New Play Form for Workers

DRAMA 7HEA IRES New Play Form for Workers AN interesting series of ¦rticles on the Worker* snd the Theatre h»ve been appearing in the London Sunday Worker, written by Huntly Carter. The...

...And so he turned out to be richer than ever and gave the painter the chance he wanted snd married the nice girl, and sent us all home feeling more glowing and generous snd at pe*c« with the world than any timt tine* w« atw "Polyann...
...Ralph Glover, Hugh Banks, William Bonelli, Franklyn Bstie, William I* Thorns and George Gilday...
...Relationa," by Edwsrd Clarke, and an English comedy, "The Likes of Her," are other plays listed for production...
...Galsworthy's "Strife snd Justice...
...T" A new plsy by Henry Myen, "The Stolen Me," It being considered fori production during the sesson...
...Philip Goodman it the producer...
...Everybody turned sweet on him and was good tnd kind and sympathetic and nice, and the hotel gave him a job as assistant manager, and he used hit butiness ability tn put the establishment on ita feet and make a big success of it...
...David Belasco It now rehearsing j "Canary Dutch," a new play by Willard Mack, based on a story by John A. Moroto...
...Style, Workera' own, Costumes, Workers...
...At the Cinemas BROADWAY—"Kiss Me Again," with Marie Prevost, Monte Blue and Clara Bow...
...Huff) or types is man, a woman, sp in expressionistic plays, set Totter, Kaiser, etc...
...His chsrscters represent elstses...
...Hsmpden will cause several changes to be made in' the stag* of th* thestre...
...By keeping it simple, free, and natursl...
...Tom thinks he is a painter who needs encouragement...
...Holbrook Blinn and Judith Anderson return to their former roles...
...They srt not buried beneath a heap of effete mentality, like the "professor*" at M Dooley cslla them...
...All end* morally, though, by this modern young lsdy dismissing her married suitor and her girl chum and thereby bringing her father and mother together with the prospects of the re-united family again taking the usual trip to Europe for the inevitable happy ending...
...COLONY—"Hell's Highroad," a picturization of Ernest Pascal I novel, with Leatrice Joy...
...Others in the c»st include Claud*tte Colbert, John Williams, Eleanor Williams, George Graham, Edward Rigby and Harry Hanlon...
...All of which .pained John beyond measure, because he was that kind of a harrl-hniled business man who still believed, after two decade/ in Wall Street, that there is love and sweetness and light and everything in the world...
...Finally would come the denouement of the whole bad business, the discussion of the moral, snd th* proposed method of removing the csute of strife and injustice in which sll could join... the old frsmework...
...CAMEO — Reginald Denny in "Where Was I?", by Edgar Franklin...
...How rsn Workera fix their drsmstic msteris...
...RIVOLI—Thomas Meighan in "Th* Man Who Found Himself...
...At scratch...
...The present article, under the above title, brings forth many features of a new form for Working Class plays...
...Wagner's score of the opera will be used...
...Mr.1 Mysrs is th* author of "Th* First Fifty Yeart...
...Then cornea the rrssh...
...Barry has a daughter who could use a husband with a lot of money...
...Katherine Alexander and Lee Patrick, as the two young ladies in the plot, portray their roles in a competent but uninteresting manner...
...By rejecting all so called progressive methods of plsywrighting snd production, like expressionist, futurist, etc...
...W. It...
...Mister Pie-Eye," by Don Msrquis, hst gone into rehesrssl under the direction of Jsmet Gletlson...
...Ths scene moves swiftly with ths action on the srsfTolding and the tuapenae is kept up by sction snd the bita nf dislogue ss given in ths synopsis...
...The cast includes Blanche Yurka, Rhea Martin, Paul Kelly, Clyde Fillmore, Charles Halton and Roger Pryor...
...The Coming Season Crosby Gaige to Present New Owen Davis Play...
...And "The Lucky \ Break", is well written an'd well staged...
...Tracked In The Snow Country" with Rin Tin Tin...
...My Son" will go on s rosd tour, opening in Philadelphia on Labor Day...
...2. Story to illustrate the theme...
...This it ths order in Mr...
...Chivalry," another Hurlbut opus, also will be produced by Gsige, snd a third plsy by the asme author, titled "The Reward of Virtue," will be presented by Gsige and A. H. Woods...
...Al Jolaon, in "Big Boy," Reopens at 44 St., Monday Al Jolson snd his Jsrgs supporting cast in "Big Boy," sre playing st th* Apollo Theatre in Atlantic City this week...
...wis John Bruce...
...T. Broadway Briefs "Siegfried," Wsgner's Folk Story of the Gods of Vslhslla.'will be shown on the screen *t the Century Theatre beginning Sunday...
...j Vaudeville Theatres i__ B. S. MOSS' BROADWAY At B. S. Mobs' Broadway Theatre, beginning Monday, the screen will have Ernest Lubitsch's latest production, a Parisian romance, "Kiss Me Agnin," with Monte Blue, Marie Prevost, John Roche, Clara Bow and Willard Louis The stage attraction will include Eddie Garr, assisted by George Edwards and May Mally, Harry Breen, Harry Jans and Harold Whnlen, Charlie Howard and Company, The Four Harmony Kings, and Amazon and Nile...
