Beebe's Jungle Book


Beebe's Jungle Book A Review by PAUL F. SIFTON H^&^rk ,'utm"n' Ttji book has got 11.• ¦own. I ^| i(jfcrough yro weeks sgo, jiJlHilf asleep twice, and today J, f0, the lif» ef me tall you 1 "L...

...Beebe sells out to the feminists in the essay, "Old-Tims People," the most beeutif ully-wiitten chspter in the book...
...and it ought at least to convince the reader tqst when csncer is present or suspected quscks snd nostrums sre utterly futile—for the pstient...
...From this point of view the most telling objection is ths feeble development of trede or industrial unionism under the benevolent regime...
...It reaches after wealth, sfter power...
...diphtheria hai been conquered in the sense that we know enough to keep its mortality rate close to zero—where we know enough to make use of our knowledge...
...Sursly the results of such sn experiment deserve a most csreful study, without any prejudice either for or against the plan...
...smallpox has been conquered in s technical seme, for it persiiti in civilized communities only wheis science it flouted or disregsrded...
...I ^| i(jfcrough yro weeks sgo, jiJlHilf asleep twice, and today J, f0, the lif» ef me tall you 1 "L th« hook ia ai wonderful at *^|rikniin critics have aaid it JJpaaj' it ia a laboriouely writ-" jttuoascious aeiiea of essays ^ttfiattpst who can't forget the jLfliBf* the literary apprausrs toBni4«h»ut hii style, g^gferap it ia, it it the book you bay after you have paid your -rty tttti' the rent, club assess-JaU t»« h»*tnar, grocer, and the laitalaeflt tnan, and before you buy ^et-nteay for yQUr radio or any ^ park of fiction...
...Jit would not do to resent it as rsvolutionary, or reject it aa reactionary, for industrial life seema to be developing even es you and I are weaving theories and reading and writing about them...
...This is a simple matter Of precaution, as the preference for one of the alternative plans Is bound to call for brick* from the adherent* of the other...
...The urge of Marlowe toward power and high glory is equally strong in his attacks upon the institution of monarchy and more especially upon those who inherit title snd rsnk...
...But that Marlowe was a radical in politics and religion f*w*r hav* troubled to observe...
...On, the other hand, equally biting criticism may be expected from those who consider eny suggestion of industrial peace as a red herring on the path to industrisl freedom, or, in the picturesque language of canonised Daniel De Leon, es "molasses to catch flies on," or the illustration of the "half loaf," etc., etc...
...They followed the lew snd accepted anv bull ape who broke through their sun conacinua reatralnt — that restraint and apprauement which w* worked for evolution 1,000 years ago and will tomorrow...
...Saturday -Acs Saw***1**' Overture, Brehms...
...Marlowe hed less eminent examples to draw from whan he made bis Chris-tisns time after time deay their faith by their deeds, violet* their solemn oaths, boast that "to undo a Jew is charity, not sin...
...Symphony No...
...And thst, probably, is the reason why I have been unable to write sn out-and-out blurb for "Jungle Dsys...
...It used to be amusing to quot* i Shaw's "Man and Superman" et startled young thingi, but it'i gone too far...
...By H. W. S. Wri0ki, »f...
...This conception of the early Elizabethan is as modern ss Bernard Shaw...
...C. P. Niw York...
...but history sometimes teaches us that the only question of Importance is: "Which method will It be...
...Through some caprice of humsn nsturs, this time the peculisr humsn neture of the femily which hss owned ths bleachery since 1909, the insignificant plant becomes a social laboratory where new methods of industrisl democracy are being triad out, though very timidly and yet sanely, with proper consideration to the competitive conditions of the industry, and the profit and loss sccount of the corporation...
...Eddy can cure cancer...
...History has presented to us the contrasted conduct of Christian, and Moslem entering Jerusalem...
...This is accompliahsd through thr#e bosrdi, a "Board of Opsrgtlvei" consisting exclusively of the repre-sentstivse of the employes, the "Boerd of Directors" on which th* "Bosrd of Operstives" hss a repre-ssntstlve and also the community of the town, consisting lsrgely of employes, hss s representative, and a joint "Board of Management" with equal representstion from ths stockholders snd employes...
...His speculations are plainly labelled "Theory...
...The inlisti ray F.vass, soprano...
...While this little book will not' serve either the doctor or the lav-man as a complete compendium Aw csncer information, it should be helpful in encoursging the sttitude of fearless Ittack upon the aceual conditions of the body, with reliance upon the judgment and skill of the internist and surgeon...
