THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK "f^teawrnrtrstion Sunday after-taotf tt 'jrnBjotod Bawl wai a, zZf Herman reports 7.000 peoeprtieat. Upton Sinclair pretidv .p00 books sold, great enthus-ium a...

...State •secretary Charles Robson is on ths1 war-path for a real gtate organisation...
...Qulney, 11 and 12...
...THE SOCIALIST PARTY AT WORK "f^teawrnrtrstion Sunday after-taotf tt 'jrnBjotod Bawl wai a, zZf Herman reports 7.000 peoeprtieat...
...He visits a town, net to tease them to "come on in, but to get together for self-defense in the increasing crisis la the life of Labor in the United States...
...State Committee meeting, ,266 Central avenue, Jersey City, Sunday, August 9, at 2 p. m. Outdoor Meetings in Hudson County, Saturday, August 8 HOBOKEN—Washington and 5th streets...
...The State Committee has decided that Comrade Harkins begin his work in Hudson County...*' lj^st...
...Dan of the Russian Demecrstic party and Dr...
...6th A. D. Friday, August 14, at 8:30 p. m., 187 Avenue B. BROOKLYN Special Meeting 2nd A. D. All members of the 2nd A. 0. are hereby notified that a special meeting will be held Friday, August 7, at 8' p. m., at our club rooms, 420 Hinsdale street...
...No one could go about his organization work more methodically than Comrade Wilson is now preparing to do...
...Show him how much better it will be to work together for the good of all than it is to try to acquire wealth for yourself st the expense of your fellow-men...
...He hopes to reorgenixe,severel brsnches in thst part of the State and all New Lesder readers there are urged to write him, General Delivery, Scranton, and to cooperste with him in every way possible...
...WEST N?W YORK—Bergenlinp svenue and 14th street... 8:80 p. m., 227 East 84th street...
...Speaker: Charles Kt use UNION CITY—Bergenline avenue snd Main street...
...ana Labor International, at its meeting held In London, July 4, took up the situation created in the French Socialist movement by the Socialist Deputies' more or less half-k'tsed support of the Psinleve ue*ttnm*ht s war program in Morocco and listened to a detailed state-¦int by Pierre Benaudel on the different views of the matter held *ithin the French, party...
...Members will please hear this datt in mind...
...a false balance of power sgainst one or several Powers...
...Comrade Wilson's work will be a perfect test of conditions there, seven yesrs after the war, revealing what is or what is not possible in the way of organization...
...Comrades Lilith filwn srtd George R. Kirk pat rick spake on August 1 at s Socialist pic-•JC hoifT In the Forest Preserve at north end of Karlov avenue...
...After finish tag in Attleboro, he plsns to go to Taunton, Msssschusetts, which place offers an excellent opportunity for the formation of s locsl...
...Comrade Fred Schwarzkopf is in charge Of the tickets snd anyone desiring tt help sell them will kindly communicate.with him at tha above tMesa, The committee will meet every Wednesday evening at the party headquarters...
...MC&»U,fym*A} latest achieva-«.»« wss the sale of forty-two ^*Ji&tiot)S to the American 1 in one day last week...
...He : 'Jjsnd me a new supply of lawlessAnneal cards but no hslf-J^lts . . • Comrade Herman is It* en an orgaaisation and reor-itsisstKJn tour In the valleys of EStrit CsliforniS, even more sesl-mi thsn over before to make thinga listen He is enthusiastic over the rsfMsl convention and demonstrates, in bos Angeles...
...Schenectady hat practically completed itt county and city tickett...
...Arrangements for this conference, which will submit s report to the Congress, sre being made in consultation with the International Committee of Socialist Women...
...0)N1WCTICUT * BRIDGEPORT . Bridgeport Socialists have engaged the Park Theatre for the Debs' meeting to be held on September 24...
...Jpy| Jt*",^U?th*1...
...Speaker: Richard Boyajlsn...
...MICHIGAN District Organizer Joseph F. Vfolfajrv hss an average tempera-tWefTOO in the shade...
...It ie expected thit the interboreegh confusion that often hampered reoperation will ho eMmiaated by the now srrsaaemtntt M*X big Jeb now is to get the aemhatJoTi petlfione signed and riled...
...The arises are twenty-five cents for general admission and ifty seats for reserved seats...
...22nd-28rd A. 0. Wednesday, August 12, at 8:80 p. m., corner 157th street...
...The Central Committee will hold a special meeting at tha Rand School, 7 East 16th street, New York City, at 7 p. m., Saturday evening, August 16...
...We must educate the people towards a new social order...
