THE OUTLOOK FOR COAL By STUART CHASE NOTHING bat bankruptcy for half of the coal industry and a nation-wide Labor war are the outlook as the resulta of the pr?sent'control of the coal...

...The public was satisfied...
...That take* money and it't in the handt of the wealthy... worse than th* r*st...
...The Fuel Administration was established-and ; maximum prices were fixed under war powers...
...Sir montai ago, at the solicitation of an acquaintance, I subscribed for your paper...
...Yes, Your honor, three years ago...
...Hold ag*m...
...Suddenly - squawk of terror rent the room...
...It's easy to get a new reader...
...Whenever th* workers in Judge Gary's United State* Steel Corporation sought to exercise their Lawful right to organise, they were often slugged, imprisoned and shot...
...A Nation Wide Ludlow add Herrm The only way in which a repetition of Utdlow and Herrin on a nation-wide Scale Can be avoided within the' next few yean it by a central budgeting of production to meet consumption demands...
...What do you mean...
...1922 and 1923 all over again...
...Wtll, I was the bset man at their wedding...
...Already this year before the anthracite suspension hat started the price of ttove coal, one-fifth of all the anthracite produced, ha* been jumped 50 centi in New York City, tnd thii it only the beginning...
...Congres* set up a Coal Commission with investigating powers...
...Help increase the number in your locality...
...Signed) Mary Henley Mary is a grand old name, and if all oar readers wera half at active as Mary Henley this would toon be a batter and happier world for all of as...
...At pr?tent the trend of production is towtrd the South to a perilous anti-unionism that will give no peace...
...Swarms of buttercups, gifts of friend* of her father who was in the butter businett, decorated one wall, while opposite the mother s bea th* entire memberthip of the Ruwian Singing Society were parkM » in a SvMd phalanx, tinging "Mother Machree...
...Did he strike-you...
...TsT!Ultra-Modem "If Ay did you divoro* Jack...
...The coal operators have shown no ability to lead or to follow...
...Hylan ha nearly laughed himself aick saying, 'Yon can't expect brains among relatives.' Aa awful row started, and what do you think that th* boy Socialist That's what education, doe* to people nowadays...
...Here again we bold the world's championship, every other country being a very bad second...
...To Be Continued ia Oar Next...
...From present indications there is little danger of this country losing its premier position and 1925 promises to be a banner year for the law-breakers in America...
...The anthracite induttry should be organised into a Federal corporation which would acquire the excels reserves of coal land, acquire the present anthracite mines with operation by the present management under lease and under Governmental control of prices...
...Operatori, jobbers, retailers had an I orgy of profiteering...
...Public resentment rose, but by 1921 prices had i gone down...
...Please mail at enee) for my former supply is exhausted...
...W* tela about th* family and then ho asked me about politica...
...We shall lee 1920...
...THE OUTLOOK FOR COAL By STUART CHASE NOTHING bat bankruptcy for half of the coal industry and a nation-wide Labor war are the outlook as the resulta of the pr?sent'control of the coal industy...
...They have formed committees and turv«y( will be made...
...yers, bribe-taking politicians, and police officials are responsible for the crime wave...
...See the holes in yonder wall...
...Signed) John Rei mer...
...What is happening to us now in anthracite happened in 1917, 1920, 1922 and 1923...
...Salt Lake City, Utah...
...Who com** in hat my nephew from Chicago, • young fellow' about 18 going to Chicago College...
...The only period when the bituminous industry produced enough and not too much was when it wts under I a unified Federa} control...
...Even while it was reporting in 1923, the operators trebled their margins and the jobber* declared the sky the limit...
...Assuming thii to be true, who doet the bribing...
...the same uncie emph*»iied...
...Your plan of giving direct citation to authoritiet it mott helpful, and the volume will do good in provoking thought among those who do not accept your conclusions...
...How many time* hav* they used influence and high-priced legal talent to evade their just and lawful obligations...
...And th* following gem it alto from the same publication...
...That is when 1 secare my subscribers...
...Last evening we played pinochle, thro* readers ef Tho Now Leader and on* heathen...
...A mutual friand, who had been present at the rumpus, was coiled to the witneee stand...
...0 . Rofos Osborne...
...A husband and wife were arrested for fighting in the ttreit...
...It u not difficult to got a dollar subscription when one concentrate...
...With a Federalowned corporation, this surplus could be shared between, the miners and the consumert of coal...
...When I say I tlink I arili vote for...
...Butte, Montana...
...I fool that ovary Socialist skoald five at least three hoar* for Soeialiam every weak...
...There was a storm of public opinion...
...A third time, in 1922, with skyrocketing prices, public opinion rose again...
...I am enclosing P. O. ardor for $10 covering ten ti» month subscription cards to the best Socialist paper ever published...
...Born under southern skies, with moonbeams and mosquitoes trickling through the open windows of the room, the situation was idesi...
...This may seem a peculiar statement for a man in his forty-third, year, but all my life I have accepted the statements of the Republican party as almost gospel truth without giving thought to th* mattor...
...Woro you present when the argument begant" atker the judge...
...We wonder how many of hi* committee always pay their full income-tax...
...It's my contribution to tho Cause, and I am glad to aay that ovory new roader appears pa be well satiined...
...One eititen says, corrupt judge*, unscrupulous law...
...We wonder now many members of Judge Gary'i committee ar* breaking the law with liquor in their home...
