A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE' FEATURES Happy New Year Ef{E trouble with the world 19 there ire a not'enough New" Years in the year. If Bri there was a New Year every week} jfople would be wishing each...
...If you get your head over toward* the window and above the heater you alternately freeze and roast, and if you point it towards" the aisle every third person stag* gers full force into yon as the train larches...
...It was the sanctification of leisure, merriment and play,'recreation coupled with devotion to .the greater world of dream, fancy and inake-beBeve...
...Welth accumulates in unspendable piles, wealth, like manure, is only good when ;&'s-apread out...
...Leone Levi and Oiffin...
...Folks work too hard, too long and loo cheap1...
...they have a highly successful workers', educational movement of their own...
...Altgeld and our Gene and Clarence Darrow and Henry Demarest Lloyd and'Jane Addarns all stood shoulder to shoulder with the workers in the momentous 'nineties, the years of the first big strike in the coal fields, thenars of the Pullman strike and the beginnings of latter-day unionism...
...c Illinois, with its pioneering industrialism, was the background of many of the mostjext citing of these conflicts...
...I am not the first to point this out Already in 1888, at the South port meeting of the British Association...
...It is an American tragedy, this life of Governor Altgeld, yet a life that is thrilling to read about...
...Inj the forties, Engels' saw in his mind's eye the complete collapse of the capitalist system within the next decade or so as a result of economic crtsis and the spirit of revolt in the working class as manltested in the Chartist movement...
...Are you with me...
...Unable to msow off the curse they dodged it by elevatmg leisure to worship...
...United States—then, commercially speaking, a mere colonial market, but by far the biggest of them all—underwent an economic development astounding even for that rapidly progressive country...
...They alone B*/preventing the human race from degenft~n8* into mere machine hands, button pjhers and oil rag wipers...
...of rest days my heart beats in sympathy ' -with...
...Without them the world Pwd be all work, no play and durued little what you will about the selfishness of P»**» proclaim r_them lazy, restrictors of KB**' destroyers of ambition and levellers...
...Therefore, let alt right- minded people, op- ¦ lifters, soul savers antf lovers at things spfrttuaPand beautiful unite With file onions for lessfwork sod more leisure, less speeding and more serenity, less noise...
...the State of ilKnoK which we ,._...»....'.«» doing right [no...
...They will progress, too, as they continue to find friends of the Altgeld type outside the union...
...all mankind including Hottentots and Zulus...
...With the breakdown of that monopoly the English working class will lose that privileged position...
...Dues a dollar a year, payable to myself as founder, president and •ecretary-treasUrer...
...in the dark ages folks lived in the belief that work was a curse heaped upon Adam and Eve for violating the table manners or traffic reguwtions in Paradise "6r something...
...JjPve been swearing off smoking ever since I plras 14...
...In India millions of hand weavers were finally crushed out by the Lancashire power-loom...
...the privileged minority pocketed'most, but even the great mass had, .at least, a temporary share now and then...
...The Eagle-Hearted Altgcld of Illinois lifE ALWAYS geta a kick out of arriveyy - fag fa...
...Inglis Palgrave, the President of the economic section, stated plainly that 'the days of great trade profits In England were over, and there was a pause in the progress of several gr?at branches of Industrial labor...
...S. Ingerman...
...It is leisure, peace, tranquility, serenity that are the parents of art, science and culture...
...And that is the reason why there will be Socialism la England...
...The'fixing by Parliament of their working day within relatively rational limits has restored, their physical constitution and endowed them with a moral superiority, enhanced by their local concentration...
...So why w celebrate fifty-two New Years' days and jBpbjrthday of all past and present presidents nd vice-presidents, including Coolidge and wwes...
...They are the model working, men of Messrs...
...so now we live to work BStead of working to live, thus the original fjwse is accepted as a blessing and I be Bussed if I can see it K ¦ * * * g^Vith the final victory of the bosses over ptetrch and state, the labor unions became the pit bulwark of the^ancient faith...
...No wonder England's industrial progress was colossal and unparalleled, and such that1"the status of 1844 now appears to us as comparatively primitive and insignificant...
...Business-like leadership combined with a rank npd file imbued with the traditions of militant trade unionism has put the miners of Illinois where they are today...