...9 this connection, Otto Beuer of the eeeisl Democratic party of Austris, Erted By Th...
...At Detroit ? Wade a speech ihat pleased and mused tha comrades and friends in * .Mar...
...The resolution urges all the affiliated parties (such ss the German Social Democracy) thst sob in fsvor of seme of these security pacts to "take care that they should bs approved within the rsnge and under the control of the League of Nations in order thst they shall not be used sgainst sny measures of arbitration and international disarmament, and that they shall not serve to set up...
...Comrade Harkins has all along been the first choice of the New Jersey comrades for the work of District Organizer ia that State...
...Comrsds Clsessens will speak from the band-stsnd in the Boston Common, Sundsy, August 9, snd on Winter and Tremont streets, Boston, Monday, August 10...
...Any person seeking information about the Junior Yipsels will communicate with either Louis Yavner, 100 Rogers avenue, Brooklyn, or Lillian Kaplan, 866 West 87th street/ New York City, or Esther Mllgram, 868 Elsemere place, Bronx._ On The International Front -Worker, of tkt World, VniUJ You have nothing to Ion but Htm ehaint end a world tt gain," THE INTERNATIONAL Aet ion On Morocco Delayed Ijudes adopting reselutions sup-BjHm tha Chinese workers In their Wiggle against, capitalism and im-NKahfi as reported in The New letftr of July 25, the Bureau of the eeiislist...
...These efforts Sre now to be continued...
...City Central Committee A special meeting of the City Central Committee will be held Saturday night, August 8, at 167 Tompkins avenue...
...Regardless of the developments of the Moroccan campaign, it is certain thst the problem will come up at the Marseilles Congress of the International which opens August 22...
...Whan these sseeUngi first started this ysar, it was stmeult to interest people, largely on account of the reaction from too disaepointing La Follette campaign...
...Similar Socialist gains were reported from other parts Of Memel.Land...
...Mayor Daniel Hoan of Milwaukee and William Cpieinnn of Milwaukee will be the speakers...
...D'Arsgons, Saeerdote and I.ahiiola, reads In psrt, as follows: "While the evil and dishonor of ths regime admittedly responsible for this assassination still endure, the surviving workers and free spirits of Italy propose to honor in a form worthy of him tht namfand work of tht Socialist martyr who stsndt as s symbol of all tht fallen and of til tht martyrs In this dark period...
...of the German Social Demo-ttstic Strty...
...Comrade Blelinis, President ef the Social Democratic psrty of Lithuania, was ths most vigorous in his denunciation on the floor of Parliament of the highhanded action erf the Clerical reaction and waa the first Dtputy to be thrown out...
...The main order of business will be what disposition shall we make of our house...
...Do not fail to come and on time...
...PENNSYLVANIA TO PENNSYLVANIA READERS Information concerning the Socialist Party of Pennsybsnia may he obtained from the State Secretary, Darlington Hoopes, 415 Sweden street, Norrittown, p...
...Lucia N. Ollvlere, Assemblymen in the let Assembly District...
...Wesley E. Colt hat been c.oten for tttndsrd besrsr is tie} munieipsl campaign...
...He will return to Albany to complete the reorganisation of the Local...
...Thomas D. Psshley, of Glenville, County Trestursr...
...I» view of'the faet thst the Socisl-itt Psrty of Spsin hsd not been sble to tend A,representative to the Lon-ses meeting and that a joint conferee** On the Moroccan situation by MWels 0f the Frenoh, Spanish snd •rltith parties was scheduled for the M*r future, the Bureau decided to «Uy definite sction until after this eeaftreitee Should hsve tsken place...
...This will put money in the treasury of the branches, locals, State and National Offices, and will make it possible for us to go ahead with organisation work...
...Tickets may be ¦ .' !'l . ¦ • * I J 1 ¦ ..J t 'III 9 aTVoaWttTsaUX Connecticut...
...Srdbth-lOth AD...
...former Socialist Alderman and formsr State Secretary of the Socialist Psrty, is the Party candidate fer Sheriff...
...All meetings begin st 7:80 p. an...
...The affiliated psrties sre ssked to take advantage of the dis-| cusslon in the various Parliament s on the security pacts to insist upon the virtues of the Geneva Protocol and then to report on the whole matter to the Marseilles Congress...
...Circle 6, Harlem, 62 East 106th street, have started a library and have already about 100 books... 8:80 p. say 7 East 16th street, Room 402...
...What a noble task is ours...
...NEW ENGLAND DISTRICT District Orgsnissr Lewis is now in Attleboro, Massachusetts, reorganiz ing the Socialist Local there...
