DRAMA THEATRES "'Siegfried' Marks New Era in Presentation"—Zuro THE American premiere of "Siegfried," the film on the Niebe) tinge n aaga, to which Hugo Eieeeafeld kit arranged ¦ »core...

...Erlanger'i production will be exactly similar only with an American tinge...
...Walter Hampden his aisumed control of the Colonial Theatre at...
...Martha Hodman, in collaboration i with H. A. Home, hai written a play, ; "The Firit Fiddle," which will be produced by Richard Htrndon in October...
...Zuro looks forward to the day when th* score of the motion picture will be of equal importance with the acenario...
...If Wagner were alive today," he taid, "I know he would be the first te approve of our 'Siegfried," He dreamed in hie day of a music drama which would recapture the epic quality of the Niebelungen etory visually as well at ¦usietlly...
...DRAMA A. H. floods' Repertoire Company A. H. Woods announces th* organisation of the A. H. Woods' Broadway Plays and Players, a repertoire company with the two-fold purpose of pretentions Broadway successes in th* socalled "one night stand" cities of from 50,000 to 250,000 population, it popular prices ranging from 25 cents to $1.00 and of giving new bistrionic talent an opportunity, of gaining experience without tlnre spent in dramatic schools and effort prematurely wasted on New York productions...
...Boston Opera Co...
...Merle Middero, Dorii Carteret...
...Eve, influenced by Amy, refuses to go "to be exhibited as a trophy at the chariot wheel of the actress...
...Grant Mitchell, in Srffetv First," a comedy by Dorothy De Jaegera, "Tramp, Tramp, Tnmp...
...and further says "The Spaniih public wai totally unprepared for a drama of thii content and complexity...
...Ont a dramatization of F, Scott Fittgerald'i novel, "The Great Gataiby...
...Other member...
...Owen Davii contribute...
...It ii a romantic eostumi comedy by .Ashley Dukes, ind dull with th* of 1810...
...Partridge Presents," or the slightly piteyed married lady in "The Fall of Eve...
...Underbill describes thii premier of a decade ago as "an unusual glamourous, and prophetic performance...
...The rjnt of theae playi it "Arabesque" a modern comedy of mannara . with Algeria its locale...
...cheap minds that rfAd literary garbage and accept the» falsp...
...Devili," by Daniel Rubin, will have a midwinter pramiera...
...They are scarcely lodged in their new abode when it occurs to the two younger members of the foursome lhat their husbands could not but help improve in the new surroundings...
...W. M. F. A Mushy Comedy "The Enchanted April,' a Sugary Comedy by Kane Campbell, Opens at Morosco There is little to commend itself to discriminating playgoers in "The Knchnnted April," which Rosalie Stewart is presenting at the Moroeco Theatre these nights...
...The Wilton Sisters...
...Others In the cast niclude Eileen Percy, George Fawcett Claire Adams, Edith Yorke, Anders Randolf and Robert Ober...
...After Eve has driven Ted away'she deflates that she will leave him and go back home to mother...
...Stnuii, for instance, ia now directing the ecreen production of hie "Rosenkavalier...
...i Benavente Play Due* in October THE Norman Bel Geddei-Richttd Herndon Corporation plan to product playt of unusual character, and in their production to make radical departure from tha beaten tracki of the theatre...
...21 "The Pelican," by F. Tennyson Jesse and A. M. Harwood, which has been quite successful in London last season, will be produced at the Times Square ^Theatie by A. H. Woods and Monday night, Sept...
...A castle in Italy becomes their haven...
...It la not unlikely that hit next step will be the compoiition of a ecore to fit a epecifie picture...
...but there is sound sense in its attack upon the...
...of "Magda," "Pygmalion and Galatea,*' and Shake ipeare'i "Twelfth Night...
...17, under the management of Andreas Fugmann...
...In the latter respect he, of course succeeded, Dramatically, howaver, he met with one technical obstacle after another, inevitable considering the scenic and histrionic demands of his librettos...