...I presume partly also in the baking...
...And thi* was the pert of the fe mate epes, and the apt women...
...Hsvelock Ellis hes remsrked that three of hii heroes are a pagan, a Jew, and a bondsman to ths devil...
...The important Ipsson is thst such methods as we have for dealing with rancer are effective in proportion aa we face the facts early—periodic examination to catch conditions early: "wait and see," which represents s passive reliance upon good fortune, more or less deeply tinged with fesr, must be replaced with "look and see," which is the aggressive attitude of reliance upon knowledge and action...
...Cancers have been "cured," it is true,'but we have not yet found a treatment that will give consistent resulti in large numbers of cases...
...of its nscessity and justice, the glorification end praise of military exploits, of petrlotiam and devotion to the fleg, with the pretense of cere for the wounded, will, in ons yeer, demoralise men incompsrebly more then thousands of thefts, srsoas, and murders oons-mitted in the course of centuriea by individual men under the Influence of passion—Tolstoi...
...New York: Russell Sag* Foundation...
...Respect for woman is being msde woman worship...
...That Marlowe wsi sn innovator in form everybody knows...
...A Music Memory Contest will be held on Monday...
...Many will talk of titl* to a erownt What'right had Caetar to th* em-peryf Might first made kingt, and law* were then matt ture When like the Draeo't they teres*) writ in blood.' Words of this temper, in the dsys when Englsnd under the Virgin Queen sank Spain's, Armsda and was Mistress of the Sess, when England's glory was on every tongue, and every hsnd was quick for England's nsfme—such words were courageous and impolitic...
...Many of Marlowe's attacks upon the Church passed safely in his time for shirs on Rome, from whose Pspsl authority England had juit been wrested...
...A •Jfflhlpindy, Rubin Goldmsrk...
...They understood and waited quietly...
...The partnership does not extend to the ownership, but dees extend to division of profits between management aad employes after wages have bsen paid snd certain fixed charges upon cspitsl heve betn providsd for...
...But loon hs ihowi the ruins of "fields smpsry," ss mighty monereh snd high potentate roll tumbling down, to roar In a cage or to draw the chariot for the shepherd conqueror Tamburlaine...
...It ia >o ¦«aty *ri*t*D> packed with so many tettatti hentnoeious and amazing jtiaeeiJt Jingle frogi, fish, snakes, net siimali and men, thst to sp- j peats it all at first reading is as( ,ratS)»tuoui as to try to get all tWeyssmite out of the Census Re pert tt one sitting...
...And every tweetnett that inspired thtir hearts, Their mindt, and muttt on admired theme...
...There is really no obvious relation between this book and Pro-fsssor Sorokin's study of "The Sociology of Revolution" except thet both hsppened to be sent by a kind editor to the reviewer...
...only today hsve we learned thst it was sfter an all-day conference with three political agent*—Government spies, with whom he was somshow linked—thst the young dramatist was stabbed...
...Yet here, we have a story of quite a different kind...
...but Hell abides forever In the hearts of the damned...
...This shepherd is the noblest noble of them all, excelling in cruelty aa in the other warllk-e virtues...
...far from it...
...Thus Spskt Za-j^y?''1*,' Ft r* «is a : "Rnsamund*" |^P*S, Kchuhert...
...But th* plan seem* to heve geined in popularity among both th* workmen and the owners, teems to heve stood the test ef tint, improved housing and living conditions in the village, given a body of unskilled isborers aa interest in their work end life, raised wages somewhat with due regard to competitive conditions, and pre* vented expensivs and destructive Conflicts, snd resulted In many a substantial bonus...
...As to thet, the reviewer would not venture to guess and he wsnts it clearly understood thet he is not committing himself to any preferences, either one way or the otHer...
...Beebe hss joined the publicity depsrtment... lifts to heights of besuty snd plumbs to depths of emotion—snd its suthor died wretchedly in en obscure, sordid qusrrel...
...Given this combinstion of s textile mill in e rural district with unskilled snd foreign *skj)bor, low wsgss end un-sstisfscmry conditions of employment should follow si a matter of gnurss...
...that poetry one pesssge of which Swinburne calls the "most glorious verses svsr fashioned," that Lamb elsewhere thinks "moves pity and terror beyond any other scene, ancient or modern," thet poetry is direct and -personal...
...aftOT glory untold...
...u!Jsv(B"r" 0Y,^tu,¦•• Wagntr...
