WRITERS and WRITING THE NEW LEADER LITERARY SECTION The Case of Alger Hiss SEEDS OF TREASON. The True Story of the Hiss-Chambers Tragedy. By Ralph de Toledano and Victor Lasky. Funk & Wagnalls....

...It would have been better if Hiss had confessed...
...Because Messrs...
...only the lingering skepticism of Representative Richard Nixon brought about the later parallel testimonies of Hiss and Chambers in which both witnesses, by an impossible coincidence, spoke of a prothonatory warbler and in which Hiss was driven to invent the fatal fiction of "George Crosley...
...It is no disparagement to say that most of the book consists of statements of the first kind...
...Hiss's penultimate, garrulous squirmings and] evasions are inexpressibly sordid!1' and pathetic...
...819 pp...
...It is the relationship between free, flexible prices and the amount of employment Its study carries one tcrthe problem of how the economy can obtain the efficiency which a free market provides in the use of particular resources and still, maintain full employment and a stable price level...
...better for his friends (he has and presumably must have earned some friends who will stand by him even when convinced of his guilt...
...It may be too lata...
...The problem not only calls for technical economic analysis, of a quite complex kind, but also considerations which are political or normative...
...There is of course a kind of economic reasoning which can justify some uneconomic practises...
...H. E. Erdman leads us through the wonderland of farm policy to prove that the Duchess was right after all when she said, The more there is of mine the less there is of yours...
...Or did some thrice-relayed voice convey that directive to the trapped agent as the best peg on which to' hang a doubt and around which to rally his remaining defenders, including "the pushing phalanx of sympathisers who have come to the defense of Hiss because they are subconsciously aware that his guilt is theirs...
...For ten years, while literally thousands of people in Washington and New York were morally convinced, for excellent reasons, that Alger Hiss was a Soviet agent, Hiss could always find an eminent stuffed shirt to vouch for his probity and patriotism and a claque of innocents and 'totalitarian liberals" to denounce his accusers as Red-baiters...
...Kail William D. Orampp is Associate Professor of Economic at University of Illinois...
...Because Chambers could and would tell but Hiss couldn't and wouldn't, tney do well with the poet frho was for a while a Communist apparatchik, for a while the bright star of Time and Life, and is now a Maryland dairy farmer...
...It unfolds a great sheaf of philosophic problems which are hardly ever touched upon in modern economics, in fact are often ignored because they cannot be handled "scientifically...
...Fear and rage are burning at the American grass roots...
...THIS WRITER was one of a fairly large number of people, friends of Chambers and friends of his friends, who were told at the time what Chambers bad done and who knew that he was telling the truth...
...Cairo, Teheran, Yalta (Hiss* gift to Stalin), Potsdam, the Morgenthau Plan (written by Harry Dexter White), the red rape of UNRftA and the OWI...
...Orme W. Phelps explains why unions, whatever else they are, must be monopolies or have no economic power...
...There are five chapters on international economic relations, four each on labor and aggregative economics, three on competition, monopoly, and price control, two on agriculture, and two whkh resist classification (on the single tax brought to date, and a testy criticism of social security...
...IF THESE IDEAS seem painfully self-evident, one should only recall how often they are repudiated...
...Some relevant, if obvious, instruction is also given for the domestic economy...
...But treason was already too strong and the truth was incredible...
...This writer will continue to hope for such a confession...
...WHAT EMERGES CLEARLY from this book is the awesome ignorance, conceit, and pretentiousness of middleclass professional people, in and out of government...
...Readers who wish to become acquainted with this new economics will do well to read carefully the chapter by Benjamin Higgins, "The Modern Theory of Economic Fluctuations...
...He came within an ace of talking himself out of trouble during his first examination by the House Committee on Un-American Activities...
...Higgins raises a question which is of the second, difficult order...
...The reason, I think, is suggested by F. H. Knight's abstruse chapter on "The Determination of Just Wages," which is really a compendium of the recondite issues in economics...
...When the reader has.had this ministration he may feel that economic propositions are of two sorts: those which turn out to be self-evident once we cut through their argot and put them into plain English...
...But there are other and better gospels...
...Sax illuminates the point-four program, and demonstrates why capital exports to undeveloped areas cannot raise their income quickly enough to be politically effective and why such exports would probably reduce income in the short period by increasing the rate of population growth...
...They start, properly and needfully, with profiles of the protagonists of the drama...
...The Obvious and the Infinite TWENTIETH CENTURY ECONOMIC THOUGHT...
...The serum is contained in twenty chapters by as many economists who in 800 pages address themselves to the elusive creature whom publishers call the informed general reader...
...It is obvious, as Glenn E. Hoover says in his chapter, that the world cannot become more prosperous by restricting trade and reducing international specialization...
