COLLEGIANS FIGHT MILITARY DRILLS Enforced Training Denounced By Two Student Conferences 181 at Mediomst Collegiate Conference Pledge Never tb Take Part in Any WarProfit System...

...That is to'the good and is a genuine seeompliahment that may well make Mi) "proud...
...Then one by one be lifted hla loved ones In hla arms and carried them thither...
...Platform of Dan- j lei Miaturn" la each housewife's hanas...
...The lady replied that aba waa... the csv aaeg by, Mtotora saw...
...To abandon ¦ngaree of speech, it is annoying to „'S*e partial Socialistic measures rec^ eililisiiiilii'l which are inadequate to SB situation...
...the effort to bulfd soetoty oa other foundations thafa "krv* st niswej" whtoh never souM bo said shout th* Faactot dlctaaonhto...
...Kin turn, too, turned away, confident and serene... be concentrated in one' general SpKnagei who ahall have full executive IS sent in all administrative work and m one Joint board in place of the two "^klch have existed heretofore...
...The drill master speaks: "Fix bayonets...
...Bossed 19...
...Tha Choiea 13...
...kerr must realise the danger to ¦¦r interests and to the Interests of K organization of any policy that Hj-Sermit these activities to con¦p It must treat with these groups HfcjAra manner that' the .member- ¦ ¦V* knew that they have no place JJB^^Ssfss'dstfsJsJa 4bbS4 Assarts •JOplpSsBw'^syWwill know that they have not sufficient strength to give aid and comfort to them when there is trouble with the organization...
...Every night at dark he returned...
...The Governor has given an interesting picture of 'state government and state jjgeeds...
...Paxton Hibben argued that Soviet Russia in Its dealings with its neighbor had led the way to a non-Imperialist solution of international problems- Questions came thick and • fast and there was apparently particular interest in Russia...
...I thought the Governor was \ ening to come through with a straight jmmA 'sensible suggestion that New : York try to...
...Schenectady City and County, ha* gone on record unanimously ha favor of the nationalisation of the coal-mining industry, and urges you severally and,individually to work, and vote for legislation-already introduced in both- Houses of Congress with this end in view...
...Now, remember, the beat, location is just above tha throat...
...the great composite crowd...
...baited her to a quiet spot under some trees about 18 yards fajbsii tha path...
...That episode in Tom's life remained locked within...
...These were by no means of a perfunctory order...
...Ju»t* aa sons of other fathers have resented drunkenness...
...There is mora, work for Socialists to do on this "point before we can as a. party make a rush for seats on the Smith band-wagon...
...He Illustrated his remarks with his experiences in helping students to find such Jobs...
...Stamped with aa air ot distinction and poise that milady envies, begin their race to beat the boss down...
...Imagins that ifs a throat you're jabbing-at...
...saodsrh edtsmttoa to Bass#a...
...praised it for its success in ths fields where it' operates...
...His statement to the congress aroused Jealous comment in England which stiu thinks.of Canada as part of the British empire...
...After havipg listened to a long and detailed report on the number of foreign missions and missionaries, the number, planned for the future, etc, one delegate demanded to know, "What -does all this mean...
...Arthur Stiles, the genial president i of tho Manhattan Savings Institution, stated more than,, a year ago: "It is my endeavor ta give Yerkvtne, Oho heart of Manhattan, with the opening of our new building, a lasting monument, because I am firmly convinced that the great mass of tho public is well pleased with our work and courteous treatment...
...The obvious moral was that labor needed men and women who knew how to do something...
...g^R"*111*** development, with muT JMPdistribution of current...
...when he waa arrested, to listen to a Bolshevik orator, (whose, name ha could not remember...
...Aa / student sSter student reported one got a rather vivid picture of life in our American Institutions of learning, especially in so tar as the thinking of minority groups along social lines was concerned...
...afafamin had "apena...
...As a policeman emerges from tha darkened sane of a notorious aUey, %he milkman begins his long rounds singing | as he...
...It old...
...The theme is a new one, never touched by amy writer before, yet it contains thm essence of utmost importance for every follower of thm labor and radioed movement...
...One aaw in him traces of a large, almost (extinct, good humor...
...Bag miasa} vJHh «r» P** thero was soap yithdiai .a.-^aaa of pkyoaaar loathing...
...In lees than two minutes, -m pdUcentan canst pp and arrest cfl> Mm...
...Three cheers for Representative Miaturn...
...Just about the time of the elections and tha argument ever the naval bin, which called for greatly increased expenditures, the Finnish coalition government thought it well to announce tho discovery of a big Bolshevist plot covering-toe whole country aad necessitating numerous, arrests...
...Including tho United States, in China...
...Barry Laidler started the ball rolling by a brief statement as to the extent of the work of the 1...
...The story, for aU its realistic adhesion to thm palpable, plausible facts of every-day life, is a thrilling onm...
...At the same timelt is' annoying to ¦::Sed that Governor Smith in stealing ¦stm...
...But the Union views the tfrbap that Is now leading the opposition in this city not as.a right left the Amalgamated t as a group organized by outsiders fcr the purpose of wrecking the AmalSunated...
...It lay an obstacle to his own Way...
...For a policeman spied him and be ¦ tore ha knew it' Sir Basil was up in court charged "with committing an offense in Hyde Park with a women...
...The management ot the New Tork ipfgamsation...
...Aa he stood, with wide open doqr for a moment on its threshold, he felt Just as ha" had felt scores of times before, when aa a boy ha had returned from abating at Lake Calhoun, or from coasting at Lyndale Park—knew again the sharp pangs of hunger, the warm sense of security, the drowsy langour of the coveted nook behind the stove's great belly, where he waa wont to lie aa a lad, pretending that he waa not asleep, reluctant to take the candle and go up t» the anhgafart..h;(laaam atx/fa, ,-• v...
...Cos* asquently...
...He called on the priest, told him of hls^wife's condition, and succeeded in securing the eallar of the church for a noma...
...Slaves of'the machine turn restlessly in bed...
...Carvers Utopia Criticised The next morning the students met again at Miss Stokes' studio...
...Alone Thomas carried the rough casket, which he bad bought, empty out among the atones and pines...
...Daniel had very early perceived the moral atmosphere that enveloped hla father...
...Milady, jaweBod...
