THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK PENNSYLVANIA ffajjiiii residing In Pennsylvania Eg Ssirino. nwr* Infermetlen oeriIL tha socialist Party should ¦ftf %• tha Seeisllst Party ef PennSpjiia, 41»...
...The opening frill be en Sundax...
...NEW ENGLAND DISTRICT Kfhs Wow Bag land District has suf¦Leod a groat loes in the death ot ¦Lorse B. Boewer...
...As soon as ths notice reached ths branch, an order accompanied by a check was received for 1,000 copies of the Appeal and 1,040 copies ot the coal leaflet...
...Will not fhiu»'m Hosdsy...
...Tad Trades Assembly has seme bask at the Supervisors by holding a special meeting 'and patting all the county buildings, with the exception of the Glenrldge Tuberculosis Sanatorium, on the unfair use I On* ot tha offending Sups* risers la the former financial secretary ot Local SS of the Electrical Workers, hut hs | was cowed by bis poUUeal associates I and is included with them in the baa of ths Trades Assembly...
...January 4. at 8.30 p.m...
...Members ot the three Bronx Circles have received free of charge three reTfTutar tickets, one for himself and two for his or her friends...
...An artistic program has been arranged for the concert, including ths Workmen's Circle Mandolin Orchestra, the Rand School Dancers, with Richard Blechsmith, Miss Genevieve Kaufman, soprano, and the chorus of the Finnish Branch ot Harlem...
...KtaPolstsd statement ot the vote of E[various counties for the only stateCjs etftoe filled at the election lest CasT*- shows that tha Socialist Key rsoolTsd 44.707 votes to .4.444 Egsj ssst for the Labor Fatty...
...Forum at the faabor Temple, Fourteenth street and Second avenue, Manhattan...
...Our delegates to the Vsrband convention will render their report of the convention...
...a*qbjeett -Todays ChUHenao ts tha Joan Retreat ar Ad...
...Hymen Hochberg, educational director, has arranged a program for the present term that is very attractive...
...Basso ff recited a story by heart,' and G res hie r enacted a scans of a Jewish lady at a theauVwhlch wss very comical...
...Ipltfgo committee of the Trades AsPJnhly was on hand New Year's Day Maa the incoming Board,of Supervisors organised and vainly endeavored to tot a hearing by tha Republican caucus which wsa m session two or throe hours prior to tha for ami aad perfunctory meeting of the board...
...If you have not already Put them into circulation, DO IT NOW...
...Fifteen cases have been chipped direct from the office, six cases frfko ths Brownsville Labor Lyceum through the 23d A. D. and more are going...
...William M. Feigenbaum will deliver a lecture on Ben Hanford, the famous American Unionist aad Socialist, at 1167 Boston road... on ths literary program with a lecture...
...Da vies* second appearance at the Community Forum...
...Who ever knew Truth put to the worse in s free and epsa encounter?—John Milton, "Areopagitiea.' Every prominent newspaper...
...Meetings will bo held Bandar afternoons aa >tSS p, an, at 147 Toaaphtpa avenue, bosd^uarpkr* of the Sixth .11 asm My District ahPdanet Party...
...All members should attend the Thursday night meetings, and bring a friend with them to the lecture...
...SPnd, Al D. Branch 2 and 3 meets Friday night, January 8, at the' Peoples House, 214 Van Slcklen avenue...
...The sessions of ths forum will be held from 11:30 to 1:15 p. m. Sundays...
...Nationalisation Petitions The Socialist Party has plenty of time to help tha striking miners as well as to do something toward the final elimination ot trouble over the production of, the necessities ot lite...
...The participants ware: Jules J. Msreehl of Circle 8, Tdanhattan...
...Algernon Lee...
...Ie owned by millionaires, and the Press ie fglling Into fewer and fewer hands.—R...
...w issj¦ is trtiiaa af ths not aflat 4* h> miss chat a mil as...
