A PAGE OF EXCLUSIVE FEATURES The Forerunners of Robert Owen THE HISTORY OF SOCIALIST THOUGHT By HARRY W. LAIDLER, Ph.D. INTRODUCTION: As we have seen in the preceding chapter, it was...

...I just come back from Northern Wisconsin...
...I've heart of one of them fellows, what's a hunkie, too, who made three hundred dollars in one week, and that's better than educated men like us are doing...
...v When you consider what an insane asylum this world of ours is and how much time ycu have to spend with its worst casss, it is a relief to run into men like Ryckman and Boynton and agree with Browning wh"n he said "Grow old slong with me...
...The latter brought action against the corporations, demanding Solving the Coal Problem • tragedy in One Act fLACf Smoking compartment of sleeper plying between Chicago and St...
...My bootlegger said-" Intslloctual (looking up from paper): "Talking ahoqt legs, here's a piece about a switchman who is suing the Alton for fifty thousand dollars for losing one leg...
...The land ahould be restored to its natural heirs, the people...
...Lord Bolingbroke, Burke attempts, through his superb irony, to demonstrate the absuftffty of tha arguments advanced in behalf of the natural Slat v and the Communist form of society, and to bring home to social reformers that their agitation was bound to lead to revolution...
...CHORUS (in unison): So do I. intellectual (looking up from his psper) : "Say^ do any of you fellows know a river in Soutn America with seven letters...
...2. In the development of an individual from egg to adult, this individual passes through a series of stages of increasing complexity, and this individual series is one of the higher organisms strangely parallel and agrees with the racial series first mentioned...
...Old Lady in upper two...
...Roughly speaking, they were divided into the agrarian reformers, forerunner* of our single taxers, and the Communist and Socialist writers...
...Species, genera and so forth, are man-made pigeon hole* in which to clatiify the real animala and planta seen in Nature...
...We aan see evolution occurring in our experiment stations and our laboratories and we can control and modify the conditions of the experiments and can thus modify the resultant product to suit ourselves...
...Ha agreed, however, with Adam Smith that private ownership possessed certain counteracting advantages, smong them the increase of productivity and the improvement in the conveniences of life...
...Tired Business Man: "Wateha gotta watch is to bottle it just at the right time...
...Those that are closely aimilar, that is closely related, we data in one species...
...But- the chief obstacles to a Communist State would be the problem of over-population...
...Intellectual (looking up from paper): "Speaking of generals, reminds me that it says here, that General Andrews, who is in charge of prohibition enforcement in Washington, fired five hundred enforcement officers for being in cahoots with bootleggers...
...Second Traveling Salesman...
...Tha "•yes of thaae men, devoted as they wars to tha common waal, are far more fascinating than tha rattle-trap existences of men "of "blood and iron...
...You tay tht staff U full, up — Wtll, I'll be hittin' the tratl...
...Locke, declared his Socialistic followers, showed that common possession was natural...
...Intellectual (looking up from paper): "If the White Sox hadn't sold-," i (Curtain) . Adam Coaldigger Some Real History Bourgeois Bed Time Stores* WE ARE all cheered up, boys and gn Is, We are in receipt of a letter from our friend Judge Ryckman, who says that he liked our piece in The New Leader about Dayton...
...I make better beer right at home "' than any brewery ever dared to put out...
...There wouldn't be a soldier in tha book, nor a statesman, nor a successful merchant...
...The appendix vermiformis is one structure, a mere vestige of an organ of great importance in some lower mammals...
...Teaching in any field that deals with living things is disgracefully, yes, criminally, inadequate if it omits emphasis upon Evolution...
...It was this controversy that decided Spence to fight for a fundamental change in land ownership, a plan of which he submitted to the Newcastle Philosophical Society in 1775...
...Very Tired Business Man: "1 guess we better turn in and settle the coal problem some other day...
...Indeed, while the noted clergyman was setting forth, the misery of the British people, great and impressive changes had already begun as a result of the signiflcsnt inventions of the period 1760 onwsrd...
...But I did hove o job with Mvnsey On tht New York Globe...
...Very Tired Business Man: "The trouble with Labor is them fellows don't know where to • stop...
