-:- The News of the Week -:s^PJMMaf ^rsnrb "rfsfr &ma^'jltwf'7 ss tsx'Tsipissiil^tsr.'ttaiitni the SuprsmoCourt «f tssttt Basts. The decisis* bt <a» oonrt win¦'¦'«*».- anticipated...
...He lived to see thrones .crash to the-earth, old ruling classes hurled from' Eower, and capitalism enter its last phase of istory...
...Although Ztnovief was also elected to the "Potltbureau," he was the only one*.of his group to retain his place, even Ijoera Kamenef being relegated to second grade as an alternate...
...behind the applicable legal rule and to illuminate it by a study of the particular social and economic phenomenon it purports to control...
...Ten and twenty year sentences were assessed for saying or writing that the war was of imperialist, origin or that it favored the financial and capitalist cliques of the nation...
...Red Grange, Grand Duke of the Gridiron...
...Which does not imply at all that we expected a written response...
...gloom— And there are lovers— And some as cannot share Most ordinary laughter— Or a common doom...
...The sick and disabled soldiers the Legion professed to protect were of less importance to the professionals than a radical meeting where Forbes and his type might be pointed to as the fruit of capitalism...
...The following is from The Worker of June 30 that year...
...Now that Irving Berlin has gone off and...
...LEGAL EVOLUTION WE hope that Dean Jervey of the Lavv ' School of Columbia^ University is correct in saying that the present tendency in legal scholarship is more attention to social reality, an "attempt, to get under and...
...Tens pf then* sands of ¦Workers- came to n»v their %ast respects and hundreds of telagrams of condolence came to Turafl from all parts pe.fhwworJd...
...The rips ot Fnurtsiaoiifallsm' to rocoat yosrs...
...the neor ftitare- With sevacal S Regent Herthy% class fxhntds and agW holders ot 100 per cent Msgsysrlsat arrested far counterfertlng Freaesi kankaotss "far aatrtotlc purposes,' Hungary occupies a leading pooffleaf in tto rasa, which has fast been improved by tha arrest of...
...Edward L. Doheny has lost some of the oil loot which Fail and Denby helped him to get in the glorious days of the reign of the sainted Harding...
...Although there is a Federal constitutional prohibition, of such legislation as'that passed In Tennesee, there Is no assurance that in a Stats ot the type of Tennessee this legislation will be killed by the Supreme Court-- On the other hand it is...
...He-calls for broken pots snd papa That need' uniting...
...Rumanian Crown Prince -Carol renounces all his rights of succession to a, throne made shaky by the bloody regime with which it has become synonomous...
...supporting Fhsehnn by being allowed to raise rents...
...which probably means new elections aad possibly leas high-handedness.General Pangalos of Greece, dictator without wad that he ssnt fhstsSas* wSt rwa'ffts coils off the essejpon* «nt aba aesaZ and Chamber of Deputies schodn>sV far...
...Jack Dempsey, King of the Mitts...
...THE UNITED FRONT RECENTLY The New Leader, reported that Rinaldo Cappellini, a district president Of • the Pennsylvania - miners, joined with some official "patriots" in...
...v floiiiinsi hi gone, 'but wis return, The are that is out again win burn...
...False and faithful husbands...
...Even a proFascist Rome correspondent cabled that "a veritable orgy of evictions is expected" following the abolition ef the* special rent tribunals...
...and liberalizing truth of today may become the hampering dogma of tomorrow...
...General Sargent .rushes into print with a statement whitewashing the...
...His was a life^worth the living and the new generation of Socialists will make progress in so far as they follow the example he left and the Hfe he lived...
...Rinaldo Cappellini, "Plainsville, Pa...
...We wish to publicly apologize to the dozens of kmd contributors whose unavailable mas...
...sentences imposed on these two worthies, two years in prison...
...Of course the Americas Masons are hardly nalv£ enough to believe that Coolidge and Kellogg ara going to say anything to hurt the feelings of Mussolini apd^Horthy, hot they have at least .effaced themselves on record...
...Executive Committee of the Communist Inter-, national snd the reinstatement at Xt*pn Trotsky to his old...