...If it hurts my Brother Jew or Seven-Day Adventist to see me work on Saturday, I'm agreeable to lay oft working for his sake...
...These I benefits were very unequally parceled put among them...
...Fifty-two New Years' days iit the year , Brould alsd-go a long ways to solve the labor Ljoblem...
...If Bri there was a New Year every week} jfople would be wishing each other a happy" Jftw Year most ofthe time...
...they have succeeded in enforcing tor themselves a relatively comfortable position, and they accept it as final...
...The country might almost be* said to * be entering the nonprogressive state...
...but the year was always too long...
...A 'great change in' British life and...
...and more thought, let us union men and union women elevate the Aid slogan, "In Union there is Strength," toj^ W&W ****^-P*5^.1*^ ai?d...
...Above all...
...in fact, when it comes to the observa¦tkm...
...What revolutionary movements the Charter may give rise to remains to be seen...
...D. SINCE the middle of the nineteenth century Marxian Socialism, somewhat modified, has remained, despite the...
...Mow everybodyiworks everybody ajlf he time...
...If so, here is the application ¦card to the Amalgamated Association for the promotion of more New Years and bigger tod better holidays...
...But finally the bosses got the bestt of the priesthood, elevated hard labor to a"" virtue,, jjjtrowned it with dignity, sanctified it with jptong accounts and promised hell fire to the Bellow who don't work every second he is not fating or sleeping...
...they realised actually, what had hitherto existed only potentially, a world market...
...We urge our friends to read this biography of one of our few great American statesmen who was disgracefully attacked by all the forces of special privilege, who never once gave, up fighting for the common man and who died broken hearted...
...It is not without justice that the Illinois Mine Workers' Union has been called "the strong¦ est unit of organized labor in the country today...
...British Industry, far from collapsing, expanded by leaps and bounds...
...But, by- the time or the next Allowing crisis, which, according to the analogy of its predecessors, must break out In 185] or 1853, the English people will have had enough of being plundered by the capitalists and left to starve when the capitalists <no longer .require their services...
...I'm also in favor of observing SuptCtne Courts Ash Wednesday, Cabinet-GoodBriday, and declaring Morgan's birthday a legal holiday...
...Just the same, the book we had along w« a grand one^—"Altgeld of Illinois," by Waldo R. Browne (published by Huebsch...
...The revival of .trade after the crisis of 1847...
...some have endeavored to revise it...
...Industry Expands The revolt, however, did not occur...
...As a result there is not enough fan* tot living^and spending, and we have j^er-productiorf caused by under-consutnp§jtau If there were more feast days, there Uotttd be fewer fast days . * * * I used to have the highest admirationjor leformers as Luther, Calvin and Wycliff funtil ijf- found out they abolished feast days, holy fiays, saint days and holy weeks...
...wr»y Engels years later in explaining the reason for ,his failure of his prophecy to materialize, "was the dawn of a new industrial era...
...v McAIistar CoWtnan...
...The meeting has been organized by the Russian Branch of the Socialist Party...
...with their employers, upon exceedingly good terms...
...China was more and more being opened up...
...Out of that meeting developed the English Fabian Society, actually born in January 4, 1884, a society which haa exerted a profound Influence oyer the economic and social thinking of that ooumtry...
...The discovery of the Californlan and Aus-1 trallan gold fields foUowed la rapid succession...
...There is another reason why we .ought to [have fifty-two New Years in the year...
...The coal-diggers there are one hundred per cent organized, they exact good wages and fair working conditions from the ope' rators, they maintain the best labor weekly in America, "The Illinois Miner...
...Answer, Free Trade, thou .universal panacea...
...Some of these have aimed to supplement the Marxian school...
...the decennial crises^were the consequences...
...Particularly in the .first part of the period, from I860 to 1868, when Britain held what was virtually a monopoly of the world market, was this development In evidence...
...There is no time for thoughts and dreams, no time for air castles below or mansions above...
...There is something good [nail religions, especially their holy days, and If a way could be found for everybody to observe the holy days of every religion, comjnunion and congregation it would have my -enthusiastic support...
...That s^ads Irish like a day-laborer befag fined in : the aight court* bat if there's any harder job iihajj'/.ttyihg to sleep on the hard, shppery leather seats of an average smoker we won't apply for it...
