THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK PENNSYLVAWIA em Irving in Pennsylvania doBdji fmWm^^wt' lw fa i* in fttKoci oMMtaarnlftQ E^j|g|rrAvft Fifty to BJiiJT' Parte/ of Penney!, eda, ere imh mreesf nu»t...

...Jetow sassdtototto - TTr.hast SM eeggss eg...
...This will be one ot the most important meetings held In years...
...District Jen...
...To Louis Shorner went the position of Financial Secretary and to -Isidore Aronln that ot Educational Director...
...At the next Central Committee meeting, two more circles wiU enter...
...and by the first of ^fay Trenton will again be the center of Socialist activities In Central Jersey...
...The State Office has eomn^nleated with locals in reference to* the circulation of literature In support of ths cause of the striking coal miners...
...There is no special registration day nor are registration pieces within the district...
...t . « . We have ptoas at gsafrhsa* a special drive for suoeei ipUoee for our pspers at laetmem whtoh we toteml kevlng this winter...
...Plans era being made be a large and enthusiastic meeting is atTebrsts the launching of the new y&sg]d Allegheny is also arranging tor jpg astslhif s tor Dr.' Scott Nearing on fgoroaryjtS and 86, and at that time Wist to sell * large number ot Fred gon&orson's "The Case for Socialism...
...It is imperative that every Bronx member should attend this meeting...
...Let nothing interfere...
...sympathisers are asked to visit our club rooms, where we have a library and a fine social room for their | use...
...a Tickets for the 'course of Mo lectures are $2.60...
...8. A vary fine program has been arranged, aad friends are urged to attend...
...The offices have Situ remodeled and make a very credSshtble headquarters, for' the organiza' fjen, The local is holding open house jt the new offices on Jan...
...Every member of local New Tork should make it a point to attend this meeting...
...It is deShed that all members of the Local attend this important meeting...
...The State Executive .Committee at its December meeting voted to give Eugene V. Debs a complementary aad honorary Debs' Liberty Bond, to he designated as Bpnd No...
...Tbe next Central Committer meeting will be held Saturday, Jam X at 7.80 p. M, at the Read School A banner was awarded Junior'Circle 4, by the Harlem Branch of the Socialist Party, to appreciation of...
...gave, a nnsnlmoca vote of thanks for the eerv-: lees he baa rendered the party...
...7, 1et-8d-Sth A: D. A special meeting win he held Teesday, Jan...
...However, a Local will soon be organised In Trenton...
...refreshattote win be served...
...Oneal in 6th A. d. James' Oneal, editor of Tbe New Leader, will lecture Sunday evening for the 6th A. D- 137 Avenue B, at 8:30 o'clock...
...Socialists should vote as a matter of principle...
...Isidore Ottrewsky...
...Citisenn who have moved, even .though In the same district or thoso^who have moved In the district from other Assembly Districts, must register, and can do so any day between the hours of 9 a. at...
...7. at the Peoples' House...
...AU members should attend without fail...
...Alfred Baker Lewis, goes to Kdw York...
...The New KngUad Dtetrtet CesgmttV' tton'py^^shrtS Ss rsgta^y...
...If not come to thia meeting aad pay up...
...Appreciation of the work of the old staff of officers waa evidenced by tbe fact that almost all were either re-elected or elected to other positions...
...the work done by the Juatore during rhg atootton campaign...
...Crmsrade Haberman win soon torn- New Tor* State end we expect to arrange a meeting far htm...
...Ma* smd Wnmser tlto-todehsV...
...Edward M. Cohen wiU deliver a lecture on "The Political Labor Movement of England-" Cohen has been to England twice to make a special study of the subject, and you surely cannot .afford to miss his lecture...
...Come out and start the New Tear right...
...Lillian Kaplan was re-elected Recording Secretary...
...This affeir-ls to last all Sat'-grdsy afternoon and evening...
...Tbe district 'committee deelded to piece an assessment ot $1 Ob thg membership throughout New Tfnghvsd to aid of organ Isation 'work, frweaty-flve per cent of thia fund a to be est aaldw for the purpose of .putting Trade Unionists on the subscription Hat of the American Appeal.' An application for a charter has been received for a Finnish branch in Ashbumhsm with tWenty-flve members...
