BOSSES' SPIES INFEST BRICK UNION SECREET AGENTS WORK BROUGHT TO LIGHT Aasociation Peddles Information on How to Combat Labor Union By Edward Levinson fetfe* labor wiiosM ef th* dotntfjr's...

...On any other terms labor may Sad th* state a bad employer...
...4 Labor's Dividends ¦Intent, k. t« Dps...
...Fmd herewith exoerpt from confidential report received from* one Of our 'staff representatives in connection with tho Connecticut atrtttsr attgatloa: M "Lowrie did not speak v tonight of -mdag any violence, bat bagged tho man to stick for tag sake of their wives oad children...
...roprcsdobatlvsa of farmers' orgaalostiono...
...Jamea OsteaL - Editor, Tho Now Leadea Zausner lav Reflected -Secretary of Painters Philip Zausner, secretary of the New Tork District Council of Painters No...
...His proposal made both fa President CooUdge aad to Governor Fhvchot that the Government seise th* anthracite mines,* .was also rocaived with approval on the part of hundreds who took the trouble to write to aim...
...struck two man walking tho tracks between the Smith street...
...Tho ¦sent, reporting furmer...
...How did you like itf* -said Henry—or whatever* his name was...
...white these elected from tb* other thirty or more States are only imitation BewobUoaao...
...For the company union ths piea baa been made that It gives the employes a real say not only in tho de-^ termination of their working conditions, but also in the determination of the policies of management...
...Bra no Wagner...
...A powerful Socialist movement Is certain to appear, and The New Leader will play an important part In the big revival...
...other workers arm want cheaper coal...
...They have helped og often...
...In the trade union, la rotor home, on tho street, at branch mpottngs...
...saying further that next spring when this battle opened up again...
...Wen," his wife replied, "Of ooura* Tin 'proud of you...
...aot only la Congr...
...At some points, under any systemT tbaa* Interests win bo bound to clash...
...but don't you'think somehow tho machine cotld be made to go • 'little better, with feirer smells...
...P^^te.owners are bound to tbfnk ,*5***t their cr»n*proflt...
...h» tha other hand, public ownership ¦W.^f9 ^ »lan for the public good .and •M eliminate the element of private fls*?1, thereby creaUng an opportunity gtter to reward the workers at a. lower ¦floe to the consumers...
...Slgasd) H. A. JUNO...
...Atftertcan Industry in the last ten years* has developed company unionism, and" stock ownership plans_ under the control of the company as a substitute for independent labor union action...
...the sccrleved In yen tor replied...
...n *** *** f**"* •* w**t *** ^"'itenlwsli^b^w* T^ftt jmvtt fm mm imn, ' • Tb* Prosr******* at* eonftJanitas too Shrht K there ta earthing- that apnnsuhis aa *a»cotMan to Ceng re** it sosass from ta* Pimi»—tn group, acanpoecl at tb* Wtexmsin delegation aad th*tawindependents...
...The Msh...
...UoO* have or—lUMB , Hilda...
...formuioto o> donsitot labor policy.*' And, bo writaa...
...Then ws want to impress no our : readers' bow they ess help os make Tho New Leader a more...
...BOSSES' SPIES INFEST BRICK UNION SECREET AGENTS WORK BROUGHT TO LIGHT Aasociation Peddles Information on How to Combat Labor Union By Edward Levinson fetfe* labor wiiosM ef th* dotntfjr's whig »prnd «f«» tern...
...The miners* amiumittee eev aaUonallmtlam made a jmptoadpm, -Xf*mt*m»t Lewi* unfortunately stopped Ba work, it Is high tbaa that S ahouB be itoumeS, PROGRESSIVES IN CONGRESS LOSE OUT Tactics Fail to .Win Material Gain — Berger Wm Fight On By Mane Lewis - Washington...
...Tha first paragraphs rsvoal ghat* the): National CUoy Produeta XasqoWaa Am*socistioo hod .-omm'ap h>-spies 1b ate* hoatjimt" %?m&fmtmr%Tmja£ mattoa coaosrsdag the hottaMow ot flag...
...Representative Victor I* Bsrgor...
...They know that to attain it they must attain it together through,, their own' organisations...
