-:- 20 YEARS OF SOCIALISM -:By Morris HHlquit 5 ?_^5^S2f^rz! MKtB^wM toamoad th* fe. I 4*roa0*stoh» BorfaBot —with tb* obj*ot\*< imiattw as -hatotHaant taMMt h* th* SoehUtot...

...Tn these eaoooedlng change* of pollrleal fortune the parties of Socialism gala steady strength tn th* long run...
...FaVStjnatuignB the subject of American history is, it has been sadly neglected by Socialists...
...January t. at • pouu...
...of this series will apr^ m sn *V>y ttsSOe a{ Tsbt tfew Leader...
...Ita •oroaa war* harmonious...
...It . will be put up in »uch s form that you will he able to systemgticsJly place it in your mind to be at your beck and call eat the platform or in personal conversation with those west hn trying to convert.4—A New Series of Cartoons by Art Yodng, rarjrafisnting _m greatest work of this master of American cartoonists...
...Coaldigger has been called America's greatest humorist...
...VWmer Senior Accountant, Federal Trade Commission...
...That It would probably meet with phy^carreslstanco on th* part of tb* outvoted ruling da**** aad be settled by the* erbrtranmnt at arms...
...I 4*roa0*stoh» BorfaBot —with tb* obj*ot\*< imiattw as -hatotHaant taMMt h* th* SoehUtot awTNwM aaaona...
...up t» matt than...
...Twenty year* ago th* move- i ¦Mot waa ameh oaalar of lnteTUaant understandln* than it la now...
...Speaker: Norman Thomas, Executive-Director, L..I.D...
...wffl pisssni soea* of the fundamental* in the growth of th* native jsplultsP 'system and its related institutions...
...mmrfcjtif dsss ttssssT . ti^t wfll b* ccrtaki to hsep you in suspense front wasssi W> wscjc...
...lataraattoaal secretary of the American Socialist party, will be the first speaker ta the series ot loot ares arranged under tb* auspices of tb* Now York Chapter at th* League tor Industrial Demoosaoy, on Tuesday evening...
...Its aim waa dl- : root'" Ha aaothoda war* uniform...
...la tb* vicissitude* of the postwar period Socialism baa proved itself mutable tn method, elastic to tons* bat tndosh-uotlble to substance...
...Tickets may be obtained from the League, 76 Fifth avenue, or purchased at the door...
...dl.?_la..i..J slssssV^isrsski M*"tho...
...His cssV toons wiU appear in The New Leader frequently during #0 coming year...
...I The Movement 20 Yean Age to...
...Loader of discutolon: M. J. Olgin, author of "The Soul of th* Russian Revolution** eta, Tuesday, January Ss^a* % P. *L— Subject: "laternatloaal Organliation aad the New Social Order...
...Which type of organisstlOB is more important —tn* economic or political...
...Speaker: John Brophy...
...to taw United State...
...and the LooUst avenue crossings...
...They werW patties of* th* worker* diametrically jjpmg to th* "tfartie* of tb* capital* tota^ Tbelr object!** waa to "capture" th* powers of government and to proceed to the realisation of to* Socialist program---th* abolishment of private ownership in tb* Instruments ot wealth production and the establishment of the eo-op*fatlv* commonwealth...
...Th* other lecture* to tho —tto* are aa follows: Tuesday, January 11, at t p. nu—Subject: -Wast* aad the Mow Social Order.' It Wast* Inevitable Under Capitalism T" Speaker: Stuart Chase, author at "Tragedy of Waste...
...Thl* mi forelbtr btooght bom* t* — aa I *T*mlw*d &• roatar of tb* orfairlafl* and first tnemhora-of Mr society...
...Leader of discussion: Lewis Mumford, author ot The Story ot UtopiasTuesday, January It, at % P. bf.— Subjects "Government Under the New social Order...
...t am aa...
...The Soetaliam of INI la not the Socialism of IMS...
...Tuesday, Pebruary », at 8 p. ht— Subject: "Incentive* Under th* New Social Order...
...Ths . work of Art Young is too well known to require descriptiecu Throughout the country, and in discriminating radical circles abroad, his wit and artistry are a by—word...
...Socialism, which bad begua to tab* root- a tow years before the- organisation of the totoroonagtot* Socialist Society, found Ha task tuny carved out and Ha Bath definitely outlined...
...Ooramor Minturn is- xsal ttteratnrs...
...author of "Intro'duettoB to {nternatlonal Government," ete...
