-:- -:-DRAMA -:- -:Ansky and "The Dybbuk" AMONG t^ ever-advancing stcj. dent* of ib* drajna thoracis on* writer'thm* undiscussed with tb« esndor ?ad- tie aijttt'fttt^^ th* •nicer* men of...

...known under hie nom de theatre...
...Leslie ?. Hunt and Joseph Robinson...
...at this Sunday night's concert Mmet...
...She was' a lithe, fresh, sntmsl body that play* like liquid joy across the stage...
...Than we would take off mors than our* hat to Catharine, who did the sam* for us...
...advice of Stanislavsky, and in bringing him in, I have emphasized the central Idea of the drama...
...I can't do anything with that impossible Don Juan," h* used to say...
...Hlsfikn efforts to remodel it were unavailing...
...Leatrlce Jpf-and Edround Burns In -"Mad* far Lore...
...featuring Leatrloe Joy...
...Symphony in D minor, Cesar Franck...
...Bernard Shaw discerned hie gifts for drama, and while shaking his head over "Dos Juan's" worldly prosPJnty...
...Ernest Boyd is translating tor Bsal Baron 'Tk-e Weak Woman," a Pra*jj eoased/ by Jacques Da bat to wsM tstsl* VKawae^JKslsm Wci»s«*j| -:- music -:Curci Rebrns to the Metropolitan Next Friday "X* c*na della BeftV' will open th« rtonth w««k of the Metropolitan seaav...
...Its possibilities, receive as much, "nay mere, attention than th* prospect/of-the performance of a new orchestral composition or a;new opera...
...win conduct...
...Flo Geat and Company Born* and Kane...
...MeagalBfrwin visit Recheatar as gu**t oonPJwof tSe Rochester Symphony OrT ggffch at a ox»cort there as JanMm* Toaeaatol win saaSe hat Scat ¦tea** at JS*xn**~l« Hall •nj*l|h«rs¦gMft m**Xt sV«i...
...The Bohemians, Inc., fell somewhat short of their past productions, but In general the "Greenwich Village Follies"" of this year...
...Short's Direction Is Responsible for Elaborate Revue At the 46th Street Theatre THE . latest production of the "Greenwich Village Follies"—the seventh of the series—planned and staged under the gentle hands of no less a celebrity than Hassard Short, can be styled as a gorgeous and elaborate revue...
...Ansky's "talent...
...RJVOLI—Fannie Burst's latest story, "Mannequin," with Alice Joyce, Warner Baxter aad Dolores CoataUo...
...This period gave birth to two of Jils most famous works, this time about Jewish- life, "In a. Turkish VaJathr...
...Norman JEsg and a laVge east...
...Gershwin Music Rich in Originality "Tip Toes" at the Liberty Lacking in Humor, but Entrancing •"' in Score and Melodies A" FIRST sight audience one usually associates with the premier of ait' opera or an offering ol the marvelous...
...aha did little mar* than give impersonations: of Racquet Miner, of Mistinguetto...
...Robertson, Chamlee and ^Tristan und Isolde,** Saturday Utifiee, with Larsen-Todsen, Branson, Mbsnthal and WhltehllL ^teflstofele,''-Saturday night, with Ps» Peralta, Chamlee and Bad*, rtanahauser,'* Tuesday *v*ning, at >• Brooklyn Academy of Music, with ¦tbberg, Peralta, Taucher an* phatsendorf...
...bill of Ksifis Atbee vaudevlB...
...Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring, Dal lus...
...WHUam Haines aad Charlie Marray...
...Effto Shannon...
...harpist, assisted by Jacques Jolee, pianist, will play at Stelnway Han, Tuesday evening...
...Alan Davis, Frederick Roland...
...Who of them all Is right...
...Chopin, Schumann and a group of Liszt Mildred Dllling...
...Ti.;' "««tM»en..MarJorfe.-vrTitt...