...ths Hudson River district would be organised so that bo Influx of nsgno labor could occur, as Is now the ease* and with thia road Mocked, the CBlfA would have to come to time...
...It la ¦saneralljr assumed, even by liberals ^kfeo are no lovers of the coal barons, ; fsisj by many labor leaders themselves, Ifest nationalisaUon and public control ,W-tbs mines is impossible...
...But, we repeat, .we are not yet satisfied...
...Acooydiag to, ng-bsss gootodvhy...
...But area under a Socialist government are should have to guard against "bureaucracy aad corruption...
...ThaMhey can do without antagonixirifr th* business interests of tho country, who are opposed to corruption if they •to aot do tb* corrupting...
...Andrew' Krloa, S7 years «M, of "Owsonf VII- . Isoa,, U U woo kJIM today twhsn s oewipressed ah* pomp 00 ' which ho woe working sxpledsd, Vsnksrs, Dos...
...power of the banker, the investment agent.- and the insurance company Is decisive...
...But apart from this outside pressors, there' has come n movement from within...
...The New Leader has readers and friends in every State of the Union, and the business and editorial staffs desire to thank those who have helped to give The New Leader if*-national circulation...
...September TWeaty-flfth 1111 General Manager...
...We want to make The New Leader a national power, a paper that will make our readers feel that every day In the Socialist movement ia one of adventure and eager service for the ideals Of a Socialist world...
...The numsursafche win introduce and the ¦psachea he :wHl make will receive, according to plead be la making, a nation-wide circulation, hi the hope that the people wfll know that next to the program of big business, the only other program that has been submitted, and that lb the totersat of nit "a few, but af the WOlng minions, is the Socialist prugrasBi...
...Managm Coal . •¦ This utter failure of1 social inventiveMpss is nowhere more apparent than treatment of the'eoal Chaos out ^•f which so much suffering arises for pMoftare and consumers alike...
...My a.noting from o earn* pla of a Bay's work hi * CinnesUi cut strike, this ogoney has as to intsraot New York brisk monwfso' torero to employing Ms spiss...
...An extrO sstpross bound for Mannwttan from Moby- - . Ion...
...That fa why they Joined with the BepubBcens ba landing the tax measure containing the proVisloas recommended by Secretary Mellon...
...If present plans go through—and they ' were prevented from going through last year.enly by the filibuster which Senator Norrfs conducted— the cosUy" Muscle, Sboals plants wlU -either he Minted over to private lateropts, as treoommended^ by s. e^jwinrlssion, 'by a»eir dispesHle& .win ba Igfr aooih [to the cj»ak|orB^losi pf another...
...The first step ia solving this problem is far th* nation to taks title ta the ooal mine without •addling itself with the swollen valuation the ft ease* owners wish to force upon tb* country.' Then we moat work •at a ssjsaaui ot democratic control aad administration reprowntattv of theaval interacts without airy soft berths tn it for saaarrtofi poBttatano aad pottering buraanorato...
...Arthu* Stevens, Ryman Horowttx and' Hyman Marcel ware elected to serve as business agents on the progressive, ticket beaded by Zausner...
...Mot ho Jo shnstst/tsjsheo* oast ¦ nator* of IwdooVlof eoioe who thiofce for a moment shot the dotles...
...Along with aH this the time has . I i ownership of s small business of his own...
...Bar-^ lam...
...warns .that, "nest spring" there mta bo an attempt"to organise'ths Hudgoa River distrtdt/ V This spy agency not only supplies Ssr'" clients with Information as to tho plane of tho on loos sod atrikors, but eljfta, bands out advice to guide tho manufsic*turers la their relations with tho onions...
...political parties...
...sturai resource which no man ^hssde as private property operated for . Profit, either under a competitive or -BMOopoItatic system, and get results ^•hOsfsctory to consumers or workers...
...Wishing ths traditional Independence of American citizens, they are cesning to look for tt Joint*/ with others hMhsh...
...street end Pslmero svenue, Hotlia...
...Too strength of banking-and insurance has driven labor to estsbJisb^ro-operatire banks and insurance companies of their own...
...That is life, tt 1* aot true that sf tb* ooal miner* bad sol* control they would automatically protect the legitimate interests of the consumers In aa essential natural resource...
