Debs, Eugene V.

THE NEW SAN FRANCISCO Debs Pictures Metropolis Transformed by Socialism "Mr. Deb*: Concretely, what would Seeialum mean to e city like Sait Francieeet" During the viait of Eugene V. Debt to...

...Thus the community would consist wholly of useful workers in ell trades, occupations and professions...
...This is a very great question and one which I could only venture to guess at, save oaly in the commanding features, which I think can be approximated with reasonable certainty...
...I do not, intend that the inmates of my household should become contaminated...
...People ARE Like That "I PICKED up your uncle at the Pott Office yesterday j and gave his* a ride to Um turn In try Ford...
...You did not hear from me lest week beeeuse there is a new baby in my house...
...He will find his own higher happiness and fulfill his own nobler destiny...
...Now .' have readers in t,t71 citist and townt...
...By EUGENE V. DEBS WHAT would be the conditions in and about San Francisco under the rule of Socialism...
...That time would come in Sen Francisco under Socialism...
...The result of this may be seeti in the fact thet half of the cool mines are entirely doted down or open on a two or three days a week besia...
...Now I don't know whether yon went to reach those folks or not, bat if you do, just take it easy because we do not waft to work whoa we are doing our reeding...
...Only thoBe who have rested for the past four years will be eligible, The ii«JtTH;<«f the organisation it, "What wt used to do...
...And they will receive for their services all they receive todey, except the unearned millions which,,as a rule, become a burden-to them and fell as a curse upon succeeding generations...
...That's whst makes me afraid of you...
...With ample and increasing leisure on the part of all the people, as would be the case in'your city under Socielitm, it cam be readily imagined what great enterprises they would undertake to beautify the communal life of San Francisco and to make this city a veritable paradise such* aa it is certainly capable of being...
...Reed with dessert, broke en engegement to pley pinochle, and finished the lest line et 12:45 a. m. It'e e pesch, end why in the devil haven't wo reed it before...
...The names and addresses are et follows—-—• How do I do it...
...The most terrifying thing ebout you Socialists is your sincerity...
...The work day would be shortened for ell employes, thus providing work for everyone...
...Present System Footers Idleness Mr, Hoover, Secretory of Commerce, recently aeid that there ere twice as many miner* in America a* the industry requires lie ie right, and this means thet there ace 350,000 miners for whom there are no jobs in the present industrial system...
...Now, whatever the opinion of the people may be as to'the tendency and goel of human society, it is certain thet the principle of socialization is the dominating on* 'in social evolution, and thet whether we will or not, humen beinga are coming into closer and closer relationship with each other end are being compelled by the very social forces themselves to cooperate in ell of their ectivities and therefore to steadily approach the goal of Socielism...
...Deb*: Concretely, what would Seeialum mean to e city like Sait Francieeet" During the viait of Eugene V. Debt to th* Pacific Coast metropolis this qu**-tion wot put to him by on* of th* many thousand* who eagerly tough t to hear his view* In response...
...That's the way to make Socialists...
...His or her ability will certainly be recognised end they will be placed where they properly belong...
...The operation of it would be somewhat the same, probably, but there would be no restraint or restriction on teachers, telling them whet they teach in the way of industrial democracy ana whet they might not...
...Simply because I em on your subscription list you assume that I am a Socialist and therefore will become one of your circulation agents...
...Hs will have capacity to enjoy the world's best literature, its finest art, its grandest beauty and ell other influences that lift man to a higher level „and loftier conceptions of life...
...Moat of the stuff is your paper shoots by me...
...As for thet I know that I will never see it, hut its wonderfully beautiful doctrine hat made me happy end contented...
...He * tells me that yon are going to write for the paper you have been aondiag ¦» fog the pt*t two month...
...The present tax system makes ut all liars end perjurers., Th* withholding of a certain percentege of people's income by the "City Government" would eliminate this and be equitable...
...You can never get anywhere in this world unlets yen are willing to fight...
...By fighting...
...Jhj The most interesting and absorbing fact in our modem life is the evolut.on of human society toward better end better living conditions...
...The scholl department...
...No doubt it'e foolish to ask j on who la doing me thit doubtful honor...
...If the vested interests viewed Socialists as dreamers they would hate as less and the publicity, legislative and judicial mediums, which they control, would give less space and time to endeavoring to stem the ever growing tide of Socialist thought We are the mott practical of people because ear philosophy revolves around a pocketbook...
...ft doa't take much braine to write, but I understsnd it takes real brsins to write so that many people will road what yea write...
...Therefore I am sending you enclosed chock- for $4 and the names of two new subscribers...
...That's why I read your paper...