...Going from the sublime to the ridiculous, did you ever ponder why people work so hard In this age of labor-saving devices...
...jf^'tyjUtntrtjj fhr majority of my fellow pP^ttl^ Am great democracy are not as tolifetfht as I am.< Their motto is—work- and f'em work, while mine is—live and let For the sake of mutual happiness,,howwe ought to come together on the prinjsptt of more and better holidays...
...They are undoubtedly better oft than before 1848...
...On the other hand, there had been a more permanent improvement among "two "protected' sections" of the working class.' "Firstly, the factory hands...
...The colonial markets developed at an Increasing rate their capacity for absorbing English manufactured goods...
...Why not make it easier for people to [he good and preserve their self-respect...
...If the^Mohammedans think I go to hell because I toil on Fri...
...The truth is this," Engels continued, ! "during the period of England's industrial, monopoly the English working [ class have, to a certain extent, shared in the benefits of the monopoly...
...Even while.that monopoly lasted," observed Engels In 1885, "the markets could not keep pace with the -increasing productivity of English manufacturers...
...There are too many do-'em *iys and not enough good-wish-'em-days...
...And that is the reason why, since the dying out of Owsnisrn, there has been no Socialism in England...
...He added, with keen historic insight: "Row will It be when Continental, and especially American goods flow In In ever-increasing quantities—when the predominating share, still held by British manufacturers, will become reduced'from year to year...
...A week or so was about all I could hold out goid then I fell with a hard and sickening ffhud...
...Especially for those who wearily wonder if idealism is of any value...
...It lined the priesthood up with' fte uhdier-dogs and when the bosses objected, •bey could be scared into submission with...
...They alone are Khtuig for the holy trinity of leisure, - rest ¦Ml-recreation...
...They will progress to, the degree with which they remember their stormy beginnings, the perils that were faced, the sacrifices made before their organization came to strength...
...many attacks made upon 'it by friend and foe alike, the most vital and dominant school of Socialist thought...
...That their condition has remarkably improved since 1848 there can be no doubt, mad the best proof of this U la the fact that for than fifteen years not only have their employers, been with them, but they...
...So long as they stick to' their policy of combining brawn and brains there won't be any company unions in the Illinois fields, no company gun men, no American plans...
...The 'Fabians began their life some thirty-six years after the issuance of the...
...Thm Fabian* . * Appear „ A few months after the death of Marx in March, 1883, a small group of youngr people met in a bare room somewhere In Chelsea, London, to'listen to an American, Thomas Davidson, expound his Ideas of a Fellowship of a New Life...
...Happy New Year (Continued From First Column) leisure without which spiritual development is impossible...
...course, I don't advocate the return to tie religion of 1526...
...Here the competition neither of women nor children nor of machinery has so far weakened their organized strength...
...It would make it easier to swear off for a'year...
...Xhla world market at first was composed of*a number of chiefly or entirely agricultural countries grouped around one manufacturing center—England—which consumed the greater .part of their surplus raw produce, and supplied .them in return with the greater part of their requirements in manufactured articles...
...Illinois still gives leadership and color to the labor movement...
...others have sought to carry out one or more portions of Marx's teachings to what was fert to be their logical conclusion...
...Thus the crisis of 1866 and the extended period of depression from 1876.] And new markets are getting scarcer - every day, so much so that even the Negroes of the Congo are noW to be forced Into the civilisation attendant upon Manchester calicoes, Staffordshire pottery, and Birmingham hardware...
...Mass wishing §f this kind would be bound to have-a beneEgfrl effect upon our behavior toward each As it is, we wish a happy New Year to our fellow man during a few days and do him the §est of the year...
...wtB be held Monday evening, January 18, In Harlem Educational Socialist Centre, 62 East 106th street,' New Tork...
...The engineers, the carpenters and Joiners, the bricklayers, are each of them a power, to the extent that, as in the case of the bricklayers and bricklayers' laborers, they can even successfully resist the Introduction of machinery...
...The demands ofthe union for shorter work days and fewer work days does not come from the -desire of getting out of work alone, although even this desire is exceedingly conunendabif, bat from the longing for a more spiritual existence...
...And, Anally, the new means of communication Introduced at the close of the preceding period—railways and ocean steamers-—were now worked out on an interhatioal scale...
...They are the organization of ^theae trades in which the labor of grown-up men predominates or is alone applicable...
