CAN CREDIT CONTROL BRING LABOR'S VICTORY? The Douglas Scheme, a Plan to Equally Distribute the Advantages of Capitalim— Where It Fails By the Editor OCCASIONALLY some new ¦ theory ot capitalism...

...problems to be tackled et the convention., and permit the branches' wishes on such-questions to be expressed through its delegates instead of (aa heretofore) the delegates' wishes tor thg branches spoken .on matters whose coming up before a national convention...
...ON THE INTERNATIONAL FRONT bulgaria Socialists Wsr or Tssnksf ^Recent cablegrams- from Sofia, telling ot the pardoning by King Boris ot three score" persons condemned to death for alleg^dvcomplicity in the bomb outragr in^nhe Svet Nadelia Cathedral last A*prH snd...
...It U an inexcusable sin...
...Tbe organized...
...therefore, one desired to keep people in the dark* regarding this teUeged solution of the social problem he would have.difficulty in doing so...
...A real spirit of comraderel wss prevailing, yand harmonious prearrangdU action was evident, j»nd credit is due to the - executive committee ot the circle for planning details in advance...
...Genevieve Kaufman...
...Pianist, Marjorle Gates...
...Work' but thia- problem of credit control in the...
...Agrarians and...
...2, to hoar a lecture by Hymte Waldman on 'The Law Makers - and...
...We hove always opposed - blind and bloody struggle os silly snd ineffective...
...acquire some measure of control over industry, but it...
...The only question remaining wss how the 102 local groups of the society should, be embodied in the Socialist Party, As some delegates favored going over as a national body while others were for allowing each group to decide for...
...t by a vote of 408,332 to 814.385...
...JJust why the credit advocates must-' suspect Socialists eg being either dishonest or...
...In every egg, there have been these...
...presented by an enthusiast who believes that he has discovered some simple method by which the absurdities and Jujus> ?ices of the system can be elimii^xted...
...with 883 sections and '18.400 members, it affiliated with the Socialist Party, but wlthTJrW ' when the Socialists took what the Gruetll leaders thought was too radical a course during and after the World War...
...It is a part of capitalism and to transform' the straggle Into an intelligent one, to organise the working class for the conquest ot the system snd to reconstruct the whole of capitalism on a co-operative basis is the aim, ot .the ..Socialist movement...
...gj stage that win pass sway and bg'-*aeV ceoded by another mot aa tt succeeded a previous phase^of htetory...
...Jt win be interesting to our correspondent to know that befdre Major Douglas worked out his Idea in England JCr...
...and Pierre J. Proudbon also anticipated Major Douglas in much that be has written on control snd use of credit...
...itself, it was < resolved to have «a referendum on this matter...
...i held in Sofia in October, tbe party leaders have ' been -more aggressive than''ever,'end nave kept up a constant warfare on tits reaction...
...oad Hertsborg gave several recitations and a pantomime...
...switzerland' Another Socialist Victory . Following the big gains by the Swiss Socialists in the national elections ot Oct...
...v By keeping the economic amagov niam inherent In modern espitajggn In mind, do'We urge the worker/'to figbt la blind, and .bloody warfare with no definite end in view...
...while "that of the Citizens' Party and the Radicals, feU from 11,048 to 10,087...
...r' * * ^ A Hew Circle, 7th A. D. '•The new circle Jn the 7th A. D. had Its second meeting Saturday night, at -tm Thlrg avenue...
...P. . "I thaiik God I am not of those who can feel comfortable while others suffer... when the time is ripe...
...labor power and labors ore win be sompeUed to sen 8C end-out of this rotation comes the economic conflict aad the ensuing class, struggle...
...I could look at those walls, and they would melt away...
...Industrial democracy Is impossible, be contends, so long as finance remains untouched While administration of industry-by the workers is' hot important.* Credit 'control' is'the important and "fundamental factor of-capitalism...
...who cannot be bVibedj^fannot be brow-' beaten...
...Right arid Left, Conservative and Social Democrats, lipiomats and tbe common people...
...Going to prison...
...In urging the voters to support the amendments, the Socialists did not fall to emphasize the fact that the new pension system would be far from meeting their ideals,.but they admitted that it wag about all that could be won at present and consequently ought to be put through as the baste for a reel all around insurance for the masses later...