...Irving Berlin, Monarch of Popular Song...
...The passing in Mftan of the famous Russian ~colaborator of Fffippo Turati...
...Igttr and five hundred years hence, with juat wHs difference —that a whole lot less than five hundred years hence she Berlins and Gershwins will have ceased to be even memories, for all of their millions of, dollars earned and spent—while Ludwig vtjV Beethoven, who lived, Jjworked and died in s&rry poverty, will live on,.giving others joy and wealth and heart's ease— everything he missed in lifei So don't for a moment, dear readers, worry how envious we are about the good fortune and fame of the Berlins and Gershwins...
...Always dread that others Might learn how small they are— Always fear that othera May say what should be said...
...Our heartiest congratulations to you and all the militant coal diggers of District One on the' brilliant victory achieved through the election of the progressive miners* ticket over all the forces of reaction...
...Keep cool with'Cbolidge while we contemplate this government of the people, by, the . politicians, and for the capitalist, class...
...Only men and women Living out their livesSome with purpose, , And most of them with aught...
...In 1924 the -Federal Trade Commission reported that the trust was a -violation ; of law...
...All hail the united front...
...There is no doubt that soldiers died in hospitals because of neglect, but the flag whoopers have yet to say that Forbes did any stabbing...
...AndJ fnrthermore, frienfla, :lt*V h* lopomit for qmit, tisjrtacsjafefe So be kind, dear ones, an/ff remember when you send in your precious, freight of thought that it might be sometime before your wanderer returns, if at all...
...Now it can be told...
...f Boston, father of George E. Roewer, Jr., one of the most active and devoted of New England Socialists, :' The elder Roewer was one of the pioneers of the modern phase of the American Socialist movement...
...He grieved much because of the loss of his wife a few years ago, but his health appeared to be good and the news of his death comes as a shock to his friends and .comrades...
...The continuance of such ',a' tendency will eventually make the conservative legalist almost human...
...But ths workers may find consolation in the Cabinet's announcement of its in tea¦tion to found an Academy of "immortals" in imitation Of the French Acad* emy...
...Great ships or stool will end tn rust... a<Wst»aet jnaresj sock to tho Middle Anas San] an attempt ta> use tan powers at aavsynsaont to enforce ssctastaa: dogmas...
...Comes and lingers and dies away— So all things must end some day...
...I Victories, tenures...
...What we mean is that the grotesque absurdities having their origin in other periods of history and which result in absurd verdicts and interpretations will be gradually discarded... attempt to prevent Eugene V. Debs from speaking...
...Forbes and John W. Thompson, a contractor, were sentenced' to two years in.prison and each are to pay a fine of $10,000...
...While O. T, Sokolnlkof, Commissar of Finance, waa left out altogether...
...O Tempora—O Hel£—when Gershwin's Opera in Classic-Jazz will have ceased to be nothing but most tedious sound in the fickle ears of his vast ephemeral public, four, or five years hence, Beethoven and his monotone of golden chords will still set us to dreaming rare and impossible dreama...
...This view, he asserts, is based on the idea that "Society changes as men -write and the new... run the country in a still more arbitrary manner, while others aver he merely wants to get rid of responsibility and devote himself to making love to all the accessible handsome women of Europe, beginning with a certafc Madame Lupesco...
...married Ellin Mackay, who is' worth more than all of her husband's songs and her father's millions, because she performed a most rebellious and revolutionary stunt—as courageous, perhaps, fellow Communists, as meeting oneself for breakfast on the barricade— we pause to make slight remark about the newcOme American royalty* that has arrived here...
...This will remain intact and law will surround the property sys* tern with protective barriers until the masses have sufficient intelligence to' reorganize the property system on the basis of social and economic equity...
...Mellon concern,' while the federal Trade Commission refuses to turn over evidence in its possession to the Department of'Justice...
...Forbes was one of the angels elevated by the late President Harding to take care of the soldiers who had fought for "democracy...
...Some say the- Prince is mixed up in a plot by Rumanian Fascist...