...About the only appeal the play has is to those who like their mush thick and ooiy...
...Of eourie, there Were othert who thought it was a sacrilege to put the melancholy Dane in plut fours In the grave yards scene and to use a .45 automatic in his duel with Laertes but Sir Barry went right ahead with hiiepreparationi and, according to .the cablegrams, the London theatre-goers are flocking to aee the performances at the Kingtway Theatre...
...The motion pictures, on the other hand, not only ire capable of producing any scenic effect, no matter on how heroic a eeale, but they posttit a continuity ef action which paralalia the fluidity of the Wagnerian score...
...tUnd the sp*ei*l fellow -Miner*' eonearta to b* giv*a at th* ^J* •* tk* ttaton...
...Saturday night, "Cirmen " ---^-, Wm...
...At the lame time, it...
...Ruth Chatt*Hon ii thi leiding lady Th* Th*«tr* Guild will product this seaion "A Stranger in th* House" hp Lee Wilton Dodd...
...Ted, who ia about to undertake a six weeks' business trip the following day, is eager to spend a happy last evening with his wift but the will not go to the opening, and that's all there ia to it...
...She is there, and that's that...
...Broadway Briefs Jene Lynch Williami'l "The Lovely Lady," is how in rehearsal...
...Jick Oitermm...
...The two friends are determined to prevent the break-up of the "marriage, and to keep her where she is they give her a cocktail—and another...
...Robert Lorifne, the English ictormaniger, arrived from England Wednesday to play the l**dlnr roie ifl) "A Man With * Load of Mitehielft' which it to me produced by the Shubertl...
...Good God, how she kisses him...
...This i« the drama that was voluntarily withdrawn from the Comedy Theatre last February, when the town got feverish about the numerous frank affairs on view in and around Broadway...
...The outcome is inevitable...
...Jimea Printo and Jack Boylt...
...Editha Fleischer, late of the Wagnerian Opera Company, lings the leading part...
...Optrtt fer balane* ef w*tki ¦ * ¦ Tuttday: Pueeini'i "La BohtntS...
...It it due here in October...
...Woods, "ona to the Coast, one to the New England States, en« to New York and Pennsylvania and one to the Middle West...
...The cast will include Margaret Lawi renee, Fred Kerr, Henry Stepheni son and Geoffrey Kerr...
...MUSIC State Symphony ' The opening concert of the tetton •f the State Symphony Orchestra will *• given at Carnegit Hall, Wedntiday enning, Oct...
...F*tr," hii other play, had a tryout early ia the lummer...
...Grace George will open in Boiton on October 12, in "She Had To Know," and will continue on tour until tht new yeir, when ihe will return to Naw York in a comedy by Paul Geraldy...
...The itory It told by I.Ioyd Htad and Eunice TietJem in two acta and ten tcenes...
...Though to music lovers Wagner has long since ceased te be ctviar, the average individual attending the motion picturet knows little or nothing of hie music, excepting perhape the 'Lohengrin, Wedding March...
...The direction is by James C. McKay...
...The Emeraon-Looi combination, scenarists *% th* movies for many yean, have given us aft up to the second sophisticated comedy of wealthy people of the professional* let Ruth Gordon ia the wife of a lawyer who is getting along beautifully, specializing on the new contracts and divorces of * beautiful though loose movie star...
...The story, adapted from William J. Locke'i but seller, is a melodramatic* comedy, adapted by Garett Fort and Jimel Greolmin...
...author and itar of tho London euceeee, "The Vortex," whieh will open Wednesday evening at Henry Miller'i Theatre...
...PALACE Joe Smith and Chtrles Dale with the Avon Comedy Four...
...Th* id** of producing "Hamlet" In Twentieth Century garb in London wat Sir Barry Jackson'* and for weeks the newspapers have been discussing th* promiaed novelty and interesting experiment...