...The Douglas Scheme, a Plan to Equally Distribute the Advantages of Capitalim— Where It Fails By the Editor OCCASIONALLY some new ¦ theory ot capitalism .is...
...It was a very humorous scene and pleased everybody, immensely...
...Among other things, at this meeting, it win be decided whether to change thg...
...It will be seen that our correspondent osaumos that we are engaged in a conspiracy to keep from the masses some important knowledge that ws "must know...
...Before' the convention met there were many prophesies in the bourgeois press to1 the effect that -the "moderates" were sure to win control of the party and that if they didn't there would be 1 a split...
...In 1893...
...will, of the exploiting classes 9f filch' from the mosses all values In excess or enough to live on...
...ta oa outline of the idea Arthur Brenton saga that Tt solves the problem of harmonising the Interests of the capitalist and the worker within the industrial system...
...the American People...
...I was never in prison for an instant...
...lut I believe in It so thoroughly thst I can project myself Into ft, can live in it, by doing all I can to make it possible...
...Socialists did not and could not create this economic antagonism...
...i At first the Tsankof terrorists tried to Squelch the opposiUon in the Sobranje by redoubling their outrages and arrests throughout the...
...rot course, I shall not see tt...
...I havs such a" feeling for these two heroes and martyrs that if" I could I would willingly take their place...
...heroic spirits...
...But nothingVof the sort happened... meeting wHl bo held Saturday...
...Throughout the history of the Socialist movement we have always counselled intelligent struggle, a struggle based' upon knowledge of the...
...Any program that ignores that fundamental fact will lead to tdissppolntmbut...
...Wendell Phillips wrote the first So' ciallst ptatform In 1871...
...It considers capitalism merely as bus stage of economic btetory...
...Certainly netNo movement has a more "definite end ia view- than' the Socialist move, seen*.' a .wMuaands : of pobheationo, books, lasflots, conventions aad Inter* national ¦coegresoss the end hi view •has been, stated over aad over again, IT oar correspondent does not, understand Jt, Jt Is certainly not because 'we have asglsctad to inform him: v> "Blind and Bleedy Warfare" . Nor do ws urge tbe workers to "fight, in band And bloody warfare...
...Levtee, Parmett...
...The New Loader: Hoboken Comrades hailed^ with pleasure the circular letter from the National Executive Committee of the party...
...JBvery night I think of Sacco and VanxetU when I He down'-to sleep...
...First Proposed In England The Douglas credit scheme was in England placed before the National Guilds League, five years ago and was Ignored...
...Permit ownership by a class of the powers Of...
...It will be observed that the credit control scheme is based on the Idea , that the whole system of capitalism la acceptable except for one defect, wipe out this and everybody wis ' • happy...
...Reports in the Berner Tagwacht from other municipalities in the Canton of Bern show that, in general, the Socialists held their own and in seme cases msde slight gains...
...He Is an idealist, absolutely incapable of -the -crime with which he woo charged...
...All those who-have been receiving letters or postals from comrade Hertsbsrg must be present, to voice their opinion as to what nights is the most convenient for there to meet...
...I think I could go to the stake for this cause.' I am happy so long as I can-look myself in the face without a blush.- The only way to secure lm,mortal youth is to be^absolutely true...
...He paid a warm tribute to the men -whowre in prison.for opinion's sake...
...great upheaval ,on tbe railroads in 1877 aad the dynamiting ot the Lob Angeles Times "building by Urn Macnamara brothers art exaamples ot thia fuUle form of stpiggle...
...meeting nights to Thursdays instead of Saturdays...
...Workmen's Furaitore Fire Insurance Society INCORPORATED New York snd Vicinity and>49 Branehei is ths United SUtei...
...tews .of a developing capitalism, in order "to avoid .illusions end to make the most of working "class striving...
...Ciesseons gt Bronx Fellowship August Cleeesens win address ths Open Forum of the Bronx Free Fellowship, _t 180.1 Boston Road, Sunday, January ~'t, at '8.30 p. m. Mr...
...said: "There are...
...Ben Levi no, who hurriedly dressed up in lady's attire, acted the lad/ witness whose dignity was Injured by 'an Italian street cleaner, and Bsaeoff presided as the Judge...