...ate., are terms used to deaerib* tha fact that animals and planta differ among themselves and differ to different degrees...
...CHORUS: "Guess so...
...Whatta bout it...
...George, a Negro Torter...
...I have made species among them on the basis of distinctions for too minute to be considered for a moment as of "specific" value among, say, insects or mammals...
...First Traveling Salesman* "Serves 'em good and right Them's the guys who are responsible for me paying sixty bucks for a case of Old Crow—that hadn't no more kick in it than my home brew...
...r in contimpt of court, was uncalled for...
...the whole produce of labor belongs to the laborer," took the position that the improvement...
...The powerful minority could oppose any rtdical change, and only in time of revolution could men be lifted to a state of enthusiasm and a spirit of sacrifice sufficiently great to bring about the transition...
...However, it must be admitted that there were a number of obstacles to the attainment of a Communist State...
...and so on...
...But they fought tha good fight for decency and withstood the perstcction and acorn of a world «t go-getters and "successes...
...t book but it gives you tho idea...
...The genus Braaaiea, planta belonging to the mustard family, include a number of different aorts of plants...
...Common ownership is the only alternative...
...On the other hand, there is great uncertainty as to the method by which Evolution has been brought about...
...Many different factors have been in operation, among them probably the chief has been the mysterious intimate activities of the living substance itself, about which as yet we know so little...
...One of the first to oppose Communist conceptions was the poet Alexander Pope (1678-1744...
...Instead of hymning the praises of Brass Hats and Stuffed Shirts, as do the bulk of our publlo school history books, we would tell the 'tide about real folks who nave done real things to make this a batter world...
...Such teaching would be criminal malpractice just as truly as would a phyaician's failure to follow established sound methods of treatment because of fear of persecution by ignorant neighbors...
...In his picturesque indictment of the Immorality of private property, the Archbishop declared: "If you should see a flock of pigeons in a field: and if (instead of each picking where and what it liked, taking just as much as it wanted, and no more) you should see ninety-nine of them gathering all they got into one heap, reserving nothing for themselves but the chaff and the refuse, keeping tbi" heap for one, and that the weakest, perhaps worst, pigeon of the flock, sitting round and looking oh all the winter, whilst this one 'was devouring and throwing about and wasting it...
...McAlister Coleman...
...It should be transferred to the parishes, the latter renting it out to farmers at moderate rental, this rental to be the only form of taxes...
...All three of us felt that Clarence Darrow's apology to Judge Raulston, when the latter held the Chicago lawy...
...dog r» at Oborlla, the degree of Doctor of Phil osophy at the Johat Hopkins University, »nd the degree of Doctor of Science at Oberlin...
...Archbishop Paley Gives a Parable: More vigorous than Wallace in his criticism of individualism was Archbishop William Paley (1743-1805...
...Locke had defended private property on the ground of Labor...
...And In spite of this ha keepa his aanity and saase of humor and is head of the Pacific Coast Branch of tha Civil Ltborties Union a ml is ready at any time to slid* down the pole when the a aim goes out that a Comrade is in trouble...
...He was frequently arrested and imprisoned for hia attache on the Government, but, unmindful of his own comfort, he kept constantly at his propaganda to hit death in the hope that through his panacea the time would soon com* when mankind would b* virVious, happy and wise...
...Innocent Bystander, sitting on wash stand, perks up both ears...
...THE ITINERANT REPORTER Say, hoti, can you give me a job...
...Instead, we would write about the life and deads of Judge Ryckman, Oscar Amerlnger (who is Adam Coaldigger, and whose services for humanity make an amasing and colorful American epic), Gene Debs, of course, and Victor Berger...
...Bred Business Man:~'Well, I should worry about • spiked beer...
...It does not lead to security, for the worker is never secure in his product, but is compelled constantly to divide it up with the capitalist and the landlord...
...Judge Ryckman, Boh Boynton, and I played around together down at Dayton, and I am " ere to state that you can go the world over and not find two mora lovable companiona than Boynton and tha Judge...
...Therefore, all reform should be directed to the restorstion of, or be in hsrmony with, nstural law...
...Second traveling Salesman: "It's a gooa* thing that switchman wasn't a centipede and lost all of his legs—he'd sure bust the Alton...
