COOLIDGE "PROSPERITY" WHAT < at* daW f nmhrn*wages worth today? How have recent economic changes affected the pttffcbaaing power of labor?: Ia other words how do REAL wifftft, that is,...
...Hustle subs, you son of a Socialist...
...nfsrry- Christmas I Hsppy Now Ysarl ' Nothing but s hollow* sound...
...In other words, we are now in the midst of a boom...
...That Is what constitutes "Coolldgc prosperity.'* It has been due to the Increased demand for labor 708011100- from the shortage of manpower during the war, to the cutting off of immigration and to the strengtlt of labor...
...104 194 199 102 120 124 99 1928...
...Nevertheless, with the exception of wheat, which last week made a .plight gain over fast year's price at "the corresponding period, the farmer is.still receiving less tor his products than hs did a year ago at this time, while the goods hs has to purchase have increased in price...
...144 . 214 -J00 448 128 114 , 97 1924...
...At the same time atmaal money earnings of workers want through approximately tha same changes with some wigaincant variations...
...Starting with 1*14 u IN * HI eases, *• hare some very lataraattaa Index numbers...
...1924 saw a new record reached with 462,211.899 stock, transactions to its credit, almost double the number (144.2 per cent) reached in 1924...
...The Farmer's Ills The plight ot tha farmer is brought to our attention again...
...In spite of > you renegades, the Socialist Party is still coming and Gene Debs Is still going—ia the direction aad towards the goal enlightened tabor la moving the whole world over...
...144 104 144 10* ltlt.M.......98 .98 109 - 144 140 144 102 1914...
...147 _ 149 174 188 108 ug 84 1419...........179 900 190 148 111 144 82 1924...
...When the tree has fallen by the wayside its slinging ,vine ie bruised' ..and Injured by many a rough • pedestrian—* —Anna Rapport...
...As compared with a 294 par cent increase In the cost ef arias...
...His special doctrine can easily be labeled either sophism, delettantelsm, snobbism or Just plain Jackassism...
...H le not ss much In the^reaptng of the harvest that ws .find 9ratification as In the sowing of the coed...
...Than eiat the depraealon of 1921 whoa tha war babble burst sad the eoM ef tiring faD to 149 in 1414 or <9 par east hleher thaa that in 1914...
...tor tho holidays...
...Game the war and Frank faded—from scarlet red to sky blue yellow...
...Seldom Jdas any 'pioneer and worker in the Socialist and Labor movement - honored fa bo warm and sincere a manner...
...129 188 194 111 144 94 84 1918...
...140 ., 140...
...And did ye read the spasm in Bunday's issue of "The World" entitled "Labor Tufas from Ballets to Banks— Socialist Party Fades" T Well, well, who would "have thunk it...
...Our friend without the isms wants-to be flattered aa being.*n»ced^tnta4ad~ gad superintelligent...
...The rise and tall was yours, Frank...
...Why shoufdksueh people, who are working to tfl the firm's oeffere, . themeelveo be reduced to begging tipe in order to fill the gsp in their means of eubeistenoe* Just imsgine the psychic battle theee people had to wsgs before they surrendered to the demon "necessity...
...ttf accompanying table la a condensation of extracts troasJUa proooatatlon...
...244 244 1*7 144 U4...
...In addition, one other point must bo taken into consideration: When there is a period Ths Rand School Gymnasium resumes its activities Monday evening, January t, after a week's suspension...
...waeae*«te*arw*rh iiltoJil ssn per eaat, aad Skat tads wwTordorecT...
...Just kid along and let him blah blah at length...
...Hs writes, among several other untruths, that "the rise and fall ot the American Socialist'Party bap been marked by the oomlng and going of one man—-Debs...
...The brightest minds of the human race have given birth to them...
...Svr.aV, jSQl late'tlrta*- ^lv',saal ^aaafirfaPaw^r"** ^pfcaV ^saaaafe aaB aad frail, fcylij woman, with a '^jf^'tyjUtntrtjj fhr majority of my fellow pP^ttl^ Am great democracy are not as tolifetfht as I am.< Their motto is—work- and Stocks Arm Lively Speculation on the stocfc'market has more than maintained its stride during 199S...
