The Realm of Books

The Realm of Books Savage and Civilized Men Further Evidence of the Mind's Inheritance of Ages Long Past A Review by AUGUST CLAESSENS SOCIAL ORIGINS AND SOCIAL CONTINUITIES. By...

...His volume is consequently brief and decided...
...Monogamy is a more ancient institution than generally surmised and aexual promiscuity is much more rampant among us moderns than among the lowest savages...
...The mind of present-day man, says Robinson, has its stratification, the savage content largely dominating...
...Th* savage is 'bona of our bone and flesh of our flesh.' He is, in short, a 'poor relation, but our own.' " The hotly debated topics of socslled racial purity and potentialities, the Nordic myth, the effects of intermarriage and the fool conclusions of recent racial intelligence test* sre sanely discussed, and the writer warns us to be constantly on the alert for all the numerous factors involved...
...His treatment of the social life of primitive folk ia a* rich in plot, character and color as a great novel...
...New York: The Macmillan Company...
...The temptation to quote from this book is overpowering, Its msterisl is so rich snd enchanting...
...The particular economic or social environments, the opportunities for education and culture, are far more influential elements than are hereditary or supposed national inferiorities...
...There Is the admission that, ss sffairt stsnd, tht League of Nsttoas might hsvt to rtsort to fore* to put down "aggression...
...On* writer hss noted that the secret society is a glorified 'method of ego enhancement,' » Th* origin end continuity of th* tabus and superstitions is interestingly described by th* author...
...There is the drafting of the Protocol to outlaw war...
...HERE a. distinguished member of th* Psulist Fathers of New York City mskes a vigorous onslaught upon s curiously assorted group of modern writer* who, ha says, have attempted te raviva Pagsniim...
...It is a short and ex- j plicit summary...
...There is no present evidence, physical, psychological or cultural, to prove that contemporaneous savages are fundamentally different in mind, body or estate from the sophisticated hum*n product of civilization...
...He aims to be fair and succeeds to a great degree...
...system began in this country tt has been not only in a state of (Volution, but in a state of evolution that, I think, historisn...
...He brings to light a wealth of evidence gathered by personal contact with primitive and s»vage peoples and a large comprehension of anthropological datamand theory...
...All through it there ari evidences of the author'a suppressed desires for intellectual freedom, and th* louder he rail* against libertsrianism the move convinced is the reader thst the unfortunate man il In reality a thwarted liberal...
...We are certain that his appearance at Washington would caiisa the American Defense Society to order a large supply of smelling salti for its members, while the National Security League would mobilise its warriors for defense of the glorious Constitution...
...And in SO far as th* world is concerned, what Amarle» and Europe d? i* to be *tr*ssed only a* it will mak* or mar unrestricted *nd unrest rained good will toward those other peoples who are, strangely enough, the bulk of th* world's population...
...Their opinions ara a hoI.?VrWr.Tjfnm the period of small industry and often of the household stage...
...To be a bit broader, "It is no exaggeration to say that as go Europe and A'merict so goes the world...
...Th* writer is full of his subject and illustrate* his theme unsparingly...
...A mass of evidence is presented in this book to demonstrate once more thst men are not so much what they are born to be ae what they are apt to become in s given environment...
...Premier Baldwin has had to face a test of this new orientation in the cosi crisis, and in doing so he has shocked a powerful section of his party by his decision in favor of a Government subsidy to avert a strike is the mining industry...
...In many other institutions, the savage appears in • totally different light than popularly seen, and thanks to Tozzer's illuminating data and theories our modern cultured veneer becomes pitifully transparent in the glare of scientific research...
...This is the easier to say since the author realizes that the road is far from smooth, there are still blind alleys and dangerous crossings ahead, and the prospect of amity is much more a hope than a guarantee...
...Stanley High may therefore expect a favorable reception...
...I should like to clear •gr minds of cant on this subject," hi continued, "and recognize that th* growth of these associations is Bit necessarily a bad thing in itself, kit that, whatever associations may call themselves, it is the same human nature in both, and exactly the Mme problems have to be met, although we hear a good deal more of ionie of those problems than others...
...the medieval layers often appear in out-crop and the most recent civilised surface is so woefully thin that the slightest jar, shock or abrasion brings the snimal and savage nature in man into display and action.* Now comes the Professor of Anthropology in Harvard with his work, "Social Origins and Social Continuities...
