THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK NATIONAL |H3fc*iri*i regarding orftaita-^Egpraaaiaed Statoa, tpcafc. -,^_5Lte *ad books, tb* Amenta*) ^^Lffa*-t••»***• autUr, of this grL.14 b. adaVassad to the...

...Th* Italian Socialitt meetings at 187th *tre«t and CambrtUing avenue have been changed from Friday to Wtdneeday evening* a* torn* speaker* were unable to speak on Fridays...
...Lowell, Aug...
...Comrade Harkins reported good prospects for the Debs dinner in Comden and that Local Philadelphia will cooperate...
...Oat on or gtt oiit," "Business Is bu*ln«ss...
...Th* Central Branch will -^0k% Tuesday, Aug...
...According to this manifesto, whleh wss recently printed in La Vanguardia, the leading Argentine Socialist daily, ths msin csuss of political unrest in Brazil Is "Presl-dentism," i. «., the system of government borrowed from the United States, which give* rise to the worst excesacs of personal power snd opens the door to unbridled autocracy, Th* party demands, therefore, ths establishment of Government by Cabinet with equsl responsibilities snd collective authority...
...The j English spesker will be F. Roger...
...This means a call to all comrades, get busy...
...Organizer Stille called a meeting of reorganized Local Albany last evening at the State Office for the purpose of electing officers and putting a ticket in the field...
...a§H hl> work in Pennsylvania ii i ii ¦ m i-i .in MICHIGAN OttWSdjJeesph Viola's latest juror at**Sp> was the organization tra Local at Ppntiac with eight timbers, . At present Comrade IbWTCJBi Flint and burning the nuWvdS make a* many calls as1 ylhlCsnd have his next new Local Mttfkfd st once...
...Speskers: S. Hertzberg, Thomas Rogers, J. Bernstein and A. Ksnsy...
...amerw^^KiS^grsph* thst 2,600 peopl* greeted Comrsd* Debt at th* regional demonatration at San Francisco, over 200 attended the banquet given to Debs, snd there wss sn excellent attendance with a let's-carry-oti spirit at the «onf«r-enc...
...Friedman, said that her lecture there , surpassed all her previous efforts...
...the Election Board on that date and not a moment later...
...What is being due by several State secretaries is Mfjty duplicated evorywhere...
...If Indiana is not thoroughly Mtrtintted in the next few months it will not be the fault of William H. Htury, or of Mrs...
...A notable triumph has be*n the success of th* plan to improve the Daniah exchange rate, the crown having risen from 16 1/2 cents to about 23, with s likelihood of going to par (26.8) in th* ncsr future...
...Thursdsy, Aug...
...f lacsioja* let Massachusetts August Ciaeasens will speak* in Haverhill^ Aug...
...Speaker: Richard Boyajian...
...LOCAL BRONX . The open-air meeting* will he resumed Friday, Mug...
...Leonard C. Kaye...
...Th* State secretary, Lena Morrow Lewis, i* cooperating splendidly with Comrade Herman and with the National Office to the end that Comrade Herman's work may In effective in California...
...PENNSYLVANIA Comrade Birch Wilson, assigned to Pennsylvania as District Organist*, has been in New York City netting with, the New York and New Jmej committees, rearranging some dates for the regional convention, the New Jersey banquets, the Bridgeport and ScrantOn meetings...
...Tuesdsy, Aug...
...19, 6:30 p. m., meets at 7 Eaat 15th street, Room 605...
...18.' Petitions must be in the hsnds of...
...22nd-23rd A. D. Friday, Aug...
...20, at 8:80 p. m., street meeting at 24th strset and 8th avenue...
...Anyone seeking information will pleas* write to leader* Ostrowsky, 408 Saratoga avenue, or Jsck Isaacs, Organizer, 1818 Park place, Brooklyn...
...V INDIANA William H. Henry, District Or pniwr, hal organized, two more {teals this week, and haa two days to ro before quitting time Saturday vjfjit...
...Ksssen, Nettie Wiener snd A. KanasV...
...Mondsy, Aug...
...Speakers: J. Frledmsn, A. Kauffman and A. Braunsteln...
...UNION CITY — Summit tvenue snd Courtland street...
...Chairman, Sam Gradst*in...
...Stille is inducing reorganized locals to make provisions for the systematic collection of dues and the carrying on of propaganda for Socialism...