...Within the concise compass of 130 pages the story is told not only in full detail but very readably', and as far as one can discover without any bias...
...For obviously, ths plen does givs e solar plexus blow to the conception of unlimited private ownership of en industrial undertaking with its unlimited right to "hire and fire" and unlimited reward for succsseful management...
...And the ape women, with a last side-wise glanne at their eilteri, went with tnem" How do you like-that, brotheri...
...THE MERMAID DRAMATISTS Kit Marlowe, Rebel By JOSEPH T. SHIPLEY XHE constant process of giving to unconvsntional acts in th* lives of great (especially of literary) men interpretations that need not disturb the bourgeois mind took an unusual twiit in the case of Christopher Msrlows...
...One is inclinsd to ask himself the question: "Which is the better method...
...And ths Russell Sage Foundation deserves a great deal of credit for having undertaken such a study, and Mr...
...And before we ere ready to reject any of the facts confronting us, we ought to at least givs thsm a vary careful objective conslderetlon...
...Ivy Lee and W. Z. Foster :»n find ttpral golden texts in it...
...Vln Hoogitraten, by ' Stroi of 900 voieti...
...Mon-jTj}llem Van Hoogitraten, Con-TjT "Kchthtraiadi," Rlmiky-Kor-J "Tht Afternoon of a Faun," 3"r...
...And th* difference between these Sga* loo fine for any written words, ^lt...
...he refused to kneel ss flstterer or sycophsnt— snd was slain st twenty-six by Government spies... neaily as may be it waa th*™iffer-enee between waiting, and watting with understanding And there were ape women when es yet there were no ape men for them to mate with... in a mirror, we...
...ths fourth is a monarch not fit to rul...
...SOMEWHERE in ths center of tht Empire State of New York at Weppihgers Fells (wherever they mey be) is locsted the Dutchess Bleachery...
...It is from luch sn estsb-lishinent ss thii thst ons is resdy to receive information as to degrading condition...
...Thus over 800 yesrs have heard that Marlowe died in a brawl about a serving-wench...
...By ordinary, the events thst must bs harmonized with convention ere sexusl irregularities...
...perceive The highttt reach** of a AusHaa wit— If these had made on* poem't period And all combined in beauty'* worthi-nttt, Ytt should there hover in thtir t**tI*** heads On* thought, ont gract, on* wonder, a( the least, Whieh into word* no virtue etn digttt...
...IjjJJm/s, "Bsnrenuto Cellini," Rerlioi, ^Jb*y-Ko...
...and "** Oanga, baritont...
...And Ihiough tht throe* of thought convention, when bull tpes travailed with wrmkltd browl snd aching heads f,*r the sustaintd glimmer which tvtr faded and died out, thtir mates went about, ambling on crooked knuckle*, and thtir little pig tyes ahni swiftly their messages to one anotier - they understood...
...For Heaven's sake don't tske my word for it...
...but to the patriots of England's proudest day other crimes were more offeniive...
...S, F R. C. S. With an Introduction by T. G. Crookshtnk, M D... it said to be one of the largest mills of this kind in ths country, but is only a medium ,iiit industrisl establishment when compared with textile mills in New England or in the South...
...E. P. Dutton <* Co...
...thuriday—Tragic Ovtr-JJPhshmi...
...And the proof of the pudding is in the eating...
...The Dutches* Bleachery partnet* ship plan is not a millennium aad Wsppingsrs Falls, Judging from Mr...
...These acts ho supplements^ with such words as those of Faugtus mocking divinity, or of ths prologue in "The Jew of Malta...
...It surges toward a bsauty none can express: // all th* pint that tvtr pottt held Had fed th* feeling of thtir masters' thought...
...It is a trite but true observation thst the resction of ths resder to e book necessarily depends ae much upon the reedsr's state of mind aa upon the contents of the volume...
...Bxbe'i story of man's evolution i iiuch more awesome than Bryan's wdoe Gospel of creation and yet, here is little in the book to cheer he belkfrer in democracy or Fabian Socialism...
...The season cloiei Sunday evening, Auguit 23...
...Marlowe scorned to prostitute patriotism, to cloie his eyes...
...4, Tcheikov-JJJseaday aad Wtdntiday—Rs-' rjjj'fdi...
...And for thil wiitlng they shall have naught but praise, super lative praise...
...Two days before, he had been named to the Queen for heresy...
...If all th* heavenly quintessence they Hill From their Immortal flower* of potty, * Wherein...