...Whether this movement is SeSed the Trade Union Educational SJetCUe or Action Committee or by ••y other name, the General Executive lenrd looks upon these activities as ytklng lees than, dual unionism...
...Meadowbroog was a community of 100 self-righteous persons, guarded over by three churches, a Catholic, a Methodist gad a Presbyterian., Ho one in MeekoHaroob atkisvd-a.'g«.aiwg lab nit **ˆ dtlsen...
...large had beautifully lashed, were dark aad smouldering, yet submissive, even dor-like ta theft- tattering gaae...
...Canada," said Hudd-, "is an integral part of economic America...
...A half hour later, stenographers In lace stockings, suede pumps, georgette waists and picture hats...
...It seemed, as he walked rapfdlv toward the Nicollet oar 'which waa to take him home, he had for tha first time...
...Joseph Freeman, one of the authors of Dollar Diplomacy, gave a clear and convincing statement of the nature and growth of Amerlean imperialism In Latin America...
...For the first time In his Ufa, Daniel felt a subtle bond between that world and hla...
...Money wasted.' Plans always go to smash like that...
...One Night in Doooonher 18...
...SomewJiera" behind ^tbesa...
...A boy, awsligroomed...
...On cold winter nights, aa he lay oa hla straw mattress, ha the upstairs room, ha often heard his father moving about below, building a fire in tha kitchen stove to heat water for mother..., all Che .governor recommends Is water peSJBI authority which shall own and develop the state water power and fnanoi its development by sale to ex- ' BUnx agencies of distribution...
...And to crown it all, these men, only prosper by a eervWty not consistent with self respect, By organising they ere serving themselves, their ma* and - an the workers...
...Bank clerks, city employee, teachers begin tha...
...At first I waa "all kst, up...
...Despite unprepossessing fetauroe...
...When be married Emily Selkirk fifteen years later, he did not tall her of the other woman...
...9. Agatha's Larva for Dan IO...
...Within ha saw aw man Whom ho recognised as old Senator 0*7lard, his singularly smooth and o,ldwomanieb face, set upon an overfed body—a rather untypical tat boy...
...Nothing Is said about trial ty jury or about protection of the right of peaceful picketing...
...Pigeons moaning hop down from manured window aills of the Chamber of Commerce in search of grain- dropped by frenzied brokers...
...and Mrs...
...The guiding hand ot the older and conservative representatives of the father organizations was easily visible in this failure on the part of the young people to seek direct cooperation with young people outside of their immediate ranks...
...Broadway, corner of Bleecker street, to 8.20 p. m. Schenectady Labor Favors Nationalization The Schenectady Trades Assembly has' sent the following letter to Presi-, ^*°^ ^°0l'*B*k Senators Wadswortb, neetady Trades Assembly, central body of organised labor of...
...However, if Hedges had written nothing else we would still have no hesitation to offering "Governor Minturn3* to our rmodsn am m masterful and significant novel...
...s New Program General Executive Board Maps Out...
...At Ave o'clock, gray-haired, beshawled scrqb-wesson —rgs froen tenements along tha river' and stand In tha damp twilight awaltlaf tha street car...
...The B. and O. Plan Explained The second session, also at Miss Stokes' studio, dealt with, the intellectual and the industrial struggle...
...Thomas, dark, tall and thin, with a dense, closecropped mustache, wss slow la all hla movements—in speech, too, in gesture and manner...
...Hutchison of Yale—ahowed real ability to keep the discussion to toe points at issue...
...But Alice Miller** self-asserted right to him...
...In addition, the beak maintains its branch, now to its seventy-fifth year, at 044 Broadway, ooraer Bleecker street -How weD this old anvlngs bank'has earned its reputation is best evidenced by the fact that eteoe the npsntng of fbi main ofltee at 1S4-1S0 Bast RwratyOtath street, thousands of TorkvUls residents brought their deposits there...
...Bishop of Columbia, Mr...
...hoH-nailed factory boys aad men with dinner palls take tha ea*i while they talk stealthily about ths toat strike sad the coming stoat Ion...
...TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas IS A CITIZEN and a So*A cialist I have been reading Governor Smith's message IB the Legislature of New York Msfa mingled feelings...
...Its author aad th* faunee it discusses, hava real haaortaao* to a waoj* let of *elks who da sot live to th* Empire State...
...Tho influence of the to Social Democrats and It Communists la tha Parliament of 100 members is ao strong that K not only Mocked too bag naval appropriations, but It also made tt possible to put through appropriations of 1,411.000 marks (at JV4 cento each) to help the si labor colleges and schools under trade union management...
...There was a general clicking and we stood- In a circle about ; tn* officer with our...
...All he advocates is a full and fair hearing' before granting preliminary Injunctions...
...Canadian delegation here I pledge our al lenience to Pan-Americanism in ita broadest spirit...
...A oontly gray car slipped Itself almost to against tha flank of tha rlppita*- human mass, and a topped elssa to Mmturn...
...The speakej went over his report, liberally interjipersing...
...Those billions, poured in between ltlS and 1026, gave U. S. finance a claim on Canada exceeding by half a billion dollars the claim of England...
...of our clothes hss not managed ~4& St himself- out with a. real good Socialist suit...
...Nevertheless, let m* toll them aad my readers—sow many as* they, S wonder?—that this message...
...but Court Believes Woman Was His Qua Convicted for "Misc^uct in Park" London... tha* district whore tho tameuahtaro which begins ao pc—dly with the bogs— of lumber aad flour kings eada hi cansmonneee attar it Broaaea i sealing take afreet...
...While there, he said, ha had decided to kill two birds with one atone t$t doing a little investigating of "the social evil" on which, he says, he plana to write.a hook...
...It was pointed out that merely to go to work to earn aome money In vacation did not necessarily lead to an understanding of the - labor movement...
...The statement waa recently made to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce to London that If American capital continues its present rate of flow Into Canada it will before long control 76 per cent of the natural resources, snd industries of ths dominion...
...Behind the scenes ilea the invasion of Canada by over .2,000,000,000 America...
...If the workers were oa the too...
...Norman Thomas bespoke from- the students sympathy and interest for the sleeping car porters in their, fight to organise...
...A woman sitting on a chair...
...The tremendous success tuny Justified Mr...
...fjfto ttttle a*gaw"ifg> mmma...
...GOVERNOR MINTURN A Labor Novelof the Northwest By M.H...
