WARS NEW THEATRE Colonel William Mitohell Displays a Zeal Worthy of a Greter Cause— The Future of Military Aircraft By. Louis F. Budenz KJrDPHETS sad pioneer*, kitetever path they...
...Ia it another straw In the wind indicating that morally we have not yet caught up with our mechinieal selves...
...prior to 1011...
...Brunk, revives it and flourishes its phrases as if they were new born...
...Shr "no armed force of an j*TBB^BSS*a or Asiatic nation can coma LUjaabki the United States except PvMJa the air or over tie water...
...Tho fact that his suggestions far a remedy are weak ta no way invalidates tho soundness of his analysis...
...Many ot our leading "educators" use more subtle methods but have the same aim in view, the coercion of the mind so that workers will acquiesce In tha economic and social system' that Insures their subjection...
...A Oovarmnaat of...
...movement, however, . there are two diverging views,' one hesitating and clinging somewhat to old traditions of education and assuming a position of class neutrality...
...It wta bo logo expensive than huge battleships, "as a thousand airplanes could' be buflt tor the cost of one battleship" The other eervleoa' Amy aad Navy—are "psyofaologieaUy unfit** to develop this now foroo...
...The prices are fixed solely en the basis of "wast tho traffic wttl bear" ta each area...
...still in K is to be found the origins of the democratic idea ot education tor all as a duty society owss to ita mombora...
...Early in the nineteenth century education "for" the working class waa a compound of religious piety gnd manufacturers* profits, or, as ths author puts it, "secular knowledge was offered as a bait to entice the poor to their mayors...
...In her book" on this theme Margaret T. Hodgen presents the history at ths movement to England and the United States...
...What la apparent here is the same conservative hesitation In certain official quarters that is observed in England only here it is more fearful that knowledge by the members may lead to the eerapping of some old policies andyviews...
...careless, toco* hereat aad utterly unsctonuflo writer...
...only the tetelleetuatty ejalBflod would vote, no political ysarttoa wsajld oatot, (ho glories in- tho fact that Americas labor declines to form a Labor Party) he want* to psohlhrtaB poth^esT cosrrentiens, eaatpalga funds aad running far offioa...
...The hps...
...study of the oil industry and the competitive system...
...ob~ lsan of- natural resouroaa...
...All this waste ef a natural r sea urea that has already boon haK-SKha acted In the United Stats* and •oMWt#4 teaaVw BlPwf* tflalfl 41 l£apm&mlt9 . longer H aiawant awanoas at* eonwnuodl Can Thare Be a Solution Now...
...sHe Ighnst ho quarter and asks none, being fcsronghly "sold" on his idea of the Ktparnmes of a large air service and Bjjg good tor a unified air command...
...Its control of export trade)Is won istabhohld...
...The author presents some interesting Information regarding educational ideala and standards in the American colonies and the evolution of popular education In the United States...
...Instinctive rights," .-anti nature system"' aad "natural tow rights...
...One can envisage the winning grimace on the heavy faces of aome ot dor generalissimos when they scanned these pages...
...tho work is thoroughgoing, clearly written aad interesting...
...the six Nation* of Amorloan Indians and the Puritan system ef Massachusetts...
...Ho aeoarta air warfare will bring better walfsjo...
...nationalisation and operation by the workers and technicians subject to their control...
...His history, a rehash of H. O. Wen* and Andrew D. Watte, hi fun of whimsicalitiea, prejudice* and legends...
...Be ia absolutely cer¦eja that be ia right, and he doea not Bm to fsar fur the financial consepgaKcs of hla acts...
...ay Tkeiaas L. Break, luchard a. Basaer...
...Louis F. Budenz KJrDPHETS sad pioneer*, kitetever path they blaxe, most look forward to sticks ¦bllflnnr and character asaasailsio, to secure the widest ep»n to *h«T "radical" deejjto sod to* push these forward bfclhe greatest dispatch, they bp have something of the sidebar performer or announcer in hjgt stake-up...