...The Kovno paters eon-tainiog accounts of the outrage* committed by tht reaction against the Opposition wsrt conflsctttd...
...UNION CITY — Summit avenue snd Courtlandt street...
...tiom In aa soon ss possible* The office Is la Boom Ml, People's House, 7 Best 15th street, New York City...
...Get your neighbor to read a good leaflet or pamphlet and then discuss it with him...
...His cooperation with Comrade Viola is all that it should be—end that is a lot...
...The latter it eonttderosTa (decided reetv tienary, having even, refused a per* mit for a Mooney protest meetlaf while be was In offic* but ht, win receive the support of tht Church snd Prohibition element in the prim* ary...
...The distribution of litersture is our most important duty...
...As there is very important businees to be taken up all delegates are requested to attend...
...Wednesday nights at •6th street and Roland avenue in Hsmpden...
...Orgsnissr Topis desires to beer from Socialists in Baltimore or anywhere in the counties of Maryland who desire meetings...
...Payton once had an organisation that could distribute 60,000 pieces of literature systematically at the front doors of residences in 46 minutes...
...Chsrles W. Noons/i...
...August 16 in Lynn: August 14 and 16 In Haverhill, on Washington square...
...moment wo abstain frqm entering into discussion of this mstter, it is only for the reason that we hsve full confidence in the ability of the Freneh Socialist Party to arrive in its own way at the right solution of this question...
...Someone asked him a simple uiietfion ahnut the A merican Appeal..Then Joseph started again —and w||| a considerable distance, with the result that right then and there thsy sold $67 worth of Ameri-^AgWsjt cards...
...The Conference oppolntod a committee to formulate plans which will be presented at the next meeting of the Conference...
...The first night he copped six members...
...GREATER~NEW YORK At s recent meeting of the City Committee ef Greater New York, Julius Garner waa elected Campaign Mintgtr and Executive Secret try of the Greater City...
...Kirk's" picture, wss distributed to keep the enwd from being too lsrge...
...The fundamental quality of Giacomo Matteotti's work was that, in tht deftntt tf tht working els it and in tht diatwtAlldJl Jt Mm*jm dttWassi In aarW'SsMi...
...If st the pres...
...His results are suffioient to make kirn smilingly optimistic, yet Snow ii one of the boys who rarely get sicitedf So his smile of confidence it lignifleant of success in the or jIBitsiian work...
...snd tin Lui-o* motive Works to less thsn 40 per cent...
...Louis de Breuckert (Belgium) was elected Chairman and C. ft...
...Moreover, he is thoroughly acquainted with every county in the State...
...PALESTINE l.ahoritea Gain In Ttl Aviv Report* of fht recent communal election in the thriving colony of Tel Aviv show a gain of eix councillors BjMIJn Latter w\i^Lm^\Mn)$it4Mt f$at fourteen, against four Itgjk-lords, four Sephardim...
...Friday nights at Eastern avenue and Third street in High lsndtown...
...Leo M. Harkins, Socialist candidate for Governor of New Jersey...
...BAYONNE—Broadway and 23rd street...
...The City Convention of the Party meets Wednesday svening, September 16, st which time candidates for municipal ettkes are to be named and a City Platform adopted...
...As usual during the summer months our due stamp sales have fallen off...
...Arrangements art being made to have her give Rochester and Buffalo each a wetk of meetings before shs goes to New England...
...Tke Commission immediately got to work arranging the sequence of Its problems and allotting the preparation of reports on the raeial troubles «o fruitful of distension in Centrsl Europe...
...1923, following its teiture by Lithuanian irregulars, waa evidenced on July II when they won six seats in the main District Coundb where they had nd members btfort...
...The Dsyton comrades are determined to rebuild that movessent —bigger than ever...
...Blessing, like Simon, it aa ardent upholder of the Volstead Act...
...14 and 16...
...methods of the Socialist movement among women clarified...
...Orgsnissr Carl X. Johnson ty general chairman, and Frank Carr has been named treasurer...
...ITALY Plan a Matteotti Institute As a permanent monument to Giacomo Matteotti, the martyred Secretary of the Unitarian Socialist Party of Italy, the anniversary of whose death at ths hsnds of Faseista assassins on June 10...
...Circle 11, Bedford, Brooklyn, 1880 Lincoln place, have sounded tha keynote of the annual membership drive...
...The District Or-Iiniistion work will be a real boost to the general movement throughout tht State...
...Upton Sinclair pretidv .p00 books sold, great enthus-ium a mat oration by Debs, and TL,p renewal of determination that L leeislist movement shall lire Latin in Californiaad march on to Sll of the Golden State...