...that Shubert baa Jrsst areught to th* Century Roof, whtoh tjm has rechristened the "Casino •)• Parts.** Tat ¦jsohf tir*mare mm*nmmmmismW not tfka to forget, lor one waato to keep on the watch tor them to future seasons (they'll ha busy right here aU this oaet...
...Ip his literary work Ansky was a decided opponent of pure "aesthetics" anfl the theory of "art for art's sake.*' Blessed with a rich, wild, fantastic humor, "he clipped the wings of his Pegasus and restrained him, pulling hard on...
...her dance* and her poses ware somewhat of the grace and power of a young tigress...
...Other paras of th* week will be: ifthsis," Wednesday evening, with Wta*, Howard, Errolle and White"*sfad*m» Butterfly...
...She was the genuine artist of .the evening, to complete command of her field...
...George Rosener of "Artists and Models" will convert the Nile Club, padlocked early this season by Mr...
...Some of these folk legends Ansky worked into dramatic form, trying to keep as close as -possible to the original stories...
...My point Is proven by one of Anaki's letters to me, which I published in the Warsaw "Literary Leaves...
...haste Foigueon, Margaret Lawrence, Waliaa* sMdingar, Brae* MoBn...
...Van east was also agile and graceful tin the dance, with bar light and skillful partner, George Dobbs...
...The ancient faith signified nothing to them exoept a conglomeration of outworn rites and dogma...
...hat a strong aad versatile power shone through her acting, a personality rich and lighted with fire and fl*shins humor...
...The program will include Howard Hanson'* symphonic poem "Lux Aeterna," Stravinsky's "Le Bacre du Printemps," and Mozart's SVp»p]tony in C minor...
...Tone Poem "Tlntagel," Arnold Bax...
...They saw the Jew a parasite in the economic life of their country, living en the toll of the Russian working class, and the only possible answer to the "Jewish problem," the younger generation decided, was assimilation.' Ansky gave his best - years (from 1882-18*2) to the Russian, masses, working for a long -time as a common laborer In the salt mines of East Russia and carrying on there an' intensive propaganda among the Workers in Poland.' During that time be established Jjlmself as a promising Russian publicist and litterateur...
...Remembering that an good Americans go to Paris when they die, a lot of the** men who have seen "A Night in Parts" will do their darnedest to be good' J. T..S...
...Shakespeare, who is currently represented on Broadway by four production*—"Haml«t" In ancient aad modern garb, "The Merchant of Venice" aad special matinee* of "Th* Taming of th* Shrew"—is now to have his innings in Boston...
...At tills point, the Meshulakh qomes from a higher world, that world which melts in Its flame the highest peaks and the deepest valleys...
...Paul Morton U en* at the arlghtal' Fear Mdrtoa...
...aad ** tm* ****** at Us ssufSaaU»o pfrs-ota, Bar* hatt Parker has a oe*drsKat*ar that carries hi* potato watt...
...The Phaa|on of the Opera," wa» has been playing a^t B. & Moss* Ooial Theatre for the past tea weeks, wUM preeented at the Cameo Theatre a*i week, beginnteg Sunday...
...oil the screen win be presented torn patrons of B. 8. Mo**1 Broadway Theatre neat week, beginning...
...But'now, the sad truth'must come '-enifs^For as attractive and captivating a* Gershwin's music is, the humor of "Tip Toes" Is stale' and stereotyped...
...a peach - of...
...Both are fine .exampin of...
...X&nnette Flaek, Wy* '"- ' 2*$2™>f,a*£*a J^«^'J*ad^rt Gardner...
...He is saj ported by Mary Plklbbs...
...The more elaborate acta were not such siiwieesful ptoses as we have seen, hut la them Norma Terris did valiant work, with a partteaterbr *noeeesfui take-off of Kath Cornell la "Th* Green Bat,** To look upon, the chorus and dance effects ware beautiful...
...The South Sea Island drama Is given with 'the original cast and production, "featuring Conway Wlngfleld' in...
...Florence Oast and eotnpeny...
...she sang - on* sentimental song, "Go...
