RAILROADING THROUGH "IMPARTIAL" EYES Railroad Consolidation Proceeding Without Protest; Some Real Facts in a Readable Form By LOUIS F. BUDENZ B-TftQUT the only thought or A phrsts of th« late...

...Many are appalled at the proapect of reading through the three large volumes of "Capital...
...Surely tht idtat of thit rtmark¦bit man who hai inspired mora workingman than any other man that ever lived are worthy of eon* aideration by Intelligent men and women...
...Professor Channing admits that all this "could not have done otherwise than upset the social and mental outlook of practically every man, womaa, and child in that (Ohio Valley) region...
...It has been calculated that the value of a slave had risen from 1,500 pounds of cotton to 10,000 pounds in the first fifty years of the century...
...j No, no...
...For one thing, the author has •Battered that preposterous Nordic tertion of the South which Eckenrode conjured out of his Inner consciousness two years ago in his book tn Jefferson Davis...
...The confinement of the Southern •Mig...
...There is not even a whiaper from the socalled "lunatic fringe," which in tht picturesque days of old alwayj rose splendidly to such an occasion...
...A. S. Sachs is a new name te English-speaking Socialists but hit work is well known to German, Jewish and Rustian readers...
...Of the three here considered Dr...
...New York: Smallt MoT/Hard and Compatiy...
...There are other shocks in store fer the Fundamentalists In this book but nothing to alarm and much to interest the seri us atddent ef the Bible...
...Considering this trend of his writing we are curious to ste in the next ftw years if, as in the case of Rhodes, as he approaches the com-1 paratively contemporary period his work deteriorates by becoming a mere bansl narrative satisfactory to th* Republican National Committee and the Union League Club...
...are properly regai ded«-ss relatively unimportant...
...He agree* with none other than Judge R. 8. Lovett, that: "The prime Object, and indeed the only object, of Government control during the war was to provide the transportation qeceiaary for th* war...
...There are no invectives, no calling ef names...
...God and the Law of Evolution forbid, Mr...
...I know of a* problem exceeding ia import Set thia aae of tranaportation...
...It is evident from his own showing that th* economic factor, is primary anf the sociological and psychical secondary...
...On tht jacket Of "Evolution Explained" we art assured that Mr...
...Imagine a group of scientists quarreling over the fossil remains of an extinct animal and smashing noses to determine its place in the scale of living things...
...In what they write they demonstrate that they never consulted Marx or ! that they ever comprehended anything that he wrote if they read it...
...John Brown's raid fanned them, while Lincoln's election Appeared to the slaveocracy the day of doom...
...White House...
...It ia a valuable contrlbuti ..i to the study of Genesis...
...But there will be plenty of action ahead —after consolidation has failed to fulfill the roseate prophecies of the second-rat* lawyer in the...
...New York: The Rand School of Social Sctence $t.i...
...j ,Tbat on the whole this was the j bsais of the struggle, that large eco-1 aomic stakes were involved ir...
...It it our private hunch thst when trie author of "Tht Etrth Qpeaks to Bryan' heard that tht earth had finally swallowed lit unwilling tuditor, ht tort hit shirt and wished he hid never published this book under this title...
...get st th* subject from the *tsar« point of a histortsn rsthtr than frets say desire t* la jar* th* Government Ownership *rga«*at...
...and this object was accomplished with vary great tuccati...
...THE SOUTHERN CONFLICT The Wage and Slave Systems In Their Struggle for Supremacy By JAMES ONEAL THIS volume of Professor Channlflg's history is concerned with the struggle between the wage and slave systems for supremacy, or, as the sub-title has it, "The War for Southern Independence...
...mow it is more the case to emphasize (he sociological or psychical Change that is wrought by changed modes "of llv'r.g'nnd By'the general operation of economic factors...
...I" any event, the ruling class of ™* South risked its future by de»nt*ting freedom of expansion of i? ?'ei>1 system into the wettern JJWtry and Douglas' Nebraska with its dogma of "popular JJ^sttignty," precipitated the strugJwts Kansas which was merely a |^^to the larger ttruggle of .4 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES...
...fs Th* hittorlcsl survey of th* railroad industry, contained in Dr...
...The majority that we have seen have no better chance for longevity than have the man jongg or crost-word treatittt ana they are not nearly as amusing...
...When tbe railroads passed under the control of the Government," Dr...
...Parsons' aim it t,o place the Law of Evolution before the public in "»»mple language...
...Apparently ^rh volume he has written has been a little mere venturesome in inter-1 pretstion than the preceding one, so that this one represents the best in this respect that he has written...
