Bankers Inflate Cheap Securities In Drive To Unload War Collateral

Bankers Inflate Cheap Securities In Drive To Unload War Collateral RAIL UNIONS DEBATE ON NEW PARTY Call for Chicago Convention by Johnston — Women Favor Third Party. While the railroad union* are...

...If Bain-Wdge Colby wera still in office he would throw you and all your reporters out of the State Department Press Conference—maybe...
...The slump of a week ago Is smilingly explained by the insiders...
...The estimated deficit for this year is 15 per cent...
...The call follows: "To Organisation* of LABOR, FARMERS, AND OTHKR PROGRESSIVE GROUPS: "GREETINGS: "The next convention of the C. P. P. A. will meet at 10 a. m., February 21, 1925, it the Lexington Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, in accordance with the resolutions adopted by the National Committee at its meeting in the Machinists' Building, Washington, D. C, December 12, 1924...
...Scott Nearng's reputation as economist, teacher, lecturer, and debator ensures an able presentation of the case for propaganda as an important part of education...
...Obviously not...
...recent reports, the railroad unions have not decided to stay away from the Chicago conference...
...Tney preload to be «i u i t • satisfied with a plan to offer the Soviet G o v a r u • ment auch in-ducementa in the form of loana and sisn-11 i. r support (see American r e c o g n i • lien) that tho M o a e o w authorities wilt bisten a tendency already under way to "revise" the Labor code...
...Most of the workers here have never heard that b shorter workday is supposed, even in theory, to apply to themselves...
...To get at Russian oil," ona broker declared a few days ago, "we'll stand for a red flag on tko old embassy at Washington-—or on the White House itself, if i that ia necessary...
...Do they also favor a referendum on the finger-print plan...
...In addition to money, two large boxes of clothing were dispatched today...
...There is no crime in a shell game unless you get caught passing the peas...
...Costigan states, "a conference of women will be held in Washington, I...
...Why do the railroad stocks and, bonds go up...
...Breaks and aaga era aura to occur along tha way...
...In her story on the day after Christmas, says the Evening Post, Miss Mayo indulged in "irreverent gad offensive remarks against the sacred belief of Christmas...
...Louis meeting of the Conference for Progressive Political Action for the Cleveland Convention of July, 1924.' "Your organization is cordially invited to send properly delegated and instructed representatives...
...When Calvin Coolidge was a little boy he went to school...
...they are impotent to remedy the situation, but look forward to their American brothers to assist thtm in changing this anomalous situation in an American possession with an un-American system of government, where trial by jury is withheld at the option of the Judge of the District Court, who is appointed to office by the Governor, a Captain in the U. 8. Navy...
...Be sure you get this right...
...There will ba plenty jjl that kind of frolicking as tbe year wears on...
...Maybe that is why Bascom Slemp if out of the White House, or on his •ay out Slemp is a millionaire, and Coolidge ig not...
...What about her mockery of the men who died in battle from 1776 to 1783...
...750,000,000 In geld...
...In a statement to The New Leader, President D. B. Robertson, of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen, declares the railroad union executives are now giving the question of participation in the conference and a progressive Labor party their attention...
...i.m0W htw you come> Karl Bickel-muing the American Society of Newspaper Kditors that "the 'administration spokesman' method of testing out publie opinion through the newspapers" has got to stop...
...Alien" plots against our American institutions never end...
...They upset a whole Cartful I of imperialist propaganda...
...The election returns wera the excuse for a bull market thai broke all records within a fortnight* and is "till under way...
...President Coolidge scowled at Slemp...
...These men, better educated and informed generally than most of their fellows, read Judge Gary's speeches in the newspapers, and then wondered why his promises were not applied in Lorain...
...Gary Has Eight-Hour Joke On 10,000 Lorain Workers LORAIN, Ohio...
...Brsvo, New York Evening Post...
...They say d o w n t own that Mr...
...Charles H. Gibson, another Mary-lander, who ir Police Judge, Government Attorney and chairman of the Electoral Board,' prosecuted...
...Who are the inside men...