...Former AaHaeat Chief of the Air Forces, Former ¦EpaL" Former Major and now ForSi* Member of tha Military Service, ¦fir a five-year expulsion banging Kg hhnAhe stands as a living exmw» of rapid demotion tor thought Bdj sptieh...
...Vividly and dramatically we are given a picture of the whole action down to the ttamo when "eeiunjns of waster*** for lumdress of fast into fho air...
...And It B an these qualities la added the Hwhas attribute of a private fork'as Wendell Phillips himself proEEssd...
...Down to a vary recent period tho .American Federation ot Labor took little or no interest in education for the workers except for an occasional resolution expressing appreciation of ita value...
...Due credit is given to ths early organisations of workers in Philadelphia for their pioneer work In outlining -a syater of public schools...
...It is the old ideal ot the reactionary \ classes ta society that has found a place In tho trade unions...
...Hoaghtea, Htfflla Compssr...
...The first effort of the British workers for economic security and political enfranchisement waa to the Chartist movement which waa inspired by self-educated workers which to turn inspired a thirst for knowledge among the more ambitious ot the rank and -file.- Freedom from religions busy-bodies and professionals who attempted to guide ths workers' desire for...
...Colorado, in the territory of the Continental on Company...
...Not even the doubtful benefits accruing from the free, play ot tho eo-called law of supply aad demand" are allowed to operate...
...Mis Utopia to one whereto an tho "unfit" Weald Bo diafraaehiasd...
...It scenes that we nave hoard shnihur gagged ¦ tlona before...
...Trade union leaders were generally content to get representation on school boards and as* late as 1011 only six state boards contained any hvbor tastobsts...
...Hia sarcasm Is biting, his indignation intense and hs hope for a true reformation pulsates through every chapter...
...However, because of criticism it is being reluctantly forced to a mora advanced- position and to affirm working class ideals...
...Regarding coal, roflroada and other industries...
...during which F*tM daauniaa ot all people will be i oajitiiiTlsl through the air...
...The tendency is to turn out robots, while the struggle of the workers requires thinkers...
...is aot that a matter ot poliui cal and economic control of the nation rather than of the sins of the airplane Itself...
...m% gtsst -,$mw* pome* with the atonemAcml ,e*» ptoitstaon and trtjuaatgetv ai Cfrtroleunir this fundsmeaesl fact is emphasized tlirouf^ont profstocking's thoroughf'ouaf...
...He is charmed with the Ideal governments of ths Incas (about which neither he nor anyone else knows much) the Hebrewa, the early Teutons, too Saxons, the Spartans, the- Egyptians under Joseph (sic...
...It la a pity that this Struggle . for intellectual pioneering must go on but it is a setting fixed by history and time alone will bring the manses to the point where they will insist on knowing all that workers' education csn pVovide and let tradition take its chances with the knowledge that will come of research and biasing into unexplored fields...
...Ia each ss—piftng territory tho Standard company is so much augor than any single competitor that too price fixed by the Standard is adhered to by the Independents...
...PubUo eh lands moat not be left to oho FaJla and Dohasys, but must bo regarded as an Insurance tea at as to he need *y our navy ta the neat war...
...Tha book la essentially a propaganda tract over 400 pagea long...
...Although there was much of middle class Ideala in this early movement...
...THE OIL MONOPOLY BY Roland A. Glbeen <i^omjtrrmftii>j^^si ^ij ueuuteilis invert sir j . "w works...
...R. Tbto hia argument runs: This is the EfAsreneuUcal Era...
...His volumes is a kmg Indictment of "the origins and defectsof present and past governments*' and he retails the sorry tale of political corruption and decay from the earliest civilisation down to the present...
...Unfortunately, its dot seta are serious...
...Re has fit knack of speaking at strategic rnoEggta and with a choice ot words that Itjit' and bum...
...Thomas L, Brunk Is a rambling...
...THE OH, BtPUSTBT AND TBOJ coMrxTiTiyn rrrrnai...