...Depression, unemployment, dissatisfaction are ahead...
...somg posJTHE SPY AGENCY AT WORK s^&y*:& * y^iiiwist^siiiiBt^ i^ori^^ class sm<^Docfs* '--CHAMBER...
...New Leader'must be called to the attebtjen of prospects sad its «(rcts!athhr baereased./Without this eo-oporo•asB.woaousal-.gasag *i that poa^ortBl1 inffuoncg wWch H sssbsfafr^oss^sny" Por a year or two Anserisaa eastbtt* Ism baa been fattaaing am sTsjropo...
...Mo real dmssjtor was ever content to compere, hla performaace 'with-the past...
...One of the first pf these will be the original story, of the rural rebellion <n-Oie Northwest, whicb Is announced elsewhere on tbe second page...
...Ev.ery reader knows several friends who...
...n»> ¦aisston...
...Pawcirtj Amonf Fovrners Reported Acate Again BfXUngs...
...The' plea is also made that this brings employer and employe closer together for the more efficient management of'industry and for the fuller recognition of the dignity of tbe employe... a still greater extent, the control Is centered in a very small number of "pensions...
...ActpH ttssr That Is how tho oophmsco AopocW moat of tho brick manufactuiai's doos its" work...
...and aetivitioi of thass msw jsojisi and ess) with tho* ronsliic fo of InssV rssorm oewoofwhiy tho dshoyg of...
...Mven tbe.pepr man, we are told, today ess have- a- bathtub better, than a khsyb in the days when Henry the shgbtb was eetabllshtng a record lp fbVioartet of wives which a modern ^^Rs^^hWos of jBT|ir|tfMtleeW-«S sbdwh nmtters: "w^s'ssi sotet'of comparison ts Sot that we ore better oft than trar great Crssdtatbers at a time when man's QtSjBmpj 'over natural forces was Just boflttulua...
...horses -could never do ttst...
...Arthur Gladd, 41, eectien hand for the Lena' Island Haihood Company, was killed by o westbound train yesterday at the Most IMhrfne street eroseino of the Long tslsnd RaiU.roadsin NieksvlHo...
...We should aot want the coal business administered by a political appointee of the president as thaFost pfflo* 1* administered today...
...Ktoattoaudf fm sag* »' • '• sotva* Jeter fh*w had mmnrntrnt to pteadiocktoB the Moans to the bbuttmibJp fhrht tea* yon...
...Me foil from the polo but, oeoording to physicians, was dead before he reoohsd tho ground...
...Moreover, no oppottaaity- should'be lost to bring The New L^sder to the sttentien"of those Who may become subscribers...
...It la essential thst this tall, whiter and next spring, tho Hudson River operators get together and formulate a definite labor policy an* tt would/ be advisable to have the writer address you est tho subject matter of "What is the U. B. AC...
...Leader is here to help you face them...
...It is still, however, in serious difficulties and the greatest of the difficulties are the Increased power of finance and company unionism In its various forms...
...Their opposition to independent labor union organisation la weighty and hard to overcome.: Yet' the only, way' the working .people can protect themselves is by uniting their own strength and controlling It themselves...
...Both wore blue overalls and It ia believed they are employes of ths railroad,' although positive ¦ identification,has not been made...
...Bigger Paper Is Coming By way of approaching thia Ideal The New Leader will soon appear with seven columns, whlfh will enable us to give a better display and use a wider vantety of type...
...Debates will be suggested on various themes in this study...
...They cannot «ga properly for the public good, j-whsj^are bound to divert as large a *s possible to their own pockets y tboggost of low wages to theproor*igh prices to consumers, or f*' • Tb»re is ho gettins around this ?2J...
...satisfaction over the Improvements made in The New Leader...
...of Wisconsin, will continue to press for consideration the demand* h* will voice ta the burger interest of th* worker...
...CtoOttoo^essstfOBVe HAJ.htX...
...AwTMioOredir «ot the tajmloyotrfdsmood is prove* ^slssssV^isrsski M*"tho...
...La-, bor is better off than a year ago...
...anywhere and everywhere...
...A* ova...
...oad some ot tbe...
...and the LooUst avenue crossings...
...Now York, Dec St...
