Russia Repatriates Jap PW's Returned Prisoners Are Indoctrinated Communists By Takeo Naoi New Leader Correspondent in Japan RUSSIA BEGAN HER CURRENT SWEEP through lh« Far Ea»t fay accepting end...

...THE REPATRIATION ISSUE is getting hotter and hotter politically, and there is deep indignation and grave concern among the Japanese people because of it, despite furious communist propaganda in favor of the Soviet Union...
...At the same time, while marching throu churia...
...Before returning home, Vitamura he had to sign a resolution written h "democratic groups" reading: ;d one evening about the way run, was found dead the next r PW's who balked at indoctriolatcd from the rest, and were )le's trial...
...BEFORE THE PW's left Nahodka, i a letter to Marshal Stalin thanking 1 kind treatment during their interns was not forced," said'one PW, "l quite clear that if we refused to sign lose the chance of going home...
...This account is corroborated by a lished in the Yomiuri-Shinbun or written by one of last year's i Vitamura...
...If conducted in such a manner, would leave little hope of revival...
...They may have died from malnutrition, or been executed...
...t THE PROSPECTS are certainly much brighter than they were a year or two years ago, and it is mucfi- more possible to hope that ultimate disaster may be avoided...
...tssault on Japanese war prislnism...
...ears have to some extent alil what happens to Japanese tnting the exclusive story of f Siberia...
...This i," said one PW, "but it'was if we refused to sign, we might of going home...
...the correspondent asked...
...Or are the Soviets afraid to send them back because they refuse to be indoctrinated...
...PW Tanaka, the prisoners were tage by Japanese reactionaries" lacArthur's failure to send iceresponsible for the two-month repatriation...
...Another returned prisoner remarked: "We were taught in Soviet Russia that MacArthur's Job in Japan was to build an advance base for capitalist aggressive war...
...All this I profoundly believe to be possible, provided the next few years are wisely used, used first and foremost in defensive military preparation, but also — and this is equally important — in the revival of that sense of cultural unity of moral and intellectual values, which united the Catholic world in the Middle Ages, and the polite world in the 18th Century...
...Below, Tal The New Leader correspondent in Japan, indicates that these fears hare to some e ready been realised...
...By Bertrand Russell THE CIVILIZATION WHICH WE CALL WESTERN EUROPEAN, which is a strange amalgam of Greece and Rome, Judea and Science, is pretty certain to survive in the Western Hemisphere, but its survival in Europe is a matter as to which, unfortunately, it is possible to have doubts...
...Do you mean a communist government...
...I used to possess a religious painting which my cultivated friends would suppose to be Pre-Renaissance Spanish...
...The Greeks in Sicily were very nearly as good as in Greece...
...force In the Orient...
...As the repatriation date neared, the political makeup of the repatriation ship became crystallized...
...About half the repatriates told an Associated Press correspondent that they would join the CP as soon as they got home...
...tho most porhilo marching through Manchurian civilians to prisoner>n Asia, tho whereabouts of exclusive article for The New on...
...e • e THE CULTURAL DESTRUCTION of Western Europe, in spite of the survival of the Western Hemisphere, would be likely to produce the same kind of lowering of the level of culture as was produced when the civilization of Greece was transplanted to Rome...
...For centuries, almost all the best intellect in the world has been produced by Western Europe, and it still is at the present day...
...or if spiritual food is more interesting to you, consider what happens to Cardinals and Pastors, consider the fate of all who refuse to tell psycopathic lies, consider the utter moral degradation which is the price of survival under a totalitarian regime...
...Could Huss or Copernicus or Beethoven exist at the present day in Bohemia, or Poland, or in the Russian Zone of Austria...
...The New Leader will reveal what happens to PW's who refuse to play ball with the Communists, by presenting the exclusive the atrocities at Ulan-Bator, a great PW camp in the wilds of Siberia... corroborated by a letter pubVoinittrt-Shinbun on June 28, le of last year's repatriates, ling home, Vitamura recounted, i resolution written by so-called mips" reading: "We have had absolutely no dissatisfaction with quarters, food, or clothing during our internship...
...Below, Mr...
...It is clear that the Soviet Union Is waging a two-pronged assault on Japanese i oners, indoctrinating the more docile among them with communism, and purging Since the Bolsheviks deny the existence of 300.000 of these prisoners, the only jui for the United States is to press for a thorough and Impartial Investigation of all Sovl« for Japanese PW's by the United Nations...
...They bring neither food to the hungry, nor consolation to the unhappy...
