-:- $600,00 WORTH OF INVESTIGATION -:What the Expensive U. S. Coal Commission Found; Findings Refuse to Face Nationalization Issue By Louis F. Budenz EtO ANYONE who his been rUi the hard and...

...and yet the commission's records have Iain on tb* shelves o( Washington's archive rooms —unprtnted and unavailable save only to th* evarator...
...attempt* to continue SjJa high school and college, and finally baa B crushed out of him when he eater* tea world—free aad a man...
...Some aubetancea act directly upon the muscles, others act upon the* nerves or upon tbehraln cells .—there ia belladonna, there la cocaine, and there used to be alcohol...
...To look further for aa attempt to aaaimihyt* th* maavate of aaturo be asking too much...
...aad moat of us depend upon "our Instinctive ability to Interpret expressions of the face either by .our past experience or by mimicking the muscle actions involved (nag* alt...
...It la therefore no now discovery that the United States Opal Cdrnrntorlna baa made in brtaging some *t eases facta, aad other* of a Ska sort, to the surface—aa a resuK of a fdSS^SS tn-, reaUgattou...
...Naturally, the** oondi• tfcns are merely th* reflex of th* l#W WssngfeM •if wft# |Tltlvsj>fa*T« I to we^lw'Jk ported!* unsmploymeot play* no . small part...
...Th* monkey business rejuvsnstors...
...O, how he doea analyse and tentelixsO - Those healing culterthe big muscle boy...
...The "personality" or temperament is thus, from one-point of view, the result ot tho action and tho Interaction of these internal secretion...
...Then*we resort to "heredity...
...aad the gradual shuslspsasat af wider control by U. 8. Steal, B*thteh*m Steel...
...Or cold and eUSmat sociology...
...ipwy put iato bis penetrating study ot •ipgstb who would be free "but cannot ae-Tke HatrU.a . £ it***- does Mr...
...Whewwwwwwwl What a email...
...great a height...
...others influence the 'output of energy...
...But tt ia only through comparison with their neighbor* that they fail abort When there are such a number of tales, rising to such pinnacles aa The Stole aad A Feud, at would be impossible to expect aB of them to reach so...
...They beg SSk to return, #? hi sparing honeyed Sjrei ot a brilliant future, where hie totort for wards is sure to amaxe the •arid- What else Is there for him to If...
...Deuced clever, those people, and the organs of which they are made up...
...mekHJ aad his parents are to blame...
...Berman's Contribution to the Study of Humans By B. C. Grucnberg THE facts of individual variation are most ^easily blamed upon the "environment" until we discover the operation and the, limits of certain environmrental ' factors...
...itU-ltss, proflto 4n shown going up to M par coat to 1S17...
...To understand that th* Internal secretions do actually operate somehow to unify mind and matter ought to be helpful 'to moat of ua...
...In Osteopathy land, where the Abram's method grows...
...yet he continually speaks of rpurpoaaa," hi th* manner of those who assume that they know the meantag of the universe and the intentions of tts makers and operators...
...poetic a pteantrii^r ot beaten Idealistic youth as (tvhi Levy has given us tn bis first pswOV fMst only poetic feeling...
...It to also Influenced by "the presence ot substances that are not essential to tto vital activities—the byproducts of its own activities, such aa carbon), dioxide and urea, substances that are essential -but present in excessive quantities, such aa various salts, and substances that are poisonous, such aa the by-products of the activities of other plants and animals...
...By Morris Fishbem...
...Cloeing Renke in Germany ^¦The Postal...
...Of fsct and humor mixed with brains...
...TvSomTSn^nmTwnr sa^earatls^ tho Commissi pa to itoSnltSly.ttod.down by thefaatthaAttWffla^ tion...
...To understand that the glands or internal secretion mediate between the environment* and tho native capacities of the organism should b* helpful to moat of us...
...THE STRUGGLE OF A YOUTH By Madelin Leaf toatom have we read so...
...Perhaps hs will, be still, my hesrt, bo stilt . And who'll go for th* spiritists...
...There aw ia the higher backboned animal* several structures that produce specific aubetanoce which are absorbed Into the blood aad distributed by the blood to oil parte of tho body...
...The living matter of human being...