...Only do, for heaven's sake, remember that there are plenty of geniuses about, and that the real difficulty le to find writers who are sober, honest and industrious, and have been for many years in their last ¦ituatlon...
...The play ie based on BcMh Tarkingloa'S "Seventeen...
...The Wedding Song" is aa unusual crook photoplay of dramatic interest...
...you have destroyed her soal...
...Sacrifice.'* being scenic delights, with th* dances equally colorful...
...William Crimmins...
...Vandeville Theatres MOSS BROADWAY A well-balanced program of KeithAlbee favorites...
...Bo*¦iai'i "fcenerentols," Debussy* Three N*cturn*s...
...The only part of it which is not realistic,' is the Meshulakh, whom I have purposely portrayed In mystic terms...
...win be presented by Thomas Wilkes at the 48th Street Theatre Monday night...
...Jass composers and conductors of' jass bands have -become the new aristocracy, eligible for marriage.to preferred telegraph stock...
...these folk stories, into the play...
...will be presented the last part of the...
...His play was, very naturally, declined by manager after manager...
...audience like a movie star caught ra a close-up...
...Others come quickly to mind and It Is hard 'to place one before thy1 other- - ••Nice Baby" .and "When Do "We Dance...
...The tone of this advice, considering its source, nay surprise some readers...
...With Gertrude Olmstoad aad Lucille Ward...
...Is, of course,, a realistic one about mystic people...
...belong* to that generation of : J*wi»h . youth in...
...Chattn SMOoWky, Who wuu Intimatefriend of Aniky...
...other acta, and the first New York showing of Cadi B. DaMUWe massive Wedding Song...
...The Dybbuk" has had a triumphant tour of., the better Jewish, theatres of Moscow, Warsaw, Berlin, Vllna and N"ew York, eliciting enthusiastic approval from Jewish and non-Jewish critics...
...Mad* fill Love...
...Yolanda Mero, pianist*, at her Aeolian Hall recital, Monday afternoon, will give a program' of Brahms...
...and bis own "Italia...
...Lea CkaSJ U starred in this fletuia...
...Paul Harvey...
...ah* has become nana She dream* of loVe no longer...
...With th* opening of Richard Bendon'* production of "Th* Patsy," at th* Booth Theatre, that playhouse introduced an .innovation which is proving Immensely popular...
...First-mention must go to "Sweet and Lqw Down...
...The play," says Ansky...
...Tom Howard, carried away all honors in "The Spy," a satire on militarism, and again had -the house In an uproar in "Efficiency," a satiric conception of our efficient police system, which clubs you first and investigates afterward...
...Barthelmess, with Dorothy Gish in "The Beautiful City...
...his mahn«r adds gp much we aajoy Tats etortee a* taeush they store now and aaaapaadai firm: he behave* seer* Baa htoj—a*, aad aad* a humor fa hJmsah* ahd Is life that rtoas into the attuatieaa, Jaek Pearl brings th* accent aad the ehsaurtaeaa weB-counterfetUd, tram buries* ¦• atatosphura, end saagaa a good Mead wrih the *e>«ra buudtes the stasa freat into a lively barricade a{ run while backs tag* ta being prepared for th* next shit...
...The play is staged by Rollo Lloyd...
...Of the principals - much credff* must ge to the ever amusing Florence Moore, who does most of .the work, abiy assisted by Frank Mclntyre, that robust comedian...
...Lest dee Jey and featuring Robert Ames...
...th* east are Charlee Gerard.-Roes-Budeml...
...George Gershwin presented aa part of an alleged musical comedy, "Tip' Toes," at the Liberty Theatre...
...a new musical comedy, will open at the Kiting* Tuesday night under direction: of the Messrs...
...Starting with a vivid description of a shipwreck, "Bpn Juan" apeedUy degenerate* Into burlesque, then at a moment'* notice la switched off...
...COLONY—Reginald Denny to -California Straight Ahead...
...he strove to gather up and classify the crumbs of Jewish folk-lore he still retained from childhood days...