...the rest were in their twenties and thierttes...
...the only just course •ligation of all Soviet camps TOKYO...
...the Soviets carted off thousands of Japanese and Manchurian civilians to of-war and labor camps...
...We heartily thank the Soviet Union for Us great humanitarian love toward us...
...Europe's Future If few people can arouse more controversy, fewer still can write as brilliantly about the destiny of man as can Bertrand Russell...
...four years later, with the world's attention focused on Asia, the wherea most of the Kwantung Army soldiers Is still unknown...
...Philosoflur, historian and mathematician, Mr...
...SOME MAY SAY: "What are philosophy and logic to us...
...and on the other hand, a sucessful war, in which the appalling menace which now overshadows lis was overcome, and after which once more it would be possible to breathe the air of freedom without fear — such a war, I profoundly believe, would produce a Renaissance of hope and joy and creativeness, a great leap of the human spirit, leading to new achievement in art, in science, in politics, and in the organization of a humane way of life...
...A twenty-year-old youth told a Japanese correspondent: "We want jobs and a living wage...
...If things that we care for are to be preserved, it is not enough that the war should be ultimately won...
...On May 21 of this year, the Soviet Government announced the number of PW's still in Russia as 95,000 and said these would be sent back within the year...
...According to PW Tanaka, the pris told that "sabotage by Japanese rea and General MacArthur's failure t< breakers were responsible for the delay in their repatriation...
...Russell travels with an easy but impressive tread among the ruins of Hellenic civilization and the—ruins?—of our own...
...WHEN THE FIRST SHIP of 2,000 repatriated Jap PW's reached home June 27 from Nahodka in Siberia, more than three-quarters of them greeted the welcoming throng by singing the Internationale and the communists' new International Youth Song...
...A popular Russian proverb says that in the Soviet Union one can rest only after death...
...But this figure differs greatly from the Allied GHQ estimate of 408,789 Japanese war prisoners who still have not returned...
...East of the Iron Curtain, all that has made Europe valuable to mankind is extinct...
...Ancient enmities and rivialries within the sphere of Western Europe must be forgotten, and we must face the new world in the knowledge that we have something to defend, the loss of which will impoverish mankind for many generations to come...
...Only about 30 per cent of the returnees seemed over 40...
...Being no intellectual ghoul, however, he is confident that we can\sttll produce "a Renaissance of hope and joy and creativeness...
...In an exclusive article for J Leader on June 4. Richard Deverall tried to answer the question, "Where Is the K Army...
...It is necessary that either there should be no war or, if there is, our preparations should be adequate to confine the Russians within their present limits...
...We of the West would, of course, suffer unspeakable misery if the East were to overrun our countries...
...The Russian guards used to envy us, saying we Japanese might return home someday, but they had no place to return to...
...They are the frivolous amusement of those who take refuge in the Ivory Tower...
...Vitamura says he had to sign such a resolution each time he was transferred from one camp to another...
...However, it is not of military prospects that I wish to write, but of the cultural aspects of our problem...
...He adds: "I would like to see one PW who returned home without signing these letters, except those who returned in pieces...
...Political lectures were given two hours every evening and all day Sunday...
...American strategists can, no doubt, contemplate with a certain calm the prospect of war in which, for the first six or seven years, Western Europe would be occupied by Russian troops, at the end of which time atomic bombs would drive them out of Paris, and Brussels, and Berlin, and ultimately back into their own frontiers, leaving a desert to be populated by the returning children of American immigrants...
...and purging the rest, isoners...
...His latest is entitled,History of Western Philosophy...
...One need not despair if civilizations because they migrate...
...Japan is not yet democratized, and only the Communist party can bring real democracy to Japan...
...The actual monthly average of repatriates has been 30,570 till now...
...His first work to gain renown, and, some say, the one which will live longest, is the Mathematica Principia, written in collaboration with A.N...
...yet this misfortune has happened in various parts of Europe...
...What survived of Hellenic civilization after 1453 survived in Western Europe and, to some degree in Russia...
...The same is true of the arts...
...Poetry, painting, and music have flourished in other ages and in other regions, but in modern centuries they have been, in the main, products of Western Europe and have not suffered,, without damage, transplantation to the New World... was in fact produced' by Indians in the United States in the 19th Century...
...Where Is the Kwantung West lies In the Kwantung liliiary colloctivisis who have irialism...
...An ex-lieutenant named Hirose, who spent three years in a camp near Moscow, said: "The first thing I will do is join the Communist party...
...And first of all let us realize how profoundly it deserves to survive...