...2, United Mine Workers of America...
...To him...
...This identification in sympathy and active was, he pointed out, more important than the particular Job done...
...intellectual to persuade the employer to adopt a better attitude togjard 'his men and bettei standards of work...
...Some hoaft mOlady hag afflicted her for years...
...I. D. Then the delegates heard officially from some 17 liberal clubs or forums' or social problems clubs m as' many different institutions...
...Professor Alvin Johnson dealt in delightful fashion -with the new philosophy or religion : which Professor Carver is working out for the . Rotary Club, namely, that every worker can be a capitalist...
...rsnoelllng sense at pmtmtmht wsfi-beintr saBT^api ^-r&SStamSsf^ ^P** to* crow* os -aiepttoa night...
...that the value of student experience m industry might 'partly depend upon an opportunity tocompare notes with other student workers...
...Then without saying a word to any citisen of Meadowbrook, he turned hia back upon the town, tho lumbar camp, and hla sorrow, and want South to Utie states aad the plains where there ware no things to remind him of Sadie...
...He feared his mother...
...Ear Basil compulsed ha waa betas distorted by vartotsj) giliiiaces wnmiiMT from tha ptaystoS* nomy of I^arie, the opp...
...smddr fha arafla aoarawda...
...Thus a porter bound for "Washington from New York Is paid an th* basis of th* night's run which begins at midnight but be must report for preparatory work at 7 p. no...
...Groping hands muffle the blatant summons...
...secretary of tha Socialist committee...
...there was something in Thomas Mlniuf'ii of pa He 11 fa...
...v ^Is "robjemje: g^eMttBr ™e great . success la* ajipito baa been in the...
...MANHATTAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION Answsrtag tho call of time, the Manhattan Savings Inetttzttloa, a hank ha existence for more than seventyfive years, has srooted over a year Ago, an imposing building at 114-Mt East Klgfaty-atxth street, between Third and Lexington avenue*, with the motto "Serving Manhattan...
...Aa he approached lower Pillsbury avenue, he knew that the family were up waiting for him...
...Taa MMBJtssaa s» aeaatng seateSod referred to tb* aJrect conflict te thd testimony aad to "tha -deliberate at* cempt-to bribe-a policeman* not to dfts* fcbarsa his'duty," and addedu > "One throe...
...That sort of program Is as likely to prove .a* unsatisfactory in New York as it heV proved In Baa Fran Cisco In connection with the Hetch Hetchy development...
...But note, the proceeds of the tax exempt bond* are to be loaned to limited dividend companies...
...Toward the last Sadie grew afraid, and lost confidence in herself...
...u. s. imtttmenit in canada Hudd- voiced Caaada'e coaviotton that ""there Is-- no problem too diffleuK for the countries-of Latin America aad North America to solve provided they stand together as a United States of tho American continent.'* This pledge from commercial Canada tonowa moves by tha Canadian government to separate its foreign policy from that of England...
...Telegraphy was all the rage among his acquaintances, and several of them had costly outfits...
...He waa not what Americana call a "calamity howler.'' It waa not congenital...
...sear* tudttal to its scmsmsnto and thasr hatiaal hasanction to war as a method...
...Sparrows in parks \ rustls ir leafy branches ot elm and' oak.' The swan afloat on the lagoon takes bis beak from under his wing...
...E. B. says: v "Right and l«ft: The General Exysative Board holds to iU established Ssjiey that the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, is party to •either the right nor the left political krpBps...
...wB» Jbad rm| taakmg faoa# a4 a**" the graaft Belshetik slayer rndaplatnad...
...Ho woman of tho village called oa the girl-wife...
...I went in eesreh of Bolsheviks and some first hand information os the social evil'," tha...
...Tha Wedding...
...Dan'a father...
...The court decided that Sir Basil had not found the Bolsheviks but hsd been altogether • too successful in fi'nding~"the social ' evil...
...strikers are bituminous miners whoM employers viol*tod tb» Jacksonvllls agreement and attempted to restore the 1*17acalb Involving )*rKo waft reductions...
...era added to the wage sysJjkftat fadt is doubly evident It ipP dSyho good to pass a law simply fSjfcut -that labor la not a commodity —that's We* saying America is" dry... hrpassfbls to srtticls* aharplr maa> -wzssn*>4sSsT»nad BsTaad^^*<rtrsta tha ahulto Mtoaasad* 'aad...
...These resolutions endorsed the stand of the students at C. C. N. Y. in opposition to compulsory military training, extended empathy to Richard Ford in his struggle for Justice, urged recognition of Russia, and recommended to the generous consideration ot the colleges all bona fide appeals from the miner's union for clothing, etc...
...a pointed out that Bar Baafl did not oxidate to the police hie aHe...
...Beside him, her face In shadow, waava a-irt His daughter...
...1 Fascism and Commnntsm Of all extraordinary social tanacies Fascism Is sconce th* most absurd aad most dangerous...
...You advance toward your man, at the same time swinging your butt so as to land en hie crotch and partly disable him...
...181 Pledge Opposition to All Wars jDuriag discussion of\thia report^g future 'war...
...2 Daniel M In turn waa only twenty-six when he was named for the state legislature...
...aV the Mar of its trhaiiii...
...He feared that he would have to be near to succor as death seised and strangled her...
...aumer doea not get even in a bargain sale...
...jSQl late'tlrta*- ^lv',saal ^aaafirfaPaw^r"** ^pfcaV ^saaaafe aaB aad frail, fcylij woman, with a Dank* ooald SetfrsaSau^ Ip MMMtt gittoraaa tafista sar his gspthor...
...eJoAMsjsj'to stlM ¦tee* , Tfaaoo w*n> fries in sad ^^^s^^^»^s^^l^^[^^rl^ ' West Virginia, or ae aha Vetmsyl.Sir Basil Goes A Hunting Great Detective Says He Was L«)ldng for "Red...
...After that pleasant affair they adjourned for further discussion of students in industry...
...endurance, even geniality, an un communicated tesderneaa that one, sometimes,, feels in huge aad powerful dumb animals...
...Deposits made on or before January 13 will draW interest from January 1." Remember - that on Monday* the main office...
...He was found guilty, fined 125' and ordered . to pay an additional S2S far seats...
...He bad written a pam- { phlet...