...Whether the case will go still higher we do not-know, but Doheny has plenty of cash to pay tor more litigation if he wants to indulge Jn the luxury...
...His only answer could possibly be by joining the party...
...Right now, the way we feel, however, we wish we Were Berlin...
...Mayor Olvany has* established a branch office in, City Hall and has placed a former men*-, ber of the Legislature in charge.^ I^S* ifr-'.' -aW^JsV*1- j&fk f$$tNM&u ityWrfQw ¦^WWP'ife tkfctn and that Jiaytn- Otranya c**nch maiv ager,^ Jaines J. Walker,'Vrapidry'acquiring r toowfedge iofitis tu&erpUk&i guaiantees-r an efficient adrninistratioci ^y the mayor.'¦ somewhat nexvoos, itsappTeheasioiis berag taj^ , consict with its hopes, but it still dings to a tentative faith that Tararoany is a sxpriety of godly men whose -ancestors, it regret*, have .a shady past, JVlayor Ofrany is saying nothing as be is confident that his administration, with the assistance of his aid at the City Hall, will justify* the choice Of our noble freemen last November...
...I have a mind to ten him i Have something broken...
...Upon your administration rest great responsibilities.' - We ara sure you will live up to all expectations...
...Then Bulgaria announces that King Boris has tired of having his country held up to the execration of the civilized world because of the outrages committed by Premier Tsankof in the name of "law and order" and that he has fired the professor and appointed Andre Llaptchef head of a now Cabinet...
...THE FLORIDA YEGGS TIE Florida boom is being liquidated and thousands of expectant capitalists are trek- king back home thankful to have a shirt saved from the... anomaly, that resort must' be had- to the court on the ground that the legislation is not constitutional, thus urging a Judicial body to exercise a legislative function...
...Certainly . the creed of the professional whoopers is a queer compound of hypocrisy and delusions...
...Nearly a half trillion dollars passed through his hands in one year...
...legalism and they will-gain by making law and its interprtation adapted to a '¦ 'changing • world...
...Tretab Beet on The "Palibutes" '¦ Tha Fourteenth gossjrass of -the Communist Party of nusaia ended with the- cempiota defeat of the kv trandgeant faction heeded - by Gregory Sinovief...
...L. Tomsky, Gregory Zinovlef, Michael Kalinin...
...They also add that his efficient aid a\ the City Hall justifies this prediction...
...Jt is conceded that the mayor is fully aware of what is expected oh him and his friends say that, he will .make one of the best executives the city has ever had...
...Former Attorney General Stone declared it organized in defiance of law and he was kicked upstairs into the Supreme Court...
...Clemeny Voroshllof, and Michael Mototof...
...Enjoy the fragrance wSBs yon may...
...THE MAYOR JT is understood that the change m the ' .Gty;GovernhT*s^^ effected with - -- ¦ little disturbance of .the general routine...
...These gentlemen took no gambler's chance...
...Five little windows— ' One above the other— ' Stare at my own across therspaes: And little can they hide My vision will not gather Of the little lives they frame...
...EASY ON GRAFTERS THE conviction of Charles R. Forbes, former Director of the Veterans' Bureau, has been affirmed by a Federal Court of Appeals in Chicago...
...we have withheld from returning for so long...
...Here we stand, with hundreds of others', all Miltons but for the grace of adequate -audiences and recompense, weaving our 'art its materials, that the future suns and winds snd storms' will not wither, wear, stain or destroy ¦—here we stand potential breadliners, but for our jobs and our pride...
...This is, was, and will be due to the fact that, out of,our magnificent wage as conductor we cannot as yet afford a* secretary to take care of our correspondence...
...In any event, this ease...
...All the petty yeggs plying their trade today can never hope to gather the loot which the Florida yeggs have taken from their dupes within a few months...
...Leon TSrotsky...
...They hide behind the curtain— •The key...
...And now will The World'jbin us in "three whoops for the mayor of Greater New York...
...oka wnrhoa* pans sag sasasisieiid II jSay^^^^Sgr%^i^ are oenvSooinff thsA war fp^hathousp ,for ehsr&tans and' aWtta*** who aft rofir trade whSe* dying tha Sag...
