DRAMA Fine Acting In Crowded Tragedy "The Sea Woman," Raised by Blanche. Yurka to Routing Effects at the Little Theatre A melodrama may often- as "The Sea Woman" prove»—be looked upon sa a...
...DRAMA broadwsty briefs The Central Thes're will open its setssn Mondsy nicht with "June Days," thi musical comedy now current at the Aster theatre...
...A Good Bad Woman," recently seen at the Playhouse, will be the following attraction...
...after visiting th* doctor...
...Ferry Corwey...
...e Big Benefit Performance of Shaw's "Arma and the Man" To Be Given Week of Sept 14 WITH the opening of ths Guild Theatre a week from next Monday, the new playhouse of the Theatre Guild will house another play by Bernard Shaw, - . ¦ ¦¦¦ — this time the .. ?» militaristic astire $/¦ 1* "Arms and th* \ : M Man...
...It bids fair to last through the season, if one may judge only by the way the audience remained aeated at the end to applaud...
...21, at the Cenr'ury Theatre...
...Louie e announces at dinner that S young man is calling on her later in the day and she would like to have the parlor for herself if the family didn't mind...
...The Four Diamonds...
...During the season 1925-1926 five productions will be given at varying intervals in the Albert Hall, Leeds...
...Tho east will includi Violet Herring, Minor Watson, Erie Dressier and Frederte Bart...
...Opsrai for the bslance of the weeki Tuesday night, "Faust" with Maria "'««si as Marguerite, David Dorimi, ••Faust, and Andrea Mongelli as MeWutephslai...
...Phillip Moellsr staged the play, and Lee Simonion daaigned the settings and costumes...
...Then follow* an act In ; which all character* concerned take 'turns at nervous prostration, Janet Beeeher, sorry to relate, is not : favored with a role that permits of a full display of her really great talent...
...w * tha ">»nsgsmsnt sf thi Btiti j*"**«sjr Orchestri this coming «•«• t...
...Joe Heller is a "street car inspector earning $42.50 a week...
...Alfred Lunt, Captain Bluntschli...
...In selecting plays an endeavor will b« made to cover the whole field of dramatic representation, aa the fallowing list of proposed productions indicates: "The Mask and the Face," "Oedipu* Rex," "The Little Plays of St...
...Of ths cast chosen to interpret the comedy, Lynn Fontanne will play Rainn...
...I Claude»** Colben is disette snd John Michael Arlen'sesecond play, "These Charming People," will open out of town on Sept...
...Her now lover swears tit avenge her...
...Admission to the theatre will be free and none but professional services will be paid for...
...also th* hope that some day ita efforts to provide drama fer the masses will justify direct municipal support...
...Walter Wllsdn is a fine father and Theodore Westman is a perfect Willie...
...The crude boastings come to Charles' ear and he wonders what sort of a family he is going into, whether Louise really is a gold digger, or what...
...White Collars" has a tour de force to settle the problema of the middle claes people who inhabit the play when the,middle class daughter mSrrlea a millionaire...
...Edith Taliaferro is now playing ths bride in "The Bride Retires...
...The small subscription of six shillings if I Mil, covers the whole series of five productions...
...Only Clara '•Cobo, of the "Alda" cast, was heard 'l this city before, and the conductor, Alberto Baccolini, was introduced here «« the same time a year ago...
...The engagement is of four weeks...
...28, and will come to New York a week later, __/ Adiicnne Morrison will appear in the role of Mletress Frail In "Lev* for Love," when Congrcve's sudncious comedy is reopened at Daly's B3d Street Theatre, Monday night, Sept...
...10 to 12, when "Aida," "Lucia di Lammermoor," "Carmen" and "Cavalleria Rusticana" and "I Pagliacci" will be- given under the direction of Carlo Peroni, in the Cort Square Theatre...
...As a play, "The Kiss In the Taxi"— for which name we could find abaolutely no rhyme or reason—is something less than satisfying...
...The eternal game of bluff...
...Her mother's one anxiety is to get her properly married, while father'* chief ambition is to get son Willie, aged517, to get to work...
...Thia aenie of honor keeps Molla from her lover—and the girl she stays for is not worth the sacrifice—Let ua hasten to add that the last act of the melodrama restores, as by a miracle, ths man the first act's tragedy carried away "forever...
...Luigi Albertieri directed the stsg** of the ballet which will appear in W**'" "Faust," and "Carmsn...