...Something it wrong with our polica force, everybody if sarins...
...Karl A. Bickel, general manager of «e United Press, beware...
...Colby so angry that he Mmd the whole staff of Labor re-farters (two men) out of the conferences...
...British credit waa still good, but not quite gilt-edged...
...Then Slemp open-ad the door a third time...
...H. JOHNSTON, Chairman...
...The basis of representation and voting at the Convention shall be the same as adopted at the St...
...It is backed by an understanding, inaidera report, between the Rockefeller and the Morgan interests on what ehould be done about Russia and how to do it...
...Paul Hanna Austrian Labor Bank Proapera Tho popularity and strength of the Austrian Labor Bank, operated by tha Cooperative Associations, was well Illustrated last year, when its deposits trebled, despite the economic crisis, and reacned a total of 120,000,000,000 crowns (at 70,000 to ID...
...Just A J Word fhe Moon and M unary — * Ashamed of Mies Mayo — Fingerprint Enrtght — Tha _ Slump of Slemp Ke>l ( • BklceJ Bock*— Passing the Pea...
...Lighter than helium gaB Ihey are...
...The Steel Trust plant in this city is known as the National Tube Company...
...Good enough as a beginning, but can't the Evening Post go ahead and Clear its conscience entirely...
...To get the good things back in January at prices they were willing to pay, they were obliged to hammer tha market and bring prices down for a few days...
...On* alumni atartlad the Street a week ago...
...All traces of collective bargaining were crushed out several years ago...
...And even the World is wobbling...
...Offlcial-h> the interview was to last only a»e minutes...
...What 'Sbout Miss Mayo's offense against every sacred belief voiced in the Declaration of Independence...
...The Judge of the District Court, George Washington Williams, • native of Maryland, the writer of • scurrilous article entitled "Misrepresentations Concerning the Virgin Islands," which appeared In Current History for February, 1924, in which he openly and viciously attacked Francis and his friends who are endeavoring to Americanize the Virgin Islands, presided...
...Y 3Go te-lti aWNrhing Post...
...Organizations desiring representation should return the enclosed duplicate credential, properly filled in, to this office NOT LATER THAN FEBRUARY 10...
...There •S was taught that to be President •f the United States was to occupy tit highest office in the world...
...British statesman asked our Am.rican bankers, J. P. Morgan A Co., t„ float . lea* of IS0.0O0...
...In view of these expressions," Mis...
...The actual ehort-"g*> plua the increaeed demand which could not be met, constituted a deficit of 6'i per cent...
...In "A Disavowal" published on January 17, the paper says those remarks "should got have been permitted to appear...
...And from the time of the armistice until last November these stocks refused to come back... wa go to press New York is yUng into another total eclipse of ?« sun...
...Slemp withdrew...
...It it tha story of $1,126,000,000 in paper, Years ago the rich and loyal subjects of His Majesty the King of Great Britain invested all that money in American securities —chiefly in railroad stocks and The* came tbe great war, and after one year of it Great Britain needad to borrow mommy...
...The contribution of the Labor College is in response to an urgent appeal for clothing...
...But when the baby union threatened a strike and the management realized that electricians trained to their special work in the tube plant would bo hard to find, the eight-hour day was granted...
...American bankers who hava grown tired holding a billion* and-a-quarter dollars' worth of cheap securities for the British) war loan of 1915 are the insidej men...
...Wash your lends of the whole dirty business...
...That a permanent Progresalve party ho organized...
...President Robertson has written The New Leader: "Replying to your inquiry as to what position the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engine-men has taken on the question of attending the forthcoming conven-tionofth^C^ejoBipalw Pro* HlVMrVi fWRlral Action and the possible formation of a third party there: "In reply I will say that this Brotherhood, in conjunction with other railway Labor organizations, ia now giving consideration to this subject with a view to determining upon a policy to be followed, but up to thia time no definite program has been agreed upon...
...And far from wishing to "assail religion," the Evening Post "disavows any such intent, regrets the statement appeared and expresses sorrow tint its publication should have given pain to its readers...