...Some find It In the sewing of wild oats...
...Speaking at the opening sosgfcsa of the annual meeting of the Saserloaa bconor&lc Association en Das...
...Yet, these who by virtus of personal merit should be the authorities era the suberdlnatss...
...194 per sent, la transportation I9T per sent sad of clerical workers la both industries 48 per cent...
...Science, philosophy, literature and art...
...It is perfectly stupid to believe that , wo can think about moat anything without paying homage to some belief, doctrine or conviction...
...Tha east of 11 Tins rosa with accelerated spaed during tha war period, raoabJar tha peek of Ml or attphtl/ mora thaa double tbht at 1914...
...The unorganised < hare enJoyed the results of the efforts ot 'union men, for the , employers hare been Impelled to make concessions in order to forestall unionisation...
...And now hs waxes hot for labor banks, labor and farmer cooperatives...
...Not to be born has the advantage over both life and desth...
...The prices ot wheat, corn, rye and oats rose with the recent announcement of the Department of Agriculture that the crops would be smaller than had been previously anticipated...
...between 1914 and 1990 wages In manufacturing...
...Btriks while you have the weapon...
...To prove conclusively that the nffnnttty Is not so small after ad, ear Brownsville comrades forthwith hurled "Ship" sad his adorable helpmate under sat avalanche ot love, flowers aad gifts...
...Mirth and laughtsr ds not roash asi...
...increased, by...
...Ilka tha tuberose eweetaeaBV as us eating I the manager's SQWjSgrn about your saw fort •s ariMolai...
...The peak will probably be reached in the spring and then the helter-skelter downward movement will begin...
...And while he is at it you can make notes, and I will*bet the rest of my hair that almost every idea that issues out of his ventila tor can be ascribed to, some ism or other...
...Wng ^iftlon tTMlmff 1414...
...Every person has opinions and the more ignorant ha I* the more opinionated be ts most likely to be...
...Our - Brownsville comrades began the new yeas- ta glorious style by tendering a banquet to their leader ,and idol, Abraham j. Shlplacotf...
...t New members will be registered tor the Men's sad Woman'* Gymnastic eteesa* at a special rate of 14.00 for the remainder of the season that la, th* four aad a half month* tin May It—plus th* dollar matriculation fie for tho** who are aot already registered for shy course to the school or gymnasium Each of these class** meets twice a week tor, gymnastic work, aad they meet together on Wednesday evenings for social recreation...
...147 .lit 149 144- 144 142 . 99 1UT...
...And so With the ismless chap...
...Hsppinsss eon not be found...
...ta fact, every field ot thought, ia just oho long history and succession of doctrines, theories aad systems...
...There is no task so necessary, so urgent and so fruitful Just now as that of getting subscribers and readers tor The NOW Leader and the American Appeal...
...My thoughts are free and not confined to any doctrine...
...174 208 204 188 114 11T ' 94 1922...
...Comrada Vladsck sounded the depths when he ssid that there were but two classes, two kinds of people in, this miserable world—the /takers aad the -givers and that Shlplacoff was X nobis specimen of the noble minority...
...Wage-earners In manufacturing sad transportation have made clear gains of 28 per cent sad 18 par cent respectively, but-clerical workers hare actually lost by 1 per cent...
...On the other, hand, clerical workers hare suffered losses, because of the increasing number ot high school students, who upon graduation flock to The offices, and secondly, to their impregnability to unionisation...
...see Aa ten Is defined as s, doctrine or a system...
...When wo recall that 1m Follette's defeat was largely due to the rise in gain prioos lust preceding the fall elections in 1924, we do not wonder that the administration today is considering agricultural relief measures with more thaa usual anxiety...
...In other words, the" industrial section ot...
...Yst, nspulshrs as ah1 this may ss« IVkdl ^tasg) fc'eWat Wetftto** tfaapr folds and spresds the nkpkin on yeur lap—as though your hands were out of commission—and politely asks...
...The Weekly Trand ifign Axd taVUSS ate* a sjtoast esW dead of H par caac, Aad*Mr...
...More shares were, sold and at higher prioos than aver be tore...
