"Hell's Bells"

DRAMA "Hell Bells" Miner* In a Mixup Pull the Rope In New Connors' Comedy At Wallaek's If Kenneth Margowaa go*e to Wallaek's this w**k ha will la* his early Victorian revival, "Fertlon,"...

...Igor Straviniky makn hi* final Philharmonic appearances at Carnegie Hall on Thuriday evening tnd Fridty afternoon, at toloiit in hit pitno concerto...
...Hit father and mother were both musicians tnd to were th* icon of youngster...
...Th* comiarkts* wa* composed of tha following pare sons: Morris Herman, Solomon File lib, Louis P. Goldberg, Darwtn U Mesterple, Adolph Held, Dr...
...Toscanini to Finish Puccini Opera "Turandot" A dispatch from Milan hat It that Arturo Toscanini, formerly musical director of the Metropolitan Opera House, snd former > director of tk* orcheitra at La Scale, be* promt.ed to complete th* unfinished opera, "Turandot," if th* late Giacomo Puccini...
...Jenufi," Wedneiday, with Jaritxa, Branxell, Leubenthal and Meader...
...Fedora," Saturday matinee with Jeritza, Guilford, Gigll and Scotti...
...5 MUSIC Ignatz Waghalter The New State Symphony Conductor Is Interviewed WE "dropped in" at th* Stat* Symphony office for a chat with Ignate Waghalter, th* eminent Pollih, conductor, who recently took over th* baton of the Stat* Symphony Oreheitra...
...On Wednesday evening, February 1 4, at 8:80 p.m., Mr...
...M, Rothenberg, Abraham Zuokw, Harry lUynun, JWJP&'Jm Turbow and Louli Sadd...
...B. Charney Via[ deck will lecture on "Topics of tha | Times...
...Slightly under medium height, dark of hair and eye, earnett In ipeech and gesture, ii Mr...
...Hi hat won fame both at an operatic and lymphonlc conductor throughout Europe...
...The future conductor WIS launched on hit professional etrear tt thi seasoned age of tin, whin bi fiddled for dear lift in vaudeville...
...Th* progrim: "Rustic Wedding Symphony," Goldmark...
...Admission i* free to all friends est the Rand School...
...Of th* musician, whi have been selected for tall year'i •ward, two at lent tr* known in out* Europe...
...Jidlictt, and later piano and composition with Fnderlch Girnihiim...
...aad "Thi World W* Lie* la," has been awarded a prise far his new Barrel, "Krakatit," which dealt with a Utopian prohUa Ilk* hi* former play "Makropulo*.* Th* playwright, M. Frantiiek Laager haa gained ¦ prise far hie comedy "Th* Camel Goei Tkroaga th* By* oi a Needle," which he* kad aa aiception ally long run la Prague, and which ii •hortly to b* produced in America...
...With the start of th* sea ion five productions will be offered each year...
...Benjamin C, Uruenberg, *ne> of tho foremost child psychologists, i is beginning a seminar course next Tuesday at the Rand School, 7 Boat 1Mb street, intended **p laity for i teacher*, •ettlement worker*, club leader*, Sunday School teachers, camp counselors, ate...
...David Mikol, Leonard "Bright and J^BaaJdn,.Jt\^] Socialism VMHjhl, for the flrtt flm...
...Buck, mistress of th* inn where the play is laid...
...On tha same evening, at 7 p.m...
...Algernon Leo is beginning a tlx- . lecture course entitled "Among My Books...
...Hit peculiarly is hie unuiual metaphysical tendenry He hai become popular through man...
...Waghalter it an indefatigable composer and htl quite a long list of works to hit credit...
...Tht* i* th* second in Mr...
...r Former Congressman Meyer Lon• don is beginning a coune of leei tures on Russia at the Rand School, 1 7 Eatt 15th street, on Saturdays at ' 1:30 p.m., beginning February 7. a _ l r Tho Fallow thip '• The Rand School Fellowship 1* 1 getting into action...
...will, of course, include both the new end th* old, th* modern and tha clastic...
...No obstacle than remains to a couple of romantic weddings that hava been simmering on th* fir* ever line* th* curtain roia...
...On Thursday evening, I February 5, at 8:80 p.m., Mr...
...Tht rut of tha program includes Schubert...
...Oliva May brings out all the good there I* In th* role of Mrs...
...Th* rcpertolr* next week: "Falitaff," Monday, with Aid*, Borl Scott, and Tibbatt...
...1 Anderson's aeries on "The Modern ; Impulae in Writing...
...Hie Walkuere" Saturday night, with Larsen-Todsan, Mueller and Taucher...
...Th* rich mtn't disinclination ia recognis* th* poverty of th* meases Is only excelled by the poor man's disinclination to escape from It/—H, C. Palmer...
...th* first appearance of the new Bohemian ¦oprano, Mtrit Mueller, in tn Italian role, Miml In "La Bohami," on Thuriday evening, whin Mr...