...following the manner prescribed fn section 11, Article VI Of the National Constitution Ot the party, ere to receive a ptece-fn agendo for the next national convention...
...I hsfye discovered long ago tbe fountain of youth...
...It is so - though one ware to have lived in a pre-capitalist society and proposed to make all arrangements equitable for every human" being by altering ^pK modifying' Wme particular Tha gtibtdiiiiiitgf 0f lattorooto '« Ws sra freak la saying that the outlook, the method oad the scheme -are utterly Utopian dad we are all the more convinced of this whoa wa are assured that" the interests of capitalist oad laborer'will he harmonised "within Jha Industrial system" The capitalist buys labor power oad the laborer sella it ta the two classes hi concentrated the antagonism of buyer odd seuor...
...Ctaessens' subject will be, "Tbe Roots of Prejudice...
...This to only another way Of stating what fa meant by social evolution...
...Gulltaume do Greet, the Belgian sociologist, Ferdinand LsssaOe...
...The fruit of explditaUon turns to ashes upon the Hps at last...
...Assistant Organiser Esther Milgram win recite two Interesting poems, comrades Greshler...
...interest of the fssnphnt soys the supporter of Douglas, and there win be nb need of bothering about anything else...
...Its more . militant young men joining the Socialist Party, and, at present it has only about 2,700 members...
...Socialist lines, with Marxian principles as the basis, in the hope of uniting the scattered labor forces for a drive against the Tsankof...
...Thia broad perspective la, obtained by o study of history, and one .who approaches .the problem from this point of view is not likely to select one economic function of society for reformation in the hope of solving the social problem... by the end ot May: bronx : The- Junior...
...production aafs no matter what organisation of Credit Is undertaken that disss win buy...
...We have no objection to credit advocates establishing ig publication and if they persistently present this idea we wlU not charge them with .being engaged in a conspiracy to keep 'the program of Socialism from the masses...
...When Parliament resumed ltd sessions last month the Socialist deputies took the lead In denouncing, .the Government and succeeded in getting nearly 'all the Opposition forces together in an anti-Tsankof block...
...Dorchester, Maes, . The National Convention Agendo Editor...
...A ygrent <*eal of the circle's activities depend upon the capability of the officials... Referendum Carried Largely because of the campaign In their favor waged by the Social Democratic Tarty, although the Socialist press aad Deputies did not fail to poin( out their detects, ths const!-' tutlonal amendments Instructing the Federal Government Jo set up a system of bid age and widows and dependents pensions aad to follow that up with tho establishing of State Insurance against illness as soon as practical were carried on Dec...
...Comrade Pastukhof declared: "The present regime.has outdone all It's predecessors in drawing the hatred of -the world upon Bulgaria and In -forcing this country into .the worst state of isolation It has ever known...
...corrupt because they ere not Impressed with the scheme is a problem which we prefer to refer to our readers...
...s. 3:15 p. aa- at 42x5 Third avenue, corner ot Tremont... antagonism.that Is autre acute and fundamental than the conflict which Occurs-between the pur-, chasdr'and tbe seller in the case of the hpusewlfe who * bargains for the weekly supply of foodstuff a In all countries where capitalism has appeared the conflict of interests has received rtaeh* into sn organised strugtho- that kg bmplngoib* mgsntssifcmrl erst the second in trade aniens...
...All such Issues are important in winning g bet-* ter position for the masses within tho present social order while they organise, mobilize and march with the view of transforming the great Industries into the collective property of society snd men aging them for the welfare of an...
...This seems the more probable as King Boris is understood to be in favor of new elections snd a milder: regime.Following the*.victory of the radical elements in the'ariwual convention of the Bulgarian Social .Democratic Party...
...Blind aad bloody warfare Is generally tbe course taken by workers who do hot understand-capitalism and the class struggle... liquidate...
...form of the class struggls appears ia every capitalist country before the Socialist movement appears.' By their economic position in society the working class are" compelled to organise into unions...
...The new theory is often' sv simple that it does not propose to Iter the fundamenals of capital.sin, it being assumed that this is not even necessary.: Wo bsts received a number of letters from s correspondent regarding a new proposal whicb hafl its...