...Very Tired Business Man...
...1. We can arrange plants and animals in a double, parallel series showing increasing complexity of organization...
...Search me...
...What :do they want to strike for...
...England followed, with Robert Owen as its most conspicuous example...
...Tired Business Man: "The way I look at this humidity business, there ain't a thing to it...
...Nature, including human nature, is governed, maintained Locke, by divine laws...
...For a teacher to fail to bear testimony to essential scientific truth ia as unworthy, as cowardly, as essentially sinful as for a man to fail to stand by his religion...
...Beaidea, civil aociety came into existence to free man from burdens, not 1*9 impose new burdens upon him...
...The organises produced by this present-day controlled evolution in our experiments are as divergent from one another and from the original stock as are animals and plants fti Nature...
...Many a time am' oft haa the Judge been in contempt in cases that he has tried for the oppressed workers on the Coast and never so fsr as I know has he bowed before the judicial thunderinjs...
...The way I look at this proposition, it disturbs business...
...The word species is indefinable, and ia used by biologists as a convenience, and it has wholly different meanings when applied to different groups of animals and plants...
...of num....us books and articles on soology tad Evolution...
...CHORUS: Thasso...
...4. The distribution of animals and plants over the Earth is such as to suggest strongly the origin of each group of animala or planta at aome one place, and their gradual apread from that canter, divergent evolution occurring while they are spreading...
...The argument might hold true In the case of the manufacturer, but not in the case ef the landholder, for no one could argue that the aristocracy had created the land...
...I'm fairly good, I guess...
...They learned "Order is heaven't first law...
...Intellectual: "Well, it says here that over two thousand shot firers were killed in the coal mines last year...
...Hundreds of new planta and animals have been and are being produced in this way...
...Not me...
...those less closely related, but atill not too different, we place in different speciea, putting the related specie* together in one genua...
...Had it been thus renewed...
...I have recently made about 150 species of protozoa, but I have never made an animal...
...But an agreement, to be binding, must be renewed with each successive generation...
...Some of them based their radical conclusions on the' philosophic premises laid down by Bentham...
...Ihc American Society of ZaolefitU, and namerou* other «ic-ntini aaoV economic socls11.¦ Daring th* p**f ><•> he h»* baen chairaun of the National Research i ouii.il He Is salhu...
...for any proper grasp of the facts of structure or function of living bodies as involved in medicine and in animal and plant husbandry...
...Praise from Judge Ryckman is praise in* deed...
...CHORUS: "No...
...Locks stated thst Labor was the title to property or wealth...
...As to the numerous "causes" of evolution and their relative importance there are about as many varieties of opinion as there are students of Evolution...
...Under Communism, men would infur no inconvenience in bringing up large families...
...Second Traveling Salesman: "I'll tell the world it was...
...and if one pigeon more hardy or hungry than the rest touched a grain of the hoard, all the others instantly flying upon it and tearing it to pieces...
...Spence assumed the existence of common land in the.natural State...
...human societies, with their diverse customs, are unintelligible without the facts of their origins and changes, their evolution...
...Four Groupa of Evidence The same sort of thing is seen in hundreds of domestic animala and plants, dogs, cattle, sheep, pigeons, cucumbers, radishes, lettuce, dahlias, roaes, wheats, corns, strawberries, peaches, apples, pears, etc., etc...
...two-fisted fighter for tolerance...
...He hat membsrshtps and haa held offices In th* America* Aatoclation for Ihe Adi>ti<cnitni of Science...
...Controveray Between Natural and Civil Law Continues: The England at the eighteenth century necessarily inherited much from the social philosophies of the preceding centuries...
...These evils, he maintained, could only be remedied by the abolition of private property...
...Intellectual: (lopking up from his paper) : "I see tha White Sox lost another gsme...
...This was inevitable...
...Or a new order would have to be introduced by means of.small, successful Communistic experiments, led by men of exceptional ability and demonstrating the truths of Communism...
...One tim* I worked with Munsey On the New York Pr*t...
...We would have some snappier title than that on ou...
...One of these was Robert Wallace, the progressive preacher of the Royal Chapel of Edinburgh...