...January S. The new officers recently installed are functioning in good spirit and a number of proposals for immediate activities will come before this meeting...
...Sidney Hertsbsrg and Harry Oberfest, the only candidates tor Bronx and New Tork County Organisers, respectively, were unanhheuefy elected...
...7 On Jen...
...Comrade awe of tmiontown baa recently oresd ten...
...4Jth-14th A. D. • The 4th-14th A.D...
...Comrades Yavner...
...Remember the special election in the 12th Senatorial District (the First and Second...
...SYRACUSE Of an the banquets held to the State, Comrade SUUe reports that tbe Syracuse banquet was ths most successful in enthusiasm and attendance, and this is rather strange considering that Syracuse is supposed to have the weakest Local...
...wiU be held on Thursday,1 Jan...
...NEW ENGLAND IHtrjrjCt New BTjmland ftsgrist Office, lirSultV Pasty;, XI sTasex'SA, Bootee...
...Membership Meeting . Members of toeel New Tork will please take notice that a general membership meeting win be held Thursday evening, Jan...
...tP"" The District Organiser...
...v^vTbst Pries OtaryTiis to play jA the AAelpbia Theatre and local Fhiladel¦ pakUog a bsnstt at this theJ^.sm_>aoii,ds mis gft Socialism and $taUpals.£i Philadelphia and vicinity ^nS)'jsaat-to see this play aad tt Is ^fjseg...
...watrsei Edward wtsgerald...
...1, at 8 p. m. to tbe People's Lyceum...
...Thia district comprises the First and Second Assembly Districts of New Tork County, aad ta celled to fill the vacancy created by the resignation ot James J. Walker, who was etected Mayor...
...818 Van Sicklen avenue...
...He will eater into his new duties Jan...
...Tickats Are on sale at the BjgBpofficcs from 6:S0 to 9:00 p. rn...
...226 end SOth A. D. A special election to elect a State Senator in place of Mr...
...r t v -~*ii*\5 ' SgiMskej fg gmgdsgi TsbSk...
...Tbe Junior Tipeel League held Its sixth semi-annual convention Saturday, Dec...
...Second Kings County Organizerehip was awarded to Samuel Isman...
...Comrade ps Born of Pottatown baa sold five |baV tbe pact tares weeks...
...The new officers, are ths best that could possibly >ave been chosen...
...The locafr'haa also jggtsd a special committee to solicit spy subscriptions to be followed up rttk a canvass for members for the leanSst Party...
...I gathered this information, from an old financial secretary's ledger,'* NEW YORK STATE State Secretary Merrill passed the Christmas holiday In New Hampshire, Theresa B. Wiley, ot Schenctady... Hprenings at '$1.10...
...Socialists and...
...fse -State Executive Committee has oated a referendum on the question holding a State Party Conference ijearoary 7, at Harrlsburg, ta place tbe regular Stats Convention...
...Ostrowaky- aad Hertaberg are preparing ptoas for a National Junior Organization...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK PENNSYLVAWIA em Irving in Pennsylvania doBdji fmWm^^wt' lw fa i* in fttKoci oMMtaarnlftQ E^j|g|rrAvft Fifty to BJiiJT' Parte/ of Penney!, eda, ere imh mreesf nu»t isxcwn, Eit«i«~r*~IT «>*•»Mttvtthw*f SeEpVana l-eber organisation* should Sat s» ths satno odaVoss far publiEp to Ths Now Lsorfsr...
...7. Doat forgot to vets and get your neighbor to do likewise...
...the tmnilfsw appeal aa oauW.egie thing esm he done at one ttsae sad the aaat of bonds was am that- eeaM psmWay he token ap...
...Johnson, who has resigned...
...J. . "It may interest yon to know that Upton f Sinclair was a member ot Branch 1. Socialist Party of Trenton, in the year 1904... have been sent to ail branches and lenbers-at-large and It is hoped that P members wiu vote promptly on this Say important' question so- thst we Eg nave time to make arrangements gpthe conference If It is to'be held...
