Where the News Ends Pattern of Treason By William Henry Chamberlin IT HAS LONG BEEN MY BELIEF that one of the most useful public services would be the publication In manageable book form of...

...They also expose the fallacy of "innocence by association," and Hiss's attempt to mobilize imposing names as character witnesses...
...Secretary couched his remarks implied that we must wait on Moscow, that we can do nothing by ourselves...
...A very damaging case is made out against the - late Harry Dexter White, who wielded great influence as Henry Morgenthau's right-hand man in the Treasury Department...
...The defense did not dispute three vital facts...
...This supposition is a patent piece of foolishness...
...We want as much of the world as possible to be restored to a sense of comparative security...
...It is, in fact, nothing to shout about...
...It should be obvious that the dangerous, Soviet agent is not the man who shouts jhjsdevotion to the Kremlin from the housetops, but the one who is able to play Dr, Jekyll and Mr...
...These were all dated in the first months of 1938...
...and the many bits of circumstantial testimony brought out in cross-examination, where Chambers's story stood up and Hiss's broke down...
...As the authors put it: "If Hiss was to be belisvsd...
...We are not now—and never have been—the splitters of Germany...
...Chambers produced from his manila envelope and from his pumpkin hiding place copies of original, secret, confidential State Department documents...
...They have created a narrative as exciting as a well-constructed detective thriller, and infinitely more significant, because it deals with authentic persons and real events...
...I'd stay at home And...
...It is America's misfortune that no one so strategically located as Igor Gouzenko has turned state's evidence...
...No silly answers blurted...
...The implication is that we and the Russians are still allies, t hat we must act together or remain patiently waiting...
...Where the News Ends Pattern of Treason By William Henry Chamberlin IT HAS LONG BEEN MY BELIEF that one of the most useful public services would be the publication In manageable book form of the basic proved facts of treason, espionage, disloyalty and Communist infiltration in this country...
...But what are they going to agree about...
...White was linked up as a contact with George Silverman and Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, two of a number of shadowy underground figures who appear in the Chambers and Bentley testimony...
...And we don't have to wait to get at this job...
...It is truly amazing and humiliating that Silvermaster, characterized in a Civil Service report as "everything from a fellow-traveler to an agent for the OGPU," went serenely from one responsible government post to another during the war...
...No urgent knock upon my door...
...There is, therefore, some confusion in the public mind as to how much was proved beyond reasonable doubt, how much may reasonably be suspected, how much is still in the realm of conjecture and speculation...
...Without this there can be no revival of trade or intercourse worthy of the name...
...TWO NEWSPAPERMEN have performed a great service by piecing together the whole tortuous case of Alger Hiss, linking it with corelated material about other Soviet spy rings and giving the American public the first coherent picture, in book form, of what we have been and still are up against...
...We and our allies of the Atlantic Union can make peace with any power that is ready to make peace...
...No quisling that J can't Ignore...
...Hiss's attempt to explain away the damning evidence of the typewriter bordered on the ridiculous...
...New York: Funk and Wagnalls...
...Misplaced sensationalism, pursuit of false scents and injustice to innocent persons—although not nearly so much as our anti-anti-Communists would like to have us believe—have at times been evident...
...In Germany there are, of course, all of the problems growing out of the natural desire for a reunion of the zones...
...All undisturbed...
...Mo prying foot inserted...
...If Democrats and Republicans are going to agree, that's fine...
...But a mere cessation of political sniping is not enough...
...Richard Armour...
...Smith, I believe": "Sir, if you believe that, you will believe anything...
...But if the Russians prevent union, we and our European friends should go as fast and as far as we can in the...
...By waiting we are giving in to them...
...Revelations have come out in jerky, disconnected form...
...We need not withhold action until the Russians agree to cooperate...
...In his capacity as cipher clerk, Gouzenko knew almost all the names and facts concerning the espionage ring established by the Soviet Embassy in Canada...
...On the basis of his testimony the Canadian authorities could prepare a neatly packaged case...
...The Russians are no longer our allies...
...I'd swallow stuff, although it glows And causes indigestion...