...If persons interested in the widely advertised reformation of the steel industry will make a survey of the local plant they will find the following shops and working hours: Blooming mills........10 hours Blast furnaces........10 hours Open hearth..........10 hours Machine shop.........10 hours Scalp mills 2, 3 and 4. .10 hours Scalp mills 1 and 5. . . . 8 hours In addition to these thousands of ten-hour workers, there are many "odd job" and "special calling" men who perpetrate the good old twelve-hour day which many stockholders contend is a necessity in the steel industry...
...You say that "newspapers should not tolerate those 'high authorities' who send out trial ballons and then repudiate the story if their expectations are not realized...
...When that time elapsed Mr... harm will come to thoea stocks and bonds till tha inald* men turn off the gas...
...Correcting reports that the railroad unions haye decided to stay away from the Chicago conference, Labor, rail labor journal, states: "The question of the (railway) organizations being represented in the coming convention as organizations will be decided by the chief executives, but of course this does not interfere with individual members of the organization taking such action as they see fit...
...Coatigan states she has received views of women from all over the country who indicate, beyond misunderstanding, their desire for a new party...
...While the railroad union* are debating their course of action in view of the forthcoming third party convention in Chicago, the official call for the convention has gone out to all Labor, Socialist and progressive organizations of the nation...
...THOMAS, Virgin Islands.— Rothschild Francia, militant editor of the Emancipator, the outstanding political journal in the Virgin Islands, and champion of equality of rights for these islanders, has been tried in the District Court without jury on a charge of criminal libel, convicted and sentenced to thirty days' imprisonment for publication of the following article, which appeared in the Emancipator on December 27, lt>24: N "A Native Batesko...
...So tha Morgan company asked for collateral to secure the loan...
...This ¦Me Mr...
...KATONAH, N. Y.—The students and instructors Ht Brookwood Labor College have given up eating desserts fur three weeks and are sending the money thus saved by the college commissary to the Secre-taryyTreasurer of District No...
...Amarican bankara have mada private loana in Europo which •ggregata about $17,000,000,000...
...It is now working at about eighty-three per cent of capacity and employing some 1.1,000 men...
...STUDENTS FAST TO AID MINERS Brookwood Youth* Banish Dei serts to Save Money for Wet) ' Virginia Striken...
...Meanwhile the convention call has been sent broadcast by William H. Johnston, chairman of the C. P. P. A., himself one of the influential leaders of the railroad unions...
...And they got it What they got for collateral was American railroad stocks and ' bonds, valued at $1,1SI,000,0M| the very securities mentioned above...
...Some students will go without needed overcoats, sweaters >r under-clothing to help the West Virginia miners...
...Why not...
...Farther in the background of this movement toward Ruaaia, there ia believed to be a plan by American capitalists to combine Russian Labor, German industrial efficiency and Asiatic raw mate riale in a gigantic pool of exploitation, t American bankers do net take any stock in the theoretical Russian code to protect Labor...
...Re says we ought to have that practice here because Buenos Aires likes it...
...It washes all aina away...
...But it ia not a crime, says the White House through the New York World, to carry a flask full of the stuff and drink therefrom...
...The union is providing them with shelter and rations enough for a bare existence...
...Sometimes they dip and seem to fall, but don't be alarmed...
...Contrary to...
...Shall a permanent Progressive party be organized...
...If the Evening Post will read the newspapers which Mattered George III and denounced George Washington it will find that the American eorselatawere therein called as "corrupt, Ignorant and» unfit, for freedom" as Miss Mayo would have us Jsjabeti Filipinos are...
...Hughes Will ba compensated by a handsome law practice from the big financiers...
...Seventeen Billions Still Owing But these flurries will not inter-fere with the main business of uu« loading the old British security...
...Twenty thousand persons, evicted union members and their famijies, ?are living in tents and lean-to's on the windswept hills of West Virginia today...
...It is true most of tho money was spent right hare with our supply dealers, bat tha debt i is still legal, and will bo pressed...
...C, in the near future, with the particular object in view of determining the following questions: "1...