...with Lea trice Joy and Bdaasfj Burns...
...averred that thu- place oontotoed ousFscen* "that is a stroke of Watus...
...Shaw come* as a most welcome and impressive .Interlude...
...Chamlee, ftf**1*- and Mardoaes win slag- .Mr...
...C, Herman and Leslie P - . Etohel...
...White Cargo" Coming to Bronx Opera House Monday Earl Carroll presents Leon Gordon's famous "White Cargo" at the Bronx Opera-House tor a week's engagement beginning Monday...
...Greenwich Village Follies" Pretentious Hassort...
...in the supporting ca'st are Betty Pierce, Carl Brlckert, Malcolm Dunn...
...Individually and in ensemble...
...r*.ri*t*," Friday evening, with IgfcOBreJ...
...She ought to dance more and let her cotenees fall where it may,-rather-than spring It on he...
...S. Ansky (bow 19*9...
...Outside of one number in particular—"I Have rou," delightfully sung by William Ladd and Irene Delroy—the spirit of good tunes and harmonic lyrics is lacking...
...pjayltjf .at «h> Neighborhood PUyhouse...
...the reins and driving him along a narrow and arduous path...
...He combined two of...
...into melodrama, in the midst of which the scene commended by Mr...
...Two exceedingly elaborate conceptions of Hassard Short include "The Curse of Cinderella," following the idea of the old fairy tale, in three scene'swof surpassing beauty, and the finale in the second act...
...There lav for instance, th*'lady who appears when the label call* for Lao Bin—but maybe that's her nam* to French...
...however, he spent In studying French folklore...
...Mrs sailing for Europe, Sir...
...In.their race psychology, their anecdotes, legends, tales and folk -songs, circulating--from mouth to mouth...
...of the: songs "that stay with 'you...
...Roberta Arnold is featured in a cast that Includes 4 Rex Cherrytoan...
...qhly to find that her spirit is broken aa well as her body, and that s*h* obviously Mas no heart for the adventure...
...who .has loved Tlsbea all along...
...the author of -rnJO'DyMmk," whlch is now...
...Th* company Of humorists was strong and well-sustained to its ruraalag are as wUtieMrms...
...CAPITOL —^Ma/ahan NaOea'a "Mike," with Sally O'Netn...
...Diamond and Bronnan...
...Jewish life, and Jewish.problem...
...Ansky's object was not to present a dramatic legend or 4 scenic mystery, although Feodor Sologub has characterised it as such...
...Music Notes Owing to the delay of his ante in raeritnnr New York la tints, John Ooatea has been forced to postpone hi* recital of December so to neat Tuesday afternoon in Town Baft, Lett Poutshnoff win give hid ptene recital in Town Ban Tuesday Bight,rh*-«u**ian *symphanJe Ohotr to Carnegi* San on Tuesday eveates witt give a program of raUgtoo* sad s*curar muahi inrfudtag a group at totk gjits ft various *mm**l***'*» also be a group of solos by the Choir's leading basso, Ivan Staechenko...
...Jack Curtis and Gertrude Claire...
...She la not mad?' he asks hi* hanger-on...
...The enterprise at Chanin's 46th Street Theatre was conceived for entertainment purposes, and in that It carries out its objective...
...Where All Good Americans Go "A Night in Paris" Comes to New York with Far Women and Funny Men read ato *2toAh*d to the hOstd tar* far fie* new revue,—* night to Parts...
...wit*, tb*fc...
...Like the Horatlan sculptor, Flecker devised soma striking feature*, but failed to combine them in a composition suggestive of life...
...John Ravold...
...Frieda Hem pel will -bo the soloist at the Carnegie Hall concerts Thursday afternoon and Friday . evening._The program: Fantasia and Fugue in C minor, Bach-*Elgar...
...entrancing dance nit...
...But, is the Rabbi wrong...
...Sunday afternoon...
...Including Morten and Glass, Joe Dareey...
...Perhaps his chief defect aa an artist was that he mistook violence for strength...
