-:- -:- FROM RUSSIAN PRISONS -:- -:THE APPEALS THAT COME FROM THE SOVIETS'JAILS By the Editor noli Russian prisons, from eto icy wastes of Siberia, ¦Eg, tbc dungeons infested k^ease and...
...The organization which accomplished this task is the International Committee for Political Prisoners...
...Many painters win ten you April or May...
...Sinclair Lewis, American novelist...
...IN.clad, illfad, toneiy, driven snad by the dreary ieeletion to which they are oondemnedT Is this your contribution to tha making of a free world In which the proletsrisn is to chant the glorious strain* ad the "International...
...This waste hmnaa aad material treasure will Bid oat la all future ages as the eatest crime and consequence of tb» gSlBst-fappsriallstic ijrmtem which S left to It* train epidemics, famines pt psstilsnces that killed additional Ettsas, plunged the world into total, moral and spiritual despair, Idtsring tha hopes and ideals ot Wdnd, It also caused economic Ml todustrial chaos, lowcsed standards ytriag, the enslavement ot the works' lasses to labor long, crushing ¦to tor lower wages in order to ?•»• sew wealth with which to pay • tost of the war... control the markets et the fp*l told their countrymen that they *Sf» fighting for Democracy, self defjBBfnation for small nations and to BShs this world a decent place to live g have only Intensified competition, pahtes, suspicions and nationaf B£Mds and have sped' up greater Pmsry and naval establishments pre, ¦Btory to another greater, bloodier g Sine* the armistice, Nov/11, **• not a year has passed without £*jir...
...Introduction to tha document* which are published under tha title "bettor* Prom Baaston Prisons.** by the Internarioaal Committee for Political Prisoners...
...Tell your friends and help those who cry for help from the Russian abyss...
...Let them belong to those who invented them...
...In the TJnlons It has created distrust and discord...
...Danish critic...
...Norwegian author...
...Rebecca West, British novelist, and Israel Zangwlll, Britlah author...
...Anarchists, and others who tor honorable records in the old revopsharp struggle against Csarism are i* prisoners of the Communist rulers...
...prison here, a prison that is >a studio of art compared to what is endured by workingmen and women to Russia...
...editor of The New Leader...
...We can upon the mora decent of those who have spent a number of...
...mess documents are only concerned Bjt Sns type of prisoners...
...Right now Asia and Africa * aflame with revolutions for freefrom the victorious powers who PSQawad /them up under the cover Ilbndatoa Territories, ' • •, e •¦BsTJpited States has amassed more wealth in, this last quarter century, particularly slnoe the outbreak of the great world war than aU the Great Powers of the world have...
...How can any Communist in this country hope to mexe way against bourgeois persecution when this hideous think aeoueee them* By wrist msgie is bourgeois persecution and brutality in capitalist navirtee he Russia* What bav* paw as say of tha twearoulars who died - at wsglset and abuse...
...That sen new occupies that call because he, as a Socialist, differs With the Communists...
...If yofTwlsh to secure a seat, be sure to be there promptly at 8.1S...
...and other costs' wedge is $4<0,000...
...who were iirtsit by tha police, some of whom rSf* tortured, many of whom were aaBslal ovar tha world by the Czar's spies, are new ta Rnaaaaa m* isnns, and In some eases tbeV Jailers war* She JaHers of Nicholas 1 TAW CssnrstsMtst Raptoca* thm CodSsKsV...
...local 66, I. l. g. w. u., george Tries tman was elected to'serve aa the new manager of the local in place of Max M. essenfeld, who retired from the office after serving the union for a number of years...
...itbato that will and should be held topoiiskile for the _ great war, the BsttttctiSn aad carnage in human vs...
...Durant to Lecture Friday at Seventh A. D. Dr...
...Philadelphia la slowly losing its original strength In the upholstery trade, though atlU a majority of the uphoistery weaving 1* done there—aad mora eat-dftown shop* are starting...