...The United States Circuit Court ot Appeals in California has affirmed the decision of a lower court canceling the leases which Doheny and his cronies obtained in the Elk HiUs Naval Reserve in California and reversed part of the lower court verdict which conceded the Doheny crowd over $11,000,000 for building the naval oil station at Pearl Harbor...
...There is really no difference between tins tribe ' and the yeggs who skulk in the dark except that ¦the former constitutes', what is known as "society," makes the laws, controls politics and government, and thus makes its graft and looting legal...
...Southern Jurisdiction," asked the United States Government to protest to the foreign governments involved in the persecution and murdering of Masons.abroad, and when,the Administrative Council of the International Labor Office of tha League of National meeting In Brussels, decided, over the) protest of the Italian Government representative, to continue to refuse places on the various commissions to the Fascist labor union delegates, /ss not representing really ^independent trade unions...
...he has not done to date...
...Two hard raps from abroad were aimed at Mussolini when the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Mar sonry...
...Stare at my own across the space...
...the bolt, the bar— > Untn for use of living ' ' They might as well bo dead...
...Or how much liefer we would be a Beethoven than a Berlin...
...Then there is the...
...Debs stood his ground and the attempt at intimidation failed...
...the^ n5ood of thousands who were lured by flamboyant advertisements to Florida...
...Alexis I. Rykof...
...Good and worthless wives— So little for recording— They are hardly worth the thought ? See the smiles— Hear the care—„ ; Count the dancing momentsToll the hours dC...
...One above the other...
...It is this class which in the last two decades - has gone in for "serviee...
...But hearts are not what hs can mead With bia week solder...
...i doheny Lotes in elks hills case One of the most notable products of American yegg-' dam has been deprived of the fruits of his thrift snd industry and there is danger that ambitious -youth may be discouraged...
...Anna Kulisdot was the occasion of a great demonstration of sympathy for the veteran Italian Socialist and of sorrow at the loss of one who for nearly half a- century, had labored continuously, wfth pen and voice, fee the Italian .proletariat...
...This, type can be found all over the United States...
...The dead will'cease to rule the Hying...
...It is likely that an appeal will be taken to the Supreme Court...
...v Comrade Roewer was a lovable man, immune to the emotional waves that occasionally disturbed the Socialist movement, a devoted soldiefin the march for human liberation, of affectionate disposition that won...
...A congressional investigation shqwed abysmal neglect of sick soldiers in the hospitals while funds were wasted, favorites fattened on the funds, corrupt contracts jvere let, and the grafters enjoyed lavish dinners at expensive hotels...
...Or Gershwin, for that matter...
...chairman of...
...The professional whoopers for the flag and the constitution in the American Legion appeared to be less offended by this shocking thing than they were by a speech On Socialism or the recognition of Russia...
...The New York World begins to ex-' • pose the'relation between Mellon and the trust and Attorney...
...He did...
...This swindling of hopeful men and women is . not the result of accidental and unforeseen forces in the economic life of Florida...
...Countess Karolyt has brought soft against Secretary Kellogg to force him to reverse his rttfttrg exdiidibgber from the United States, -:- -:- THE CHATTER BOX -:- -:A Bronx Idyll Five little windows...
...Wise yet...
...The Tinker I hear the tinker's hawking cry Ontslds my garret...
...x This week the Some Excitement Balkans are, on In the Balkan* front running neck and neck with local and national politics, "sensational marriages...
...Formal legal iogic and rigid adherence to rules based upon social and eco- - nomic conditions that passed away generations ago-may be eventually scrapped...
...i All this week the usual greetingsof friends, comrades and relatives has been supplemented by—"Did you hear from Dr...
...He has answered—after a fashion, at that...
...friends wherever he appeared, and whose faith* in the ultimate triumph of his ideals was never shaken...
...For years he was a member of the S. L. P., but like many of the Germans of scientific training he could not accept tb^.t organization's intolerant attitude toward the trade unions and he allied himself with the*" Socialist Party...
...They represent a glorified parasitism based upon low cunning and a merciless desire to skin the gullible- Florida is not the only habitat of the species...