...Mo* day evening with Alda, sfcissy...
...Head First," a new play by wnns Goodhue, .opened at-the Greenwich Village • Theatre...
...THE NEW PLAY S MONDAY J«WN STREAM, a comedy by Alexander...
...Perhaps the producers...
...watch for aad hurry to see...
...With tact and experience," he proceeded, ••you ought to go far, tor you certainly have the trump cards...
...Gigli ana Ratio...
...Harold Morris, the pianist, will give his recital next Saturday afternoon In Aeolian Hall, playing among other thing* Schumann'* Symphonic Etudee, a Cycle by Grlffes and Beethoven's Waldsteln Sonata...
...One remembers how cute she has always been...
...others, including "Sargent's Dream,** "Powder Puff," aad the list two above, have momenta of acstocy to the man near us to the fourth row orchestra, who used his opera glasses hard...
...The mistress whom-Juan had callously forsaken appear* at his door as a shabby and weather-beaten street singer...
...STATE SYMPHONY Alfredo Case 11a will assume th* conductorahip of the Stat* Symphony Orchestra tor tie ten remaining concerts, with the first this Saturday evening at Carnegi* Halt He will have,, the as•istanes of the Schola Canterum, taking part in Monteverdi's Sonata So era Santa Maria...
...bee written the follow!eg euUlne of the author and W Pl*yv which bu been played alT dvef the • continent and produced here, by the' Yiddish Art Flayer* aome seasons back...
...The new Repertory Theatre will produce "Much Ado About Nothing" next week, with Blanche Turk* aa Beatrice...
...Geoffrey Kerr aad PPederick Worlock head the east of "Ctuea Quarters," a play by A. B. Thomas, which George C. Tyler win gresaa.1 at lb* National Theatre, Washington, aa Jan* uary 1L Th* play Is a version of "La Demi - Monde," by etovsndre Dumas, The New Cinemas BROADWAY—"The Wedding Song," with Leatrfee Joy aad Robert Amea, " CAMEO—Lon Cheney to "Th* Phantom of the Ope**," with .Mary Philbln aad...
...Wednesday night, ¦ under the management 0f Oliver Moroaco...
...She does not thlak that she is a princess in an old story and you a fairy prince...
...K. Wells...
...Sam- Hum, Joe Lyons and Rente Riano...
...MLoVe sa I," and Florence Oast and her company of dancer...
...with its large group of talented players, furnish an'evening weU spent...
...But what interested him most was the social, political and moral motives In these folk stories...
...Norman Kerry...
...Curtis Kerne, Tracy Barrow...
...end "Mendel the Turk," both ill the Russian language...
...At the end, Channon and Leah are .right...
...The Partsksame...
...while away the momenta, when Gershwin's- music wasn't to be heard have seldom been heard these years outside of the two-a-day...
...death took Ansky away...
...the principal male role...
...Thursday to Sunday: Tlsliarl Barthelmess and Dorothy Gish in *Tai Beautiful City...
...The oast will include JSdythe Baker...
...You have not hurt her mind...
...During intermissions' th* audience is invited to retire to the large lounge of th* theatre, where an orchestra furnishes music for dancing...
...Before his mind's eye be always h,ad the common people...
...At first they merely became estranged, but they soon found themselves in sharp antagonism to the older generation and Its idealogy...
...beginning Monday...
...Tharsday to Sunday: Rfehard Barthelmea* ta "t*e BeaotefMI Ctty...
...Such-old chestnuts as are trotted oil t to...
...Toscaninl will conduct the Philharmonic concerts through the seventh of February, after -which Wllhelm Furtwaengler will direct themN for the balance of the season...
...caslon h* will siva the first American performance of Respighfs "Pines of Rome...
...But neither horrors that vie with those Elizabethan precedents which Shakespeare nearly always a veiled, nor yet occasional gushes of true poetry, have succeeded in making a coherent whole out of a mass of incongruous materials and a jumble of antagonistic style...
...Harry Colemaa.and company...