...Tha great classics mutt always ba there-they form tha rock foundation of all music...
...the former wiht Peralta, Telva, Gigll and Balleiter...
...The same evening, alto at I 8:80 p.m., Mr...
...Fashionable relatival, who loath* th* uncouth Weiternen, covet their fancied million...
...Laorl-Volpi alto will rejoin tht company and th* advent of the American tenor Edward Johnson on Friday evening at Don Jo** in "Carmen...
...At the age of seventeen hi •tudled pitno with thi well-known Dr...
...Cavallirle Ruitlcana" and "Coq d'Or," Thuriday afternoon...
...In ad...
...Dotttlovt, who haa tchietei her greatest successes a* • tragedienne and it now pitying in Barnard Bhtw'i "Saint Joan...
...It will be held ovary Tuesday evening, at 8 :30, from February 8 natll April 21...
...I' fail that there is musical talent in great abundance in this country—- it is still virgin toll htrdly disturbed by tht protptctor...
...In 1928, Mr...
...choral and lymphonlc as wall as drama tie works, and his long life has baai very fertile...
...Tha program coniittt of Schubert C Major Symphony, tnd two Tschaikowiky compositions—th* "Nutcracker Suite" and th* "1812" Overture...
...Ignatz Waghalter was born in Warsaw on March 15, 1881...
...Among tha new worka that I plan to present ii a symphony by Krenek, on* of the moit gifted of th* younger modern...
...Clement Wood will loe. tore on "The Evolution of Sex " in i his course on "Our Expanding Universe...
...These lectures will be ini formal talks about novels, poetry and other works of world literature 1 that seem of universal value...
...The contemporaneous must alio hava its place, for the genuinely worth-while music of today Is the classic music of tomorrow...
...I will introduce his 'Prelude to a Drama.' ,1 hop* also to perform for th* first time In this country the introduction to Richard Strauss' latest opera, 'Intermezzo.' I htvt cabled for the score and orchestral material, and if they arrive in time, eta I think they will, New York will have t taste of this most recent score by the Munich master...
...With the Orchestras PHILHARMONIC Van Hoogltrattn m*k*l hit final appearance of the season at Cernegie Hill on Saturday tvening, tht program including Tschalkowiky'l "Franreica da Rimini," Schumann...
...pitno concerto, with Myra Hen tt lolollt, tnd Urahms' Fourth Symphony...
...of an old musical stock...
...a^UrtematVoaTby testa fit group recreation, lad) by glsbard BUcJxsahmidt of tho obvsloal tibiae ¦aw-a-ep^ ¦ ¦¦ awe" -awae ea-ew^ fr *¦*» a**e-aatt*as ^*Bt**a*ama**w tioa depattmarft This will ba felt, lowed by social dancing far aU...
...Th* honors take she form not of a handle to th* nam*, sat of MOO Cs**k crown*, end the glory m tar a* it is spread aba aad...
...Waghaltcr't family, for hi wa* on* of no fiwir thin twenty ehlldnn—"Numbtr Fifteen...
...Both foreign and American play* will b* presented...
...Joseph Greene, Camilla Crume, Violet Dunn and Virginia Howell are good in their supporting roles...
...Waghalter came to Niw York...
...Music and life were both literally abundant in Mr...
...C Major Symphony and Tschalkowtky'i "1812" Ovtrturc...
...Scheme," Thuriday evening with Mueller, Hunter and Laurl-Volpl...
...Ctrm*a," Friday, with Bourtkaya, Mario, Johnton and Deduct...
...Tha tale told is ona of two Arizona miner* who turn up In the Connecticut town where on* of them Was born...
...STATE SYMPHONY Ignatt Waghaltar will wield th* baton at th* Stat* Symphony concert Sunday afternoon at th* Metropolitan Opera House...
...On Fridsy, February 6, at 8:30 | p.m., Mr...
...Her• man Epstein will lecture on Slegi fried in hi* course on "The Ring of ' th* NIbelungen...
...No nation with respect for womanhood and with knowledge and keen eonsciousne** of the Importance , (if motherhood would permit any woman to live the life now lived by million* of women__R...
...s, — ¦ yr ¦ i , i ¦ The Stagers, New Producing Croup Edward Goodman, director of th* Washington Square Players, out of which sprang the Theatre Guild, will re-enter the producing rank* ** the head of a new organisation to be known a* the Stageri...
...B. (fathers...
...Thia time it boars the post-Victorian name of "Hell'* Itella," and for sarioii itudenti of the drama it I* quit* as funny in a doleful way a* the Provincetdwn company's comedy hit...
...I am very deeply interttted In American compoiera, although aa yet, unfortunately, 1. hava only • bowing acquaintance with them...
...Prelude and Love Death "Tristan end Isolde," "Rid* of th* Valkyries," Wagner...
...o many countnei...
...He come...
...Cheera and laughter...