...mora revolting', is the story of women revolutionaries fighting far their honor against brutal guards whoso lust infected other girls with venereal disease...
...Gerhardt Hauptmann, German^ poet and dramatist...
...Karl Kapek, Bohemian dramatist...
...But the painter was idle 2H months that year, so the second pillar measures fa«blaek the income he would have received had he worked 12 months, a total of $1,939...
...Harold L Laaki, professor at London...
...Maurice Maeterlinck, Belgian poet and dramatist...
...Electric power, the auptaobile, the flying machine, sieving nictates and the radio all have accelerated transportation on bum sad sea, maldag it possible ?» ctjamnaifbte with- the ¦BtniM Ot the world withm%-1«w minfltes...
...n> ^Two black and white pillars in the second chart shows the rotation of what the Philadelphia painter actually got in a certain year with the $2,385 annual budget that the IT...
...Their: jto» h> that they differ with the Comfijdat party program...
...Every important industry that produces the necessities of lite is organised into mighty and all embracing trusts, owned and controlled by a small group of individuals who held the fate and the /destiny ot the lit million inhabitants of this couatry la their hands...
...In England the Labor Party held the reigns of government...
...Mra Alda J. Creech, Anna Owen...
...Mora tragic mora hakumaa...
...Henry Noel Brailsford...
...years to trying...
...Karin Mlchaelis, Danish novelist...
...e. i. Lever la in general efaarsa...
...or more than 3406 short of the Labor Department's budget There It is in black sad white, grasped to a moment and the conclusion can be more wages, stabilisation ot employment, unemployment insurance or whatever the Union is pushing...
...Take the profits chart, for Instance...
...Selections from this collection of documents will begin in the neat issue ot The New...
...Bark**, once a plasterer and later.a Cornell man...
...The MsaBr losses are estimated as feeing tof SN billion dollars...
...and avoid Ufa necessity of standing...
...Any woman who Is here for a certain period of time leaves dipeased...
...Albert Einstein, scientist...
...tha white section of Ot* measures kow far his Income fey short ot the needed sum...
...To Henry O. Alsbens fan tha...
...In the first pie we find the wages wedge of $1,310,066, the wages actually paid by a list of contractors...
...It la in September, when a tuU month's work waa had, whereas April and May furnished 10 and S .^percent lees than fall time, respectively... the regulsx research man far tha Textile Unions, aad uses tha classes to the Unions' research work...
...They Include Arnold Bennett, British novelist...
...Among those priaoners p ChsfiniiinlrTi who differed from the to Issdsra who constitute tha CompS» eHaarohy...
...Thomas Mann, German novelist...
...The Philadelphia Labor Collage ha* also started new classes with other Unions and la workers' community canter...
...Our class, the tollers of the i world, have another example to set before mankind...
...Not in the least encouraging, leaving us problems more numerous and serious than the world has ever been called upon to face...
...Mtosssa aad women who gave their ¦ Si the old aad days ot von Fleve, latrpbj aad Nicholas...
...We are the money lenders of the world and our investments in foreign countries is above SO billions...
...These belong to the ruling classes...
...lot content with their reign St home, they have organised an opposition to the International Socialist Movement, their aim being to foster a world revolution for the overthrow of the capitalist system and the establishment of "Thespictatorshlp of the Proletariat of the World...
...whose purpose it was to erush Jgt- subjugate small and backward wto* that had raw materials and •Mural resources which they wanted gfjf...
...They want no egrvsatioa of the capitalist powers ytosste...
...Ho wrttas aa totemgent aad discriminating...
...Almost all the officials are diseased and infect the women...
...aad ^eadquartor* are at stt Cheataut street, ' Triestman New Manager of Bonnaz Embroiderers' Union In the recent elections held in the bonnaz embroiderers' union...
...They fight tor the working bps of Boasts against a faction that ¦SB ay terror...