...The iccond will be "Tht Gull Killer," , a new play by Hope Bartnett...
...Je Miclnner hat been engaged by th* Actors' Theatre to do teenlc designs far its program o'f plays, opining •t th* Camedy Theatr* on October 5 with "Th* Call of Life...
...two other playa to Mr Brady'i programme...
...But 111 is straightened out for the benefit of the audienet...
...But taking it by and large, the play is Ruth Gordon and her magnificent acting...
...The Bard wrote hit plays, not for a generation, but for all time, taid some of the commentators, and there was no earthly reason why the characters in "Hamlet" ehould not wear up-to-date clothes...
...Josephine Evans, a young actress with much power, is seen as Mary Ferris, daughter of the drunken Bdll Ferris...
...Wagenhali and Kemper have engaged Bruct McRea and Carlotta Monterey for the leading roltt...
...Nineteen other con••rti will follow, tht teriet concluding •» Mtreh 18...
...Later in the leainn, Alice Brady will appear in a new play by Owen Davn, "The Gentle Grafter" Mill Grady alio contemplatei revival...
...The time will come, he aayt, when composere of note will write directly for the film...
...1 Arthur Hopkins will produce thii leaion a pliy titled "Pardon My Glove," by Zpe Akim...
...in Final Week _i_ The se.-nnd week of the Boston Civic Grind Opera Comptny'i fortnight engtgemmt in tht Manhattan Optra Houie will include only two repetition!, from the first week'i repertoire, while Ave other offering...
...The audience need make no allowances, at •they must even at Bayreuth or the Metropolitan...
...Each Company will carry two carloads of ICenery and will travel In a special train They will present six shows a week, chiefly, established Broadway Successes, but occasionally, new plays for tryouts...
...David Graham Phillips' "Souls For Sables" Due Sunday at the Colony Moss' Colony Theatre will, present, beginning with Sunday, an unusual film, suggested from the novel "Garlan * Co., by David Graham Phillips...
...Thi* drama of Arthur Sehnltiler't ha, btta idapted by Dorothy Donnelly...
...Lady Caroline Deiter is beautiful, possessing the proper imount of hauteur mixed with condescending kindnen...
...The supporting cast includes John Anthony, June Webster, Hal Claredon, Colvin Thomas, Maude Nolan, Doris Freeman and Walter Kenney...
...The Garret Players of Si West gth St., will open thtir season with Ibsen'* "Gabriel Borkman...
...Vaudeville Theatres B. S. MOSS' BROADWAY At B. S. Moss' Broadway Theatre, beginning Monday, the program of vaudeville will inHude, Clarke and Bergman, assisted by Crisp Siateri and Lou Handman...
...sopranos and angular German tenors, but actors and actresses whose performances match in dramatic significance the musical heights of Wagner's music " "Incidentally," continued Mr...
...Broadway and o2d street...
...They ne*d accept no Stage conventions...
...In the Introduction to the third icriei of playa by Benavente translated from tht Spaniih by John Garrett Underbill, Mr...
...The action takes place in the beautiful home of two elderly bachelors, one the head of Ted's firm, the other another close friend...
...Ted Nutton, the husband in question, s%devoted to his wife, and hie joy in his success ia the greater because through it he can give his beloved Eve all she detirea...
...with its limitations of apace and equipment, cannot create the illusion Wagner desired...
...Hamlet' Up-to-date AMERICA too i* to te* "Hamlet" in modern dress A L. Erlinger announced yesterday that he Will organise two companies imraedi ately—on* to play in New York and on to go on tour — to prteent th* Shakespearian drama in th* tame way that It it now being done at th* Kingsway Theatre la London...
...He is chemically pure...
...All th* character*, male and female, will be drersed to suit 'the variou* scenes as if that* scents Were taking place today...
...will five mt an opportunity to give the "oat night stand" cities that have, for •o long, been lost to the legitimate stsgs a ehanct to see Broadway, iuctlliei well played, well mounted and *»11 directed at movie prices...