...Where do we go from here...
...It emphasized the fact that it is the Soviet Government which is sabotaging the peace...
...This book completely demolishes the conception that Hiss was convicted on the unsupported word of Whittaker Chambers...
...There has been no American equivalent of Gouzenko...
...They followed closely the hearings before the Un-American Activities Committee and the two trials of Alger Hiss, and they convey the atmosphere, as well as the cold facts, of the prolonged duel between Chambers and Hiss...
...All but one were cop\gd on the Hiss typewriter...
...What anti-Communists drifted into the Treasury unit investigating cartels were quickly transferred or returned to the United States...
...It called down on our Secretary of State a violent denunciation from Moscow...
...COUNTER-PROPOSAL In making a census of field mice, which are the basic diet of many fur-bearing animals, and therefore of economic importance, it is planned to make radioactive foods available for the mice in selected areas and then to determine their numbers and range with Geiger counters.—News item...
...If good for making count of mice Out in their far-flung acres, Why wouldn't this be quite .as nice for other census takers...
...It is about time to stop scrapping among ourselves in order to concentrate upon external enemies...
...It was addressed to the Russians rather than to the Germans, the Austrians or the Japanese...
...It would be interesting to find out who this man's protectors' in high places were.' Silvermaster and the members of his spy ring escaped trial and punishment by the simple device of refusing to answer questions for fear of self-incrimination...
...The significance of White's authorship of the so-called Morgenthau Plan is emphasized, and the authors raise another point that could be confirmed by many observers of occupation policy in Germany: "White's appointees—men who worked for the Treasury Department in Germany—were with few exceptions Communists or fellow-travelers...
...We can go to work as soon as we and the British and the French and the rest of the nations on our side have talked things out and come to agreement...
...The object was to toll Americans how the Russians ought improve their manners in order to make a general pacification possible...
...The war with Germany ended almost exaetly five years ago...
...We ought to make it crystal clear that we want to sign a peace right now with all of Germany...
...r Although the central theme of the book is the gradual unmasking of Alger Hiss, other' aspects of the testimony by Whittaker Chambers and Elizabeth Bentley are not overlooked...
...The very form in which Mr...
...To save myself a call from those With pencil, pad, and question...
...In Secretary Acheson's omnibus address at Berkeley, California, the first point of the program which he advocated dealt with the signing of peace treaties...
...PEOPLE ARE FEELING much too good about the mere fact that John Foster Dulles has accepted an appointment to the State Department...
...Why Are We Waiting...
...direction of taking West Germany into the new community of Western Europe...
...Beyond t hat, there has been silence...
...Hyde, doing his underground work in strict secrecy while posing'for the public as a highly respecable members of society...
...Seeds of Treason, by Ralph de Toledano and Victor Lasky...
...Chamber* had somehow made hit way into the house on various occasions, avoiding all mombsrs of the family, and busily copied two hundred pages of documents which should not have been there In the first piece...
...This address may have served, a useful purpose...
...We are all in favor of a nonpartisan foreign policy...
...The same sort of attitude goes— with variations of conditions—for Japan and Austria...
...We should make it clear to all the world that we are for peace now...
...Few individuals keep elaborate newspaper files, or read through the full records of court trials and Congressional investigations...
...Consequently, even intelligent educated people have only a hazy, fragmentary understanding of the pattern of treason that has been revealed in installments since the end of the war...
...though I pale and sicken, Let census takers outside roam And aarken to my cllckln...
...THE AUTHORS also bring in such bits of corroborative evidence as Hede Massing's testimony, excluded in the first trial but admitted in the second...
...But if that is impossible, we are ready to settle for a treaty with the Bonn Republic...
...As the Duke of Wellington remarked when a befuddled guest at a royal reception greeted him as "Mr...
...Not the least of the merits of this book is its repeated exposure, with names, facts and dates, of the deplorable laxity of our legal and administrative defenses against the infiltration and espionage which will go on as long as there is a Communist regime in Moscow...

Vol. 33 • April 1950 • No. 15

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