...But a comparison of Msrlows's plays with thsir sources shows thst, however directly hs msy follow ths course of th* tale, even beyond this initisl selection tof theme, ths comments hs sdds ere free snd cynicsl, as to tha truth of ministers and the Church, ss to the value of nobility and kings...
...Rom to ini JLTehtikoviky...
...he flaunted England's bsnner in the sublime rhetoric of his melodrsmss, and grew to s quiet old sge, as wealthy ai our own actor-producer-playwright of the "Yankee Doodle Dandy" and the "Grand Old Flag...
...Beebe's Jungle Book A Review by PAUL F. SIFTON H^&^rk ,'utm"n' Ttji book has got 11.• ¦own...
...There ere unfortunately many employers to whom ths plsn end the very philosophy underlying it, would appsar ae a very anathema, or to use the populer cuss word which goss fer-thsit, "bolshevism...
...Selekmen'i careful d**cription, is fsr from being an industrial paradise...
...and the kindly but incompetent King Edwsrd II—are stain by their own rebelling .nobles...
...our science has not yet discovered th* distinctive causal factor in the disease...
...He begins, indeed, by plscing hot desire in a shepherd's breast...
...And there we ere...
...It meani that while admitting the horron of the disespe, we must approach it by casting out fesr—fear of the truth, fear of the surgeon...
...The vsrious functions of these three bo»rdi, thtir contacts end inter-ectioni, the careful llmitetlone of functions and the remits of their activity upon working conditions, upon wages, upon housing, upon community life and upon distribution of profits betwssn Capital end Labor, are very carefully described The laat two chapters ere devoted to a critical analysis of the limitation...
...a ("Paitorale"), BeeThe last week of the season of Goldman Band Concerts at the N. Y. University under the direction of Edwin Frsnko Goldmen includes five pro-grama of special intereit...
...Driving his own wsy forward in the world, Marlowe had a quick discernment of the motives thet :impel to action...
...It csme first to s male, but we have the females to thsnk for its preservstion snd improvement...
...Of the blank verse of "Gorboduc" he made a new and varied line, with run-on thought and infinite modulation...
...mystery play, the one ehich began with amoeba and ends, rs flatter ourselves, with man...
...of the plan...
...F. It...
...It has been pointed out that hii chsrscters seek the impossible...
...of employment, despotism of cspitsl, and sometimes shsrp industrial struggles...
...But in politics, es in religion, Marlowe indicates a fundamental philosophy beneath the accumulation of his chsrscters and their deeds...
...He may securely add, when Faustus bids Mephistophelee com* to l him ss a monk, 'that holy shape | becomes s dhvil best...
...But critics unite in declaring that Marlowe's plays are less dramas than chronicles, really, great lyric outpourings of his own spirit...
...It would be compsratively eesy to outline in sdvance various criticisms thst could be msde of the book, or rather of the plan from either extreme eide...
...As no chsnges in tht legsl ownership of the plant heve been made, perhaps the word "partnership" conveys more than is justifiable, and tk* plan grantsd voluntarily by th* owners may psrhape be just as arbitrarily withdrawn by them, but while it exist* it does provide for sharing in management end profit...
...By Ben M. Selekman...
...And yet, somehow or other, one can't altogether free one's self from an effort of the subconcious to compsre them...
...In Bohtmls, Hsd-jjpldsyv-Ovtrtere to "Mirriagi aag**0'.',' M<,"rt...
...SocasBth Hsle and the* warm ^dtt#who are rapidly becoming a nuisance...
...Suffice it to sey that the underlying thoughts of the Dutchess system is thst of creating a feeling of partnership between Capital end Labor...
...Three prir.ei will bt swsrdtd...
...Yellow fever has been conquered in Isrgs areas pf the earths surface...
...I can't banish a fanciful picture of Beebe, at work in the jungle, dreaming of a ball-room and himself dancing with a Park avenue descendant of his imaginary spe-women...
...Symphony No...
...Thui the cryi-tel wini for its perfect growth: the seed for the century-delayed warmth and water Rut with understanding to have patience- to feel, however | humbly and blindly, the future of equality, of splendid unanimity of interest and respect, and to play one'i hopeless inarticulate part and wait — this is very wonderful...
...This does not mean that Coue or the faith healers, or the chiropractors, or the followers of Mrs...
...The plen la here and it is working...
...MUSIC ts "Requiem" Feature Stadium Concerts—Final i /Fortnight Starts Monday 1* Strformsncei of Verdi'i Msn-"•ateuieni will bt lung on Tueepay J| Weaneiday tvtnlngi, ui>ler ,the "{**» of Mr...
