SEEDS OF THE NEW SWIAL ORDER IN THE OLD Morris Hillquit Delivers First L. I. D. Lecture Sees Capitalism Greatly Modified in Recent Years MORRIS HILLQUIT, International Secretary of .. the...

...Government Undo* the New Social Order," Normaay Thomas and L. J. Olgin...
...Today the industrial organisation'has Changed tremendously...
...After the paper has been forwarded to these enrolled voters for a certain period, we expect to follow them up for the purpose of obtaining subscriptions to The' Nsw Leader, as wsll aa membership in the party...
...a Other lectures in tEe series am* Tuesday...
...cial Order" being hold under tho anW pices of the New York Chapter of tho League for Industrial Democracy...
...2, "Trade Unions...
...Democracy will be diffused...
...such a bundle is being mailed to .Madera...
...HITlqult then turned his attention to what' he regarded the moat Important phase of his lecture...
...Comment' oh 'such generous support is unnecessary...
...Httlquit said, it must be borne In mind that progress is not mads in sharp aqd defined forms...
...This principle is a vetiUbte revolution...
...of the N. T. Chapter, and may be mm cured at the League headquarters Room »si...
...In every country today there la aa immense public domain...
...When we measure the Socialist movement, this movement Bar...
...first time'the enjoyments of' the benefits of modern civilisation...
...New original features could be added and The New Leader could become a credit and inspiration to the Labor movement...
...But it has implanted the -idea that wealth egg be taken by the State when *—*- f niintij...
...And when wo turn to Riatsidl and we ask ouraetvea is this the, new social order or the old...
...These are the systems of yesterday, today and tomorrow, respectively—feudalism, capitalism, and the new social order...
...Waste," and a director of the Laber Bureau...
...If one considers the achievements brought shout, even though The New Leader has been published at a loss all the time,', what 'could be done if our readers*'would help us make the paper self-sustaining...
...About thirty' of our members, however, pledged themselves to purchase a copy every week...
...Yet the fact cannot be denied that Russia has ushered in a new...
...E. Richardson ot Local Madera, Pa., United Mine Workers, of America, although on strike, fighting for the very existence of their own organization with the members out of work and some In dire financial need, tier took up the question of securingreaders for The New Leader...
...accomplish this snd that is by se-' curing additional readers...
...Modern' society has acquired as social property large and valuable industries.' In some countries tho asiiroada, tho telegraph, too...
...It ia net even' a-capitalist regime...
...Taking this general political dad velopment all over the world, we sag how labor has made itself the potanj tlal power to take over the operatkh of the new social order...
...In which the forms of the'new order can already be discerned...
...The publishers of The New Leader are determined to give to the readers during the 1926 a still better paper, one that you will not only look for eagerly every week but will like to pass around to your friends and fellow workers...
...long-range view Once in a whUa, jfcgj are apt to become pessimistic by iook> lng too closely...
...progress made in giving our readers a better paper than was ever contemplated...
...Two thousand new readers within ths nsxt two months and the .prompt renewal of all subscriptions about to expire would place The New Leader on a sound financial...
...Under the circumstances, will you please let me know whether you are willing to co-operate with our Branch to the extent of making a reasonable price for the payment of the 250 New Leaderc to be sent out from your office reguIsrly.for, let us say, a three-month period...
...0, "In-j cent Ives Under the New Social Order,"] William H. Kilpatrick and Harrhdj Stanton Blatch...
...It is nevertheless true that the possession and manipulation of this wealth by "a ruling class underlines the foundation of th$.natlon politically, morally and otherwise...
...who agreed to read the paper...
...Needless to say...
...M. *T»J ternational Organisation and tho NsJeV Social Order...
...By aU this I do not mean to cosh vey the impression that we have wot any large part of the new social ordac But the full ideal of the hew erdai will come by the continued phvnful or* ganizatlon of industry and throng...
...The principle of regulation 'fn" force is now baaed on a reeogaitfaa of the public character .of Industry...
...While it is truelhat the ruling class does not Itself consume the great wealth produced...
...Unable to suffecribe, they obtained a pledge from 30 members to purchase each week one copy and then made arrangements with a: newsboy to apn a bundle of 10...
...NEW LEADER ABOUT TO ENTER THIRD YEAR WITHIN a few weeks the New Leader will celebrate the corni pletion of the second year of its existence...