...Ad-a* the National Office, 2653 VVash-jjjtoa Blvd., Chicago...
...Amesburg, Aug...
...The Glens Falls meeting had to be declared off on account of rain...
...Herman is second to no other organizer in his eagerness and enthusiasm to reorganize the movement...
...convinced of the futility of rating, ignore elections, it demands a sefrsg* resting *a an sbsoiuUly secret ballot, equsl franchise for both...
...On The Internatiohal Front •Workori•/ tduj World, Vtml ttmhm$0m§ to lw i>al four ekmimt e*d e world I* #•<*.• DENMARK Folkathiag Staadt By Socialist That the minority Social Government, headed by Premier Theodor Stauning, which came into power in Denmark following the big Socialist gains in the election* ti th* Lower House on April 11, 1924, still enjoys the confidence of the Fol-kething wss shown on July 24 when • motion by th* reactionary parti*, eslling far th* c*ns«r* of the Government fer having interfered .n the Wg strike sad lockout last Spring in the interest of th* workers waa turned down, and on the other hand a motion of approval j was pat through by • vet* of 76 to lf0...
...The further items ef th* program desl with educational masters, sods...
...shsrp, Aug...
...5Lte *ad books, tb* Amenta*) ^^Lffa*-t••»***• autUr, of this grL.14 b. adaVassad to the Na:^mmLJxk»M ef T*s*k...
...LOCAL NEW YORK Executive Cemmitte* Monday, Aug...
...IS and 19...
...Emms Henry, Wm tVfttVy- Tner« is »imilsr uedlent cooperation in several itttei...
...4th A. r...
...9. Reports of delegates showed a drive for the Organization and Maintenance Fund in Bergen County, thst Camden County is slow in waking up, that Essex County is planning street meetings, and that Ave meetings are held each week in Hudson County... organisation...
...Comrade Debs was in fin* condition and mad* • profound impression...
...Ia ec4jt%n«ti*a tStra* with It demand* the ftefttle* ef the Upper House atKt the eetaMjsbntssi of complete .freedom of opinion...
...16, at 10 o'clock...
...BRAZIL Socialitt Program Laid D*w* Apparently th* movement in Br'a-zil towsrd the orgsnizstion of a nation-wide Socialist Party is malting considerable headway, as its orf[sntt*r* hsve issued s manifesto Sying down ths party's program of activity...
...14 and 15...
...Speaker: Leo M. Harkins, Socialist Candidate for Governor of New Jersey...
...Friday, Aug...
...a* well as f*t a federatiea if th* Smith Am«rie*n Republics...
...Although th* Socialist Govern meat, due to Its dependence on the support ef th* twenty Radical* ia th* Lower Hon** end to the reactionary majority in the Upper Hou**, which I* elected indirectly, ha* not been sbl* to abolish tk* Danish Army sad Navy and substitute a sort of general police force, it did manage te cut out th* usual military maneuver* leaf...
...Street Meeting* in Hudson County, Saturday, Augutt 15 HOBOKEN—Washington and 6th streets...
...Pssc* end friendship with all mankind is our w****t policy, aad I wish w* map be permitted to par* sus it—Thomas Jpteraea...
...Speaker: (hailes Krus...
...NEW JERSEY The State Committee met Aug...
...22 snd 2...
...His daily reports show that there is appreciation of his work...
...Comrade Vacirca ha* lived through I th* blackest day* of th* Fascist terror snd escaped death only by fitting from Italy...
...BAYONNE—Broadway and 23rd street...
...20, st 8:10 p. m., 8 Attorney street...
...Th* Brorx ir challenged by other Local* and the Bronx will show the eld spirit...
...17, st 8:30 p. m., 7 Esst 16th street, Boom 605...
...Wilklns and Intervale ave...
...Thursdsy, Aug...
...Firther, it demands the racogaitjea <' th* Russian Government...
...fa., has ¦gts* National Office a list of ^^K^W addetsaMi *f spmredes B|t w*e*d he glad to have Ve-LTsPk...
...Herman never neglects an opportunity to take a subscription to the American Appeal...
...She went to Rochester for a week of meetings beginning Wednesday...
...Speakers: D. Kasson, S. Hertzberg, A. Kanasy and others...
...The chief speskea-will be V. Vscircs, former Socialist member of th* Italian Parliament, who I was Intimately associated with Gia-i como Matteoti, Socialist Deputy, I murdered by the Fascist...