...He declared that a great danger to Japan and to the West lies in the K Army's "reappearance as a highly-trained cadre of totalitarian military collectives v shed the ideas of Japanese Imperialism for those of Soviet Imperialism...
...The Russians promised General MacArthur to return 50,000 PW's a month in June, 1947...
...Next week...
...If that isn't possible, we will build a society with our own hands which will make it possible...
...The same correspondent approached a former captain named Ishihara and was told: "The majority of repatriates want a democratic government...
...Russell has authored many books on these subjects as well as on not-so-heavy topics like companionate marriage...
...E PW's left Nahodka, they signed dial Stalin thanking him for the during their internship...
...We shall do our best to set up a communist government to prevent such a war...
...And the Iron Curtain, alas, is capable of moving westwards...
...The repatriation ship, delayed more than two months', presented the picture of a crack force of young communist shock troops -sent back to Japan to solidify the Stalinist movement here...
...Examine the calories per head in Vienna or Warsaw now, and in Vienna or Warsaw before the noble idealism of Nasls and Marxists had raised them out of the Slough of Despond...
...Other PW's who balked < nation were isolated from the rest, tried at a "people's trial...
...a East by accepting, at the >i a million man...
...The Nazis destroyed it...
...And an ex-naval lieutenant called Yamaguchi, who was appointed chief of repatriates by the Soviet authorities, told the United Press that 20 per cent of the returnees were hardboiled communists and at least 60 percent would definitely join the Communist party...
...the surrender of Japan's Kwantung Army of a million men...
...To these people I would say: "Very well, let us examine your standards...
...According to one repatriate, "We were taught constantly by Soviet officers that ous return to Japan meant an invasion of enemy territory...
...COMMUNIST INDOCTRINATION in the PW camps was very intense, and grew more so as the repatriation progressed...
...This for us is a strong motive, but I am thinking, at the moment, more of mankind as a whole than of ourselves, and I think the destruction of Western Europe would be an appalling disaster, not only to us, but to the human race...
...Russia Repatriates Jap PW's Returned Prisoners Are Indoctrinated Communists By Takeo Naoi New Leader Correspondent in Japan RUSSIA BEGAN HER CURRENT SWEEP through lh« Far Ea»t fay accepting end of the war...
...s-* Whether it will be possible to avoid war altogether I cannot tell, since I am not in the confidence of the Politburo, but however that may be, the means required for avoiding war, if that be possible, are exactly the same as the means of holding the Russians on their present frontier if war occurs, namely the strengthening of our defensive measures and the rapid increase of co-operation among the Atlantic powers...
...the two, it is true, are intimately, connected, for, on the one hand, if the Russians were to occupy Western Europe, even if only for a few years, our culture would have received a mortal wound from which it would never recover...
...of course...
...It is by no means unusual for civilization to migrate...
...The 4th Century civilization of Gaul survived mainly in Ireland, whence, under the impact of Danish invasions, it returned again to France...
...Despite frequent requests by SCAP, the Russians have also failed to report the number, names and locations.of the Japanese PW's in the Soviet Union-^-especially those dead and ill...
...In February, according to a former civilian named Oh-iwa, one of his camp-mates, who had griped one evening abou the camp was run, was found deai morning...
...Vienna, the seat of the Holy Roman Empire, where Mozart and Beethoven flourished, the home for ages of light-hearted culture, became, in the early 20th century, the birthplace of a philosophical movement, the best to my mind at that time existing, and known to the world as the Vienna Circle...
...We have just survived two victorious wars, but a third...
...We must, therefore, ask ourselves seriously: What future has our civilization on its own soil...
...Poland contained several of the best logicians in the world, but again the Nazis destroyed the whole academic culture of that country, and the Russians have since taken care that it shall not revive...
...the ex-captain replied...
...the tent striking...
...Nevertheless, we who inhabit Western Europe, who love our cathedrals, our poets, and our traditions, cannot readily resign ourselves to the fact that perhaps the regions that gave birth to Dante and Descartes, and Shakespeare and Goethe may be given up to a barren repetition of jejune formulas, flowing from the dusty brain of an angry Hegelian pedant...
...The Japanese have no way of knowing the fate of these 300,000 soldiers, since the Russians refuse to report the number of deaths in internment camps...
...From America, and on a war map, such a prospect, I say, may seem satisfactory, but for us who have to inhabit the area concerned, the consolations of ultimate victory in such a war are somewhat remote...

Vol. 32 • July 1949 • No. 29

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