...tern, and a tow amy bo accused of being slight...
...And compressed nerves, ye pod...
...Levy sentimentalise gy gosb> although both are very easy in « tab) that' tells of a youngster who attorn to live his own mental lite la ¦milium acbool...
...Those Medicine Man Blues Inspired hi a reading of The Medical Follies...
...It ia personality aa thus Influenced that coast!tutea th* subject matter ot th* book, "Th* Personal ¦qantten.* . To know these various secretions, their sources, their chemical properties, and their effect fat detail, to bo able to produce them at will aad to administer thorn so aa to produce specific desired results, is to master some of "nature's moat ta actuating secrete.*' The reader must be warned against the hop* of mastering these secrets through a reading of thia book...
...daaj a* an th* dreams, an tho wordpBtuies, an the longings of the idealletti youth are put away, and the world toat and ia proud of a successful busings sua, whose huge advertising agane> Is soon to be annihilated by still Beyer advertising atfencleeand whose Saiy gift to posterity Is a grandson WSO loves th* violin and dissipation lad drink had Paris...
...Tho Commission's chief recommendation for anthracite ta: The declaration that it to a public atOity aad the establishment accordingly of machinery of regulation...
...This treatment alone to a splendid addition to literature, eapeetarjy to those af to* writing craft...
...to make a guess take tb* place of a fact and...
...N. Y. $2.00...
...But believe me, he owing...
...O, mammy, liftsn te him rag...
...The physical eulturista and birth controllers...
...For that purpose the prooent summary is welcome—one the pubhoatton at the futl'fladinge by tb* Opverasasat wtQ a*va> prove more helpful...
...Thto to sdat with fh* r—Itwatloa day aa-^tomosrow.^ ^ H^rf net to the array *C ssal aaatostoJ Chat tt baa brought to light to which labor eaa look far eld ta/1anestling Ms aide of the coal question...
...this matter...
...Tslegrapb aad Telephone Iteployea' department of the German fYtnsport aad Communications Federation and the General Union Post Office Workers, recently held a joint eeaferance...
...others influence the activity of the cortex or the thinking part of the brain...
...investment—no small return...
...This book has no hish falutln etymology...
...To please the latter taste, there to the remarkable picture of an elderly Englishman in The Stole...
...Findings Refuse to Face Nationalization Issue By Louis F. Budenz EtO ANYONE who his been rUi the hard and soft coal ¦HMi> for 24 hours, and has Bgtoes about him, it is plain: IHShat the miners da hot lux|E|e in-the modern plumbing pjj other household necessities BBiS °P coming- Rotarians, M nW humblest mold, bat that Bsjr firing conditions are barren S| intmanly unfit piThat they herd together of IStataity in isolated communiEto which the city dweller would Emit st inhabiting...
...For-example, tannin ia jfound in the hark of certain trees, pigments are found in the leaves or in the wood...
...The temptation to make a little knowledge go unduly far ia almost Irresistible...
...Only S par oont of th*** «ho*aee»* to wfatoh the bttuminous minor* live, have inside -. ftosh, toilets, *nd loss thaw th** saaaser...
...of this century's great literature...
...The Salvation of a Forsyte, bake tho book wittf bib famous epic of Bngliab Ufa There follow fifty-six excursions Into human nature...
...SaaflaM ttssnwt 14 P*J%T 04M£ httVet OitWllfhJjjp water ineido, "though nearly SI per •eat of tho Zldoompawy.eewtrollail ' oommunltie* hay* water-worics ayatama...
...and the attaint prodding* Into the phlegmatic British coldness so oddly portrayed ta The Japanese Guinea...
...to make a supposition serve aa a stepping- stone to a conclusion la much too eaayji Older forme of thinking, including guesses, and prejudices, .and metaphors, and wish**, and more or less4 completely shattered theories, are too easily mixed ta with now facta, and new attempts at interpretation *ad evaluation...
...Watsh him seek the Bris-banel editor...
...Yea, wo have oulte 'Vie hultx," All torts of vegetables and trip...
...And pregnancy and abort breath, In maladjusted vertebrae...
...But ife got to bo doneAmerica must be debunked end rid of all Seat...
...Just what regatotfoa urffl' produce toward bettering oondltlons we are at a'toss to...