...The mail of Administration Senators is heavy and ominous...
...H. Gordon Hayes and John P. Wernette try to demonstrate that a free enterprise system cannot, or may not, privide full employment because the total spending which individuals and business wish to do is less than the maximum value of goods and services which could be produced...
...better for Ipm...
...Though this question has not been neglected by economists, its study has been singularly unrewarding...
...Philosophical Library...
...What signified, one wonders, his venom-filled curtain line: "I am confident that in the future the full facts of how Whittaker Chambers was able to carry out forgery by typewriter will be disclosed...
...In 1937, Whittake^ Chambers, one of the many good and sensitive people whose very goodness had made him a victim and for a while a servant of the forces of darkness, threw off the yoke of his enslavement, fled for his life, and pried himself into a cubicle of American mass journalism...
...We are witnessing the curious spectacle of the world trying to become richer by limiting its productive capacity, and all the while proclaiming the futility of its effort...
...It seems that we must ever be reminded of what we know...
...Two years later, when the StalinHitler pact rang the bell for World War II, Chambers took his knowledge of good and evil to the State Department and the White House...
...Toledano and Lasky are sound libertarians as well as experienced and skilled practitioners of the art of distinguishing Communist busy-beeR from bemused and fatuous liberals, their book does nothing to fan James Rorty, author of "His Master's Votee" and "Tomorrow's Food," eoelvlbutM regularly te The New hysteria and a great deal to spread and sharpen political sophistication...
...It is represented in this book...
...These are the traitors of whom I was one," he said in effect...
...better for the phalanx of the slack-souled, the unshrhren who cannot, face the truth about Hiss because they can't face the truth about themselves...
...The full absurdity is described in detail by Asher Isaacs in his informative chapter on international commodity agreements...
...The quotation expresses one of the shrewder insights of a book that is rich in insight as well as rich in wellcollated fact...
...270 pp...
...Reviewed by JAMES RORTY THE MOST FRIGHTENING THING about this fascinating and terrifying book is that the knowledge of good and evil it contains is given to us about ten years too late...
...Catch them and bind them lest they destroy our country and civilization itself...
...Could his resourceful legal mind think of nothing better...
...Or will we lay about us blindly, imperiling by our confused ineptitude the liberties we seek to defend, and feeding the propaganda mills of the conspirators who have yet to be unmasked...
...When Hiss first tried that one, the grand jury that indicted him laughed aloud...
...the price alone would give the book a distinctively twentieth century, postwar, quality...
...Hayes proves rather too much, for if his reasoning is correct the world should have come to an end some time ago...
...But problems of this kind must be given close, hard study if economies is to rise above the level of the self-evident and assist the world in ordering its economic affairs in way which has aome resemblance to reason...
...Now the story is told, honestly and well, by two anti-Stalinist journalists who shared that sickening experience and) are now, at last, able to sift and package, without fear of libel, the slow grist of American justice in the Hiss case...
...and another sort which are so recondite that no amount of analysis can yield more than a sense of overwhelming difficulty...
...they turned him away like a crazed beggar...
...Edited by Glenn E. Reviewed by WILLIAM D. ORAMPP THIS BOOK aims to provide a public inoculation against the humbug which passes for economic discussion, by offering the views of economists on selected aspects of the theory and practice of their subject...
...As America wakes up, will we know how to root out the thick undergrowth sprung from the seeds of treason that Moscow's puppets started planting two decades ago...
...For the next decade we watched helplessly the mountainous mole hills thrown up by the Communist underground that had infiltrated the government departments and war agencies: Casablanca and "unconditional surrender...
...less well with the groomed and brilliant, if faintly stuffy, diplomat and legal buzzsaw whose later photos seem to reveal a narrow and ruthless fanaticism...
...Admittedly there is no warrant for it in the gospel according to Marx or Stalin...
...This and some other critical testimony at the trials is well selected and digested...
...Knowing what we knew, and what Chambers had vainly tried to tell in the White House, we watched with desolation and shame that appalling series of engineered disasters, through which America staggered like a blind giant, clutching his rat-gnawed entrails...
...Werner Hochwald sets forth the unmistakable limitations of the guaranteed wage...
...In order to solve it we must know what a free market is and how to move from conceptual to workable competition...
...At a cent and a half a page, economics, as Joan Robinson once said, is not a trifling matter...
...In their enthusiasm for under-consumption economics they have rushed to extravagant statements which the more restrained Keynesians might question...
...Instinctively the masses of the people have grasped the truth—sooner thqn some of the super - citteus innocents who reviewed Seeds of Treason for Sunday supplements...

Vol. 33 • April 1950 • No. 16

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