The Truth About EVOLUTION PLAINLY TOLD VI. Nature and Evolution By DR. W.C. CURTIS (Dr. Wintertoa C. (alila received tfc* «erra* of Ph. D. al John. Hop kiaa la IMI. Ha ha. served tkt...

...As with the evidence of geologic chsnge, the evidence for an evolution of animals and plants rests upon facts that are immediately before us...
...One can simply say, "God m it," and not ask why...
...The invertebrate groups tell a similar story...
...All these forms exhibit in their early stages of development a fish-like plan of structure, particularly in the neck region where the gill-slit* ere located...
...which are the objects of its investigstion, hsve not always esisted ss they are today, but have undergone a process of change...
...urti, la particularly qualified to apeak ia th* matter, nadar een¦ideration, beta*** ia thia volume h* hae empha.ited th* «pi rit uni r.ihet than th* material, influence, of acience...
...All vertebrates are now alike, because they have never tost the underlying plan of structure ** inherited . from their common ancestry...
...Astronomy deals with,, the origin of the earth as a planet of our solar system...
...Cosmic Evolution Cosmic Evolution really includes til other forms, for by the cosmic we mesn the entire visible universe, our very bodies, as well as the farthest star...
...The astronomical evidence for the development of such a dynamic universe in space .and time it, of course, limited...
...The geologist's belief in a vest lapis of tims snd stupendous changes, resti upon evidence thit ii everywhere at hand...
...of Geology," published in 1830, rune si follows: "An attempt to explain the former changes of the earth's surfsce by reference to causes now in operation...
...Leonardo da Vinci, in the fifteenth century, grasped the significance, c* important, geological facts when he wrote concerning the ealtness of the ses and the marine shells found ss fossils in ths high mountsins...
...animals Ire redistributed I surface of the earth in s that confirms their geoirigins...
...The foregoing summery of the vsrious lines of svidsnce is hopelessly insdsquste, sines books could be written on each...
...A mors striking line ological evidence is ths reUscovered cbjmieel resenf>-blance between the blood of animals previously supposed to be tlosely related on grounds of their anatomical similsrities, for example, apes and monkeys, birds and reptiles, and the like...
...But the evolution of plant and animal life, and hence human evolution, is inseparable from that, of inorganic matter as described by astronomy and geology, because'of the fossils in the rocks.' Organic Evolution Organic Evolution resembles the cosmic and geologic evolution above described, since it concludes thst the living bodies...
...Geologic Evolution Geologic Evolution overlaps with cosmic, since the geologist takes the evolutionary problem where the astronomer leaves it...
...Another line of evidence is that Of Geological and Geographical Distribution: The facts in, thls.connec.tion are utterly senseless and injf?ting to an intelligent Creator, if viewed as a result of special cresson...
...There is no longer talk among intelligent or educated men—or there should not be—of "heaven and earth, center and circumference, crested all together, in the same instant, and clouds full of water, on October 23, in the year 4004 B.C., at nine o'clock in the morning,"' as was determined by the chronology of Dr...
...Such sn idea is a theoretical possibility, provided there is any evidence to show" that animals were created all at once and separately...
...Specific Chemical Resemblances of closely relsted forms, e g., Blood Tests...
...3. Evidence from Physiology is derived from: Fundamental Resemblances in Vital Processes...
...Such an idea is of recent origin...
...Astronomy and geology, despite their practical importance, are remote from human concern, in so far as their evolutionary doctrines are concerned...
...served tkt UalTaraitjr of Mi.aourf alar* Ih* lattar dal», an* i* now chairman of the Department of Zoology la tkl* In.titu lion, H* h** ala* beea aaeoeiated with tkt Maria* Biological Laboratory at Wood...
...Hole, Ma».., for many year*, being at th* pre.ent lime on* •f it* treat...
...Lyell established the idea of Evolution as the only reasonable interpretation of geological facts and his elaboration of Mutton's doctrines still constitutes the very foundstion of geologic science...
...Today, geology, without an evolution of the earth's surface from a molten mess to its present form, end extending over millions of years, would be on a par with a science of geography postulating a flat earth...
...rerut work entitled "Science and Human Affair.'' undertake, a»• lon, from th* standpoint of biologtral .clence, of th* relalion.kip...
...The weathering of rock into soil, orosion with itti transportation of product...
...It is a sad comment upon the state of popular information that the practical facts of biological science are everywhere scknowledged...
...Ths vertebrates or backboned animals' will serve as an illustration., We find here a certain plan of structure, for exemple, backbone, two pairs of limbs, body, head, snd various internal organs, all laid down according to a similar general plan, but with endless modifications to tuit the mode of life...