...In opposition,to the "falsehood of th* present franchise," by which everything depends on th* combination of political, cliques and the peopl...
...National and State Organizer Stille has completed his reorganization of Loral Glens Falls, and mads its membership (2, which is far the largest for many years...
...Every Comrade is expected to report to Local Headquarters...
...It was voted to take Esther Freedman for ten dates, also one of the British Labor Party speakers who are to tour the country...
...20 aad 21...
...y A meeting of the State Executive Committee was held in conjunction with the picnic...
...Speskers, Ells O. Guilford snd • Alexander Schwartz...
...disbursements, $12.70...
...In attendance were: Meriden, Wall-ingford, Hamden, and New Haven...
...BROOKLYN Juaior Ylp**lt* Circle 6, a new Junior Circle in Fast New York, will hoM it* second m*eting at th* house of Frank Pen-* chuk, 738 Vermont strset, st 7 p. m. Sundsy evening, Aug...
...Among ths legislstive reforms enacted so far st th* request of th* Socialist Cabinet are an improvement of the rent laws In favor of the tenants, a law protecting young workers, increases in* the salaries of State employers and in old age pensions, an Improved marriage and divorce law and a provision for the internment of Incurable sexual criminals...
...Worcester, Aug...
...The member* of the Committee are: Gerber of New York, Feigenbaum and Riley of Kings, Arland of Westchester, Kobhe of Rensselaer, Noonan, Steal* and Wiley of Schenectady, and Sander of Syracuie...
...A pig mas* meeting will be held at th* above corner Tuesday evening, August 18, At least 2,000 handbills will advertise the meeting and announcements will appear in the daily press...
...Comrade Herman is row on s regular organization tour in Southern California where we once had a fin* string of husky locals...
...legisletlon (hoe* the party stand* for th* principle of a universsl duty to civil work), measures agslnst alcoholism, abolition of lotted**, tte...
...and anybody in the work of reorganisation...
...168rd and Prospect avenue...
...It forms ths background of all their thinking aad th* v»ry ttxtur* of th*lr philosophy rat life...
...Gen* leaves us uplifted and encouraged* for the tasks we have ahead of us...
...Th* dsmsnde In the •conomic sphere include a single graduated income tsx, restriction *f large landed property, nationalisation of hanking snd of insursnc...
...He ff-- **st te the National Office ¦*2t« Hour and place for an old-SSd asw-msasksrship rally...
...Y. P, S. L members: thi* I* a call to you, too...
...18, st 8:30 p. m., branch meeting st 51 East 125th street...
...17th-18th-20th A. D. Thursdsy, Aug...
...If local comrades will co-spfftte with live State secretsries, tad th* District Orgsnizer and the lutkmal Omce, sll working cooperating, s great work can be done, list local secretary Shay is doing it York, Pa., can be done in hundreds of localities...
...Lena Morrow Lewis, writes...
...Wednesday, Aug...
...balance on hand Aug 9, $279.89...
...Friedman was in Oneida last Monday evening and in Syracuse Tuesday...
...Speaker: ? TIT...
...WEST NEW YORK-rBerg*Bllae avenue and 14th street...
...A few Comrades also cam* from Bridgeport and Hartford...
...fre* voting for soldi***, and the granting of Brazilian citizsnship lath* foreigner...
...Wednesday, Aug...
...The JJstlonal Office stands ready to help Miywhere...
...Stmt M**tmg» Friday, Aug...
...GREATER NEW YORK City Committee...
...With regard to foreign politics th* party appose* armament* and stands fer a real Leagu* of Nstien...
...Speaker: ' UNION CITY—Be'rgenline avenue and Gardner street...
...Esther Friedman recently lectured in Albany and Schenectady, drawing good crowds at both meetings...
...Speakers should send in their dates and th* platform brigade must be on th* Job...
...Games and races were indulged in and a general good time was had by all present..., $292.59...
...Ths Manifesto lays special emphssi* on the •epsrstton ef th* But* *nd the Church...
...Central Committee Officers snd Delegates will please remember to attend their Central Committee meeting this Saturday evening at 7 p. ft...
...The last day for filing designation petitions is Tuesday, Aug...
...Brown, in London "Justice...
...Speskers: Jacob Berstein, 8. Hertsberg, A. Ksnssy and others...
...It demands autonomy for ths provincss sue municipalities Snd a complete change In th* electoral system...