...Individuals snd organizations wishing to join ths siiocletioh may tend letters and subscriptions (ef at least $5) to Fillppi Turstti...
...14th-15th-16th A. D. Thursday, August 13...
...The district has placed a quota upon itself of 10,000 subscriptions which it intends to reach he-fore ths date of publication...
...Society is nsturslly evolving towards Socialism, but its evolution will be greatly retarded if we do not counteract the propaganda of Big Business...
...II, and former Mayor Simon...
...John L Hey...
...Pennsylvania is an important State in our movement and always has been...
...They are requested to write to William A. Toole, Stste OrSsniser, 2184 North Fulton avenue, altimore, Maryland...
...1924, was observed by his comrades sll over the world, s scientific institute for the study of the Lsbor movement, to bo called the Matteotti Institute, is to be founded in Italy...
...Visitors are expected from surrounding counties for a high, old time...
...The up-State speaking tour of Esther Friedman began at Pough-keepsie on Wednesday...
...Other members are Otto Bauer and L. Ab-ramovltch (Russian Social Democratic party), the latter being represented at the London meeting by Tr...
...MASSACHUSETTS Tour of August Clsessens Rockland, August 8; Boston 9 snd 10...
...era, former Socialist Comptroller, if the choice for that office The Re* publicans have throe men staking ths) nomination for Mayor, including the ?resent Mayor, William W. ramp...
...The-appeal Issued by the association for the institute, which includes Comrsdes Turatti...
...A Debs Committee win have charge of the meeting...
...Stills reports the "going" much better in Glens Falls than In Albany...
...Comrade Birch Wilson will take up district organization work in Pennsylvania at once, working first in the locality of Scranton, where his organization work will also promote the success of the Debs meeting to be held in Scranton in September...
...LITHUANIA Cops Expel Opposition Deputies With the help of s detachmeht of gendarmes, armed with rifles, the Clerical majority in the Seimss men-aged to throw out the Opposition Deputies, of whom the eight Socialists were the most militant, and put through a series of reactionary measures on June 20, according to reports found in the Sozialdemo-krata of...
...The Socialists will make an lisle of the unemployment titustion There never waa more unemployment itt Schenectady than Just now the Genersl Eltctrie aelng down to AO per cent npieity, according to estimates of locsl Labor man...
...As the theatre has a seating capacity Of only 1,700, orders for tickets are pouring in and early indications are that the house will be sold out weeks before the event...
...of Csscho-Slovskis, *4« tM-feylhjwtrig drelsretiont «.i"*T4ta*e'wn of,'trie line to be ^%*hs FreneH Socielist Party Pipe war In Morocco has Vithin itSm, in miniature, the germ of all Problems which at the time of European war split sll the So-»t Psrties in two...
...Women's Conference In Marseilles Women delegstss from the parties making up the S. L. I., will hold a conference in Marseilles immediately preceding the opening of the Congress, at which reports on the present stste of orgsnizstion work among Socialist women In the various countries will be discussed and' She aims an...
...He hss a long list of prospective members snd undoubtedly he will have's fine functioning local...
...Count that day lost whose low de•scejiding sun Views, by thy book or voice, no Socialist convert won...
...Comrade Harkins is now circularizing several hundred prospects in this county and will attend a joint meeting of the County Committee and the Campaign Committee of Local Hudaon County at Party headquarters, 268 Central avenue, Jersey City, on Monday evening, August 10, st which plans will be made for the immediate canvassing of the prospects who are now being circularized...
...News items concerning Pennsyl-vaala Seetslist activities should be seat to that address...
...Thate ft* hyn.M spired by fear of Communist and Socialist propaganda, practically abolish freedom of press, spoocn and assemblage, provide the death penalty for political offenses', and will make the coming electoral campaign more, or less of a farce...
...Sticks By Geneva Protocol In a resolution on the genersl world situstion as revealed by the negotiations over various "security pacts" among big snd little nations, the Bureau reaffirmed its support of the Geneva Protocol as "an interpretation and a realization of the Covenant of the League of Nations and of the principles of universal arbitration which alone can give safety to the nations and disarmament to the world...
...A communication wss sent out to all the locals and branches in ths district notifying them of their quota of American Appeal subscriptions which they are to secure by January 1, 1926...
...INDIANA William H. Henry refuses to let up...
...Branch meeting...
...Comrsds Gtrber tskes up Ms duties immedistely...
...Next en the program wss the con-itfltton bsnqiiet and demonstrstion la Sas pTsnciseo, August 1 snd 2. I ILLINOIS WlHft]i B. Snow 1s now on the jab in Chicago working up the old-timt organisation, getting everything infiae for ths regional convention-demonstration, going strohg...