...first, to »et them in sn environment, say a factory >as in kaiser's "Gsa"), and to let something come out of the conflict of minda lalaves snd slave owners I. So far I have aaid nothing new *xrept to suggest a prsctiral framework for the new thingt which I am going to put in it...
...Thia would raise auapense in the mindt of the audience...
...Scenery, the new industrial some scaffolding in course of erection...
...The materiala sre sa above...
...The Lucky Break' Zelda Sear*' Sentimental Community Comedy is Well Staged at the Cort "Tha Luckv Break," Zelda Sears' new comedy at the Cort Theatre, i* one large, gelatinous, quivering mass of goo...
...Playthingt,"by Frederick snd Fanny j Hatton, now playing in Los Angeles, will be presented in New York in the late Fall by Thomas Wilkes and Jones j and Grten...
...with Virginia Valli and Julia HoyL...
...In the meantime, Mr...
...Charles Trowbridge as the unspoken snd unmarried suitor of the daughter of the house gives a manly performance of an ungrateful role...
...3. Char seters to illustrate story...
...We quote in part: Where must a start at a technique be made...
...Hera the audience join in...
...The virtuous heroine pursued by the villain snd rescued by the lover ia Virtue v. Vice snd s mesns to destroy vice, Tha plsyt in London ky sn Italian author, which are said to form a new dramatis force, are simply melodrama of the mind, or dramatited metaphyiics...
...The old friend who runs s struggling hotel has a daughter who has a voice that needs cultivating...
...But everything including style is mesnt to (It the middle cists theatre The tendency with the "highbrows" ia to put chsrsctera (Mrs Muff or Mr...
...Norton & Melnotte...
...This la where many of the new painters and sculptors are restarting They htve gone to scratch for first principle* Every now snd again artists mske this return in order to mske s fresh stsrt Otherwue sit forms would simply pemh of too much brains...
...The Right to Kill," by Herman Bernstein, will be produced here October by Charles Bryant...
...Two or three characters in th* foreground atste the situation snd prophesy trouble...
...Arthur Byron and Janet Beecher are the featured players...
...George MscFsrlsne, fatter thsn ever snd not quite so good an sctor *> h* used to be in "Trilby" snd "Tht Only I Girl...
...By keeping the frsmework loose snd elastic for chsngrs in tha Workers' drams...
...Ralph Spence, suthor of "The i Gorills," hss s new comedy, "Here Lies Ths Truth," which will bs presented here earl;' thit teason by Donald Gallahrr snd Jsmet W, Elliott...
...It underlies the Greek trsgtdisi, Moliere's satires, Shskespesre's plsyt...
...other acts...
...TUESDAY "THE KISS IN THE TAXI," a farcical comedy adapted by Clifford Grey, from the current Paris success of Maurice Hennequin and Pierre Veber, will be presented by A. A. Wood...
...FRANKLIN Monday to Wednesday- Royal Pekin Troupe...
...Could drsmstic bsnkruptcy go further...
...An American tour of the Stratford- [ on-Avon Players it announced for this sesson, by Msbel R. Besrdsley, Gustsv Blum plsns to produce three i plsys this coming sesson...
...Bewsr* of Widows," by Owen Davis, with Msdge Kennedy starred...
...The characters portrnyed are so conventional that no one in particular in the cast is to be singled out, although Jane Grey, as the suffering mother, and Norman Trevor, as her husband, w*ho almost becomes involved with the young girl, are aa efficient as the parts call for...
...Worker playwrighta have no need to return, they are at scratch alresdy...
...4. Style—th* bresth of working-clsss life in sverything...
...The daughter of the house pursues her wsy in sccepting ths attentions of a much older married" man, and is prepared tn "go through to the finish" via the divorce courts for the unhappy i wife, when she is brought to her senses by having the girl of the same age and views who is visiting her endeavor to start an affair with her own father...
...Chsrsctera to illustrate story, Workera on the job, including one or two athletea able to fall about...
...Let me illustrate: In a recent iaaue ' of the Sunday Worker, there is ¦ vivid little story of "A Dsy in the Life of s Building Trsde Worker" Here you hsve s synopsis resdy made for sn improvised Workers' little mass play...
...It All Depends" Kate McLaurin't New Comedy at the Vanderbilt Theatre Ia a Commonplace Story of Youth Although the new comedy at the Vanderbilt, "It All Depends," is by Kste McLsurin, author of "Whispering Wires," that enjoyed a considerable run here a season or sn sgo, and is produced by such "old-timers" in ths theatre ss John Cromwell snd Willism A. Brady, Jr., and a cast that includes such actors at Kstherin* Alexsnder, Lee Patrick, Jane Grey snd Norman Trevor, this new offering of the theatrical season is not to be depended upon for much enjoyment by the wise theatregoers...
...Their theme ia Reality v. Appesrsnre...
...Whst sre msterisls...
