THE ETERNAL STRUGGLE By S. H. Stillc EfERNALLY the struggle far life goes. on. Nothing that appears before the vision of earthy eyes, escapee the straggle. Down in the sunless mines .the...
...It arranged thousands ot lectures .all over...
...He defend* himself against lynch mobs...
...Painted and daubed the poor comedian tries and vulgar acts to entertain a deteriorated audience In order to bunk la a cheap hotel and hup a ham and...
...Unquestionably these, laws did not achieve much in the Wi.y of checking rsckrentmg, but they did sums what remove some of the grave abases which threatened to engulf our society la eMdlee* conflict and misery...
...lawytrs and PreacherS -Lawyers with unjust laws and sharklsh souls, preachers ' bartering away mentalities, merchants competing with merchants, writers' prostituting their talent, artists painting cartoons, musicians playing jazz, capitalists .sending their workers to fight like- mad men -for markets...
...But what a difference...
...Take heart, comrades... ad»*t*d a...
...Surely the American Socialists have a" right to feel proud of the "Jewish breach of their party, the Jawish Socialist Ysrnaod...
...Established 1872...
...Workmen's Furniture 'FirE Insurance Society INCORPORATED . New York aad Vicinity and At Branch*' in the United States...
...Without so much as asking the Hamtowners' concent...
...An existence...
...The pioneers, the pathfinders, the prophets, the seers, the martyrs were stoned, crucifled, beheaded, cast into prison, scattered .and torn asunder, They made our history, ^hey led us on...
...A CLOSE association Of aB wothacs . Wm krtag underetasjaJng...
...lynching* of elgbtesa Negroes to' report for IVtt and sixteen for 1924, instead of the old annual average of more than eighty for tha thirty-five years preceding for which there are statistics...
...feme most desirable patriate looked an 'em with * frewa And patriotically voted to move "em out of tew...
...Their patriotic duty done, and all their money epent, Theee meet desirable patriots then rested welt content...
...3. Disfranchisement of colored voters—a practice more or less universal over the South—comes to tb* United States Supreme Court tn .aw appeat from the "white primary" law of Texas...
...carries weight, and his tour was a great help to our movement...
...His word, too...
...salesmen selling bogus stock, anything, everything...
...AH the higher qualities and noble aspirations hurled aside by every profession In a mad erase to get gold In order that they may feed their Jtodles and keep their starved souls In the temporal house...
...An existence...
...AU this has given tha Verband a standing aad prestiga that tha old Federation never enjoyed...
...Neckwear Cutters Re-elect Gus Levine Business Agent The Neckwear CutterV Union, in its recent election re-elected its Business Agent and a number of new officers...
...When sun, wind and wave, with all the wonders of science, and giant machines are by man's wisdom enslaved and made the tireless servants of the race...
...Comrade Elnhorn is one of the most prominent poets and one <of the ablest Journalists that the Jewish Socialist slovement has...
...The National Association ha* be— very much on the Job as a civil liberties anion for the members of Its race...
...Then work will be pleasure, man's initiative will be to serve bis fellow-creatures aad not to exploit for profit...
...Our Btatej Constitution sheds ae more light oa...
...DEPORTATION A Merry-Go-Round There ware some smdsslrsbtos wHo lived ftt Tsrrlertewn, They were down and out...
...toured- this country from one end to the other, while a third...
...But some SUCH May now recall To a DIM memory ¦ Their READING about "THE YELLOW DOG"— The INFAMOUS instrument Which the COAL-OWNERS Of West Virginia Compelled their HIRELINGS To accept and QDDDLE At PERIL Of starvation...
...Their patriotism grlaped 'em like • ehelere morbus Spasm, They held a public meeting, and with great enthusiasm They yelled, cheered and hollered, tha* made themeelve quit* hoarse...
...But now they will clamor that the war emergency Is over...
...that there are apartments In plenty, and prolonging their existence will contravene their property rights held so sacred by tbe Federal and State Constitutions...
...Such Is the story four years after the split...
...Judge and Jury...
...J. Rosenzwelg...
...Comrade Litwack is also an international figure and a brilliant speaker and much is expected from bis tour...
...a^s^«^B»r*s* n**mmsBB£ In closer touch with the American Movement...