...Among bis victims sre Shaw and Walla snd France, ef course, and then, oddly enough, Mark Twain and Sigmund Freud and rouan Doyie...
...On the eight side of the balance is the larger estimate of international relations which hai come to be... jus-, this rapid evolution which our medieval judges generally refuM to recognize in dealing with trade-union...
...To our chagrin, he shows how many of our modern ideas, habits, customs and institutions have their origin and duplicate in the social life of savages in various parts of the earth as well as among extinct tribes and prehistoric societies...
...Til* following notable passsge provides his justification: I-often wonder if all the people in this country realize the inovittble changes that are coming over the industrial system of England...
...In 1923 Lloyd George and Francesco Nitti considered that America would have to save the peace just as she had saved the war...
...He paints the picture as he found it in 1924...
...By Stanley Bald§?, Sew York: Tha Dial Press...
...On the other side of the scales it the overweening emphasis marked for purely political intercession...
...Diplomacy was brought out into the light by the Socialist premiers... Ae centuries to come, when they Write its history, will acknowledge ¦ be an evolution that has devel- ! ¦ad at i far more rapid rate than -Ear* vi8'^e t° tne people who lived ¦ these times...
...They mtkt delicious reading...
...How far W* ate behind England in the development of political ideas may be observed by the fact that this leadisg British Tory would be regarded by our 100 percenters as a "dangerous radical...
...Conferences about disarmament, arbitration snd peace were in better spirit...
...Its composition can be compared to the earth's strata: The lower and most ancient rocks dominate in quantity and hardness...
...He cuts across Europe with a light step and ingratiating countenance...
...For example, the savage is famous for his hokum, his totems, tabus and secret societies...
...Ths crise* in the life of th* individual in primitive societies brought about by th* phenomena of birth, adolescence, marriage and death have been productive of weird practice*, absurd symbolisms, mystic rituals and crtiel ordeals among savage folk- Strang* to relate, our highly civilized social life teems with many of these primitive customs, considersbly modified, of course...
...This work of Tozzer has the, high merit of being delightfully readable and yet scrupulously scientific in approach and conclusion...
...He contends that both capitalist and Labor combinations are iasTi'tSb?e...
...There is the gathering of fiftysix nations about a conference table to handle difficult jurisdiction disputes and disposing of some amicably...
...Thus there is the change in English sentiment from s Lloyd George's campaign bunk that "Germany must pay the cost of the war" to the drift for the "complete elimination of the German debt in the interest of restored conditions on th* Continent *nd the revived market* that would result...
...Is Consn Doyle else among the prophets—even ths false ones 7 If so, it ia news to us...
...Premier Baldwin's view constitutes another step beyond the diyswhen Labor organization in indttltry was a conspiracy under the law...
...The book Is Interesting to the student of modern psychology as sn ««ampia of rationalisation of a belief in authoritarian religion...
...For good or ill, the international policies of ths United States and Europe from 1925 to 1950 will set the standard thst the world for the century, perhsps two centuries following, will adopt...
...He does not mean to gloss over the unpleasant and unsatisfactory, even while on the quest for the bright spots...
...Yet, there they are, says Tesser, continuities out of our late savage origin...
...Not thst it really nutters to ntuch to them—not nstrly to much si It msy msttsr to America and Europe...
...The other two addresses merely «arborate this general theme...
...No student of the social sciences snd social progress csn afford to neglect It Furthermore, it is indlspenslble to the equipment of any well-Informed person...
...Only an authority of «quai eminence may venture that undertaking Baldwin on Labor A Review by JAMES ONEAL TilCt AND GOOD WILL IN MDVSTRY...
...JAMES HARVEY ROBINSON, in his brilliant work, "Th* Mind In the Making," advanced the theory that the mind of modern man contains an abundant heritage of past ages...
...Especially Is there welcome for any favorable repprt of what is happening in the old and broken world across the ocean...
...The Abingdon Prest...
...N. B. They can skip Consn Doyle...
...Flushed with thsir recent victory, quite a number ef th* Tories were ready to support this bill...
...There is the supported motion for the cancellation of war debts, which is a large phase in itself and deserves mention apart...
...There was an upward trend politically in the ascension of MacDonald and Herriot to power, even temporarily, and as a portent of future security...
...The drsbnets of some of our pr?tent condition* cov*t* color, form and symbolism...
...Europe Takes a Turn A Hopeful Volume A Reviev by Joseph E. Cohen EUROPE TURNS THE CORNER...