...names* tion with ml scisrttittt sndjsot o*» hsnct it one bit with ths general' public After a far too easy victory over Bryaniam, As make* a strenuous attempt to reconcile th* theory of Evolution *lth certain ancient folkways and makes a tad botch of it...
...The latter two are, of course, important., but they are only to be understood in their economic setting...
...New York: Scribner'e...
...Moreover, "The price of slaves had so increased trial wheat grown by slave labor on the southern bank of the Ohio was at least twice as costly in 1860 at in 1850, but •vheat could be produced by free labor and improved machinery on the northern bank of the Ohio River as cheaply as it was grown ten years before...
...There are constant disputes regarding "dangerous tendencies," ''opportu- I nist deviations," "Left sickness" I and what not...
...Of course, this was not Government Ownership—as the simple-minded have inferred—nor was it anything approaching the Government Ownership with Workers-Technician Control which the Labor forces demand...
...Professor Channing shows how commerce between the South and the Ohio Valley changed in the last decade be- > fore the Civil War...
...Despite an unusually t»vere winter the Administration succeeded in practically clearing ap the eongeation by the end of April...
...Otborn's attempt to ceea in on the Dayton publicity 'ia a cheap and slipshod gallery play that will hurt ita author...
...In this volume Professor 1 Channing has had the advantage of consulting the material that has accumulated since Rhodes covered the tame theme and the result is an in-1 ttresting book at many points, the expansion of some settled views and the mod:flcation of others...
...Within the circle there is no agreement...
...system within a restricted stt* when it was in need of expantior into new territory produced a struggle that was registered in the Polities and changing opinions in tht North and South...
...Professor Channing present* in working out his theme that is_ interesting to us...
...During the past few weeks, the great figfcncial journals hsve been filled with the problems confronting the railroads ef the country...
...In that event, we will have a valuable addition to the interpretive literature of American history...
...This ia his first book in English, a work of 200 pages, and a valuable addition to the literature of the Socialist movement...
...but ia view.of th* great furore among th* Employing Interests generally shoot "industrial Democracy," It is te be regretted thst he did not vesture a aMpur or an impartial prophecy of whet will com* out of such agitation...
...An example of this is seen in hit discussion of Government Operation during the war and immediately thereafter...
...They triumphantly pronounce Russia as the burial ground of Marxism...
...An analysis of tht racial and national origins of tome of the leading southern families forever puts this Nordic myth Is the elan with the stories of the Germans putting ground glass in American bread...
...But Marx hat tlwiyt towered mountain high abovt all of them in tht w6rld movement and ht tptakt with mort force today then tt any time ht lived...
...Even the Know-Nothings could not avoid the real issues, they broke up as the slavery question stalked into their councils and' the fragments were gathered into one or the other of the two leading parties...
...Some Real Facts in a Readable Form By LOUIS F. BUDENZ B-TftQUT the only thought or A phrsts of th« late bewildered mm Warraa Gamaliel Herding MA which we coifes* to have agreed, it that contained in hit (Hpage to Cengresa of December E J922, when he aaid...
...Fsr be It from ut poor amoebae to rail at our boat frlendt aad most exalted models...
...If tranepettatlon — and railroad .-jag in paititular — wat of import agce then, it hat bacome increasingly *o at tat yean wear on...
...Of course it is not easy reading fdr the beginner...
...Of unquestioned merit as this volume is, the chapter on "The Decision of the Ohio Valley" is amua- jf ring In the attempt of the author to escape the necessity of admitting that the economic changes in thit region were first in order of certain intellectual reactions...
...D. New York: The Mtcmillan Company...
...Believing as he does that God is a, Nordic who goes about in a white robe very much like o Klan Wizard it would be quite a shock to him to learn that the Bible, correctly translated ssys thst God's real name is Yaho, used by th* Hebrews to differ* entistt htm from other god* such as Chtmoth, Psgon, Asshur, ate...
...wall and concise* iy presented In its 69T psgtt...
...fers to the reader a carefully-planned resume of the Marxian view of history, the evolution of capitalism, the theories of value, of turplut value and profit and other matters related to the philosophy of Marx and the modern Socialist movement...
...By Henry Fairfield Oiborn...
...It 's the evidence which...
...the one in the South and .the other...
...Towards tha end of s rambling conglomeration of science, near-science and no-science, tht author tayt, "If you art t manual* working man, do not bt an absolute fool snd rail at your best friend, tht decent capitalist.,, y0 7 > < Are you to absolutely tilly at to think that y°u are the equal of the heads of great -industries...
...Meantime, not only was the need of more territory pressing for the Southern ruling class, its profits were being eaten up by the rtfrthg price of Negroes...
...IVie Abolitionists had drifted ao fartsto the* Left that they exhibited the often repeated examplt of extremes meeting...
