation of the Soviet Union's gigantic spheres of influence...
...and the USSR??a flight of scores of millions of humans, excepting only the workers actually needed for national production...
...Still, the policy of cold war, inadequate as it is, is infinitely preferable to the policy of coexistence...
...or, as the "lesser evil," they must give up their Communist imperialism, surrender their zones of influence, and agree to effective world disarmament and security along the lines of the plan outlined in Part II...
...or they must resign themselves to complete rearmament of 150 million Germans and Japanese, an unthinkable alternative...
...No sensible man will refuse an offer of peaceful coexistence, provided certain minimum guarantees exist...
...But the main reason I am opposed to preventive war is that we have a good chance to avert a third world war altogether by a new method based on the Two-Way Plan...
...Each of the eleven leading states would have an agreed percentage of the world quotas, which would be its individual quota of production...
...The decisions dealing with the UN Police Force and matters of aggression should be made by a simple majority of five votes...
...C: The new Security Council would reorganize the emergency UN Police Force into a permanent International Police Force, limiting it to citizens of non-leading states...
...President Eisenhower has pointed out that this is a "terrifying advantage...something must he done about it...
...By 1958, we might find ourselves with few allies...
...In any other context, coexistence is, as Irving Brown puts it, poison to the body politic of the world...
...It would save British, French and American lives by a more equitable distribution of the burden of sacrifice...
...In other matters, the veto right would be preserved for each permanent member stale...
...As for human beings, once a single atomic bomb fell there would be a colossal mass flight from large cities in the U.S...
...The UN Police plan would exert powerful pressure on the Soviet Union...
...The official U.S...
...Reinhold Niebuhr, whose intellectual probity and acuity I regard highly, is in grievous error when he writes in the October 4 issue of THE NEW LEADER defending the policy of coexistence with the Moscow-Peking axis: "Our problem, in short, is to avoid catastrophe by living together with a loathesome system in a narrow world...
...Social organisms have a tremendous capacity for survival, as Germany recently demonstrated...
...In Soviet Russia, on the contrary, there could well be unparalleled chaos when millions begin to rush in panic from the large cities over semi-primitive roads, over vast distances and without organized supplies of food, shelter and the other indispensable means of survival...
...The UN Police Force would assist or replace Allied occupation troops in West Germany, Japan, Korea, Indo-China and elsewhere...
...Ely Culbertson is Chairman of the Citizens Committee for United Nations Reform...
...We hope against hope that there are some hidden alternatives...
...In practice, the United States would underwrite most of the cost...
...And this sort of mass destruction can occur only if the Soviet Union, as a result of the policy of coexistence, acquires enough of an atomic stockpile to launch a crippling surprise attack against the United States, forcing us to mass retaliation...
...If war breaks out during the next three years, the chances of Soviet Russia winning the war against the United States and her allies are less than one in ten...
...But even our most powerful deterrent, the throat of shattering atomic retaliation, will he crippled by the enormous advantage of a conceited surprise attack, entirely possible in totalitarian Russia...
...policy of "peace through strength" moves in the right direction, but it does not move far enough or fast enough...
...ELY CULBERTSON PRESENTS A TWO-WAY PEACE PLAN THE CURRENT DEBATE in the Western world on the policy of "coexistence" with the Soviet Union ignores the two fundamental factors in the power struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union...
...But at least it would give a breathing space of one or two generations during which the educator, the religious leader and the economist would complete the task...
...It cannot deal with localized aggressions except by threats of a world war, which is like shooting sparrows with cannon...
...If the Moscow rulers rejected the plan, they would stand convicted before their own people and the world of the grim resolve not to exchange their vision of world conquest for world peace...
...With this, Soviet Russia would have shot her bolt...
...A large pool of trained veterans in Europe and Asia would permit a fast build-up...
...The minimum guarantees in this case are elimination of the atomic threat, effective world disarmament, and liberation of the zones of influence now illegally controlled by Communist Russia...
...The cost of the UN Police Force would be met by the participating states in proportion to their resources...
...The UN Police Force would be a well-paid, highly trained professional force composed entirely of volunteers...
...Human losses in the First and Second World Wars ran into tens of millions of lives...
...It would owe its sole allegiance to the UN Police Authority...
...They will do almost anything to avoid a suicidal war with the United States and will fight only if their own and their party's power is at stake or if they grossly miscalculate their chances...
...A special high command under an American commander-in-chief would coordinate with NATO and other organizations for mutual defense...
...There would be inspection and punishment of violations...
...Her key industrial centers would be destroyed and 80 per cent of her war industry paralyzed...
...Even if our big cities are destroyed with 20 to 30 million victims, the United States will still retain enormous productive powers...
...If the Moscow rulers are allowed three years more of unimpeded atomic build-up...
...In specific matters of defined aggression or illegal rearmament, decisions would be made by a simple majority of nine votes out of 17...
...The havoc wreaked by atomic and hydrogen bombs would be terrible indeed...
...they will probably acquire the capacity to destroy scores of American cities and millions of Americans??a capacity which they do no...
...We can adopt one of four policies: a preventive war, "peaceful coexistence," continuation of our present policy of "peace through strength," and an improved policy based on guaranteed peace through full strength (the Two-Way Plan...