...The wealth of American^ Industry la unparalleled in the history of the world and ¦ while manV persons own certificates In the companies which possess industry 'and trade, the ownership and...
...There are a few who never tail ua in.sending clippings about soma important struggle or some phase of capitalism in tbsfes loonlity...
...powerful' weapon of tha working class...
...The speakers were Abraham Cahan...
...Toots tor socialism...
...We mast have averaged fifteen mfies as hour, and your grandfather wtth sll bis...
...ths country, revealing . aa interest and sympathy for the Socialist views far more gratifying than ho anticipated...
...prosperity* bps hson Seeping down to the masses This situation baa encouraged a false sense of security, but the reaction Is coming...
...w*-i*m^ia#*+MJsmT^~*m&**<rl wb;w«ig at bettor and .hotter paper...
...Vflasmah and others...
...Coal workers win waat more wages...
...In part ^Mh conviction ts born of deliberate Propaganda by great interests, which aVopaganda conceals and misrepresents lths many successes of public ownership, bi pert It is born of a justifiable tear of' ths kind ~of 'nationalization we ;»ouM get under either of the two JfbJ...
...wore' killed and two ethers Injured today when a switch engine backed ¦ into an approaching freight train on tha Fort Worth A Denver Rati- . ZLMmM&^iiS 'Thyes'omo . wars HIIMd iost nigh* on the Long - tslssntintllraod...
...To^~teow tho answer...
...So, long is Ota workers leave the government in Boatrol br big business with corporation ¦fryers on the judgea' bench, a lot of lelitical backs lac Congress, trust magpsts hieJloa in the Treasury Departlasnbaad Wajl street's pal...
...The situation among tho farmers is reported from all sides SB he as scute as U baa ever boon in recent years- The spurt of prosperity which preceded and fov lowed., the -election of...
...We want to make it a fighting organ of the working class, a. paper that will be talked about from New England to California and from* the Great Lakes to the Gulf of«afexlco... whrbriete,- oro- dw> populated^ and detinb;uont tsxss ot mors ^oa Ui.eeg^JKes^^M Sag books...
...Moreover, they know that few can at.'tain such s position by their individual efforts snd sbility...
...a taw of which were cast br4bo** who *r* aot Pusi aa*lr*» Bat without a program, atta tnaleting, ka aom* ot than a*, that they ot Wisconsin are th* real Bepubltcan...
...capitalist civilisation ' whenever something of special pMerest occurs in their locality...
...BSffneb our physical power to abolish fpSfssty and the gross and shameful inusortr that persists aftong us...
...Progrcsgfagg* " - - j :;;: Gatn and Logs ' ¦ ~ Thst the Progressives lost what they gained in Congress without gaining a compensating advantage in making propaganda for the views they hold, was evident on the opening dag* ot the present session, when the Republicans, co-operating with the Democrats, voted to abrogate, the rule permitting ISO members of Congress to bring a bill out of committee when the committee refuses to report on it...
...From the point of view of' practical benefit, the advantage of having the rule was negu> gible...
...Except for the passage of the appropriation bills, which wUl take several ' months, some slight modification of the Immigration act, sn authorisation to the railroads to effect a consolidation, and some other pieces of legislation of minor importance, the present Congress is unlikely to create more than • ripple of interest anywhere...
...Labor has decided- that: if It wishes independence 'in Industry, tt must look, to co-operative action and that this most egtend beyond the traditional sphere of collective bargaining into sharing in management, and it is recognised stone* usee even Jato sharing ia Ownership...
...This series will be adapted for use in study claases...
...cxtrwrnnmcm sauo...
...STho problem, then, is to Sad a ptea Jbr eontrdl and administration under Which both producers sad consumers eta to ispt asset ad aad eaa work out thelf sJSurSsoss wbsa they arise around a common table without the Intervention of a lot of absents* owner* and profit taker...
...What hinders P» Is bad social machinery...
...sxowrts fiM not spook tmfbrat of as-' lac say violence," soya tha report off tola aocrat agent, showing*a from* ot mind that ts'just hankering far tho opportunity to report that' 810 atrikaro are planning or using "violence...
...No real lnOOSterever talked like that...