...old order...
...70 Fifth avenue (Chelsetfj 3877), or .at the door on the'night eCjj the lectures...
...In some countries even a larger percentage of "wealth in taken by the government in taxes.' This, again, is not Socialism or a new social order...
...If only a substantial portion of", our readers would pledge themselves to help in this work the subscripUons would roll In in such numbers as to remove any doubt that the paper is on the road to become a financial success and eliminate the burdensome deficit...
...delivered the first lecture m the series' of .discussions on "Probr leros oi the New Social Order" organized by the League for Industrial Democracy...
...will speak on "Waste and the New Social Order" on Tuesday evening, January 12, at the People's) House in the second of tho series sdb lectures on "Problems of the New So...
...That, some of our readers appreciate this is best evidence by communications which have reached us in the las\_week...
...This means a complete and radical reversal ml tho eottr«;ean«ap4|oa: of- privets property .which was prevalent go years ago...
...The beginnings of the new social ' order, he said, may already be discerned- in the existing system...
...There would then follow some very radical changes...
...Striking Minora1 Response Here is another one from President Wm...
...The ideal social order is primarily a system planfully, scientifically organised, without the pastes of todayt-the wastes of unemployment, of the middlemen...
...k»T»JM| •phnral fa...
...But, oh, it is- not the" Romsnoff regime...
...the present system: "We object to the present Inequitable •distribution of wealth, but we are even m°re concerned with the anarchy of production that exists today...
...This Is by no means an Impossible task...
...governments in Eympathy with dhi Ideal of the new order—Socialist o labor governments...
...The -Jirst discussion held Tuesday nighs in the Peoples* House, New York City, was on the topic, " The New Social Order-in the Making" Hillqult'a lecture was followed by discussion from the floor, Ted by George Souls,, an editor of The NswsBepubilc aad a well-known - economist., In discussing changing: social systarns...
...Begpmings of s...
...In pome cases aa much aa onehaif of -the 'income is' subject to.taWatlop...
...If the worker was .to receive 90 percent more of the product than he receives today there would not result any radical revolution in our "present system...
...the postal aersJee, are the properties of the peepkv tg countless municipalities, wo hg»"» lighting and power plants, sometimes street railways, as public-
...Charles Koenig of the Bronx, who, with his own renewal for another year, adds seven additional yearly subscriptions...
...Under the New Social Order," John...
...Nevertheless, there must be some arbitrary distinction form of society and another...
...Thfre ia but one way to...
...j -All *••» iMtaiate...
...Course tickets for the remaining...
...Principle of Regulation Eatablishad ' "Again, we have now established'the principle of regulation of utilities...
...Wat social democrats have our objee-< tione to some things so they are in> Russia today...
...lectures can be obtained for J2.7...
...I want particularly to call "your attention to the transition steps, particularly of the last 25 years...
...It ia some-' thing- in a transitory stage, seme*i thing in the making...
...And now 'comes another good friend of The New Leader...
...We think that the proeervaJ tion and extension and revolution^ requires a greater measure of <k*m wiocrscy...
...Owing to the fact that our members have been on strike, they cannot afford to pay in advance for a yearly . aubacrlption...
...Br'ophy and A. J. Musts...
...It goes hack into industry...
...We think the Third Inter-i nstionsl has been -a great mistake> in that it has caused endless con...
...Progress "flows on indefinitely, almost imperceptibly," he •- said, "one form' of society developing - almost Imperceptibly Into another...
...BO-i duced prices are offered to members...
...Tha Now Order ¦_ "Through this increase of wealth and its equitable attribution, we envisage a sjate of society in which, political power/ the arts, the...
...I have taken up at'our recent meeting the matter concerning The Ji»w Leader...
...Pa-, every week, and we have friend Richardson to thank for the SO new readers thus secured...
...When the historian of the futaal undertakes the elusive task of fished the date of the beginning of the new order, there is every likelihood that SB will run to our own time or, immllill, some scant years hence...
...To the maaaes wilt be brought for the...
...Si which before thY war would hava acnsatbrns are commonplace toda "We have beconae so blaae sC'*hs We do not - realise the trcmeaaai changes going on-.about us...
...Ov^ to «o looser tae old-Uma, -»nafl) ¦ted capitalist ayatem...
...This time the occasion calls for genuine enthusiasm over the...
