The Realm of Books

Political and Sociat'History A Review by JAMES ONEAL A POLITICAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, im-im By Homer C. Hockett. Niw York: The Mac millan Co. A POLITICAL AND...

...His elders offer him no help at understanding these life stirrings in himself—nor do his companions...
...By Arthur M. Seklennger...
...Particularly ao when he apeak* of "the evolution of theology at *n inherent inetinct," or of "aocial instincts" and the moral tente or instinct as "implanted" or inherited, our Profeseor of Anatomy is surely borrowing trouble...
...D. Kan son, N. Wiener and A. Kanasy...
...This Circle will, ¦however, admit any comrades wishing to join...
...THESE two volumet art intended to b* • continuom history of the United States from its European beginnings to tha present year...
...Upper Weat Side Branch Wednesday, August 26, 8:30 p. m. Street meeting...
...For those who have no time for the larger works of many volumet and who sre dissatisfied with the one volume text book, tha design of thit hittory will be welcome...
...f 6th A. D. Friday, August 28, 8:30 p. m., at 137 avenue B. Branch meeting...
...Requests for literature should, be made to the Executive Secretaries in the various counties...
...2) the atrugglc for greater democracy...
...The Jackson ian Democracy, a peculiar compound of urban and rural radicalism in revolt against the capitalist and planter aristocracy of the East...
...We elected officials, put a full ticket in the field, selected a dues-collecting committee and another committee to take care of the American Appeal subs, assigned jobs to as many as possible, rented a respectable home for the'Local...
...In th* caae of magazine* it i* u*el*s* to cite them unless tha particular number ia mentioned...
...issued by th* National Office, will also he on hand shortly...
...For those who desire th* full Platform adopted by the Fusipn Convention of the Socialist Party and the American Labor party, there la available an eight-page pamphlet Another leaflet, "What I* Socialism...
...Friday, August 28, a literary meeting will be held...
...Tht progrsm: Monday—"A Victory Bill," Schilling...
...LOCAL NEW YORK Central Committee Tuesday, August 25, 8:80 p. m., at Labor Temple, 248 East 84th street...
...Her* and th*re Profe**or Schlesmger ventures an opinion which, although not aa forceful and pregnant with meaning as Oberholtser's in his two excellent volumes, is to the point...
...Stille went to Poughkeepsie for three or four days to complete the work started there some time ago...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK ing condolences to Comrade Ryan Walker on the death of Comrade Maud Davis Walker...
...There are a few human touches in...
...National Organizer Stille expects to take up Cohoes next...
...Financial Secretary, Jack Isaacs...
...The 1925 campaign will be opened with the old fighting spirit for which the Bronx is famous...
...Some of us would lik* to follow up these reference* and *v*n to pick up a copy of th* Review In aoma second hand book (hop...
...We had a grand meeting tonight, full of'new hope...
...On account of the meeting place being in a private house where the Circle will meet until it can obtain larger headquarters, meetings of this Circle will be held at 1681 Park place, Brooklyn, Friday evenings, at 7 p. m. Circle 2, because of frequent disturbances at their meetings, have decided to hold closed meetings for a few weeks to determine the cause of the disorder...
...Organizer Stille reports that Local Poughkeepsie has reorganized and that the comrades are full of vim and disposition to work...
...The third open-air meeting of Circle 11 will be held Wednesday evening, August 28, at Albany avenue and St...
...NEW YORK CITY New Leaflets Ready The persistent demand which has come from activefSorialists for literature to be used in the campaign hat been met by the Literature Committee of the City Committee...
...Social Director, Isidore Ostrowsky...
...Th* "dynamic currcnta" which he comidera a* having ahaped th* nation'* lif* are: "(1) the growth of nationality...
...Tha former ia a digest of the Party platform, while the latter 1* an educational leaflet that will be in great demand by those who ara interested in the educational work of the Socialist Party...
...Symphony No...
...Nutcracker" Suite, Tchsi•snky: Slsvic Msrch, Tchslkovsky...
...Hungarian Fantasie, LUxt...
...Wilkins tnd Interval* avenues...
...Profeasor Hoc ken writes that "While political development still properly forms tht central theme of history, the operation of the deep-seated social and economic forcet which give it much of its significance must he made plain...
...such dellciou* irony...
...MUSIC Three Audition Winners To Appear in Final Week Of Stadium Concerts Three young American artists, sel«et*d by the Stadium Auditioni Comaittte and the Nation...
...Fielding wa* contclouily writing a etery and admit* it...