...The main check to the growth of population in the past would thus be thrown aside, and the population would then press sn hard on the means of subsistence as to lead to a return of poverty...
...But he presented the indictment which was then being brought against the society of the day with such force sod incisiveness that the book created a most disturbing effect on many of the conservatives of the times...
...and so on and ao on...
...Intellectual "The moisture that's in the air...
...This is true to a large degree among the protozoan forms I have been studying recently...
...It is contended, declared Spence, that private property originated in agreement...
...that, on the one hand, it led to overwork, and on the /other to Idleness, and that it did nothing to advance morality...
...Of the former group, Thomas .-^pence (1750-1814), William Ogilvle (1736-1813), and Thomas Paine (1737-1809) were the principal figures...
...Now I know in my heart that if it had been Judge Ryckman who had been in contempt there would have been no apology from *h...
...Factories were springing up in every pert of England, and wealth was accumulating "beyond all credibility...
...3) the phenomena of paleontology and geology, and (4) the phenomena of geographical distribution...
...But remember, I worked with Mumry On tht New York Mail...
...mid M. M.t...
...Intellectual (looking up from his paper): "It ain't the heat but the humidity that makes it* so hot around here...
...An intelligent teacher could omit such emphasis only at the expense of his self respect and of his moral integrity...
...Neither he nor anyone else was aware of any such renewal...
...Durham and other cities enclosed the commons, rented it out for agricultural purposes, and divided the rent between the members of the corporation to the exclusion of the freemen...
...In the main these evidences may be arranged in four chief groups: (1) The phenomena of comparative anatomy...
...Then came unemployment and depreciation of Labor...
...There are in man, for example, very many structures of no conceivable present use, but showing resemblance to organs in other animals which are useful...
...We would rather have the letter from the Judge than a bottle of pre-war Scotch, and that is saying a lot...
...callag* loology, trst »i Goueher, (hen •i Obarlia College, at Oberlin, Ohio...
...One of our pet projects is to have leisure and money enough t. write a book called "Heroes and Heroines of Oie Labor Movement" In which wo would celebrate the careers of men and women vho, like Judge Ryckman, have given of thalr brains, an* ergy...
...No other suggestion even plausible, let along convincing, haa been made to explain these phenomena...
...And Invariably he writes for unpopulaV causes...
...our teeth were once scales in the skin...
...There are more lakes up there than you can shake a stick at an' if humidity makes it hot, how can people go there to cool off...
...In Nature we find different kinds of animals and planta...
...Spence, a Scotch schoolmaster, originator of the Single Tax reform, wes ihe first of this group...
...when tbey ain't got any work anyhow...
...But aa a matter of fact the Judge Is far younger in heart and mind than thfl alickest an-1 most sophisticated sophomore in the Dayton High School, and if we ever grow old, which God forbid, we want to grow old just the way the Judge has grown old...
...He lives In Los Angeles, the "City of (Fallen) Angels," »li 't- the realtors reign triumphant and the boosters are galore...
...First Traveling Salesman to Second Salesman: "That real stuff you told me I could get at Bauernfanger's old place on Washington Street is nothing-but spikecj beer...
...To be sure, he haa lived since long before Clarence Darrow and he practiced law in Chicago, and for those who do not know bim he may seem to be what ia politely known as an "elderly gentleman...
...in production stimulated by private ownership sufficiently justified the guardian of nth ownership —the civil Government...
...METCALF IS: (Dr...
...The words "species," "genua," "family...
...Instead of which came war,' repression of the discontented elements, suspension of the Hsbeas Corpus Act, high treason trials, indiscriminate poor relief, and Malthua population theory as a salve to the agitated conscience of the nation...
...2) the phenomena of comparative embryology...
...if you should see this, you would see nothing more than what is every day practised and established among men...
...and there," as Wadsworth puts it, "Where not a habitation stood asfore, Abode...
...Men, he declared, should take a lesson from the ants, "how those in common all their wealth bestow, and anarchy without con-' fusion know...
...One set of these things, in the first, morphological group, is that of the vestigial organs in animala and plants...
...I alto worked with Muntey On the New York Sun, I won't tay that I was a star Nor wort a royal robe...