...The one thing conspicuous in these Left disputes is that the scientific perspective is absent...
...I would like to see a Gideon reading this new trar.slation of the first eleven chapters of Genesis...
...In the early years the economic ties betw**n th* two regions were strong, but by I the end of the period the building of railroads between the East and the Ohio Valley and emigration to the latter region tied the East and the Ohio Valley in commercial bonds...
...The bold are his own...
...the ejlvil War...
...We agree that tht language is "simple...
...And that tht Railroad Adminlatratlon delivered the good* mors satisfactorily than would hsv* been possible under private operation is, ia our opinion, quite clear...
...Now, it it tht menace of motor competition which it discussed Then, the latest Bteneuvert • in rail consolidation— doubly blessed by Calvin from his White Court retreat...
...For those who, at such an approaching hour, aspire to public service or public leadership hated on knowledge of the railroad utilu ties, no "first book" can be mort highly recommended than Dr...
...The starting point is the year 1860 snd the, end is the collapse of the I Rebellion...
...The Southerners sought tb eombat the free-wage-ay tt«m society of the North by enlarging the area 0' slave territory and securing the right to carry thdir slaves with them, without danger of lost, into every part of the country...
...J. O. DAYTON RE-ECHOES A Flood of Books On Evolution, Religion and Biology By McALISTER COLEMAN FROM the row that started in Robinton'a Drug Store on the Main Street of Dayton, Tennessee when blonde and bashful Johnny Scopes wat called over from the 1 High School to aettle thia hefe Evolution business we now have a flood of books on religion, evolution and biology that bids fair equal in volume, if not In popularity, the crossword jiozzle books...
...Thii book should find a* welcome because it perform* thia service and perform* it In a credit-: able way...
...Wt realize that . all through thttt stont th* Law' «f Evolution hat boon working to bring forth to our dtltctstioa tuch mttterpi*c*a of "detent capitalism" as Judge Gary, William Wallse* Ate terbury and John D. Rockefeller, Jr...
...Helper's book threw oil on the flames...
...Jones' work on the "Principles ef Railroad Transportation...
...Nevertheless thia chapter it very informing fo- the economic data it contains and the volume, we repeat, is the best one that hat come from Professor Channing.- We hope that succeeding volumes will surpass this one as it surpasses the others...
...it, j that the polices and issues of the decade before the Civil War are to, bt understood only in the light of...
...They were as uncompromising for disunion, as the •Southern "fire-eaters...
...So says Mr...
...On the whole, hit discussion of the various prot *nd com on Government Ownerthip follow* th* *am* line of impartial analysis In several inetaneee he misses a good point from the Government Ownership tide, la not emphasising mere the ! W or Mr- Technician Control form of such ownerthip But test ia rsthor \ ou* to cat fact that he it trying te...
...A man practiced in tbe scientific code ef preeentatinn snd mstter of hit tubjee* of-— 1 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM...
...Despite the fact that h{i enemiet have "killed" him so many time* and his "friends" have vulgarized him, Marx ia the one potent 'one in the working class movement of the world today...
...No man or woman should past front this life without knowing the systematic philosophy of the man who has been aptly called "the philosophic- historian of the capitalistic epoch...
...Then there is the vulgarized Marxism of the Left, which consists of ranting and denunciation of all outside its immediate circle...
...From this standpoint, then, Government operation during 1918 mutt be censidered a success...
...Fagnani's alone is worth the read EVOLUTION EXPLAINED...
...Even the capitalist journalists are having their say...
...Henry George, Michael Bakunin, Pierre J. Preudhon, Professor Eugene Duehring and possibly a ftw others have in one or mere tountries gained a temporary ascendancy in the Labor movement...
...Among my counselors," he says in hit preface, "there were those who urged me to enter the littt more definitely on behalf of specific policies and interests, but this sdvice I hsve net teen fit to •ccept...
...By Eliot Jonet, Ph...
...Mar.ufac'wtt in the South were more than *t generally believed but not sufficient to change the overwhelming **ricultural character of the slaveoeracy or to even contest with King Cotton' for supremacy...
...Vtth mus< secure complete equality, tiCalhoan contended, or the two ajcieties must separate absolutely and live by itself under ijs own government...
...porary depression among our "public spirited citizenry'* is the almost total absence of organized protest againat railroad consolidation...
...During the court* of the year it transported ov«i 7,000,000 troopt with proniptnet* and efficiency, and moved sn enormous volume of wsr traffic without serious congestion...
...Jones' book, will be a joy te the student...
...Leninism" enters I the disputes to complicate the war between these professional "Marxians" and each faction solemnly affirms that the other doet not understand "true Leninism" or 'true Marxism...