...Russian oil wins...
...This conference has been called in fulfilment of the Report of the Committee on Organization and Campaign, as adopted by the Cleveland Convention of July 4, 1924: "'The object of the convention shall be to consider and pass upon the question of forming a permanent independent political party for national and local elections upon the basis of the general principles laid down in the platform adopted by this Convention and for the transaction of auch other business as may come before the Convention...
...The people are indignant...
...You've only begun to apologize...
...Ask Colby if it wouldn't...
...Judge Thtele appeared as counsel for the defendant, and established all the facts as stated in the above article...
...T h • skids and ways • ft drenched with lubricants to let the Coolidgo . -I » tration slide forward into the a r m a of the S o v i e l Government...
...000 pounds starling in the United States...
...At first the demand was rejected...
...Collapse of the Collateral Four years later, whan peace re* turned, American railroad stocks and bonda ware dirt cheap on the market...
...So after cleaning up in the November market they let go of soma good things during December...
...This time the moon is to tjame, and no serious results**™ flared...
...Production of oil in the United States fell ahort 40,000,000 bar-rela last year...
...Russian Oil Wins American Recognition WALL STREET, January 23...
...That many pa—da starling mean...
...That, whatever form of Pro-gressive organizstion may be adopted, a cardinal principle of such organization shall be tha equal representation of men and woman and the recognition of their right to ahare equally in appointive and elective organization positions...
...Recently a policeman fired a shot which lodged in the tub of • private citizen, thai, he attempted a false arrest, and before wo were about to go to press be imed his club in a brutal manner on a woman that be was ordered to take home, we under• land Merchant* and other citisons are indignant...
...But pretty Won he opened the door again, voolidge scowled harder than ever...
...Its editors make public apology for things Katherine Mayo says in her attempt to rouse America against Filipino independence...
...That aituation calls for some quick action thai will admit Standard Oil to the Russian fields of Baku and Siberia...
...The debate is held under the auspices of The Modern 8chool of Stcl-ton, N. J. - EDITOR JAILED IN VIRGIN ISLES Frances Gets Thirty Days For Reporting Brutality of Policeman...
...There arc no Labor unions in the National Tube Company plnnt...
...The initiative in this movement was taken by miners from Pennsylvania and Illinois belonging to the Labor College's student body...
...Crude patrolaum baa greaaed tbo ruaty hinges of intercouraa between Moscow and Wall Street...
...And the poorer the chance of collecting abroad the mora Americans must watch their stops...
...That, whether or not a Progressive party be formed, an organization of Progressives throughout the United States will be effected for educational, economic and political purposes...
...Slemp opened an outer door, the gossips say, and looked in...
...In return for cooperating with Standard Oil to win admission to Russian petroleum, the Morgan interests will obtain "reciprocal" edvantagea, it ia rumored, in the form of big copper conceasiona from Russia to various mining companlea in which the bankers are interested...
...Police Commissioner Enright is back from the Southern hemisphere with a acheme to make every inhabitant of New York City submit to fingerprinting and carry a passport from Tammany Hall...
...Incidentally, the distinguished audience which applauded this finger-print plan also applaud the scheme to hold up the child labor amendment until there has been a popular referendum...
...Nearing and Ferm to Debate Education A debate of exceptional interest to parents, educctors, and all interested in education, takes place at the Hand School this Friday evening, January 23, when Scott Nearing will debate Alexis G. Ferm, Principal of The Mode .1 School, on the subject: "Has Propaganda Any Value in Education...
...To make or distribute alcoholic drinks is forbidden by the Constitution...
...One day not long ago a Boston newspaper man was given a private audience with Mr...
...And he believed it...
...In 1920 a Labor paper correspondent at Washington complained because the State Department rules Mowed officials to repudiate stories •Wen those very officials had "in-•Jwed" the reporters to write...
...Following thiu main operation, others like it may follow...
...Hew long, oh juaticel How long...
...Fraternally yours, "WM...
...British sahjecU leaned them to the British Govern—on* ' and tbe Government gave thons to our bankers to seenra • lean* That was in 1916...