...A C<mtut-One You Witt Be Immediately Iniere**d~ In^Wilh a Valuable and Useful Premium as a Prize— Wttt Be Announced in This Space in •The New Leader, Next Week...
...Its radical program of economic reconstruction baa completely foundered on the formidable rocks ot undeveloped industry and Individualistic peasant economy...
...SpeahevV Norman Angeil, author of "Tb* Great Illusion," etc Loader of discussion...
...Is the profit incentive necessary for Industrial efltdenoyT Speaker: WlHhun'H...
...But the Communist realm** la Russia is largely political and personal...
...Twenty wrn «N but a ImUbc momont la th* history of th* «M...
...In it will be gathered tito accmnulsting facta and figures of the excesses and fauure of CspitaHsm and of the promise and logic of Socialism...
...It is a dangerous game in which Communism and Fascismo are the rival contenders and tho peoples of the world are tb* stakes...
...Tickets to tho course of alx lecture* wfil be t*- Tickets for Individual lectures are 78 oents...
...Socialism toeoaquoriagBarap...
...His coining contributions to The New Leader wfll be folly ss entertaining and instructive aa> those which have appeared thus far...
...An extrO sstpross bound for Mannwttan from Moby- - . Ion...
...offll Ih4so>Ms» ssHsJi hroMysd loh* dhw sopMtplimf ^tfiii hisy wMh tho sadsl toawst OoentoJt aCntorn, hf *L H. Bw5f«sj, sto...
...struck two man walking tho tracks between the Smith street...
...i .Socialist Shot sad Shell selected from the Arsenal of Fasts, This will be a department insane in current radical kmrnalism...
...at th* People's House At^ltoftato, t East 1Mb street, New York city, ' Hillqnit's subject win be ~The Now Social Order to tho Kakiag...
...0«b* «f tb*m are no lonew aiow th* ttrtns...
...t, United Ifiae .Workers of America, Leader of drocusaisa: A. J. Must...
...It will no more halt at the American coast Has than did capitalism, civlnaatioa or the war...
...These and other departments—Review* of Books, On the In* temational Front, Labor Jottings from Abroad, The SodaUst Party at Work, News of the Drama, The New Leader Mail Bag—will continue to make The New Leader a paper ' worm preserving, and binding as a valuable record of ths , Socialist-Labor movement of the day...
...C, D not tispiir aad will not sarraaaba...
...Jessie W. Hughan...
...some b**» crows weary er wJe* and bar* deserted tb* battlefield, who* others etill carry on their solf-lmpos»a task with unabated aaaL Tad To one ham baoema m1d<Be **T*d and tb* middi*-a«ed old...
...In the countries of ^advanced eoonomlc development aad long democratic training and traditions, the "transitional state baa not proved to be a regime of proletarian dictatorship...
...There are reduced rates to -league member...
...aB oooatrle* at ansdera industrial TtoisVuunent Shore war* Socialist parpte* «C substantial strength...
...In addition to the new feature* The New Leader wiB contmss) those that have made it so^ popular in the year no*L ended...
...Toward this ebtoettv* they marched In a straight line, steadily augmenting their membership, their press aad parQamantary representation, bunding up tbefr auxiliary eoonomlc, and political •rgaas,*aad Yrepertag tor "the final battle.* Th* assmmrtlon was that the pamtag at govornerental powers from capitalist hands to tb* victorious forces of gortaHam wouM b* one definite act...
...Professor of Education, Teachers' College, Columbia...
...Aanmrncsspent of ths baf^nnins...
...George Soul*, aa editor of th* Maw Republic, will toad the dlacuastoa following (Mr...
...Weakened by the exhaustive war and crushing defeat, discredited aad Impotent, the ago-long reign ot political absolutism collapsed and vanished, and the government of the vast country waa eventually assumed by one of tb* groups of Russian Socialists...
...The discussion will then be opened to the floor...
...KcAttsbsr Cotsmsn win continue his column ,of hnuaSBsssj . end pointed comment on aba current* .events of tho: sssjb Coleman baa departeeffor tWrnimng districts is DMnohl ss4 his column for the coming month will deal with his esperienees and observations there...
...It wfll fill a long-felt need...
...game can be played even more successfully in behalf of capitalist reaction...
...In Great Britain, aa...
...Its phi- . loabphy waa simple...
...Those who appreciate His sympathetic ittstght into the struggles of the* American workingman know him to be more than that...
...HtUqulfs address...
...Dtrector of Labor Bureau, lac...