...Nee* el ^tetaeieai artist* have ever sung la the United Ststes before, although levera] havs been heard in Havana snd South Americsn opera houses...
...John's place...
...And there Is tha English lad attending the public school...
...Evolution at Work A Review by AUGUST CLAESSENS eff PASSING OF THE PHAN fQHS By C. J Patten New fifk...
...These leaflets will be printed attractively on fine, antique paper, and will be quite an improvement over the old style leaflets previously used In campaigns...
...the shattering of the old political parties over the extension of slavery...
...There wat considerable discussion in regard to the coming visit to this country of certain European Socialists, and the desirability of suitably entertaining them by a banquet or otherwise...
...Speakers: Mary Goff, Leonard C. Kaye...
...Sidney A. Franklin directed...
...Chairman, Lester Diamond...
...At the end of each chapter will be found a serviceable bibliography- and there ia only on* criticism we have to make of it Tha American Hiitoricel Review la cited a number of time* and yet no data ia given to enable th* render to conauK th* article refcrred to...
...the increasing importance of th* contest between Northern capitalism and the Southern* alaveocracy for possession of the Western lands...
...Do you understand ? Get busy I Open-Air Meetinga Friday, Auguat 21...
...Patten plunge* dauntlcatly into the battle-field of comparative and behavioriatic ptychology and he *nlivent hia axpoaition with many vivid observationt of animal behavior...
...members are being brought in at every meeting...
...The economic background is evident in the first volume, certainly more evident than in the histories of twenty years ago, but not sufficient to give American political development the significance promised by Professor Hockett...
...JWeird" 8uite, Stravintky...
...Comrade Theresa B. Wiley of Schenectady, candidate for State Comptroller in 1924, will substitute for Comrade Merrill as State Secretary while the latter is taking his annual vacation...
...Wednesday, August 26, Interval* avenue and 163d atreet...
...write except from hi* experience, vicarious though it may he...
...Yet the reader will find this volume accurate, and were it not for its partial failure to satisfy on the score of its author's promise there would be no need to criticize...
...Smart London society is bound to wear on one sooner or later...
...1, Brahma, Thandty—Overture to "The Flying gMehmtn," Wtgner...
...The author js the ton of Fraderie Harrison and edited the "English Review...
...Thursday, August 27, 166th street and Prospect avenue...
...The crowd listened very attentively to all that Comrade Friedman had to say relative to conditions in Europe and their effect on Americans...
...Recording Secretary, Benjamin Kantor...
...Overture, "1812," geikoviky, Sunday, August 80 (Clotm Nighty—Rtquatt Progrtm, JL —-¦—jJ*'0" Civic Opera Co...
...Speaker*: A. Kauffman, J. Friedman, A. Braunstein and D. Kasson...
...Through his choice comradeship with the little girl h* work* It out satisfactorily and beautifully...
...Ita artU' finality affects the reader on every page...
...Othera to be announced...
...A new meeting place for the Local has been secured, lectures and forum meetings are planned, and nev...
...District Organizer Samuel H. Stille, is out for big game...
...Dances, Debussy-RaNegro Songs snd Spiritusls, Miss *"*l»on...
...and to dlgraa* from my tubject briefly, what writing wa* th*re, my frlendt...
...Si, jfjhrt little book we have another f|a«inMt'specialist, a Profeaaor • *f Anatomy thia time, out on a , J-ndt The subject matter of hi* igsMioa belong* to the domain of '!3*I psychology and anthropolSrBoth of Cheee ara consider unrelated toNanatomy, particujifly th* former/ But, then, even iiatrfaliit is entitled to a fling now gad then, and ao Professor Patten foU had his...
...our mor* recent authora teldom admit that there i* not indeed veriiimllltud* b*tw**n th* event* th*y dc*crib* and actaallty...
...Thursday, August 27, 8:30 p. m. Street meeting at 24th street and 8th avenue...
...SymJJWr, Schubert...
...Branch meeting...
...Pscific 231," Hnnegger...
...There could tcarcely be a greater contrast than the simple, straightforward writing of Mr...
...We turned to Profeasor SchlesHifii > volume with anticipation aa any reader would who ia acquainted with hia remurkable atudy of tha colonial merchants in tha Revolution and hia "New Viewpoint* in American History Hi* promise it tome what limilar to Professor Hoi ken's, but hi* performance ia mor* satis factory although we feel that he haa exercised a restraint in considering economic and social backgrounda thai is not warranted by hi* other work...
