TO THE BOURGEOIS SCIENTISTS _ *, i A Few Words of Advice to Rationalists Whose Policies Are Not Those of Socialism By THE EDITOR* THE NEW LEADER hat occasionally been favored by marked...
...Well, captain, captain, didn't you say You Wouldn't work me in rain all day...
...In the Salzburg elecUons the Socialists held nearly all Their former seats in the district councils and more than made up for their few losses by capturing now positions...
...Many of them sre just ai superstitious about the perpetuation of capitalism as the most ignorant of those who have had little opportunity to inform themselves...
...Bourgeois rationalism and science, we would have the Truth Seeker understand, have no lure for us...
...If he or she accepts capitalism, no matter what views the person has regarding after death, we are opposed to them...
...But tha Negro also thinks hia "captain" has great powers, arrf...
...We have i in our ranks churchmen and men of no ctArch, men and women of wide variety of beliefs regarding a future life, but all determined to make this life as hapffior the human race as it is possible for as to make it...
...Wasn't dat ter'ble time—so diy all did say— When cap'n take hirk'ry stick an' run walker away' Well...
...In 1868, when the Labor movement in Austria was taking shape, he swore fidelity to the red flag at a mass demonstration, and through all the long years of agitation and persecution he never wavered in his allegiance...
...f~a nigger git 'retted, An' can't pay hit fine, They tho' tend him out To the county gang...
...It ignores the fact that men like Spencer, Bradlaugh and Ingersoll, were supporters of the capitalist system that condemns millions of human beings to wage servitude and exploitation...
...Writing in the Socialist Review, the scientific organ of the British Independent Labor party, Maurice Amer says that early this year the Turkish Labor party was formed, with several of the Deputies in the Turkish Parliament aa memoers...
...Look at yo' watch...
...The Socialists won twelve seats in the council, as did their'bourgeois opponents...
...that is enough for us...
...However, the general tone of the song is one of complaint— complaint against the driving, driving of the boss that makes of him little more than a work-mule...
...The assumption fnat because a man is a modern Rationalist snd scientist he is a safe and creditable, representative of a movement for human liberation is Infantile reasoning...
...TURKEY Labor Party In Existence Although it has been repeatedly asserted in the European press that real Socialists and Communists in Turkey are as scarce as snakes in Ireland, the advance of modern industry in Kernel Pasha's domain is apparently developing a Labor movement...
...When his body was given to the flames on Aug...
...Bourgeois science is as much the enemy of tha working claaa as any Church that is influenced and whose policies are controlled by bankers, coal barons, stock brokers and the capitalist class in general...
...the Anti-Semitic National Socialists 12,000, and the Independent Catholic Workers 3,000...
...Moreover, men of science all over the world, with some notable and honorable exceptions, are themselves stamped with bourgeois superstitions and prejudices when i* cornea to the social sciences...
...White man sho' bring a Nigger out behin...
...ftO, 1924, while the total of the thief reactionary bourgeois parties was 1,330, a net loss of 86...
...These figures help show the insignificance of the recent Communist efforts to split the powerful Yipsel movement by seizing upon the expulsion of three Communist agitators who had been trying to build up "cells" under pretext of working for the "Red Relief," as an excuse for organizing a so-called League of Independent Socialist Youths in the vain hope of luring young Socialists swsy from the psrent body...
...The . assumption is that the Socialist j Party, as a Party representing the claims of the workers for emancipa- - tion, ahould not nominate any man who has had or now has any connection with the Church The other side of thia proposition is that it should nominate only men and women who have not had such connections or do not have them now...
...1/ a man or woman joins ua in the struggle to abolish capitalism they may have any opinion they wish about other matters...
...The new Diet is made up of forty-four bourgeois members and sixteen Socialists, against fifty and twenty-two, respectively, in the old one...
...These 1 negotiations should be based upon recognition of the independence of the Riff and the establishing by France and Spain of a border that would insure economic security for Abd-El-Krim and his people...
...Well, curry yn' mule an' rub yo' hose, An' leave yn' trouble wid stable boss...
...Well, captain, captain, you mut' be klin...