...Louis Engdahl, world - famous strategist," Communist philosopher' and editor pf...
...Tbs new Political Bureau consists of nine members, instead of seven as formerly...
...Sargent' was pulled out of the Vermont woods to succeed Stone...
...George Gershwin, Viscount of Classic Jazz, and so down the line, all of whom have mad,e or will make their ordained million dollars or more out of the most inconsequential material, economically speaking...
...This was said to be "stabbing the soldiers in the back...
...Tet Judges exercise' this power and many have to resort to it however much'they may be opposed to it in principle...
...It is the result bf a systematic campaign waged by sharpers among whom may be included real estate gamblers, solid capitalists, polished bankers, > mayors of cities,?professional Rotarians, politicians and the "respectable"' classes in general who* have drawn these pilgrims into the state with the, expectation of "shaking them dpwn...
...The Worker of Chicago, wired Cappellini, upon his election in June, 1923...
...Behind the blinds ot lacs...
...Tka brief is an asesBsnt attack, on tbs medieval mutes who 'arss>, this progrsm, St successful "*not- truthbat varying orthodoxies will be too end ot public education.^ssys the brief, untn wo "come to the tragic and whore bigots light fagots,.and with Sean ins banners and beating drums wd march back to the "slorious' uses' of medievalism...
...The working class provides the largest number of victims of this . ancient...
...The decisis* bt <a» oonrt win¦'¦'«*».- anticipated wjaVgreef aataassS aBrOver the eocasry barsasa -at tfcoprthclpls involved...
...scandals, etc...
...A recent dispatch states that "charitable agencies in nearly every large city of Georgia and the Carolinas report scores of daily appeals for financial assistance from those who are returning North without funds...
...They are Joseph- Stalin, also secretary 'of the party...
...That Trotsky wUl soon bo playing a part commensurate with his reputation and ability is taken tor granted, as is the probability of Zinovief being gradually crowded out of the picture, for the benefit of the Communist regime...
...Busted and disgusted" is reported as...
...Prince batata* Windisch-Grssts, a war-ttssa prontsstj new accused of participating in the bad ssoasy pint, on orders from ths French fJtevSramspt,- '"i Mussolini Agains Strikes Lobar . Another blow was aimed at tip Workers of Italy 'Hf *n Dace" when hie CJabinet decided that oh June SS, next, protection for tenants Is to be abolished and Widlords will a rewarded for...
...It will bo remembered that Doheny had expected to realise $100,000,000 on the leases and contracts involved in these deals and it must not • be forgotten that the man was Inspired in his acts by a desire to perfect the defense of his beloved country...
...They have "cleaned up" millions of dollars...
...And little do they hide That my eyes cannot gather For alt their blinds And curtain_folds of lace...
...pfsca op tbaj Central Committee aad the alf-powerful political Bureau...
...Why do you mourn when file Summer goes And autumn is foDowsd by oris tor's saosrsT Brief is the thhe the roses stay...
...A VETERAN PASSES ONTE by one in the year jusf passed we have recorded the passing of Socialists 'of a previous generation and the new year brings the sad' message of the death of George E. 'Roewer, Sr...
...Soon you and X will pass assay ' we have but a little whoa to staySo sB things must end some day...
...Florida happens to have staged its game on a great scale and its victims have become so numerous as to attract general attention...
...Secretary of the Treasury Mellon is one of the big pillars of-the Aluminum Trust...
...Ajjtd tovo nany/bSj^youTs againsoeao day...
...Men with warped ambitions— Women's flimsy shows— Angels smtrchtd with husbands— * Gods dethroned by wives...
...Indulgences and woes Flit like elfin shadows Through their elfin lives...
...Law may become a flexible thing and its application so change that it will constantly be adapted to^a changing world...
...Not that this will affect the fundamental basis of capitalist society...
...For all things must sad sosse toy...
...Nations and empties descant lata dust...
...S. A. da Witt All Things Must End Some Day . Why do you weep tor .a krvs that is pastT Did you not know that love does not laatr Love comes sod stays a Utile day...
Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 54