...We believe it to be infinitely better to > serve our fellow beings than to exploit them., In our society the man or woman of the greater mentel capacity in society will serve society...
...Irwin, who haa charge of Th*% New Leader mailing lilt, rays: "We'll have to buy another file next week for the mailing " list...
...We know the bitternets of the struggle for existence, but we have had es yet no chance to know-life in its nobler end diviner meaning... th* world has made the past fsw yeers my heppiest...
...We want it far ourselves En...
...However, atop ypur paper at once...
...There is no longer room to doubt, folks, the tide hoe turned and Saeialitm in America it again on the up grade...
...However, do your best Brenehville, N. J. (Signed) Bartholomew Depew...
...All of this—and more—you would find in your socialistically governed S%n Francisco...
...Industrial Democracy Socialism's Aim This would mean industrial de-mocrecy, in which every able-bodied person would have the inalienable rif at to work, end not only this, but the right to receive and enjoy the fuH equivalent of the production of hi* or her labor...
...Society Changes « Held ConHeuou: Society from its very beginning i has been, one continuous increasing process of change, during which the human race he/ marched from primeval eevagery to our so-called civilization...
...Twelve yean ago I was ready to die but my interest in this great idea of humanig...
...Jim Oneel, the editor, eeye: "In a few deys I em going to send a personel letter to every reader of The New Leader which will put them all to work...
...When I agreed in February to tecure a new reader for The New Leader every week I thought the task would -be very difficult, but my seven months' experience has proven the contrary to be true...
...Some ptoplo think that Socialism is only for the young...
...Someone once said that th* most regrettable thing in life is thst we do not learn how to live until we are ready to die...
...There i* now la process of organization "Tht jBotiety for Tired Radicals...
...New Rochelle, N. Y. (Signed) Sylvester I innegan...
...The factories end the mills would quite likely be set apart and operated by power from a central source, and homes end residences of the people would occupy a different section...
...Don't you realize that even if your system of go\yrnment was feasible, vested capital, which has developed the nation, controls the strength to crush your hopes whenever your forces become formidable...
...Toronto, Canada...
...Be of strong faith and success will eventually be yours...
...A sufficient amount would be withheld from the incomes of the people to furnish the revenue needed to support the munieipelity...
...closed find ehatk for ft to, cover a year's tubtcription beginning with the nest ittu...
...He will devote his time to the pursuit of truth and beauty...
...At for the burden of taxation that now rests upon society to support it, a far simpler plan would be operative in this City under a socialistic form of Government...
...The time will come when a city will he built with ,at least as much method as is given to the construction of a simple building...
...My canvass ft down to a science...
...Let it be cleerly understood thet our economic relations very largely determine our conduct toward each other, and aa long as we are compelled to compete with each other, for jobs, for trade, for business, we will appeal to all, that is selfish, sordid and combative in human nature...
...Among other things, it it quite probable thet industry would be divorced from social life...
...It keeps me young and sctive...
...Thia it particularly tru* of th* Middle Watt...
...The chief trouble it thet we do not yet fully understand the underlying lews of social development which have to much to do with human relationships...
...Signed) John Robertson...
...The shorter work day would mean leisure time for each worker in which to rest end enjoy end develop his mind end cultivate his better nature and enlarge end enrich his life generally...
...This doesn't necessarily mean physical combat, hut et, least we should be willing to fight mentally and, whenever compelled, lead with the right and croet with the left, Saeialitm It big enough to be handled without gloves, 40 give the hut that's in you at all timet—it's worth tht bottle...
...Street, Palm Beech crowd, enjoying all the gravy while the great matt of people who do most of the work ire at the call of the drones end get very little of the good things in life...
...Beauty of City Would Develop "Let him who is greatest among you be the servant among all the rest," the Gellilean said...
...This presupposes human brotherhood, the reJttmete aim ae4 asieeieei of tie) Socialist movement, and I can think of no city that would he met*) beautiful then San Froweisro, and *e Stat* that would be store prosperous and heppy under each a regime, than the wonderful picturesque* Stete of Celifornia...
...Then grab them by the neck end say 'Back to the mines, boys.' With thet smell of the best they would work like the devil for more...
...I know some Socialists end something ebout Socielism and what puzzles ma is how to mtny people of more then average intelligence can betieve in the practicability of tuch a visionary plan...
...Under Socialism the political State would disappear in San F ran cisco...
...Each week I pick my customer and hang on to him until he signs up...
...We passed our stetion end peld 90 cents texi fere to ride beck...
...Mike the Berber eaya: "Instead of you guys spending your dough printing papers end books and making speeches for the working, take e bunch of these birds end spend your coin giving them a week's vacation, travelling en Pullmans, staying at swell hotels end living on the fet of the lend...