...The committee took up tbe question of winter.lectures, and instructed Organizer Stills to get In touch with -Comrade Haberman, of Mexico, in regard to a lecture, tour of the State in the near future...
...This win allow us aa opportunity to make a drive ftp Oabecriptione...
...26, at the Debs Auditorium...
...Both comrades have been the leaders in building up a Junior movement in Greater New Tork...
...7th A.D...
...act- j tag as State Secretary during his Wb- i sence>.> Merrill was born at Camp ton...
...His subject win be "A Cultural Basis for...
...Comrade Both ot Scottdale Ht aaeaey tor tour mors...
...BROOKLYN AB branch socjolsiiss efaoefld not forget to get their membership Uats, aad list of officers aad delegates to the Central Committee to the comity office not later than Jan...
...Petitions were ordered for circulation by locals for signatures which demand tbe nationalisation ot the coalmine industry...
...The polls wltt be open-as usual from t In the morning to 8 In the evening, and the polling places will be located in the same places they were at the last general election...
...1 am receiving the cooperation of a few comrades in this city, so do not register surprise should you receive a request soon tor a new charter from Trenton...
...Sam^ uel P. levenberg, one at-the old timers ot Tgsatartmoottg and one ot the party's meet dependable workers, bee been elected to fill the vacancy...
...The Central Branch will meet on Tuesday evening...
...While the chances of election are poor in this district...
...Socialism to the United States...
...100 American Appeals, which I will carefully give to prospective subscribers—this vrtll probably roll in a few more subs...
...2£d A. d* Br...
...An announcement appeared to an local papers every tew days until tbe day of tbe banquet and they carried a. .vary utoji ami ssgewt fhw SiBig tog dag...
...t, at 8 p.m...
...NEW JERSEY Trenton State Secretary- Leemfins has Just received a very encouraging letter from Comrade Moser, in charge of organisation activities in Trenton, from which the following quotations were taken: "The list -of New Leader readers, which you sent to me, came in handy for I seat it to the American Appeal...
...K Pittsburgh ^aeal ?uegheny is doing everything geetble to boost ths American Appeal |g| sifints to have at least 2.000' subartptions paid for by January 1.- TBey jjjre ordered a bundle of 5.000 copies to e> distributed and expect to secure gears...
...I'm right on the Job, but don't expect too much to happen In Trenton this winter...
...Assembly District ot Now Tork) will be bold on Thursday...
...Socialist voters In the First sad Second Assembly Districts of New Tork County (Manhattan) should not fail to vote...
...YIPSELDOM Under the auspices of Circle 8, Jr...
...Mjggstgy eomradse are buying this peg like hot cakes as are all other aWedes who see it The qtate Office BhU gag a tow copies in stock...
...81£|* LocaLin co-operation with the QgSfr College of Philadelphia has arMjjfsd a series of ten lectures on Engftis literature and drama to be "given pS* Professor Robert T. Kerlin on yeSassday evening at 8 p. m. begin&jba>Jan...
...BRONX A general membership meeting of Local Bronx will be bold on Monday, January 4, at 1167 Boston Road...
...He was attending college in Princeton at that time and was admitted, into the Trenton Branch June 11, 19041 Thia was his first connection with tbe Socialist .Movement...
...Leeturee The Committee oa Education of the Tth A. D, Bronx, reports' that the series of lectures conducted under its sssnetoas^tato "wsMto^J sMtoyewtthTtofAg...
...1, to take up bis new duties to the/ Rand School...
...No special, registration necessary...
...and 4 p. m_ at ths office of the Board of Elections...
...AU have proven executive ability, strengthened by long experience...
...Comrades desiring information regarding headquarters, time of meetings, stc of the Juniors, wm please communicate with either Louie Yavner, 100 Rogers avenue, or Isidore Ostrowsky, 4et Saratoga avenue...
...Do not forget to look at j your red card aad see If you are paid up...
...The opening celebration wftt be held Saturday evening...
...7. Polls are open from 6 In the morning to t to the evening...
...Congress Avenge, Wednesday...