...fj^ That they engage in an onlopfortable and highly dangerE occupation, which lays low a fpge percentage of workers every P^nth a lltUe inquiry, this visitor to njgi could also learn: 1. That anthre4&» Is a hard-boiled monopoly, which ansa MtUe for workers or th* couejm...
...the gentle etching ot aa old lady ta The Grey Angel...
...He blows no sexy saxophone...
...Some substances depress the action of living matter, others accelerate the action—there are stimulants and there are narsotic...
...the courage that eee* actuality, and is unafraid to carve tt ori a printed page...
...With a happy medium like this book...
...Out of this trained control win com* batter profltol Far th* tsn-yeeroporlod...
...He give* you no technical dotoils on the preparation of standard hormones, no -lTrr'+ rule* for recognizing Just what is needed in any given situation...
...with that kindly to* sight which is only given to tho gym* pathetic, the pathod aad the misery at th* prostitute's existence...
...New <ti Xork: Thomaa Ssltsw...
...Many on, et-al ThI* I* th* age of Jaxs and bunk...
...From Canada right dawn through Oixhr land...
...Such fearlessness is fat The Bright Side, written tn 1*1 i. and showing In all its glaring cruelty the blunders at the recent war...
...We are told, for example, that th* body to constructed of ban* ta proportion* of length, breadth and thickness, which th* aye measure* Instinctively aa right or wrong—normal or abnormal (peg* 177...
...the long pilgrimage ism the hearts snd minds of men,-and has .returned with this CARAVAN of treasure...
...To pass from the mystical and the anthropomorphic education of our childhood to a subjective and scientific study of human nature ia no- easy task...
...Whoever touches the cover of our fine system...
...but Oat rare quality—restraint—doee Mr...
...It la Sound that aome of them influence growth and development...
...Bom * Lfrerig...
...but it is only in comparatively recant times that -the characteristics of their specific products have been systematically studied...
...Here is a book that can stand proudly beside THE FORSYTE SAGA, and that will take its place in the van...
...And gave it a little paregorical phyeick...
...Levy heap coals ot fire for preventing young VeXbn from completing bis poetry or bis lore...
...All this Is fairly easy to understand...
...In the Introduction to the' volume, John Hays Hammond, who was Chairman, says: "There to no easy panacea far this troubled industry.'' By that statement ho hop** to dsmonah nationalisation with aa ancient aide-Swipe...
...asaro kem* ton af 11 n i iTTgnstestonth* Stasaaoto hsstog saWssfaato r**totot thi ipmtos afaanrhftamiesiM mints" To grapple *8h*thMSF 'with She ettae...
...The ,*sa»» SSasSty "wretohoeV "* ""^ Sn iisflii *p st batespaX S he...
...Different w*y* *f making a dollar...
...A Bmttmr Anmwmr Rmqmrmd - But th* Commission had drawn agisters sf a kewatoto *f thteaw ' that laantoss sssas hector asatoer, . The ehaptor ** -How the Miner* UrtoV betaas eat aasto iTsSrly that they do not live dmnifj...
...After reading the book one to a till at a - loss' to know whether a meal of sweetbread* or ojp lamb fries once a week will restore one's youth, or whether ft Is safe to buy thyroid tablets by the box to eat between meals to insure success ta salesmanship or ta passing intelligence testa...
...These functions the present book serves vary well...
...Delayed Printing Of Its Findings It is a grave reflection on the present working* of our benevolent Government that it has moved so Slowly toward,tho pointing ot these record* of tho - commission...
...It'* always been money making time...
...In too aaauaair* of th* eanraadtatoan work, teat published ta beak farm by Um> staff of the eeanatoatoa...
...have bathtub* or shower...
...Tbe eahaacoa beauty of style, the mom subtle appreciation of ohswnterleotlon...
...So It to not too much to say that Caravan to a in listen* tn twsntlsth century Btorature, a book to bo read and reread by an lovers of a good tale, and to bo studied by aB who hope to achieve the creation af on...
...The increase In wags* ia recent year*, even in* anthracite has been tea* then In most other industries* da to, profits, we do not eat as much of a glimpse ot them aa we think peeadim* hm*rtoet tttsvney baa»*to Oto dtonaastoa at thotr greSta tojatetoward control an foot to Sto asaaaaat by aome M Pc<*boirt** operators of royaltle* to two or three compaadea...