...Cancer has been claiming steadily more and mora victims...
...Th* pray* *r* the w*»pon of dre»m hurl*d et th* poet's dsyi...
...It hardly seems desirable to give here an abstract of the contents of the book beeeuse the dsnger "would be thet the social advantages or disadvantages of the plan would be judged on a basis of the abstract which is bound to be more or less inaccurate, rather than the ectual study of the author...
...Prominent on the*bill of heresies, charged against him is his word thst "th* first beginning of religion was to keep men in awe...
...Tamburlaine cries: Is it not patting brave to be a king And ride in triumph through rerte-politt And hit friend reiponds A god it not to gloriou* at a king...
...When the author of this little book speaks of the conquest of csn-csr he has in mind something altogether different from the other conquests...
...The conquest at present, attained (a purely relative kind of conquest) is of a spiritual order...
...Like most other branches of the textile industry, bUeching is a process requiring machines snd unskilled labor...
...It is beautifully .rt^Tioitnd in dark green, and hI escorts* the center table until mrSMrn feels fresh enough to go kick to one of tht essays, geese i charm is in his knack of trsining the resder's attention to 117 living thing, beetle or ape, flfreieopic parasite living in the iittlthM of a'rog or tree like py-thon, the female tinamou who mates wrtt ill tht males in the nejghbor-hood,lays eggs and leaves the males tokitch-them, or the sloth in whose Irttesya are aa our hour...
...He reconstructs the birth of consciousness in the apes...
...It is for this rsason 'that Mr, •olekmen'a little book is wermly recommended to every thoughtful reader of The New Leader...
...AMONG people who resd soms-thing more then the ltgendt that go with tht pictures in the movisa or newspspers, the notion of "conquest" over disesie, or diseases, hai become familiar, at leait by name...
...Shakespeare draws on him et times verbatim...
...He breaks boldly, too, from the superstition of his day In Mephistophelee' reply, when Faust asks how it is that the fiend can come out of Hell: "Why, this is Hell, nor am I out of it... proclaims that life, not lineage, makes men and conquerors...
...Lewie Jemei, tenor...
...So the bulls continued to come wooing like great brutal things of lust and brawn...
...Every wsr, even the briefest, with its accompaniment of ruinous expenses, destruction of harvests, thefts, plunder, murders, and unchecked debauchery, with the felse justification...
...4, Bttthor Vain, Ravtl...
...Psrhaps that is not very much, but ons Is inclined to feel in moment* of diacourage-ment that It it e good deal more than nothing, and as ons trie* to appraise the social valu* of th* experiment and bring it into harmony with one'* ideas and ideals, one een't h*lp remembering that som* eort of coop*r»tion between th* owner* ¦nd Labor was alter all the only practical constructive result of eight yeers of expsrlmentstlon in nsw forms of industrial administration, sven in Russia...
...count religion but a childish toy And hold there it no tin but ignorance...
...JProgrim: Sunday— Friti Reiner, Conductor iFartwtll Appear-j**> "Ntw . World" Symphony, IJyi "F'f« Bird" Suite, Stravinsky...
...It employs approximately 600 workers, most of them Italians and "other foreigners...
...Festivals.' Pe-^^f.Walti, "Northern Lights," fceffft Intrsncf of the Gods into «2J«*' Signer...
...the only two mild men among the high-born ¦King Myestee, who cries "Accursed he he thet first invented war...
...all follow Marlowe and all admit indebtedness...
...Othsr utterances ha might defend—though he 1 did not trouble to defend—by pointing out thaf they are mouthed by pegans or by Jews, wretches one would expect to mock the Christies faith...
...For it is not difficult to wait in ignorance...
...Shakespeare, who despised the common people, played upon their weaknessss...
...Alma Beck, J*awte...
...Sat Beebe's hold is not in this seischss in his habit of fitting the | life of every organism into all life, utplaining its adaptation*, making imt the psresite take its place in :M frestsai...
...Milton well knew his works, his fondness— for exsmple — for chiming proper nsmes slong his verssi...
...In the brave utterance of the ,ftlea of this second line Marlowe's rebellion is manifest In its loftiest phase...
...The jji2M_v Apirsntice.' Dukss...
...Selekman for having made it so competently...
...His lucid suntion would carry the reader fir...
...Hell is no single tasty pit Of pitchy Are, no desolate waste of frossn flame, as Mil ten finds it...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 33

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