...Tickets on sale at the o£9is of the Socialist Party and also the JKesor College 4Headquarters at 929 SDhsstant street...
...Stats OtVios Bftisiiini orders aro coming/ ta for EpAssa Appeal sab cards...
...I also sent in a subscription list of eleven, which I signed up with little effort...
...S hwateJDsMgft on -Thg tfr'nhiiHslual Ullti i Mill i Be-, tweee...
...hundred additional aubecripreee ta this way...
...Order of business—the status of Local JJronx— the coming ball, bazaar and concert— the proposed membership drive under the direction ot Comrade Stille—the Debs dinner, eta...
...Socialist voters should not only vote themselves, but see to it that their friends aad neighbors who may not know anything about this special election ere Informed about It aad that they vote...
...Joseph A WeU hss been nominated tor the I office...
...has opened new headquarters at StS South Third street, between Heap and Hooper...
...Harry Wurbea and Dora Wolensky were re-elected to the positions of Athletic Director aad Social Director...
...Special Election in the 12th Sensteris...
...x. H...
...i, 8 p. aa, at 118 Ptorpoat street...
...This lecture will offer some unique criticisms of the American Socialist movement, and * good audience ia assured...
...CONNECTICUT . ' ; New Hsven"~~>, g&oeal New Haven will hold Its gsontlily meeting at the rooms of the 'f5ty Printing Co, 30...
...The Socialist Party candidate for Senator to that district is Henry Frucbter...
...coming to Schenectady in,the fall oT 1900, and becoming a charter mernber of l»eal Schenectady a jeer or two thereafter...
...Thg Hew -met sppsej tor snlbesrJgttossvsvoa.fcc...
...Comrades Shiplacoff and Claessens addressed the Juniors...
...who bad been the previous First Kings County Organizer, was elected Executive Secretary, aad Louis Yavner, the ex-Executive Secretary, was elected First Kings County Organiser...
...4tu Third Avwsne, eggnsr eg tremoat... assggsBtoe at its meeting BtliUdSr, Dee...
...ttohogenM wm'tortwe egT*-rne WsJM Os*rt of the League «f Ktttogg,- Tsw;'oparsd wffl he ssattowsd swsry Friday- far: the rest ot the winter nt the bmdgtgurtorg of tbe breach...
...a comrade weU known in the Soolabat Party .and particularly on the East Side, where the main section of this district is located...
...Locale have been urged to circulate the pamphlet, recently gotten out by lie City Committee of Greater New Tork, and to send in orders for tbe same...
...The application was setoff upon favorably...
...t end S Branches two and three win usher to the New Tear with a special meeting on Friday...
...The club rooms are open every night...
...Ths voters who voted la these districts at the last general election are entitled to vote without having to register if they stin reside in the seme place they voted from at the last election...
...A tew -comrades wantod to eee this through and with the help of the Workmen's Circle sad the good work ot Fred Sanders and Stanley Morris we saw It through...
...Philadelphia Notes it'Xeoel Philadelphia la moving from fggu Amh street to the Labor Institute tpt til locust street...
...A number of important matters will come up for decision involving the welfare and future ot the local...
...that they will buy tickets j»gSjfe the local and help tho organlmWtf...
...S. L, Esther Friedman is to lecture on tbe topic "A Better World," at the Brownsville Labor Lyceum, JI» Sackman street, this Saturday, at 3m P. M. Admission to free and all are welcome...
...Skuas for* activity during the wintef months will be discussed...
...All comrades are urged to attend and bring their friends...
...2.2d and mat ' Come, early and get good seats... excellent musical program eras rendered...
...LOCAL NEW YORK Genera...
...of that I can assure you...
...This branch is a welcome addition to tbe New England roster...
...With this list I sent in an order for a bundle of...
...Individual leofiene tSc...
...During tbe last half year the membership was tripled and the number of circles Increased to nine...
...2. All PhllaKsaTpatoi eoavades are urged to attend Shis ."faintly re-union," and bring their ftrieata...
...Rand School Aa interesting and varied agenda was carried out...
...7 there will be a special election in the ltth Senatorial District of New Tork...

Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 53

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