...Here ere two civilized men with a burning hatred for bigotry and intolerance and tha courage to ahow that hatred under any and all circumstances...
...8. In the fossiliferous rocks we find actual bodily remains of organisms of the past and these form a series showing increasing complexity within each taxonomic group, the animala and plants in the older rock* being more simple, while the succe*sively younger rock* show more and more complex organiims in each group under observation...
...If I had my way I'd shoot every one of them dirty stiffs what refused to go down in the mine...
...The wisdom teeth of man are approaching a vesti...
...France, however, was not the only country to make its contribution to this important school of social thinkers...
...As the use of an organ changes, in evolution, its structure correspondingly changes and we see a most complete series of intergrades between the earlier and the later conditions...
...Domestic fowl under man's control have evolved into a large number of kinds far more widely divergent than are the Wild kinds in the genus Gallua from which our domestic chickens came...
...This, in the nature of the case, carried with it the discussion of Communism vs...
...In each of the four groups of phenomena mentioned, there are many very striking things...
...Evolution Going On Today Not only has evolution occurred;, it is occurring today and occurring even under man's control...
...But between the ends of the seventeenth century, where we left England earlier in our book, and the days of Robert Owen many anen of fine social idealism and far-reaching social vision appeared in England and added their mite to the Communist and Socialist philosophies of their day...
...The Forerunners of Robert Owen their share of the rent...
...of men irregularly massed Like trees in forest—spread through spacious tracts, Or which th* smoke of unremitting fire* Hangs permanent, and plentiful as wreath* "*• Of vapor glittering in th* morning tun," ' Until 1806 wages were high and employment plentiful...
...Tha lungs of man correspond to the swim bladder of fishes...
...Spence sold his tracts on the streets, shocking the good members of the Philosophical Society thereby and scaring away his pupils...
...I am somewhat acquainted personally with nearly all the zoologists in' America who have contributed extensively to the growth of knowledge in this field and I know many of the botanist* and a goodly number of the geologiats, and I doubt if any two of these put exactly the same relative emphasis upon all the numerous interacting "causes" of evolution...
...hair haa apparently been derived from tactile sense organs in the akin of aquatic vertebrates...
...Who do you think I am...
...fir*4 Traveling Salesman (getting hot under the collar): "Get out of heah...
...The human tail— bony coccyx with ita rudimentary muscles—is another...
...of-the stars—is as fully established as the fact that the Earth revolves around the Sun...
...And the history of Utopian Socialism and of the later Socialist movement would be indeed incomplete without a brief review of the developments in that period...
...But of all these hundreds of men not one fails to believe, as a matter of course, in view of the evidence, that evolution has occurred...
...The Industrisl Revolution Blackens England...
...To be sura they waged no triumphant battles, nor did they wade through the blood of their fellow man...
...In the section of the country where ah coma from, we don't allow any niggers to tell white gentlemen t» *¦ Shut tin " Tired Business Man: "That all comes from them d-m-d I.abor agitators...
...Second Traveling Salesman: "If them miners had saved their money they wouldn't have to strike...
...CHORUS (in unison): "Not me," "Whatcha take me for...
...Thud Business Man: "If 1 had my way, I'd shoot every -n one of them Bolsheviks...
...Among other things it became the heir to the controversy regarding the relative advantages of the State of Nature and the State of civil law...
...And many't the yarn I've tpun...
...Spence, Single Taier: Who ware some of the fundamental thinkers of the late eighteenth and period of the Industrial Revolution...
...There are very few, if any, structures in man, for example, which do not show clear indicationa of relationship to, descent from, an organ of different use in some related animal...
...Wallace, Forerunner of Malthua: While distinguished economists, statesmen and lawyers were calling attention to the virtues of private property, moralists were busy pointing out its iniquities...
...There are many genera of animals and plants in which most of all the speciea completely intergrade so * hat specific distinctions are purely artificial...
...The best is»yet to be...
...George (entering smoking compartment) : Genn'men, the old lady in upper two says you must keep quiet o' she's complain to the conductab...
...Influence of Locke and Bentham: The Industrial Revolution and its immediate aftermath brought inevitably in its wake a group of Socialist and Communist thinkers...