...The ¦uugural performance will present the Spanish tenor, Antonio Marquez, as uadanus Other singers in the "Aida" gj esj Lucia Abbrescia as Amneris, ¦«snel Martl-Folgado aa Amonasro, «musi Worthington as Rsmlls and '••lint* Sandrini as(the King...
...T"S Wtlfechn Musical Buresu Is unit...
...Frederick Kerr, Goeffrey Kerr and Henry Stephenson are other principalei, I —J1 -.................---4-B...
...Tha term playhouse is used because it best convey* the aspiration to make it a place of amusement and a common playground for all those who love the art of the theatre...
...He accordingly arranges the'adoption of I Ginette by Madame Gilbert, Otnette ; takes up her new home In the mansion of Gilbert...
...The Yorkshire playwright, James R. Gragson, author of "T'Mardens" and "Young Imesnn," will act as producer...
...8ut* Symphony will glv« ski e6ne,rt« under th« eondueter/jj «f Ertst van Dohnsnyl th* first •it of th, saason, and alfredo Bssssla .tv""1' »»|f...
...Bronx Opera House Opens New Season, Monday Night, With "Dancing Mothers" After a year on Broadway, "Dincing* Mothers" begins the new season at the Bronx Oper...
...Yurka to Routing Effects at the Little Theatre A melodrama may often- as "The Sea Woman" prove»—be looked upon sa a crowded tragedy...
...Clifford •»rev Amen canieed th* comidy from th* French ef Mourir* H*nn*quia and Pierre V'eber...
...I., Sept, 12, and at the Times Square Theatre the week of Sept, 21...
...Franels and Lloyd...
...Ginette, so runs the tale, operates the Cafe Ginette in Montmartre...
...Louise is the older sister, an office worker now 21 years old who hasn't managed to land a husband yet...
...Hackett and Dslmar...
...As a channel for self-expression it will provide opportunities in dress and scenic designing and Tnaking, carpentering, lighting, and many of the various needs for theatrical production...
...D««ir» Under the Elms," O'Neill's «rama at the George M. Cohan Theatre, •ill give a special matinee on Monday, lsbor Day...
...Fri**f nlgljt, "Th* Bsrber of Seville...
...Of course, the power of the courageous Molla keeps th* young man there to marry the girl—and, of course, the laat act freea him...
...That was one of the reasons why "The Kiss In the Taxi" failed to register the evening we viewed it at the Rita Theatre...
...MUSIC New Opera Groua "Aida" to Open Fortnight Season of Boston Civic Opera At Metropolitan Opera Home Holiday night's performance of "Aies" by the new Boston Civic Grand Opsra Company in the Manhattan Opira House will introduce this orIMixation to the metropolis and will wing a host of operatic artists entirely new to America...
...On Sept...
...Worker Comes Into His Own Workers' Home Life Dealt In Sympathetic and Interesting Way in "Tha Family Upstairs" / —————-— While "The Family Upstairs," Harry Delf's play that i* now showing at the Gaiety Theatre, is not entirely "the short and sinfple annals of the poor," it is nevertheless a play about real people and their real problem, told simply, sympathetically—and interestingly...
...She biases her way to a revenge that in this little lighthouse manages to overtake only the villain and herself, although the fumes spread so fsr that the program bean a note "to assure the audience that there ia no cause whatsoever for alarm...
...Bryon, we predict...
...House, Monday night...
...but his desire for the thrill of tha evening makes his play an affair of the season only...
...Sister Annabelle, the 12-year-old sister, has one passion and that is to get out of doing her piano lessons...
...Williams her new-found lover...
...But not by a tour de force or somebody getting rich all of a audden, hut by both understanding that they have problems in common that have got to be faced together, and that lying and bluffing and' boasting get nowhere in facing real life...
...When I it was first pro- ~*.**?2Ps duced "the funds- H * W* mental disagree- bfun iri> SHAW ment between the romantic morality of the play" was so great that—is Shaw's own words—it was hailed as S "donisi of courage, patriotism, faith, hope and charity...
...Newell and Most, and Van Cello snd Mary, and other sets...
...Why will doctors, especially in th* Stats of Maryland, write letter* revealing a patient's secrets, becauae tha patient hasn't announced her wedding two week*—Is it...
...Henry Hull and Company in 'I've Minutes from the Station," by Elsin* Sterne...