...Director of Brookwood Labor College...
...Charleston, .S...
...Harry W. Laidler*s "History of Socialist Thought," soon to be published in book form, is now reaching the most interesting chapters, those that deal with the remarkable, spectacular growth of Socialism since Marx propounded bis wonderful theories that have so revolutionized all avenues of thought...
...in Sweden and Denmark, the Socialist workers later secured th* control of their governments not only without armed resistance, but oven before they had obtained a majority of the suffrage...
...Vr Morris Rinealt at tL tw«>IMtfe *n£*mixT mMtlas ot tb* Lanw far Isaasnial OwbsqrswTT*nsarty the mtarcattasteOjT'sotoiHst Hillquit First L. I. D. Lecturer, January 5 Korria.Hllloult...
...Mow condition* and now problems have aprna*- ofiaroand as and a. now sanarattoB to arowma...
...Across toe page from Coleman, Adam Coaldigger wfll continue his lively laughing digs at the foibles and prejudices of our American Babbitts and Go-getters...
...Tho Caarist autocracy o» old waa replaced by the rule ot proletarian dictatorship...
...In Russia, the great hinterland of Europe.' the line ot' development has taken a different and even more startling turn...
...Rather has it turned out to be oa* ot unstable poUtlcaLhalane* between .the powers of sWajianTt aad capitalism, marked by attentat* TtotoHad, defeats aad temporary compromise combinations...
...The War AndAltar Tbaa *am* tb* war aad fho^afeteal tomaeastoa of tatoraatlonai Socialist actrrltlea...
...IB th* Ultttmm ot the lsdlrldo*] K la aa opoeh...
...fb* *afrHM<*d MM «ad miMM oit lit* country...
...la th* defeated Central European states toe powers' of government quietly passed to £he Socialist parties, who surrendered them aa worthless gifts at that time...
...Iu other countries they have at one time or another formed part of the government or controlled Its policies from the outside.1 In these- countries the power of capitalist resistance hat proved weaker and the efficacy of democracy stronger than the Socialists had generally anticipated...
...that of Tfcp Iwsj Gfty^mAA s thrfflins...
...Leader ot discussion: Harriot Stanton Btatoh...
...5—A New Form for The New Leader,ban enlarged oaper, brightened by new features and distinctive make-up, permit* ting s better display of our many special articles...
...A new and acuta issue was thus introduced which rant tb* Socialist movement asunder from one end ot th* World to tho other—tb* toon* ot Dictatorship versus Democracy, of Communism—Tarsus Social Democracy*— aa issue which largely reflected the eoonomlc and political differences between the'less developed and more advanced countries of the world.* - Tkm Game Between Cortumunism and Fascismo The proletarian dictatorship of Russia baa endured for eight years and seems to be stronger today tbaa ever...
...President of District No...
...eoafidoat of to* ultimate trtoaaph of oar eausi aa I was twenty years ago, whan wb «*gaato*f too IaWaeUaglato Soctottat Society...
...To Keep the New Year a Happy Only THE NEW LEADER \^2ZJk lUli...
...The Problem of Dictatorship vs...
...The example of Italy, Hungary and Spain-have shown that the...
...An this series, Ones...
...Both wore blue overalls and It ia believed they are employes of ths railroad,' although positive ¦ identification,has not been made...
...Must the producer organise tor protection under a system of social ownership...
...Pebruary S, at t p. m.—Subject: Trad* Unions Under the New Social Order...
...It was a part •t th* International movant eat ot Socialism, profiting by ft* oaperionco and arowins with tto growth...
...The movement which reItrad oa tb* atoning ot tb* peace treaties appeared In a aew form aad developed along unexpected' lines...
...ZLMmM&^iiS 'Thyes'omo . wars HIIMd iost nigh* on the Long - tslssntintllraod...
...Barry W. fcaldler win preside...
...Aa to isyaelf...
...He will deal particularly with tho newer developments in the economic, seolsl and poUtleal Holds since tit* World War...
...Recent events, moreover, have demonstrated that political dictatorship Is by no means a purely proletarian or revolutionary weapon...
...Hadf^ hs* eatojbtecat s bssirtffnT Htersry style vaitfa a pakint atocy and . . trital, thrfi charsctsrs, Ths first Wabnsat wfD ba pdnbad is Tb* Haw Ladder January Ml to be foflswtol by wsssJ/ htstslmerits, 7r—A new outline of American political and economic hisboryv By James Ooaal, fBtfitor of The New Leader...

Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 53

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