...offll Ih4so>Ms» ssHsJi hroMysd loh* dhw sopMtplimf ^tfiii hisy wMh tho strotsd over two sssM^oorshTSs/ That lathe work tho oWhsseSt.oa£ for: hmV: ~Thw «row*fh of ths poo *« sssrbt smooth far * problssB that AasoyU oasMhot -«t phorn ojapsnaost ap>op« TIMELY TOPICS By Norman Thomas THE inventor of the automobile (whoever, he vas), on the day when, he finally got his horseless carriage to go, invited friend wife to ,take a ride...
...Company unionism has driven the labor* unions to the B. ft O. plan, through whicb they share In the management and offer the employers the increased efficiency that comes from using the Ideas sad sealous efforts of . the -mesi...
...She went...
...These readers are reporters la ths field...
...Tha la tf or Ohod of thjtfi •coney resorts to this fataehood, too* ? Proceeding from tho roport of tfto*: saerot acoat...
...A stroag labor party, while still la th* minority, could put a shook oa this sort of business Any truly Socialist program of nationalisation require* a Socialist party and, of •ours*, strong labor unions...
...A Hollis, L. I, Deo...
...our readers to help/ us In gleaning the faots and teBug the story of...
...Cm ttiettuc *fS tb** mustered is votoa-tor^Sppssp tkm...
...WITH every advantage ' gained in...
...That the ssdsh Industry hoe —oh an —pic woo <f—y' *» ssgvsd fee* ths oooomo—ytooj fetter, tho orlg...
...Door Sir...
...T*S>tra* comparison Is between what hive aeoomplished socially and What we might accomplish socially...
...Except for the anthracite strike...
...Mono Experts...
...If Edison or Marconi or ybrd or their disciples had ever talked Nike the man in my story, we should savor have had the mechanical prog^iWn'that leaves, us bewildered' with :om4sement . |^'-T*t ta the matter of social invention, rhaftce, or progress we are continually petsf reminded like the inventor's WES* of how much better off we are tastsf our present system than were kings sad -nobles, in days of yore...
...Cal, in ths ¦lata House, wo can ho rasannably fur* that a? by some miracle we should fat nationalisation of ooal mines, it would bo deliberately sabotaged in tb* hater—ta af private ownership...
...wWch is abundanUy supported JJi*** history ot cool mining gad all ^l«sne utilities...
...He wss working on ths truck with a gang and ' failed to get sot of the way of ths locomotive...
...He Joakoi H by the standards of his hopes sad dreams...
...carrying holiday travelers, orashed head on early today noar Monck'a Corner, ^30 miles from here, kitting the'eniThisoi^and fireman of both trains snd injuring twenqr-fOur other persona, thre^ef them seriously...
...New problems will bo presented and new responsibilities win gaoe tho Socialist, Party, 3(he new era will test the intelligence and generalship of Socialists, snd without a powerful press ths new opportunities win face us without sufficient preparation to meet them...
...but It was the price upon whicb the Progressives surrendered themPR...
...Thus, the Viost colorless session Aot Congress known la years win begin ta earnest en January 4.1-To th* «xSsSt that he is able to do so...
...Christ »pner M. Hoosvlk, s oarpontor of 7104 Washington street, Hebekon, jwaa killed' yesterdsy when an angle ' iron felt on his heed at the plant of {tho Methodist book Conoorn ot Do boo Ferry...
...lanjfrhe of seven tons of ooaU buried en top of Mm from on overturning truck, killed Pstrlck Hsyss of 22 tissktsw street, Mrsoklyn^ ot aHwyvosant svenue and Van Mursn street, yesterday...
...It is bat o.plcturo of 4...
...It would*, bo adVlsablo for him to sddrasa tkaps^ on tho snbjact of "What Is MM) IT, ML •ad Q. W. of A.T" Thoa ho la praporsd>~ ; to uaa tho -information cathasod by hW , ! spies about tha Ualtad Brick sad day Worksra of Amorico -sad pass-It oa>^ Vnrthor, tho "commiaatonar** hi rsody ts> talk with tho mannfartarsrs on whsfi' this union doos onfi what » bos doao...
...Then there are certain features which we 'intend to add and which will be announced from time to time...
...B. Cbamey Tladeck, H. Bsrger...