...are calling in _ technical men of social vision to help with the difficult task of stabilizing the badly shattered coal industry in their state...
...The repeal pf the Corn Laws and the financial reforms sub-' sequent thereon gave to English industry and commerce all the elbow room they had asked for...
...I think the people will not endure more than another crisis [he said...
...Believe me or not, there was a deep meaning in the observation of the numerous holy days of the ancients...
...The next one In 1848 or* 1847 will probably bring with it the repeal of the Corn Laws and the enactment of . the Charter...
...Surely nowhere could the oppressed workers of Illinois and other ' -states have found" more lion-hearted allies than the Governor and Gene and the rest Those are now "battles of long ago" for the younger Socialists and laborites, but the stories of them should be told and re-told so that the youngsters will, understand what noble traditions have come down to them...
...Meeting to Honor Paul Axelrod The postponed meeting to celebrate the seventy-fifth birthday of Paul Axelrod...
...who will preside...
...With fiftypfcwo Sundays in the year, backed up by 200 afeast days and a couple of holy weeks, there fwss some chance to rest, spend and enjoy life...
...Improvamant Among Sections of Workers The revival of trade during the early part of the period, the great Increase In exports aTnd imports, and the astounding increase in productivity through, mechanical Inventions, while benefiting chiefly the capitalist class, did.not reflect in Improved conditions among certain sections of the workers...
...It was the noblest Bodge that ever sprung from the mind of gortal man...
...the great Russian Socialist leader...
...and they are very nice people, indeed, nowadays to deal with, for any sensible capitalist in particular and tor the whole capitalist class in general...
...Blackface mine...
...day, which is their Sunday, far be it from me TO wound their sensibilities by toiling on Friday...
...It's the Joss of the faith of our fathers that does it...
...they set standards for collective bargaining...
...i These noble gifts are murdered in the hurly. burly of our maniacal age...
...AnatoleBrallowsky and J. Viliatser...
...The speakers will be Morris Hlllquit, Algernon Lee, Lltvak, B. C. Vladeck, Dr...
...in the Ufe of Europe had taken place during those years...
...Communist Manifesto...
...Right now they...
...If, up to that time, the English bourgeoisie does not pause to reflect—and to all appearances it certainly will not do so^-a revolution will follow with which none hitherto known can be compared...
...They form an aristocracy among the working class...
...So yofc probably compromise as we 'did and sit up and read sly night, so that next morning you feel as chipper and fresh as a man who has been run over by a steam roller...
...Look at President CooOdme rib* Coal Min*r» Ought to Bm in Ptimm * * » ' 4 " Thm Almmmom Tnut I* Att Right N Ut Alois* I Don't Wont Notion* That Ain't Mm* From 1848 to the Early Eighties THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER...
...Secondly, the great trade unions...
...It win find Itself generally—-the privileged and 1 leading minority not excepted—on a' level with its fellow workers abroad...
...Ka*' at going' ; tor it?s a long, tedious jottraey with fit•tie •«•> oycak the monotony, and this time we :haii'.i6:»it op all night in the day-copch...
...Fiftyitwo New Years per year would do it...
...And yet, if men but knew, there are a thousand lives in that spirit world of dream and thought arid fancy (for every little life lived in the narrow confines of reality...
...England began to feel the competition from the United States and Germany, while its monopoly grip over the world market was distinctly loosened...
...Engels maintained In 1885 that the great mass of the workers had been temporarily improved, although this Improvement "was reduced to the old level by the influx of the great body of the unemployed reserve by the constant superseding of hands by new machinery, by the immigration of the agricultural population, now, too, more and more .superseded by machinery...
...If you try to stretch out full length, with your clothes on, the keys in your bade pocket grind into you like knives...
...fcreats of brimstone and hell fire...
...Brmakm Down . British Monopoly . Following the Civil)' "War and the Franco-Prussian War...
...A number- of other school's, however, have played their parts in the molding of Socialist thought and action...
...I am perfectly willing to meet everybody half way...
...p™n what you will, the fact remains that unionism is the only force in this work* ¦Ijrorld which is struggling for that blessed WISDOM OF THE FOOR FISH Cwti Kmrmiyi Asn*tNo M Nekem EJmcmtion Com...
Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 54