...I em glad the English Labor Party takes ths"position that.the right method of Social emancipation is to discover the cause of the class , struggle and remove that, instead of batting thl worker en to fight In blind end bloody warfare-with no definite end In view...
...origin in England, .the following being typical: fl have neither the' time nor tho energy to make another protest, snd yet I am going to make one...
...Circle 8 is busily engaged raising funds for "Camp Ypsl" which it Is trying to establish for1 the Ypsls of Greater New 'York, and would like to havs the cooperation of every circle in order to start the...
...ot plans by ' Premier Tsankof for a wholesale amnesty embracing thousands of Com[ munis ts...
...the Comrades at borne often could hardly be expected to foresee...
...L an election* of officers win take place...
...The Comrades here consider the plan a decided Improvement on the party's past methods In making ready for a national convention in that it will allow the branches a foreknowledge of most it not all, of the...
...Ths GrueUi Society, named after the meadow where, more than ego years sgo, was organised the league that laid the foundation of the Swiss Confederation, started intl838 as a champion of political liberty...
...Comrades Greshlsr, Basoft...
...He said, in part:/ "I feel very sorry" for people whb allow themselves, to grow old...
...Inviting from aU tbe branches resolutions and suggestion...
...As someone had to be there, I was glad to be able to render that bumble service...
...I am sorry for the-man who has only dollars and Imagines he has wealth...
...Carpenter In his "Guild Socialism" writes that "Presently, the hackers of the scheme hinted very broadly that the neglect of their project was deliberate, pertly Hersuse of sinister pressure from -the financial Interests at which it bit...
...8 when the Socialist vote In the municipal election in...
...Socialists, indicate that the vigorous fight against thg Government waged by the Social Democrats in the Sobranje and, as far as possible in the Bulgarian press, during the last few weeks is getting some results...
...I looked into his deep heart...
...Comrade Waldman bee Just coma from Washington where he is completing his law course...
...All are Invited to hear him...
...should not be considered an end in itself...
...The scheme does not •recognise human society as an evol*>.ng . organism with a. variety of Institutions sad interests constantly changing...
...This is not to imply that credit control in some form amy' not be useful to assisting the masses to...
...It should be regarded in ths same way ss the legal eight-hour day, legislative restriction of the tabor ot women and children in Industry, protection of the franchise, more equitable representation of parties in legislative bodies, and so on...
...They so sot in response to the need of improving their conditions aa a class and against' ths...
...To the Editor of The New Leader: ^Tbe beginning ot the year ia a Ume to take heart and courage, In these early days h< 1926, it is worth while' to recall some Of tbe words spoken by Eugene V. Debs at the banquet green In Boston in honor of his seventieth birthday, on May 1, 1925, I noted them down at the time...
...Who con imagine -the torture of these two souls in an these days and aaogfhg aad^yoaraX.IC the?.are gxg> tuted, it win leave aa indelible blot upon the history of Massachusetts...
...I am twice 35...
...Ws heartlessly urge the working class on in a senseless struggle with "no definite end in view.?' It does not occur to him that ho has ths same opportunity to present his credit solution [that we have for presenting our views...
...Levins aad Parmett promise to be present...
...The "right fwing" turned out Jxx be so feeble the/ it could not elect even one member of the Central Committee, which is noW composed}- of well-tried comrades, all of whom are bitter enemies ot the Tsankof regime...
...The Socialist won 80 seats, against 18 in 1923, and now have St Aldermen, againat...
...Be as true to them aa they have been to yout Let us keep, their names on our lips' end in our hearts.' Let us do ev#-rv thing thst we can rntil these two innocent'men walk- lortlv, tree...
...In a speech summing up the work of the Bulgarian reactionary terrorists," and pointing out that they were still at work killing off labor, and peasant .leaders...
...ANTHONY STBKFICH ' Hoboken...
...CspHallsm win function to oa equitable way for all...
...Circle-had a splendid entertainment test Friday at 1187 Beaton-Bead...
...alico> stotsg buckwsjl...
...a-great many heroes behind prison bars today, gad ' especially] here In the United 'States...
...85 came another victory on Dec...
...I am not Jed while others are hungry...
...He and Sacco were tried in a time'of hysteria, end therefore found guilty...