...j*t»a» order at PoifiPj far thftp sjisjjsdr w» bet ¦istana af sfliws...
...One af the two discharged anion areas sa was a Republican...
...Sohsnsetsdy f mkhaasotady organized labor got a ¦£ Para-down by Republican bosses ¦2d Cousty Beard of supervisors Hps X tried to prevent the dischargs Bf two union men employed as flre¦Mt st the county building, the places ¦jtvhom were filled by non-unionists...
...Ia only nine of the S7 Egdsf did the tabor Party pea mors Eg than the Socialists, and out of BgS» nine counties in only one was ths ¦gel vote of both more than 1,000...
...Isadora BsaaBw of the Bronx Juniors, and Henry and Joe Diamond ot Circle 1. Bronx, The winner was Isadora Bessoff, who gave a war poem as his selection...
...nwr* Infermetlen oeriIL tha socialist Party should ¦ftf %• tha Seeisllst Party ef PennSpjiia, 41» •wade (treat, Nerristewn, EfMews items ef interest ts SocialE^Ssdleel ar laser greups should Essat ts the same address fer pubEspsa ia the Now Loader...
...C Morrison, Brit* ish Labor M. P...
...Bevies hi ana ot ths most brilliant scholars and publie leaders among the younger seen ot England...
...E. M. Cohen will deliver the third of his series of lectures bf fore the meeting...
...aa the Cenrataatty Otarsh, Park asanas sad 44th street...
...BROOKLYN Nsw Central Committee All delegates to the Central Committee sre hereby notified that the first meeting ot the now committee will be held Saturday... S:S0 p. m. It is Important that'every member be present, as many matters ot importance will have to be taken up at this meeting...
...A live organiser will place these matters before the organisation and urge action... I p. ss...
...tso plans for the Claessens meetings PJr« hstnt poshed with vigor in ProvlKsnoe, Lynn, Worcester, and Boston...
...44—Herman Thomas on "Sociallass aad Individual Freedom.Jan...
...Price 50 cents, obtainable at 1167 Boston Road, or from any Bronx member...
...Let the organisers get on the Job, or get on the Job and gst organizers who will be oa the Job...
...Kings, is so far ths banhsr district in responding to calls for' action...
...A ehort educational program will fellow the business meeting...
...His rsasat bosk...
...Any student who is not qualified tor examination at the end of the term, may repeat his course ihr another six weeks...
...Don't miss this...
...II Essex street, third EpOSS, Many individuals are helping EkaPJMjN tha success of these meetings ¦Bp gsptaatsslai to sell from 15 to tto LSstth at tickets... IXrsB, every Tbursday%vening in FebEnary at the Lester's Hall, at Andrew Bgpelt la Worcester, every Friday e<ve¦Msg at February, at the Bay State KpOPJS Building, corner Main and Ex¦shange streets, and in Boston, every PftpsltlltT evening at the Socialist -Watty* hell...
...Preparations are being made for the opening ot the Contra...
...YIPSELDOM Bronx . Circle 7, Seniors, moating at 11(7 Boston road, Bronx, hold their annual declamation contest- on Jan...
...The pros gram for January follows: Jan...
...During January alt efforts will bo concentreated upon making a success ot the ball, concert and bazaar which will be held all day Sunday, January 81, at Hunts Point Palace...
...No branch will shirk its duty when such important work la brought to their attention...
...The 2Sd A. D...
...Babdsstt "A Nordic oa tha Nordic Myth...
...Circle 1, Seniors, donated 410 to the Saooo a»« VartbfM defence mad...
...Have comrades take blanks to labor union meetings and get signatures...
...The Bjpsr Fsrty went put bf Its way to ¦pleats a maa who could also secure KpBUaation on the Democratic ticket ¦C ths theory that they could, in Hg way, get mere votes for their Eggatsts, The results speak for Esksetves...
...Locals have blanks demanding the nationalisation ot the coal mining industry...