...Just as practical research work Is dene ' by the Upholstery Weavers, Hosiery Worker* and Tapestry Carpet Weavers and Dyers In classes where B, w. Bark as officiates a* instructor...
...But what is the busiest season...
...Arthur Schnltxler, Austrian dramatist...
...Obviously in the busiest seasons...
...Fighting at night against the sadist brutes, supping on the filthy food suppUed them, tormented by the possible fate that awaits them, those women of the old days ot a glorious revolutionary struggle pass through a Qethsemane every hour ot their lives...
...The Communist knout has replaced the Cossack knout, the Siberia of Zinavlef the Siberia ot Nicholas, tb* Soviet prison the Stolypn prison...
...In Russia the Bolsheviki (Communists)- Party, calling themselves Marxian socialists, after the overthrow of the Czarist regime, captured the Government and la still holding power under the title of "The Dictatorship of the Proletariat...
...As a mat|p*f fact, the remnants of the old |sHst conspirators have received amMgyl social Democrats, Social Revoijtosdsta...
...632 is setting in the class in shop economics it is managing for the Philadelphia Labor College...
...This introduction would not be complete without paying a tribute to those who have shared the big responsibility of gathering these documents and placing them before the world...
...If you cannot raise your voice against these things In Russia do not shock us by whining against your kind going to a comforts bid...
...5 j I have before me three interesting charts, prepared by the Union Students, that hit the nail on the bead pretty well...
...Knut Ham1 sun...
...Georg Brandos...
...Bernard Kellerman, German novelist...
...The so-called left wing is undermining' the morale and confidence of the membership by persistent propaganda and systematic campaigns to gain power and followers for the Communist Party...
...Romain Holland, French author...
...The second pi-graph shows the wages wedge capable of being raised to $$,116,000 and the profits wedge cut to $177,006, with the boss stHl> making- $ percent...
...Instructors to elude Catherine Btokley...
...LOOKING BACK TWENTY-FIVE YEARS The Outstanding Events Of A Quarter Century By Edmond Gottesman Secretary Neckwear Markers' Union mr HIS is the close of the first . i quarter of the twentieth * century, which in important mats has no comparison in history... build after this fashion' to desert tt, Tha working 1 class cannot bund a liberated world with the knout, tbs gallows, the firing squad, prisons, torture, and exile...
...Bertrand Russell, British philosopher...
...The mterns ttonal character of this pubUcation is evident by tha letters of prominent men of various countries who have something so say about the documents...
...This monthly employment chart Is In the form of 11 horizontal bars of lengths corresponding to the time worked—and this picture form of presentation imprints It immediately on the workers' mind...
...Organlstng thosa out-of-town shops depends oa accural* knowledge of seasonal production, plant location and ownership...
...Upton Sinclair, American author...
...This In brief is the record of events that took place In the first quarter century of our time...
...In the American Socialist movement the effects have been more serious than a mere split, it is a debacle...
...Tl|is last hst* century chronicle* the greatHh bloodiest, most destructive war of ¦*» tbaa...
...t The Labor movement in the principal capitalist countries has grown in numbers and power heretofore unparalleled In .history...
...4316 Third Avenue, near Tremont Avenue, on "The Psychological Differences Between Man and Woman...
...H. G. Wells, British author...
...70 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. C. First among its guiding spirits is Roger Baldwin who Oa* who want ta prison k isaai 1 ot-.-: hi* boBef .to She uaisstolatoS sssht sf bnmaa tea** to express Shaw vtow* the Casn armi 1st tha anarchist, the 1 Wl W, tha Syndicalist aad tha antiwar organisations ha ha* brorsrtit the aid of his organisation, (fa* Ctt* liberties Union...
...The black section of the first pillar runs up to the $1.J»S the average painter actually got in a single year...
...In this class we find active unionists gathering the data on the trade and presenting it to fellow workers outside on the job in the form of illustrated literature that tells the exploited wage-earner hew much be is missing and what he should do about it...