...Again, there il the reorganization of the bank fnpt "Milwaukee"—which tcarcely created a ripple in the dally press, i, servile hat become "public opinio*" to the Mastert of Big Business...
...Gov* rrnment Ownership snd Operstioa, as to far applied, have net loat tbemsslvas te the Guild leeiansd proposal...
...this struggle, are now commonplace ! truisms...
...New ¦ Ye*},, A. and C. BoM...
...To aueh as theae we recommend thia excellent, book by Comrade Sarhe...
...in tbe North" and "one or the ether j of these societies must perislSj or...
...It is a relief to come across a book like the one under review after wading through the nitgara of wordi pourtd out in this Ltft controversy...
...On the j *thtr hand, had the South developed •rtentiv* manufacturing, as some eeuthtrneri desired, it would have "teloped a bourgeois class that •tqld have contetted for the rulefef the South with the cotton ¦Jtaattt...
...Others have appeared nn the scene from time to time and some have temporarily obtained the allegiance of the work en...
...It it t fin* piece of work, sav* that bt tttms Inclined to-Msg over too lightly ths enermoua wsste snd loot thst speculation hSt caused in thia '-public sorvics," And...
...The f*<-u, as h* present* them, art: That ao far at operation wat concerned, "the performance of the Railroad Adminittrttion waa prata* worthy...
...Neither is Marx, but "ii the other hand it is net difficult I for those who have had a prepare-1 tior in elementary Socialism...
...But why did not the "mental outlook of practically every man, woman and child" change a 100 or fifty years before this economic change...
...He is modern in his statement I that "By the middle of the century, j two distinct social organizations had developed within the United States...
...MARXISM EXPLAINED Since the end of the World War Marx has been the subject of dispute in the revolutionary movement...
...It is not intended for a propaganda hand-book for any of the several "sides" of the railroad fight...
...It would have been just ss well, we must say parenthetically, had he omitted th* last clause For service "to the paramount public interest" immediately demanded that one take sides—and the only side that the "public interest" will allow is that of public ownership, with workers' control But that he has maintained "an objective viewpoint"—-in so far as that it possible in a field bristling with heated antagonisms—but few will bt Inclined to deny...
...Jones sums up, "traffic was seriously congested, and a breakdown was impending...
...Imagine comparing our feeble Intellect* with, those, let' ua say, of that great stu dent of history, Henry Ford or that eminent sociologist,' Wetplftf Charhe Schwab...
...Significant facts like these, more potent than all the constitutional and "State rights" discussions, show that the economic and social regime of the South war, archaic and had to die...
...My endesvor throughout ha* been to maintain an objective viewpoint and a strictly scientific attitude, and to serve no interest but the paramount public interest...
...But "he goes on to say that "A quarter of a century ago, or a third 'of a century ago, it was customary to lay great stress on the influence of economic factors...
...By Edward ™fn*ing, Ntw York: The MacCo...
...That would likely have **«fuited tn* millions of poor whites ** the bourgeois banner...
...Symptomatic of the passing tern PRINCIPLES . OF RAILWAY TRANSPORTATION...
...It was used effectively by the counsel for the defence in the Dayton trial and it will come as a shock to those who believe that the Bible was a book printed in English and handed to Moses in limp leather covera by God Himself...
...The dispute in this country has gone so far as to reach the stage of expulsions...
...of court*, hit w*rk has other ef the) limitations of on* who proposes "no permanent solution" or railroading, •nd who thinkt that "It may weft he that there It do permanent **•' lotion ' But it it s mips of tafelS motion for those who h»v* "s pots msntnt solution...
...tht true test of success is whether the organization delivert tht goodt...
...But it ha* been pointed to, ad nauteum, by th* railroad propaganda agencies a* a horrible oxampl* of "the failure of tuch Government Ownerthip...
...Several j other statements on this matter suggest that the author ventures near the water, but is afraid to go vary far because the water may be cold...
...As the significance of thia struggle became apparent the sham division between Whigs and Democrats was gradually replaced by divisiona and factions in, both, the factions reastembling in ihe Republican party on the one ¦nand and* in the Democratic party on the other...
...A* to the finsncisl costs Involved, r.i ssyt: "The truth in, that in time of war, cottt consideration...
...By J. . Ivglt* Paraone...
...It alto has the advantage of not being long enough to tire the reader while it is adapted for study claasea aa wall as for the individual who will carefully study a few pages every day or two, studying them carefully in order to get the gist of what is presented...
...By A. S. Saeht...
...The brothtrt Boni trt to be congratulated in bringing out Fagnavni'i book...

Vol. 2 • September 1925 • No. 37

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