...Critics and admirers herald the event in- advance...
...Ernst von Dohnanyl, who baa Just completed his season aa conductor of the State Symphony Orchestra, will give three recitals of piano music at Chlekerlng Hall on Thursday evenings, January 14 and *L -:- -:- DRAMA -:- -:Another Play Of "Don Juan" JAMES ELROY FLECKER makes a strange thing of his hero Don Juan, says H. C. Minchln in his review of "Don Juan" (Heinemanns, London) In the London'Sunday Tlutea This Don...
...Harold Levey and Owen Murphy, who are responsible for the lyrics and music, fall short of creating the musical background necessary to carry such an elaborate- production...
...He began to feel that the attacks on the Jewish people Included sjlm also...
...Don Juan" Is scheduled for publication here by Alfred A. Knopf, who published his "Hassan," which was produced some seasons back...
...P^ter, Morgana, Peralta, Robertson ATeeck and Messrs...
...several numbers: "Eulu.**, Th* Miser...
...BIAX/TO—**The Splendid Crime," with Anna Q. NUsson, Lionel Barrymoro aad Robert Phaser...
...Franklin and Margaret i;J^^M^m^^^ to ran>OD.lble for the, hook...
...dent* of ib* drajna thoracis on* writer'thm* undiscussed with tb« esndor ?ad- tie aijttt'fttt^^ th* •nicer* men of thought...
...This episode, considered deeply, la as effective a* anything In "Hassan...
...They are rich in ' originality and particularly strong in orchestration which is where most of our jass composers fall down...
...absolutely true to Jife...written, with-great restraint, and *- minimum "' of sentimentality...
...Therefore there Is no surprise to .be occasioned by the' sweepirig Interest that attends a new Gershwin: show...
...attgeiberg'*, season's farewell eonWtat Carnegie Hall, the program on [¦occasion Including th* Schubert P**Mshed*' symphony, Rubin Goldg*'* "Negro Rhapsody.** Strauss'* Hp* «ad Tranaflguration'' and the fg* "Letter*" overture at Beethoven...
...The orchestral numbers will be riva"4i'« Conesrto Gross...
...For'has not the,'redoubtable Mr...
...His literary activity in Russia, in the Russian language, brought him in a stiort time into a'recognised position as an authority on human conduct and (is an original savant in the realm of folk-lore...
...To him, both Channon and Leph—and also the Rabbi —are right, and furthermore are justified in their struggle* The .World War and also the Bolshevist Revolution made the presentation of 'the play in Russia impossible...
...his spare time...
...Aa to the poetical parts of "Don Juan," there le nothing built so loftily as "The Golden Journey toWSamarcand-" But such line* as Calmly, O shepherd, oa the hms of moralas...
...The latter Is' especially funny and effective in "The Life of the Party," another, feature of the revue...
...Bailey aad Barnum joined the "Greenwich Village Follies'' at Chanin's 46th Street Theatre Monday night Bailey and Barnum ware last seen to "Lady, Be Good...
...Th* screen will present the first showing of" Cadi B. DeMille's aaaatve photoplay, "The -Wedding Song...
...are others...
...I introduced him on the...
...Florence Stern will give her second violin recital Wednesday evening to Town Hall...
...Bob Anderson and W. Waha Singha, a,Hindu native player.' 'Richard*Bennett arid'Pauline Lord in "They Knew What They Wanted," Eugene" O'Neill's realistic drama, will be the following attraction...
...Watson, -Jr- entered his telephone booth, the- audience groaned in- pain...
...She knows that she Is a fisher-girl and that you are a gentleman...
...Russia which lived its childhood entirely submerged in orthodox Jewish culture end religion., However, under the Influence of expanding revolutionary forces, these young people gradually grew away from their Jewish background...
...Both bring out all the possibilities of such a revue...
...a title incidentally, for an...
...Both In his jourtaalism and in bis literary work, the ethnologic, and more especially what jnay be called the folk-lore element, played a great role...