...often boasts of hi.r to other workers...
...Ain't it hard, ain't it hard...
...Such discussions will never take a single child out of a factory hell or one tubercular girl from the clutches of a sweater...
...e « • What does it matter to the boss if hands ind feet are cold, or if laborers must work in the rain all day...
...Well, I went to my dinner al twelve o'cloefe...
...WeV, it I had my weight in lime, I'd whip my captain till I went ttone-blind...
...Some few Turkish Labor unions have been organized, especially among the farm workers and the industrial workers in Constantinople, but they lack a central body...
...You take Shine't miney, but you can't takt mine...
...A genuine "Wiener Kind," Comrade Reumsnn's lifelong work for the proletariat had endeared him to the hearts of his fellow-workers of the entire nation...
...If you tt-erfc nil th* wtik...
...Moreover, since the Truth Seeker drags the name of Marx in, we may here remark that Marx never at »ny time said that the Socialist Parties in their political activities should confine their nominations to Rationalists...
...Whittle* keep a-blowin', you keep a-workin' me...
...Once and for all we inform these gentlemen that our sole lest in this struggle is the one applied by Wendell Phillips: Are you for the slsvi or against him...
...Well, I believe, on my tout, dat dey't uater-bounWell, pay-day eomet, and dey dent pay of...
...THE NEGRO WORKER SINGS SOME of ths most interesting pages in a collection of Negro songs pust published by the University of North Carolina are those giving a number of Negro work songs...
...On the contrary, to the extent that the Workers engage in this endless dispute will their attention be taken from the problem of reorganizing society and nuking this world a fit place in which to live...
...That teit is applied to the RationaLst and Methodist, Athiest and Catholic, Monist and Christian Scientist, Materialist and Mormon...
...Well, it mns' be my captain an' water boss...
...On with the work," is the only reply...
...Ain't it hard, ain't it hard, Ain't it hard, to be a nigger, nigger, nigger...
...For you can't git yo' nfoney when it's due...
...What we would have the Truth Seeker understand is that we are only interested in winning recruit* for the claim* of the working class, and whether those recruit* com* from the Church or from science or from any other quarter we Ji not ! care...
...In Mauer the Socialist popular vote roe* to 1,372 from 1,224 at the preceding election on Nov...
...Get up in mornin' when ding-dong rings, Look at table—see same damn thing...
...In this song he epitomizes the events of the work camp and the day...
...The Socialist Party seems to have fallen down 'spiritually' as numerically...
...and that it is publishing a weekly, the Malik, in Constantinople...
...Another favorite of the Negro workman, which reveals worlds concerning the attitude, of the htngro toward the white man, mainly in the South, but which the white man seldorr hears, follows: Ain't It Hard To Be a Nigger...
...The most uncompromising wing of the' Abolitionists, the Garrison faction, was overwhelmingly religious...
...Well, captain take a stick, run walker away...
...And you work all thi timt, Whitt man tho' to bring Nifftr out bekift...
...See ain't it quittin' time...
...At the Same tinie we welcome the enlistment of Rationalists as we do ail others in the Socialist movement, but when they do enlist they will accept comradeship with all other Socialists in the common struggle...
...In its manifesto to the Turkish workers the new party points out that under the present election laws the some 200,000 mine, rsil, street car, and port worker* are not represented In the Chamber of Deputies and that consequently their interests are neglected...
...This is the point of view of a publication that is supposed to be "scientific" and is opposed to "superstition...
...Cf echo-Slovak*' Cooperation Continued How the application of Socialist principles to »he solution of racial minority problems makes for peace and harmony was illustrated at the third convention of the Czecho-Slovak Social Democratic Labor party in Austria recently held in Vienna...
...I fat mo' money den de ualkin' bat...
...Well, d* boat't up d* rinr an' dey won't com* down...
...Well, captain, captain, yav mus' be blin...
...Den mot' ton hetvy for light-weight man...
...They were bourgeois to the core just ss msny who write for the Truth Seeker are...