...Shirley Booth and Humphrey Bogart are pleasing all th* way as tha young lovers...
...V. P...
...I hope that many composers here will submit their work* to ma...
...M. Novak'a choral and or eheitral composition...
...Willem Mengelberg assumes direction on Wedncidty evening, tnd will conduct the rest of the season...
...I shall give every possible moment to their ttudy tnd play all that I can...
...Among tht more Important of then are a itrlng quartet, a lonata for violin tnd plan*, * violin concerto, a rh*plody for violin and orchestra, aad no fewer thin six operai and operetta!, all of which hive already had pr*nl*r*« » Germany...
...To get th* money, thee* relative* launch a quaint project to lock onw of tha honest miner* up in a madhouse, and they fail to do it only beeauae tha other honest miner uiilimbers a gun and makaa ready to "fan" them with it...
...On February 8 '' it will hold it* first general memt bership mooting since its organize_ Hon...
...Cello Concerto," Dvorak...
...I invite all American composers to lend ml their scores...
...Th* opera will be finished next aeaion and will be nedaatd a* La Scale...
...P. H. Cztcho-SIovakia Honors Playwright Karel Capek and Frantisek Longer Awarded Prises ON aeery anaireraary of th* declaration of the Catcaa-Slovek Re pool is (October ss) S lena* of birthday honor* are boMowed, not on polltielani and public men, bat on tho** representative, of th* vttiosa art* who are conatdered to have produced th* beat work daring aba rear...
...Th* music of M. Jote Ffintir, though he ha* lived mucl of hit life a broad, hat ntvtr lott it definitely Cteeh color...
...dition to those a group waa chosen to bring th* Labor movement Intel closer touch v.ith ah* Rand School, and to secare financial eupporetherefrom...
...Tom H. Walsh and Eddia Garvl* make a good team as "Jap" Million and D. O. O'Donnell, th* (and-blown buddies from Arixona...
...hava made hln a popular nam* on tha program...
...A group of friends oi tha Read , School of Social Sole-tea held a oobm -r»e •"-»•• wa» ^ mm w-e mm ¦ ¦ *S *t» saawaaww fsronea on Sunday evening last taj begin a dative to ratio a tieftslntisj fund of $16,000 tor tho work of tha Rand School daring ths neat paaab - Three thousand dollars la pledge* was raised snd h committee chose*' to carry tha work furthar *f|w*JW out the country...
...H* ii a Bohemian, a pupil of Franz Shreker...
...Goodman has leased the 62nd Street Theatre, just west of Eighth avenue, and will offer hia first production in four or five weeks...
...My plan for th* Stat* Symphony T In a few words, to develop the oreheitra to itt highest poweri, to pity tht 'bait mutic in th* best way I know how...
...For acting, th* honor haa been pal< to Mm...
...make heme life posstble for alb' II would, for the first time, make tha mothers of the nation tree aad healthy and honored and h*ppy...
...M. Josat Jirtnek, th pianoforte player, whom tht authorl tic* are delighted to honor, I* btt known at tn interpreter of th* grea Czech eompotar, rime tana, of whom h waa also a contemporary Rand School Activities fir...
...Pablo Casals, thi noted cellist, will b* the soloist...
...Tha program calls for a sties...
...The Stagers will maintain a permanent resident company...
...IS the list jest publUbid, writee th* Prague correspondent of tk* London Morning Poat, Karel Capek, tk* wellknown author of "tt...
...DRAMA "Hell Bells" Miner* In a Mixup Pull the Rope In New Connors' Comedy At Wallaek's If Kenneth Margowaa go*e to Wallaek's this w**k ha will la* his early Victorian revival, "Fertlon," br*ught ap to date...
...In addition to his work it conductor, Mr...
...This group eon dated **T Jerome T. Hunt...
...On tha play-reading committal of thi new organization will be Deemi Taylor, Don Marquis, Godfrey Parsons, Ruth Hale, Edna Kenton and Antoinette Perry...
...Guiding the i Child's Leisure" Is to be a cooperative study oi child nature and its development tootsy*) non-*chota*tio activities...
...But gun play is no match for Connecticut law, so whan the armed minion* of corrupt legality return in fore* the deaart men abandon their forty fives and cut a way to freedom with a barrage of plain and fancy lying which fills th* audience with joy and incredulity...
...Sherwood Anderson 1 will lecture on "The Creative Im• pulie...
...Our program...
...Your composers htvt not thus far had the representation which I believe they deserve on symphony programs...
...Barry Connor* wrote the play and Herman Gantvoort praasnt* it...
...uCoq tf Or" Will Return To Metropolitan Thursday Outitanding feature, of next week at th* Metropolitan Opera will be th* lint performance this leaaon on Thuriday afternoon of Rimiky-KortakoFt operttic pantomime "Coq d'Or...
...tha latter with GalllCuroi, Alcock, Diax and Didur...

Vol. 2 • January 1925 • No. 5

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