...Intellectual: "Search me...
...told the magnificent story of the Ufa of Wendell Phillips, the colorful career of Tom Paine, the struggles and successes of William Lloyd Garrison...
...Evolution is a present observable phenomenon as well as an established fact of past occurring...
...Much in the fields of physiology, psychology and human cultures has very im- j portent bearing upon Evolution...
...H* received hi...
...hasn't this been a scorcher...
...How many school children today are...
...For it must not be forgotten that while France was passing through its spectacular and bloody revolutionary period, a revolution of even greater importance to the industrial life of the world—the great Industrial Revolution — had been going on steadily, relentlessly, grimly, in the British Isles...
...Smith, though holding that "in the original state of things...
...Tired Business Man...
...Oh, yi», I've had experience...
...If I had my way, I'd'have every one of them agitators shot before——" Intellectual (looking up from paper): "Say, do any of you guys know what a shot filer is...
...I then joined up with tht Herald, And that uiat a terriblt jam, And, let's see— I worked with afsWISf On tk* New York Teltgrnm, The Truth About EVOLUTION PLAINLY TOLD IV...
...Very Tired Business Man: "Oh, I don't know, Dayson didn't do so bad at it" Tired Business Man: "Well, I ain't thinking of Dayton, I'm thinking about business in general...
...The great mass of evidence of different aorts from different sources, when once seen, is overwhelmingly convincing to any normal, human mind...
...In his "Essay On Man" (1734), Pope tried to reconcile the two states of society and to show that the unrestrained character of men's nature made an ordered society under civil, law a necessity...
...Blackstone, presupposing a primitive Communism, declared that private property was demanded to guard individuals in their peace and security...
...Tired Business Msn: "If thst's so, how come that rain makes sir cooler...
...NTELLIGENT teaching of A biology or intelligent approach to any biological science is,impossible if the established fact of Evolution is omitted...
...From this it follows that private property is unnatural, and should be abolished...
...In all this discussion I have not used the word "species," There are no such things as species in Nature...
...Tired Business Man: "Whattaumean, humidity...
...Discussion of the methods by which Evolution has been brought about is less essential, but the fact of Evolution must be appreciated and the evolutionary point of view must be emphasized for any understanding of the growth t>f the universe, of the Earth, of plants or animals...
...Now, you take them miners, for instance...
...In his "Various Aspects," Walface drew a strong indictment against private property, on the ground that it rendered great numbers of poor the slaves and the beasts of burden of the rich...
...Pope, Reconciler: In the early days of the eighteenth century, in the period before the Industrial Revolution, a number of noted scholars entered the arena of debate for and against the Communist point of view...
...One of these, Braaaiea oleracaa, ia the ancestor, the form from which man has evolved the cabbage, the cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, Kohl rabi and the Swedish turnip, which differ among themselves far more than do the wild members of the genus Braaaiea...
...It can be only the uninformed who fail to accept Evolution as a fact established beyond doubt...
...Intellectual: "I always eaid if the White Sox hadn't sold-" ' Very Tired Business Man: "The trouble with them miners is they don't know what they want...
...This is all true evolution and is going forward today with ever-increasing strides...
...When we ware up at Manumit tha other day, Bill Flnck told us that there ware no books of thii sort to be had and that the real heroes of America wera for the most part Ignored by the capitalist historians...
...Rlacketona and Adam Smith: Other noted opponents of the natural State of that period were the great legal authority, William Blackstone (1723-1780) and the classical economist, Ada*m Smith (1723-1990...
...Proof* of Evolution By DR...
...It is interesting to observe that an organ in one kind of animal may have a different use from the similar organ in a related animal...
...TIME Bet ween 7:50 and 11:30 p. m. CHARACTERS: Tint Traveling Salesman...
...Innocent Bystander...
...Intellectual (looking up from his paper): "I said right away when the White Sox^sold-" First Traveling Salesman: "I bought a case of Old Crow for sixty bucks, but somebody must a monkeyed with it because it hadn't as much kick in it a/ my home brew...
...sll It engaged In prtvatt pmnik work at th* John* Hopkins University, spe< lallxlni ia nolo*, Frosi ISM to 1IU he Uagat...