...Preutnt indications are that, ao far as women Progreaaivea are concerned, the following recommendations will be made to the National Convention of the Conference for Progressive Political Action which will be called to meet in February, 1926: "1...
...The last time it was Frank ¦unsay, and since then neither the Sun nor Globe has looked the same...
...It called for the retirement of Charles E. Hugkea, who aa Sec-retary of State got him-aelf into auch a deadlock on Rusaia that hia "useful-neaa" in thia emergency ia d a a t r oyed...
...Simple enough... Unloading • War Loam f Down on tha Stock Exchange* when tha duy's work ia done, they tell each other a pretty bedtime atory that you may wish to hear...
...After waiting many months for something to happen, they came together in a spon-tanc6us organization and presented their demand to the management...
...That big block of British collateral had shrunk so terribly that, instead of being worth twice tha amount of tha loan, they would scarcely bring tha half of it...
...That ia apart from our Treasury loana to Europo...
...Besides, there are lots of people who like lots of things that New York doesn't like...
...Slemp withdrew...
...Ten thousand men are working ten hours and twelve hours a day in the Steel Trust plants here...
...An exception to this, condition is offered by the mill electricians, technically known as "inspectors...
...It's a long, hard pull back to "par" far a let of those railroad, securities, but tha market ia rigged and they will make the grade...
...As the Senator from Minnesota used to say: "Who is Buenos Aires, anyway...
...Those securities are going op so that the tired bankers eat) sell them to people who don't care what they do with thaif money...
...Coolidge, ™1 call you when I want you...
...On the contrary, the attendance of the International Association of Machinists and individual leaders of the other railroad unions is already assured...
...Somebody will pap, U tha bankara cast pat It aver...
...What form of organization of Progressive *om*n la most desirable...
...and a worse one is rumored to be duo on or before February 1. But the** are only dents in tha upward conra* that will until the bankara have got out from under tke British collateral...
...It is even argued in some quarters that Russian Labor is so strictly disciplined under tbe Soviet Government that a contract with that Government carries a guarantee that Labor can offer no resistance to American capital Wall Street has no fear that America will balk at "tbe bloody hands of the Bolsheviks...
...So when Slemp got to be the President's secretary they •ay he didn't have quite the proper respect for his chief...
...Ho will present the other side of the 'Vbate...
...they consider justice was tempered with prejudice, racial and personal...
...Thia coming event of offi-c i a I recognition ia common gossip in The Street...
...By Paul Hanna \ ^ See the pretty railroad stocks, how they soar...
...Mr, Kellogg, the new Secretary of State, made hia career aa the adviser of the Money Power in America, and ia conaidered the right man to reverse the Hughes policy toward Russia...
...Up, up they go, one after thi other...
...His opponent, Alexis G. Ferm, for thirty years has been doing educational work along the line of utmost freedom from compulsion of any kind on children in their class rooms...
...Besides, business is business, as any hanker will tell you...
...Boom Used to Sell Railroad Paper Which Backed Old British-Morgan Loan...
...Francis was granted a stay of five days to either accept the sentence or appeal...
...17 of the United Mine Workers of America in Charleston, West Virginia...
...Election Riga tbe Market i' Something had to ba done, and the election of Coolldge last fall gave the bankers their chance to do it...
...exclaimed Mr...
...That the progressive women of the nation are more than ready to back a new party that may be formed in Chicago is indicated by a statement issued by Mabel C. Costigan, who was Chairman of the Women's Division in the National La Follctte-Whecler headquarters...
...Crudo oil to the eager investor is what "the blood of tha Lamb" waa la the old Baptist hymn...
...If you were just a plain Labor reporter, Karl, that speech would brand you as a crank and a foe of society...
...In order to cheat the Government out of income tax, a lot of big gamblers had to "establish a loss" for 1924...
...Less than •S00 men are working on the eight-hour schedule which Judge Klbcrt H. Gary declares has been instituted in the steel industry which he controls...

Vol. 2 • January 1925 • No. 4

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