...Vend 14th A. O. A class is being organised for ths purpose of teaching electricity...
...This la Mr...
...All members sad friends are invited to participate in the opening... U a. at...
...January 84... its place will W'sskoa by the local meeting on Sua5% SghrH at « p. m. iwjfsw YORK STATE flpPJ Secretary Merrill announrec SJSJ jtrlillits and Trade Unionists dedtPjg: say information in connection dhg.iae present session ofjthe state MBgJaure will be accommodated by fVptat* office as far as is reasonably ¦jSjatas to do so...
...Meeting nights aip 'changed from Saturday to Thursday for the convenience of the members at Third avenue, two doors above Tremont avenue...
...A charge of II cents per week is made to defray rent and overhead expenses of our new headquarters at 845 South Third street, Brooklyn...
...There are seventeen Republicans and two Democrats on ths Schenectady County Board...
...YOUNG SOCIALISTS, ATTENTION Yipsels of All Apse, All Hands on Deck fer thp Distribution of Ammunition There are 100,004 copies of a leaflet on oosl Just out of the press in the office ot the City Committee, 7 East Fifteenth street, New Tork, ready for distribution...
...He has been ¦gave for many years both here and BW'Kvw York State...
...Be Is a prominent mtsjibsr of ths Labor party...
...Egfc providence Claesaens will speak EsSy Wsdassdsy evening in February nt (ho Amalgamated Textile Workers KkaB, 1755 Westminster street...
...Ths'speakers, musical program, etc, will be announced in the next edition ef The New Leader...
...Send names and addresses to Socialist Party, 34S Rodney street, Brooklyn...
...The shipment of clothing to tha striking miners is still going on...
...Those -wanting ¦MS of bills, or information of any ¦Pi should address their oommunifibtts'to Rooms 118-214, Dolan buildIn 417 Broadway, Albany, N. T. iMus State Secretary requests tha* ¦pVaationalisatlon petitions be turned mm* soon as signed...
...The Nsw Ago of Faith...
...The course is to be.given in six weeks...
...5' ahohesss are ordering bundle orders Kst the Amsrican Appeal, aad those Ebrshohes who have not yet done so, Kara urged to do so at once...
...1 A special meeting wtn*be held Friday, January t, at 1.30 p. m. at ths Headquarters, 410 Hinsdale street...
...L. I. DC Porum Edwin Markham will start ths second season of the X* 2. D. Forum in Brooklyn, which was conducted last year as ths Bush wick Forum, and which will continue this winter as the People's Forum...
...The coal operators will soon come to time whan they learn that strong demands are going to Congress for nationalization...
...8. The attendance was better than the previous week.' It was a literary evening...
...J, Gertrude Sluts acting as chairman...
...Several other branches responded, but the majority have not, and I am Inclined to blame the organizers...
...17—John Howard htaUsh ef ths Church of the Holy Trinity aa- "Jews and Christians.'* Jan...
...All members are urged to attend and enjoy an evening of oomradeshlp...
...NEW JERSEY % The Stats Committee will meet ** headouartsrs >m Jersey City on Suaday...
...Admission is lOe...
...Lessons are free to members ot ths Socialist Party, or T. P. S. L., Or any sympathiser...
...Sidney Herts berg, who was elected Bronx County Organiser, recited several tine short stories by Lincoln Steffsns...
...The prize was a set of twenty-two books...
...Circle t Junior Circle 8 has elected a complete list ef officers which will be published next week...
...8, at 8:15 p. nv...
...pesnal isBIHtaa at ths traart...
...John L. Devise of Bngiaod wtfi address thp Community Tsi urn Park svsane sad 84th street, atandey, Jan...
...No credit attaches to the, Democrats, for they simply voted "No" on ths blanket resolution carrying ths appointments...
...The concert will be at 8 p. m. Ths ball will start at 8 p. m. One thousand dollars in prises will be'given to the lucky ticket holders...