...TKtlvt tttts wtrt captured by tht Agrarians and tht Citizens' Leaguers, while the Greater Lithuanian party got only two...
...His success is most encouraging...
...These meetings, however, srs subject to chsnge to suit the wishes of the Maryland Socialists...
...doeosatMpPeeftJap servations...
...Buxton (Great Britain), temporary Secretary...
...Last Monday evening, at Rochester avenue and St...
...NEW~JERSEY Leo M. Harkins is discontinuing his city organizing work in Cleveland to begin activities as District Organizer in New Jersey at once...
...NEW YORK STATE National Organiser Stills has gone to Glens Falls for a few days of finish-up work there...
...LOCAL NEW YORK Central Committee Meeting Tuesday, August 11, at 8:80 p. mi...
...four Ytftw ites, ftur Orthodox, four National-lata, fear Independents, four Ronton snd four mtmbers of smaller psrtlts...
...Junior Ylpsels Circle 7 of 204 East Broadway, Manhattan, have adjourned for th* summer and will reconvene in September...
...6156 ,.;;/ Local Dayton holds ,s picnic August 9. Joseph W. Shsrts, August Panschsr, Stste Secretary, and George R. Kirkpstriek will be the speakers...
...The office will be open till 10 p. ate all nest week and romradea are urged to get their peti...
...Joseph is now in Wstljar' scorning low-gear...
...Speaker: Frank Crosswaith;_'.., . " MARYLAND Tkw meetings hold by State Organizer Willis m A. Toole every night la Baltfaaaro ana gvewtng ia popularity...
...This at-titudees now rapidly disappearing, •v>d the meetings sre growing ia sise anal Interest...
...Mondsy nights at Baltimore street snd Car-rolton avenue...
...A Csmfiaign Committee will also be needed and plans will be laid for a vigorous and extensive battle sgsinst the capitalistic parties...
...August 11 and 12, he will speak in Quincy on Chub-buck and Washington streets...
...John's place, they held an open-air meeting and intend to hold more in the future...
...There ia every' indication that the movement is improv-ing in Wiaconsin...
...Speaker: May Hsr-ris Mainland...
...247 East 84th strttt Urgent and Important business...
...On August 8 there will be a general rally Snd picnic at Wausau...
...He is placing the mstter of eaposlailitii up te tan comrades snd, friends ia a businesslike way, as a business proposition, the aaSusMing of an organisation for the defense of the workers...
...State Office Notes Birch Wilson, National District Organiser for Pennsylvania, expects to go into Scranton thia week to arrange for a Debs meeting sbout the middls of September...
...District Attorney Blotting will be the Democratic mavoraltw taut* didate...
...I. M. < hatruff...
...Portici Gslloria 28, Milan, Italy...
...He now feels free to go ahead in that State, and the comrades there are greatly encouraged with the prospect of months of systematic work by a District Organizer of energy and ability who is well acqusinted with the State movement and its resources for a really great organization...
...We should be proud to be Socialists and prouder still to be torch-' bearers of knowledge in the dungeons of ignorance...
...WISCONSIN In Wisconsin everything is resdy (or seme effective activity in the rebuilding ef the-State movement...
...His erg ?agement in Cleveland has inter-ered with his acceptance of the New Jersey engsgement...
...fymWtt rhetoric, but always bated hit ef-forts oa feett...
...Lynn, Is...
...The New Jersey organization has been most loyal to the National Office in the matter of contributions to the Organization Maintenance Fund...
...All branch treasurers are urged to look up their members and see that they place themselves in good standing...
...Minorities Commission Organised The Commission recently appointed by the Executive of the s. L. I. to study the question of national minorities held its first meeting and organized itsslf during the Buresu's meeting in London...
...M At present, Organiser Toole, ia speaking as follows: Every Tuel-dsy, Thursday and Saturday night at ths corner of Bsltimore and Commerce (Hollidsy) streets...
...Thst the Socialists are Coming back in Memel, the little pert district turned over to Lithuania by .the Council of Ambassadors of the Allies In February...
...Branch meeting...
...District Secretary* • Warren E. Fitzgersld represented the Socialist Psrty st a conference called by the Fellowship of Youth for Peace to see what joint sction could be taken on the matter of bringing the Chinese situation properly before tha people of Massachusetts...
...Hswley B. VsnVechten, manager and editor of the Stlsnecudy Cits, sen, Attemblymsn in the 2nd restrict...
...Mondiy, August 10...
...All delegates are especially urged to attend this meeting as momentous matters will he up for consideration...

Vol. 2 • August 1925 • No. 32

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