...Everybody will hove ea equal vote...
...SOceOjand Vsnzettt...
...There Is a bright future before humanity, even If we do not live to see It...
...Established 1871 Membership 44,000 Mala office l'orNtw Tork sad viclslty s< 241 E|it 84th fit...
...It was so with Socrates, and with the Man ot Galilee...
...Next Frktayt Jan...
...I am not 70...
...Thus the Socialist movement conelders the whole of modern society end ¦ not one phase of Its economic functions...
...My overcoat is not warm while I see some poor shivering wretch...
...Briefly, the Bougies scheme proposes that credit power be taken over by consumers through ths establishment of labor banks, with power to .Issue currency, and fix prices based) upon a fraction of factory coat corresponding to the ratio of consumption, to production...
...Every sstsaboi saast be present, aad take an active part la the election so that only those who are amet efficient in the circle's affaire should be placed ta office...
...Tou show an average capitalist a magnificent tree, like the one described in ^Joyce Kilmer's poem, and he takes out bis pencil and figures out how many feet of lumber there are in it...
...Bern rose" to 10488 from 8487 in 1828...
...Tbe tide has turned, and we shall go forward, if you will be true to your- highest conceptions of duty...
...At 3 p. m. Leon Rosser Land win speak at the Fellowship Service on "The *New Civilisation/' Soloist...
...That is a Joy, for Socialism- I should hate to go for capitalism..., but the latest reports seem to show that these tactics have not proved satisfactory, which probably accounts for the present amnesty move...
...40 Citizens' Partyites and Radicals' ¦ and 2 Evangelicals...
...Phoas.Lenox 8559 Office Hoars, g a m.-6 p. a. 8aC, 9 a. aw' 1 p. m. Closed os Sundsyt sad Holidsyi Brooklyn Offles open only Itoadsyi sod Thursdays, from 8:30 to 8:80 p. 0...
...Why een't Socialists advocate not' the ownership of the means of production, but the ownership of theeredit tMbt -Is necessary to finance both production and consumption T But why waste my breethf You must know...
...His book on "The Revolution Absolute" wss publishes in 1918...
...Labor Lyoeara...
...They are abeolutely innocent, I do not know Sacco' personally, but I have met VanzsttL I sat with him in bis prison eel], knee to knee, heart to heart...
...Chip*, which is watering tog erst phases of capitalistic production, else presents this economic class struggle...
...How much longer ere the editors of The...
...A mock trial waa performed by Hertsbsrg who acted both as district attorney and the defendant...
...Despite th^piigh-soundIng defis occasionally *given out by the Tsankof Government, it is well known that the mobilisation of pubUc opinion aU over tbe world against the bloody regime that has oppressed the Bulgarian masses ever since the overthrow of Premier Stambulisky in June, 1823, is having its effect and that Professor Tsankofs days as Premier are numbered...
...L ". The New Leader mail Bag...
...Then it" began to go downhill...
...At this rate of progress the next election -of half the members of the council wilt see the Socialists in a majority...
...New Leader, and the contributing editors, going .to keep the' publie in the dark about creditits nature, ownership end use...
...I felt always around me tbe vibrations of your hearts...
...Abroad all parties...
...I sat at his . feet...
...We have to suffer, hut the compensation is so rich, so overwhelming) I have regretted a thousand-Umes that . I have so little to -give to lie movement that has done so much for me...
...The resolutions adopted call -for a great campaign of working class education ' along...
...N. J. yipseldom Circle 8. Manhattan, meets*at their headquarters,-187 Avenue B- Saturday evening...
...940-967 Wiiioaghby Ave For addresses of Branca .Secretarial -writs to oar main office...
...Tou have two here in -Massachusetts...
...Charles Ferguson outlined'a similar program in this country...
...The attendance developed...
...Qruetli Society Absorbed About the last.step ia ths absorpttoa^of_ the GrneUl Society* by tbe Social Democratic Party was taken on Nov- 32 when tbe last congress of that organization voted, 122 to 18...
...This is what so-' clety does to men who are too honest...
...A soelebbr-is scheduled to follow the, business' meeting, which- to to start at I:It sharp...
...In jrlet all public opinion, are as one in their view of tbe present Bulgarian Government...

Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 53

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