...f> "Worker i ef th* World, Unite I fesj, have not king On The Internat 1 onal t tont »^*'•* * ¦»«»^ i—-¦—CONFERENCE ON MOROCCO Favor Independence for RifKane At a conference in Paris on July 2ft by representstives of the British Labor party, the Socialist Party of France, and th* Spanish Socialist Psrty on the Moroccan situation, it was decided to urge the interested Governments to move at once for peace by entering into direct negotiations with Abd-El-Krim, the Kiffian chief, and letting the public ! know just what was doing...
...On the other hand, there is little doubt that had any Socialist Party in his time ever suggested this he would have opposed it on the ground that the class struggle is the fundamental consideration and not a division of the workers into Christians, Buddhists, Mohammedans, Rationalists, etc...
...Finally, we are able to take cere of our own movement without th* aici of bourgeois science of scientists...
...Well, I got up on Itvtl, look as far't I can Nuthin' wus a-comin but a big captain...
...Election Results Satisfactory Recent Provincial election* in Upper Austria, District elections In Salzburg, and a District election in Mauer, near Vienna, have turned out satisfactorily from the Socialist viewpoint, despite the desperate campaigns waged by the reactionaries, who went so far in Upper Austria as to drop their old differences and combine in a bourgeois bloc...
...The Grade Song," which follows, ia called one of the most typical of all Negro songs...
...Mus' be my Lord go passin' hy...
...1 hear mighty rumblin' up in de sky...
...Den go in de stablt an' curry yo' mule...
...They regard the capitalist form of society us eternal despite the evidence of universal change in history...
...All military operations should be halted during peace negotiations, and *f the negotiators fail to agree the conflict is to be put up to the League of Nations to which the Riff is to be admitted after the signing of the treaty of peace...
...Norman Thomas has enlisted in the win Id struggle to abolish capitalism...
...Nigger win dt money— Skeered to pick 'em up...
...300,000 Members In Vienna The popularity of the Socialist Administration of Vienna, as compared with the Clerical control of [he rest of the country, is held principally responsible for the rapid growth of the dues-paying party membership during the last few months...
...Well, dey makin' dem wheelers un de Western plan...
...The Communists got 2,400 votes...
...The Vienns Yipsels sre over 13,000 strong snd their influence upon the 36,000 pupils in the continuation schools is so strong that thus far the Clericals, Communists and Anti-Semites have boon unable to elect a single member of the school council...
...White man told niggtr, 1 "Ytl, fit out o' yo' ihirt...
...According to the Truth Seeker dictum, if Butler was s candidate for Mayor of New York City we Socialists should support him...
...TO THE BOURGEOIS SCIENTISTS _ *, i A Few Words of Advice to Rationalists Whose Policies Are Not Those of Socialism By THE EDITOR* THE NEW LEADER hat occasionally been favored by marked copies of the Truth Seeker in which a writer has been careful to call our attention to a criticism of the Socialist movement on the score of rationalism...
...Secretary Skrivap reported good progress in organization work and drew attention to the fact that the Party organ, Delnicke Listy, would celebrate its twentyninth anniversary as a daily paper this Fall...
...Oh, Captain Redman, he's mighty damn mean, I think he come from Neva Orleans...
...They were th* two -onspicuoua scientific Ration, alist* of the South, bat that" did not prevent them front justifying as archaic system of servitude in th* pam* of science...
...Here may be seen the humor and wit of the Neafro workman and his relation to the boss...
...The Socialiat popular vote- in Upper Austria was about 114,000, a loss of 9,000 compsred with the last elections, but the bourgeois vote fell 23,000 to some 300,000...
...Sigfer get out o his thirt At went to work...
...AUSTRIA Socialist Veteran Paesse With the passing of Jakob Reumann, the first Socialist Mayor of Vienna, in his seventy-second year, the Labor movement of Austria lost one of its most active and beloved veterans...
...Well, captain, captain, haw can it be...
...This will afford us a little sermon directed to the bourgeois Ration alists and pseudo-scientists...
...Keep q-hollerin' at me, skinner* damn nigh fiyin...
...Th* Socialist University Professors' Club and Students' League are also increasing their membership and influence...