...ocom bobs * stncoi'i ' MaWBBB>-Uts.OUB POB UvDUSTBIAli BMHTS watiobax, nrocsnuAt...
...We /aspect to have both, and .we* will have both, with the aid of-pur friend a During the past year we have received many verbal and written expressions of...
...Several private Individuate aad committee* are at work aa tbto probtem... »liic sad reportlBC on the svory-dty' bosioess of tbo orcsnisstloB...
...9, representing 11.000 workers, has been re-elected to thbt office by a decisive majority over his opponent.' Monk than 6.000 votes Were east fn the election, whicb took place last Saturday, of which' 8,963 Went to Zausner and 2.117 to his opponent...
...H. Joao ad-vlaao It ts ossoatisl that tho HndoSB Wvsr...
...In this series we will attempt to present some 'of the fundamentals in tbe development of American^ capitalism and its related Institutions...
...Inel of whtsb to in the poeassslea of Tho Mow Loodotv Tho letter re» veele tho entire ayateiaoajs Mtho] of tho brick mooof ooturere ia their brutal off©rta to frustrate the leghV ¦mate right of/tho workoro do or* Banise...
...Thoa, anally, and moot important...
...would bo Interested In K. Ws cannot reach* those friends, sad' if our readers do wot reach tbesn with Tho New Leader they will not be reached, at all...
...indeed, it may : be a -wsttsrof dispute bow much better off 'W*jsfs in terms of real happiness...
...Tbe convention went into session at Forward aaB Thursday...
...tho •ssoolottoa, tfar^uCb its eonunlssloB...
...But it is in the C^*t•*• Of things impossible to treat a 5jfr*f...
...North River Brlcjc Oo, R. V. D. 4. Saugertles...
...These two difficulties are enormous ones for labor...
...Hake tt the power it should be...
...where mach of aa impression oonid not be mad* under the very beat mt etrenmatanoea, bat of what is of greater importance, fat the conn try at •arc*, where it...
...gWow the demonstrated fact Is that FlftvstB ownership won't work...
...The ¦pooch ho delivered oa the tax measure met with aa enthusiastic response, the letters of .approval coming from all parts of...
...And that is why they Will aot oppose ia principle any w« the measures tho Republican* will bring up, bo to show ineffl; *tency aad corruption here and there...
...ftkfHMMHf that la'mw cm— nJsardsg aa4 vlobm charged to eBtfoew ha Mm of strikes haws tm.HMl by, sgajshm •Coats —ployed by the bassos...
...Verband Conyentioti Opens in .New York The Jewish Socialist Verband opened its national convention in New Tork city Wednesday night With a dm meg ting in the New Star Casino...
...Two of the Atlantic Coast Une'l crack tourist trsins...
...Wlllism Lassiter Of Rem sen street and Merrick road, Jamaica, a lineman for ths Queens Blsctrie Lipht and Power Company," was electrooutod yesterday while at work on a pole st 191st...
...The interests -of the workers with hand aad brain who ran the industry, and the am tec sets ot the csjwumara who are worker* la other Industries...
...The Now...
...Tear faces -us with now duties, and new responsibilities, oad The New...
...The one ploc&v of ¦legislation upon which a fight may be made, and in which tho...
...Another feaTbte wnlch We lnteni|a-to introduce is a syHsJius of American economic and noUUcaNRktory...
...drlyon ta aa opposition, a tew of them would bay* readily de¦acted had aa opportunity offered, they •tan to make aa tmjriaakin...
...way their twin brothers work hi ovojty^ other major todustry.' The craatest dancer to too mbjs/ usloas la this jlsantlB set-work of spaas> is net hi tho mere membership oof •areata who •onflne thomsarreo to ob...
...was helper on [the truck...
...This is what tb* Shipping Board has don* pretty consistently with governmentawned ship...
...NO' leas than St ssSes of #arm property by ths ahcriff heesusa of fkilnrs to meet wtortgago payments are advertised In a single . Issue of Tho Bluings Tknsa, a loraT nowopapsr...
...The Democrats, with whom th* Prosrrewlvea associated themselves hurt year, have decided to break off what inu orhibaany aa unholy alliance, bavftng discovered that their loyalty to bis Business mast bo as unquestioned aa the loyalty of the Republican...