...The met ion pictiae of the future will tee the fuaion of ballet, film and music into a new artistic unit...
...Kan* Campbtll adapted th* play from th* novel "The Pelican," London Success', * At Times Square Sept...
...Rufui LeMaire, co-producer of "Gay I Paree," will ihortly preient a new comedy, "An Ace in the Hole," tht work of Tom Dugan and William Preicott...
...Zuro, "the film should do much to familiarise the general public wifh the Wagnerian music...
...Fallow-mem•eri of th* Symphony Orcheitra, on Jaynunt of 110, are entitled to »dmit•»« to ttn ipecial rthearuli of naw mutie to be givtn *t Car***'* Hall, not open to tht public, ¦srjeipMlon in th* idueatlontl eoum •J ~h« Mtkt-up of th* Modern SymJ»»ny Oreh**tr*"i two orcheitra ***ti "*»»o»t eh*rg* for en* «f th* regular »_{•*•'*• «f th* orcheitra, *nd in ISStaLi...
...Hugh Huntley and Aliion Skipworth...
...so lady-likely...
...And how embarrassed he is, too...
...Briggs is hnnrisnme, a perfect gentleman, gallant...
...The ghow Off," another play recently seen on Broadway, will move up to the Bronx a week later...
...Albertina Rasch'i "Pompadour Billet...
...So they seitd for them...
...Monday: Virdi't "II Trovttore" will bt *ung by Clara Jacobo, Antonio Marques, Rhea Toniolo, Fablo, Ronchi, Eugtnlo Sindrini and with Albtrto Baeeoltni conducting...
...And ehe falls asleep on the couch...
...Andre* Chtaiar...
...The night of the opening of our play the actress in question has an opening which" Ted mutt attend as a matter of courtesy to his client...
...It will be known 1 hereafter ai Hampden's Theatre...
...A. Brady's Current Season ALICE BRADY'S opening at tht Playhouit last week in "Oh, Mama...
...Mardell Baker, Charles Raymong and Angeline Martoll...
...It is a sophisticated play, rather artificial and manifestly fabricated for the occasion...
...So Thii ii New York," by Philip and Frances Dunning, ii to itart rehearialt oa September 10, and openi here early in October...
...8*tordar matinee, "Rigoletto...
...Featured in this picture of modern life is Claire Windsor and Eugene O'Brien...
...PrlnI cipally because of price,'' A teason of modern German operettu will be initituted at the Irving Place Theatre Sept...
...The ordinary etage...
...Though the Utter may be, visually, a aad shock to the uninitiated whoee first impreaaion of the 'Sing' had been through the medium of the ecreen...
...standards as real...
...Kittle'i Kisiei," a veralnn of "Little Min Brown," a comedy by Philip Blrtholomae, put into musical form by Otlb Harbach, with muaic by Con Conrad and lyrics hy Gui Kahn, will begin reheamla shortly "Simon Called Peter," seen here lait leaion, it to tour the Far Weat...
...There will be, of course, Same experienced and well-known aster* in these companies, but my Purpose Is chiefly, as far at the.actors art concerned, to'give the many amShloilt young people who'want to go SB the stage a chance to learn their etaft without hurting their public, .their managers, and themselves while ltlrning I think the time ordinarily spent in dramatic schools can be much ¦ore profitably employed in this practical way...
...Wilton Sieters...
...Bert Baker, Mrs...
...It really doesn't matter what sort of a part she is playing, th* "Bab talk lady'' of "Seventeen," the empty-headed flapper of "Mrs...
...Rot" 1 Williams...
...The Enchanted April" has been made over from a book of great rhnrm and appeal...
...Helm Gahigin, slwtyt lovely to look upon and liittn to, heids thi cut, which includes Eltnbeth Rlidon...
...Meanwhile the owner of the cnstlH, Thomas Rrigge, has for some reason or other found'it necessary to visit the castle although he has rented it out...