...Nigger an' white man, i Playin' stven-up...
...They are all welcomed as i comrades in the struggle...
...If a Rationalist desires to join—and we have them.—that, too, is enough for us...
...Practically all the speakers agreed that their Socialist comrades in the big Austrian party were doing tne right thing for the minorities and that continued cooperation on the political and economic fields was assured...
...1 Well, de captain an walker raise Cain all day...
...The Democratic Defense League polled 108 votes...
...Well, you can't do me like you do po' Shine...
...Centuries after we are dead men and women will continue to dispute, as they have for many centuries, over a future life...
...The Vienna organization of Socialist physicians, having built up a strong unit in the capital and some branches in the provinces, is now carrying on an active campaign for th* purpose of extending its aetivities to the whole republic...
...A niggtr went to a white man, An' asktd him for work...
...They are either cowed by the alms given their institutions by the exploiters of Labor or afraid to enter the struggle against th* taboos and c apitalist inspired opinions that hold modern society in chains...
...1 at the muni :ipal crematorium, the erection of which he had put through despite violent Clerical Governmental opposition, more than 100,000 working people marched in the proceslion...
...lecophjf -of slavery...
...Po' water on fire, let wheeler* roll...
...looked on table: "Fohty-fo't" was out...
...In the case of the miners, who are dreadfully exploited, the Government made a bluff of introducing some protective legislation two years ago, but thus far no such laws have been passed...
...In two of the twenty-one districts into which the city is divided the party membership has passed the 30,000-mark and the total for the city is more then 300,1)00, out of a population of some 1,900,000...
...Reumann was s member of the Auatrian Parliament and also of the Federal Council...
...If against the Socialist movement and its aims, whether you be priest or scientist, minister or Rationalist, Christian pi Athiest, we are against you...
...The workers of all faiths and no faiths constitute one exploited class, a class that has common claims and common interests, and the Socialist Party seeks to enlist them sll for the common struggle...
...In the issue of August 22 we are again favored witn a marked paragraph which we pass on to our readers: "If there ere eny followers of Karl Marx in the Socialist Party in New York, they must be greatly depressed by the sad spectaeje of their candidate fo.- Mayor, iNorman Thomas, occupying Christian pulpits...
...e * * e Grade Song I Well, I tole my captain my feet wus cold...
...We shall not set one Socialist to fighting another Socialist over views of a future life when both are needed to concentrate their energies for the struggle to wipe out the economic order which fills the world with ignorance, destitution, insecurity and war...
...Among these attending the Paris conference were Josiah Wedgwood, Leon Blum, Paul Faure, and Pierre Rensudel...
...Will, it makes no differerce, How you make out'yo' ttme...
...American universities are filled with this type of scientist...
...Our teat of those who enter the struggle is not what they believe regarding a future life but whether they approve capitalist society as an acceptable tocial older...
...Whin pay-day eomi, Whitt man say hi ain't wotftti*uf...
...An illustration drawn from American history occurs to us here...
...During the terrible post-war reriod he ablely managed the aft'n of the Austrian capital, but about two years ago, feeling his F'rength failing, he retired end was the present Mayor...
...Th* South had very few scientists but its two leading scholars, Thomas Roderick Dew and Thomas Cooper, worsea out a taorougn social, economic, political and historical phi...
...It is an excellent | picture of the Negro workman...
...Skinner, skinner, yon know yo' rule...
...Well, I hear mighty rumblin' at water-trough...
...It assumes that the Ration- 1 alist is a safe man in all cases to represent the working class...
...In 1898 Reumann was one of the two Socialists sent by the workers of Vienna to represent them in the City Council, and when thirty years later the revolution gave equal rights to the prdletariat and th* Socialists won a majority in th* Council Reumann was the btieil candidate for the mayoralty...
...Told my captain my han't wus cold: "God damn yo' hands, let the wheelers roll...
...Nicholas Murray Butler is a thorough evolutionist, but his politics belong to the sristocrstic traditions of the Federalists There it little doubt that he would have bees ranged with Dew and Cooper had he lived in the South before tht Civil War...
Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 35