...Once, ;t»^SV cliff «dweller of a dwefler /jsiktoe best that man^ could do, That "afftDOns of * men ana ' women and Shflsren in this age of power should la the cliffs of New York's tsneSksau and the caves of other igrea< jfhhlssuial centers, ia a disgrace to out ^hsmshity and a reproach to our sckIs...
...Some hours later, dusty and badly jolted, she was safely returned home...
...AcUvHSee?** V Very* truly yours...
...Some have said that It la the best weekly publication that' has ever been issued by- the Socialist Party, and these favorable opinions bave encouraged all those who have tried to make our paper merit such praise...
...Labor in 1925 A Review of Events by the Department of Social Action on the National -Catholic Welfare Council THE CHIEF EVENTS in the American labor movement.during 1925 have been the membership drive, the growth of co-operative banking and insurance, the extension of the Baltimore OhioNplan of employe sharing in management, the new'wage policy, the fight against communists in some of the organizations, and the anthracite strike...
...same plot made for stock ownership pins...
...the last Congress, .when ¦;' thej" Progressives had a sufficient number of - members .to hold the halance of power, lost in the opening days of the present Congress,and» with even the semblance of a apolitical opposition destroyed by a union of Republicans and Democrats, Congress will reconvene on January 4 slated to put over, its program in the'interest of the ruling class by June 1, and adjourn...
...t7<— Pour trainmen, all of Fort Worth...
...Coeltdge has r«s titr ootrrsa...
...MNf •CwtlwittmMti... won't work," •hd let it go at that...
...Neither hi tt true that tt th* consumers had eolo- control they would automatically respect th* legitimate interest* of th* Workers...
...C, Doe...
...By using that syllabus branches of the party will be able to vary their routine of business with some sound educational work and help to keep the interest of members sustained...
...I x " ^* New York, Dec kg...
...Mors . of them realize that they'will be enfptoyes of some . large concern all the)k life, that . their fate ia tied up with tho success of^ industry and that their chance of-attaining e degree of independence hinges upon their ability to hew out s plsoe for themselves in ths concern or industry in "which they are working...
...ths uo<o4t»xTM> sajikgniB sof jsof£ mahHsln wwov »sri sssWypiirpmsi They.msot proHiied...
...discussion Of and to occasional experiments in stock ownership Under union control...
...Her* to a chaace fay the eoetol tavsctor...
...Jolts and stoppages...
...Is not known wherein Sb* FrogTeoatv** differ oa substantial Sautters from the other...
...24 (A...
...Interest of the people will again be sacrificed to the desires of the trusts, is.the Muscle Shoals measure...
...W. of A. 7"—"What Do They Dot"— "What Have They Doner'—and "What Should, We Do To Offset Then...
...Thoro are very few woB-oondoeted, -boah^f ado anions whose .ooUvtOooseaataot 'homed* known to tho whole.World...
...It ••b"1* oonceivably be unproved in the f*j*».»f-the coal mine...
...Port Worth, Texas...
...Ms* wm traot with tho oobjoet, "Who* Should Wo Do to OCsst Thsh...
...WMft bf wronsr with this picture...
...Tber» wn to b« mm anions thstat^focspbistlcMi, oae iweMrtatiw of thiazide* prime detectiw tansy*., IstfoM, trial espJottsige beoonw «.ti|igi system on which have fattened numerous fibntU dste^grt 'fa** gatuzstions...
...Thar* are two real aad legitimate tnteresta ta th* ooal industry...
...We look at the leasatiatactory machinery of politics :J*bd bureaucracy and instead of saying, how can we improve this machinery- wa say...
...Tats form of sprites gtvesr .these private detective groups on «¦» , eortunlty to alsgulss thsmselvss aador too Innoeont title of "Industrial Bale...
...Stock ownership plena under control of tho employer has driven labor to the...
...Charleston, .S...
...We need more of thenv We appeal to...
...Os* COMMERCE BplLDWG^ V .CHICAGO, ILLINOIS U Telephone Dearborn 194& r. osnrawAT^ cowssg^—oooo...
...te«jMy It It, to SOBTStiy Spy 09 Blli rgaos't SsS'aOtlvw itles tnd unions...

Vol. 2 • January 1926 • No. 53

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.