...He's peaainfistlc, you know.** Tom's pessimism waa not voluble...
...It la easy, espeejalry under pjsmuf* of th* subversive tsattoa of ¦ nxrtrin OsaassasUats, to evwrempkaMs* these resa-sbklBSsS...
...While wrestling with- the gun you will bo killed...
...We never promise things we cannot fulfill, and again ws have declared a 4 per cent, interest oa all deposits up to $8,000... was not that, it waa her quick permissive smile and moist hands that were distasteful...
...Canada Is the eldest daughter in a great commonwealth' of nations but her immediate destiny Use on the North American continent...
...6,000,000 S,000,000 How British Interests feel about this invasion of Canada by American capital was reflected in a .New York Times editorial ot June 0, 1028...
...for strikers The conference waa too .crowded in program and met for too short a time to attain the meet satisfactory resuits...
...whflooado stsavpsa^BW General industries 540,000,000 148,000,000 Rati IwnyBi • a 370aOOO<*OarO 74&y000s000 Lumber and paper...
...By U. g. By England Government snd city...
...If so win they mean it...
...The Social Democrats were the greateat gainers in the local elections, and ' they now control the administration of several cities and Industrial centers, Including Tammerfors and Kotka...
...Succese to them...
...aasaaesst, j^mmmSLlmm\ -^aSaslSBBsL^^ *'*S^W*BBI ¦a^*as^g«eW4P* A. C.W...
...gleaming pointed weappne...
...But if the church or any targe section of it doe* mean this message, the day of oar salvation from war aad the economic and political system which is the chief cause of war may be nearer than w* had hoped...
...Sixty-five declared thef* could not decide on their sta^sd during a war...
...N The cases are sent care of -John ?Brophy, Clearfield, Pa., offices, District No...
...When Sir Basil got up to walk on, he says, the lady, friendly-like...
...Ia Helslngfora tha Socialists got 10,000 votes and the Labor Party (Communists) 0,000, the two parties now holding si seats In the city council against SS held by the bourgeois parties...
...More awing to that butt, there ¦ put him out of commission...
...but are at present opposed, as a general principle,'to participation li war...
...Representative Daniel Mlntsw et the UlfhAJstrjej...
...Tou pay five or six dollars for them wheels, screws, wires and things, and when you put it together it is lust so much trash...
...These small firms are often family affairs where the few outside workers employed See expected1 to keep up with the family pace on the Job but do not.share In the profits proportionately L. I. D. Convention Tackles Questions Growing Out of Labor's Struggles for Industrial Democracy THIRTY-EIGHT colleges and universities were represented by 110 students who, registered at the various sessions of the Intercollegiate Conference of the League for Industrial De-i mocracy on December 29 and 30...
...twisters and Warners, In U. T. W. locals, and weavers in the Associated organization left mills working 12...
...Governor Smith recommends that municipalities be given the right to issue tax exempt bonds for hoaains and that possibly a stats housing bank should b* created...
...Ismouslnas of bank presidents aad industrial beads...
...Tarn The vanguard of the day's shoppers—mothers ,with children, housewives with bassists, jswig matrons immaculate and seductive mount the street car steps aad hang on straps "n tha fight for things, thtegs...
...What wm the Governor do about labor's rights...
...Cutty this lest tar away, atoiost nm eaaciVuia - These sigiu** dagoed s> hdf vtatom, htonfltng with Ins aene»-*«>f btapta, making him dlxxy, Iirtoxieatod...
...ceUec* profssors, realtors, real state agents, exsutive and automobile dalesmen term a procession of high-powered cars, preceding by half an hour tha bevelled glass...
...Tbeae garment* so to the tent colonists acid ether .groups of coal diggers and their families who...
...One who has watched them closely ha action both in war aad to peace may be forgiven some serious doubts...
...oaBs of "extra, extra" froen mercenary aeasl>oys -tjbssa Slssrp laspressiona...
...when the general organiPrtten was involved In negotiations p employers in other markets, sent p. emissaries there ^to show the emjWers that the organization Is feakened and that the employers need Bf* take the Amalgamated seriously...
...No punishment men can Inflict could be more sever* or as salutary as that Oas of the beet anion meetings we ever saw'was one of a series of organ-, lxing meetings for PuBman ear porters to New York...
...MINERS STILL IN NEB OF WARM CLOTHES N. Y. Socialists Send Two Cases to Pennsylvania--21 Sent to West Virginia FIRST response to the central Pennsylvania miners' appeal for .clothing to warm them while they are striking in the Allegheny Kills* come* in the form of two big cases of garments collected by the New York city committee qf the Socialist Party...
...MONEY LORDS ANNEXING CANADA A Single Financial Empire Being Subjected to 'Exploitation of "American Finance By LELAND OLDS ACKNOWLEDGMENT that the economic United States has annexed Canada, forming a single financial empire for exploitation ot all .workers of the western hemisphere, marked the address of Frederic Hudd, Canadian trade commissioner in the United States and special delegate to the Pan-American commercial congress in New Tortc...
...We- need not remind you that compulsory arbitration has been declared unconstitutional, and further, that . the settlement of...
...He turned round aad inquired, vary innocently, "Are you aid issuing me...
...which had set forth his views on child labor, 00- operation, taxation of natural resources, tariff, eontroUp*public utilities...
...There are several thousand such ¦ strikers In District No...
...HEDGES Author of "Tha Iron City" Day THE first far splendor iof dawn...
...For the first time, he wanted ¦ to kaow something about that life, bat with-this wish same a vague stirring of gulK...
...Withto re•ent month* two British Leber Centatittoss, a wosadlnsviaa Taker Coatmltto* aad a great sssstemlat, Jota* Mayaard Bsysis sw)s at theat age beUavo, msmhffd of th* Communis* Party—hav* said things about «*• progTSSS of aVaatdaa labor...
...One, two Look fierce, man, you cant do .it properly like that...
...Making Americana Via the Military Training Method (Tar folio wing has keen seat te Tha We to leader »y a college mtudant wke «oo# a sseeteer 0/ the Studenf O/Acerm" Training Corps at Plattehurg, If no York...
...But a limited dividend company grants f per cent return on its invested capital...
...230.000,000 100,000,000 public...
...They could not find rooms at the] camp where Thomas waa working, and ao Thomas had taken her to the tillage four miles distant...
