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Aims of the Institute FOURTEEN years have passed since the inception of the Tamiment Social and Economic Institute annual conference. The topics discussed at those yearly meetings...
...They magnify our cultural and social shortcomings...
...This Conference is frankly intended as an antidote to the anti-democratic poison spread by those intellectual quislings who pretend to preach "peace" and in reality preach appeastment... 1939...
...In presenting for discussion this decisive issue, the sponsors of the Conference make every claim to objectivity in the free exchange of ideas...
...What happened to biologists is about to happen to physicists...
...In 1946 "Road to Industrial Peace...
...Tha success of Communism means the death of free thought...
...They suspect our foreign policy while they either blindly or blandly support the aggressive gestures of that cultural wasteland—Soviet Russia, where, according to Bertrand Russell, the intellect is enslaved...
...f^HALLENGES to American Culture" is the \a theme of this year's Conference...
...However, we abhor dishonesty and disloyalty masquerading behind a cultural cloak...
...War on the Home Front...
...The topics discussed at those yearly meetings are virtually a capsule history of the momentous days behind us...
...Philosophers have long since been confined to a strict and arid orthodoxy...
...Beginning with the domestic scene, the conferences* broadened in scope to include such world issues as: "The Totalitarian Threat to Civilisation...
...THE constant purpose of the Tamlnent Institute is the fosuclng of critical attention on matters of social, economic and cultural importance, seeking always to provoke thought and provide Information on which popular Judgment la to rest... 1942...
...and last year we turned our attention to "An American Program for World Peace in the Present Crista...
...Where the subjectlo not philosophers, scientists, economists, and artists to the authority of uneducated politicians is utterly intolerable and fatal to rritntal progress Russia is reverting to medieval darkness and is intellectually retrograde...
Vol. 32 • June 1949 • No. 26
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