...2. Segregation test- The United States Supreme Court passes on Negro appeals from many cities where white landlords by, agreement have barred Negroes from all but certain restricted districts, with conssqnent high rente and unsanitary condition* ! in the crowded segregated quarter...
...Financial Secretary Treasurer, and N. Uliman, Recording Secretary...
...Claessens in Brownsville August Claessens will give the first of a series of four lectures on Friday night, January 8th...
...What for...
...FEWER LYNCHIGS AS NEGROES FIGHT BACK Tha Ndw Negro fight* tor Si* righto...
...he who cannot be argued out of hie selfishness must be shamed out of it by the mirror, of hi* hateful sslf held, up relentlessly before his eyes.—Wsndsll^atiHIips...
...In every zone, palace* and hovels...
...Fortunately for the neighboring shacks, there was no Strang wtdd else many other people might have "'experienced a similar fate...
...Denis Sullivan, aad two other Judge* are to be sought by Peter Slasmaa...
...the fleeting hours, day and night, patiently'keeping watch for the dawn of the new order that is inevitable...
...The Verband also has open Foruma In all the large cities, which meet every week snd are attended by as many as 400 and 500 persons...
...We will soon have a greater Socialist Party, bigger and stronger thsn ever before...
...Tha Hepayburger patriots war* happy—I gueee NOT...
...Of course, only, a complete change' ta our economic fabric wtt wipe out tha cause*-of this widespread discontent and suffering, but so long a* 'our present economic system obtains palliatives are always Welcome...
...Several occupants burned to death...
...Clarence Darrow is pleading the case...
...Everywhere the cry goes up...
...Aimless and alone in a cold and heartless world, she wanders^ the streets with a body for sale.* In those eyes there Is a starved look, a longing for the higher things, of life, home and love...
...It* recent convention will gain for It even mors prestige among: the organized worker...
...Tea, we shall work, watch and wait through...
...One always hears of splits within the Jewish Communist ranks...
...I Red caps at the station, the porters at the Inns, the maids of the rooms all Offering thelFcourtesy...
...the country, and the lecturers were not always from this country...
...Murray Chisling...
...Picketing and even speaking to relative* of the strikebreakers waa forbidden by injunction...
...But all odds were against those comrade*, and a good many ot them did not believe 1* the Success of the new organization, while the rest of them dared not hope for any very great success...
...Comrade A. Litwack, who arrived but recently...
...From a single cell countless centuries ago, through all the va«t ages of the world, through countless changes and developments, to tha present time...
...Prom Hsppyburg to Hamtewn the unwanted ones were sent...
...Negro papers subsidize...
...Bronx Carpenter'S Union Votes $500 To Striking Miners The Carpenters' Union, Local 488, of the Bronx at a recent meeting which was well attended voted 8500 to the striking anthracite ¦ miners after listening to an appeal by Jfeal J. Ferry, of the United Mine Workers, who is in the city at the present time raising funds for the strike...
...The new administration will consist of: Sam Harris, President...
...Comrade Abramowitz Is a Russian, who had to flee Russia because of his disagreement wit hthe Bolsheviki...
...are buried to* a. •hack that shelters his worn form...
...When EVERYBODY Whose back was HUMPED And BRAIN delinquent Rivet ted on their'necks The BRASS COLLAR Of their MASTERS They were given Their merited DESSERT—' a Who COULD swallow . Tbe "YELLOW DOG" Would GULP down It* "YELLOW PUP... assaajSi And so it la, for tbem...
...In her struggle, she has and will sacrifice alL - Does It end...
...jAjd^s^^^R^Ai|ftwaio: ^Bs4***a***********shvi INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY...
...NOW the enslaved miners MUST put their MARK -Or their "JOHN HENRY" (Yes, SOME can write) To a VICIOUS vow - - To NEVER buy or use ANYTHING that is made By, a UNION worker...
...Only the other day the newspapers recounted the story of a, 14th street fire-trap being completely destroyed by fife, six people perishing in the flaJnes and the lives of many others menaced...
...Struts'lr>S from a' childhood that should be sweet, weary and worn of the battles of a lifetime the curtain falls and the Struggle ends...
...C. fare Fejstjsiry, U, 1S0& What wifl our aayost^tgiihipsl in Albany do is order to obviate a duplication of the p6pntar f*enfym*rrt,: rent riots astd chaos which were unleaahedT prior to their enactment...