...Smith said, to have the support not only of residents in Leeds but also of people throughout the British Isles who may become subscriber* to this playhouse...
...I Her Job aeems to ba mainly, in that I hee'le third act, revving ths prostrated ones as they pass eut each in ! their turn...
...Jean Granese nnd Company...
...In every act of thia new play by Willard RoberUon •t tha Little Theatre there is enough material for a thoughtful, thorough dramatist, one who knows that "action" dosa not necessarily mean motion, to weave into a grim tragedy...
...The first act present* its condensed tragedy in the theme of a women who gives up the man she loves for the sake of a promise she must keep, a promise to the man who saved her Ufa, and who on his death bed pledged her to watch over his daughter...
...And the lives of the others are straightened out All of this Is made worth seeing by the acting of Blanche Yurka, who brings to the play just the right touch of wistful persistence in the course she deems right, despite the buffets of fate...
...The pathos and tragedy of working class lives is superbly brought out in the triflng things that mean so much in the lives of the Hellers...
...The cast will be leaded by Catherine Cornell, Margalo Olllmore and Leslie Howard...
...Others in th* cast ar* Lee Patrick, Patricia O'Connor, Marols Underwood and G*orge Graham...
...But mother puts in her fine hand...
...Robertson piles these various themes one atop the other, hoping thereby to increase the emotional weight of his play—snd indeed succeeding, ae melo drama often does, in stirring us for the moment with ita lire and explosion...
...Ths Green Hat," Michael Arlen's dramatization of hi*, own novel, will •pan at the Broadhurst Theatre, Tuesday night, Sept...
...In order to win him, Gin'ette relates a highly colorful story and passes it on ns the true tale of her life...
...And the last act itself bears the tragedy of the worthless girl, who really is the misguided victim of a acoundrel, making the discovery that ahe ia the victim...
...The Hold Astor Orchestra...
...A limited, number of seats have been serured for the week of Sept...
...She drops hints about what a wonderful girl Louse is, and how she has never been without a servant and a car and all the luxuries in the world, and how $100 a week is too little for her to live pn...
...It is s B_ •¦,»'._» nn Hk^W' ism, Byron ism snd HMnm the romsntic idesls H - 4JK|& in genersl...
...There is an unhappy half hour when the engagement seems to he off, and then Charles' mother comes on the scene, and you eee she is,just the bluffet that Louise's mother is, and then both see through the bluffs and discount them, and all is ended happily...
...The New York eeason begins Sept...
...The atmosphere nt a working class home is accurately pictured, while every one of the actors does a eplendid job...
...Lillian Garrirk gives us a, perfect picture of a noisy, active, well meaning 12-year-old nuisance...
...Tha word civic, continues the article in the Christian Science Monitor, ia used to show th* promoters' intention of making it a theatre with a wide appeal and not only for a cultured few...
...Vf.' M. F. _ Vaudeville Theatres D. S. MOSS' BROADWAY B, S. Moss' Broadway Theatre will open its fall season Monday, with a new fenture photoplay, "The Scarlet Wesl," a dramatic episode of the l|*t frontier, with a wonderful cast thai includes Robert Frn'cr, Clarn Row, Johnny Walker, Robert Edescn, Gneton Glass and 8,000 Indians, frontiersmen nnd cavairynreti...
...PALACE Ann Cod?e...
...jsturdsy sfternoon, "Carmen...
...The Pelican," another A. H.Woods production, will open at Great Neck.L...
...Danni* Neilson-Terry snd Mary tirine, will nil from Liverpool on the tnweonia, Saturday, Sept...
...Charles Grant comes—a fine, decent, upstanding fellow—and after embarrassed Introductions all around he is left alone with Louise...
...But Shaw hal not been tilting in vain all these yean against the windmills of romantic Illusion, so that today we are able to accept the plaxat it* true comic vails, and enjoy its scintillating humor without reservstions...
...K. Hall'and Company, aaslsted by Murray Earle, Genevieve Blair and Peggy Bennett...
...Robert Warwick, Sergiui, and Henry Travers, Nicola...
...Margaret Lawrence is the star...
...The play will opes ia Wiie» I Ington, Sept, tl...
...To this establishment Gilbert, the grcnt banker, is a daily visitor...