...The state does not nave to pay f percent for money, neither do municipalities...
...was built Jby Thomas Minruru himself...
...The speaking was high grade and so was th* enthusiasm...
...Therefore Presideat Green's wed rwaaeaad attoqfc ou It is to be weTsaStaSd...
...Hia father's slowness of speech, hla .Inarticulate fineness, hla mother's taciturnity cut Daniel oft from hla parents...
...There- was a general and' frank discussion on the matter...
...a great heavy man with heavy passions, heavy Borrows, heavy hopes, and ale mother bad been a Warrior ¦ fighting at odds against both life aad death...
...Tet for aH this the interested listener got a distinct impression of a vigorous intellectual life and genuine interest in the economic and social problems In tile abode of what someone a few years ago bitterly calls* -the hire iearatng...
...OK HMoIlet, ob faaWaaobU PittoMry...
...Tha distinction and the responsibility bad some to him...
...Economically aad socially.'* said the U. S. Department of Commerce, a year ago, "Canada may be considered aa a northern extension of the United States and our trade with Canada ta in many respects more like demesne trade than Our foreign trade with other countries...
...fragrant with tha suggestion of roosWStter, in slUmsnerias silks and eum¦Ver ermine, alights from her Hmonstria before the Avesars'a ssast exclu#p ***»¦:¦..• chapterI Election Night DANIEL MINTURN remembered the clutch and sway of that scene upon and .through his emotions long after - its outline and substance, its color, its blatancy and turmoil bad faded out...
...In working with the labor movement one could find satisfaction tor one's powers snd talk of" sacrifice is wholly misplaced: Ordway Tedd of Harper and Brothers who has made a study of personnel management arguea that much" coul-J be done by the...
...aa aMKiy of twelve, he bad wished to make a telegraph set for himself...
...aWftJtaafcsteuWt* *s at they had last stepped Mt eC toecr third goer rooms Was K possible, ho thought, as they eyed him that they did not know he was Representative Mmturn r He liked their young bodlea so faultlessly attired gad their fro* onfllnohing glances...
...A drive ' to introduce minimum wage snsles and-readjustment of the dues imrtem to" place the organization on a Stronger financial basis have also been decided "Upon...
...If old Sort hadn't—wen, that waa not quite an—tf hla own mother hadn't urged htm to file...
...Here again Socialist agitation has told...
...This epnp has...
...The Child ' 20/ Govarnos' M interna Thmmm tklma con givm hot an inhUng of tho mmtid worth of "Cooornor Minturn...
...Such is'the stats ¦of gratitude tn Great Britain...
...The first speaker - waa Otto Beyer of the Labor Bureau, one of the authors of the Baltimore and Ohio Plan...
...The day waa a torture to him...
...v - Her "spells" brougbt Daa very early face to face with death...
...Ha waa grimly enjoying the spectacle...
...The three months that followed, aa they waited far the birth of their baby, ware months of anguish and ecstasy...
...This is "perhaps inevitab.e under the circumstances...
...I. Housing...
...a police patrol, Insttostve and pompons, called to arrest two ovsrseaJous political disputants: a .steady flow of Hnimsslsas drifting past on aa aafrequentcd bystreet...
...Plan to Eliminate Communists as Factor in the New York Organization Sf N A DETERMINED attempt to for once and all clean their Jg -New York organization of the disreputable Communist-Left B*r ¦ element, the General Executive Board of» the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, meeting in Rochester, has outlined^ a series of iSnanees is oreanization and oolicv...
...By which I mean, shoot until the bone gives way... seemed aa ha rolled along In the half empty street-car, by a fortuitous Jumble of circumstances, quite oufslde hla own fashioning...
...editorial drudSsrs...
...Will the churches adopt this message...
...VWthdeaw a step quickly and now ram"*the bayonet up under hie chinl Ready, One, twO, three...
...With the close of the year, tho president stated that ho is more than pleased with to* results...
...Thomas Mipturn had been a migratory worker...
...Professor Tugwell of, Columbia told them that tho real approach to' economic problems w*s not through a set of abstract principles, but through vital and living .interests...
...THE 8-hour day, 44-hour week, seems assured in, all Paterson broadsilk mills as the result of the joint drive launched by Associated Silk Workers and ' United" Textile Workers' Union.- The day on which workers were to walk out of shops running longer hours found few strikers because so many employers had already granted the shorter workday...
...There ara> a* *»*i shslrj loaawa, resemblance* > si ween Pnsetom aad Communism...
...His ayes...
...It to one of the . chief menaces to world ' Eton* Its policy of holding to itself Italian emigrants- to Am or ton aad their children to the third and fourth generation is a blow not only against any properly orgsnlssd American -labor movement hut against that neigh borllneee which must exist betweeta an groups of Americans, Fascism rests oa force, violence aad fraud...
...That stove dominated the room, yea, the whole hp use, and threw a glow, dim and quaint, over Daniel's inner ¦elf...
...There was no attempt at all by any speaker to view the situation through rose colored glasses.' No...
...The opening session at Miss Helen Stokes' studio, 90 Grove Street, was given over to reports...
...Stales' statement...
...that to have a Job found for you was a very different matter from finding a job...
...These porter* do useful work...
...Bourn*, taking thm book to thm publishers, called it "the finest fir* novel I have ever rmmd and one of few great American novels... this way, he hid become known, well-thought-of, .elected... it move thm cross-fires of labor and capital, politics and ambitions, love, Women and-children, joy and suffering...
...Dont let yourself be tomptod by the chest...
...826,000,000 go\OfitV0OS Mining...
...At bis suggestion, from the students genuine!}- interested In the subject there was formed a committee which really, got down to work the-next day, to prepare plana for discovering, . Inspiring snd : uniting to friendly fenow ship atodents who might themselves, with special reference to gaining an understanding of the problems ot labor and labor organisation...
...184-156 Bast Sighty-stxth street, la...
...Hia was a tale of the particular processes by which he, a technically trained mac, came to be sympathetic with and ultimately employed by\the labor movement...
...Ond whoa Thomas and Ma young bridtj came to five there, they could not find rooms...
...he said, as the delegates Joined in agreement...
...Thia booh by Hodgoa mriU tobm Urn pioeo aiongatdo of Upton SmcUdr>a *Junglm» e*af Joch Londmafm "Iran HaaV am a groat and magnktmmmt^ - oaMwibmtlon jo Amaticon aamhing^mmb1tmmUfm\\'' — BEGIN IT ON PAGE 1 NOW...