...The answers to these questions hare just been attempted anew by Frecj Paul K. Douglas at the University of Chicago...
...SHOT AND SHELL FROM THE ARSENAL OF FACTS Changes in Real Wages (1914=100) *- "* f isnss WascenauPs '| SwJuw . ^itiwi ^ ^"'°^c*j V*** 1 ' "STL...
...Louis 5Urarstnin...
...the soeloWHty le remote aad the friendship 100 percent prolans a. Tfco very wararth of the snviiowmsnt Js oMlilng, and the atmisphei'e stHtlnn...
...Frank Bonn—do we know him...
...149 217 200 144 ' 128 118 99 -:-Sparks and Flashes -:D" Q YOU ever ran across the bird who raises his nose aloft in the coarse of an] argument and snorts, "Oh, that is an ism...
...What' this means in purchasing power of earnings hi revealed la the index numbers tor real wages, that Is, nominal earnings as modified by the value of the dollar...
...cadSeto addvdffJtet to tm...
...Well, when you do meet such an ass, don't reach for something to ding at him...
...Booth is not ¦ worth dying for...
...Eseh member of the staff, from tha head waiter to the porter, hod a far bettor education than the head of the firm (a millionaire...
...Nearly all of pur - opinions aid founded upon some system of thought Or ism...
...August jCUeaseata...
...We talk of Brotherly Love, ef deed Wilt to men, of H»eeoe on Xsrth, of The Oolden Rule, of Comrsdsshlpi but we hate the , people next door—to the right and the left of ue—" !¦ *rt took lis millions of years In order to be what- ws are...
...onions first in fighting for wage increases and then resisting reductions...
...They all ^ rose with oar entrance late the war, reaching their highest point in 1990 and falling: off since...
...Tou old Bohn...
...By 1924 the cost of Bring fell to 49 par cent shore pre-war level while wages in' manufacturing still remained at 11T per cent higher than In 1914, m-transportation 100 per oent Pat ef slerleal workers only 48 per coat...
...Listen, children, if you doubt us for a moment, please run over to the Rand School library and look up the publications of the Socialist Party, etc, around about 1412, and you will And Frank Bohn leading the r-r-r-r Revolutionary Left Wing sad raising hell for direct action, the general strike and the X. W. W. He was Bill Haywood's oratorical and professorial soulmate, aa both of them lashed us for our "reformism," revolutionary timidity and our "bourgeois moral scruples against sabotage and violence...
...I don't .believe in any isms...
...Ill 88 1921...
...A profound discovery by a gentleman'who always saw clearly through smoked glasses...
...Add reaaoad why tan Soetoltet Party ta ayo^rtog...
...M, ho pre-" geated an tmposbia array ef figures mod charts that help to throw light an the problani at hand...
...What a beautiful occasion...
...How have recent economic changes affected the pttffcbaaing power of labor?: Ia other words how do REAL wifftft, that is, wages in terms of what they .can buy, compare with thoee a, decade ago...
...Prove that you are alive to ¦ the occasion...
...IN THE HOTEL Though the structure Is a vary prptswUeua one, yea feel, InrtTncttvoly, that sit the pomp and chow le*deplo-nWy InsignUlosnt, The psrtsra* solicitude is sutemstloi tha smtlee with which one ie met In tha lobby Is...
...A larger circulation ia needed for both of these papers...
...How msny'thoussnds more will It tads udSiot'to be what we srst" ' "Life Is worth living If the Wring Is worth while...
...Your pleasure?'* your aversion for such servility gives way to a degree of warmth snd pity for thoss poor marionettes, if you underetsneV thst thsy are victims ef the prevailing seeisl order...
...Please don't 1 There are more subtle methods-of torture...
...But the fact remains that 1924 has been a big year for business...
...Wen, there are several types" of broadness., There IS the Missouri River, in some places a mile wide aad aa Inch deep...
...At the same time prices of shares have been onethird higher than the previous year...
...Never did we have finer or more efficient propaganda organs...
...Ton are not wprth your salt if you let one day pass now without getting one or more new readera...
...the working class has retained, the gains roads during the war boom...
Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 54