...The Important thing J*, that a commission composed of the coaesrvatlve and ingrown par spaas...
...But facto that hurt like brleks...
...Fur It snows the comparison of the same theme, treated by the same author...
...Thus the book has two values...
...SsJeworthy eeeme to be a second Gladstone in hi* championship at "women of a certain type," tor at least tea of tb* stories ton...
...Popular books like this one of Br...
...The stories are paired, aa early tele being followed by one of later date, bat treating of a similar them...
...He vVS.aot get a chance to revolt to tts fm^** eymbals, bloodshed or brass Bg, The ties which bind him to his ^PSpbi are those of affection and traSjBaS His oldest aleter die...
...The ,*sa»» SSasSty "wretohoeV "* ""^ ntoms 71J0QS hi all war* msrlly board and batten, the ahsapwt - luted af asnstrasttoa...
...Not myself, bat Ot* Amarteaa Aassetottos, tor Labor legislation to reSponaftu* tor anoh a ctaurgo...
...There'Is hot one story of the entire fifty-six that to not Interesting and readable...
...and decided to organise the teaployes in the Postal...
...Tho antiviviseotionisto...
...and with aa his efforts to be soiestiflc, ear author remains victimised by the, very effectiveness of big early teaching, He ia seeking, for example, the* exact cause-and-effect relatlonahip between structure aad chemical substances oa th* on* hand, and conduct temperature and feelings, oa tho other...
...oomtissioM yornro, Br tto ttUhK tto Unltol"ftau» Ceal Owej-gto^a- van...
...111 toll She world and all yeu reader...
...Flshbein just grabbed our sick socisty...
...This lend of the spree end the home of the knave...
...Kid, he shews up the mental heeler...
...aa a literary study, and aa a literary feast for the epicure...
...They share with the "unconscious" the responsibility of furnishing an easy formula to allay people's concern about what they do not know in...
...la It*), wholesale proflto went up to the high mark of U per oont oa...
...Telegraph and jtejephone services into a single union...
...How nje be then leave his parents...
...CARAVAN— By Joinhat "iBK coax...
...In recent years the glands of internal secretion have Been called upon to carry part of the burden of explaining what we do not-understand in the characteristics and conduct of human beings...
...O, what an enemy he makesl Of all the quaeks end fake*.' Toe bad he oeuldnt da the same With aH the sex and nervoua wrecks...
...Company, tho MaUoa FtttaburgB Coal Company, ate...
...Who find high price* in sun spots...
...Right on the button, bo...
...Who write en hell-th and wealth...
...Thead gsbtlansa hare bean aayioaa not to have thane adings come pVblksry to Iflrfat...
...but agree...
...Those correspondence course docs and quacks...
...Ail of those facts, entirely commonplace, must have added to them another class of facts...
...X That it Is <*hmtrolled by railroads and Interlocked with the aeS* financial interests ot the coun1 That bituminous coal is in a ohetorabfy chaotic condition, with jMr* mines and minora...
...Nor does he make It clear whether ha means the purposes of the organs and tissues and Juice*, or the purposes of'aome gods outside the machine...
...A mean and nasty medical mea*phono...
...His Caravan baa ambled leisurely through twenty-three yearn beginning with ltSO, aad baa brought back to the markets of fniaUect varied, and hilar sal Ins aawa The first story...
...He hajeas the advertising firm...
...He dips his pen In a strong solution...
...pubUc" doe* not know thee* facta, never having been to the coal fields, and ettq Is largely .the plaything', of every new white of misleading propaganda...
...than the nbaSry apparently need...
...These glands of internal secretion have been known as structure* for a long time...
...certain drugs are prepared from roots, other from leaVfes, perhaps of th* same plant „In th* higher animate th* flesh or muscle produces substances that are different from, those found in the brain or the liver...
...Here ia the medieal-jasx sag...
...At the fakers in hia cage...
...thia defect to mat ta part A th* volusa* Labor will unearth much ammunition to confirm ita position—bothwa to th* present step* to be taken aad tho final action to bo pursued...