...Tha *ol* reference for th* Washington Conference i* Mark Sullivan'* "The Great' Adventure at Washington" Our recollection ia that thl* book merely reproduce* the "atmosphere" of the Conference and one may search in vain for the backgrounda of tha -Conference, its actions, ita decisions and the reasons back of them...
...The Secretary works restlessly and ha is not inclined to listen to any real Socialist soldier asking for rest No more rest after September 1. Every Comrade on the job...
...Tliiesy— "Oberon" Overture, Weber...
...Tht ttory it In original ons by Ham Krsly, who wrote many of Lubitsch's European successes tnd recently wrote "Her Night of Komsnce" for Conattnce...
...The chorus, orchestra snd ballet, now rehearsing in Boston, will be brought to New York to complete the ensemble...
...Harriaon and the style which Mr...
...MAY FAIR...
...One Is alao reminded of Blnrkman's "Soul of a Child" as one watches this lad struggle to discover wrist he is and what life * means, what sex is and means...
...Two excellent leaflets are now in the hands of the printer and will be ready in a few days: "Sevan Points for New York Voters" and "What Socialists Are and Are Not...
...They meet every Tuesday evening, at 7 p. m., at 219 Sackman street, Brownsville Labor Lyceum, Brooklyn...
...Tha workers ara awakening...
...We are given fleeting glimpses of the pre natal evidences of Evolution...
...tha liquidation of Republican "idealism" In th* dirty caroutal of Grant'* Adminittrationt...
...Into the period of this volume falls some of the most notable struggle* in American history...
...New Yo*k: Thomae Seltter...
...Sine* their publication Profetior Schlednger ha* gone to Harvard, and on* wonder* If tha mora contervativ* atmosphere of Cambridge ha* had in Influence in restraining that tendency for decisive and mora forceful judgments which distinguished hit work in Iowa...
...Professor Hockett seems to fall into this class of writers...
...T»nnh*ui*r" Overtura, •agatr...
...the volume but not a single human belpg...
...Educational Director, Louia Yavner...
...Friday—"CorioUntit" ; Ovsr2»", Beethoven...
...Speakers: N. Wiener, I. Phillip* and A. Kanasy...
...Saturday—Overture to "Th* ¦•"7 Wivei of Wlndtor," Nicolal...
...Members take notice...
...occasionally on* i» carried away by tha amootjb charm of a passage or line, but in general the machinery Creaks...
...LOCAL BRONX The Bronx battalion of speakers are ready...
...tueh quaint philosophizing, tuch penetrating underttanding of human nature, even without th* aid lent by modern psychology...
...This story has a peculiarly charming interlude in the litis idyl between the hoy and the girl, who, unlike the boy, 1* decidedly unique...* appeal to arm* snd th* Civil War...
...TWO volum** with an Engine letting -«o exceedingly English «s fnglnh .at "Tom Jones," which I have read for the first time during a hit of osidtum* ¦i.e...
...Augutt r**J •« Italian steamship, including 5y**"r all at thi leading iingsrt, C"»*»?e and ertiitl* *taff...
...I have recently read somewhere of the tendency of some American historians to promise much in the way of social and economic interpretation and then when they approach tha task to,avoid the full implications of the promise...
...8) change* in the methods of production and distribution (aa evidenced, for instance, by the introduction of machinery and the aocial adjustments necaadteted thereby...
...Athletic Director...
...Constance Talmadge at Capitol In "Her Sitter From Paris" ' Constance Talmadge comet to th* Cspitol Thestre, Sundty, In "Her Bister From Paris," * new domestic comedy drama just productd for Firit National, by Joseph M. Schenck...
...22nd-23rd A. D. Wednesday, August 26, 8:80 p. m., at 3785 Broadway, corner 167th street...
...Wilts, "Blut ff"h«" Striun...
...H* may he more sensitive than young Sam Hone, or far lest so, but he It th* same English boy with Mi admiration for sports, hi* respect for tradition, his acceptance of authority...
...You are asked to be present at 1167 Botton road...
...The Live Wire Senior Circle of the Bronx will atop It* membership drive for a few weeks and do some educational work...
...Branch meeting...
...In the c*s* of "Lifting Mitt" there is the English public school with which, •ornehow, th* American readers »re very f»miliar, having met It from the time when "Toto Hi own'a Adventures" were enacted to the daya when Stephen McK«nn*'s "Honia" sparkled acrota th* reader...
...Sam Gradstein, chairman...
...Patt and Present...
...He says the "new officials are going strong...
...The trumpet call soundv Every Comrade to the front...
...His latest is setting for himself a goal of 600 subscriptions for the American Appeal within the next few weeks...