...s "A Kiss In The Taxi" Arthur Byron Gives a Delightful Performance in New Farce at the RHz With two French farces opening within the ehort span of one week and It being the lot of the hapless reviewer to view them in two nights, the second would naturally suffer...
...Ruth Nugent, of the amazing Nugent family i« Louise, while Claire Woodbury is the mother...
...J. T. S. A Free Theatre LEEDS, England, will shortly baar tho distention of having a free theatre, the Leed* Civic Playhouse, according to Charles P. Smith, th* honorary director, one of the original founders of tha Leeds Art Theatre, and at present director of th* York Everyman Theatre...
...According to this story, . inspired by a movie, «ho is thf illegitimate child of :i Duchess and a rich man...
...Henry Baron's adaptation of Felix Gandera'i» comedy, moving Monday to the Maxins Elliott Theatre...
...Wednesday night, "Tos* ! Thursdsy night, "Othello...
...Spring Fever," with James Rennie and Marion Coakley, will move to the Ambassador Theatre, Monday night...
...The producers have had the good fortune, however, to place Arthur Byron in the star role, and have thereby redeemed the show...
...ThssS' will be sold for the benefit of 00' sick comrade, Ryan Walker...
...but the stage seems really animate only when weyre watching and listening to Blanche Yurka...
...Mary Young, who created the role of the heroine, and John Halliday, will appear in their original parts...
...Each evening he holds rendezvous with Ginette, resorting to the Ingenious scheme Of using the name of one of his employes...
...It is an excellent cast, by the way, together with perfect settings...
...Edgar Selwyn, who wrote the play in collaboration with Edmund Goulding and then produced it, has kept the Broadway cast intact...
...a drivi is now being «,000 members San Carlo Opera Spirngfleld, Msssachuestts, is to hsve a short season of San Carlo Grand Opera from Sept...
...In Act Two the tragedy consists in tha destruction of the life happiness of a fine young man, about to leave to meet his aweetheart, whom the worthless girl swears (to save her villain, lover) is the father of her inevitable child...
...The Family Upstairs'Vis the fourth play ef it* kind in the past two or three seasons, but I thfhk the truest of the lot if not the most artietic...
...It is hoped, Mr...
...14, the San Carlo forces will move to the Boston Opera House, where a week of opera is planned...
...i, _ */"Arms and the ¦ fW> I Man" is probably ^ ' i#*_«L the most brilliant J ."'-dHanaV of Shaw's early Hkjft flB comedies...
...But this new piece is, and it is by far the best of the four mentioned, at least to this obeerver...
...FiirthM details are printed on another page...
...There are few farceurs who will in the season which has now budded give ils delightful and hilarious a performance as Mr...
...Francis," "Th* Adding Machine," "Everyman," "The Widow of Kphesue," "The Shining Steps," "Caesar and Cleopatra," "Liliom," "Overture," and "Tha Machine Wreckers...
...12, to apMsr hare in "The Crooked Friday," by Ssnekton Hofl'r lilin Freeman will play the role of Abbie -Putnam in the special company at "Desire Under the Elms," headed «7 Frank McGlynn, which il now In risaaraal...
...She tells the neighbors what a wonderful guy Louise had won and that he was a big banker (he was making $40 a week*as a bank clerk...
...It is unfortunate that the author gave her so much fireworks to overcome, but she strives valiantly and successfully to make it eeem real, Sive for the girl, the rest of the cast gives her good support...
...j "The G*taway," a play by ChsrUi K. I Vsn Riper, is announced for produe: tien by Edwsrd Child* Carpanter, ia association with William Harris, Jr...
...Sstur**y night, "Lucia di Lammermoor...
...Zolays, and other acts...
...It is a typical working class home that we look Into...
...14, for a two Veek's engagement...
...Each play will open on a Friday and run until and including the following Thursday...
...Through devious complications, of no value to [ recount, he arrives at Ihe conclusion I that Gilbert is (?inetle's father...
...Tho vaudeville will Include Ruth Rsye...
...The Show Off" was not exactly a play about the problems of the proletariat as such...
...They are in love with each other, a (rood, clean, honest love, and before the evening ie out they sre engaged...
...Glnctte's real love appears on the scene—a poet, n writer, to whqm Ginette Is "The Lily of the Dust...
...John Steel...
...The Potters" had a faked-up hokum ending in which wealth came to the family by the unexpected spurting ef an oil well...
Vol. 2 • September 1925 • No. 36