...which year* of careful work bring to aa author, afford a profitable study to any young writer...
...with a deficiency of thyroid, people complain of the cold and cease to perspire, for perspiration la a mesne of losing heat (page US...
...that adorns that body should bay* alio wed themselves to be parties' to such *> damaging indictment af a vital nubile neoeasTty under private ownership aad ceatret...
...Wo face crises everywhere in opal...
...It la Indeed fortunate that the author leaves so much unsaid, although for people who want that sort sf thias, the market wui no doubt soon enough be accommodating...
...Th* experience with regulation ta the ranjs^agisters sf a kewatoto *f thteaw ' that laantoss sssas hector asatoer, . The ehaptor ** -How the Miner* UrtoV betaas eat aasto iTsSrly that they do not live dmnifj...
...The by-products of various tissues in a complex body have specific qualities...
...From Cairo-praotio back to home-apathy...
...In spite of a great deal that la purely speculative, a great deal that approaches the theatrical, aad a great deal of vestigial dogmatism, the book la very stimulating aad *aligbt*hlng tn so far aa if points to toe experimental method of solving problems that' have boon heretofore left almost entirely to metaphysics and dad notion from aaA PILGRIMAGE INTO HUMANITY By Gloria Goddard DOWN through the years, John Gaisworthy has made...
...Experts, at SB an hour, psychoanalyst...
...There is a remarkable courage ta aB of these tale...
...And the medical legislatorsPlumber*, butchers and opinUnatere...
...The commission itself has dodged all fundamental- solutions...
...M Galsworthy, perhaps better tbaa any other English writer, understands the human mind aad ita intricate coalvolution...
...nor does he toil ue the dosage, nor otherwise Instruct us on how to obtain desired result...
...nils is unfortunate, for to most people one good explanation is better than two equally good, but conflicting, ones Thus the glands in question are devices for doing a' definite type of work hi the body, aad th* specific chemical substances or Internal secretions are transported by the blood to the place where they serve their purposes (page 104...
...The draft constitution, discussed at ipiiilal joint meetings,* waa adopted by MB votes to 4. This amalgamation in Sm National Postal Servlee completes Sto work begun by the union of the toSway workers into a single national 'SrSaplwtlon of German railway meal-:- UNRAVELING NATURE'S MYSTERIES -:Dr...
...Uke the living matter of other animals and of plants la constantly Influenced by variations in external conditions— temperature, moisture., oxygen, nutrtenta...
...By nehria p. Levy...
...Both lead him to turn bis wrlttag talent* to building up a large pad, wiiiimafill adverjtotes firm, and ' Msnlmci to a sate ?^atssb a* Jugh-pow!»r«d*ooercl^ Sa ssststr aad- toahPy cow MeKlm...
...Oa both these heads does Mr...
...For the attach abaaad...
...With the Writer's apologies to K. C. B., hiring Berlin, Shakespeare, Dr...
...But wa have no haaaanaa for them, to-deaaaaaay...
...Samnal' Ckng;ernaan...
...what "iBK coax...
...Will ba black and blue from theee Medical Follies...
...The author deals rather broadly with results sad conclusions...
...Perhaps a tow fall abort eg fh* perfection of their companions, aa* or two drop a bit toward saattotoatob...
...oomtissioM yornro, Br tto ttUhK tto Unltol"ftau» Ceal Owej-gto^a- van...
...It should help ua also to realise that life la much mora complex tbaa to Implied by any of the standard* formulae offered us In th* past by either wooden mechanists'or by elusive mystics, go much we can get from this book*to spite of its tendencies to be somewhat over-dramatic, somewhat final—almost dogmatic—-in tto sharp and snappy and i v*ry readable manner...
...A fine lronia book, tote written in a restralnedly beautiful Pan Uatjiix...
...In youth ana ha maturity...
...Then there are the instincts, also left over from the near-scientific forma- of a peat generation...
...Barman's oerve to supply concrete case* or body for what would otherwise be aa abstraction, to impress the public anew with the wonders of nature and with the cleverness of the scientist who unravels nature's mysteries...
...A great variety of diseased conditions reault from the poisons or toxins of parasites and some other poisons— diphtheria, tetanus, -lead, phosphorus...

Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 53

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