...In the phraseology of the street, the world is a going concern, hiitoricaly at well as in its present aspects...
...Turning to the facts of Comparativo Embryology: The kind of evidence everywhere discoverable may be illustrated by the gill-slits in the embryos of higher vertebrates like reptiles, birds and mammals...
...The point to: be appreciated is that all the multi»" tudinous facts of biology hang together in a consistent fashion when viewed in terms of Evolution, while they are meaningless when considered as the arbitrary acts of a Creator who brought them into existence all at once a few thousand years in the p*st...
...DEFINITIONS are wearisome...
...When we speak of the evolution of man-made products, like automobiles and steam-engine*, of social institutions like the democratic government, of the crust of our earth, of solar system, of animal* and plants, we mean a graduai coming into existence of what is now before us, in contrast to the sudden and miraculous creation...
...Geology deals with the history of our earth, how it originated and how it has assumed its present form...
...The nature of these lines of evidence may now, b« indicated, ^ Evidence from Comparative A*"' atomy: In the animal kingdom as a whole) and in every group of animal* whether large or «mail, we find facts .that may be interpreted most reasonsbly in terms of Evolution...
...Cosmic evolution snd geologic evolution are readily accepted by the deity on the authority of science, because they do not seriously interfere with doctrines thst are deemed vital...
...In view of its implications and applications, the doctrine of Evolution is second to none other in modern thought...
...John Lightfeot in the seventeenth century...
...The later stages of our development are modified so thst they lesd to the adult human body...
...Our time will permit of only enumeration and brief characterization of the'recognized linei of evidence for organic evolution, which are as follows: 1. Evidence from -Structure is derived from...
...The modern science of genetics is beginning to solve the problem of -how evolution takes pisce, although this question Is one of extreme difficulty...
...The evidence, from geology is written in the ground beneath our feet...
...Two entirely independent lines of evidence are here found to interlock to such an .extent, that Evolution is the one reasonable interpretation...
...Comparative Embryology...
...But we may ask ourselves, by way of limitation, what is evolution in general and organic evolution in particular...
...The Evidente from Fossils (Palaeontology) interlocks with the above, since the first vertebrates known to appear were primitive fish-like forms...
...Modern amphibia (frogs, toads and salamanders) hsve survived in the hslf-wsy state between sn sdquatic and a terrestrial existence, through which higher vertebrates have passed as indicated by the fossil record and by the above fish-like stages in their development...
...between th* advancement of »cirn ttflc kaawlcdg* and ear civilisation...
...But such 'tsplinations do not satisfy modern EC the other hand, their ion in terms of Evolution sonablenets and consistency eJk?dy'of facts...
...I take it that few will combat the concepts of astronomy regarding the nature of our sun and its planets...
...Since the publication of James Hotton'i "Theory of the Esrth," in 1795, it has been the cardinsl principle of geologicsl science that past chsnges of the earth's surfsce are explicable in terms of changes now in operation...
...Geology finds evidence that the earth was once a molten mass which has since been cooler...
...The changes have not been profound, because the 10,000 or 20,000 years since the first animals and plants seem to have been brought under domestication is a brief span of time for evolutionary modification, But it is clear that such modification has occurred and is today occurring under the direction of skillful breeders...
...Modern Evolutionism dates not from Darwin'» "Origin of Species," published in 1859, but from the "Historie Naturelle" of Baft" * the first volume of which appeared in 1749, and from the work of the other philosopher-naturalists of the eighteenth century...
...The evolutionsry evidence of astronomy is vague snd remote, although generally accepted by the layman...
...Life snd ths living he same sort of thing wherflnd it, thus lending support Iss thst it hss sll descended is asms primitive source licb it has inherited its reces...
...It is believed by astronomers thst 'our solsr system, with its centrsl sun, its planets and lesser bodies, hss not slwsys possessed its present form, although it has been in existence from a remote period of time...
...while the status ef its grestest philosophical generalization remains so commonly unknown...
...Facts of Physiology tell s story...
...Conscious Experimentation of Breeders and of Scientific Investigators...
...But it all points in the direction of Evolution...
...W. C. CURTIS V.—Nature and Carrent Aspects of the Doctrine of Evolution...
...The esrlier stages still show the primitive conditions of s fish-like organization...
...The flipper of a whale, the wing of a bird or a bat, the fore foot of a hone, the arm of a man, and the like, all ihow the same plan of structure...
...They have come honestly and naturally by their present organization...