...Upper Watt Side Branch Tuesday, Aug...
...Nothing succeed* Ilk* *ucc*ss"— such vile catch phrasss unveil the naked deformity of their soul* ia ell their foul indecency—E...
...Schenectady comrades, who heard Mrs...
...Chairman, Lester Diamond...
...All members are i urged to take notice, should tMp not receive mattvlplsB ' Petition commit!**, *r* *rg*d to p.titioa...
...People who are Isteraeted in knowing more about us sre requested to writs to Beoiamin Willensky, Orgsnizer, 1686 Prospect piece, or Lester Shul-m*n, 1386 Lincoln plafe, Brooklyn...
...Eft the KsttsoeJ Ofake has sent TE* una in this list sn*urgent Bon sad request to attend the S *H "ge with the STcomrede* in this intelligent 9Hs build up the local move-S| and at th* same time each X§ urged to help''make up some Za for systemstic locsl propsNational Office is eager 'o go <* jbpit in thi* cooperation with ^ jaorgsniied comrades in the S*j| States, or with any.member-JGms, who will arrange iw a g^aaC •lace, set a date, name the JJarV tseeting and send us the list TosiMS and address*i of those JLg h« would like to invite to the (** meeting that csn very «Xbe Sjbld In s privste home...
...20, st 8:80 p. m., brsnch meeting st 62 Esst 106th street...
...Plans were gone over for the coming campaigns in the different towns in the State...
...21, at 8:30 p. m„ at rem meeting at 187th street and Broadway...
...Fall and it is hoping to b* sMs to do it sgsln this yesr, although th* existing military law say* that th* maneuvers may be emitted only or* yesr at a time and that th* troops who did not go through these motions as the result of such omission must make up for it the next time msi.euver* sr« held...
...Th* god of thalr lives is worldly success, *nd their whol* verbal currency reeks with it...
...Stat* secretary, Mr...
...English and Italian speakers will address the meeting...
...of th* mtans of eommurttcktiev, of electricity and of mlase, ami development of ths Cooperative Movement Think of the **lflshn«ss of "our betters...
...Aldus and Southern Blvd Speskers: Isidor Phillips, Nettie Wiener, A. Ksnssy snd others to be snnouncsd...
...There is w.ork for all...
...Th* comrades of northern C»Ufornta were greVtly stimulated for the work of organization and reorganisation...
...Please be punctual...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK NATIONAL |H3fc*iri*i regarding orftaita-^Egpraaaiaed Statoa, tpcafc...
...He also reported on his work, intending to visit Elizabeth, and that he believes New Jersey is a very promising Stat* for organization: The Treasurer's report showed a balance on hand July 12 of $263.64...
...Maynard, Aug...
...Th* Socialist* hop* to get thi* law changed by pointing to an annua) saving of about 1,260,-000 crown* (at about 38 cent* apiece) and by reminding the agrarian* of th* disadvantage to farming operations incidental to calling th* reserves to the colors...
...Samuel H. Friedman will speak oj the "History of the American OTiion Labor Movement," | 3rd.8t'hfOth A. D. Thursday, Aug...
...Ht was formerly active in the Socialist' Party in this country and is acquainted with American conditions...
...The landlord is 'recognized at a Costly anachronism whose m»r*l claim even te compensation far **> propriatlon is constantly getttuff .weaker.—M...
...Wilkips and Intervale...
...CONNECTICUT The Socialist Party-locals of New Haven County held their annual basket picnic at the State Park, Wall-ingfortf, Hamden, and New Haven...
...169th St., and Washington avenue...
...receipts, $39.08...
...Monday ii tk...
...17, Tlffsny and 163rd St... th* Ficnle of th* Mothers' Leagu* ef Brockton, at Victory Grove, East Bridgewstsr, Sunday, Aug, 16...
...Next week a new Italian Branch will be organized...
...Circle 10, a new Junior Circle in Brownsville, will hold its second meeting st the house of Ssmuel Goldjng, 1681 Psrk plsce, near RalpB avenue, at 7. p. m. Friday evening, Aug...
...Passing through St Jobs* he stopped, established a connection for the Stat* Office, and will man later later and organis* a Local...
...NEW YORK STATE . The State Executive Committee will meet at People'* House, New York City, Sunday-morning, Aug...
...Approximately two-thirds of those canvassed made applications for membership...
...last nig*I ' Italian M..tinf...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 33

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