...The other lectures wm be given January 16...
...It has done much to organise sentiment on the ground, and its agitation for federal antl-lynchlng legislation bas helped to keep the South'a great shame before the eyes of tbe world* And it conducts legal test cases that set precedents in the Negroe** campaign for such measure of freedom aa white* have...
...So what can wa esW poet from Democratic, and .Republic**} legislators who have "sworn to npbshtj and protect tha Cogitation...
...Girls snd boys that should be In school and at play standing' all day long at machines, where they exchange their' youth for gold to fill the masters' coffers...
...It articulates the a*Cjr*tW neaaof property rights with Ot* same) meticulous car...
...Passed the hat round to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner...
...He is known Internationally in the Socialist Movement and his word carries great weight...
...and HkevWae dux sad down...
...The ruling class In the South baa other reasons to cease lynching...
...Nor HARBOR his friend...
...To TarriertownNtHeVAiustled the undesirable lot...
...They started out with the slogan "War upon the Jewish Socialist and Labor Movement," and they have been trying ever since then to disrupt our movement, and while they have not always been successful, they succeeded eminently hi disrupting their own ranks...
...The Verband > is a live organization and is ever- ready' with a stand on all matters .that touch tb* Labor Movement...
...Gallatzky, S. Levlta* and M. Chsnln, the able and devoted secretary of the Verband...
...The lectures are being arranged by the Brownsville Educational Center... and lecturer, will speak on "America and the World Court" at the Open Forum of the Bronx -Free Fellowship, 1801 Boston road, Sunday, January 10th, at 8:30 p. m. At the 8 o'clock meeting...
...Writs to prevent execution of the ses/tences imposed by the notorious far luncUon Judge...
...Local 488 set a good example, and it is hoped others will follow...
...becauae to sal other country are jBtupmti rights sM firmly tntrenthod as tn this countrjC aad they have beea mad* so by *Ce*5t stltutlona], Prerogative...
...human righto than the Federal Cop* stttutton...
...Is now preparing for a long tour...
...For a long time she stands there...
...Solos by Genevieve Kaufman...
...JaU sentences range from 18 to M days...
...949-057 Willoogaby Ave For sddresses of Branch Seers tar 1st write to oar main office...
...Preservation of our' Constitution.'* The very nature of these outbursts -betray the Am*kstap*^&Ta*sty rate* thatr paUfl fa behalf *f thasn.....jam wMkmm .*¦« dm^fMndsntl X -wai-n^l meat over beqaeathed...
...One Forum, that of Comrade Vladeck In I Williamsburg, has an average attend-, a nc« of 80S...
...It invited to the United States- the prominent Jewish Socialists of Europe, two ot whom...
...Th* "YELLOW DOG" Was an EXApTED promise Not to JOIN a UNION, Nor ASSOCIATE with A UNIONIST...
...Three important cases it has before tha courts at ¦ present' ara: &, The defense ot Dr...
...Such was then the state ot the Jewish Socialist 1 Movement...
...And told 'em' if the/left there they surely would be shoti...
...And the EMPLOYED Soon FORGET tbe idle...
...York, in the very hall which witnessed the destruction of the Jewish Movement at that time...
...Not always, but mora often than in Uncle Tom days...
...Said these folks must be deported, of course, of course, OP COURSE...
...And then the Ham town, patriot* arose in all their might...
...I have not the slightest idea of what Albany is planning or la doing with respect to the continuance of theee laws, Hut if sentiment plays a.part to motivate our | "warm-hearted friends" to propose an extension of the period of their operation, strenuous opposition from the landed aristocracy may be seriously expected...
...Without PROFIT and POVERTY^ Will be an EASY And DELIGHTSOME step Into the OVERFLOWING ABUNDANCE for all Which PRODUCING for USE Csn SMOOTHLY supply...
...Sweat, Near* physician, who resisted a D*tr*i$ ladSf with tha loss of on* life to tea attack* ing party...
...Among the American Comrades who toured the country for the Verband were Abraham Cahan, editor of the Forward...
...The Communists and Semi-Communists who were .11 control of the organization in those days, the old Jewish Socialist Federation, * called a convention and packed it with dummy-delegates, who out-voted the true representatives of the branches...
...Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Russia and Mexico, from all over the world, come the goods news that our comrades are clasping hands across all frontiers and over the seven seas, calling one another comrades...
...At no time in the annals of American history has any movement promulgated by the masses been permitted to exist without being confronted with the cries, "Property rights must be preserved,'* "Violation of the Sanctity of Contract...
...Then man will be free In man* and body...
...In every age some were the heralds of the dawn...
...but he who cannot be reasoned out of his prejudices must be laughed out of them...
...a ' . . Hurrah JEWISH SOCIALISTS CARRY ON Their "Alliance" a Powerful Influence Among Jewish Workers—Their Fourth Annual Convention a Great Success By Samuel P. Kramer FOUR years,ago the Jewish Socialist Movement of America split...
...But though the lynch terror is used lass frequently than before, other form* of persecution against the worker, and farmep with a - dark skin continue...
...Beside its Wecker, the Verband published during this .period a dozen important Socialist books, and issued a great many leaflets...
...We csn pick off hare and there a mad from the triumphant majority...
...Debt slavery lingers on in the cotton plantations of the lower Mississippi Valley... company advertising V there are refreshing exceptions) and corporation henchmen suck as Perry Howard, special assists at U. 8. Attorney.' GLENGARRY'S CORNER - A FULL stomach Has a SHORT memory Of ANOTHER'S hunger...
...Out on the great farms of the boundless West farmers struggle with the soli, plowing, sowing, reaping, how and then after a kind season, but ending each year Just where they began, having eked out a meagre existence...
...And what about the Jewish Communist ? What have they accomplished during these four years...
...Comrades, we have passed the fords and the rapids...
...The mobs of the great and unthinking majority are forgotten...
...The organ of the Federation was at that time very small, the organ of the Verband has grown steadily in circulation and -in influence...
...The sum total most astounding, most stupendous end mfl that, • Consisted of two dollars, some buttons, and tha bat...
...It is tbe .familiar labor case of tbe court* helping employer* to cripple a 'strike for decant wages and improved conditions...
...The DELUDED miner* Were so DEGRADED , By a HAND-TO-MOUTH DEATH-DODGING existence ' That they, READILY ' SWALLOWED the "yellog dog" UNSKINNED...
...His subject will be "Race Prejudice...
...Deported Tsrrlertown to Hsppyburg...
...This union is rising in an, open shop field against the efforts of tbe Pullman Company...
...England, France...
...nothing too high, nothing too low or too base...
...World Court to Be Discussed at Bronx Free Fellowship Winter Russell...
...As to libor union activities, tb* A** aoclation illustrates its stand by its support of the Brotherhood" of Seeping Car Porters...
...The storm of opposition which arose from the money bag* when, this' laws ware first sanctioned cannot be forgotten, but at least there waa the excuse that the war caused a cessation of building operaUons 1 and . a consequent scarcity of homes...
...His tour in the United States did much to clear up matters, to put Soviet Russia In her true light before the Socialists of the United States...
...The- convention took a stand on thp Trade Union question, deeMta* "t* bar* -l»»thJar not tn sya** only, but tat set*** aa weu...
...Their strength sapped they go to their graves...
...And the "FINGER- BOWLS" And "TOOTH-PICKS" Were a BLACK finish TO the slave BANQUET Which only CAPITALISM Could CONSPIRE and cook...
...Only the poverty-stricken know/how, despite these Isws, landlordism and its powerful backing have made It possible for rotten tenements to fall into greater decay than ever, for if called upon ' to remedy these conditions the landlord immediately mouths the protest/that he has already been shorn of enough of his rights...
...Four years have elapsed since then, and last week the Jewish Socialist Verband again assembled in national convention m New...
...Over half of the arrested strikers were discharged for lack ot evidence, though the Jurist scted as prosecutor...
...That kr ta* reason, says Walter White, assistant secretary, that the Nktional Assoc la-' tion for the Advancement of Colored People ha* the...
...When mankind harnesses and enslaves all the gods they have worshiped...
...Gold... the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, 229 Sackman street...
...Or under UNION conditions...
...htsakership 44,000' Hsin office l'or Nsw Terk snd vicinity a' I4l Esst 84th St... aver ready, too, to come fo the aid of the other branches of tha Movement...