...It was decided that the American Socialist Party should make the best use possible of the distinguished comrades who come to our shores as delegates to the Interparliamentary Union...
...Of the firtt volume we confest a certain disappointment...
...Twenty-five copies of The New Leader sold like hot cakes...
...The performance fallt short of the promise...
...Wa note in the bibliography h« ha* mentioned th* book* of a few Socialist* who have written on American history, and one rather as tonlihlng citation la offered in th* bibliography following th* last chapter...
...0 mio "hiindo" fLa Favorita), Donizetti...
...New York: Th* Macmillan Co...
...lilt of P weld," Richmininoff...
...Hit ttudy of the evolution of the moral sense follows the line of evidence and reasoning of Kropotkin'a "Mutual Aid" and Patten's diacourte it much too brief to compare with that famous work.* Nor it his meteoric treatment of the evolution of human morality satisfactory to those who are acquainted with the scholarly works on that subject by Spencer, Ward, Westermarck, Tozzer, Dewey and Marrett...
...Speakers: Ella O. Guilford, George Meyers and ' Alexander Schwartz...
...Speakers: Gertrude Weil Klein and Samuel H. Friedman...
...7»o Elegise Melodist for String!, Grieg...
...It would appear that, th* author, having met with succeti and fame, had felt that, by employing his ability to turn a very unututl phrase and hit on an improbable plot, he could gat away with a volume of ahort atoriea...
...May Fair" is a poor imitation of the short tale* of de Maupaasant, O. Henry, and ftie general run of "Cosmopolitan" short atory...
...Big Syracuse Moating Esther Friedman spoke in Syracuse at an open-air meeting to about 300 peaple...
...Artistic Director Alberto Baccolini, who is coming over with the artists whom he engaged In Italy, will open the Manhattan engagement in Verdi's "Aids" on Labor Day night with tht Italian dramatic soprano, Clsrs Jscobo, si Aids, the Spanish drsmstic tenor, Antonio Msrquei, st Rhadamea, and Rhea Toniolo at Amneris, with Mr...
...Now, here is enough ground for a young library, but Patten covers all this in thirty tiny pages, very entertainingly to be sure, but woefully Inadequate and far from convincing unlea* the reader i* mor* widely informed...
...Concerto in F ahsrp minor, Wltaitwikf...
...Bernard Ocko, violinist, and Marion Anderson, mezioMsrsno...
...Monday, August 24, Tiffany, and 183d atreets...
...English Contrasts A by MARY P FULLER ' LIFTING Mt$.TS...
...Speaker*: J. Bernstein, Thomas Rogers, A. Kanasy...
...A Siegfried Idyll, Prelude to Act 8 of "Lohen**™" Wtgntr...
...3rd-6th-10th A. D. Monday...
...Professor Buell't "The Waahington Conference" ia an informing work and how it came to be overlooked is something wa de not understand as the bibliography appended to each chapter bears evidence of careful select ion...
...If the behavioriate and environmentalists among our contemporary piychologitt* catch him at it he surely i* in for a apanking...
...Speaker*: Sidney Hertzberg, Thomas Roger* J. Bernstein and A. Kanasy...
...4) tha constant striving for social amelioration, Including the contest for free public achools, Improvement In the lot of women and children, and the successive move menta for humanitarian reform...
...Instesd of going to Boston, the home city of this opera company, the members will open a preliminary sesson of two weeks preceding the Boston opening at the Manhattan Opers House on Labor Day, September 7. Itslisn productions of scenery, costumes and effects sre slto being brought complete on ths asms ship...
...Italy, on Thurtdty...* rite and growth of tha higher capltaliam and it* expantlon overlaaa, are all oonildercd in ¦ wellbalanced narrative...
...Symphony No...
...Ronald Colmtn hss the princlpsl milt role, tnd supporting pltytn include Giorg* K. Arthur and Margaret Mann...
...i;th-18th-20th A. D. Wednesday, August 26, 8:30 p. m. Street meeting, 116th street and Lenox avenue...
...William Karlin will lecture on Revolutionary Methods...
...Music from a Midsummer Night't Dresm," MendtlsioTin...
...His brief treatise, altftg«ther top brief, is on theme of erelntionary psychology «nd moral*, ind though part* of it ara rather technic*) and weighted with a Jargon quite foreign to the layman, It jt, nevertheless, an intensely inttreiting essay...
...Arlen will return to his earlier sincerity and perhaps to a more wholesome study of people who do not draw their* entire income from British consols or feudal ettates...