...Die Tanzgrtefln" (The Dancing Counten), a Continental success, by F. Stolz, will be tht initial production...
...of the company are Eliie Renter, Greta Meyer, Siegfried Rumann, Emit Naumann and Max Bratt...
...And Larry Webb, one o'f the bachelors, steals behind her to lift her off to bed, when in her sleep she thinks it is Ted come back and she kisses him...
...will be added to their Hit...
...1-* "The Fall of Eve" Ruth Gordon Does Magnificent Work in Sophisticated Comedy et Booth Theatre Ruth Gordon, who slipt snd fulls a little in "Th* Fall of Eve," the new play by John Emereon and Anita Loos at the Booth Theatre, can have my vote for anything she runs for on any ticket...
...After seeing 'Siegfried' many people will go away stirred to euch an extent that they will attend the next all-Wagner program at Carnegie Hall or perhape even the opera...
...The first half of the ••ston tht orcheitra will be directed *y Ernttt von Dohnanyi and the ttcond J*" by Alfredo Catella...
...She has been patronising the beautiful-though-dumb Eve and has filled her pretty little head with the idea that no man ii pure and that Ted ii particularly impure becauae of hia long business sessions with the beautiful actorine...
...In the Intervening yean Spain hai grown to Benavente, bat America hai never teen hii "Saturday Night...
...The Butter and Egg Man," by George S. Kaufman, is now in rehearsal 1 under the guidance of Jamel Gleaaon...
...Siegfried," according to Mr...
...The cait ineludei Gregory Kelly, Sylvia Field and Denman Maley...
...Monday night will tee the return of the Greenwich Village Theatre production of Congreve'a delightful comedy "Love for Love," which takes up Daly's Sard Street Theatre for a four week's engagement...
...Thit will be followed by "Saturday Night," by Jacinta Benavente, presenting the Spaniih author in his best lubjectiv* mood...
...A Good Bad Woman" Coming to the Bronx Opera House, Monday, * * "A Good Bad Woman," recently seen at the Playhouse, will open at the Bronx Opera House Monday night for a week's engagement...
...The feature will be Cecil B. DeMille'i newest film, "The Coming of Amoi," lien 'oil by Rod La Rocque, Jetta Getdal, Noah Beery, Trixie Friginsi, Richard Carle and Clarence Burton ire | other featured players...
...La Fantasia, with Charles ! Prevette and Company, and other act...
...ushered in William A. Bridy'i firit production of tht ttaion...
...And the conventional divitione between the acts and the necessary ellipses of detail deetroy the unbroken lint of which Wagner also dreamed...
...Saturday Night" wai produced in Madrid in 1903...
...Three matrons of the English middle class, and a fourth woman, she aincle and a member of the aristocracy, decide they need a, change of scenery...
...The godi and demigods fo the 'moviee' are loager obei...
...Zuro, is the first step in that direction...
...in« "Madame Sam Jane," a Hal Roie* film comedy...
...And ehe gets drunk, oh...
...And champagne...
...I shall send out four companies In January," said Mr...
...DRAMA THEATRES "'Siegfried' Marks New Era in Presentation"—Zuro THE American premiere of "Siegfried," the film on the Niebe) tinge n aaga, to which Hugo Eieeeafeld kit arranged ¦ »core from Wagaer'i "King," marks ¦ sew ere in the art of motion picture, according te Josiah Zuro, conductor and direetor of presentationMr Zuro ia enthusiastic over the poisibilitiee of tke fuaion of grtat nunc and the ecreen...
...I am ~ 1 1 i 1 — i certain that in thii way I can win hark tha vast audiencei that hat de¦erted the itage for the cinema...
...There'i a female cat hanging around, however, in ''the attractive shape of Amy Parker who has read that all tnen are beasts, and thinks that no mart can gate at a woman Without evil thoughts...

Vol. 2 • September 1925 • No. 37

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