...utility .. 188,000,000 116,00OV000 Land...
...But to toll you th* truth, I ha vent time, aad X suspect my friends, the editors, will say that they bavsat spaa* tor what fa essentially astate and not * national issue...
...The rose-glow of - that stove tell upon the overstuffed parlor set, the old upright piano, and Vletrola, upon the old-fashioned standing clock, the three-legged table with lta neat crocheted dotlle, and over the eman roexlng chair where hla mother waa wont to sit after the evening work was done...
...A Road to UndoratenaV 18...
...yawn, arise and begin tha work of civilisation...
...One rose to his feet with a protest which won tha immediate acclamation of th- delegates...
...farmer head of tha British Secret Service told tha court...
...It was wiae to the senses...
...He knew that labor's indorsement was the 'toppling weight in the balance of forces...
...It it a record of a part of the daily drill which took place during hit moMht at the camp...
...The starting point, in his mind, ought- not to be aome theory of price or value or competition, but some of the actual problems of poverty or waste...
...It presents u grout problem and a fascinating onm...
...Daniel had dreamed tar daya of the outfit that he should buy with the money he saved, regularly out of his meager wagea...
...the Board has decided...
...DESPITE the watchful eyes of the elders counseling "moderation" and holding up proceedings by long, platitudinous speeches, the Interdenominational Students' Conference,' representing twenty denominations and one hundred and seventy-six colleges, meeting here last week, succeded in going on record on the questions of war and militarismOn these quest tons, the Md delegates "ran away" with, the conference, throwing overboard all the attempts at restraint...
...Barly morning, when he arose to follow hia long paper route, he whiled the cold, dreary, dark distances with thoughts of this grand telegraph outfit...
...Burnishing up the old base burner stove, he had got It into place in the amaU parlor, and had kindled a fire...
...After * moment .the ear gilded away.' Drunk to tha fun of crowd adulation...
...Ha lay la bed trembling, hla heart pounding against his akts ao though ha himself were dying...
...ogniae confinement, banasaa^Oaa C stepped into the home at sag sssshbnt and father...
...By wen substantiated statistics ft eaa be shown that it Is a poison to the material as waO as the spiritual well b*tos> *t th* Italian nun...
...that the members' political are no concern of the Amalgamated...
...Beyer gave some explanation of the B. and O. Plan and...
...Now—thrust and withdraw...
...Comrade Adelph Salmi of New' Tork informs us that several years ago a Finnish government paid far the translation of Marx's -Oapstaf* Into Finnish...
...A half hour later they are on their knees on tile dooms of skyscraper, reetaoranf and hotel, making walks clean tot tha priat of ten -o'clock ^edo,bobta, At six...
...Did old Gay lard nave a daughter, or 'a mistress T . . . Conscious of her, Mlatum wished that the small boy might resume hla husaao again, but tha lad refused to peep...
...If Alice Miller hadn't campaigned for him, and tf labor hadnt Indorsed him...
...Organised workers are reporting non-union shops that are trying* to break down Peterson's shorter workday standard...
...The gloom that waa hia was the product of a thousand disappointments in himself, his tellowa and his fortune...
...Now, under existing conditions, a limited' dividend company may do a useful work when, as in the case of the Sunnyside development R Is managed with a high sense at eochU responsibility...
...La aria was thecs«ors.aakad Is leavv> the eonrtroom...
...1 W oompeOed to say I thtok not...
...Other appropriations tor labor theatre associations and athletic bodies are expected...
...appears, contained at* Ootol representatives of all the leadlng Protostoat bodies, Th* message M aa aaasatoy doeumeat...
...Thomson's defense came fa the last day ot tike trial, bat the Magistrate hearing the case refused to be convinced- Sir Basil said he went to Hyde Park Dec...
...tkfc says Sir Basil, he unbuttoned his coat, aad gars her a taw shillings...
...Ondikhe whole, however, there was much evidence of a rebellions spirit which the elder churchmen will not be able to keep down tor long...
...befteepsiK adsea-ssjysi wajtreagep asid office... for years, .have been waiting out the open shop war., • "The need *er vantm...
...Paul Binnshard spoke of some special opportunities for students in the South...
...It was a sqagk* songs Si balked doahroa and aatagwdktla personalities...
...At the crowded closing session of the conference Elizabeth Gurley Flynn began by winning the-sympathy of the students for Richard Ford in his struggle for belated justice in California...
...To Be Continued Next Week) Start It On Page I New "GOVERNOR MINURN" ALabor Neved of the Northwest By M. H. HEDGES Author of "The Iron City" No less on authority thorn thm lute Randolph Bourne sponsored Hedges' first novel, "Thm Iron City," pnbli»hmd a few years ago by Bonn dk Liveright...
...Home 14...
...Like a nue Indian 17...
...It is a confession of th* failure of democracy to argue that a municipal corporation cannot do the work of a limited dividend company without any Intervention of the profit motive aad therefore cheaper than the limited dividend company.1 The housing problem to New York City Is of such magnitude that ft can only be solved when we have worked out machinery whereby the state and city win loan money to individuals aad social groaps who desire to baud for use and ndt profit aad wttl Raelf put up house* for rent at cost Governor Smith may be well advised to not trusting this problem to Tammany Ban...
...Nevertheless, the student discussion waa of high grade and the students who presided at different sessions—Miss Tompkins of Bryn Mawr...
...Thomson says,, spoke to htm...
...It's a fatal wound, and the bayonet can be easily and quickly withdrawn...
...y , CONTENTS I-Dan 1. Election Night 2. Tha Botrothal 3. Saxophonoa and Clarinota 4. Coganogatnjr 8. Christmga 6. Tha F^rgt Speech 7. Battlomenta of Power 8. How Dan Lowad Agatha...
...During the tailing at bis story os) the witness stand...
...His world—that aggregate of pmontT contacts -which he called Ma world—m for an hour at least admirably orMlltl - Details began to dstaeh themselves from the blurred scene...
...In answer to questions Mr...
...When he spoke it waa always with aa effort...
...the present difficulty in the near future is no guarantee against the recurrence of an Intolerable situation...
...they .buy their own shoe polish...