...aad ao a result tho Standard oil group today centre's only about ag percent of the oil trade inside tho country...
...Tata variation in prices, is obviously out of ail proportion, to differences in costs between tho two areas...
...Mothigg mating vagsable waa aoeomptaabed ay tarn efraaaguflsa OMetiaMb Ks^fttsTaasjjfttsaAwfit WSaasJ t^Bttwlele enter ths field of ail reanJnge^tnKas...
...aa "quick and lasting /rasulta" win ba achieved by it Wars win net be of such kmg duration...
...What can such tampertnga with oapitsWstln sat* terprise profit us...
...He mixes fairy • tales and facts quite freely...
...Tho production of crude petroleum, on tho contrary, still remained an essentially competitive enterprise^ The dissolution decree decentralised the control exorcised by tho Standard ot New Jersey over the subsidiary operating companies, but the ownership remained to the hands ot the same stockholders...
...In their causa they eg bats a burning confidence which Eggs at hesitation...
...But,' after all...
...In this case It ia not a matter of ascertaining what la the truth but of trying to keep studies within a range that will confirm orthodoxy...
...and the reader should consult to air work ao a supplement to this book...
...b» wiuiun saatmiL Former Assistant Chief of tha Air ¦fife, U. a A. O. P. Putnam's Sons, New ¦ant and London...
...Ttee***e*t the book appear such meaningless phuais as "natural rights...
...B_ William Mitchell has been given ipaur share of persecution from the Igneas of Military Stagnation and BsflitltT "former" titles are e5a evidence of that...
...It was one of tho several examples, to which tho United States Air Force proved thai aircraft dominates sea craft...
...g. P. DSttaa and Cei, 10...
...A compos* hensJvo system ef federal yegvlatsja must be instituted, eta...
...jgj^Btortunatery, "all ot the great ESUjagJl except the United States, EpWaaopted a definite air doctrine as KsMlgsished from their sea doctrine MgP their land doctrine...
...Add how can this be attained abort of...
...They are eternally looking backward to precedent, while the air man maat leek forward...
...Sekecaer a Mars prise saaar* la...
...Great Bkgtla' leads all la this respect, havH|K.'*ea Air Ministry which ia co-equal RMk the Army and Navy...
...The progress of workers' education in this country la of recent development and more or less familiar to our readers...
...so that in future "the mere ¦i threat ot bombing a town by an air: r.feree win cause it to be evacuated...
...When one realises the part which the world sruggle for on plays as a cause of war, it is amusingly tragic to see the argument advanced that preservation of our national en lands to Insure aa adequate future supply tor tho navy will constitute one of three steps toward a solution ot the problem of oil...
...sroAr *» wests...
...There he observed the ooloaaal wastes ta the exploitation of on laaauroaa...
...For a few moments tab (bombed) vessel looked as if It were on fire...
...The author proves himself an erudite philosopher, an intense enemy of social and political injustice, s prophet and a humanitarian in every sense of the term...
...When the advocate ofjthe old traditions ap-' pears at a class of young students he rarely gets a hearty "rise" out ot them...
...Kef Mow Jesse* og«g gao o<bsidlwere eooBpdfted to gojaoMi adaateistrativo ami falnal J~ at ammonal s>< anas...
...In this whole airplane business, la It not significant that the most blttes discussion ia waged over ita nae aa a destructive force...
...knowledge Unto "proper" channels was a matter of several decades hut eventually they shook off these upstarts and today workers' education in England has assumed- extensive proportions...
...To the labor movement the fact that only X per cent of the 100,000 workers engaged in toe on infiustry are organised constitutes a problem of organisation which must be solved before oven tho first step can be taken toward a sound pro* gram of nationalisation/ • Professor Stocking has given us too finest analysis of the oil Industry to the United States that has yet been made...
...Naw fork...
...when the decree wad handed down by tho United States Supremo Court, the Standard Oil Company controlled more than 10 percent of the business carried on la tho transportation, refining and marketing of petroleum...
