THE NEWER EDUCATION By PROF. W. RASMUSSEN THE foremost works of the newer pedagogical literature are "The Origin of Speciea" and "The Descent of Man." Although Charles Darwin did not...
...second, thst educstlon shall follow the lines of natursl growth, snd lead every child to s rational development of the powers of its mind...
...Just now, however, we are living in an age of change...
...Your thrutt mad* hi* children orphan*— You slaughtered the Image of God...
...In the educational process...
...I ' «« One pi tha eye-witness*, ef that iaeidaat travelled many mile*, th* •rtt time k* was kerne ea furlough, to tell Mr...
...Why, then, study child psychology...
...horrors cease...
...Th* cold, cold stars keep blinking, And the winds make moaning sigh...
...This art may, ut course, kg well ss any other art, be developed further when based upon scientific investigations, but still—art always remains art...
...I lie yet hit eyil of horror, I hear yet hie erit* snd groans...
...Perhaps ,l»'d a wife and children, ,. Through whose hop** and dreams he,strode, With th* pride of « king in hi* tmpif*, An heroic Image of God...
...Because the reader, while studying, acquires knowledge that will make him a, more skilful observer of children and enable him to understand more clearly the causes of their behavior...
...te prohibit its publication and distribution, thousands ef copies ware printed on pettcardt and sold all ever Scotland...
...Men worship me as hero, and laud me to th* thi...
...The theory ef Evolution has turned tha eyes ef meahind) towardt the future...
...Sack are the countries of Spain and Portugal i whereat the Uaited States, Greet Britain, France, Germany, and tha Scandinavian countries, landt of inventort and inventione, will be the ploneert of the future, and rich...
...They are made conservative owing to the preservation by society of all kind...
...Welsk the story...
...W* never had met...
...Darlag the time whaa tha British ead Germen trenches war* quite close to each other, aad when the soldiers used to shout across te one another, eaa morning a German soldier shouted eati "Are yea there, Jock...
...THE IMAGE OF GOD" / slaughtered a man, 8 brother, In tke wild, f$ht at Mqns...
...gut *om*on* had dreamt of conquest, ' And we had to buy it with gore...
...Tha Carman again sheafed, "Will you lislca to this...
...The great pedagogues before Darwin did not study the child systematically...
...own, education neceaWily varies with different societies., But all timet and in all countries we notice thst education bat been Snd now it a process of adapting the children to the conditions of life...
...Hence it becomes necessary to prepare the minds to meet these alterations to make them ready for the changed conditions, to enable them to take up and use tthese chsnges for their own good, snd, where possible, to lead them to make new inventions thcsBsolvea...
...So great was the sale that tha verses reached the soldiers ia the trenchet...
...Jack replied that ha was... their works, especially in "Emile," we find many interesting remarks about children, hut a systematic study, a rational interpretation of their observations, was not put to use until the first edition of "The Origin of Species" and "The Descent of Man" had been published and the discussion of the problem of Evolution had taken place...
...Is fact, the essential aim of the edueatiea ut oui u»y it te adiiete tan potential lavoator in the practise] as well as in the idealistic dinettes* Inventions Once Sinful Years age the invention of new things and the expression ef seer thoughts were considered sinful) what the fathers had accomplished wat looked upon as the last word...
...If they do not squander their richti in world war...
...Etch expressed himself freely, ead bath realised that...
...Hut / keep on thinking dully, till my heart get* like a elod, Of the thrust I made in the trenches That slaughtered the Image of God...
...Yet the scientists seem almost to bs forgetting that education is not a science but an art...
...The High Coal Of Education" The high goal of education is to give to each child the opportunity for carrying on its personal development to the highest possible level, according to its inherited abilities...
...and societies can only evolve by the observance of both factor...
...And I asked my1*1f th* quest inn, A* I saw in hi* glazing eye*: "Am I my brothtr't keeper...
...Progress <s at moment when the world it unpolled...
...Although Charles Darwin did not write a word about education save a few remarks on his own experiences from his school days, his works about Evolution have founded the re> form movements which are running through the schools of today...
...We had thought it impossible to fly, and the next day wa beheld an American ssiling through the air...
...As each societyhSs goals of it...
...Thui thi renewal of education is to srise from two conditions: first, thst every educator, parent >r teacher, shall become, a child psychologist, sn interested observer ef hii own children er pupils...
...There is a possibility that some time, when the nature of the child has become thoroughly well known through a long and intense study, we shall be able to sketch the rules for the future education, but at present the chief value of child study is the development of intelligent students of child nature...
...W* mil"Ott the ed;e...
...Tha ayee of mankind were turned backward to look for the true terms of behavior...
...NEVER AGAIN" A Poem and its Reading in the Trenches Darlag tha war, James C Welsh (¦ow a British Labor M. P.) wrote a pern tailed "Tha Image ef God," and, although tha authorities mad* aa after...
...The geldea age was ia the peat...
...Whan night came, "Jeek" aad the German soldier crawled out late Ne Men's Lend, where they - lay la the shelter ef die darkness aad discussed the situation...
...Rousseau, Pestalosci, Froebel, and all the other educators, wrote and worked mainly on the basis of their personal experiences...
...Education Not a Science After the publication of a number of short essays by Charles Darwin himself ("Mind," 1877) and by H. Taine ("Revue Philosophique," 1876), W. Preyer wrote the fundamental work of the new science, "Die Siecle des Kindes" (The Mind of the Child, 1881...
...Thus, at s time when no inventions are made, education mutt prepare the children to think the common thoughts and feel the common feelings...
...Instead of hating each other, they laved each other,, aad tke question arose: "Why tkaald we be trying te kill east . another r They teen came te tke eonelusioo tkat they ware tke victim, af a diehelical plot, which was en|iaeered by a law men la each ef the countries concerned, and tkat only whaa tke warkert In all lends understood each other better weald war with all it...
...Not only slid they get late the hands ef British Tommies, bet even tome of the Carnsaa soldiers secured copies, as tha fallowlag in cideat will thaw...
...W*'d n*ver in anger quarrelled...
...of forms, institutions, snd customs...
...In recent years a steady stream of books about the mental evolution of the child has poured forth from the press...
...Education, especially education in school, Is mainly dependent on the artistic skill of the educator...
...The peoples and the countries thst are able neither to accept inventions nor to invent for themselves remain poor sad portionless...
...Their genius and sympathy made them natural observers and intuitive interpreters of children...
...aad he began ia a fall round voice, aad ia good English, te recite "Tha Imago ef Gad," leart beiag shed by meet ef those who lltteaad te the versa...
...of th* trenchet, Wh*ro murdtr, in erimton, rede, , n When swish w«nt my blade to hi* stomaek— I'd slaughtered th* lmag* of Qod...
...The theory of Evolution, which wee practically introduced into science by the works of Charles Darwin, has been the motive which gave rise to ^he energetic study of the physical and mental evolution of tha child, a study which rational pedagogy in the future will make the basis of its researches...
...Till the tod I trod on erini "You mad* hi* wif* a widowl Mads deiolut* her abode...
Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 35