...The bone will retain the point...
...The people whom bis brother' Hugh oaBed the "dirty rich" lived "there...
...He pointed out the' fallacies in some of the current figures alleged to show the extent and power of ¦ worker-ownership ot stocks and bonds, and by a little arithmetic made it clear that the worker still hsd a whole lot more fo gain by an-Increase In wages than from owning a few shares of stock which usually carries no power of control with It...
...Then they saw son** benches...
...A newsboy crawls from out s> storebox and shivers in tha damp warmth of spring...
...Panl Blanshsrd, who presided, spoke briefly of the imperialism of the white powers...
...A shaft of light strikes fht roofs of a skyscrapers in Backers Row...
...Canada's investments In Central and South America are considerable, and her trade .with the United . States and these countries ie steadily growing...
...looks wonderingIy at somnolent bonnes...
...The questions seemed to show-some skepticism as to how much could be done from above and whether the intellectuals or experts who have influence with the employer, are net asked, to pay too high a price in abstention from the political and economic activities of organised labor Staefgflig In Industry Tueaday evening tho delegates gathered for a buffet supper at the home of Mr...
...Many of his recordmendatjons arc admirable.' As a whole the document stands out lair above the run of similar messages...
...Tha boy was born dead, and Sadie died throe daya later...
...Clocks strike, the boor dissoaantly...
...IsHplBg^BIWpr ' Sftabor Is not a commodity.'' Of iflt labor ought not to be a combat under the wage system PNi sVcoromodHy and when ln5pSSJk™a...
...In search of Bolsheviks, the great Scotland-Yard sleuth was-led.astray...
...Tom's pessimism, the son Irrationally felt, and irrationally fought aa an affront to life...
...tha small ot frankfurters sizzling aa a grill on whs els...
...Hla father had been'at work since he came home from the crematory plant at t o'clock...
...They are disquieted by the way in which English Investments in Canada are being outstripped by American...
...1 Cashiers, lawyers...
...the magic of hia own sum He printed oa that serosa dragging after It unreal and amaatog pluralities...
...AhiUhat is whws^ir hero of countless battles against the ferocious, immoral "reds" went astray...
...Let's be fair about it...
...The resolution says: "We believe that industry organised on a competitive basis for profit is a prolific cause of war, class hatred, poverty, crime and other social and economic evils.'* The conference adopted a report calling for the abolition of military training in church and denominational schools, and other colleges and ' universities, including the immediate abolition of compulsory military'training in land grant institutions such as the State universities...
...theh* saiary is W7.60 a month...
...While the unification plan may serve to facilitate the work of the three organizations, no method has been decided upon through which co-operation with of her .student and youth groups can be effected...
...Thm Chnrvhms And War W* have received ffra aad and ha** atoeely typed pages constituting a Msss*S* to tfea Churches from Th* National Study Conference oa the Churchee . aad World -Peace...
...He aaid the only prayer he knew, adding words mixed With curses, and burled them in a shallow grave together...
...alert to their own interest organized la their owa party, as wall as la theu* own unions, they could find a better solution to the housing problem than Governor Smith has suggested...
...One incident was significant in this connection...
...Joined htm whereupon be thought ha hat a good opportunity to aak her about tha people .who - frequent the .park...
...The Brookwood representative waa piled with questions about the nature and organisation of that labor college...
...Copies of this wort had been taken by Alice Miner from door- to door throughout the district...
...It was with some regret the students left off the discussion to listen to the report of the .Resolutions Committee...
...The distribution of electric .yfgat&JP^L...
...Our wish for these baby killers—they are, literally, that—is that to this New Year they may come to sea themselves and their deads as they really are, stripped of an trumpery romance, adventure and military glory...
...faraway, wholly oatoslo hte...
...We're sick and .tired of being 'my boyed...
...A glance at thm chapter headings will show what is in mtorm... with water power "w*s$ Ontario has done...
...SHED A TEAR for Basil Thomson...
...The commercial economic and strategic problems common to ue all furnish Indestructible grounds for enduring and permanent co-operation...
...It if thmrmfotm with particular jay that Thm New Leader begins thm exclusive serial publication mi Hedges* second noVml, "Governor Minturn... tell the -trsta, rather motley...
...they are paid only on the basis of the time the train Is actually enroute...
...Bo quickly turned hia attention to tha two girls, and'smothered the vague desire with] neottecttoa of hip successful campaign...
...He feared aha would die before his eyes...
...It didn't give us exactly the Merry Yuletide feeling...
...Still lees Is there any explanation as to why we have to have injunctions to deal with acts already subject to existing criminal law...
...The main speaker of the evening was Professor Jerome Davis of Yale, who persuasively stated the advantages- of student participation in industry,^ at least during the summer vacation, as an invaluable laboratory method In education...
...There is precious instruction ha be got by finding we Mirere wrong*— T. Carlyle...
...Hedges trout* with thm struggle in thm breast of o labor leader to word off thm degenerating influences of capitalist society am it seeks to break down his loyalty to him class...
...unanl- 1 mously passed...
...1,400,000 for the public libraries and XOO.000 for free lectures...'s grind...
...Finally, Jhowever, after weeks of slavish savins, when he came to hla father to unfold hia glorious plans...
...2 alone and many in other bituminous coal districts.' *' " > Twenty-one casea- pf^dotting .Were forwarded recently te 'the Charleston office of the West VIrjrtaia miners, Mid A. I. Shlplacoff...
...For three days Thomas stayed away from work, aad when her hour came himself brought the physician and assisted in making toe delivery...
...ail her sweetness, her generosity, her untutored wisdom were (tinctured by this bitterness of fear...
...There waa some disappointment occasioned by the decision of the conference on organisation matters...
...Old Tom merely grunted aad aaid: "What than...
...Tie so Pennsylvania...
...A hHwils slaws I ooapisoi a rnbeflktew-shaveraapisfc WiniiS MBSaa...
...He could hear her gasping for breath^Kvery one of her struggles for Ufa was .his struggle...
...In behalf of the... with patronizing "My boy this," and "My boy that" ; After Having suffered a dozen or so "my boys," the delegates could stand it no longer...
...Well, now, you must take whagTom MIn turn cays with a pinch et salt,'* his associates ware wont to say...
...hoars* incoherent shoutings aad booms...
...J On the matter of "Right and Left" •» statement of the G...