...eaeoke came out of its raahals aad vogors along its daeka, Than It broke completely la two ta the mlddio aad sank down out of sight...
...Although Rousseau's political philosophy has been consigned to tho metaphysical museum...
...Rh> hhn also has been.given all ot MS above-mentioned qualities...
...governments that followed nature...
...We become a bit perturbed, however, when we abte hia allusion to the airpiano excursion against tho minora in West Virginia...
...In England the origins run back to an earlier period than they do in this country and there one will find lees of suspicion and timidity among trade union leaders than in this country...
...MOO have "the finest pilot material ¦fobs world" and "the greatest motor sBannaaanatZT ** Wthat, in brief, pieced together from Mattering quotations, is the reason for as*.' * E*wyasp dbfbrisb...
...for what ha conceived to la Progress...
...The Problem of Waste in the Penveltunes Industry—Can It Ha Elinated Unader a Competition System...
...aeeaoialea New Tark...
...preduatioa tor use is the only logical basis upon which natural resources cam bo usage to serve tho community...
...The Proof of tha Airplane** Power . In particularly eloquent terms ha describes the tests off the Virginia capes...
...He has nothing inspiring and youth belongs to an age much later than the age of orthodoxy...
...This new instrument can also be used against labor...
...The result has been an amixlng lack of literature published by tho Federation at a time when the movement to all nations abroad was developing a rich literature expressive of its history, aims and ideals...
...Certitude beKg question must be theirs...
...Still Another Utopia By AugusteClacssens ojo> a GOVERNMENT of, by and for the people" is the title of « i% Urge volume by thomas L. Brunk...
...Workingclass Education By James Oneal ¦'V/OBKBR8' JDDUCATION IN KNQLAKP AND TH» UNITXSD STATBS...
...The fact that the American Federation of_Labor, after a number of years of indifference and even suspicion of this movement, has taken up workers' education is evidence that even-the slowest and most conservative bodies will move...
...which ho has fully described ta his book and substantiated by illustrations drawn from material published la scientific and oil Journals and publications of the Unite*- States Geological Survey aad the Bureau of Mines...
...The navy is Itself a waste ao tar aa the workers of the world are osncemod...
...Prom a eoefaf point ef View such praotloee are admittedly Insane...
...Me describes ita vartnssa...
...By lUrsaret •T...
...In this respect' the Working Men's Party of Philadelphia in the late twenties bears the same relation to popular education in this country that the Chartist movement bears to popular education in England...
...In so far as want stfll loom, we cannot help -but feel convinced Oat Mitchell la right, aad the njummles in charge of army and navy wrong...
...Profossor Stocking traces she growth orthe Standard Oil Company and dovotes a chapter to "The Effectiveness of the Dissolution Decree...
...Qeeree Ward eteckia...
...We are wiser now...
...On January x, ltlsC "the price ef gasoline varied from Id cents per gallon at Pittsburgh ia the tarattory of tho Atlantlo Bsfmlng Company to IS Beats at Denver...
...Mechanical advancement ia not a debatable matter...
...Prlee ft...
...He has concerned himself solely with analysing the Industry to the United States and has done aa admirable job...
...WSea the working clans began to stir against the intolerable exploitation of the factory masters, adult schools under Angellcan or Evangelical influence put such questions' as, "What are laws...
...Nevertheless, there la no uniformity of prices between different marketing areas...
...Because of this weight of tradition and orthdedoxy the more progressive workers In the movement are compelled to venture slowly however Impatient they may be to enlarge the scope of studies...
...in ita chapters one •* "** finds still another scheme for the reorganization of society upon an ideal plane...
...The fact la that ander eapltailsa there can bo ao solution to the i...
...Stocking Da* tho taaaeraty -fo auggeet a, way out," The scope of President CooUdge'e sal conaniaaiab should bo breadsnsd...
...A can be the leader, if aha will...