...Additional blanks yp be obtained at the office of Local ¦pr Tork...
...14—Edwin hfsrkhaai, A Road* ins from Bis Poems, with a Glimpse of Gravity aad Gaiety...
...Ejpta to the argument that a change Ef peine will Increase our vote deKftadMd...
...A Hardman Playotone Piano—an Atwater Kent Radio—A Beautiful Parlor Floor Lan*p—will be given away free...
...The fonaa wiH bs undsr the) Joint auspices ot She Brooktya chapter of the LeeeTue for Industrial Detnoeraoy and tha Bo rta Hat Party, Fifth aad Sixth Assembly Districts...
...Botwlnlk of the Forward staff will deliver a lecture at the forum of the 4th and 8th Manhattan at 187 Avenue B on Sunday evening, January 10, on the subject "Can a Socialist Be a Zionistr* a And though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to ploy upon the earth, so Truth be in the field, wo do injuriously by licensing snd prohibiting to misdoubt her strength...
...Beginning Thursday, January 7. and every Thursday thereafter, a lecture will be given by one of the prominent comrades at our club rooms...
...Between I and 11 on Saturday morning all live young Socialists will gather at the office where they will be assigned to duty in connection with this, Work...
...Let her snd Fslsehood grapple...
...j This Friday, Jan...
...John Kayoos Hufaass win at IS ah Baa dry, Jan...
...If there is to bo no mooting of your local within the nsxt few days, go ahead on your own Initiative, and put one of these blanks in the hands of any man or woman who will circulate it for signatures...
...Isadora Baa son* has been elected by tha Bronx Juniors to represent that body at the executive committee sessions of Circle 1. ;'The circle will hold Hheir first business meeting of the month Sunday, Jan...
...all get togther and BeSt the OBly party that wlirever get Ejgossans anywhere—THE BOCIALBf PARTY...
...Jan, IS, at 8 p. a. Msdsen Osanty * The fsjpaV Uanthbr msstlag of the jjg*lB»n'f>*v tanoeetts...
...All Brooklyn comrades are urged to hoar these speakersand to develop a lively forum in Wllhamsbarg...
...11—Clement Wood on ("Negro Poetry aad Music" - Pi son salon will follow all lectures...
...Tickets are now on sale...
...January 0, at 8.30 p. m. sharp, at the County Office, 167 Tompkins avenue...
...Circle 7 Circle 7, Manhattan, win meet at 8 Attorney street, Saturday...
...Do not fail to attend ss - there arc very Important matters to be acted upon...
...BRONX A spirited membership meeting was held last Monday, at which some fifty comrades ot 'Local Bronx pledged themeelvee to wipe out the local's debt and to carry into effect a huge membership drive during the month of February...
...Let as...
...There are also several thousand copies of the American Appeal which should be sold at 8 cents a copy...
...4>l4th A. O. The opening of the Club Booms, having been postponed from last week, will bo held this Saturday, January t, at our new headquarters, 445 South Third street... smds^artira, in Al nasi B, Frlany, Tsswaiy 4.at4J4 p. an...
...Admission to the course ot four lectures is lie but to Tpsels and their friends admission win be free...
...his brought him into public attention this fan...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK PENNSYLVANIA ffajjiiii residing In Pennsylvania Eg Ssirino...
...An interesting series of lecturee by August Claesaens will begin at the Educational Center of the B*ville Labor Lyceum on Friday...
...Locals in Greater New Tork can seoure additional petition blanks at the office of Local New Tork, Peoples' House, and upstate locale needing more blanks will he accommodated by State Secretary Merrill...
...We can accommodate about 75 students...
...A musical and literary entertainmep* has been arranged, Comrades Vladeck and Claesaens wjll entertain with their oratory...
...2nd, A. O. Br...
...Seventh ft D. Circle The third meeting of the new circle took place Saturday, Jan...
...January A The lecturer will deal with prejudices, their origin and character...
Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 54