...This makes us the financial master at the world, and the greatest growing imperialist nation on the globe...
...Ska despair - ettfjf sjgsntw'svsjsjr wtlev *t*99Mm*0yk9^ tswws%*selvee to and their tortures, the daughters of • atorfeo* revelationary t> edition who waste away In tha snows of Siberia...
...FROM RUSSIAN PRISONS -:- -:THE APPEALS THAT COME FROM THE SOVIETS'JAILS By the Editor noli Russian prisons, from eto icy wastes of Siberia, ¦Eg, tbc dungeons infested k^ease and vermin, from br abroad, have come the |pfk cries of men and women, Sgf et whom were in prison br the Czar, thousands of v haying fought in the Soviet ept against KoJehak, Dene1" Wrangel and other Czarist bfrihr :A number of these Ekis, amazing in their revelaof the treatment accorded ¦Was rlats prisoners in Soviet ejpjh, will be published in The egLeader beginning next ¦SI** prisoner* of the Soviet* are llSeS .to a return of the Czarist &jf|e> They are opposed to any form ; esssei lemliillnii for the return' to ; esrac any aristocratic clique...
...Hera is the .story of a Socialist whose mother waa tn prison as a revolutionary under tha Csar and who gave birth to a son in her cell...
...Such la the custom," writes one woman prisoner, "almost all the women who pass through this prison are abused that way...
...Robert T. Kerlta and Barton Mortey, aad ethers...
...with trleetman, who served previously as business agent, nathan riesel was re-elected to serve as secretary-treasurer and Z. l. Fredman was re-elected as president...
...t?wltsr power, electricity, aad the ashSAStoU sciences have developed 'totapbf and large scale production ^bsbb?to turn has created comforts, ^•ffprSBd riches undreamed of la an eftotort IS years witnessed the tall ¦t*W eldest, the most automatic and Mfstons monarchies of Turkey...
...The third chart gives the answer for a particular year in Philadelphia...
...Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Czecho Slovakia and France the Socialists have won considerable blocs in the Parliaments and In some cases majorities...
...Swedish author, explorer and scientist...
...Sven Hedin...
...Each circle it divided into three pie wedges ot varying size...
...Sh)»s, Austria-Hungary, Germany and MM*' and tha establishment of repftpt 4n their stead...
...Those wao passes* a copy of StopnialCa "Russia Under tha Caars" win find that the** documents repeat the experience* which moved tha world to pity when his work appeared la ISIS...
...Hard for the employer to kid the workers with the eld song, T know y*3p need more, but I can't afford to p«> it...
...And this work has immediate beariag on the Unions' activities...
...Instead of accomplishing- this, they have split the Socialist and Labor movements In every country, caused internal strife and demoralization, which has left the movements impotent in their national affairs... C. Durant win lecture this Friday evening at the headquarters of the 7th A. D., Bronx...
...S. Department ot Labor concedes is necessary for a family of five...
...But when should Union contracts end to, get the best results...
...LABOR COLLEGE USED TO BRING STUDENTS BETTER WAGES By Art Shields IT WILL BE harder for Philadelphia building trades contractors to fool workers about their profits and other important facts if other local unions follow the example that Painters Local No...
...two circles bui}t like pies and aptly called p|-graphs...
...In Germany...
...task of gathering the documents, siftiag the material that eame teto hi* hands aad taking precautions to check tt where - ever possible...
...This has stiffened the backs of the reactionary forces everywhere, who have risen to power .again and, la Italy and Spain, have organised a Dictatorship of the Boursedlsie," which has suppressed the Labor movement and freedom...
...Twenty millions of human Man were slaughtered, other millions ¦rffcaed and crippled for life...
...Privilege, vested interests and plutocracy is intrenched and wields powers as never before in all history...
...The profits wedge is $$77,600...
Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 54