...Although the famous Nebular Hypothesis of La Place has been in part replaced by other theories, the belief of modern astronomers is that our solsr system and perhaps countless others hsve srisen by sn evolutionsry process whose extent is infinite in both time and space...
...Finally there is the evidence from Experimentation: Evolution has taken place before the eyes of men, during the period since animals and plants were first domesticated...
...The sub-title of Charles Lyell's fsmous book, the "Principle...
...While the facts cannot B« drttiled here, they ere striking snd beer out the doctrine...
...Since classification is based on structure (anatomy), this is but an aspect of the general evidence from comparative anatomy and embryology...
...Our intellectual forbears of a few centuries ago thought in terms of a world created in its present form...
...Modern biology has developed around two major generalizations, the Cell Doctrine and the Doctrine of Organic Evolution...
...Comparative Anatomy...
...What may be called the "countenance" of the earth is the, subject matter of geology: how the lsnd lies at the present day, how rocks and soil are being produced, and what these farts imply regarding historical origins...
...of weathering deposition of the materiel in the oceana or in large bodiea of fresh water, uplift of the ocean's floors and its hardening into rock, may all be seen in slow but certain progress in various parts of the world at the present dsy, snd their occurence in the psst is recorded in the rocks...
...The term Evolution, as today used in science, means the historical process of change...
...The facts of Clarification ere commonly cited as evidence for Evolution...
...The process msy be observed in miniature in the wash of the soil in Tsnnessee field...
...4. Evidence from Experimentation rests upon: Unconscious Experimentation upon Animals and Plants since their Domestication...
...The answer can best be given by means of illustrations...
...It hss been established by a gradual but irresistible accumulation ef facts...
...Our earth teems to have been once molten, and before that perhaps gaseous...
...Th* evolutionsry point of view marked sn sdvance from the concept of a static universe to one that is dynamic...
...But there is not a shred of such evidence thst will sppesl to one who approaches the matter with an open mind and uninfluenced by preconceived notions, ejj On the other hand, the biological explanation of this anatomical resemblance is that the present vertebrates (fishes, amphibia, reptiles, birds, and mammals) have all descended from a primitive race, somewhat like the present fishes...
...And what we have in mind under cosmic evolution is the changes that are postulated by the science of astronomy...
...It may bo naturally divided into its COSMIC, GEOLOGIC, and ORGANIC aspects, as represented by tha sci•aea* of Astronomy, Geology, and Biology...
...hoe heen along th* general line* of Invertebrate (oology, regen •ration, and p.ra.itology...
...for example, the structure and development of animals, their distribution over the earth, the fossils in the rocks...
...To borrow from the phraseology of s distinguished anti-evolutionist, the ago of the rocks is of no particular consequence in so fsr ss the Rock of Ages is concerned...
...The conclusion of modern astronomy and geology, therefore, point to an evolutionary process involving many millions of years snd still in progress —to an earth hoary With age and still growing old...
...The fossils n such ,~order in time as tut* evidence forJSvolution...
...Modem fishes hsve survived to the present dsy without s fundemental departure from the ancestral condition...
...H* I* • h>ember and pa.t secretary of th* American Society ef Zoologieta, of th* American Society •f Ecologi.!., th* American .N.lur.l •fiata, and * Fellow of th* American Aeaoclatlea for th* Advancement of Science...
...But in practice, one thinks of the cosmos as remote...
...Th* reasonable interpretation of the existence of such structures in ths embryo of s human being, or any land-living vertebrate, is thst we have never lost these tell-tale evidences of our ancestry...
...Classification : 2. Evidence from Distribution past and present, is derived from : Palaeontology...
...These were succeeded by amphibians, reptiles, mammals and birds in the order named, the |ast two having connecting links with the reptiles...
...One of the pre-Darwin idess was that each animal, while created separately, was nevertheless formed in accordance with a certain ideal type that the Creator had in mind, hence the resemblsnce...
...Even when some of us* Were children the idess of cosmic evolution, as set forth by the Nebulsr Hypothesis, the plantismsl hypothesis, or the like, is correct, but that the astronomer regards the heavenly bodies st hsving reached their present stste by sn evolutionary stage continuous through an unfathomable past and presumably to be continued into a limitless future...
...For example, such a vast chasm as th* Grsnd Csnyon is explsined not ss produced by miraculous creation or by sudden catastrophe, but by running water acting upon the rocks throughout innumerable centuries...
...At vari*** time* he ha* acted a* aa investigator far th* United State* Flaherl** Barca*, notably la .turtle, upon th* pearl hutton mu mei» HI* nu me roue lerhnlr.l p.per...

Vol. 2 • September 1925 • No. 36

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