...We hardly realise the Inroads social ownership has made on pure and simple private ownership...
...Tho foundatka) lja» already been laid...
...Subscribes For Libraries This morning's mail brought us additional evidence ot the Interest and help which some of the rentiers are ready to give ua...
...Hillquit said, "is not as much concerned with the redistribution of wealth as with the elimination of /be wastes of...
...Elimination of Waste fa Chief Objective HUlqult then considered,' in order, "the three social systems of paramount interest today...
...The present order started aa sa individualist, which' every man's factory or industrial establishment was his own castle to"be operated by him as he desired without 1st or hindrance from any' source whatsoever...
...What a Bronx Branch la Doing Here is one from the Central Branch of...
...In' the United States there .is -a considerable amount of property, tha rights to which are vested' in the people through their government...
...We know, also, that It does not -Jtself consume this one third...
...Read it and then see whether your own organization can not be induced to do likewise...
...I have arranged with a .union boy to deliver The New Leader to them, if you can manage to send him' weekly a bundle of SO copies...
...Thus far the only satisfactory teat by which, one society may': be distinguished from another is the economic foundation of such societies...
...Let us hope that the hundreds of comrades who monthly send us in words ot cheer for the splendid paper we are giving them will supplement their good wishes with new subscriptions and help us overcome''the endlew financial struggle which tie publication of a good paper like The New Lesder entails...
...fusion and division in the ranks eft International Sooieliem...
...There' has'also been developed the principle'and practice of taxation of wealth...
...a new social order, by sufficiently longperiods, we see that in all history a*i other movement of such magnitude has won so much success in so...
...Stuart Chase, author ot "Tragedy of...
...Comrade McRoy only a few months ago paid for 15 similar subscriptions...
...Local Bronx, undertaking to pay for the sending of The New Leader for three months to 250 sympathisers...
...does a deal of good . to tak* 'a...
...IX* can only be done by Increased circulation, and we appeal to every reader to help us...
...Bvanj which before thV war would have be...
...At, that time Industries wore free from shite regulstion.of gay kind...
...character of these systems are their economic zorma...
...aensatkms are commonplace toda^*Russia Working Out d Now System Hillquit then spoke of the mj political ¦ and economic, changes sling have "taken place In Germany, Austria] Trance, England, Denmark and Sweden where Socialist strength has grown*J an extent whore the party has at thajS formed the government...
...The difference in systems would be primarily an Increased productivity followed by an equitable distribution of this Increased product...
...tba aottoa «c'tk» aa* «* private jpaogarta.' WafladV te «ij !¦« theae -Amlopaartta.- la** «ba 11*1 order lw airoadr «n<m WJ tertoailyot fha oM...
...We beliove the die-^ tetorship ia unnecessary ¦ and un»wise...
...short, a, time...
...The taking oval of the industries has been mads hV finitely easier...
...The chief aim of the Socialists, In fashioning the new social order...
...It ia not the...
...Taking the sum total of these publicly owned properties and comparing them with the unbridled private ownership of 100 years ago we can realise the extent of tho revolution which has been gOing OU...
...Norman Angell and Jee-' sie W. Hughan...
...From way down in ^Florida, Comrade John T. McRoy sands us $20 to send The New Leader for one year to 10 college libraries...
...We know that the capitalist class does not take more than one-third of the total prodduct...
...sciences and'the, general culture will also be heightened and diffused...
...The charge for individual lectures ss 75c...
...I desire to inform you that after the paper hee been cent to the 260 enrolled voters for three months we 'intend to continue sending it to snother bstch of 250 or' more enrolled voters, thereby helping The New Leader in obtaining now readers, which its splendid make-up snd contents deserve...
...The Central Branch of Local bronx is desirous of sending 250 New Leaders to that many enrolled voters for a period of from One to three months...
...Wa aava becoaia ao blaaa \a£ We do not- rsalisa th« trend] chances solas on .about na...
...SEEDS OF THE NEW SWIAL ORDER IN THE OLD Morris Hillquit Delivers First L. I. D. Lecture Sees Capitalism Greatly Modified in Recent Years MORRIS HILLQUIT, International Secretary of .. the Socialist Party...
...copies cash week tor delivery to each of the SO membera...
...We are indeed indebted to him for hia efforts to help...
...It is not the ideal regime, by fsr...

Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 54

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