...Pittsburgh, P«L 7 (Signed) Patrick O'Brien...
...Signed) Stuart A. Queen...
...Remember that most of tht people in this country are plain people...
...Socialism did not bring me within its folds until my sixtieth year- At thet ego I thought I was through, but when the light begen to penetrate my rather thick Scotch skull the realization came home that here was a movement to practice on earth the real Christianity of Jesus Christ...
...This process has not been continuous nor .hat, it been elong direct lines, but rather bee it been spiraled and during which there have been, many counter end apparently reactionary currents...
...Th* same thing would be done in Sen Francisco under a' Socialist regime...
...But when we socially own whet we socially need end 1 use, our interest* will be'mutual, end insteed of being pitted against eech other in a struggle for existence we shall work together in peace and harmony in every department of activity-It i* quite certain thet much of the ugliness due to plenlessness and lack of method would be eliminated from the City of San Francisco under the rule of Socialism...
...Parasitism upon the one hand and enforced idleness on the other, with their evil consequences, would ceese to exist...
...Agein I urge you, beeeuse I em a letter-carrier, do net publieh my name.'' Brooklyn, N. , J. 8. • - We hive been in communication with J. S. and he has now in course of preparation a speciel article for The New Leader ort "How to Secure New Subscribers...
...If that's the ease I don't, think yea will bo much of a success...
...If there is anything that the creative forces in Nature aim at and strive to achieve it is life...
...Dropped Into a chair on the porch until dragged Into dinner...
...Bo folks, watch for the letter from Jim...
...Let's see how much trouble it will give him...
...Rufus Osborne...
...All Taxpayer* Held Dishonest At present there is not an honest taxpayer in San Francisco...
...Comrade Debt has written th* following...
...You are the modern disciples of Jesus...
...Henry WUfo will speak at the jtnt ntaetittg on »'What I did for Socialism Going home in the trein yesterday we started to resd "The Workers in Americen History" by our own Jsmee Oneel...
...We know to pitifully little about life...
...There would be e sort of congress of administration, but it would be an administration of industry insteed of an administration of politics...
...1 am not a Socialist, hut their viewpoint at expressed through The New Leader is interesting and often amusing...
...However, I am sending $1.25 to send your peper for six months to my brother-in-law...
...Lawrsncs, Kansas...
...We ere just es much in the derk ee you ere shout whet Jim intends to do, but whenever he hes a plan it'a usually a good one...
...Every day I discover new vistas in my study of Socialism...
...About two months ago I subscribed for your peper to sstisfy a friend, and today I have your letter requesting that I secure additional readers...
...Now, in Socielitm, society, instead of closing down mine* and throwing miners out of work, would re' duce the working day in proportion to the progress of invention and the improvement of machinery...
...Que*n and I have Seen borrowing our ntighbort' copte* of Th* N*w Leader long enough...
...In renewing my subscription I want to say that I was 72 years of age yesterday...
...The list for every one of th* states is growing...
...The human being has a soul, and when his soul is freed, as it would be under a Socialist Government in San Francisco, from the domination of his stomach, he will rise to higher human heights than he has yet known...
...In the first place, under Socialism all public utiltti.'s and necessities would be publicly owned and controlled in the interests of ell the people end productior in every department of industry would be carried forward for use end not for profit—thet is to sey, to supply |he need* end waste of ell the people insteed of for the profit of the few, as now...
...Average) Workman Denied Life's Joys At present the overage workman , does not really live e complete life,I but is doomed to a struggle for i existence which ends in about 901 per cent of them going to glares in poverty...
...End of Life la Baaed on Hapiness The end of life es We Socialists conceive it is the happiness besed upon the enlightenment of men-kind...
...Socialists see no reason why there should be a luxury, Wall...
...Detroit, Mich...
...It's a dandy boy and its reception kept me so busy thst I was unable to grab my usual weekly victim...
...Signed) Frsnk Baldwin...
...Let it be understood in this connection that unemployment i* e deadly menace to present society, end I feel that I know beyond doubt thet there is no remedy for unemployment in the preeent eye-tern...
...Enclosed I am sending you Postal Money Order for 112 covering six yearly subscriptions...
...People Partner* in Everything It 'Would require for greater imagination than I possess to picture the life of e community such ts Sen Francisco, in which the people were partners and eooperetori instead of competitors seeking to get the better of eech other...
...I am not tare of the misguided Individual who ie pay lag for my subscription, but atrongly suspect my eldest son...
...Friend Baldwin is already about 50 per cent Socialists even though he may not ha aware of the fact e) "I am writing you to take my name from your mailing list...
...It hit ue between the eyes from the start...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 33

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