...With the Orchestras -PHILHARMONIC fjfo* Philharmonic will return 'this gMay from its week's tour for Mr...
...Several skits—amusing and entertaining—kept the audience in good Humor...
...Others in...
...and Olive MeClure does one writhing bit with her wrists chained that la mora than hair-raising...
...But there used- to be some element of...
...FRANKLIN Monday to Wednesday: Willie Solar...
...NEW YORK SYMPHONY Eugene Goossens, guest conductor of the New York Symphony Orchestra, will conduct bis first concert In Mecca Auditorium this...
...He freshened fits knowledge of Tiddish, read with eagerness its, latest literature, mainly revolutionary propaganda...
...Mr, Gershwin does.net' seem to have feeen troubled by the Idea that he was composing art when he Wrote the melodies • for ""Tip Toes...
...Xew music'by.Gershwin has become an event, in the theatrical world...
...Juan, styled an idealist, pistola his friend, who is Prime Minister of Great Britain, in order to prevent a war, and murders that friend's daughter "to save her from the miserable years...
...Paul Morten and Naomi Glass win head the vaudeville *t the Broadway beginning Monday...
...And when Mr...
...Throughout the play there is a constant conflict between individualism and collectivism—Channon and Leah struggle to attain personal happiness, On the other hand, the Rabbi thinks of them thus: ."Let not be broken a twig on'.'.ie eternal tree of the House of Jacob...
...Now yotx can-- just see cuteness oozing out., of her very grimace...
...Moved at last with compunction, and aghast at the change from her former brilliance, he proposes/a> renewal of their old relationshp...
...Drive out your sheep aad alas the hours away, Till the pure eve in quietude returning Bid* you sins oa, tomorrow as today, may be dsamed ss todtoate She slight* to which Flockar'a talent, had he lived longer, might have risen...
...and taking notes of folklore material...
...Seldew discovered that jazz is an art and a very enjoyable one...
...Thursday *veIjte^with Eaaton, Wells, GigH arfd '.Th* Jewels, of th* Madonna," «peU matinee on Friday, with Jerltxa, SsWa, Martinelli and Denise...
...8. Rappapprt, writes Mr...
...The Dreyfus affair reused him...
...Broadvfay Brief* Carl Randall, last seep in "The Music .Box Revue," and Jackie Hurlbert have been engaged to appear at Club Montmartre...
...Who will blame Flecker far hurrying, when faced, as he was, with signs of hi* approaching end But hurry he did, and hi* work suffered in consequence...
...refer.to Ansky...
...Distinctly the book is-a dull- one, -undeserving of Gershwin music...
...Other a comedy sketch by' Ws...
...The weakness of the revue lies In the music...
...Moving In," with Florence Moore, Rennle Riano and Frank McIntyre In the principal roles, was very amusing...
...For several years (until the outbreak of the World War) he traveled around with his co-workers among the Jewish cities and towns, collecting whatever had an ethnologic, cultural and historical value...
...Unfortunately an ' untimely...
...He was "sick of writing little petty lyrics," and wanted to do something big...
...The photoplay features at Moss* neighborhood theatres next weak art Cecil B. De Mille's '.'Made for "Love," starring Leairice Joy..the first.half of the ,week,: and...
...In the midst of preparations for the premiere, which occurred a month after his demise...
...I* th* reply...
...reality about It...
...Its first performance was In the Jew-1 Ish Theatre In Warsaw...
...In- 1802 .he left Russia and settle^ as a.political emigrant in Paris, where her became the private secretary of the famous Russian philosopher.- P. Lar droW.v HiSllterrfry activity ceased for, four or five;years...
...During that period.' Ansky remained absolutely apart from the Jewish people...
...Buckner, into an intimate little theatre...
...9mw1SM*mm9m li I ISIli UI91 11 I JEFFERSON Monday to Wednesday: AlandFaaal Stedman...
...And mdre.sad newsC Queenie Smith has* learned her pricks- too well...
...Russians was in attendance to greet -.the latest musical effusions of...

Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 54

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