...Who wants to go scurrying about to find what is wrong with this picture...
...Honorific titlaa flatter, and elaborate raiment gratifies man's craving for something h* eeimot have in evtry-day life...
...Examples of the many civilized savag* practice* still common among us at this late day are also offered, end, surprising to read, these superstitions and tabus are not only rife amid our ignorant hordes but also among college men...
...As such it more quickly responds to the glow of the sunny hilltops than to the shadows of the darkened valleys...
...By Alfred itartton Totter...
...So far ss Europe li concerned, It hs* turned s corner only if it is approximately headed for thi* destination...
...There is the establishment of th* League of Nations...
...Industry hitched up its trousers and could step about more freely...
...EXCEPTING those who sre rivet, ed in the position that the world must descend into the grave before it can have its resurrection in the millennium, there is always a heartening in any new record of possible betterment...
...Let it be admitted at once that Europe has turned s corner in these half dozen years since firing ceased...
...jyHEN last March Premier Baldwin interverned to offer w an amendment to the Trade fjtjtn Political Fund Bill sponsored t member of his party he deliv irta1 a speech which has come to be retarded as marking a turning point ia British political history...
...In thorough fashion "he substantiates and amplifies Robinson's contention...
...By Jem** If, OUltt...
...For gutay years attempts have been msd* to obstruct or prevent the trsd* anion* from making financial contributions to the Labor psrty, aad this Private Member's Bill, snMnded by Baldwin, was s proposal of this kind...
...A bird's-eye view it appears to be...
...New York: Macmillan...
...By Stanley High...
...So he should get a sympathetic hearing altogether...
...At all events the book may have com* valu* in thst It may start som* ardent religionists to read the worka of thesa "Fell* Prophets...
...the shales, limestone, sandstones and conglomerates are of more recent formation, while the top soil, but skin deep, is of relatively modern creation...
...Look at the numerous secret societies and tomfooleries in our midst—the Masons, Ku Kliix Klans, the Elks, Moose, Buffaloes, Eagles, Orioles, etc., etc., their mysteries, secrets, pomp, regalia and solemn asinlnities—to quote Tozzer: "There is little doubt that the rise of the relatively modern secret society, more especially in America, is due to a 'throwback' to earlier and simple cultures...
...Russia was receding from Its self-imposed«aolation and was being sccorded softer trestment by its neighbors...
...How like the savage is our glorious Babbitt...
...His aim is "to show the continuity of human achievement on the social side from the savage to civilization...
...In th* appendix of this book it found a collection of freshman themes on their superstitious beliefs snd practices...
...Speaking to his amendment, Prestisi Baldwin made r notable speech, tad ft is this'address and two others, tat delivered before and the other shortly after the Parliament speech, which are reprinted in this smsll volume He strikes a note of conciliation and considers the evolution *f British industry to justify the a**/attitude which he believes should be taken towards the trade unions...
...There is the supposition that, in the course of evolution, "the d»y of Communism *nd of «theism will be done, and a new Russia will emerge, fitted to assume with honor ite placa •t the council tables of the world...
...Although most of the writers vehemently protest and regard thesa wesknettet st unintelligent, nevertheless they indulge in them, and on* of the freshI men naively remarks "that b* used to be superstitious, but that he is not so any longer—In fact, he thinks that thirteen i* his luckiest number...
...There is th* charge that the Church and religion have been dealt ¦Severe blows for their alliance with autocracy snd wsr, snd the regret that "in so fsr ss a new Europe is emerging, it is emerging for the most part under th* leadership of individual* who are indifferent, if not hostile, to organized religion...
...To Justly review a work of this character i* a delicate task and to adequately criticize its w*akn«*»cs —for it surely must hsve som*—is no business of th* layman...
...Thar* is th* utter failure to realize that the whole social order ha* collapsed and that from th* Russian Revolution to th* temporary accession to power of Labor and Social* ism In England,jaPranc*, Germany, and other Countries, new forces are gathering fer th* construction of a social system that will have no class divisions, private interests, commercial rivalries, national jealousies and Inevitable conflict...
...People are apt either to get their knowledge of the industrial system from textbooks, which must be half a generation behind, or from circumstances familiar to tttm at a fixed and static point is their lives, whereas, as a mattit'of fact, ever since the industri...

Vol. 2 • September 1925 • No. 36

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