...They have to drag a weight ef inertia that finds expression in warnings and cautions that are offered at annual meetings of the Workers' Education Bureau...
...AH publio officiate are to bo seleoted .apon ckaminaijqa for fitness, state legislatures are to be abolished and the aOveraaysnf ia to be run as a ¦business on husluesa principles, to short, st sptt* etm"tot^*imm, ft* fjw*^o*pe*lfvfio^ leouaeti ucueo and Justice, tale book, loads to uswliwa...
...The public schools have tended to turn out young people who know little of the fundamentals of the human struggle...
...he says...
...By aad Par the People...
...wMeb esnsHTno prasnsnsBsi oy wteo engi* mala ssasdJaisdliii Inatiad ef prefttsj dupiicotien of ptpeHnse . garaJtel ttnee of eowtpeaing aomsaniee aarryutg oil shot scold bo oesrled aa wott by one Unoi waste thresgh Ineomsleva refitting] and waste through duplication of «Hing atabona along state hlghwdys and ha eltiee where K Is net nnar eensmon to seer turn op Shews ate* tions en one street corner...
...Ms style is exasperating...
...THE appearance of the movement for workers' education m the United States in recent years is a'recognition that popular education leaves something that is lacking...
...This was largely due to the fact that the Federation "took on the practical complexion of the existing economic order...
...Formerly they had owned the constituent companies iadlrectly as stockholders in tho parent company...
...But even to the case of representation the boards were generally composed of a big majority ot Babbitts or their supporters and to the case of the Labor men "Loyalty to equalltarian education theory waa allowed to take the place ot active crltV clam of educational reality...
...Within the...
...But tho real challenge ef the com| ^^agagsh"l» tSr^fasenefsM^ nojgessoo of ag saawh sjs geeaSjeot %vaaee ef gas avdsenvo soeosjht ¦Wort by thr wtktssihai «f #iwWtapBatonla9 4a^oJaalsWaMaf SBj|f {hat fsWOwK sys«o*m whWi moose that a groat deal ef oil is toft In[the****** SAd otaftftflO't aW) raMOVMsTaPaf"| *sfs*SaaPB% ^sjft goo wMoh might bo, itaitfasad foas tuotf waste by alfawlng oil send* ba bo fieodod wHh water...
...The study waa begun is the fall of Hit, and ia ths spring, of UM tho anther spent considerable time ta tho North Central Tanas on fields ba tho service of ths geological departaaent of oneof the largest oO-prodaotng companies operating in that region...
...All In all, he can MB ateasure up to the role assigned pk| by the publisher of his book* on fMBgged Defense" when this publisher, iib Putnam, says: "William Mitchell Iga always been a pioneer, and In aeropgggss a good deal of a prophet," g*jljg~ mnjtha Need Wmmt-'m- Hum* Air Fere* Kt'aa peiiislnt the volume one cannot Bsgapa the wistful wish that the man Kid espoused a cause something other mam "Defense" sad Destruction...
...then what force can withKpTthem...
...the faith of William MItaheU Is «ee military ohangaa ha rooommondg, Ra dearly la in tove with the afar...
...Row, "the only defense against alri craft am other aircraft which win I ppgtfwdbs United States, In hia jjjsjWtfha...
...He Interrupts this narrative repeatedly' with vehement denunciations and he belabors the follies and weaknesses ot all governments Including our own...
...Other writers have dealt with the problem of Ml as a cause of war...
...Use of | aba airship in war means the deetruo[ tiaa of all industries In oitjes atf: tacked...
...Standard Stall Deminates Prices Ths Standard Bempaalea stffl continue to dominate tho field of prions, however...
...The poor were required to answer, "Laws are wise institutions to preserve the rich In their possessions and to restrain the vicious poor...
...It ia hla most interesting and convincing chapter, for it contains the practical proof of many of hla assertions...
...Some officials approach tha vast field of knowledge but seek to have the* members, hover on the edge, of It for fear that rich enjoyment may lead these»membera astray...
Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 54