...Admission will be IS cents...
...Sana* wot do tlma and pay fine* also...
...The glow of the coming dawn shines en the new day, the new order, the new civilization...
...He made Germany his new home, but keeps in touch with Russian and knows;, as no man knows, what goes on there...
...As the upshot of this state of affairs, not Infrequently do we run across newspaper items with big headlines: "Another fire trap razed to the ground on the East Side...
...Taxi drivers searching the streets with eagle eyes for patrons and rushing like tigers of the Jungle through the Vtreets, becoming crazed in their struggle to live...
...When will it end...
...It laid out plans for an unprecedented activity among the youth snd among women...
...Long before the sun rises'he is up and under the stars, prepares for the long day's toll that ends when the sun has long been at rest...
...and it is doubtful whether they have that much...
...They swore they wouldn't, stand for it, net by • 8*1 ding sight...
...T(je struggle has been long and keen...
...The Jewish Socialist Federation "nad at that time only 290, members, the Verband now has 2,500...
...Every day of the year, what for...
...Prom Tarriertewn to Haapyburg is but a little way, And there the undesirabfes were cent end told to ctayj ' Le, when tha Heppyburgers found what they had got...
...A soul for sale...
...They claim a membership of about half of the membership of the Verband...
...Leon Rosser Land, leader of the Fellowship, will speak on" "The Evolution of Golden Rule Nash...
...Rich and .poor, great and small, all chained by passion and desire and keeping the Step to the funeral march that brings us surely to forgotten graves...
...Riches and poverty, crime and filth, want and the fear of want...
...The Wecker...
...Comrade R. Abretnowitz and Comrade D. Klnhorn...
...When the weary black hours of his shift have slipped away be drags himself out of his .tomb, where the living...
...Every Negro murdered, speeds this migration...
...She stops before a window displaying fineries...
...And runaway debtors are stm sent to chain sang* or leesed to mines, turpentine camp* and other work hells for private masters...
...The Minority," which was really a majority, was left without an organizer tion and without any means, It put up a bold front, went to another hall and organized the Jewish'Socialist Verband, and launched a new Socialist weekly...
...And the Verband 1* bound to grow in Influence and in numbers...
...The result was that they got the Federation name, the Federation paper and the Federation funds...
...Like fallen leavea tn melancholy days, the cruel winds of fste blow her across wastes...
...Down in the sunless mines .the miner struggles with the Mack diamonds trying to dig out a meager existence...
...B. C. Vladeck, manager of the Forward...
...The first Jury spilt aad a second trial' comes later in January...
...22 and Zt...
...We have fajste for those who think, argument* for those who reason...
...Haggard and worn and not wanted, she Is cast out as wreckage...
...Will •• the struggle end...
...the-union's attorney...
...Negro labor Is scarcer and dearer sine* a million and a half Negroes left the cotton and corn fields for Northern Industries...
...Steth* Ing, bnt broken proml***., 47 Garment Wokeed Face jull In Chicago me^^^f^^^^^aa^lS tosMrom -**.**¦ fesd If tbe Ssertetoaar f>*Appenat* Court ta to Junction comtsmsf cms* arising from tha interssstfAsal -Ladles' Garment ' Workers' stria* of two years ago £»'allowed to stead...
...S Hsppyburg to Hsmtown......^........••• * Hsmtown to T*rrrortown...
...Whirling her self about in protest to her aching heart..she seeks a buyer for her virtue...
...Phoae Lenox SMS Office Hones, 9 s- m.-« p, a. flat,, Ha 1 p. m. Closed en Sundays and Holidayi Brooklyn Office open only Mondayi and Thursdays, from -8:80 to 8:30 p. m. 'Labor Lyceum...
...And so the** e*rneet patriots in a'meet professional manner...
...e 4 IJntil CAPITALISM ' SO CRUSHES tbe Workers •That.ITS OWN BACK Will be BROKEN The ONLY prevention' Of tha SPREAD . .Of THIS corruption Ta tha CLOSE p isnfi ¦ in* Bag -Of EVERT labor organisation And briagjng TOGETHER In INTERNATIONAL harmony EVLitx- MAN AND WOiTAN "' Who worxm FOR ANOTHER...
Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 54