...Yet the bituminous operators have persistently objected to any Federal regulation to relieve the situation...
...With this Issue we print the first, installment of Alma, the Girl WhoShe Keeps the Faith in Her Own Inimitable Way THERE sre people who will View Aim* at an occurrence—that ' she wst never born...
...No, K* **p*et*d me to b$ faithful te Kim...
...Signed) S. E. ANDERSON...
...the unci* shouted...
...We abhor the carnage of crime prevalent today, and our suggestion to th* committee is that if they wish their work to be taken seriously they begin by reforming themselves...
...With everything on schedule, contentment possessed tne mother, ss she gazed through beautiful dim vistas, building tne future of her child...
...Warshaw tapped him gently for two dollars, and now Jacob Baihein will renew hii eduretion AS MY SUBSCRIPTION IS ABOUT TO EXPIRE...
...People ARE Like That CS RIMBr in the United States is steadily on the in...
...All was quiet except for the occasional nisre it the regimental band marshalled below the window, to do honor to the expected arrival, . . Minutai patsed as minutes will end the tick, tick of a hundred watchei could be heard as the fateful second approached...
...They represent the jealous fear of unity ef front that -cost the Allies four wtsted years of War and 2,000,000 casualties until they Jesrned that a united front was essential...
...Congress did nothing...
...The question before us is whether I permanent relief it to be secured at I last or matten are to drift off again I into inaction, only to result in 1927 in another wild, powerless effort to ! control the neat coal panic...
...ili ' " r Here i* what Professor Charle* A. Beard ha* to tay of "Th* Worker* in American Hittory," that splendid book by Jamei Oneal...
...The solution to the anthracite wage question wat indicated by the Coal Commission...
...This wat peculiar, for father had paid a week's rent in advance...
...Mike the Barbar saysi "Lett night we had soma time *t oar hous...
...To think that I voted for Coolidg* now makes me hlutk, although, of course, he is...
...Loo Amities, Cal...
...The New Leader bas rolders in every section of the country...
...United America...
...All eyet gated right, where seated at the piano ttood the proud uncle to be...
...Now, at the expiration of this halfyearly subscription, I am very glad to subscribe for a year... fact, the forces of the law from police to judiciary were used te see that „..bor was denied its lawful priviltde...
...In one corner nestled a flock of homing pigeons to carry the glad tidings, while nesr the door, for no apparent reason, reposed a herd of newspaper reporters...
...The British arrangement it a minimum wage standard, any profits above reasonable return are divided 83 per cent to the miners and seventeen per cent to the operator...
...f With the approach of the sero hour silence appeared until n echoed and thundered, for in all that multitude no voice was rsisea in protest...
...From the congested sections of the large cities to the great open Spaces of Nevada radicalism spreads its influence...
...For th* first time in my life I am thinking intelligently...
...for th* n*ws reel photographers have not arrived...
...We are drifting, for lack of any definite ! policy, into a situation where 800,000 men will be fighting for their jobi in deiperation...
...Drifting about the room and making friends with «11 were groups of nurses and policemen, thus completing the ensemble...
...Chicago or New York has more murders in a month than the entire British Isles in a yejvr, with other crimes in proportion...
...Everything was so sweet and clean...
...In 1917, ; when the war started, panic prices began in both coal fuels...
...They have not been able to close down the 5,000 unnecessary little mines which hold in permanent semiidleness and out of other productive employment 150,000 miners, and which are leading to the bankruptcy of the Northern half of the industry...
...The public forgets...
...The leaders of the coal industry have for twelve years demonstrated that they are devoid of any plan for furnishing moderately priced fuel without tutting wages to the tantalising point where the bituminous miners can neither live nor die...
...Shall impatiently await the letter which you say James Onaal will send ovory reader after Labor Day...
...All was chaos, confluence o.ily being restored upon tat di»cov*ry that the photographers were in the adjoining room noi wishing to intrude on the privacy of the occasion...
...High Prices And Indifference We are on a merry-go-round that brings us back each time exactly where we started from, poorer, sadder, liut ready for nothing exceptanother trip...
...Whan war control of fuel was lifted in 1920 toft coal prices swung . . to panic heights never known before...
...Th* brute...
...On the other htnd, we have the statement* of authority, including her father and mother who should have tome information, that our heroine came into this world in a perfectly natural and normal fathion...
...It is the only way the price will ever bf permanently cut...
...The only feasible solutions appear to be a Federal corporation for the anthracite industry and unified budgeting of bituminous production...
...Baf or* the* evening was over ha cam* within th* fold...
...It suggested that inasmuch as part-time operation cautet increased cotti to the ownert and cuti into the miners' earnings, some sharing of profits in a definite proportion is in order...
...speak, man, speak, chorused a hundred throats...
...Hold fait, we are being spied upon...
...In th* Mormon Chnrch every member is supposed to give one tenth of his income to |beir faith...
...Suddenly Judge Gary, the head of the Steal Corporation sad 4 number of other very respectable gentlemen become alarmed and decida to do something...
...Became h* treated me Itile* e dog...
...I nevet had a hobby untifSoeialism came along and now I have a lot of fun putting the skills under my Republican friends...

Vol. 2 • September 1925 • No. 36

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