...Monday night "The Dove," discontinued because of the summer hest, will reopen again at the Empire theatre...
...It ii the oldest snd most sdsptsble frsmework in th* world...
...MscFsrlsne hss s glorious voice, you know, to in ttch set he burst into tang for no rttton tt all...
...The csst includes Edythe Baker, Flo Lewis, Leo Donnelly, Frankie James, Frank Holmes, Cosmo B e 1 I e w, Maude Turner Gordon, Ralph Whitehead...
...And what he saw...
...Notices from abroad, especially from England, laud the film in highest terms...
...Is there an existing framework...
...Roxey La Rorca...
...What he find* back hum is a bucolic community afflicted with the gimmes...
...Th* Princess and the Courtesan," a new play by William Hurlbut, has been acquired by Crosby Gaige for production next season with I'rinrest Matchabelli, who alternated with Lady Dians Manners in the leading role of "The Miracle...
...The presentation is being made by Ufa... the Ritz Theatre, Tuesday night...
...RIALTO—"The Ten Commandments...
...The whole might close with the singing of s song...
...A prologue laid in the bedroom of a present day debutante and a visiting friend of hera, which is designed to both amuse snd ahock the audience, neither shocks nor smuses to any degree, and has the fault of letting the audience in at once on what is going to happen in the three ensuing acts...
...Thursday to Sunday — "Hitland...
...It will be in sll respects a new production of ths plsy snd will bevfellowed by other plsys to be announced lster...
...THE NEW PLAYS MONDAY "THE SEA WOMAN," a new play by Willard Robertson, will be produced by L. Lawrence Weber Monday night, at the Little Theatre...
...Workers, snd bosses represented by Workers...
...Ths first, "Csught," by Kate L. McLsurin, author of "Whispering Wires," ia now being cast...
...1. Thems Hay I Capltsl v. labor...
...And yet, strange to ssy, ! the audience liked it and I liked it s,nd 1 came away feeling fine...
...Chsrles Lawrence heads the csst...
...In brief, the plot concerns two young girls, typical of the day, and their revolt against the manners and morals of their elders...
...Kcno & Green...
...So he told everybody that he had I lost every rent he had and was busted, and waited to see...
...The play suffers from the start from obviousness...
...Felix Krembs, as a married man in love with the heroine, and Grace Andrews, as his wife, sre miscast in respective roles...
...The plsy would be nesrly all action as suggested by the aynopsis, with s few forcible words thrown in to bind the sction together...
...From here on the plot is conventional with many stretches of commonplace conversation and a few amusing turns or quips to relieve the mildly interesting proceedings...
...Everything in thia little plsy must be done to rouse the sudiencs to the highest pitch of excitement, snd to keep up the excitement to thst they go home full nf it...
...The theme...
...William B. Friedlander staged the production...
...Benny Ketchum thinks he hss the makin's nf a super-salesman and all he wants is the chance to show big business in New York what he could do...
...Msny of them go on the stage and form the crowd (sa in a street accident) while the doctor is fetched to exsmine ths man, etc...
...Workers snd Bosses The etory to illustrate theme, how the Worker ia robbed of life to put money in the pockets of the bosses...
...I John Bruce is a portly gentleman of j about 40 who came back to hia old home town far away in Connecticut to tee if he cogld do something for the old folks there with some of his riches...
...But it's got j to be well done...
...Any officials, ssy police, would be shown by Workera wearing policemsn'a helmets...
...Tht bslanc* of th* «a*t did wall...
...Present dsy ntelodrsma ia tn up-to-dst« version of the old morality plsy...
...Walter Hampden's Theatre Opena in October— New Don Marquta Play Headed for Broadway Walter Hampden, it wis tnnounced ystterdty, hss leaaed the Colonial Theatre, Broadway and 63rd street, and will reopen it in Octobers* Hampden's Thestrs with s production of "Hamlet...
...On Monday the metropolitsn reopening will tske place at the 44th Street Thestre...
...Walter Woolf will be starred.,next sesson in operetta on Benvenuto Cellini with music by Oscar Strsusi...
...At curtain rise there would be men in the background working on the scaffolding- with just a suggestion of a roof...
...THE ENCHANTED APRIL," a dramatization by Kane Campbell of tha novel of the same name by Countess Russell, will open at the MoroscoTheatre, on Monday evening, under the direction of Rosalie Stewart...
...Labor robbed of Life and a Fair Deal, or Lsbor crushing th* serpent...
...Rod La (torque and Bebe Daniels in "Wild, Wild Susan...
...The cast includes Helen Gahagan, Elizabeth Risdon, Alison Skipworth, Merie Maddern, Hugh V Huntley' aw Herbert Yost...
...In every detail, conception, story, treatment and even acting, the play is indistinguishable from the slushy sentimentalism that used to pass for sentiment in the dear, dead dsys before the movies...
...CAPITOL—Constance Talmadge in "Her Sister From Paris,' from the story by Hans KralyCENTURY —"Siegfried," Wagner's immortal story, with music from the composer'* score...
...The picture will remain only four weeks, and then make a tour of the principal cities...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 34

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