...This plan provides: A: In the new Security Council, there would be one delegate from each of 11 permanent member states: the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, the Soviet Union, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, China and Japan...
...There remains one more fundamental condition to which Soviet Russia must agree to insure guaranteed peace: She must withdraw from her "zones of influence" in Eastern Europe and China...
...At the same time, the plan is so just to all nations and noble in intent toward Russia that, except for the fanatical Marxists, no thinking person could reject it...
...Controlled world disarmament in heavy armaments??armored ships of land, sea and air??would be secured by the quota-force method: The new Security Council would fix annually the total amount of heavy armaments of each kind and model that may be produced throughout the world (world quotas...
...severe but not crippling damage could ensue...
...The free world would thus acquire a hand-picked armed force from the hitherto untapped manpower of the world...
...The remaining smaller states would have a collective quota which would be produced for their joint benefit and in their territories by the Heavy Armament Authority under the new Security Council...
...The term of service should run from three to five years...
...Cities and plants would be destroyed, but they could be rebuilt in a matter of a few years...
...Part II consists of an offer to the Soviet Union of guaranteed peaceful coexistence, based on the "ABC" plan for revision of the UN Charter...
...Occupation troops in the former enemy territories would be replaced by the troops of the UN Police Force until free elections determine the form of government...
...The intensive rearmament of Germany and Japan (as part of NATO and of the UN Police Force) will force the Soviet Union to cut short its present policy of calculated delay and seek a quick solution...
...It would lift the back-breaking load of armament races from the shoulders of humanity...
...Representation in the UN Police Authority should consist of nine voting delegates: three from the United States (as the largest contributor), one each from Britain and France (more if their share of expenses is greater), and four delegates-at-large, collectively elected by the smaller member states...
...By 1958...
...possess now...
...The growth of neutralism in Europe is due largely to growing fear of Communist atomic terrorism...
...Soviet Union??15 per cent, Britain and France??7 per cent each, remaining seven permanent states??5 per cent each, collective quota of smaller states??20 per cent...
...By this method, we could achieve an 80- to 90-per-cent world disarmament, but the relative power standing of leading states would not be affected...
...The suggested quotas are: United States??15 per cent...
...In addition, there would be six delegates-at-large collectively selected by the smaller states of six regional groupings...
...Coexistence gives a carte blanche to the Moscow rulers in exchange for vague promises and paper agreements...
...The purpose is to organize a special UN Police Force of volunteers to serve against aggressors in addition to the national armed forces of the member states...
...The great problem of U.S...
...There would also be a new World Court similarly organized...
...The alternative for Soviet Russia is to engage in a war in which her chances of winning are very slight...
...The ABC plan is a concrete, realistic blueprint for guaranteed peaceful coexistence...
...foreign policy is how to utilize the present decisive superiority of the United States in atomic and industrial power to prevent a catastrophic war after 1957...
...For instance, a pay of $30 monthly would attract a very large number of volunteers...
...This Legion of Liberty would be organized in national units (divisions and squadrons) under their native officers, and would be recruited from the nationals of any state except the five permanent member states of the Security Council...
...Niebuhr, and all those who so lightly tread the path of compromise with evil aggressors, are tragically wrong...
...Atomic disarmament is possible only if it is accompanied by corresponding disarmament in other weapons of mass destruction...
...B: Controlled world disarmament in atomic weapons would be accomplished along the lines of the United Nations majority proposal, or by a similar plan providing for full inspection and punishment of the violators...
...Hence their remarkably consistent policy of aggressive bluff, deliberate delays and intensive peace propaganda...
...Thus, the foundation for the Great Peace to come would be laid...
...I do not play bridge...
...in territories under dispute, plebiscites would be held...
...An ultimatum from the United States and some of its allies, telling Soviet Russia to abandon her policy of imperialistic expansion, withdraw from her zones of influence into her own frontiers and consent to effective world disarmament, would suffice...
...The possible price of a war in 1958 is one hundred of the greatest cities of the free world reduced to rubble...
...An alternative exists...
...During the next three years of America's crushing atomic and industrial superiority, therefore, the Kremlin rulers cannot and will not wage a major war...
...For a peaceful Russia, the plan offers effective protection against the rising militant threat of Germany and Japan...
...Before German-Japanese rearmament reaches a danger point, the Communists will have to make an unwelcome choice: Either they must wage a war of aggression to stop German and Japanese rearmament, with no chance of winning it against America's overwhelming atomic and industrial superiority...
...In other circumstances, an atomic war might prove to be shorter, less costly and less cruel because of its far greater capacity for the destruction of the means of making war...
...we will still be considerably in the lead...
...Coexistence" is a clever catch-all...
...In view of America's still decisive superiority, a preventive war would not be necessary...
...With this plan in operation, no government could rearm for aggression with impunity or attack a divided world with any chance of success...
...Coexistence with the malevolent Communist state rests on the absurd assumption that the Moscow rulers will be reasonable and peace-loving three years hence when they have enormously increased their atomic stockpiles and air fleets...
...Next to American atomic bombs, the Moscow rulers fear most the rearmament of Germany and Japan...
...The issue is how to win the 1958 war in 1955, when the chances are better than ten to one that, by firm action now...
Vol. 37 • December 1954 • No. 50