...there are brilliancies, but tha glare only, hurts the eyes...
...Music League, wiU.b* soloists with the Philhirrnonle Orehettra under William Van Hoogitrtten't direction tt the Stadium Concerts next week...
...By Auetin Harrison...
...And lastly, wh*n our amiable anatomist, after lancing hoary superstitions, tries to reconcile their essence with the modern scientific approach *nd arrives at an "agnostic theology" w» were more than happy that our friend had limited his otherwise interesting argument to 102 pagea...
...August 24, 8:30 p. m. Branch meeting at 7 Eaat 16th street, Room 402...
...Friday, August 28, at 8:30 p. m., street meeting corner 167th street...
...These meetings generally start at about 8:30 p. m. Any Junior Yipsels wishing to volunteer as speakers please get in touch with Lester Shulman, 1336 Lincoln place...
...Don Juan," Strauss...
...By Michael Arlen, New York: George H Dornn...
...splendid eueceas on hia tour through Massachusetts...
...the rise of the Labor movement...
...Wednesday—Military "•, Richard Strauss...
...The comrades advise all locals that hold open-air meetings to use The New Leader at their meetings...
...7, Bee»«vtn...
...Mr, Ocko...
...Where he deals with social and economic factors he presents just enough to be tantalizing and not sufficient to satisfy the expectant reader...
...Harry Rotenfelt...
...For example, "The undoing of th* 'Slave Power' m*ant th* removal from national politic* of in iggreuiv* political force, whos* place in th* nation wa* presently taken by the ri*e of a ntw capitalist class, domiciled in tha North and ba**d on manufacturing and railway holdings " However, tha opinion* and interpretation* do not have that vigorous character that are found in tha other two work* mentioned...
...Tuesday, August 25, Claremont parkway and Washington avenue...
...Speakers: Ella O. Guilforfl and Leonard C. Kaye...
...The reader ia carried along in the "Green Hat" by the scintillating quality of thia Masdabulh style and by the Intriguea and suspense of"the plot, but "May Fair" fails to absorb him, leaves him cold...
...14th-15th-16th A. D. Thursday, August 27, 8:30 p. m., at 227 East 84th street...
...One writes "selected" advisedly, since there never waa a style which seemed so definitely striven for and strained after, so that tha effect is that of intense artificiality...
...P. Dutton^and Co...
...If this can be done in Albany it can be done in any city in this country,.'" • • • • He*nas added fifty-two new members to the Glens Falls local, making sixty in all...
...Romeone has remarked that the Incident is remlniacent of tha love episode in "Richard Feveral...
...Aden ha* selected for the delectation of hii audience...
...A Night on Bald Mountain," ¦Wstorgiky...
...Would it Be teamuch to hope that Mr...
...Ha provea himself an alert analyat and an enthuaiatt in the joyout purtuit of knowledge, but unless I am badly mistaken, I believe he has walked into quicks and on the topic pf inherited experiences...
...He writes from Albany:: "Our new Local here has sixty members, and more coming...
...They sre Dorys la Vene, pianist...
...Opens |^ "Aida," at Manhattan I °P«ra House, on Labor Day jftlrty-ons members ef th* Botton tt (L5',nd Opera Company embarked 5...* triumph of capitalism to the Gulf and enforcement of it* rule by military power...
...the cycle or repeated history of life-forms, extinct and extant, in the human embryo, and the unfolding of the mental faculties and the kinship, or, as he calls it, the cousinship of (II creatures, including man...
...An effort is made to prove that we may hope for "the passing of eke phantoms" (imaginations and mperttttions) and eventually attain * nor* sensible attitude towards phenomena and a more rational cede, ' The writer takes us on a delightful ramble...
...YIPSELDOM Circle 10, the n*w Junior Circle, ha* elected th* following officer*: Organizer, Frank Sasio...
...and (6) the expansion of tha national boundaries...
...Baccolini conducting...
...GREATER CITY COMMITTEE Wednesday, August 28, 6:3d p. m., at 7 East loth street, Room 505...
...Chairman, Eli- Cohen...
...Our organixer, August Claessena, report...
...So everybody on the job...
...Sam Gradstein, Chairman...
...But, of course, ther* I* an ectu-' • lity about *v*ry novel, for no • uthor can...
...Miss Le Verne...
...Two Tone-Poemt, jwaton...
...Let gahJdea, Lltlt...
...Whether the execution of the work it tatisfactory will, of courte, depend upon fne point of view of the reader...
...Tha Bronx will not be caught napping, for wa know real work will result in victory...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 34

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