...J. B. S. Hard man of the Educational Department of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers pointed out bow vital was the labor movement to all human welfare and how natural it- ought to be for anyone grasping that point to identify himself in sympathy .and active with the movement...
...PWtunately for the organisation, the patserghlp In those cities has quickly g&onatrated to these groups that Bg Interference would not be tolerNew York City' the organi(P» must definitely look upon these fc>Pe as enemies and the member|g...
...The committee made some excellent suggestlons for next year's conference which were adopted and then proposed four resolutions, all of then...
...Norman Thomas...
...80^X10,000 100jPOO,000 Banking snd inauranoo 88,000^080 sAODO^XX) Mortgagee 25,000,000 IgggOyOBO Fisheries...
...One, two I "Now this ie a combination of butt and bayonet...
...Our editors are vary proud of their national circulation...
...Almost at ones, apparently seasons the kind eyes of tha great detocttv* the 'lady said aba was bard up...
...On the night before Christmas we picked up a paper and saw the pictures of three American aviators Just returned from killing women and children to the villages of the Riffs...
...He aaw it aa a blemish almost physical „ Daniel remembered how one day...
...COLLEGIANS FIGHT MILITARY DRILLS Enforced Training Denounced By Two Student Conferences 181 at Mediomst Collegiate Conference Pledge Never tb Take Part in Any WarProfit System Attacked Evanston, Illinois...
...While a physician speeds home from a delivery case, a ssajaj man Isavea taa tray doors st river a girl pauses to brush back a stray lock of hair before she leape above the falls...
...And here he " was, by ao great effort of his own, a few speeches, a campaign expenditure of 111UT...
...At place aft»r place I felt 'JSct saying as I read: "Here is a Sentence or herd is a recommendation which ot would have SMmm curses as Socialistic and which ^seaid never have been made today but 4kr the pioneer work of Socialist Bunkers, .writers 1 and soap-boxers...
...The nlghbju as he aad Sadie walked with their arms clasped round the other's body through the empty cold streets, were ecstasies...
...Journey II—Agatha tl...
...His garb is...
...exuberant, fickle, insatiable of amusement, blockading the street in front of the "Times" office, staring at the' luminous screen whereon the'returns were flashed...
...Dan's earnest memorise were of bar lying back la a rocking chair, her straight hair disheveled, hanging about her perspiring faoa...
...While there he met a girl...
...The moat recent figures contrasting Canadian investments owned to the United States with those owned to England show: Investments in Canada...
...If there has been fine moments in their love for each other, if there had been triumphs—«,nd what Ufa la ao poor that it does not afford one hour crowded with latent memories—It there had been for these two, holidays, laughter, gayety, Dan never knew R. As far' back as he opuld remember his father had always been like this...
...which tofmencea- me SI Spa eondiKt of tb* defeadaat auaas>K tmmediatscy after the 'pooorieace.' Id what saw dbfewdstit slid ConslstsnS with bis hmnnepps and with hia a«*» tpda to Use witness bo< today...
...clean, on typical youngater of taa or twelve, suddenly sat up V great hullabaloo, beneath bis very] ears: "Hurrah for Militant...
...J He had the harvest alelda of North Dakota and Manitoba, the lumber camps of Canada And Washington, the hop fields of California and the mining Oamse of Colorado, tibtxg before he had married Daniel's metber he had met a girl In a Canadian [lumber town, loved her, and married jher after the rough fashion of the frontier...
...Said tha Times: "This American invasion of Canada has excited a certain alarm on the part of aome British interests...
...Almost at random may J y refer to some Ot the Governor's reccNsmendstiona which illustrate my i*emt I .1 Water Power...
...14 and in at least one case 19 hours a day, demanding that the I-hour day be made general in Paterson silk mills...
...It set a mortgage on hla future... to 0 p. m- and the branch at (44...
...Thai eonferenoa, It...
...With this form of financial conquest...
...FOLLOW IT EACH WEEK IN THE NEW LEADER FINLAND Laner Oalns In Eleetldna Incomplete reports of the district and communal elections, held in Finland last month, received by American Finnish newspapers and through Genuaa Communist sources, indicate that If Premier Tuienhelmo sticks to his resignation, announced on Dec 10 when Parliament refused to pass his naval bill, and nobody can be found to take the Job without a new mandate from the people, the resulting general elections will materially strengthen the Socialist and Communist opposition...
...Finally in desperation, after wanting the streets almkssgly, Thomas discovered by ehanoe th£t the basement of too CatbOUe church waa empty...
...Representative Bert . had not mixed 'the wrong medicine just before an X-ray examination, old Bart and not he would be receiving tha plaudits of the election crowd...
...Not much so far aa the injunction evil is concerned...
...The Power and Dralsto ago Act 16...
...Just begun to live...
...Professor Robert Hale showed how much private property really depends upon the theory and practice of government-and the relative favor "given to one or another set of interests, e. g., ot landlords, stockholders, consumers, producers...
...Tha Pant Recorga ma Agatha 12...
...So I might go oa...
...false college pride prevented some pretty plain talking about the quality of Instructions and the nature and extent of student interest...
...Every morning before daylight Tom tramped off to the woods...
...Then attention was turned to the main topic wkich was the growth of imperialism...
...It Is feared that there will go forward aa unwelcome Americanlsatlon of Canada...
...If, however, it shouldV get caught, shoot it out...
...Only smaller shops, employing 15 to 10 workers, had been working over eight hours and most ot these gave in before tha strike date...
...She had loyally entered the'5 premises of every voter, braving'doge and Janl-1 tors, had rung each doorbell, and personally placed the...
...First morning street cars emerge from dark, gaunt barns.' Alarm clocks clang...
...For to do h» duty by his country he went to Hyde Park a few weeks ago to get an earful on some-terrible, QsAnstaiist plottings...
...her bare lags in g tub of hot water, hay frail chest wurklag Kko a bellows, while through her gasping mouth tha air rushed lb gad oat tor* tuously...
...The son resented it as a thing to be ashamed of...
...houses suggastiTsV «| wealth, wan-brad homo Ufa, and thai other wsarid...
...It was miialc to the mn...
...The Amalgamated, as i* the past, will permit freedom of opinion and speech in its ranks, but it must stamp out activities that have for their purpose the destruction of the organization...

Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 54

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