...A Pivotal Truth Id All Nature" The fact of Evolution—of Man, of all living things, of the Earth, of the Sun...
...and this confessed, "Some are, and must be, greater thali the rest, "More rich, more powerful...
...If this be so, all deductions from the produce of Labor in the form of rent, interest and profit ^are contrary to law...
...Intellectual (looking up from hig paper): "Talking about monkeys, do any of you guys know anything about this Evolution business?'* Tired Business Man: "The way I look at Evolution, the less we say about it the better it will be...
...Bentham had held that the real test of governments or other social institutions was: Do these institutions lead to the greatest good to the greatest number T The system of private property, the Socialists stated, does not pass this test, for under it the mass of people are doomed to misery...
...and fine ability, to help the underdog...
...In his "Vindication of Natural Society" (1766), which was supposedly written by an upholder of the natural State...
...certain bones connecting with the human larynx were derived from the supporting arches in the bars bei tween tha gill slits of our aquatic ancestors...
...Furthermore, he can write English with a precision a|d beauty of style that might well make a fancy mugasine writer turn grean with envy...
...Archbishop Paley was the last of the school of social thinkers in England who were writing in terms of the days before tha Industrial Revolution...
...The economist...
...INTRODUCTION: As we have seen in the preceding chapter, it was revolutionary France of the late eighteenth and the early nineteenth centuries that produced the greatest of the Utopian Socialists...
...And there would be women in tha book—Freda Hogan, Elisabeth Gurley Flynn, Bertha Mailly, to name but a few of thoae to whom our hat is off for the brave work they have dona to make this country liveable...
...as • * • • Jim Oneal has dona his part to make permanent tha record of outstanding American Laborites, but there is still need of a book for tha children of the workera that will make men and woman such as I have mentioned above as well worth emulating as George Washington, Admiral Daway, and Theodore Roosevelt...
...Probably there is no structure in the human body, which was not at some time used for a different purpose...
...If one wishes a new vegetable or a new flower it is, within limits, true that he ran order it from the plant breeder and in a few years he will produce it...
...To describe adequately the tremendous mass of phenomena which establish the fact of past and continuing evolution would require not a book, or a series of books, but a library...
...This is evolution of just the sort that has always occurred, only it is influenced by man's purpose...
...Innocent Bystander (sitting on wash stand): "Have any of you gentlemen ever worked in a coal mine...
...The different kinds of domestic horses, produced by human experiment, differ far more than do the different kinds of horses found in Nature...
...First Traveling Salesman: "Serves 'em right...
...psychology, whether of normal or diseased minds, must constantly remember tha procetie* of evolution...
...I Kuess them's the guys that done all the ehoot„. mg around Herrin...
...During his days as an obscure school teacher, th<' corporations of Newcastle...
...Those familiar with the phenomena of Nature testify with unanimity to this...
...We don't want anyone to suffer undsr the impression that the Judge is an aaeleat...
...I wouldn't go down there "for a thou.-and, "for ten thousand, "for a million dollars...
...Viry Tired Business Man: " I filter mine through a felt hat an' it comes out clear as a whistle, but you've got to boil the hat first...
...The Socialist followers of Bentham...
...To adjust society to the great changes in the economic structure, "peace, watchfulness and social reform were necessary...
...gial condition...
...First Traveling Salesman: "Well, if those blamed minus go on a strike, we won't have to worry about humidity next winter, one way or the other...
...Change, growth, evolution, is a fundamental, a pivotal truth in all Nature...
...who, for a time, supplanted Locke, argued from a somewhat different angle...
...The real struggle of the people, hcvjjdded some years later, was not ablet certain forms of government, but for "a system of society capable of delivering us from the deadly mischief of great accummulations of wealth, which enable the few rich, unfeeling monsters to starve whole nations...
...In this argument Wallace laid the foundation for the Maithusian doctrine, a doctrine which did yoeman service for the conservative forces off the country...
...Evolution is the only key we can find...
...Edmund Burke: Edmund Burke (1729-1799), the British statesman, thoroughly alarmed at the growing discontent of his period, also entered the lists of combatants against Communism...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 34

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